TermID Term Enrichment logP Genes in Term Target Genes in Term Fraction of Targets in Term Total Target Genes Total Genes Entrez Gene IDs Gene Symbols hsa04020 Calcium signaling pathway 0.000280708558746229 -8.17819358433726 181 5 0.208333333333333 24 7161 23236,2066,6263,114,1910 PLCB1,ERBB4,RYR3,ADCY8,EDNRB ko04020 Calcium signaling pathway 0.000280708558746229 -8.17819358433726 181 5 0.208333333333333 24 7161 114,1910,6263,2066,23236 ADCY8,EDNRB,RYR3,ERBB4,PLCB1 hsa04012 ErbB signaling pathway 0.00272851363911159 -5.90399827259234 85 3 0.125 24 7161 10718,5602,2066 NRG3,MAPK10,ERBB4 ko04012 ErbB signaling pathway 0.00272851363911159 -5.90399827259234 85 3 0.125 24 7161 2066,5602,10718 ERBB4,MAPK10,NRG3 ko04970 Salivary secretion 0.00320994932057105 -5.74150012994894 90 3 0.125 24 7161 114,23236,6263 ADCY8,PLCB1,RYR3 hsa04970 Salivary secretion 0.00320994932057105 -5.74150012994894 90 3 0.125 24 7161 114,23236,6263 ADCY8,PLCB1,RYR3 ko04912 GnRH signaling pathway 0.00341623937480436 -5.67921493091948 92 3 0.125 24 7161 114,5602,23236 ADCY8,MAPK10,PLCB1 hsa04912 GnRH signaling pathway 0.00341623937480436 -5.67921493091948 92 3 0.125 24 7161 114,5602,23236 ADCY8,MAPK10,PLCB1 hsa04713 Circadian entrainment 0.00385289303970227 -5.55893097398758 96 3 0.125 24 7161 6263,23236,114 RYR3,PLCB1,ADCY8 ko04713 Circadian entrainment 0.00385289303970227 -5.55893097398758 96 3 0.125 24 7161 23236,6263,114 PLCB1,RYR3,ADCY8 hsa04750 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 0.00396714314170086 -5.52970905499004 97 3 0.125 24 7161 114,5602,23236 ADCY8,MAPK10,PLCB1 ko04750 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 0.00396714314170086 -5.52970905499004 97 3 0.125 24 7161 114,5602,23236 ADCY8,MAPK10,PLCB1 ko04916 Melanogenesis 0.00444484350380573 -5.41601061787886 101 3 0.125 24 7161 23236,1910,114 PLCB1,EDNRB,ADCY8 hsa04916 Melanogenesis 0.00444484350380573 -5.41601061787886 101 3 0.125 24 7161 114,1910,23236 ADCY8,EDNRB,PLCB1 hsa04723 Retrograde endocannabinoid signaling 0.00444484350380573 -5.41601061787886 101 3 0.125 24 7161 23236,5602,114 PLCB1,MAPK10,ADCY8 ko04723 Retrograde endocannabinoid signaling 0.00444484350380573 -5.41601061787886 101 3 0.125 24 7161 23236,5602,114 PLCB1,MAPK10,ADCY8 hsa05142 Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) 0.004569500393583 -5.3883514031194 102 3 0.125 24 7161 23236,5521,5602 PLCB1,PPP2R2B,MAPK10 ko05142 Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) 0.004569500393583 -5.3883514031194 102 3 0.125 24 7161 23236,5521,5602 PLCB1,PPP2R2B,MAPK10 ko04071 Sphingolipid signaling pathway 0.00685860352618293 -4.98225142557886 118 3 0.125 24 7161 23236,5521,5602 PLCB1,PPP2R2B,MAPK10 hsa04071 Sphingolipid signaling pathway 0.00685860352618293 -4.98225142557886 118 3 0.125 24 7161 5521,23236,5602 PPP2R2B,PLCB1,MAPK10 ko04728 Dopaminergic synapse 0.00895432771529745 -4.71561831995626 130 3 0.125 24 7161 23236,5521,5602 PLCB1,PPP2R2B,MAPK10 hsa04728 Dopaminergic synapse 0.00895432771529745 -4.71561831995626 130 3 0.125 24 7161 5521,23236,5602 PPP2R2B,PLCB1,MAPK10 hsa04371 Apelin signaling pathway 0.0105394815621415 -4.55262692473128 138 3 0.125 24 7161 114,23236,6263 ADCY8,PLCB1,RYR3 hsa04514 Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) 0.0116083380860025 -4.45603163856572 143 3 0.125 24 7161 9378,1272,22854 NRXN1,CNTN1,NTNG1 ko04514 Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) 0.0116083380860025 -4.45603163856572 143 3 0.125 24 7161 1272,22854,9378 CNTN1,NTNG1,NRXN1 ko04261 Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes 0.0118294010556579 -4.43716723155014 144 3 0.125 24 7161 114,5521,23236 ADCY8,PPP2R2B,PLCB1 hsa04261 Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes 0.0118294010556579 -4.43716723155014 144 3 0.125 24 7161 114,23236,5521 ADCY8,PLCB1,PPP2R2B hsa04072 Phospholipase D signaling pathway 0.0120529066881662 -4.41844942919913 145 3 0.125 24 7161 114,1608,23236 ADCY8,DGKG,PLCB1 ko04072 Phospholipase D signaling pathway 0.0120529066881662 -4.41844942919913 145 3 0.125 24 7161 23236,1608,114 PLCB1,DGKG,ADCY8 hsa04921 Oxytocin signaling pathway 0.0136862411155106 -4.29136424893125 152 3 0.125 24 7161 114,23236,6263 ADCY8,PLCB1,RYR3 ko04921 Oxytocin signaling pathway 0.0136862411155106 -4.29136424893125 152 3 0.125 24 7161 23236,6263,114 PLCB1,RYR3,ADCY8 ko00561 Glycerolipid metabolism 0.0163967162756473 -4.11067419129478 59 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23175,1608 LPIN1,DGKG hsa00561 Glycerolipid metabolism 0.0163967162756473 -4.11067419129478 59 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 1608,23175 DGKG,LPIN1 hsa04022 cGMP-PKG signaling pathway 0.0164987731315027 -4.10446925650662 163 3 0.125 24 7161 1910,114,23236 EDNRB,ADCY8,PLCB1 ko04022 cGMP-PKG signaling pathway 0.0164987731315027 -4.10446925650662 163 3 0.125 24 7161 1910,114,23236 EDNRB,ADCY8,PLCB1 hsa04720 Long-term potentiation 0.020846765290608 -3.87055648471035 67 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 ko04720 Long-term potentiation 0.020846765290608 -3.87055648471035 67 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 ko04918 Thyroid hormone synthesis 0.0251077295298555 -3.68457953085445 74 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 hsa04918 Thyroid hormone synthesis 0.0251077295298555 -3.68457953085445 74 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,23236 ADCY8,PLCB1 hsa04971 Gastric acid secretion 0.0257433717362733 -3.65957809330766 75 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,23236 ADCY8,PLCB1 ko04971 Gastric acid secretion 0.0257433717362733 -3.65957809330766 75 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 ko04024 cAMP signaling pathway 0.0274857707647006 -3.59408683495918 198 3 0.125 24 7161 5602,114,5142 MAPK10,ADCY8,PDE4B hsa04024 cAMP signaling pathway 0.0274857707647006 -3.59408683495918 198 3 0.125 24 7161 5142,5602,114 PDE4B,MAPK10,ADCY8 M00078 Heparan sulfate degradation 0.0297785776711456 -3.51396601407757 9 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 60495 HPSE2 hsa_M00078 Heparan sulfate degradation 0.0297785776711456 -3.51396601407757 9 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 60495 HPSE2 ko04925 Aldosterone synthesis and secretion 0.0303747409639165 -3.49414390529469 82 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 hsa04925 Aldosterone synthesis and secretion 0.0303747409639165 -3.49414390529469 82 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 hsa04911 Insulin secretion 0.0324544847687051 -3.42791663987445 85 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,23236 ADCY8,PLCB1 M00035 Methionine degradation 0.0330343542559612 -3.41020722096056 10 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 10768 AHCYL1 hsa_M00035 Methionine degradation 0.0330343542559612 -3.41020722096056 10 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 10768 AHCYL1 ko04727 GABAergic synapse 0.0345893647599756 -3.36420902104773 88 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 6538,114 SLC6A11,ADCY8 hsa04540 Gap junction 0.0345893647599756 -3.36420902104773 88 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,23236 ADCY8,PLCB1 ko04540 Gap junction 0.0345893647599756 -3.36420902104773 88 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 hsa04727 GABAergic synapse 0.0345893647599756 -3.36420902104773 88 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 6538,114 SLC6A11,ADCY8 hsa05032 Morphine addiction 0.0367781670902085 -3.30285089546295 91 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,5142 ADCY8,PDE4B ko05032 Morphine addiction 0.0367781670902085 -3.30285089546295 91 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,5142 ADCY8,PDE4B ko04914 Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation 0.0375195432612281 -3.28289332812641 92 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,5602 ADCY8,MAPK10 hsa04914 Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation 0.0375195432612281 -3.28289332812641 92 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5602,114 MAPK10,ADCY8 ko01522 Endocrine resistance 0.0397783832056491 -3.22443164977973 95 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5602,114 MAPK10,ADCY8 hsa00564 Glycerophospholipid metabolism 0.0397783832056491 -3.22443164977973 95 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23175,1608 LPIN1,DGKG ko04972 Pancreatic secretion 0.0397783832056491 -3.22443164977973 95 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 ko00564 Glycerophospholipid metabolism 0.0397783832056491 -3.22443164977973 95 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23175,1608 LPIN1,DGKG hsa01522 Endocrine resistance 0.0397783832056491 -3.22443164977973 95 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5602,114 MAPK10,ADCY8 hsa04972 Pancreatic secretion 0.0397783832056491 -3.22443164977973 95 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 hsa05200 Pathways in cancer 0.0403309529747611 -3.21063604094977 395 4 0.166666666666667 24 7161 114,5602,1910,23236 ADCY8,MAPK10,EDNRB,PLCB1 ko04070 Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.0413127682253386 -3.18658366879612 97 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 1608,23236 DGKG,PLCB1 hsa04070 Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 0.0413127682253386 -3.18658366879612 97 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 1608,23236 DGKG,PLCB1 ko04915 Estrogen signaling pathway 0.042088378985924 -3.16798360998659 98 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 hsa04915 Estrogen signaling pathway 0.042088378985924 -3.16798360998659 98 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,23236 ADCY8,PLCB1 hsa05231 Choline metabolism in cancer 0.0428695449368402 -3.1495936133845 99 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5602,1608 MAPK10,DGKG hsa04933 AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications 0.0428695449368402 -3.1495936133845 99 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,5602 PLCB1,MAPK10 ko04933 AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications 0.0428695449368402 -3.1495936133845 99 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5602,23236 MAPK10,PLCB1 ko05231 Choline metabolism in cancer 0.0428695449368402 -3.1495936133845 99 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5602,1608 MAPK10,DGKG hsa00603 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis - globo and isoglobo series 0.0491568052296833 -3.01273998358721 15 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 10690 FUT9 M00075 N-glycan biosynthesis, complex type 0.0523502332550764 -2.94979888599115 16 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 25834 MGAT4C M00695 cAMP signaling 0.0523502332550764 -2.94979888599115 16 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 hsa_M00695 cAMP signaling 0.0523502332550764 -2.94979888599115 16 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 hsa_M00075 N-glycan biosynthesis, complex type 0.0523502332550764 -2.94979888599115 16 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 25834 MGAT4C hsa04726 Serotonergic synapse 0.0535111685279733 -2.92786488933479 112 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 3751,23236 KCND2,PLCB1 hsa04725 Cholinergic synapse 0.0535111685279733 -2.92786488933479 112 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 ko04724 Glutamatergic synapse 0.0552252447030239 -2.89633509866678 114 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,23236 ADCY8,PLCB1 hsa04724 Glutamatergic synapse 0.0552252447030239 -2.89633509866678 114 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,23236 ADCY8,PLCB1 ko04270 Vascular smooth muscle contraction 0.0613767846252895 -2.7907236158924 121 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 hsa04270 Vascular smooth muscle contraction 0.0613767846252895 -2.7907236158924 121 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 ko00531 Glycosaminoglycan degradation 0.0618689653405838 -2.78273659269878 19 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 60495 HPSE2 hsa00531 Glycosaminoglycan degradation 0.0618689653405838 -2.78273659269878 19 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 60495 HPSE2 hsa04611 Platelet activation 0.0631765940618024 -2.76182139354814 123 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 hsa_M00688 MAPK (JNK) signaling 0.0681638088081298 -2.68584151762136 21 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 M00688 MAPK (JNK) signaling 0.0681638088081298 -2.68584151762136 21 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa05160 Hepatitis C 0.0705549126582082 -2.65136396939809 131 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5521,5602 PPP2R2B,MAPK10 ko05160 Hepatitis C 0.0705549126582082 -2.65136396939809 131 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5602,5521 MAPK10,PPP2R2B hsa_M00130 Inositol phosphate metabolism, PI=> PIP2 => Ins(1,4,5)P3 => Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 0.0712960312992378 -2.64091461511335 22 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 M00130 Inositol phosphate metabolism, PI=> PIP2 => Ins(1,4,5)P3 => Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 0.0712960312992378 -2.64091461511335 22 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 ko00515 Mannose type O-glycan biosynthesis 0.0744181625840076 -2.59805524618292 23 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 10690 FUT9 hsa00515 Mannose type O-glycan biosynthesis 0.0744181625840076 -2.59805524618292 23 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 10690 FUT9 hsa04310 Wnt signaling pathway 0.0821274254528057 -2.49948326894156 143 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,5602 PLCB1,MAPK10 ko04310 Wnt signaling pathway 0.0821274254528057 -2.49948326894156 143 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5602,23236 MAPK10,PLCB1 ko00601 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis - lacto and neolacto series 0.0868063963418398 -2.44407496945666 27 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 10690 FUT9 hsa00601 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis - lacto and neolacto series 0.0868063963418398 -2.44407496945666 27 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 10690 FUT9 ko05010 Alzheimer's disease 0.104736089121185 -2.2563115297511 165 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,6263 PLCB1,RYR3 hsa05010 Alzheimer's disease 0.104736089121185 -2.2563115297511 165 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 6263,23236 RYR3,PLCB1 ko04215 Apoptosis - multiple species 0.10509125648688 -2.25292619688265 33 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04215 Apoptosis - multiple species 0.10509125648688 -2.25292619688265 33 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05143 African trypanosomiasis 0.108104417237755 -2.2246576926579 34 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 hsa05143 African trypanosomiasis 0.108104417237755 -2.2246576926579 34 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 hsa04621 NOD-like receptor signaling pathway 0.109018766717603 -2.21623523985172 169 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,5602 PLCB1,MAPK10 ko04621 NOD-like receptor signaling pathway 0.109018766717603 -2.21623523985172 169 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,5602 PLCB1,MAPK10 hsa04530 Tight junction 0.110097003942656 -2.20639344777039 170 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5521,5602 PPP2R2B,MAPK10 ko04530 Tight junction 0.110097003942656 -2.20639344777039 170 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5521,5602 PPP2R2B,MAPK10 hsa01100 Metabolic pathways 0.112622089491636 -2.18371740585915 1256 7 0.291666666666667 24 7161 25834,10690,23236,60495,23175,1608,10768 MGAT4C,FUT9,PLCB1,HPSE2,LPIN1,DGKG,AHCYL1 ko00230 Purine metabolism 0.113349397901934 -2.17728021389155 173 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5142,114 PDE4B,ADCY8 hsa00230 Purine metabolism 0.113349397901934 -2.17728021389155 173 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,5142 ADCY8,PDE4B hsa04360 Axon guidance 0.11443932435275 -2.16771051476077 174 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 22854,57522 NTNG1,SRGAP1 ko04360 Axon guidance 0.11443932435275 -2.16771051476077 174 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 22854,57522 NTNG1,SRGAP1 ko04062 Chemokine signaling pathway 0.123258843066325 -2.09346871961634 182 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,23236 ADCY8,PLCB1 hsa04062 Chemokine signaling pathway 0.123258843066325 -2.09346871961634 182 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 ko00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism 0.137706131023478 -1.98263334973996 44 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 10768 AHCYL1 hsa00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism 0.137706131023478 -1.98263334973996 44 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 10768 AHCYL1 ko04510 Focal adhesion 0.141386698070993 -1.95625660299295 198 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 3371,5602 TNC,MAPK10 hsa04510 Focal adhesion 0.141386698070993 -1.95625660299295 198 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5602,3371 MAPK10,TNC hsa04930 Type II diabetes mellitus 0.143512399975792 -1.94133383653455 46 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04930 Type II diabetes mellitus 0.143512399975792 -1.94133383653455 46 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04961 Endocrine and other factor-regulated calcium reabsorption 0.146401465667802 -1.92140266611295 47 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 hsa04961 Endocrine and other factor-regulated calcium reabsorption 0.146401465667802 -1.92140266611295 47 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 ko05205 Proteoglycans in cancer 0.14717155469343 -1.91615633393292 203 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 60495,2066 HPSE2,ERBB4 hsa05205 Proteoglycans in cancer 0.14717155469343 -1.91615633393292 203 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 60495,2066 HPSE2,ERBB4 ko00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism 0.149281190831382 -1.90192356474864 48 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 80896 NPL hsa00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism 0.149281190831382 -1.90192356474864 48 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 80896 NPL hsa00510 N-Glycan biosynthesis 0.152151604361571 -1.88287785809028 49 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 25834 MGAT4C ko00510 N-Glycan biosynthesis 0.152151604361571 -1.88287785809028 49 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 25834 MGAT4C ko04913 Ovarian steroidogenesis 0.155012735051716 -1.864248003814 50 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 hsa04913 Ovarian steroidogenesis 0.155012735051716 -1.864248003814 50 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 hsa04015 Rap1 signaling pathway 0.155356135173227 -1.86203515133695 210 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 114,23236 ADCY8,PLCB1 ko04015 Rap1 signaling pathway 0.155356135173227 -1.86203515133695 210 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 23236,114 PLCB1,ADCY8 hsa04923 Regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes 0.166365002607313 -1.79357109358508 54 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 ko04730 Long-term depression 0.183119762583025 -1.69761489984902 60 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 hsa04730 Long-term depression 0.183119762583025 -1.69761489984902 60 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 hsa05210 Colorectal cancer 0.183119762583025 -1.69761489984902 60 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05210 Colorectal cancer 0.183119762583025 -1.69761489984902 60 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04213 Longevity regulating pathway - multiple species 0.188632611736604 -1.6679540089026 62 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 ko04213 Longevity regulating pathway - multiple species 0.188632611736604 -1.6679540089026 62 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 ko04137 Mitophagy - animal 0.19410979668006 -1.6393313177467 64 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa05212 Pancreatic cancer 0.19410979668006 -1.6393313177467 64 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05212 Pancreatic cancer 0.19410979668006 -1.6393313177467 64 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04137 Mitophagy - animal 0.19410979668006 -1.6393313177467 64 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa05131 Shigellosis 0.19410979668006 -1.6393313177467 64 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04924 Renin secretion 0.196835084105893 -1.62538903735691 65 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 hsa04924 Renin secretion 0.196835084105893 -1.62538903735691 65 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 hsa04664 Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway 0.202259186237012 -1.59820530386728 67 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04664 Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway 0.202259186237012 -1.59820530386728 67 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa05120 Epithelial cell signaling in Helicobacter pylori infection 0.204958055636344 -1.5849499274305 68 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05120 Epithelial cell signaling in Helicobacter pylori infection 0.204958055636344 -1.5849499274305 68 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04920 Adipocytokine signaling pathway 0.207648173595824 -1.57191010453364 69 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04920 Adipocytokine signaling pathway 0.207648173595824 -1.57191010453364 69 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04917 Prolactin signaling pathway 0.210329567251574 -1.55907961057088 70 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04622 RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathway 0.210329567251574 -1.55907961057088 70 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04917 Prolactin signaling pathway 0.210329567251574 -1.55907961057088 70 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04622 RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathway 0.210329567251574 -1.55907961057088 70 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04976 Bile secretion 0.213002263683757 -1.54645248570591 71 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 hsa04976 Bile secretion 0.213002263683757 -1.54645248570591 71 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 hsa00562 Inositol phosphate metabolism 0.213002263683757 -1.54645248570591 71 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 ko00562 Inositol phosphate metabolism 0.213002263683757 -1.54645248570591 71 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 ko05133 Pertussis 0.226236229148306 -1.48617556389734 76 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa05133 Pertussis 0.226236229148306 -1.48617556389734 76 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04742 Taste transduction 0.241835568731232 -1.41949725182125 82 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 ko04512 ECM-receptor interaction 0.241835568731232 -1.41949725182125 82 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 3371 TNC ko04742 Taste transduction 0.241835568731232 -1.41949725182125 82 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 hsa04512 ECM-receptor interaction 0.241835568731232 -1.41949725182125 82 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 3371 TNC hsa05132 Salmonella infection 0.249521772907149 -1.38820910143711 85 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05132 Salmonella infection 0.249521772907149 -1.38820910143711 85 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04211 Longevity regulating pathway 0.259653954704351 -1.34840547790331 89 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 ko05414 Dilated cardiomyopathy 0.259653954704351 -1.34840547790331 89 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 hsa05414 Dilated cardiomyopathy 0.259653954704351 -1.34840547790331 89 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 ko03015 mRNA surveillance pathway 0.264670755439154 -1.3292686577599 91 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5521 PPP2R2B hsa03015 mRNA surveillance pathway 0.264670755439154 -1.3292686577599 91 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5521 PPP2R2B hsa04658 Th1 and Th2 cell differentiation 0.267166922606193 -1.31988163762408 92 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04658 Th1 and Th2 cell differentiation 0.267166922606193 -1.31988163762408 92 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04657 IL-17 signaling pathway 0.269654968136851 -1.3106120329783 93 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04657 IL-17 signaling pathway 0.269654968136851 -1.3106120329783 93 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05146 Amoebiasis 0.272134917311571 -1.30145731613533 94 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 hsa05146 Amoebiasis 0.272134917311571 -1.30145731613533 94 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 ko04922 Glucagon signaling pathway 0.291686050729415 -1.23207722385727 102 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 hsa04922 Glucagon signaling pathway 0.291686050729415 -1.23207722385727 102 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 ko04620 Toll-like receptor signaling pathway 0.296494617519091 -1.21572621410174 104 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04620 Toll-like receptor signaling pathway 0.296494617519091 -1.21572621410174 104 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04659 Th17 cell differentiation 0.303648854549348 -1.19188332891852 107 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04659 Th17 cell differentiation 0.303648854549348 -1.19188332891852 107 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04931 Insulin resistance 0.303648854549348 -1.19188332891852 107 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04668 TNF signaling pathway 0.306018067413444 -1.18411113493799 108 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04668 TNF signaling pathway 0.306018067413444 -1.18411113493799 108 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa05145 Toxoplasmosis 0.317748721784613 -1.14649439162841 113 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05145 Toxoplasmosis 0.317748721784613 -1.14649439162841 113 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04151 PI3K-Akt signaling pathway 0.317910217871682 -1.14598626980248 341 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5521,3371 PPP2R2B,TNC hsa04151 PI3K-Akt signaling pathway 0.317910217871682 -1.14598626980248 341 2 0.0833333333333333 24 7161 5521,3371 PPP2R2B,TNC hsa04919 Thyroid hormone signaling pathway 0.324695647747844 -1.12486700388111 116 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 hsa04722 Neurotrophin signaling pathway 0.331574756179415 -1.10390198594267 119 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04722 Neurotrophin signaling pathway 0.331574756179415 -1.10390198594267 119 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04114 Oocyte meiosis 0.333852831418867 -1.09705500760335 120 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 hsa04152 AMPK signaling pathway 0.333852831418867 -1.09705500760335 120 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5521 PPP2R2B ko04114 Oocyte meiosis 0.333852831418867 -1.09705500760335 120 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 ko04152 AMPK signaling pathway 0.333852831418867 -1.09705500760335 120 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5521 PPP2R2B ko04140 Autophagy - animal 0.34959229301328 -1.05098768060028 127 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04140 Autophagy - animal 0.34959229301328 -1.05098768060028 127 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04380 Osteoclast differentiation 0.354023416315622 -1.03839222025179 129 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04380 Osteoclast differentiation 0.354023416315622 -1.03839222025179 129 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04068 FoxO signaling pathway 0.360615897392285 -1.01994188323824 132 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04910 Insulin signaling pathway 0.373607953352056 -0.984548284438478 138 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04210 Apoptosis 0.373607953352056 -0.984548284438478 138 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04210 Apoptosis 0.373607953352056 -0.984548284438478 138 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04910 Insulin signaling pathway 0.373607953352056 -0.984548284438478 138 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05418 Fluid shear stress and atherosclerosis 0.382128358992147 -0.961998708513019 142 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa05418 Fluid shear stress and atherosclerosis 0.382128358992147 -0.961998708513019 142 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa05161 Hepatitis B 0.386346800383872 -0.951019866288522 144 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04932 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) 0.388445656988129 -0.945601998010857 145 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04932 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) 0.388445656988129 -0.945601998010857 145 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04150 mTOR signaling pathway 0.398837162858798 -0.919202058528948 150 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23175 LPIN1 ko04150 mTOR signaling pathway 0.398837162858798 -0.919202058528948 150 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23175 LPIN1 ko04390 Hippo signaling pathway 0.407028319062745 -0.898872515953375 154 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5521 PPP2R2B hsa04390 Hippo signaling pathway 0.407028319062745 -0.898872515953375 154 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5521 PPP2R2B ko04630 Jak-STAT signaling pathway 0.411083680944837 -0.888958481938127 156 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 2670 GFAP hsa04630 Jak-STAT signaling pathway 0.411083680944837 -0.888958481938127 156 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 2670 GFAP ko04141 Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum 0.42900619677608 -0.846283915458956 165 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04141 Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum 0.42900619677608 -0.846283915458956 165 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa05164 Influenza A 0.442583335601472 -0.815126503222966 172 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05164 Influenza A 0.442583335601472 -0.815126503222966 172 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05152 Tuberculosis 0.453974133963037 -0.789715056213546 178 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa05152 Tuberculosis 0.453974133963037 -0.789715056213546 178 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa05168 Herpes simplex infection 0.466981515144726 -0.76146560422784 185 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05168 Herpes simplex infection 0.466981515144726 -0.76146560422784 185 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa05016 Huntington's disease 0.47064302665489 -0.753655377512376 187 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 ko05016 Huntington's disease 0.47064302665489 -0.753655377512376 187 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 23236 PLCB1 hsa05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection 0.492111044836944 -0.709050887068344 199 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection 0.492111044836944 -0.709050887068344 199 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04014 Ras signaling pathway 0.537405674708547 -0.621002023294631 226 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko04010 MAPK signaling pathway 0.581736312027064 -0.54173800603733 255 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 hsa04010 MAPK signaling pathway 0.581736312027064 -0.54173800603733 255 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 5602 MAPK10 ko05166 HTLV-I infection 0.583189878273875 -0.539242453935768 256 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 hsa05166 HTLV-I infection 0.583189878273875 -0.539242453935768 256 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 114 ADCY8 ko04144 Endocytosis 0.588955880195649 -0.529404004425388 260 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 2066 ERBB4 hsa04144 Endocytosis 0.588955880195649 -0.529404004425388 260 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 2066 ERBB4 hsa04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 0.611264685267125 -0.492225213504759 276 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 1910 EDNRB ko04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 0.611264685267125 -0.492225213504759 276 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 1910 EDNRB hsa05206 MicroRNAs in cancer 0.641311074355977 -0.444240644372058 299 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 3371 TNC ko05206 MicroRNAs in cancer 0.641311074355977 -0.444240644372058 299 1 0.0416666666666667 24 7161 3371 TNC hsa04130 SNARE interactions in vesicular transport 0.999999999966621 -3.33793867230747e-11 34 0 0 24 7161 ko00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions 0.999999999966621 -3.33793867230747e-11 34 0 0 24 7161 ko04130 SNARE interactions in vesicular transport 0.999999999966621 -3.33793867230747e-11 34 0 0 24 7161 hsa00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions 0.999999999966621 -3.33793867230747e-11 34 0 0 24 7161 hsa05217 Basal cell carcinoma 0.999999999972019 -2.79807369041255e-11 55 0 0 24 7161 hsa05150 Staphylococcus aureus infection 0.999999999972019 -2.79807369041255e-11 55 0 0 24 7161 ko05217 Basal cell carcinoma 0.999999999972019 -2.79807369041255e-11 55 0 0 24 7161 ko05150 Staphylococcus aureus infection 0.999999999972019 -2.79807369041255e-11 55 0 0 24 7161 hsa05130 Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection 0.999999999972019 -2.79807369041255e-11 55 0 0 24 7161 ko05221 Acute myeloid leukemia 0.999999999972019 -2.79807369041255e-11 55 0 0 24 7161 hsa05134 Legionellosis 0.999999999972019 -2.79807369041255e-11 55 0 0 24 7161 ko05130 Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection 0.999999999972019 -2.79807369041255e-11 55 0 0 24 7161 ko05134 Legionellosis 0.999999999972019 -2.79807369041255e-11 55 0 0 24 7161 hsa05221 Acute myeloid leukemia 0.999999999972019 -2.79807369041255e-11 55 0 0 24 7161 M00044 Tyrosine degradation, tyrosine => homogentisate 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00382 SCF-FBS complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00380 SCF-BTRC complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00385 Cul4-DDB1-DDB2 complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00405 THC complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa00524 Neomycin, kanamycin and gentamicin biosynthesis 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00071 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, neolacto-series, LacCer => nLc4Cer 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00385 Cul4-DDB1-DDB2 complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 ko00524 Neomycin, kanamycin and gentamicin biosynthesis 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00128 Ubiquinone biosynthesis, eukaryotes, 4-hydroxybenzoate => ubiquinone 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa00400 Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00382 SCF-FBS complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00044 Tyrosine degradation, tyrosine => homogentisate 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00383 ECV complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 ko00400 Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00079 Keratan sulfate degradation 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00079 Keratan sulfate degradation 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00042 Catecholamine biosynthesis, tyrosine => dopamine => noradrenaline => adrenaline 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00071 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, neolacto-series, LacCer => nLc4Cer 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00405 THC complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa00232 Caffeine metabolism 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00289 RF-C complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00307 Pyruvate oxidation, pyruvate => acetyl-CoA 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00383 ECV complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00289 RF-C complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00380 SCF-BTRC complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00414 Bloom's syndrome complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00386 Cul4-DDB1-CSA complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00128 Ubiquinone biosynthesis, eukaryotes, 4-hydroxybenzoate => ubiquinone 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00037 Melatonin biosynthesis, tryptophan => serotonin => melatonin 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00037 Melatonin biosynthesis, tryptophan => serotonin => melatonin 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00307 Pyruvate oxidation, pyruvate => acetyl-CoA 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 ko00232 Caffeine metabolism 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00414 Bloom's syndrome complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00057 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis, linkage tetrasaccharide 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00386 Cul4-DDB1-CSA complex 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00042 Catecholamine biosynthesis, tyrosine => dopamine => noradrenaline => adrenaline 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00057 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis, linkage tetrasaccharide 0.999999999973387 -2.6613427980318e-11 5 0 0 24 7161 M00392 Ski complex 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00100 Sphingosine degradation 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00100 Sphingosine degradation 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00410 ESCRT-II complex 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 ko00780 Biotin metabolism 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00134 Polyamine biosynthesis, arginine => ornithine => putrescine 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00046 Pyrimidine degradation, uracil => beta-alanine, thymine => 3-aminoisobutanoate 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa00785 Lipoic acid metabolism 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00046 Pyrimidine degradation, uracil => beta-alanine, thymine => 3-aminoisobutanoate 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00107 Steroid hormone biosynthesis, cholesterol => prognenolone => progesterone 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00400 p97-Ufd1-Npl4 complex 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00005 PRPP biosynthesis, ribose 5P => PRPP 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00005 PRPP biosynthesis, ribose 5P => PRPP 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00132 Inositol phosphate metabolism, Ins(1,3,4)P3 => phytate 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00118 Glutathione biosynthesis, glutamate => glutathione 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00392 Ski complex 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 ko00785 Lipoic acid metabolism 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00400 p97-Ufd1-Npl4 complex 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00408 ESCRT-0 complex 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00082 Fatty acid biosynthesis, initiation 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00118 Glutathione biosynthesis, glutamate => glutathione 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00291 MRN complex 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00108 C21-Steroid hormone biosynthesis, progesterone => corticosterone/aldosterone 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00069 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, ganglio series, LacCer => GT3 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00297 DNA-PK complex 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00069 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, ganglio series, LacCer => GT3 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00108 C21-Steroid hormone biosynthesis, progesterone => corticosterone/aldosterone 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00082 Fatty acid biosynthesis, initiation 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00297 DNA-PK complex 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00410 ESCRT-II complex 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00132 Inositol phosphate metabolism, Ins(1,3,4)P3 => phytate 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00291 MRN complex 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00134 Polyamine biosynthesis, arginine => ornithine => putrescine 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00020 Serine biosynthesis, glycerate-3P => serine 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00107 Steroid hormone biosynthesis, cholesterol => prognenolone => progesterone 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00051 Uridine monophosphate biosynthesis, glutamine (+ PRPP) => UMP 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00020 Serine biosynthesis, glycerate-3P => serine 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa00780 Biotin metabolism 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00408 ESCRT-0 complex 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 M00051 Uridine monophosphate biosynthesis, glutamine (+ PRPP) => UMP 0.999999999973411 -2.65892907759243e-11 3 0 0 24 7161 ko05100 Bacterial invasion of epithelial cells 0.999999999973581 -2.64193146166842e-11 76 0 0 24 7161 hsa05100 Bacterial invasion of epithelial cells 0.999999999973581 -2.64193146166842e-11 76 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00682 Notch signaling 0.999999999973829 -2.61705694289932e-11 16 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00683 Hippo signaling 0.999999999973829 -2.61705694289932e-11 16 0 0 24 7161 M00682 Notch signaling 0.999999999973829 -2.61705694289932e-11 16 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00295 BRCA1-associated genome surveillance complex (BASC) 0.999999999973829 -2.61705694289932e-11 16 0 0 24 7161 M00295 BRCA1-associated genome surveillance complex (BASC) 0.999999999973829 -2.61705694289932e-11 16 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00099 Sphingosine biosynthesis 0.999999999973829 -2.61705694289932e-11 16 0 0 24 7161 M00099 Sphingosine biosynthesis 0.999999999973829 -2.61705694289932e-11 16 0 0 24 7161 M00683 Hippo signaling 0.999999999973829 -2.61705694289932e-11 16 0 0 24 7161 hsa05213 Endometrial cancer 0.99999999997419 -2.58104712978087e-11 50 0 0 24 7161 ko05213 Endometrial cancer 0.99999999997419 -2.58104712978087e-11 50 0 0 24 7161 ko04110 Cell cycle 0.999999999974602 -2.53983828714917e-11 124 0 0 24 7161 hsa04110 Cell cycle 0.999999999974602 -2.53983828714917e-11 124 0 0 24 7161 hsa04662 B cell receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999975158 -2.48424523129088e-11 70 0 0 24 7161 ko04662 B cell receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999975158 -2.48424523129088e-11 70 0 0 24 7161 hsa05222 Small cell lung cancer 0.999999999975364 -2.46358967875756e-11 84 0 0 24 7161 ko04350 TGF-beta signaling pathway 0.999999999975364 -2.46358967875756e-11 84 0 0 24 7161 ko05222 Small cell lung cancer 0.999999999975364 -2.46358967875756e-11 84 0 0 24 7161 hsa04350 TGF-beta signaling pathway 0.999999999975364 -2.46358967875756e-11 84 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00677 Wnt signaling 0.99999999997545 -2.45503030621174e-11 38 0 0 24 7161 M00359 Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis, eukaryotes 0.99999999997545 -2.45503030621174e-11 38 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00359 Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis, eukaryotes 0.99999999997545 -2.45503030621174e-11 38 0 0 24 7161 M00677 Wnt signaling 0.99999999997545 -2.45503030621174e-11 38 0 0 24 7161 hsa00480 Glutathione metabolism 0.99999999997545 -2.45495756786551e-11 54 0 0 24 7161 ko03460 Fanconi anemia pathway 0.99999999997545 -2.45495756786551e-11 54 0 0 24 7161 hsa03460 Fanconi anemia pathway 0.99999999997545 -2.45495756786551e-11 54 0 0 24 7161 ko00480 Glutathione metabolism 0.99999999997545 -2.45495756786551e-11 54 0 0 24 7161 ko05340 Primary immunodeficiency 0.99999999997567 -2.43296895149986e-11 36 0 0 24 7161 ko00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism 0.99999999997567 -2.43296895149986e-11 36 0 0 24 7161 hsa03030 DNA replication 0.99999999997567 -2.43296895149986e-11 36 0 0 24 7161 hsa05340 Primary immunodeficiency 0.99999999997567 -2.43296895149986e-11 36 0 0 24 7161 ko03030 DNA replication 0.99999999997567 -2.43296895149986e-11 36 0 0 24 7161 hsa00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism 0.99999999997567 -2.43296895149986e-11 36 0 0 24 7161 ko04672 Intestinal immune network for IgA production 0.999999999976274 -2.37259851056068e-11 47 0 0 24 7161 hsa04672 Intestinal immune network for IgA production 0.999999999976274 -2.37259851056068e-11 47 0 0 24 7161 hsa00600 Sphingolipid metabolism 0.999999999976274 -2.37259851056068e-11 47 0 0 24 7161 ko00600 Sphingolipid metabolism 0.999999999976274 -2.37259851056068e-11 47 0 0 24 7161 hsa04340 Hedgehog signaling pathway 0.999999999976274 -2.37259851056068e-11 47 0 0 24 7161 ko04340 Hedgehog signaling pathway 0.999999999976274 -2.37259851056068e-11 47 0 0 24 7161 ko03420 Nucleotide excision repair 0.999999999976274 -2.37259851056068e-11 47 0 0 24 7161 hsa03420 Nucleotide excision repair 0.999999999976274 -2.37259851056068e-11 47 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00106 Conjugated bile acid biosynthesis, cholate => taurocholate/glycocholate 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00338 Cysteine biosynthesis, homocysteine + serine => cysteine 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00294 DNA polymerase gamma complex 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 M00066 Lactosylceramide biosynthesis 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 M00399 Cap binding complex 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 M00083 Fatty acid biosynthesis, elongation 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 M00293 DNA polymerase zeta complex 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00399 Cap binding complex 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 M00294 DNA polymerase gamma complex 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 ko00300 Lysine biosynthesis 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 hsa00300 Lysine biosynthesis 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00066 Lactosylceramide biosynthesis 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 M00068 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, globo-series, LacCer => Gb4Cer 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00151 Cytochrome bc1 complex respiratory unit 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00554 Nucleotide sugar biosynthesis, galactose => UDP-galactose 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00067 Sulfoglycolipids biosynthesis, ceramide/1-alkyl-2-acylglycerol => sulfatide/seminolipid 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 M00338 Cysteine biosynthesis, homocysteine + serine => cysteine 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00103 Cholecalciferol biosynthesis 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 M00103 Cholecalciferol biosynthesis 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 M00554 Nucleotide sugar biosynthesis, galactose => UDP-galactose 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00068 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, globo-series, LacCer => Gb4Cer 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00293 DNA polymerase zeta complex 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 M00106 Conjugated bile acid biosynthesis, cholate => taurocholate/glycocholate 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 M00067 Sulfoglycolipids biosynthesis, ceramide/1-alkyl-2-acylglycerol => sulfatide/seminolipid 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 M00151 Cytochrome bc1 complex respiratory unit 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00083 Fatty acid biosynthesis, elongation 0.99999999997628 -2.3720236190549e-11 2 0 0 24 7161 ko05020 Prion diseases 0.999999999976607 -2.33927933288491e-11 35 0 0 24 7161 hsa00350 Tyrosine metabolism 0.999999999976607 -2.33927933288491e-11 35 0 0 24 7161 hsa05020 Prion diseases 0.999999999976607 -2.33927933288491e-11 35 0 0 24 7161 ko00350 Tyrosine metabolism 0.999999999976607 -2.33927933288491e-11 35 0 0 24 7161 ko00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism 0.999999999976607 -2.33927933288491e-11 35 0 0 24 7161 hsa00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism 0.999999999976607 -2.33927933288491e-11 35 0 0 24 7161 hsa00620 Pyruvate metabolism 0.999999999977046 -2.29542482009305e-11 39 0 0 24 7161 ko00620 Pyruvate metabolism 0.999999999977046 -2.29542482009305e-11 39 0 0 24 7161 ko00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism 0.999999999977046 -2.29542482009305e-11 39 0 0 24 7161 hsa00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism 0.999999999977046 -2.29542482009305e-11 39 0 0 24 7161 M00001 Glycolysis (Embden-Meyerhof pathway), glucose => pyruvate 0.999999999977137 -2.28627025346775e-11 25 0 0 24 7161 ko00062 Fatty acid elongation 0.999999999977137 -2.28627025346775e-11 25 0 0 24 7161 hsa00563 Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor biosynthesis 0.999999999977137 -2.28627025346775e-11 25 0 0 24 7161 hsa00592 alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism 0.999999999977137 -2.28627025346775e-11 25 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00001 Glycolysis (Embden-Meyerhof pathway), glucose => pyruvate 0.999999999977137 -2.28627025346775e-11 25 0 0 24 7161 ko00592 alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism 0.999999999977137 -2.28627025346775e-11 25 0 0 24 7161 ko00563 Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor biosynthesis 0.999999999977137 -2.28627025346775e-11 25 0 0 24 7161 hsa00062 Fatty acid elongation 0.999999999977137 -2.28627025346775e-11 25 0 0 24 7161 ko00900 Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis 0.999999999977229 -2.27710340296192e-11 22 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00689 MAPK (p38) signaling 0.999999999977229 -2.27710340296192e-11 22 0 0 24 7161 M00689 MAPK (p38) signaling 0.999999999977229 -2.27710340296192e-11 22 0 0 24 7161 ko00514 Other types of O-glycan biosynthesis 0.999999999977229 -2.27710340296192e-11 22 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00009 Citrate cycle (TCA cycle, Krebs cycle) 0.999999999977229 -2.27710340296192e-11 22 0 0 24 7161 M00009 Citrate cycle (TCA cycle, Krebs cycle) 0.999999999977229 -2.27710340296192e-11 22 0 0 24 7161 hsa00514 Other types of O-glycan biosynthesis 0.999999999977229 -2.27710340296192e-11 22 0 0 24 7161 hsa00900 Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis 0.999999999977229 -2.27710340296192e-11 22 0 0 24 7161 hsa05230 Central carbon metabolism in cancer 0.999999999977697 -2.23030363862297e-11 65 0 0 24 7161 hsa00830 Retinol metabolism 0.999999999977697 -2.23030363862297e-11 65 0 0 24 7161 hsa05321 Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) 0.999999999977697 -2.23030363862297e-11 65 0 0 24 7161 ko05321 Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) 0.999999999977697 -2.23030363862297e-11 65 0 0 24 7161 ko05230 Central carbon metabolism in cancer 0.999999999977697 -2.23030363862297e-11 65 0 0 24 7161 ko00830 Retinol metabolism 0.999999999977697 -2.23030363862297e-11 65 0 0 24 7161 M00361 Nucleotide sugar biosynthesis, eukaryotes 0.999999999977831 -2.21689120397415e-11 9 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00361 Nucleotide sugar biosynthesis, eukaryotes 0.999999999977831 -2.21689120397415e-11 9 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00131 Inositol phosphate metabolism, Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 => Ins(1,3,4)P3 => myo-inositol 0.999999999977831 -2.21689120397415e-11 9 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00135 GABA biosynthesis, eukaryotes, putrescine => GABA 0.999999999977831 -2.21689120397415e-11 9 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00076 Dermatan sulfate degradation 0.999999999977831 -2.21689120397415e-11 9 0 0 24 7161 M00694 cGMP signaling 0.999999999977831 -2.21689120397415e-11 9 0 0 24 7161 M00135 GABA biosynthesis, eukaryotes, putrescine => GABA 0.999999999977831 -2.21689120397415e-11 9 0 0 24 7161 M00131 Inositol phosphate metabolism, Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 => Ins(1,3,4)P3 => myo-inositol 0.999999999977831 -2.21689120397415e-11 9 0 0 24 7161 M00076 Dermatan sulfate degradation 0.999999999977831 -2.21689120397415e-11 9 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00694 cGMP signaling 0.999999999977831 -2.21689120397415e-11 9 0 0 24 7161 ko01212 Fatty acid metabolism 0.999999999978073 -2.19274579261369e-11 48 0 0 24 7161 hsa01212 Fatty acid metabolism 0.999999999978073 -2.19274579261369e-11 48 0 0 24 7161 hsa00280 Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation 0.999999999978073 -2.19274579261369e-11 48 0 0 24 7161 hsa04330 Notch signaling pathway 0.999999999978073 -2.19274579261369e-11 48 0 0 24 7161 ko04330 Notch signaling pathway 0.999999999978073 -2.19274579261369e-11 48 0 0 24 7161 ko00280 Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation 0.999999999978073 -2.19274579261369e-11 48 0 0 24 7161 hsa00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis 0.999999999978137 -2.1863070897909e-11 67 0 0 24 7161 ko00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis 0.999999999978137 -2.1863070897909e-11 67 0 0 24 7161 hsa05224 Breast cancer 0.999999999978989 -2.10109713492636e-11 144 0 0 24 7161 ko05224 Breast cancer 0.999999999978989 -2.10109713492636e-11 144 0 0 24 7161 hsa04216 Ferroptosis 0.999999999979674 -2.0326160759634e-11 40 0 0 24 7161 hsa00380 Tryptophan metabolism 0.999999999979674 -2.0326160759634e-11 40 0 0 24 7161 ko04216 Ferroptosis 0.999999999979674 -2.0326160759634e-11 40 0 0 24 7161 ko05033 Nicotine addiction 0.999999999979674 -2.0326160759634e-11 40 0 0 24 7161 hsa05033 Nicotine addiction 0.999999999979674 -2.0326160759634e-11 40 0 0 24 7161 ko00380 Tryptophan metabolism 0.999999999979674 -2.0326160759634e-11 40 0 0 24 7161 M00355 Spliceosome, 35S U5-snRNP 0.999999999979729 -2.02715054826804e-11 37 0 0 24 7161 hsa04960 Aldosterone-regulated sodium reabsorption 0.999999999979729 -2.02715054826804e-11 37 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00355 Spliceosome, 35S U5-snRNP 0.999999999979729 -2.02715054826804e-11 37 0 0 24 7161 ko05330 Allograft rejection 0.999999999979729 -2.02715054826804e-11 37 0 0 24 7161 hsa05330 Allograft rejection 0.999999999979729 -2.02715054826804e-11 37 0 0 24 7161 ko04960 Aldosterone-regulated sodium reabsorption 0.999999999979729 -2.02715054826804e-11 37 0 0 24 7161 M00341 Proteasome, 19S regulatory particle (PA700) 0.999999999979776 -2.02241685591693e-11 19 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00341 Proteasome, 19S regulatory particle (PA700) 0.999999999979776 -2.02241685591693e-11 19 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00684 JAK-STAT signaling 0.999999999979776 -2.02241685591693e-11 19 0 0 24 7161 M00684 JAK-STAT signaling 0.999999999979776 -2.02241685591693e-11 19 0 0 24 7161 ko00240 Pyrimidine metabolism 0.99999999997987 -2.01304319263935e-11 104 0 0 24 7161 hsa00240 Pyrimidine metabolism 0.99999999997987 -2.01304319263935e-11 104 0 0 24 7161 ko00051 Fructose and mannose metabolism 0.999999999980348 -1.96515512279689e-11 33 0 0 24 7161 hsa03410 Base excision repair 0.999999999980348 -1.96515512279689e-11 33 0 0 24 7161 hsa00051 Fructose and mannose metabolism 0.999999999980348 -1.96515512279689e-11 33 0 0 24 7161 ko03410 Base excision repair 0.999999999980348 -1.96515512279689e-11 33 0 0 24 7161 hsa05202 Transcriptional misregulation in cancer 0.999999999980546 -1.94543910464412e-11 179 0 0 24 7161 ko05202 Transcriptional misregulation in cancer 0.999999999980546 -1.94543910464412e-11 179 0 0 24 7161 hsa04660 T cell receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999980636 -1.9364221507333e-11 102 0 0 24 7161 ko04660 T cell receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999980636 -1.9364221507333e-11 102 0 0 24 7161 ko03430 Mismatch repair 0.999999999980691 -1.93094344229206e-11 23 0 0 24 7161 hsa03060 Protein export 0.999999999980691 -1.93094344229206e-11 23 0 0 24 7161 ko01040 Biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids 0.999999999980691 -1.93094344229206e-11 23 0 0 24 7161 ko04614 Renin-angiotensin system 0.999999999980691 -1.93094344229206e-11 23 0 0 24 7161 hsa01040 Biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids 0.999999999980691 -1.93094344229206e-11 23 0 0 24 7161 ko03060 Protein export 0.999999999980691 -1.93094344229206e-11 23 0 0 24 7161 hsa03430 Mismatch repair 0.999999999980691 -1.93094344229206e-11 23 0 0 24 7161 hsa04964 Proximal tubule bicarbonate reclamation 0.999999999980691 -1.93094344229206e-11 23 0 0 24 7161 ko04964 Proximal tubule bicarbonate reclamation 0.999999999980691 -1.93094344229206e-11 23 0 0 24 7161 hsa04614 Renin-angiotensin system 0.999999999980691 -1.93094344229206e-11 23 0 0 24 7161 hsa04666 Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis 0.999999999980732 -1.92685242350563e-11 90 0 0 24 7161 ko04666 Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis 0.999999999980732 -1.92685242350563e-11 90 0 0 24 7161 ko05031 Amphetamine addiction 0.999999999981021 -1.89786012503739e-11 68 0 0 24 7161 hsa05031 Amphetamine addiction 0.999999999981021 -1.89786012503739e-11 68 0 0 24 7161 hsa04370 VEGF signaling pathway 0.999999999981031 -1.89694049547994e-11 59 0 0 24 7161 ko04370 VEGF signaling pathway 0.999999999981031 -1.89694049547994e-11 59 0 0 24 7161 ko00310 Lysine degradation 0.999999999981031 -1.89694049547994e-11 59 0 0 24 7161 hsa00310 Lysine degradation 0.999999999981031 -1.89694049547994e-11 59 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00679 BMP signaling 0.999999999981033 -1.89671507134741e-11 20 0 0 24 7161 ko00670 One carbon pool by folate 0.999999999981033 -1.89671507134741e-11 20 0 0 24 7161 M00352 Spliceosome, U2-snRNP 0.999999999981033 -1.89671507134741e-11 20 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00352 Spliceosome, U2-snRNP 0.999999999981033 -1.89671507134741e-11 20 0 0 24 7161 ko00100 Steroid biosynthesis 0.999999999981033 -1.89671507134741e-11 20 0 0 24 7161 hsa00100 Steroid biosynthesis 0.999999999981033 -1.89671507134741e-11 20 0 0 24 7161 M00679 BMP signaling 0.999999999981033 -1.89671507134741e-11 20 0 0 24 7161 hsa00532 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis - chondroitin sulfate / dermatan sulfate 0.999999999981033 -1.89671507134741e-11 20 0 0 24 7161 ko00532 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis - chondroitin sulfate / dermatan sulfate 0.999999999981033 -1.89671507134741e-11 20 0 0 24 7161 hsa00670 One carbon pool by folate 0.999999999981033 -1.89671507134741e-11 20 0 0 24 7161 ko04640 Hematopoietic cell lineage 0.999999999981138 -1.88624046972784e-11 96 0 0 24 7161 hsa04640 Hematopoietic cell lineage 0.999999999981138 -1.88624046972784e-11 96 0 0 24 7161 hsa05014 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 0.999999999981169 -1.88312232621617e-11 51 0 0 24 7161 ko04978 Mineral absorption 0.999999999981169 -1.88312232621617e-11 51 0 0 24 7161 ko05110 Vibrio cholerae infection 0.999999999981169 -1.88312232621617e-11 51 0 0 24 7161 ko05014 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 0.999999999981169 -1.88312232621617e-11 51 0 0 24 7161 hsa04978 Mineral absorption 0.999999999981169 -1.88312232621617e-11 51 0 0 24 7161 hsa05110 Vibrio cholerae infection 0.999999999981169 -1.88312232621617e-11 51 0 0 24 7161 hsa03040 Spliceosome 0.999999999981316 -1.86839613013379e-11 132 0 0 24 7161 ko04650 Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 0.999999999981316 -1.86839613013379e-11 132 0 0 24 7161 ko05322 Systemic lupus erythematosus 0.999999999981316 -1.86839613013379e-11 132 0 0 24 7161 ko03040 Spliceosome 0.999999999981316 -1.86839613013379e-11 132 0 0 24 7161 hsa05322 Systemic lupus erythematosus 0.999999999981316 -1.86839613013379e-11 132 0 0 24 7161 hsa04650 Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 0.999999999981316 -1.86839613013379e-11 132 0 0 24 7161 hsa05203 Viral carcinogenesis 0.999999999981378 -1.86216529809917e-11 201 0 0 24 7161 ko05203 Viral carcinogenesis 0.999999999981378 -1.86216529809917e-11 201 0 0 24 7161 hsa00650 Butanoate metabolism 0.999999999981448 -1.85518145427724e-11 28 0 0 24 7161 ko04320 Dorso-ventral axis formation 0.999999999981448 -1.85518145427724e-11 28 0 0 24 7161 ko00650 Butanoate metabolism 0.999999999981448 -1.85518145427724e-11 28 0 0 24 7161 ko04744 Phototransduction 0.999999999981448 -1.85518145427724e-11 28 0 0 24 7161 hsa00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism 0.999999999981448 -1.85518145427724e-11 28 0 0 24 7161 hsa04744 Phototransduction 0.999999999981448 -1.85518145427724e-11 28 0 0 24 7161 ko00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism 0.999999999981448 -1.85518145427724e-11 28 0 0 24 7161 hsa04320 Dorso-ventral axis formation 0.999999999981448 -1.85518145427724e-11 28 0 0 24 7161 M00401 Sec61 complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00685 Apoptotic machinery 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00027 GABA (gamma-Aminobutyrate) shunt 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00015 Proline biosynthesis, glutamate => proline 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00685 Apoptotic machinery 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00070 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, lacto-series, LacCer => Lc4Cer 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00381 SCF-SKP2 complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00393 TRAMP complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00387 SCF-FBW7 complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00133 Polyamine biosynthesis, arginine => agmatine => putrescine => spermidine 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa00290 Valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00263 DNA polymerase epsilon complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00133 Polyamine biosynthesis, arginine => agmatine => putrescine => spermidine 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00286 GINS complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00387 SCF-FBW7 complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 ko00290 Valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00110 C19/C18-Steroid hormone biosynthesis, pregnenolone => androstenedione => estrone 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00148 Succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00286 GINS complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00381 SCF-SKP2 complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00632 Galactose degradation, Leloir pathway, galactose => alpha-D-glucose-1P 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00741 Propanoyl-CoA metabolism, propanoyl-CoA => succinyl-CoA 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00390 Exosome, archaea 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa00471 D-Glutamine and D-glutamate metabolism 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00288 RPA complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00402 Translocon-associated protein (TRAP) complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00632 Galactose degradation, Leloir pathway, galactose => alpha-D-glucose-1P 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00148 Succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00741 Propanoyl-CoA metabolism, propanoyl-CoA => succinyl-CoA 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00690 MAPK (ERK5) signaling 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00070 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, lacto-series, LacCer => Lc4Cer 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00006 Pentose phosphate pathway, oxidative phase, glucose 6P => ribulose 5P 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00015 Proline biosynthesis, glutamate => proline 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00393 TRAMP complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00384 Cul3-SPOP complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00401 Sec61 complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00690 MAPK (ERK5) signaling 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00263 DNA polymerase epsilon complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00390 Exosome, archaea 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00402 Translocon-associated protein (TRAP) complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00262 DNA polymerase delta complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00288 RPA complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00110 C19/C18-Steroid hormone biosynthesis, pregnenolone => androstenedione => estrone 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00384 Cul3-SPOP complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00261 DNA polymerase alpha / primase complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 ko00471 D-Glutamine and D-glutamate metabolism 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00261 DNA polymerase alpha / primase complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00027 GABA (gamma-Aminobutyrate) shunt 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00262 DNA polymerase delta complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00425 H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00425 H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 M00006 Pentose phosphate pathway, oxidative phase, glucose 6P => ribulose 5P 0.99999999998173 -1.82699175708228e-11 4 0 0 24 7161 hsa04550 Signaling pathways regulating pluripotency of stem cells 0.999999999982148 -1.78516830917818e-11 139 0 0 24 7161 ko04550 Signaling pathways regulating pluripotency of stem cells 0.999999999982148 -1.78516830917818e-11 139 0 0 24 7161 hsa00330 Arginine and proline metabolism 0.999999999982194 -1.78058934903427e-11 49 0 0 24 7161 hsa05030 Cocaine addiction 0.999999999982194 -1.78058934903427e-11 49 0 0 24 7161 hsa05144 Malaria 0.999999999982194 -1.78058934903427e-11 49 0 0 24 7161 ko05030 Cocaine addiction 0.999999999982194 -1.78058934903427e-11 49 0 0 24 7161 ko00330 Arginine and proline metabolism 0.999999999982194 -1.78058934903427e-11 49 0 0 24 7161 ko05144 Malaria 0.999999999982194 -1.78058934903427e-11 49 0 0 24 7161 M00154 Cytochrome c oxidase 0.999999999982346 -1.76536803093395e-11 21 0 0 24 7161 ko00220 Arginine biosynthesis 0.999999999982346 -1.76536803093395e-11 21 0 0 24 7161 M00049 Adenine ribonucleotide biosynthesis, IMP => ADP,ATP 0.999999999982346 -1.76536803093395e-11 21 0 0 24 7161 hsa00220 Arginine biosynthesis 0.999999999982346 -1.76536803093395e-11 21 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00049 Adenine ribonucleotide biosynthesis, IMP => ADP,ATP 0.999999999982346 -1.76536803093395e-11 21 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00154 Cytochrome c oxidase 0.999999999982346 -1.76536803093395e-11 21 0 0 24 7161 M00687 MAPK (ERK1/2) signaling 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00687 MAPK (ERK1/2) signaling 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 M00077 Chondroitin sulfate degradation 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 M00680 TGF-beta signaling 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 M00010 Citrate cycle, first carbon oxidation, oxaloacetate => 2-oxoglutarate 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 M00409 ESCRT-I complex 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00010 Citrate cycle, first carbon oxidation, oxaloacetate => 2-oxoglutarate 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00406 TREX complex 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 ko00740 Riboflavin metabolism 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 hsa04122 Sulfur relay system 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 M00428 eIF4F complex 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 ko04122 Sulfur relay system 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00409 ESCRT-I complex 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00065 GPI-anchor biosynthesis, core oligosaccharide 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00428 eIF4F complex 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00077 Chondroitin sulfate degradation 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 hsa00740 Riboflavin metabolism 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00680 TGF-beta signaling 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 M00406 TREX complex 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 M00065 GPI-anchor biosynthesis, core oligosaccharide 0.999999999982642 -1.73581800557586e-11 8 0 0 24 7161 hsa05012 Parkinson's disease 0.999999999982834 -1.71658437833851e-11 129 0 0 24 7161 hsa04977 Vitamin digestion and absorption 0.999999999983216 -1.67841404292803e-11 24 0 0 24 7161 hsa00534 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis - heparan sulfate / heparin 0.999999999983216 -1.67841404292803e-11 24 0 0 24 7161 hsa00340 Histidine metabolism 0.999999999983216 -1.67841404292803e-11 24 0 0 24 7161 ko00340 Histidine metabolism 0.999999999983216 -1.67841404292803e-11 24 0 0 24 7161 ko04977 Vitamin digestion and absorption 0.999999999983216 -1.67841404292803e-11 24 0 0 24 7161 ko00534 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis - heparan sulfate / heparin 0.999999999983216 -1.67841404292803e-11 24 0 0 24 7161 M00160 V-type ATPase, eukaryotes 0.999999999983216 -1.67841404292803e-11 24 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00160 V-type ATPase, eukaryotes 0.999999999983216 -1.67841404292803e-11 24 0 0 24 7161 hsa03018 RNA degradation 0.999999999983325 -1.66754054773256e-11 77 0 0 24 7161 ko04612 Antigen processing and presentation 0.999999999983325 -1.66754054773256e-11 77 0 0 24 7161 ko03018 RNA degradation 0.999999999983325 -1.66754054773256e-11 77 0 0 24 7161 hsa04612 Antigen processing and presentation 0.999999999983325 -1.66754054773256e-11 77 0 0 24 7161 hsa00770 Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis 0.999999999984265 -1.5734572055088e-11 18 0 0 24 7161 ko01210 2-Oxocarboxylic acid metabolism 0.999999999984265 -1.5734572055088e-11 18 0 0 24 7161 hsa01210 2-Oxocarboxylic acid metabolism 0.999999999984265 -1.5734572055088e-11 18 0 0 24 7161 ko00770 Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis 0.999999999984265 -1.5734572055088e-11 18 0 0 24 7161 hsa00511 Other glycan degradation 0.999999999984265 -1.5734572055088e-11 18 0 0 24 7161 M00430 Exon junction complex (EJC) 0.999999999984265 -1.5734572055088e-11 18 0 0 24 7161 ko00511 Other glycan degradation 0.999999999984265 -1.5734572055088e-11 18 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00430 Exon junction complex (EJC) 0.999999999984265 -1.5734572055088e-11 18 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00181 RNA polymerase III, eukaryotes 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00003 Gluconeogenesis, oxaloacetate => fructose-6P 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 ko00910 Nitrogen metabolism 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 M00337 Immunoproteasome 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 hsa00450 Selenocompound metabolism 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00337 Immunoproteasome 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 ko00450 Selenocompound metabolism 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 hsa00360 Phenylalanine metabolism 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 hsa00910 Nitrogen metabolism 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 M00089 Triacylglycerol biosynthesis 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00089 Triacylglycerol biosynthesis 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 ko00360 Phenylalanine metabolism 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 M00181 RNA polymerase III, eukaryotes 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 ko00120 Primary bile acid biosynthesis 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 M00003 Gluconeogenesis, oxaloacetate => fructose-6P 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 hsa00120 Primary bile acid biosynthesis 0.999999999984506 -1.54940565831801e-11 17 0 0 24 7161 ko04520 Adherens junction 0.999999999984677 -1.5322843363203e-11 72 0 0 24 7161 hsa04520 Adherens junction 0.999999999984677 -1.5322843363203e-11 72 0 0 24 7161 hsa05140 Leishmaniasis 0.999999999984677 -1.5322843363203e-11 72 0 0 24 7161 hsa05412 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) 0.999999999984677 -1.5322843363203e-11 72 0 0 24 7161 ko05140 Leishmaniasis 0.999999999984677 -1.5322843363203e-11 72 0 0 24 7161 ko05412 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) 0.999999999984677 -1.5322843363203e-11 72 0 0 24 7161 hsa03320 PPAR signaling pathway 0.999999999984677 -1.5322843363203e-11 72 0 0 24 7161 ko03320 PPAR signaling pathway 0.999999999984677 -1.5322843363203e-11 72 0 0 24 7161 ko05204 Chemical carcinogenesis 0.999999999985002 -1.49976969114376e-11 82 0 0 24 7161 hsa05204 Chemical carcinogenesis 0.999999999985002 -1.49976969114376e-11 82 0 0 24 7161 ko05332 Graft-versus-host disease 0.999999999985182 -1.48181945727206e-11 41 0 0 24 7161 ko03440 Homologous recombination 0.999999999985182 -1.48181945727206e-11 41 0 0 24 7161 hsa04975 Fat digestion and absorption 0.999999999985182 -1.48181945727206e-11 41 0 0 24 7161 ko05219 Bladder cancer 0.999999999985182 -1.48181945727206e-11 41 0 0 24 7161 ko04975 Fat digestion and absorption 0.999999999985182 -1.48181945727206e-11 41 0 0 24 7161 hsa03440 Homologous recombination 0.999999999985182 -1.48181945727206e-11 41 0 0 24 7161 hsa05219 Bladder cancer 0.999999999985182 -1.48181945727206e-11 41 0 0 24 7161 hsa05332 Graft-versus-host disease 0.999999999985182 -1.48181945727206e-11 41 0 0 24 7161 hsa00860 Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism 0.999999999985571 -1.44291873279771e-11 42 0 0 24 7161 ko00860 Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism 0.999999999985571 -1.44291873279771e-11 42 0 0 24 7161 ko05034 Alcoholism 0.999999999985763 -1.42364473373685e-11 180 0 0 24 7161 hsa05034 Alcoholism 0.999999999985763 -1.42364473373685e-11 180 0 0 24 7161 M00146 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 M00340 Proteasome, 20S core particle 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00158 F-type ATPase, eukaryotes 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 hsa00790 Folate biosynthesis 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 ko00730 Thiamine metabolism 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 ko00604 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis - ganglio series 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 M00158 F-type ATPase, eukaryotes 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 hsa00604 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis - ganglio series 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00146 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 hsa00730 Thiamine metabolism 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00340 Proteasome, 20S core particle 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 ko00790 Folate biosynthesis 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 M00686 Toll-like receptor signaling 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00686 Toll-like receptor signaling 0.999999999985955 -1.40450226456873e-11 15 0 0 24 7161 hsa05310 Asthma 0.999999999986006 -1.39942439282332e-11 30 0 0 24 7161 ko00030 Pentose phosphate pathway 0.999999999986006 -1.39942439282332e-11 30 0 0 24 7161 ko05310 Asthma 0.999999999986006 -1.39942439282332e-11 30 0 0 24 7161 hsa00030 Pentose phosphate pathway 0.999999999986006 -1.39942439282332e-11 30 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00354 Spliceosome, U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP 0.999999999986006 -1.39942439282332e-11 30 0 0 24 7161 hsa00020 Citrate cycle (TCA cycle) 0.999999999986006 -1.39942439282332e-11 30 0 0 24 7161 M00354 Spliceosome, U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP 0.999999999986006 -1.39942439282332e-11 30 0 0 24 7161 ko00020 Citrate cycle (TCA cycle) 0.999999999986006 -1.39942439282332e-11 30 0 0 24 7161 hsa03013 RNA transport 0.999999999986029 -1.39710385255471e-11 166 0 0 24 7161 ko03013 RNA transport 0.999999999986029 -1.39710385255471e-11 166 0 0 24 7161 ko04623 Cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway 0.999999999986335 -1.36651774932928e-11 63 0 0 24 7161 ko04721 Synaptic vesicle cycle 0.999999999986335 -1.36651774932928e-11 63 0 0 24 7161 hsa04623 Cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway 0.999999999986335 -1.36651774932928e-11 63 0 0 24 7161 hsa04721 Synaptic vesicle cycle 0.999999999986335 -1.36651774932928e-11 63 0 0 24 7161 hsa04940 Type I diabetes mellitus 0.99999999998647 -1.35296396861714e-11 43 0 0 24 7161 ko04940 Type I diabetes mellitus 0.99999999998647 -1.35296396861714e-11 43 0 0 24 7161 hsa04115 p53 signaling pathway 0.999999999986611 -1.33885049225421e-11 69 0 0 24 7161 hsa05218 Melanoma 0.999999999986611 -1.33885049225421e-11 69 0 0 24 7161 ko05218 Melanoma 0.999999999986611 -1.33885049225421e-11 69 0 0 24 7161 ko00982 Drug metabolism - cytochrome P450 0.999999999986611 -1.33885049225421e-11 69 0 0 24 7161 hsa00982 Drug metabolism - cytochrome P450 0.999999999986611 -1.33885049225421e-11 69 0 0 24 7161 ko04115 p53 signaling pathway 0.999999999986611 -1.33885049225421e-11 69 0 0 24 7161 ko03008 Ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes 0.999999999986616 -1.33844060124073e-11 79 0 0 24 7161 hsa04610 Complement and coagulation cascades 0.999999999986616 -1.33844060124073e-11 79 0 0 24 7161 ko04610 Complement and coagulation cascades 0.999999999986616 -1.33844060124073e-11 79 0 0 24 7161 hsa01521 EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance 0.999999999986616 -1.33844060124073e-11 79 0 0 24 7161 hsa03008 Ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes 0.999999999986616 -1.33844060124073e-11 79 0 0 24 7161 ko01521 EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance 0.999999999986616 -1.33844060124073e-11 79 0 0 24 7161 hsa04670 Leukocyte transendothelial migration 0.999999999986647 -1.33526992464778e-11 114 0 0 24 7161 ko01200 Carbon metabolism 0.999999999986647 -1.33526992464778e-11 114 0 0 24 7161 ko04670 Leukocyte transendothelial migration 0.999999999986647 -1.33526992464778e-11 114 0 0 24 7161 hsa01200 Carbon metabolism 0.999999999986647 -1.33526992464778e-11 114 0 0 24 7161 hsa04120 Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis 0.999999999986973 -1.30268816753075e-11 137 0 0 24 7161 ko04120 Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis 0.999999999986973 -1.30268816753075e-11 137 0 0 24 7161 hsa00061 Fatty acid biosynthesis 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 M00036 Leucine degradation, leucine => acetoacetate + acetyl-CoA 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00036 Leucine degradation, leucine => acetoacetate + acetyl-CoA 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 M00692 Cell cycle - G1/S transition 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 M00676 PI3K-Akt signaling 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00050 Guanine ribonucleotide biosynthesis IMP => GDP,GTP 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 M00415 Fatty acid biosynthesis, elongation, endoplasmic reticulum 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00692 Cell cycle - G1/S transition 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00415 Fatty acid biosynthesis, elongation, endoplasmic reticulum 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 ko03450 Non-homologous end-joining 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00403 HRD1/SEL1 ERAD complex 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 M00050 Guanine ribonucleotide biosynthesis IMP => GDP,GTP 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 hsa03450 Non-homologous end-joining 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 ko00061 Fatty acid biosynthesis 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00676 PI3K-Akt signaling 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 M00403 HRD1/SEL1 ERAD complex 0.999999999987147 -1.28533981688902e-11 13 0 0 24 7161 M00086 beta-Oxidation, acyl-CoA synthesis 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00549 Nucleotide sugar biosynthesis, glucose => UDP-glucose 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 M00007 Pentose phosphate pathway, non-oxidative phase, fructose 6P => ribose 5P 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00398 Sm core complex 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00120 Coenzyme A biosynthesis, pantothenate => CoA 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 M00072 N-glycosylation by oligosaccharyltransferase 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 M00549 Nucleotide sugar biosynthesis, glucose => UDP-glucose 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 M00691 DNA damage-induced cell cycle checkpoints 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00007 Pentose phosphate pathway, non-oxidative phase, fructose 6P => ribose 5P 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00086 beta-Oxidation, acyl-CoA synthesis 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 M00397 Lsm 1-7 complex 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00691 DNA damage-induced cell cycle checkpoints 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00397 Lsm 1-7 complex 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00396 Lsm 2-8 complex 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00072 N-glycosylation by oligosaccharyltransferase 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 M00396 Lsm 2-8 complex 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 M00398 Sm core complex 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00092 Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) biosynthesis, ethanolamine => PE 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 M00120 Coenzyme A biosynthesis, pantothenate => CoA 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00047 Creatine pathway 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 M00092 Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) biosynthesis, ethanolamine => PE 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 M00047 Creatine pathway 0.999999999987224 -1.27757336638614e-11 7 0 0 24 7161 hsa03050 Proteasome 0.999999999987266 -1.27336292197308e-11 45 0 0 24 7161 ko03022 Basal transcription factors 0.999999999987266 -1.27336292197308e-11 45 0 0 24 7161 hsa03022 Basal transcription factors 0.999999999987266 -1.27336292197308e-11 45 0 0 24 7161 ko03050 Proteasome 0.999999999987266 -1.27336292197308e-11 45 0 0 24 7161 hsa00565 Ether lipid metabolism 0.999999999987266 -1.27336292197308e-11 45 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00427 Nuclear pore complex 0.999999999987266 -1.27336292197308e-11 45 0 0 24 7161 ko00565 Ether lipid metabolism 0.999999999987266 -1.27336292197308e-11 45 0 0 24 7161 M00427 Nuclear pore complex 0.999999999987266 -1.27336292197308e-11 45 0 0 24 7161 ko03020 RNA polymerase 0.999999999987504 -1.24955857809662e-11 31 0 0 24 7161 hsa03020 RNA polymerase 0.999999999987504 -1.24955857809662e-11 31 0 0 24 7161 ko01523 Antifolate resistance 0.999999999987504 -1.24955857809662e-11 31 0 0 24 7161 ko00512 Mucin type O-glycan biosynthesis 0.999999999987504 -1.24955857809662e-11 31 0 0 24 7161 ko00410 beta-Alanine metabolism 0.999999999987504 -1.24955857809662e-11 31 0 0 24 7161 hsa00512 Mucin type O-glycan biosynthesis 0.999999999987504 -1.24955857809662e-11 31 0 0 24 7161 hsa01523 Antifolate resistance 0.999999999987504 -1.24955857809662e-11 31 0 0 24 7161 hsa00052 Galactose metabolism 0.999999999987504 -1.24955857809662e-11 31 0 0 24 7161 ko04710 Circadian rhythm 0.999999999987504 -1.24955857809662e-11 31 0 0 24 7161 hsa00410 beta-Alanine metabolism 0.999999999987504 -1.24955857809662e-11 31 0 0 24 7161 hsa04710 Circadian rhythm 0.999999999987504 -1.24955857809662e-11 31 0 0 24 7161 ko00052 Galactose metabolism 0.999999999987504 -1.24955857809662e-11 31 0 0 24 7161 hsa00640 Propanoate metabolism 0.999999999987742 -1.22576309671129e-11 32 0 0 24 7161 ko04136 Autophagy - other 0.999999999987742 -1.22576309671129e-11 32 0 0 24 7161 ko00640 Propanoate metabolism 0.999999999987742 -1.22576309671129e-11 32 0 0 24 7161 hsa04136 Autophagy - other 0.999999999987742 -1.22576309671129e-11 32 0 0 24 7161 ko04810 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 0.999999999987879 -1.21213085546031e-11 211 0 0 24 7161 hsa04810 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 0.999999999987879 -1.21213085546031e-11 211 0 0 24 7161 hsa05215 Prostate cancer 0.999999999987902 -1.20978149551158e-11 87 0 0 24 7161 ko05215 Prostate cancer 0.999999999987902 -1.20978149551158e-11 87 0 0 24 7161 M00351 Spliceosome, U1-snRNP 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00413 FA core complex 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00693 Cell cycle - G2/M transition 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00681 Activin signaling 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 M00681 Activin signaling 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00426 Survival motor neuron (SMN) complex 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 M00426 Survival motor neuron (SMN) complex 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 ko00920 Sulfur metabolism 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00296 BER complex 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 hsa00072 Synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00152 Cytochrome bc1 complex 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 M00391 Exosome, eukaryotes 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 M00296 BER complex 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00351 Spliceosome, U1-snRNP 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00391 Exosome, eukaryotes 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 M00095 C5 isoprenoid biosynthesis, mevalonate pathway 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 hsa00920 Sulfur metabolism 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 M00152 Cytochrome bc1 complex 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 M00059 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis, heparan sulfate backbone 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 M00693 Cell cycle - G2/M transition 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00059 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis, heparan sulfate backbone 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 M00413 FA core complex 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 ko00072 Synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00095 C5 isoprenoid biosynthesis, mevalonate pathway 0.999999999988386 -1.16140863990031e-11 10 0 0 24 7161 ko04740 Olfactory transduction 0.99999999998998 -1.00200636009447e-11 415 0 0 24 7161 hsa04740 Olfactory transduction 0.99999999998998 -1.00200636009447e-11 415 0 0 24 7161 M00043 Thyroid hormone biosynthesis, tyrosine => triiodothyronine/thyroxine 0.999999999990231 -9.76900635038525e-12 1 0 0 24 7161 ko00472 D-Arginine and D-ornithine metabolism 0.999999999990231 -9.76900635038525e-12 1 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00043 Thyroid hormone biosynthesis, tyrosine => triiodothyronine/thyroxine 0.999999999990231 -9.76900635038525e-12 1 0 0 24 7161 M00091 Phosphatidylcholine (PC) biosynthesis, PE => PC 0.999999999990231 -9.76900635038525e-12 1 0 0 24 7161 hsa00472 D-Arginine and D-ornithine metabolism 0.999999999990231 -9.76900635038525e-12 1 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00091 Phosphatidylcholine (PC) biosynthesis, PE => PC 0.999999999990231 -9.76900635038525e-12 1 0 0 24 7161 M00011 Citrate cycle, second carbon oxidation, 2-oxoglutarate => oxaloacetate 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00353 Spliceosome, Prp19/CDC5L complex 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 hsa00533 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis - keratan sulfate 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00389 APC/C complex 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 M00389 APC/C complex 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00147 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 beta subcomplex 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00011 Citrate cycle, second carbon oxidation, 2-oxoglutarate => oxaloacetate 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 ko00533 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis - keratan sulfate 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00180 RNA polymerase II, eukaryotes 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00055 N-glycan precursor biosynthesis 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 M00055 N-glycan precursor biosynthesis 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 M00147 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 beta subcomplex 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 M00180 RNA polymerase II, eukaryotes 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 M00353 Spliceosome, Prp19/CDC5L complex 0.999999999990458 -9.5417438543309e-12 14 0 0 24 7161 hsa04260 Cardiac muscle contraction 0.999999999990475 -9.52530154499998e-12 74 0 0 24 7161 ko01230 Biosynthesis of amino acids 0.999999999990475 -9.52530154499998e-12 74 0 0 24 7161 ko04260 Cardiac muscle contraction 0.999999999990475 -9.52530154499998e-12 74 0 0 24 7161 hsa01230 Biosynthesis of amino acids 0.999999999990475 -9.52530154499998e-12 74 0 0 24 7161 hsa05211 Renal cell carcinoma 0.999999999990828 -9.1723766810243e-12 64 0 0 24 7161 ko05211 Renal cell carcinoma 0.999999999990828 -9.1723766810243e-12 64 0 0 24 7161 hsa05214 Glioma 0.999999999990828 -9.1723766810243e-12 64 0 0 24 7161 ko05214 Glioma 0.999999999990828 -9.1723766810243e-12 64 0 0 24 7161 M00177 Ribosome, eukaryotes 0.999999999990975 -9.02460862168299e-12 91 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00177 Ribosome, eukaryotes 0.999999999990975 -9.02460862168299e-12 91 0 0 24 7161 ko04064 NF-kappa B signaling pathway 0.999999999991061 -8.93866029375339e-12 94 0 0 24 7161 hsa04064 NF-kappa B signaling pathway 0.999999999991061 -8.93866029375339e-12 94 0 0 24 7161 ko00590 Arachidonic acid metabolism 0.999999999991351 -8.6485017302842e-12 62 0 0 24 7161 hsa00590 Arachidonic acid metabolism 0.999999999991351 -8.6485017302842e-12 62 0 0 24 7161 hsa04060 Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction 0.999999999991411 -8.58946709711363e-12 270 0 0 24 7161 ko04060 Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction 0.999999999991411 -8.58946709711363e-12 270 0 0 24 7161 ko04950 Maturity onset diabetes of the young 0.999999999991455 -8.54463379369971e-12 26 0 0 24 7161 hsa04950 Maturity onset diabetes of the young 0.999999999991455 -8.54463379369971e-12 26 0 0 24 7161 hsa05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia 0.999999999991584 -8.41594746312905e-12 71 0 0 24 7161 ko05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia 0.999999999991584 -8.41594746312905e-12 71 0 0 24 7161 M00424 Shelterin complex 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 M00284 Origin recognition complex 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00090 Phosphatidylcholine (PC) biosynthesis, choline => PC 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00029 Urea cycle 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa00440 Phosphonate and phosphinate metabolism 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00424 Shelterin complex 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00141 C1-unit interconversion, eukaryotes 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 M00058 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis, chondroitin sulfate backbone 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 M00109 C21-Steroid hormone biosynthesis, progesterone => cortisol/cortisone 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 M00395 Decapping complex 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00395 Decapping complex 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00284 Origin recognition complex 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 M00048 Inosine monophosphate biosynthesis, PRPP + glutamine => IMP 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 M00029 Urea cycle 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 ko00750 Vitamin B6 metabolism 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00085 Fatty acid biosynthesis, elongation, mitochondria 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 M00090 Phosphatidylcholine (PC) biosynthesis, choline => PC 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00058 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis, chondroitin sulfate backbone 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00048 Inosine monophosphate biosynthesis, PRPP + glutamine => IMP 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 ko00440 Phosphonate and phosphinate metabolism 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa00750 Vitamin B6 metabolism 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00073 N-glycan precursor trimming 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 M00073 N-glycan precursor trimming 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 M00085 Fatty acid biosynthesis, elongation, mitochondria 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00109 C21-Steroid hormone biosynthesis, progesterone => cortisol/cortisone 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00013 Malonate semialdehyde pathway, propanoyl-CoA => acetyl-CoA 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 M00013 Malonate semialdehyde pathway, propanoyl-CoA => acetyl-CoA 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 M00285 MCM complex 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00285 MCM complex 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 M00141 C1-unit interconversion, eukaryotes 0.999999999991666 -8.33441943560746e-12 6 0 0 24 7161 hsa04973 Carbohydrate digestion and absorption 0.999999999992009 -7.99061220307445e-12 44 0 0 24 7161 ko00071 Fatty acid degradation 0.999999999992009 -7.99061220307445e-12 44 0 0 24 7161 ko04973 Carbohydrate digestion and absorption 0.999999999992009 -7.99061220307445e-12 44 0 0 24 7161 ko00970 Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis 0.999999999992009 -7.99061220307445e-12 44 0 0 24 7161 hsa04962 Vasopressin-regulated water reabsorption 0.999999999992009 -7.99061220307445e-12 44 0 0 24 7161 hsa00970 Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis 0.999999999992009 -7.99061220307445e-12 44 0 0 24 7161 ko04962 Vasopressin-regulated water reabsorption 0.999999999992009 -7.99061220307445e-12 44 0 0 24 7161 hsa00071 Fatty acid degradation 0.999999999992009 -7.99061220307445e-12 44 0 0 24 7161 ko02010 ABC transporters 0.999999999992009 -7.99061220307445e-12 44 0 0 24 7161 hsa02010 ABC transporters 0.999999999992009 -7.99061220307445e-12 44 0 0 24 7161 ko05320 Autoimmune thyroid disease 0.999999999992743 -7.25738347432922e-12 52 0 0 24 7161 hsa05320 Autoimmune thyroid disease 0.999999999992743 -7.25738347432922e-12 52 0 0 24 7161 hsa00190 Oxidative phosphorylation 0.999999999993003 -6.99685825073608e-12 120 0 0 24 7161 ko00190 Oxidative phosphorylation 0.999999999993003 -6.99685825073608e-12 120 0 0 24 7161 hsa04392 Hippo signaling pathway -multiple species 0.999999999993058 -6.94205201889051e-12 29 0 0 24 7161 hsa05216 Thyroid cancer 0.999999999993058 -6.94205201889051e-12 29 0 0 24 7161 ko00760 Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism 0.999999999993058 -6.94205201889051e-12 29 0 0 24 7161 ko04392 Hippo signaling pathway -multiple species 0.999999999993058 -6.94205201889051e-12 29 0 0 24 7161 ko00591 Linoleic acid metabolism 0.999999999993058 -6.94205201889051e-12 29 0 0 24 7161 ko05216 Thyroid cancer 0.999999999993058 -6.94205201889051e-12 29 0 0 24 7161 hsa00760 Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism 0.999999999993058 -6.94205201889051e-12 29 0 0 24 7161 hsa00591 Linoleic acid metabolism 0.999999999993058 -6.94205201889051e-12 29 0 0 24 7161 hsa04142 Lysosome 0.999999999993401 -6.59922287475411e-12 123 0 0 24 7161 ko04142 Lysosome 0.999999999993401 -6.59922287475411e-12 123 0 0 24 7161 ko03010 Ribosome 0.999999999993509 -6.49130782872982e-12 134 0 0 24 7161 hsa03010 Ribosome 0.999999999993509 -6.49130782872982e-12 134 0 0 24 7161 hsa00983 Drug metabolism - other enzymes 0.999999999993652 -6.34755220733637e-12 46 0 0 24 7161 ko00983 Drug metabolism - other enzymes 0.999999999993652 -6.34755220733637e-12 46 0 0 24 7161 hsa01524 Platinum drug resistance 0.999999999993699 -6.30117324435325e-12 73 0 0 24 7161 ko01524 Platinum drug resistance 0.999999999993699 -6.30117324435325e-12 73 0 0 24 7161 ko00980 Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450 0.999999999993699 -6.30117324435325e-12 73 0 0 24 7161 hsa00980 Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450 0.999999999993699 -6.30117324435325e-12 73 0 0 24 7161 hsa05162 Measles 0.999999999994015 -5.98451340906787e-12 133 0 0 24 7161 ko05162 Measles 0.999999999994015 -5.98451340906787e-12 133 0 0 24 7161 M00143 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Fe-S protein/flavoprotein complex, mitochondria 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00143 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Fe-S protein/flavoprotein complex, mitochondria 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 M00098 Acylglycerol degradation 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 M00101 Cholesterol biosynthesis, squalene 2,3-epoxide => cholesterol 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00404 COPII complex 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 M00034 Methionine salvage pathway 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 ko00130 Ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 hsa00430 Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00034 Methionine salvage pathway 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00678 Hedgehog signaling 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 M00678 Hedgehog signaling 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 M00032 Lysine degradation, lysine => saccharopine => acetoacetyl-CoA 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00098 Acylglycerol degradation 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 hsa00130 Ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 ko00430 Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00032 Lysine degradation, lysine => saccharopine => acetoacetyl-CoA 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00101 Cholesterol biosynthesis, squalene 2,3-epoxide => cholesterol 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 M00404 COPII complex 0.999999999994592 -5.40788504667542e-12 11 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00014 Glucuronate pathway (uronate pathway) 0.999999999994769 -5.23065491418916e-12 27 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00056 O-glycan biosynthesis, mucin type core 0.999999999994769 -5.23065491418916e-12 27 0 0 24 7161 M00056 O-glycan biosynthesis, mucin type core 0.999999999994769 -5.23065491418916e-12 27 0 0 24 7161 hsa00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism 0.999999999994769 -5.23065491418916e-12 27 0 0 24 7161 ko00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism 0.999999999994769 -5.23065491418916e-12 27 0 0 24 7161 hsa04966 Collecting duct acid secretion 0.999999999994769 -5.23065491418916e-12 27 0 0 24 7161 ko04966 Collecting duct acid secretion 0.999999999994769 -5.23065491418916e-12 27 0 0 24 7161 M00014 Glucuronate pathway (uronate pathway) 0.999999999994769 -5.23065491418916e-12 27 0 0 24 7161 hsa04066 HIF-1 signaling pathway 0.9999999999948 -5.20033737873881e-12 101 0 0 24 7161 ko04974 Protein digestion and absorption 0.999999999995295 -4.70535075965075e-12 89 0 0 24 7161 hsa04974 Protein digestion and absorption 0.999999999995295 -4.70535075965075e-12 89 0 0 24 7161 hsa05323 Rheumatoid arthritis 0.999999999995295 -4.70535075965075e-12 89 0 0 24 7161 ko05323 Rheumatoid arthritis 0.999999999995295 -4.70535075965075e-12 89 0 0 24 7161 hsa05410 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) 0.999999999995626 -4.3741571535015e-12 83 0 0 24 7161 ko04146 Peroxisome 0.999999999995626 -4.3741571535015e-12 83 0 0 24 7161 ko05410 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) 0.999999999995626 -4.3741571535015e-12 83 0 0 24 7161 hsa04146 Peroxisome 0.999999999995626 -4.3741571535015e-12 83 0 0 24 7161 ko00140 Steroid hormone biosynthesis 0.999999999996217 -3.78252944131567e-12 58 0 0 24 7161 hsa05416 Viral myocarditis 0.999999999996217 -3.78252944131567e-12 58 0 0 24 7161 hsa00140 Steroid hormone biosynthesis 0.999999999996217 -3.78252944131567e-12 58 0 0 24 7161 hsa05223 Non-small cell lung cancer 0.999999999996217 -3.78252944131567e-12 58 0 0 24 7161 ko05223 Non-small cell lung cancer 0.999999999996217 -3.78252944131567e-12 58 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00182 RNA polymerase I, eukaryotes 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 M00002 Glycolysis, core module involving three-carbon compounds 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 M00412 ESCRT-III complex 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00290 Holo-TFIIH complex 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00002 Glycolysis, core module involving three-carbon compounds 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00104 Bile acid biosynthesis, cholesterol => cholate/chenodeoxycholate 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00388 ECS complex 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 M00094 Ceramide biosynthesis 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00094 Ceramide biosynthesis 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00412 ESCRT-III complex 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 M00290 Holo-TFIIH complex 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 M00052 Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis, UMP => UDP/UTP,CDP/CTP 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00087 beta-Oxidation 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 M00182 RNA polymerase I, eukaryotes 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 M00388 ECS complex 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00004 Pentose phosphate pathway (Pentose phosphate cycle) 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 M00087 beta-Oxidation 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 M00104 Bile acid biosynthesis, cholesterol => cholate/chenodeoxycholate 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 M00004 Pentose phosphate pathway (Pentose phosphate cycle) 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 hsa_M00052 Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis, UMP => UDP/UTP,CDP/CTP 0.999999999996374 -3.6259015607893e-12 12 0 0 24 7161 ko04145 Phagosome 0.99999999999781 -2.19005139404845e-12 152 0 0 24 7161 hsa04145 Phagosome 0.99999999999781 -2.19005139404845e-12 152 0 0 24 7161