BSID: BS0000905
Classification: Mammals
CommonName: Human
LatinName: Homo sapiens
Tissue: Brain
Region: Cerebellar cortex;Cerebellum
DevoStage: Embryo;Infant;Child
Timing: Carnegie stage 22;11th week post-fertilization human stage;newborn human stage;9-month-old human stage;6-month-old human stage;3-year-old human stage;9th week post-fertilization human stage;17th week post-fertilization human stage
Diseases: Normal
ActualCellNum: 79689
Tech: Chromium v2
Section: BrainDiz
ReferenceGenome: NA
Title: Cellular development and evolution of the mammalian cerebellum
Journal: Nature
PMID: 38029793
Year: 2023
BSID: BS1728730463001
Classification: Mammals
CommonName: Human
LatinName: Homo sapiens
Tissue: Brain
Region: Cerebellar cortex;Cerebellum
DevoStage: Embryo;Infant;Child
Timing: Carnegie stage 22;11th week post-fertilization human stage;newborn human stage;9-month-old human stage;6-month-old human stage;3-year-old human stage;9th week post-fertilization human stage;17th week post-fertilization human stage
Diseases: Normal
ActualCellNum: 79689
Tech: Chromium v2
Section: Bodhi
SubSection: DownS
Title: Cellular development and evolution of the mammalian cerebellum
Journal: Nature
PMID: 38029793
Year: 2023
Celltype: cell type; Symbol: gene symbol; p_val: p value; avg_log2FC: average logfc between two groups; p_val_adj: adjusted p-value;
Celltype: cell type; Symbol: gene symbol; p_val: p value; avg_log2FC: average logfc between two groups; p_val_adj: adjusted p-value;