TissueScape compiles bulk RNA sequencing datasets from brain tissues across 291 species, encompassing 145 fishes, 109 mammals, 20 birds, 6 amphibians, and 11 reptiles. A total of 769 libraries are included, with 269 generated from this study (covering 92 species) and 500 sourced from public datasets (covering 199 species). For bulk RNA-seq data preparation, due to the lack of reference genomes for many of the species studied, Trinity was employed to assemble transcripts from the filtered data, utilizing a maximum memory of 200 GB and otherwise default settings. Following transcript assembly, redundant sequences were removed using cd-hit-est with a similarity threshold of 90%, retaining the longest representative transcripts. Next, TransDecoder was used on the deredundanttranscripts to predict protein-coding genes and their corresponding protein sequences, using default settings.