TermID Term Enrichment logP Genes in Term Target Genes in Term Fraction of Targets in Term Total Target Genes Total Genes Entrez Gene IDs Gene Symbols GO:0003735 structural constituent of ribosome 3.11881092532832e-29 -65.637515881325 164 19 0.487179487179487 39 18094 6210,6229,6164,6159,6154,6191,6206,6147,6176,6171,6207,6208,6233,2197,6167,6189,6161,6137,6156 RPS15A,RPS24,RPL34,RPL29,RPL26,RPS4X,RPS12,RPL23A,RPLP1,RPL41,RPS13,RPS14,RPS27A,FAU,RPL37,RPS3A,RPL32,RPL13,RPL30 GO:0005198 structural molecule activity 8.18453554449435e-22 -48.5546255813726 793 23 0.58974358974359 39 18094 567,6167,6233,6208,7431,6207,6176,6147,6191,6206,6159,6164,6229,6156,6137,6161,6189,2197,6171,7122,6154,4256,6210 B2M,RPL37,RPS27A,RPS14,VIM,RPS13,RPLP1,RPL23A,RPS4X,RPS12,RPL29,RPL34,RPS24,RPL30,RPL13,RPL32,RPS3A,FAU,RPL41,CLDN5,RPL26,MGP,RPS15A GO:0003723 RNA binding 5.00137245457433e-12 -26.0213087502453 1976 22 0.564102564102564 39 18094 6191,6206,6147,6229,6164,6159,7431,6208,6233,6207,6167,7114,115207,1915,6154,6210,6171,6189,2197,6156,6161,6137 RPS4X,RPS12,RPL23A,RPS24,RPL34,RPL29,VIM,RPS14,RPS27A,RPS13,RPL37,TMSB4X,KCTD12,EEF1A1,RPL26,RPS15A,RPL41,RPS3A,FAU,RPL30,RPL32,RPL13 GO:0048027 mRNA 5'-UTR binding 1.47055832588525e-09 -20.3376236947393 24 5 0.128205128205128 39 18094 6189,6208,6154,6207,6171 RPS3A,RPS14,RPL26,RPS13,RPL41 GO:0003676 nucleic acid binding 2.36291463818498e-06 -12.9556146847518 4273 23 0.58974358974359 39 18094 6159,2122,6164,6229,6147,6206,6191,6207,6233,7431,6208,7114,6167,1915,115207,6210,6154,6171,2197,6189,6137,6161,6156 RPL29,MECOM,RPL34,RPS24,RPL23A,RPS12,RPS4X,RPS13,RPS27A,VIM,RPS14,TMSB4X,RPL37,EEF1A1,KCTD12,RPS15A,RPL26,RPL41,FAU,RPS3A,RPL13,RPL32,RPL30 GO:0019843 rRNA binding 1.13490525083018e-05 -11.3863762969662 65 4 0.102564102564103 39 18094 6167,6191,6147,6207 RPL37,RPS4X,RPL23A,RPS13 GO:0097159 organic cyclic compound binding 0.00017245459992972 -8.66537654494633 6285 25 0.641025641025641 39 18094 6137,6161,6156,2197,6189,6171,6210,388,6154,1915,115207,7114,6167,54622,6207,6233,6208,7431,6159,6164,6229,2122,6147,6206,6191 RPL13,RPL32,RPL30,FAU,RPS3A,RPL41,RPS15A,RHOB,RPL26,EEF1A1,KCTD12,TMSB4X,RPL37,ARL15,RPS13,RPS27A,RPS14,VIM,RPL29,RPL34,RPS24,MECOM,RPL23A,RPS12,RPS4X GO:0005515 protein binding 0.000532281896752459 -7.53833732784641 13983 38 0.974358974358974 39 18094 7431,6208,6233,6277,6176,6207,6191,6206,6147,2122,6229,6164,11034,6159,115207,5552,567,1915,9168,6167,54622,7114,1191,10410,6171,6154,7122,388,6210,4256,6156,6137,8404,6189,2040,3429,2,2197 VIM,RPS14,RPS27A,S100A6,RPLP1,RPS13,RPS4X,RPS12,RPL23A,MECOM,RPS24,RPL34,DSTN,RPL29,KCTD12,SRGN,B2M,EEF1A1,TMSB10,RPL37,ARL15,TMSB4X,CLU,IFITM3,RPL41,RPL26,CLDN5,RHOB,RPS15A,MGP,RPL30,RPL13,SPARCL1,RPS3A,STOM,IFI27,A2M,FAU GO:0003785 actin monomer binding 0.00165163579013079 -6.40598909421208 28 2 0.0512820512820513 39 18094 7114,9168 TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0008147 structural constituent of bone 0.00430629434446972 -5.44767752555554 2 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 4256 MGP GO:0019959 interleukin-8 binding 0.00645266039129291 -5.04326276944791 3 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0048403 brain-derived neurotrophic factor binding 0.00859451801367832 -4.75663071924407 4 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0019958 C-X-C chemokine binding 0.010731876432714 -4.53453686039541 5 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:1904841 TORC2 complex binding 0.010731876432714 -4.53453686039541 5 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6147 RPL23A GO:0003729 mRNA binding 0.0115394480052063 -4.46198385221726 639 5 0.128205128205128 39 18094 6154,6208,6189,6171,6207 RPL26,RPS14,RPS3A,RPL41,RPS13 GO:0048306 calcium-dependent protein binding 0.0125631362794438 -4.37698844533551 79 2 0.0512820512820513 39 18094 6277,2 S100A6,A2M GO:0048406 nerve growth factor binding 0.0128647448504545 -4.35326466628969 6 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:1990254 keratin filament binding 0.0128647448504545 -4.35326466628969 6 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 7431 VIM GO:0140948 histone H3K9 monomethyltransferase activity 0.0128647448504545 -4.35326466628969 6 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0140947 histone H3K9me2 methyltransferase activity 0.0149931324528902 -4.20016301919303 7 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0043120 tumor necrosis factor binding 0.0149931324528902 -4.20016301919303 7 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0070181 small ribosomal subunit rRNA binding 0.0171170484061216 -4.06768032931668 8 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6207 RPS13 GO:1990948 ubiquitin ligase inhibitor activity 0.0171170484061216 -4.06768032931668 8 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6167 RPL37 GO:0043121 neurotrophin binding 0.0213515019353513 -3.84663319352181 10 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0019966 interleukin-1 binding 0.0213515019353513 -3.84663319352181 10 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0005488 binding 0.0226962169794517 -3.78555702127051 16422 39 1 39 18094 1191,7114,6167,54622,9168,1915,567,5552,115207,11034,6159,2122,6164,6229,6147,6191,6206,6207,6176,6277,6233,7431,6208,2197,2,3429,6189,2040,6137,8404,6161,6156,4256,6210,388,6154,7122,6171,10410 CLU,TMSB4X,RPL37,ARL15,TMSB10,EEF1A1,B2M,SRGN,KCTD12,DSTN,RPL29,MECOM,RPL34,RPS24,RPL23A,RPS4X,RPS12,RPS13,RPLP1,S100A6,RPS27A,VIM,RPS14,FAU,A2M,IFI27,RPS3A,STOM,RPL13,SPARCL1,RPL32,RPL30,MGP,RPS15A,RHOB,RPL26,CLDN5,RPL41,IFITM3 GO:0097371 MDM2/MDM4 family protein binding 0.023462057754467 -3.75237072628426 11 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6167 RPL37 GO:0055105 ubiquitin-protein transferase inhibitor activity 0.023462057754467 -3.75237072628426 11 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6167 RPL37 GO:0019215 intermediate filament binding 0.023462057754467 -3.75237072628426 11 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 7431 VIM GO:0031386 protein tag activity 0.0276698729665846 -3.58741107620994 13 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6233 RPS27A GO:0046974 histone H3K9 methyltransferase activity 0.0276698729665846 -3.58741107620994 13 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0141047 molecular tag activity 0.0276698729665846 -3.58741107620994 13 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6233 RPS27A GO:0044548 S100 protein binding 0.029767150493072 -3.5143498259333 14 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6277 S100A6 GO:0005523 tropomyosin binding 0.0318600200239211 -3.44640334600322 15 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6277 S100A6 GO:0003924 GTPase activity 0.0328518600101643 -3.41574691434046 326 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 54622,388,1915 ARL15,RHOB,EEF1A1 GO:0005521 lamin binding 0.0339484905816538 -3.38291088600546 16 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 3429 IFI27 GO:0051787 misfolded protein binding 0.0339484905816538 -3.38291088600546 16 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1191 CLU GO:0045296 cadherin binding 0.0351911950261699 -3.34695936897063 335 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 6147,6164,6159 RPL23A,RPL34,RPL29 GO:0003746 translation elongation factor activity 0.0401875983596726 -3.21419682946823 19 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1915 EEF1A1 GO:0005525 GTP binding 0.0463019826916393 -3.07257049609322 374 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 54622,388,1915 ARL15,RHOB,EEF1A1 GO:0005212 structural constituent of eye lens 0.0484453672539798 -3.02731856433006 23 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 7431 VIM GO:0050750 low-density lipoprotein particle receptor binding 0.0504989686449912 -2.98580236578083 24 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1191 CLU GO:0032561 guanyl ribonucleotide binding 0.053253910040046 -2.93268404910622 396 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 54622,388,1915 ARL15,RHOB,EEF1A1 GO:0019001 guanyl nucleotide binding 0.053253910040046 -2.93268404910622 396 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 388,54622,1915 RHOB,ARL15,EEF1A1 GO:0023026 MHC class II protein complex binding 0.056633896643373 -2.87114759240547 27 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 567 B2M GO:0008092 cytoskeletal protein binding 0.0597341138053104 -2.81785200125766 989 5 0.128205128205128 39 18094 7114,6277,11034,1191,9168 TMSB4X,S100A6,DSTN,CLU,TMSB10 GO:0140311 protein sequestering activity 0.0607023733896906 -2.80177248135669 29 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 7114 TMSB4X GO:0070325 lipoprotein particle receptor binding 0.0607023733896906 -2.80177248135669 29 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1191 CLU GO:0055106 ubiquitin-protein transferase regulator activity 0.0607023733896906 -2.80177248135669 29 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6167 RPL37 GO:0003779 actin binding 0.0663818521922019 -2.71233157021424 434 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 7114,9168,11034 TMSB4X,TMSB10,DSTN GO:0042802 identical protein binding 0.0665244612101026 -2.71018556121014 2043 8 0.205128205128205 39 18094 2,3429,2040,7122,6277,567,115207,7431 A2M,IFI27,STOM,CLDN5,S100A6,B2M,KCTD12,VIM GO:0031369 translation initiation factor binding 0.0667730512530745 -2.70645570419221 32 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6229 RPS24 GO:0019956 chemokine binding 0.0687881022417879 -2.67672448152955 33 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0017111 ribonucleoside triphosphate phosphatase activity 0.0727047047924544 -2.62134918137216 736 4 0.102564102564103 39 18094 1191,1915,388,54622 CLU,EEF1A1,RHOB,ARL15 GO:0140597 protein carrier chaperone 0.0728054940218826 -2.61996385929346 35 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1191 CLU GO:0042605 peptide antigen binding 0.0768059966897279 -2.56647255997924 37 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 567 B2M GO:0023023 MHC protein complex binding 0.0768059966897279 -2.56647255997924 37 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 567 B2M GO:0008200 ion channel inhibitor activity 0.078799936226432 -2.54084309142787 38 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2040 STOM GO:0016248 channel inhibitor activity 0.0807896793816116 -2.51590605203891 39 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2040 STOM GO:0141110 transporter inhibitor activity 0.0807896793816116 -2.51590605203891 39 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2040 STOM GO:0048156 tau protein binding 0.0887068600321481 -2.42241805294862 43 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1191 CLU GO:0140938 histone H3 methyltransferase activity 0.0887068600321481 -2.42241805294862 43 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0016462 pyrophosphatase activity 0.0912293019056293 -2.39437914068046 797 4 0.102564102564103 39 18094 388,54622,1191,1915 RHOB,ARL15,CLU,EEF1A1 GO:0016817 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides 0.0915506957923891 -2.39086240775517 798 4 0.102564102564103 39 18094 1191,1915,388,54622 CLU,EEF1A1,RHOB,ARL15 GO:0016818 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, in phosphorus-containing anhydrides 0.0915506957923891 -2.39086240775517 798 4 0.102564102564103 39 18094 54622,388,1915,1191 ARL15,RHOB,EEF1A1,CLU GO:0140678 molecular function inhibitor activity 0.0983350901220982 -2.31937434582156 514 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 6167,2040,2 RPL37,STOM,A2M GO:0140313 molecular sequestering activity 0.100458193936308 -2.29801361876025 49 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 7114 TMSB4X GO:0042277 peptide binding 0.106479540959948 -2.23980241594939 258 2 0.0512820512820513 39 18094 1191,567 CLU,B2M GO:0070063 RNA polymerase binding 0.117808824147524 -2.13869210269639 58 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2040 STOM GO:0050839 cell adhesion molecule binding 0.119087301131456 -2.12789843188697 560 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 6147,6159,6164 RPL23A,RPL29,RPL34 GO:0050840 extracellular matrix binding 0.129194292853491 -2.04643786156989 64 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 8404 SPARCL1 GO:0016279 protein-lysine N-methyltransferase activity 0.129194292853491 -2.04643786156989 64 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0016278 lysine N-methyltransferase activity 0.13107789920902 -2.03196348206497 65 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0005518 collagen binding 0.136704930216392 -1.98993046994508 68 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 8404 SPARCL1 GO:0031625 ubiquitin protein ligase binding 0.138527528548192 -1.9766862110245 303 2 0.0512820512820513 39 18094 6233,1191 RPS27A,CLU GO:0097110 scaffold protein binding 0.140436542113757 -1.96299954978966 70 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 7431 VIM GO:0003823 antigen binding 0.140436542113757 -1.96299954978966 70 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 567 B2M GO:0042054 histone methyltransferase activity 0.140436542113757 -1.96299954978966 70 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0003725 double-stranded RNA binding 0.147852675992728 -1.91153893347153 74 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 7431 VIM GO:0019003 GDP binding 0.149696946010013 -1.89914238849937 75 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 388 RHOB GO:0044389 ubiquitin-like protein ligase binding 0.152644678959591 -1.87964241819071 322 2 0.0512820512820513 39 18094 6233,1191 RPS27A,CLU GO:0000049 tRNA binding 0.158860115275562 -1.83973124213495 80 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1915 EEF1A1 GO:0008135 translation factor activity, RNA binding 0.164311758267414 -1.80598969066022 83 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1915 EEF1A1 GO:0001540 amyloid-beta binding 0.175111956375241 -1.74232975889621 89 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1191 CLU GO:0044877 protein-containing complex binding 0.177722436208827 -1.72753229287859 1772 6 0.153846153846154 39 18094 567,6147,6176,8404,1191,11034 B2M,RPL23A,RPLP1,SPARCL1,CLU,DSTN GO:0005509 calcium ion binding 0.181451730220622 -1.70676560984567 683 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 6277,4256,8404 S100A6,MGP,SPARCL1 GO:0140104 molecular carrier activity 0.187540359368005 -1.67376120677193 96 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1191 CLU GO:0008276 protein methyltransferase activity 0.1893008841969 -1.66441754990138 97 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0008170 N-methyltransferase activity 0.191057691755351 -1.65517984546861 98 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0004867 serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity 0.192810789668962 -1.64604593535828 99 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0042803 protein homodimerization activity 0.198430123816884 -1.61731826190248 714 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 567,2040,6277 B2M,STOM,S100A6 GO:0090079 translation regulator activity, nucleic acid binding 0.204979243914754 -1.5848465541661 106 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1915 EEF1A1 GO:0004857 enzyme inhibitor activity 0.205151848744643 -1.5840048484619 390 2 0.0512820512820513 39 18094 6167,2 RPL37,A2M GO:0005200 structural constituent of cytoskeleton 0.211852201018485 -1.5518664124498 110 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 7431 VIM GO:0051082 unfolded protein binding 0.222053211439822 -1.50483823466083 116 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1191 CLU GO:0045182 translation regulator activity 0.235364098431302 -1.44662160882336 428 2 0.0512820512820513 39 18094 1915,6208 EEF1A1,RPS14 GO:0030295 protein kinase activator activity 0.248631045002325 -1.39178522836873 132 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6176 RPLP1 GO:0051087 protein-folding chaperone binding 0.250262455157064 -1.38524509116794 133 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1191 CLU GO:0019838 growth factor binding 0.255136004660665 -1.36595852439468 136 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0002020 protease binding 0.258367874443667 -1.35337083971108 138 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0019209 kinase activator activity 0.261586079591464 -1.34099187338579 140 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6176 RPLP1 GO:0099106 ion channel regulator activity 0.261586079591464 -1.34099187338579 140 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2040 STOM GO:0016247 channel regulator activity 0.269572178359718 -1.31091910126417 145 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2040 STOM GO:0141108 transporter regulator activity 0.271159268722364 -1.30504892327224 146 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2040 STOM GO:0019955 cytokine binding 0.271159268722364 -1.30504892327224 146 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0019899 enzyme binding 0.290629423551834 -1.23570628193284 2086 6 0.153846153846154 39 18094 1915,2,1191,2040,6233,7114 EEF1A1,A2M,CLU,STOM,RPS27A,TMSB4X GO:0008757 S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase activity 0.299158955029535 -1.2067802246801 164 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0005201 extracellular matrix structural constituent 0.300683372252219 -1.20169748731665 165 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 4256 MGP GO:0004866 endopeptidase inhibitor activity 0.302204558511389 -1.19665114483838 166 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0043021 ribonucleoprotein complex binding 0.308257127148996 -1.17682101587814 170 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6176 RPLP1 GO:0030414 peptidase inhibitor activity 0.312762953949354 -1.16230971099055 173 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0008201 heparin binding 0.314258531461624 -1.15753928323551 174 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6159 RPL29 GO:0061135 endopeptidase regulator activity 0.330502004334019 -1.10714255515805 185 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0008168 methyltransferase activity 0.361872003199779 -1.01646471200239 207 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0051015 actin filament binding 0.367419672487874 -1.00125056248525 211 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 11034 DSTN GO:0140993 histone modifying activity 0.371549557223215 -0.990073026081118 214 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0016741 transferase activity, transferring one-carbon groups 0.377015225233856 -0.975469707113896 218 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0061134 peptidase regulator activity 0.394460678405209 -0.930235818175554 231 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2 A2M GO:0019887 protein kinase regulator activity 0.399732083121183 -0.916960748482203 235 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6176 RPLP1 GO:0005539 glycosaminoglycan binding 0.410141094523616 -0.891254045499529 243 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6159 RPL29 GO:0046983 protein dimerization activity 0.410501661399027 -0.890375302840775 1074 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 6277,2040,567 S100A6,STOM,B2M GO:0033218 amide binding 0.424166786638049 -0.857628536385414 254 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1191 CLU GO:0003730 mRNA 3'-UTR binding 0.427935232299709 -0.848783421253885 257 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6171 RPL41 GO:1901681 sulfur compound binding 0.445205936404827 -0.809218325427 271 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6159 RPL29 GO:0019207 kinase regulator activity 0.44641992778764 -0.806495227810077 272 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6176 RPLP1 GO:0060090 molecular adaptor activity 0.447938023161818 -0.803100397293829 1138 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 1915,3429,7431 EEF1A1,IFI27,VIM GO:0061629 RNA polymerase II-specific DNA-binding transcription factor binding 0.525263866774068 -0.64385453927411 342 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 3429 IFI27 GO:0030234 enzyme regulator activity 0.541029861678078 -0.614280804472129 1305 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 6167,6176,2 RPL37,RPLP1,A2M GO:0016887 ATP hydrolysis activity 0.595812217739264 -0.517829732469329 415 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1191 CLU GO:0001228 DNA-binding transcription activator activity, RNA polymerase II-specific 0.643691027444516 -0.440536439053626 472 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0140297 DNA-binding transcription factor binding 0.646835088792651 -0.435663902916624 476 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 3429 IFI27 GO:0001216 DNA-binding transcription activator activity 0.648396966052696 -0.433252168260656 478 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0098772 molecular function regulator activity 0.670158294959489 -0.400241333368826 2079 4 0.102564102564103 39 18094 2,6176,2040,6167 A2M,RPLP1,STOM,RPL37 GO:0140657 ATP-dependent activity 0.716580487479006 -0.333264703788446 575 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1191 CLU GO:0008134 transcription factor binding 0.730750812202599 -0.313682763527015 598 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 3429 IFI27 GO:0008047 enzyme activator activity 0.731350990412123 -0.312861783425409 599 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6176 RPLP1 GO:0097367 carbohydrate derivative binding 0.73209839095147 -0.311840360185432 2251 4 0.102564102564103 39 18094 6159,1915,388,54622 RPL29,EEF1A1,RHOB,ARL15 GO:0035639 purine ribonucleoside triphosphate binding 0.760626229166123 -0.273613199246748 1804 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 388,54622,1915 RHOB,ARL15,EEF1A1 GO:0019904 protein domain specific binding 0.760826834562001 -0.273349496866672 651 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 7431 VIM GO:0032555 purine ribonucleotide binding 0.782793871738555 -0.244885872133482 1871 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 1915,54622,388 EEF1A1,ARL15,RHOB GO:0019901 protein kinase binding 0.786184755127617 -0.240563456760325 701 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1915 EEF1A1 GO:0016787 hydrolase activity 0.787087424011651 -0.23941595158601 2429 4 0.102564102564103 39 18094 54622,388,1915,1191 ARL15,RHOB,EEF1A1,CLU GO:0032553 ribonucleotide binding 0.788154343177029 -0.238061341327764 1888 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 54622,388,1915 ARL15,RHOB,EEF1A1 GO:0015075 monoatomic ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.809345576528273 -0.211529288079175 752 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6277 S100A6 GO:0017076 purine nucleotide binding 0.810849290711361 -0.209673073564179 1964 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 388,54622,1915 RHOB,ARL15,EEF1A1 GO:0019900 kinase binding 0.821002134528903 -0.197229569619687 780 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 1915 EEF1A1 GO:0008270 zinc ion binding 0.84226921744791 -0.171655580158018 836 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6277 S100A6 GO:0005102 signaling receptor binding 0.843508950812321 -0.170184765538105 1493 2 0.0512820512820513 39 18094 2,1191 A2M,CLU GO:0000166 nucleotide binding 0.853143746940169 -0.158827226414884 2128 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 54622,388,1915 ARL15,RHOB,EEF1A1 GO:1901265 nucleoside phosphate binding 0.853375293887855 -0.158555858860737 2129 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 1915,388,54622 EEF1A1,RHOB,ARL15 GO:1901363 heterocyclic compound binding 0.881752733222998 -0.125843610099872 2263 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 1915,54622,388 EEF1A1,ARL15,RHOB GO:0043168 anion binding 0.907669486825771 -0.0968749679385986 2412 3 0.0769230769230769 39 18094 1915,388,54622 EEF1A1,RHOB,ARL15 GO:0046914 transition metal ion binding 0.915171271350872 -0.0886440494187125 1108 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6277 S100A6 GO:0022857 transmembrane transporter activity 0.915560370556665 -0.0882189743255151 1110 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6277 S100A6 GO:0140677 molecular function activator activity 0.919727324809777 -0.083678038946414 1132 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6176 RPLP1 GO:0046872 metal ion binding 0.921668977644163 -0.0815691463072668 4239 6 0.153846153846154 39 18094 2122,6277,4256,8404,6167,6233 MECOM,S100A6,MGP,SPARCL1,RPL37,RPS27A GO:0000978 RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding 0.928135362221918 -0.0745776923698494 1180 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0000987 cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding 0.931853793532304 -0.0705793504949198 1203 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0043169 cation binding 0.932596122843904 -0.0697830519788747 4341 6 0.153846153846154 39 18094 6277,8404,6233,2122,4256,6167 S100A6,SPARCL1,RPS27A,MECOM,MGP,RPL37 GO:0005215 transporter activity 0.933102678955328 -0.0692400317192449 1211 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 6277 S100A6 GO:0043167 ion binding 0.938991643917111 -0.0629486987302841 6007 9 0.230769230769231 39 18094 8404,1915,6277,6233,4256,2122,388,54622,6167 SPARCL1,EEF1A1,S100A6,RPS27A,MGP,MECOM,RHOB,ARL15,RPL37 GO:0000981 DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific 0.952119335997453 -0.0490648991082932 1355 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0036094 small molecule binding 0.953636873000281 -0.0474723162622722 6197 9 0.230769230769231 39 18094 54622,6167,388,2122,4256,6233,6277,1915,8404 ARL15,RPL37,RHOB,MECOM,MGP,RPS27A,S100A6,EEF1A1,SPARCL1 GO:0000977 RNA polymerase II transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding 0.955358104133765 -0.0456690306376041 1385 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0003700 DNA-binding transcription factor activity 0.960842346205727 -0.0399449352848757 1441 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0000976 transcription cis-regulatory region binding 0.964685382394449 -0.0359532594088209 1485 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0001067 transcription regulatory region nucleic acid binding 0.964851038911831 -0.035781553380409 1487 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:1990837 sequence-specific double-stranded DNA binding 0.969483319837725 -0.0309920093595303 1547 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0003690 double-stranded DNA binding 0.975685127252988 -0.0246153601401064 1643 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0043565 sequence-specific DNA binding 0.976199142955093 -0.0240886734693511 1652 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0140110 transcription regulator activity 0.987975031009906 -0.0120978538107978 1937 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0016740 transferase activity 0.99460131505245 -0.0054133105100847 2265 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0140096 catalytic activity, acting on a protein 0.995193143275096 -0.00481844681688132 2312 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0003677 DNA binding 0.996882137489288 -0.00312273317069682 2486 1 0.0256410256410256 39 18094 2122 MECOM GO:0003824 catalytic activity 0.997560163859363 -0.00244281739099621 5569 5 0.128205128205128 39 18094 54622,388,2122,1915,1191 ARL15,RHOB,MECOM,EEF1A1,CLU GO:0016638 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH2 group of donors 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010314 phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate binding 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046624 sphingolipid transporter activity 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141147 intracellularly calcium-gated channel activity 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031418 L-ascorbic acid binding 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061608 nuclear import signal receptor activity 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001614 purinergic nucleotide receptor activity 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120227 acyl-CoA binding 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046527 glucosyltransferase activity 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016408 C-acyltransferase activity 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904047 S-adenosyl-L-methionine binding 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043027 cysteine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity involved in apoptotic process 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005229 intracellularly calcium-gated chloride channel activity 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015174 basic amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051428 peptide hormone receptor binding 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016502 nucleotide receptor activity 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000979 RNA polymerase II core promoter sequence-specific DNA binding 0.999999999954446 -4.55538073643005e-11 20 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008083 growth factor activity 0.999999999957941 -4.20590731161321e-11 162 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008172 S-methyltransferase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140996 histone H3 kinase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031731 CCR6 chemokine receptor binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008432 JUN kinase binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901612 cardiolipin binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016889 DNA endonuclease activity, producing 3'-phosphomonoesters 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004954 prostanoid receptor activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990459 transferrin receptor binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048407 platelet-derived growth factor binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001851 complement component C3b binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016813 hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds, in linear amidines 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043522 leucine zipper domain binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102545 phosphatidyl phospholipase B activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051880 G-quadruplex DNA binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052629 phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate 3-phosphatase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016670 oxidoreductase activity, acting on a sulfur group of donors, oxygen as acceptor 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015217 ADP transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008046 axon guidance receptor activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008271 secondary active sulfate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043996 histone H4K8 acetyltransferase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047676 arachidonate-CoA ligase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048185 activin binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008503 benzodiazepine receptor activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000014 single-stranded DNA endodeoxyribonuclease activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016868 intramolecular phosphotransferase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0180030 inositol phosphate kinase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004143 ATP-dependent diacylglycerol kinase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016594 glycine binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042608 T cell receptor binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032404 mismatch repair complex binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001161 intronic transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015205 nucleobase transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099508 voltage-gated monoatomic ion channel activity involved in regulation of presynaptic membrane potential 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019911 structural constituent of myelin sheath 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043995 histone H4K5 acetyltransferase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034056 estrogen response element binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005114 type II transforming growth factor beta receptor binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015165 pyrimidine nucleotide-sugar transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052739 phosphatidylserine 1-acylhydrolase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005247 voltage-gated chloride channel activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004706 JUN kinase kinase kinase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050815 phosphoserine residue binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005536 glucose binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003796 lysozyme activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035251 UDP-glucosyltransferase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140666 annealing activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004875 complement receptor activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019864 IgG binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036312 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032050 clathrin heavy chain binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051400 BH domain binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050998 nitric-oxide synthase binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051378 serotonin binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034713 type I transforming growth factor beta receptor binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004300 enoyl-CoA hydratase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016423 tRNA (guanine) methyltransferase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004983 neuropeptide Y receptor activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002162 dystroglycan binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043855 cyclic nucleotide-activated monoatomic ion channel activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019107 myristoyltransferase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:1900750 oligopeptide binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016857 racemase and epimerase activity, acting on carbohydrates and derivatives 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010853 cyclase activator activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005221 intracellularly cyclic nucleotide-activated monoatomic cation channel activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000099 sulfur amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033130 acetylcholine receptor binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001055 RNA polymerase II activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042285 xylosyltransferase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016783 sulfurtransferase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070513 death domain binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032794 GTPase activating protein binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030283 testosterone dehydrogenase [NAD(P)] activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016725 oxidoreductase activity, acting on CH or CH2 groups 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097677 STAT family protein binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035252 UDP-xylosyltransferase activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035673 oligopeptide transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032356 oxidized DNA binding 0.999999999960321 -3.96788585937401e-11 11 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004714 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity 0.999999999961127 -3.887278786311e-11 62 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016765 transferase activity, transferring alkyl or aryl (other than methyl) groups 0.999999999961127 -3.887278786311e-11 62 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016796 exonuclease activity, active with either ribo- or deoxyribonucleic acids and producing 5'-phosphomonoesters 0.999999999961127 -3.887278786311e-11 62 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140097 catalytic activity, acting on DNA 0.999999999961444 -3.85559536587795e-11 246 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003712 transcription coregulator activity 0.999999999962374 -3.76256640889956e-11 501 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030332 cyclin binding 0.999999999964303 -3.56967343547636e-11 34 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043015 gamma-tubulin binding 0.999999999964303 -3.56967343547636e-11 34 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042887 amide transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999964303 -3.56967343547636e-11 34 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016831 carboxy-lyase activity 0.999999999964303 -3.56967343547636e-11 34 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008137 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity 0.999999999964303 -3.56967343547636e-11 34 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015035 protein-disulfide reductase activity 0.999999999964303 -3.56967343547636e-11 34 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038187 pattern recognition receptor activity 0.999999999964303 -3.56967343547636e-11 34 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140662 ATP-dependent protein folding chaperone 0.999999999964303 -3.56967343547636e-11 34 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022829 wide pore channel activity 0.999999999964303 -3.56967343547636e-11 34 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042287 MHC protein binding 0.999999999964303 -3.56967343547636e-11 34 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008376 acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity 0.999999999964303 -3.56967343547636e-11 34 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004672 protein kinase activity 0.999999999964427 -3.55729905555108e-11 577 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051219 phosphoprotein binding 0.999999999964487 -3.55126115827338e-11 93 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051213 dioxygenase activity 0.999999999964487 -3.55126115827338e-11 93 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019888 protein phosphatase regulator activity 0.999999999964487 -3.55126115827338e-11 93 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045309 protein phosphorylated amino acid binding 0.999999999967085 -3.29152873236514e-11 60 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016706 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase activity 0.999999999967085 -3.29152873236514e-11 60 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003678 DNA helicase activity 0.999999999967085 -3.29152873236514e-11 60 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019905 syntaxin binding 0.999999999967085 -3.29152873236514e-11 60 0 0 39 18094 GO:0020037 heme binding 0.999999999967395 -3.26046149034536e-11 140 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990782 protein tyrosine kinase binding 0.999999999969068 -3.0931959999219e-11 125 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008528 G protein-coupled peptide receptor activity 0.999999999969068 -3.0931959999219e-11 125 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004984 olfactory receptor activity 0.999999999969109 -3.08914030876191e-11 380 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005506 iron ion binding 0.99999999996963 -3.03704875484321e-11 152 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070851 growth factor receptor binding 0.999999999969982 -3.00178614467405e-11 138 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016853 isomerase activity 0.999999999971005 -2.89953064855976e-11 175 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008509 monoatomic anion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999971183 -2.88164775197306e-11 142 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016779 nucleotidyltransferase activity 0.999999999971183 -2.88164775197306e-11 142 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004713 protein tyrosine kinase activity 0.999999999971183 -2.88164775197306e-11 142 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019903 protein phosphatase binding 0.999999999971183 -2.88164775197306e-11 142 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003714 transcription corepressor activity 0.999999999972416 -2.7584357823133e-11 198 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016209 antioxidant activity 0.999999999973085 -2.69145444848768e-11 85 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005125 cytokine activity 0.999999999973407 -2.65926603221285e-11 238 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072341 modified amino acid binding 0.999999999973412 -2.65881079343978e-11 102 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031491 nucleosome binding 0.999999999974171 -2.58293068064574e-11 95 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042056 chemoattractant activity 0.99999999997642 -2.3580208048246e-11 41 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140693 molecular condensate scaffold activity 0.99999999997642 -2.3580208048246e-11 41 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001530 lipopolysaccharide binding 0.99999999997642 -2.3580208048246e-11 41 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035198 miRNA binding 0.99999999997642 -2.3580208048246e-11 41 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016875 ligase activity, forming carbon-oxygen bonds 0.99999999997642 -2.3580208048246e-11 41 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004812 aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity 0.99999999997642 -2.3580208048246e-11 41 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016877 ligase activity, forming carbon-sulfur bonds 0.99999999997642 -2.3580208048246e-11 41 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001727 lipid kinase activity 0.99999999997642 -2.3580208048246e-11 41 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015144 carbohydrate transmembrane transporter activity 0.99999999997642 -2.3580208048246e-11 41 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016620 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor 0.99999999997642 -2.3580208048246e-11 41 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048487 beta-tubulin binding 0.99999999997642 -2.3580208048246e-11 41 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022836 gated channel activity 0.99999999997677 -2.32299749620478e-11 320 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019842 vitamin binding 0.999999999977243 -2.27566808259926e-11 149 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034483 heparan sulfate sulfotransferase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061783 peptidoglycan muralytic activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051371 muscle alpha-actinin binding 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000774 adenyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005005 transmembrane-ephrin receptor activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106018 phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate phosphatase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010484 histone H3 acetyltransferase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015562 efflux transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005545 1-phosphatidylinositol binding 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140776 protein-containing complex destabilizing activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140161 monocarboxylate:sodium symporter activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017128 phospholipid scramblase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031005 filamin binding 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070402 NADPH binding 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048531 beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042809 nuclear vitamin D receptor binding 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015556 C4-dicarboxylate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016846 carbon-sulfur lyase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043138 3'-5' DNA helicase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901611 phosphatidylglycerol binding 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015929 hexosaminidase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086008 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005041 low-density lipoprotein particle receptor activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043176 amine binding 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043023 ribosomal large subunit binding 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004467 long-chain fatty acid-CoA ligase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032393 MHC class I receptor activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004953 icosanoid receptor activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015926 glucosidase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061575 cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activator activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042043 neurexin family protein binding 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016812 hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds, in cyclic amides 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047372 acylglycerol lipase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016208 AMP binding 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097027 ubiquitin-protein transferase activator activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015923 mannosidase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048038 quinone binding 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010181 FMN binding 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004029 aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046935 1-phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase regulator activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061578 K63-linked deubiquitinase activity 0.999999999978219 -2.17811807145286e-11 15 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000702 oxidized base lesion DNA N-glycosylase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030151 molybdenum ion binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051431 corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 2 binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052735 tRNA (cytidine-3-)-methyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090722 receptor-receptor interaction 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000700 mismatch base pair DNA N-glycosylase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001602 pancreatic polypeptide receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004897 ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004735 pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033743 peptide-methionine (R)-S-oxide reductase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043532 angiostatin binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015208 guanine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035379 carbon dioxide transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090434 oleoyl-CoA ligase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008745 N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043530 adenosine 5'-monophosphoramidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051731 polynucleotide 5'-hydroxyl-kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033283 ATPase-coupled organic acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004826 phenylalanine-tRNA ligase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070643 vitamin D 25-hydroxylase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003986 acetyl-CoA hydrolase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015152 glucose-6-phosphate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050294 steroid sulfotransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070053 thrombospondin receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004689 phosphorylase kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097003 adipokinetic hormone receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003831 beta-N-acetylglucosaminylglycopeptide beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019834 phospholipase A2 inhibitor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015606 spermidine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005415 nucleoside:sodium symporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004095 carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005237 inhibitory extracellular ligand-gated monoatomic ion channel activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036033 mediator complex binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140721 nuclease inhibitor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015154 disaccharide transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016933 extracellularly glycine-gated ion channel activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035877 death effector domain binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050510 N-acetylgalactosaminyl-proteoglycan 3-beta-glucuronosyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030060 L-malate dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140768 protein ADP-ribosyltransferase-substrate adaptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036384 CDP phosphatase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034617 tetrahydrobiopterin binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106262 1-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine O-acyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050694 galactose 3-O-sulfotransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052723 inositol hexakisphosphate 1-kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102158 very-long-chain (3R)-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031705 bombesin receptor binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015199 amino-acid betaine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016286 small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015440 ABC-type peptide transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106413 RNA dihydrouridine synthase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036042 long-chain fatty acyl-CoA binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003696 satellite DNA binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050501 hyaluronan synthase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052595 aliphatic amine oxidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004305 ethanolamine kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097644 calcitonin family binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004966 galanin receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004359 glutaminase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097016 L27 domain binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015526 hexose-phosphate:phosphate antiporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072320 volume-sensitive chloride channel activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004769 steroid delta-isomerase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004663 Rab geranylgeranyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005219 ryanodine-sensitive calcium-release channel activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017089 glycolipid transfer activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035575 histone H4K20 demethylase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052796 exo-alpha-(2->8)-sialidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003955 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046538 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-dependent phosphoglycerate mutase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004634 phosphopyruvate hydratase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031013 troponin I binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003873 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033285 ATPase-coupled monocarboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004348 glucosylceramidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030533 triplet codon-amino acid adaptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061663 NEDD8 ligase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001515 opioid peptide activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031781 type 3 melanocortin receptor binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050218 propionate-CoA ligase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047756 chondroitin 4-sulfotransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035529 NADH pyrophosphatase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001635 calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097506 deaminated base DNA N-glycosylase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102420 sn-1-glycerol-3-phosphate C16:0-DCA-CoA acyl transferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050483 IMP 5'-nucleotidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015391 nucleobase:monoatomic cation symporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140911 pore-forming activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003960 NADPH:quinone reductase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004939 beta-adrenergic receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016503 pheromone receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140807 NAD+-protein-glutamate ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016649 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH group of donors, quinone or similar compound as acceptor 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106017 phosphatidylinositol-3,4-bisphosphate phosphatase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070404 NADH binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140575 transmembrane monodehydroascorbate reductase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004849 uridine kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099626 voltage-gated calcium channel activity involved in regulation of presynaptic cytosolic calcium levels 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005534 galactose binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004945 angiotensin type II receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008506 sucrose:proton symporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140941 histone H4K20me methyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034189 very-low-density lipoprotein particle binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030284 nuclear estrogen receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008515 sucrose transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004844 uracil DNA N-glycosylase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990269 RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain phosphoserine binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031782 type 4 melanocortin receptor binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990003 IDP phosphatase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046978 TAP1 binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004165 delta(3)-delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016212 kynurenine-oxoglutarate transaminase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004982 N-formyl peptide receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016415 octanoyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016434 rRNA (cytosine) methyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031955 short-chain fatty acid-CoA ligase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051430 corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004488 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004486 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048408 epidermal growth factor binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034246 mitochondrial transcription factor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015389 pyrimidine- and adenosine-specific:sodium symporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015182 L-asparagine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052795 exo-alpha-(2->6)-sialidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140936 histone H2B deubiquitinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008431 vitamin E binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106006 cytoskeletal protein-membrane anchor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001730 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016997 alpha-sialidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016662 oxidoreductase activity, acting on other nitrogenous compounds as donors, cytochrome as acceptor 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046404 ATP-dependent polydeoxyribonucleotide 5'-hydroxyl-kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000026 alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106140 P-TEFb complex binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099530 G protein-coupled receptor activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034191 apolipoprotein A-I receptor binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030622 U4atac snRNA binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030116 glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor receptor binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051734 ATP-dependent polynucleotide 5'-hydroxyl-kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004308 exo-alpha-sialidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005119 smoothened binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004145 diamine N-acetyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140262 mRNA cap binding complex binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015184 L-cystine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016623 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, oxygen as acceptor 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003987 acetate-CoA ligase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062186 anandamide epoxidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004470 malic enzyme activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098879 structural constituent of postsynaptic specialization 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001734 mRNA m(6)A methyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030229 very-low-density lipoprotein particle receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034711 inhibin binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010698 acetyltransferase activator activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033695 oxidoreductase activity, acting on CH or CH2 groups, quinone or similar compound as acceptor 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032422 purine-rich negative regulatory element binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035368 selenocysteine insertion sequence binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003886 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017129 triglyceride binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071208 histone pre-mRNA DCP binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140585 promoter-enhancer loop anchoring activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015016 [heparan sulfate]-glucosamine N-sulfotransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044547 DNA topoisomerase binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030160 synaptic receptor adaptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001042 RNA polymerase I core binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035804 structural constituent of egg coat 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060230 lipoprotein lipase activator activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044020 histone H4R3 methyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016862 intramolecular oxidoreductase activity, interconverting keto- and enol-groups 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071553 G protein-coupled pyrimidinergic nucleotide receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031014 troponin T binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035410 dihydrotestosterone 17-beta-dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904288 BAT3 complex binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032552 deoxyribonucleotide binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098808 mRNA cap binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008948 oxaloacetate decarboxylase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036137 kynurenine aminotransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035175 histone H3S10 kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099511 voltage-gated calcium channel activity involved in regulation of cytosolic calcium levels 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052724 inositol hexakisphosphate 3-kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050211 procollagen galactosyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004430 1-phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015489 putrescine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140862 histone H2AK119 ubiquitin ligase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008440 inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0023025 MHC class Ib protein complex binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050051 leukotriene-B4 20-monooxygenase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008502 melatonin receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008800 beta-lactamase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035243 protein-arginine omega-N symmetric methyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015212 cytidine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000403 Y-form DNA binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034875 caffeine oxidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046848 hydroxyapatite binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010945 coenzyme A diphosphatase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140571 transmembrane ascorbate ferrireductase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004974 leukotriene receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047066 phospholipid-hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102391 decanoate-CoA ligase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051380 norepinephrine binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140587 chromatin loop anchoring activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004687 myosin light chain kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015311 monoamine:proton antiporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002054 nucleobase binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004594 pantothenate kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016426 tRNA (adenine) methyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005173 stem cell factor receptor binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050421 nitrite reductase (NO-forming) activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160082 hypoxia-inducible factor-proline dioxygenase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035663 Toll-like receptor 2 binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140825 lactoperoxidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062189 anandamide 14,15 epoxidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016934 extracellularly glycine-gated chloride channel activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070326 very-low-density lipoprotein particle receptor binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031544 peptidyl-proline 3-dioxygenase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901375 acetate ester transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061821 telomeric D-loop binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015157 oligosaccharide transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019786 protein-phosphatidylethanolamide deconjugating activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071916 dipeptide transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004619 phosphoglycerate mutase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015432 ABC-type bile acid transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005354 galactose transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004052 arachidonate 12(S)-lipoxygenase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000293 ferric-chelate reductase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005055 laminin receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047696 beta-adrenergic receptor kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015467 G-protein activated inward rectifier potassium channel activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019115 benzaldehyde dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010856 adenylate cyclase activator activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098882 structural constituent of presynaptic active zone 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032138 single base insertion or deletion binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047961 glycine N-acyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016436 rRNA (uridine) methyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106263 1-acylglycerophosphoserine O-acyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017064 fatty acid amide hydrolase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047179 platelet-activating factor acetyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086089 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033265 choline binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046623 sphingolipid floppase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033284 ATPase-coupled carboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004515 nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004534 5'-3' RNA exonuclease activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015655 alanine:sodium symporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004522 ribonuclease A activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000179 rRNA (adenine-N6,N6-)-dimethyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005290 L-histidine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003917 DNA topoisomerase type I (single strand cut, ATP-independent) activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016401 palmitoyl-CoA oxidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032137 guanine/thymine mispair binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106292 superoxide-generating NADPH oxidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016215 acyl-CoA desaturase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051377 mannose-ethanolamine phosphotransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086077 gap junction channel activity involved in AV node cell-bundle of His cell electrical coupling 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001733 galactosylceramide sulfotransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043771 cytidine kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015142 tricarboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015119 hexose phosphate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004839 ubiquitin activating enzyme activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160128 pH-gated monoatomic ion channel activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905502 acetyl-CoA binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061891 calcium ion sensor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004082 bisphosphoglycerate mutase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033677 DNA/RNA helicase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017150 tRNA dihydrouridine synthase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005365 myo-inositol transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031208 POZ domain binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004971 AMPA glutamate receptor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047655 allyl-alcohol dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004591 oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (succinyl-transferring) activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070815 peptidyl-lysine 5-dioxygenase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001093 TFIIB-class transcription factor binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141003 histone H2AX kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004127 cytidylate kinase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050649 testosterone 6-beta-hydroxylase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0039552 RIG-I binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005308 creatine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005124 scavenger receptor binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004466 long-chain fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070996 type 1 melanocortin receptor binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016435 rRNA (guanine) methyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042296 ISG15 transferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009669 sucrose:monoatomic cation symporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030197 extracellular matrix constituent, lubricant activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015137 citrate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015333 peptide:proton symporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140680 histone H3K36me/H3K36me2 demethylase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010855 adenylate cyclase inhibitor activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140954 histone H3K36 dimethyltransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990460 leptin receptor binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016647 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH group of donors, oxygen as acceptor 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038191 neuropilin binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990760 osmolarity-sensing monoatomic cation channel activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052794 exo-alpha-(2->3)-sialidase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052851 ferric-chelate reductase (NADPH) activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140826 zinc:proton antiporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005250 A-type (transient outward) potassium channel activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141050 histone H3K deacetylase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034513 box H/ACA snoRNA binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004792 thiosulfate sulfurtransferase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047101 branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062072 H3K9me3 modified histone binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005277 acetylcholine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061628 H3K27me3 modified histone binding 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061513 glucose 6-phosphate:phosphate antiporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016838 carbon-oxygen lyase activity, acting on phosphates 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015211 purine nucleoside transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999979044 -2.0955707589861e-11 4 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030551 cyclic nucleotide binding 0.99999999997962 -2.03802170405977e-11 38 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016709 oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, NAD(P)H as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen 0.99999999997962 -2.03802170405977e-11 38 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019213 deacetylase activity 0.99999999997962 -2.03802170405977e-11 38 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005319 lipid transporter activity 0.999999999979815 -2.01846638273045e-11 166 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005242 inward rectifier potassium channel activity 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016405 CoA-ligase activity 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070001 aspartic-type peptidase activity 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140326 ATPase-coupled intramembrane lipid transporter activity 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001972 retinoic acid binding 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001671 ATPase activator activity 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015145 monosaccharide transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046875 ephrin receptor binding 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015271 outward rectifier potassium channel activity 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003950 NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004683 calmodulin-dependent protein kinase activity 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016645 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH group of donors 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008266 poly(U) RNA binding 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016769 transferase activity, transferring nitrogenous groups 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008320 protein transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005044 scavenger receptor activity 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141052 histone H3 demethylase activity 0.999999999980156 -1.98435252640607e-11 27 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051020 GTPase binding 0.999999999981339 -1.86609040391704e-11 315 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019211 phosphatase activator activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005372 water transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022842 narrow pore channel activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140312 cargo adaptor activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015245 fatty acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022840 leak channel activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004303 estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase [NAD(P)] activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000339 RNA cap binding 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016894 endonuclease activity, active with either ribo- or deoxyribonucleic acids and producing 3'-phosphomonoesters 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004675 transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005520 insulin-like growth factor binding 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017075 syntaxin-1 binding 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031420 alkali metal ion binding 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140664 ATP-dependent DNA damage sensor activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042800 histone H3K4 methyltransferase activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030506 ankyrin binding 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015355 secondary active monocarboxylate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052745 inositol phosphate phosphatase activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042288 MHC class I protein binding 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004890 GABA-A receptor activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097001 ceramide binding 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004653 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140036 ubiquitin-modified protein reader activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016918 retinal binding 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042577 lipid phosphatase activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022821 solute:potassium antiporter activity 0.999999999981534 -1.84660977062973e-11 19 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016421 CoA carboxylase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008379 thioredoxin peroxidase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019705 protein-cysteine S-myristoyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015093 ferrous iron transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032217 riboflavin transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990446 U1 snRNP binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010340 carboxyl-O-methyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022849 glutamate-gated calcium ion channel activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004977 melanocortin receptor activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034458 3'-5' RNA helicase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990935 splicing factor binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051998 protein carboxyl O-methyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001006 RNA polymerase III type 3 promoter sequence-specific DNA binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050436 microfibril binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901480 oleate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030621 U4 snRNA binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008311 double-stranded DNA 3'-5' DNA exonuclease activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043515 kinetochore binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071077 adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036402 proteasome-activating activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008422 beta-glucosidase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004691 cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043008 ATP-dependent protein binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140545 ATP-dependent protein disaggregase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043813 phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate 5-phosphatase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0055077 gap junction hemi-channel activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015665 alcohol transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004630 phospholipase D activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030943 mitochondrion targeting sequence binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140824 thioredoxin-dependent peroxiredoxin activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030345 structural constituent of tooth enamel 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140944 histone H4K20 monomethyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009378 four-way junction helicase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070061 fructose binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097100 supercoiled DNA binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016160 amylase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038100 nodal binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010385 double-stranded methylated DNA binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031748 D1 dopamine receptor binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015190 L-leucine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050833 pyruvate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015213 uridine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097642 calcitonin family receptor activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004064 arylesterase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005127 ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015139 alpha-ketoglutarate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015254 glycerol channel activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060228 phosphatidylcholine-sterol O-acyltransferase activator activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034603 pyruvate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004694 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha kinase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016778 diphosphotransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099589 serotonin receptor activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016972 thiol oxidase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001875 lipopolysaccharide immune receptor activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990430 extracellular matrix protein binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043262 ADP phosphatase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003985 acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043546 molybdopterin cofactor binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019237 centromeric DNA binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008508 bile acid:sodium symporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140803 NAD+- protein-cysteine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004738 pyruvate dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032184 SUMO polymer binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015129 lactate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046976 histone H3K27 methyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106274 NAD+-protein-arginine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004523 RNA-DNA hybrid ribonuclease activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141038 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activator activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048763 calcium-induced calcium release activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052659 inositol-1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate 5-phosphatase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032795 heterotrimeric G-protein binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019784 deNEDDylase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072572 poly-ADP-D-ribose binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016406 carnitine O-acyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051429 corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051379 epinephrine binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070087 chromo shadow domain binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051434 BH3 domain binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047631 ADP-ribose diphosphatase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004457 lactate dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008310 single-stranded DNA 3'-5' DNA exonuclease activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070324 thyroid hormone binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016724 oxidoreductase activity, acting on metal ions, oxygen as acceptor 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071532 ankyrin repeat binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030346 protein phosphatase 2B binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030620 U2 snRNA binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004322 ferroxidase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004035 alkaline phosphatase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160072 ubiquitin ligase complex scaffold activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031698 beta-2 adrenergic receptor binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0055131 C3HC4-type RING finger domain binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017083 4-galactosyl-N-acetylglucosaminide 3-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097199 cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic signaling pathway 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030274 LIM domain binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003857 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004111 creatine kinase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005280 amino acid:proton symporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004936 alpha-adrenergic receptor activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004157 dihydropyrimidinase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005168 neurotrophin TRKA receptor binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090555 phosphatidylethanolamine flippase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106435 carboxylesterase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019869 chloride channel inhibitor activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043273 CTPase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031849 olfactory receptor binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099103 channel activator activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051525 NFAT protein binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004568 chitinase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044323 retinoic acid-responsive element binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003828 alpha-N-acetylneuraminate alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034338 short-chain carboxylesterase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015141 succinate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004128 cytochrome-b5 reductase activity, acting on NAD(P)H 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031702 type 1 angiotensin receptor binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141039 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005004 GPI-linked ephrin receptor activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016723 oxidoreductase activity, acting on metal ions, NAD or NADP as acceptor 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015226 carnitine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102121 ceramidase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034481 chondroitin sulfotransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016886 ligase activity, forming phosphoric ester bonds 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047238 glucuronosyl-N-acetylgalactosaminyl-proteoglycan 4-beta-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070051 fibrinogen binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008510 sodium:bicarbonate symporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038064 collagen receptor activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005275 amine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047024 5alpha-androstane-3beta,17beta-diol dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043199 sulfate binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035033 histone deacetylase regulator activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003711 transcription elongation factor activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990239 steroid hormone binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004468 lysine N-acetyltransferase activity, acting on acetyl phosphate as donor 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032135 DNA insertion or deletion binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005167 neurotrophin TRK receptor binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034604 pyruvate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015288 porin activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003726 double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016861 intramolecular oxidoreductase activity, interconverting aldoses and ketoses 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106411 XMP 5'-nucleosidase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031802 type 5 metabotropic glutamate receptor binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015272 ATP-activated inward rectifier potassium channel activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004576 oligosaccharyl transferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120146 sulfatide binding 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004969 histamine receptor activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140950 histone H2A deubiquitinase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005332 gamma-aminobutyric acid:sodium:chloride symporter activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001665 alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase activity 0.999999999981646 -1.83536648420505e-11 6 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016755 aminoacyltransferase activity 0.999999999982207 -1.77932799074642e-11 493 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022832 voltage-gated channel activity 0.999999999982252 -1.77478496952431e-11 173 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016874 ligase activity 0.9999999999824 -1.75999320847469e-11 164 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004721 phosphoprotein phosphatase activity 0.99999999998263 -1.73695082427923e-11 176 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022843 voltage-gated monoatomic cation channel activity 0.99999999998344 -1.65604517333479e-11 143 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043177 organic acid binding 0.999999999983486 -1.65142687521175e-11 207 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140658 ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler activity 0.999999999983706 -1.62940654613268e-11 36 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016776 phosphotransferase activity, phosphate group as acceptor 0.999999999983706 -1.62940654613268e-11 36 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004869 cysteine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity 0.999999999983706 -1.62940654613268e-11 36 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016409 palmitoyltransferase activity 0.999999999983706 -1.62940654613268e-11 36 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043394 proteoglycan binding 0.999999999983706 -1.62940654613268e-11 36 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005231 excitatory extracellular ligand-gated monoatomic ion channel activity 0.999999999983706 -1.62940654613268e-11 36 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000993 RNA polymerase II complex binding 0.999999999983706 -1.62940654613268e-11 36 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015631 tubulin binding 0.99999999998375 -1.62502689288175e-11 384 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140272 exogenous protein binding 0.99999999998514 -1.48600639984118e-11 82 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030971 receptor tyrosine kinase binding 0.99999999998514 -1.48600639984118e-11 82 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004536 DNA nuclease activity 0.999999999985346 -1.46544760195908e-11 65 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030145 manganese ion binding 0.999999999985346 -1.46544760195908e-11 65 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008173 RNA methyltransferase activity 0.999999999985346 -1.46544760195908e-11 65 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008408 3'-5' exonuclease activity 0.999999999985447 -1.45530115490893e-11 61 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005507 copper ion binding 0.999999999985447 -1.45530115490893e-11 61 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001099 basal RNA polymerase II transcription machinery binding 0.999999999985447 -1.45530115490893e-11 61 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016627 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors 0.999999999985447 -1.45530115490893e-11 61 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001098 basal transcription machinery binding 0.999999999985447 -1.45530115490893e-11 61 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005085 guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity 0.999999999985535 -1.44653106671394e-11 228 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000287 magnesium ion binding 0.999999999985535 -1.44653106671394e-11 228 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042562 hormone binding 0.999999999985836 -1.41639071918749e-11 92 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060589 nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity 0.999999999985837 -1.41632948363852e-11 491 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030695 GTPase regulator activity 0.999999999985837 -1.41632948363852e-11 491 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000400 four-way junction DNA binding 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015373 monoatomic anion:sodium symporter activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045236 CXCR chemokine receptor binding 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008970 phospholipase A1 activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015278 intracellularly gated calcium channel activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043395 heparan sulfate proteoglycan binding 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008301 DNA binding, bending 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901567 fatty acid derivative binding 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050811 GABA receptor binding 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016854 racemase and epimerase activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070003 threonine-type peptidase activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098641 cadherin binding involved in cell-cell adhesion 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990380 K48-linked deubiquitinase activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030297 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activator activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035615 clathrin adaptor activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030228 lipoprotein particle receptor activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031690 adrenergic receptor binding 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042834 peptidoglycan binding 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015172 acidic amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008409 5'-3' exonuclease activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008525 phosphatidylcholine transporter activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061133 endopeptidase activator activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990381 ubiquitin-specific protease binding 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070403 NAD+ binding 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008391 arachidonic acid monooxygenase activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033549 MAP kinase phosphatase activity 0.999999999985899 -1.41009591835238e-11 18 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140142 nucleocytoplasmic carrier activity 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016628 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097747 RNA polymerase activity 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015106 bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071889 14-3-3 protein binding 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005452 solute:inorganic anion antiporter activity 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034062 5'-3' RNA polymerase activity 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030515 snoRNA binding 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022884 macromolecule transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042910 xenobiotic transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017147 Wnt-protein binding 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070717 poly-purine tract binding 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043425 bHLH transcription factor binding 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030296 protein tyrosine kinase activator activity 0.999999999986649 -1.33508496831709e-11 32 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005262 calcium channel activity 0.999999999986757 -1.32432618328642e-11 117 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015294 solute:monoatomic cation symporter activity 0.999999999986757 -1.32432618328642e-11 117 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016878 acid-thiol ligase activity 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004181 metallocarboxypeptidase activity 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034061 DNA polymerase activity 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016891 RNA endonuclease activity, producing 5'-phosphomonoesters 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005164 tumor necrosis factor receptor binding 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071813 lipoprotein particle binding 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005310 dicarboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140457 protein demethylase activity 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033764 steroid dehydrogenase activity, acting on the CH-OH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016411 acylglycerol O-acyltransferase activity 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005217 intracellularly ligand-gated monoatomic ion channel activity 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031624 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme binding 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071814 protein-lipid complex binding 0.999999999987738 -1.22618320556995e-11 31 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022804 active transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999988148 -1.18517665755788e-11 444 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046906 tetrapyrrole binding 0.999999999988213 -1.17868191015553e-11 150 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090482 vitamin transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999988644 -1.13561207601753e-11 35 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004623 phospholipase A2 activity 0.999999999988644 -1.13561207601753e-11 35 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016814 hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds, in cyclic amidines 0.999999999988644 -1.13561207601753e-11 35 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005154 epidermal growth factor receptor binding 0.999999999988644 -1.13561207601753e-11 35 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071855 neuropeptide receptor binding 0.999999999988644 -1.13561207601753e-11 35 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005343 organic acid:sodium symporter activity 0.999999999988644 -1.13561207601753e-11 35 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015020 glucuronosyltransferase activity 0.999999999988644 -1.13561207601753e-11 35 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004386 helicase activity 0.999999999988725 -1.12746487858165e-11 155 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004553 hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds 0.999999999988832 -1.11678998615017e-11 97 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004896 cytokine receptor activity 0.999999999988832 -1.11678998615017e-11 97 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004722 protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity 0.999999999988832 -1.11678998615017e-11 97 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030594 neurotransmitter receptor activity 0.999999999988832 -1.11678998615017e-11 97 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008324 monoatomic cation transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999989153 -1.08467465603242e-11 630 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033293 monocarboxylic acid binding 0.999999999989251 -1.07492674344377e-11 88 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050660 flavin adenine dinucleotide binding 0.999999999989251 -1.07492674344377e-11 88 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120013 lipid transfer activity 0.999999999989751 -1.02494838952552e-11 56 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015026 coreceptor activity 0.999999999989751 -1.02494838952552e-11 56 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051287 NAD binding 0.999999999989751 -1.02494838952552e-11 56 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005544 calcium-dependent phospholipid binding 0.999999999989751 -1.02494838952552e-11 56 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070279 vitamin B6 binding 0.999999999989751 -1.02494838952552e-11 56 0 0 39 18094 GO:0170055 lipid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999989751 -1.02494838952552e-11 56 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008138 protein tyrosine/serine/threonine phosphatase activity 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015175 neutral L-amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001046 core promoter sequence-specific DNA binding 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046915 transition metal ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008307 structural constituent of muscle 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005245 voltage-gated calcium channel activity 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042169 SH2 domain binding 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043014 alpha-tubulin binding 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019205 nucleobase-containing compound kinase activity 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099095 ligand-gated monoatomic anion channel activity 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004520 DNA endonuclease activity 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051879 Hsp90 protein binding 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043175 RNA polymerase core enzyme binding 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140303 intramembrane lipid transporter activity 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043028 cysteine-type endopeptidase regulator activity involved in apoptotic process 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140828 metal cation:monoatomic cation antiporter activity 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003755 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity 0.99999999999023 -9.76991411179004e-12 42 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022803 passive transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999990282 -9.71819896565075e-12 503 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016829 lyase activity 0.999999999990313 -9.68743724359493e-12 199 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016799 hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing N-glycosyl compounds 0.999999999990723 -9.27743287191557e-12 40 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015036 disulfide oxidoreductase activity 0.999999999990723 -9.27743287191557e-12 40 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008227 G protein-coupled amine receptor activity 0.999999999990723 -9.27743287191557e-12 40 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004177 aminopeptidase activity 0.999999999990723 -9.27743287191557e-12 40 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005547 phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate binding 0.999999999990723 -9.27743287191557e-12 40 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071949 FAD binding 0.999999999990723 -9.27743287191557e-12 40 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016896 RNA exonuclease activity, producing 5'-phosphomonoesters 0.999999999990723 -9.27743287191557e-12 40 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032451 demethylase activity 0.999999999990723 -9.27743287191557e-12 40 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043495 protein-membrane adaptor activity 0.999999999990723 -9.27743287191557e-12 40 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050997 quaternary ammonium group binding 0.999999999990723 -9.27743287191557e-12 40 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016251 RNA polymerase II general transcription initiation factor activity 0.999999999990723 -9.27743287191557e-12 40 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016893 endonuclease activity, active with either ribo- or deoxyribonucleic acids and producing 5'-phosphomonoesters 0.999999999990723 -9.27743287191557e-12 40 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017171 serine hydrolase activity 0.999999999990905 -9.09448514361102e-12 193 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015293 symporter activity 0.999999999991044 -8.95642324912956e-12 148 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015108 chloride transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999991963 -8.03679614164504e-12 119 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003697 single-stranded DNA binding 0.999999999991963 -8.03679614164504e-12 119 0 0 39 18094 GO:0101005 deubiquitinase activity 0.999999999991963 -8.03679614164504e-12 119 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008514 organic anion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999992038 -7.96193684814119e-12 268 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008374 O-acyltransferase activity 0.999999999992095 -7.905276551019e-12 55 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015453 oxidoreduction-driven active transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999992095 -7.905276551019e-12 55 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061980 regulatory RNA binding 0.999999999992095 -7.905276551019e-12 55 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099529 neurotransmitter receptor activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential 0.999999999992095 -7.905276551019e-12 55 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016667 oxidoreductase activity, acting on a sulfur group of donors 0.999999999992095 -7.905276551019e-12 55 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030170 pyridoxal phosphate binding 0.999999999992095 -7.905276551019e-12 55 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030374 nuclear receptor coactivator activity 0.999999999992095 -7.905276551019e-12 55 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036002 pre-mRNA binding 0.999999999992434 -7.56546175394919e-12 46 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003925 G protein activity 0.999999999992434 -7.56546175394919e-12 46 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140359 ABC-type transporter activity 0.999999999992434 -7.56546175394919e-12 46 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060590 ATPase regulator activity 0.999999999992594 -7.40624569015756e-12 49 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061733 peptide-lysine-N-acetyltransferase activity 0.999999999992594 -7.40624569015756e-12 49 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005504 fatty acid binding 0.999999999992594 -7.40624569015756e-12 49 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008009 chemokine activity 0.999999999992594 -7.40624569015756e-12 49 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032813 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily binding 0.999999999992594 -7.40624569015756e-12 49 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005246 calcium channel regulator activity 0.999999999992594 -7.40624569015756e-12 49 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016538 cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase regulator activity 0.999999999992594 -7.40624569015756e-12 49 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005253 monoatomic anion channel activity 0.999999999992921 -7.07860920981092e-12 96 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042626 ATPase-coupled transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999992921 -7.07860920981092e-12 96 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016410 N-acyltransferase activity 0.999999999992921 -7.07860920981092e-12 96 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004879 nuclear receptor activity 0.999999999993137 -6.86299516603124e-12 52 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016830 carbon-carbon lyase activity 0.999999999993137 -6.86299516603124e-12 52 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005080 protein kinase C binding 0.999999999993137 -6.86299516603124e-12 52 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098632 cell-cell adhesion mediator activity 0.999999999993137 -6.86299516603124e-12 52 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050661 NADP binding 0.999999999993137 -6.86299516603124e-12 52 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022853 active monoatomic ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999994047 -5.95321984804136e-12 274 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016747 acyltransferase activity, transferring groups other than amino-acyl groups 0.999999999994177 -5.82319587199703e-12 227 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009982 pseudouridine synthase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046975 histone H3K36 methyltransferase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003995 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005172 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016661 oxidoreductase activity, acting on other nitrogenous compounds as donors 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008174 mRNA methyltransferase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901338 catecholamine binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032036 myosin heavy chain binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034595 phosphatidylinositol phosphate 5-phosphatase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017017 MAP kinase tyrosine/serine/threonine phosphatase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008417 fucosyltransferase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140333 glycerophospholipid flippase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005338 nucleotide-sugar transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015368 calcium:monoatomic cation antiporter activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004000 adenosine deaminase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004535 poly(A)-specific ribonuclease activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017081 chloride channel regulator activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019763 immunoglobulin receptor activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004438 phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate phosphatase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031432 titin binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008494 translation activator activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052650 all-trans-retinol dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005024 transforming growth factor beta receptor activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990825 sequence-specific mRNA binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071714 icosanoid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002161 aminoacyl-tRNA editing activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016840 carbon-nitrogen lyase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022851 GABA-gated chloride ion channel activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000340 RNA 7-methylguanosine cap binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016675 oxidoreductase activity, acting on a heme group of donors 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043560 insulin receptor substrate binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015269 calcium-activated potassium channel activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052890 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors, with a flavin as acceptor 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005436 sodium:phosphate symporter activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030548 acetylcholine receptor regulator activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071837 HMG box domain binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046030 inositol trisphosphate phosphatase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045159 myosin II binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901474 azole transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045028 G protein-coupled purinergic nucleotide receptor activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031994 insulin-like growth factor I binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032454 histone H3K9 demethylase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030955 potassium ion binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005542 folic acid binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061459 L-arginine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008035 high-density lipoprotein particle binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019992 diacylglycerol binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0039706 co-receptor binding 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003906 DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) endonuclease activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140410 monoatomic cation:bicarbonate symporter activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005035 death receptor activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008474 palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity 0.999999999994751 -5.24858831022484e-12 13 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140358 P-type transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120015 sterol transfer activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047617 fatty acyl-CoA hydrolase activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005355 glucose transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044769 ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of ions, rotational mechanism 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005385 zinc ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019957 C-C chemokine binding 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018455 alcohol dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016505 peptidase activator activity involved in apoptotic process 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017056 structural constituent of nuclear pore 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033038 bitter taste receptor activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070696 transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase binding 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016702 oxidoreductase activity, acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen, incorporation of two atoms of oxygen 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046961 proton-transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015662 P-type ion transporter activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050431 transforming growth factor beta binding 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008093 cytoskeletal anchor activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030552 cAMP binding 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042625 ATPase-coupled ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004114 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015295 solute:proton symporter activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035035 histone acetyltransferase binding 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008139 nuclear localization sequence binding 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003887 DNA-directed DNA polymerase activity 0.999999999995311 -4.68859858705443e-12 24 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015291 secondary active transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999995357 -4.64311115030658e-12 289 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003724 RNA helicase activity 0.999999999995532 -4.46767424238821e-12 76 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017018 myosin phosphatase activity 0.999999999995532 -4.46767424238821e-12 76 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043178 alcohol binding 0.999999999995562 -4.43840154247301e-12 90 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019783 ubiquitin-like protein peptidase activity 0.999999999996055 -3.94506631006741e-12 132 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015318 inorganic molecular entity transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996177 -3.82328167498167e-12 714 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004758 serine C-palmitoyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030883 endogenous lipid antigen binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004952 dopamine neurotransmitter receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035516 broad specificity oxidative DNA demethylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015038 glutathione disulfide oxidoreductase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048030 disaccharide binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034647 histone H3K4me/H3K4me2/H3K4me3 demethylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086083 cell adhesive protein binding involved in bundle of His cell-Purkinje myocyte communication 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:1903135 cupric ion binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005111 type 2 fibroblast growth factor receptor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016721 oxidoreductase activity, acting on superoxide radicals as acceptor 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000064 L-ornithine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016937 short-chain fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004331 fructose-2,6-bisphosphate 2-phosphatase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004740 pyruvate dehydrogenase (acetyl-transferring) kinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035662 Toll-like receptor 4 binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004528 phosphodiesterase I activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005298 proline:sodium symporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022810 membrane potential driven uniporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070095 fructose-6-phosphate binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000268 peroxisome targeting sequence binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001847 opsonin receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051766 inositol trisphosphate kinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005007 fibroblast growth factor receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099104 potassium channel activator activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004749 ribose phosphate diphosphokinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031721 hemoglobin alpha binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032190 acrosin binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019863 IgE binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140135 mechanosensitive monoatomic cation channel activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016314 phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate 3-phosphatase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046870 cadmium ion binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004366 glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106260 DNA-DNA tethering activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048039 ubiquinone binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001609 G protein-coupled adenosine receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004579 dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide-protein glycotransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047086 ketosteroid monooxygenase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004994 somatostatin receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004239 initiator methionyl aminopeptidase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140949 histone H3K9 trimethyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043125 ErbB-3 class receptor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004645 1,4-alpha-oligoglucan phosphorylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008048 calcium sensitive guanylate cyclase activator activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019238 cyclohydrolase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015057 thrombin-activated receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072345 NAADP-sensitive calcium-release channel activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034634 glutathione transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097109 neuroligin family protein binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005503 all-trans retinal binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008126 acetylesterase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035594 ganglioside binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004028 3-chloroallyl aldehyde dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140806 NAD+- protein-aspartate ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019960 C-X3-C chemokine binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016454 C-palmitoyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035671 enone reductase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004464 leukotriene-C4 synthase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003854 3-beta-hydroxy-delta5-steroid dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045545 syndecan binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141058 histone H4 demethylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016416 O-palmitoyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004427 inorganic diphosphate phosphatase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000827 inositol-1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate kinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990715 mRNA CDS binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004556 alpha-amylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004558 alpha-1,4-glucosidase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043559 insulin binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140784 metal ion sensor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015616 DNA translocase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017077 oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015501 glutamate:sodium symporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017136 NAD-dependent histone deacetylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120170 intraciliary transport particle B binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008532 N-acetyllactosaminide beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004376 glycolipid mannosyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905172 RISC complex binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015277 kainate selective glutamate receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000828 inositol hexakisphosphate kinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051765 inositol tetrakisphosphate kinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140683 histone H3K9me/H3K9me2 demethylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016361 activin receptor activity, type I 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070180 large ribosomal subunit rRNA binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141053 histone H2A ubiquitin ligase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160004 poly-ADP-D-ribose modification-dependent protein binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010521 telomerase inhibitor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070915 lysophosphatidic acid receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016300 tRNA (uridine) methyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035241 protein-arginine omega-N monomethyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160009 histone decrotonylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035515 oxidative RNA demethylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004668 protein-arginine deiminase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008865 fructokinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097200 cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in execution phase of apoptosis 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016715 oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, reduced ascorbate as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051724 NAD transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071253 connexin binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005314 high-affinity L-glutamate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098639 collagen binding involved in cell-matrix adhesion 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005034 osmosensor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004741 [pyruvate dehydrogenase (acetyl-transferring)]-phosphatase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019136 deoxynucleoside kinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008889 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140955 histone H3K36 trimethyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070139 SUMO-specific endopeptidase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015207 adenine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008517 folic acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008349 MAP kinase kinase kinase kinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005030 neurotrophin receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050733 RS domain binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140848 amino acid:monoatomic cation antiporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010852 cyclase inhibitor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071987 WD40-repeat domain binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048248 CXCR3 chemokine receptor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086006 voltage-gated sodium channel activity involved in cardiac muscle cell action potential 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004720 protein-lysine 6-oxidase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001648 proteinase-activated receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000253 3-keto sterol reductase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071667 DNA/RNA hybrid binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005368 taurine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008410 CoA-transferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160008 protein decrotonylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034186 apolipoprotein A-I binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005471 ATP:ADP antiporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045569 TRAIL binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016019 peptidoglycan immune receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001537 N-acetylgalactosamine 4-O-sulfotransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016167 glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000832 inositol hexakisphosphate 5-kinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042030 ATPase inhibitor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031779 melanocortin receptor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043426 MRF binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000829 inositol heptakisphosphate kinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045145 single-stranded DNA 5'-3' DNA exonuclease activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008597 calcium-dependent protein serine/threonine phosphatase regulator activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034432 bis(5'-adenosyl)-pentaphosphatase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008121 ubiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140345 phosphatidylcholine flippase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004904 interferon receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043533 inositol 1,3,4,5 tetrakisphosphate binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004336 galactosylceramidase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005105 type 1 fibroblast growth factor receptor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001409 guanine nucleotide transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030882 lipid antigen binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031694 alpha-2A adrenergic receptor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030156 benzodiazepine receptor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120019 phosphatidylcholine transfer activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062037 D-loop DNA binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016428 tRNA (cytidine-5-)-methyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0101021 estrogen 2-hydroxylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043035 chromatin insulator sequence binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018685 alkane 1-monooxygenase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016728 oxidoreductase activity, acting on CH or CH2 groups, disulfide as acceptor 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002046 opsin binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036310 ATP-dependent DNA/DNA annealing activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033192 calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030884 exogenous lipid antigen binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015111 iodide transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004656 procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004784 superoxide dismutase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070974 POU domain binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004957 prostaglandin E receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031728 CCR3 chemokine receptor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031726 CCR1 chemokine receptor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030628 pre-mRNA 3'-splice site binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004046 aminoacylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005462 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140346 phosphatidylserine flippase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004448 isocitrate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070891 lipoteichoic acid binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004563 beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004396 hexokinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016841 ammonia-lyase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140608 cysteine-type endopeptidase activator activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046923 ER retention sequence binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004530 deoxyribonuclease I activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030298 receptor signaling protein tyrosine kinase activator activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001595 angiotensin receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038085 vascular endothelial growth factor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005497 androgen binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042979 ornithine decarboxylase regulator activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004459 L-lactate dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070137 ubiquitin-like protein-specific endopeptidase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019103 pyrimidine nucleotide binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051373 FATZ binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022850 serotonin-gated monoatomic cation channel activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004185 serine-type carboxypeptidase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035514 DNA demethylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019826 oxygen sensor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000298 endopolyphosphatase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106294 NADPH oxidase H202-forming activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005143 interleukin-12 receptor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004045 aminoacyl-tRNA hydrolase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004499 N,N-dimethylaniline monooxygenase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005042 netrin receptor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071558 histone H3K27me2/H3K27me3 demethylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140444 cytoskeleton-nuclear membrane anchor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086075 gap junction channel activity involved in cardiac conduction electrical coupling 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038132 neuregulin binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044388 small protein activating enzyme binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140487 metal ion sequestering activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035650 AP-1 adaptor complex binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019870 potassium channel inhibitor activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140804 NAD+- protein-lysine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008273 calcium, potassium:sodium antiporter activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098640 integrin binding involved in cell-matrix adhesion 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086007 voltage-gated calcium channel activity involved in cardiac muscle cell action potential 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0103068 leukotriene C4 gamma-glutamyl transferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004340 glucokinase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005134 interleukin-2 receptor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034584 piRNA binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004661 protein geranylgeranyltransferase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009374 biotin binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003945 N-acetyllactosamine synthase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140684 histone H3K9me2/H3K9me3 demethylase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004565 beta-galactosidase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005163 nerve growth factor receptor binding 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046912 acyltransferase activity, acyl groups converted into alkyl on transfer 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034431 bis(5'-adenosyl)-hexaphosphatase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016744 transketolase or transaldolase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047822 hypotaurine dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008486 diphosphoinositol-polyphosphate diphosphatase activity 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005025 transforming growth factor beta receptor activity, type I 0.999999999996301 -3.69930636952951e-12 5 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005126 cytokine receptor binding 0.999999999996348 -3.65234086585384e-12 273 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005096 GTPase activator activity 0.999999999996348 -3.65234086585384e-12 273 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005216 monoatomic ion channel activity 0.999999999996463 -3.53732778163792e-12 441 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019787 ubiquitin-like protein transferase activity 0.999999999996582 -3.41766620803109e-12 476 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008296 3'-5'-DNA exonuclease activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050700 CARD domain binding 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030275 LRR domain binding 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045125 bioactive lipid receptor activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061809 NAD+ nucleotidase, cyclic ADP-ribose generating 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000062 fatty-acyl-CoA binding 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099507 ligand-gated monoatomic ion channel activity involved in regulation of presynaptic membrane potential 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072542 protein phosphatase activator activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010851 cyclase regulator activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015116 sulfate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022858 alanine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008484 sulfuric ester hydrolase activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016863 intramolecular oxidoreductase activity, transposing C=C bonds 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016641 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH2 group of donors, oxygen as acceptor 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140327 flippase activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0055102 lipase inhibitor activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015250 water channel activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140328 floppase activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004549 tRNA-specific ribonuclease activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030553 cGMP binding 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015378 sodium:chloride symporter activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070411 I-SMAD binding 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015347 sodium-independent organic anion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008142 oxysterol binding 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022841 potassium ion leak channel activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003688 DNA replication origin binding 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004708 MAP kinase kinase activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035613 RNA stem-loop binding 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008392 arachidonic acid epoxygenase activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004016 adenylate cyclase activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005159 insulin-like growth factor receptor binding 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004970 glutamate-gated receptor activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008574 plus-end-directed microtubule motor activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004089 carbonate dehydratase activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050664 oxidoreductase activity, acting on NAD(P)H, oxygen as acceptor 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005402 carbohydrate:monoatomic cation symporter activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046933 proton-transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015385 sodium:proton antiporter activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009881 photoreceptor activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045504 dynein heavy chain binding 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031435 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase binding 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004697 diacylglycerol-dependent serine/threonine kinase activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019841 retinol binding 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004707 MAP kinase activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005324 long-chain fatty acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997209 -2.79065779188155e-12 16 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015399 primary active transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997281 -2.71859142212142e-12 151 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140375 immune receptor activity 0.999999999997281 -2.71859142212142e-12 151 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035591 signaling adaptor activity 0.999999999997581 -2.41857816362683e-12 113 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003774 cytoskeletal motor activity 0.999999999997739 -2.2614528983712e-12 112 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005230 extracellular ligand-gated monoatomic ion channel activity 0.999999999997739 -2.26047843746225e-12 72 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052689 carboxylic ester hydrolase activity 0.999999999997797 -2.20336297698725e-12 154 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004842 ubiquitin-protein transferase activity 0.999999999997884 -2.11601620233915e-12 446 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016407 acetyltransferase activity 0.999999999998032 -1.96762818855261e-12 98 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048029 monosaccharide binding 0.999999999998112 -1.88852243960419e-12 74 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003684 damaged DNA binding 0.999999999998112 -1.88852243960419e-12 74 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016811 hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds, in linear amides 0.999999999998112 -1.88852243960419e-12 74 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042379 chemokine receptor binding 0.999999999998112 -1.88852243960419e-12 74 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019829 ATPase-coupled monoatomic cation transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998213 -1.78704230298801e-12 53 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015485 cholesterol binding 0.999999999998213 -1.78704230298801e-12 53 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904315 transmitter-gated monoatomic ion channel activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential 0.999999999998213 -1.78704230298801e-12 53 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051018 protein kinase A binding 0.999999999998213 -1.78704230298801e-12 53 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140296 general transcription initiation factor binding 0.999999999998213 -1.78704230298801e-12 53 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016860 intramolecular oxidoreductase activity 0.999999999998213 -1.78704230298801e-12 53 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008146 sulfotransferase activity 0.999999999998213 -1.78704230298801e-12 53 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098531 ligand-activated transcription factor activity 0.999999999998213 -1.78704230298801e-12 53 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005048 signal sequence binding 0.999999999998541 -1.45858310093168e-12 47 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001784 phosphotyrosine residue binding 0.999999999998541 -1.45858310093168e-12 47 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004180 carboxypeptidase activity 0.999999999998541 -1.45858310093168e-12 47 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001222 transcription corepressor binding 0.999999999998541 -1.45858310093168e-12 47 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035254 glutamate receptor binding 0.999999999998541 -1.45858310093168e-12 47 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035091 phosphatidylinositol binding 0.999999999998657 -1.34280939449129e-12 276 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016757 glycosyltransferase activity 0.999999999998657 -1.34280939449129e-12 276 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005353 fructose transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061676 importin-alpha family protein binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035374 chondroitin sulfate binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005388 P-type calcium transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008430 selenium binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019534 toxin transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015232 heme transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016884 carbon-nitrogen ligase activity, with glutamine as amido-N-donor 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070097 delta-catenin binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001164 RNA polymerase I core promoter sequence-specific DNA binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015194 L-serine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005225 volume-sensitive anion channel activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070990 snRNP binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016832 aldehyde-lyase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003993 acid phosphatase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008821 crossover junction DNA endonuclease activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031956 medium-chain fatty acid-CoA ligase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008568 microtubule severing ATPase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045503 dynein light chain binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990763 arrestin family protein binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001640 adenylate cyclase inhibiting G protein-coupled glutamate receptor activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004062 aryl sulfotransferase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070883 pre-miRNA binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904680 peptide transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016713 oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, reduced iron-sulfur protein as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047044 androstan-3-alpha,17-beta-diol dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009931 calcium-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047134 protein-disulfide reductase (NAD(P)H) activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:1903136 cuprous ion binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098634 cell-matrix adhesion mediator activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015180 L-alanine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015143 urate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016174 NAD(P)H oxidase H2O2-forming activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034618 arginine binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035312 5'-3' DNA exonuclease activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008140 cAMP response element binding protein binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015189 L-lysine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034596 phosphatidylinositol phosphate 4-phosphatase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015924 mannosyl-oligosaccharide mannosidase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034040 ATPase-coupled lipid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010997 anaphase-promoting complex binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120016 sphingolipid transfer activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003691 double-stranded telomeric DNA binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045134 UDP phosphatase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004090 carbonyl reductase (NADPH) activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043184 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008131 primary amine oxidase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016308 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046972 histone H4K16 acetyltransferase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004298 threonine-type endopeptidase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015186 L-glutamine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008097 5S rRNA binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005381 iron ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035381 ATP-gated ion channel activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097177 mitochondrial ribosome binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003689 DNA clamp loader activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990757 ubiquitin ligase activator activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003954 NADH dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030492 hemoglobin binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005222 intracellularly cAMP-activated cation channel activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043139 5'-3' DNA helicase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004465 lipoprotein lipase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015379 potassium:chloride symporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017002 activin receptor activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090556 phosphatidylserine floppase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047144 2-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030881 beta-2-microglobulin binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905394 retromer complex binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004385 guanylate kinase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016624 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, disulfide as acceptor 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015183 L-aspartate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030627 pre-mRNA 5'-splice site binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031701 angiotensin receptor binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004017 adenylate kinase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005384 manganese ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036408 histone H3K14 acetyltransferase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047045 testosterone 17-beta-dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047499 calcium-independent phospholipase A2 activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070878 primary miRNA binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019206 nucleoside kinase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098988 G protein-coupled glutamate receptor activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050656 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097322 7SK snRNA binding 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003810 protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015185 gamma-aminobutyric acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001758 retinal dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999998768 -1.23151922791557e-12 9 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016614 oxidoreductase activity, acting on CH-OH group of donors 0.999999999998979 -1.02117240263156e-12 133 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050542 icosanoid binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016494 C-X-C chemokine receptor activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120017 ceramide transfer activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0023029 MHC class Ib protein binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033300 dehydroascorbic acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001882 nucleoside binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990405 protein antigen binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032394 MHC class Ib receptor activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016015 morphogen activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090554 phosphatidylcholine floppase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015168 glycerol transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031545 peptidyl-proline 4-dioxygenase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017169 CDP-alcohol phosphatidyltransferase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140078 class I DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) endonuclease activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030976 thiamine pyrophosphate binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017162 aryl hydrocarbon receptor binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001162 RNA polymerase II intronic transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008309 double-stranded DNA exodeoxyribonuclease activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016679 oxidoreductase activity, acting on diphenols and related substances as donors 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004690 cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016671 oxidoreductase activity, acting on a sulfur group of donors, disulfide as acceptor 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032027 myosin light chain binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048256 flap endonuclease activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002151 G-quadruplex RNA binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047035 testosterone dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098809 nitrite reductase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031995 insulin-like growth factor II binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030368 interleukin-17 receptor activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003847 1-alkyl-2-acetylglycerophosphocholine esterase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016413 O-acetyltransferase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003964 RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005295 neutral L-amino acid:sodium symporter activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005047 signal recognition particle binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001016 RNA polymerase III transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047184 1-acylglycerophosphocholine O-acyltransferase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:2001069 glycogen binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047023 androsterone dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046920 alpha-(1->3)-fucosyltransferase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:1903763 gap junction channel activity involved in cell communication by electrical coupling 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010854 adenylate cyclase regulator activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032453 histone H3K4 demethylase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004596 peptide alpha-N-acetyltransferase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015292 uniporter activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031685 adenosine receptor binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140031 phosphorylation-dependent protein binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042500 aspartic endopeptidase activity, intramembrane cleaving 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048495 Roundabout binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004415 hyalurononglucosaminidase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990275 preribosome binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990814 DNA/DNA annealing activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070573 metallodipeptidase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140869 miRNA inhibitor activity via base-pairing 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042731 PH domain binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015214 pyrimidine nucleoside transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019871 sodium channel inhibitor activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140537 transcription regulator activator activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000405 bubble DNA binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042609 CD4 receptor binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008251 tRNA-specific adenosine deaminase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034235 GPI anchor binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035727 lysophosphatidic acid binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052743 inositol tetrakisphosphate phosphatase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001849 complement component C1q complex binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008061 chitin binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140945 histone H3K4 monomethyltransferase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140934 histone deubiquitinase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034046 poly(G) binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017151 DEAD/H-box RNA helicase binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031402 sodium ion binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042806 fucose binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038036 sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070016 armadillo repeat domain binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051920 peroxiredoxin activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005113 patched binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046703 natural killer cell lectin-like receptor binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0101020 estrogen 16-alpha-hydroxylase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016595 glutamate binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015349 thyroid hormone transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062105 RNA 2'-O-methyltransferase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034987 immunoglobulin receptor binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015431 ABC-type glutathione S-conjugate transporter activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004169 dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016433 rRNA (adenine) methyltransferase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004679 AMP-activated protein kinase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019828 aspartic-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008556 P-type potassium transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004301 epoxide hydrolase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015204 urea transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016615 malate dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019798 procollagen-proline dioxygenase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004551 dinucleotide phosphatase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016742 hydroxymethyl-, formyl- and related transferase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004383 guanylate cyclase activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030249 guanylate cyclase regulator activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098821 BMP receptor activity 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030619 U1 snRNA binding 0.999999999999386 -6.14396719205982e-13 8 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003682 chromatin binding 0.999999999999433 -5.67168801230036e-13 626 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004518 nuclease activity 0.999999999999458 -5.41592164698659e-13 217 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003674 molecular_function 1 0 18094 39 1 39 18094 115207,5552,567,1915,9168,6167,54622,7114,1191,6208,7431,6233,6176,6277,6207,6206,6191,6147,6164,6229,2122,6159,11034,6156,6161,6137,8404,2040,6189,3429,2,2197,10410,6171,7122,6154,388,6210,4256 KCTD12,SRGN,B2M,EEF1A1,TMSB10,RPL37,ARL15,TMSB4X,CLU,RPS14,VIM,RPS27A,RPLP1,S100A6,RPS13,RPS12,RPS4X,RPL23A,RPL34,RPS24,MECOM,RPL29,DSTN,RPL30,RPL32,RPL13,SPARCL1,STOM,RPS3A,IFI27,A2M,FAU,IFITM3,RPL41,CLDN5,RPL26,RHOB,RPS15A,MGP root NA 1 0 18094 39 1 39 18094 6233,7431,6208,6207,6277,6176,6147,6191,6206,11034,6159,2122,6229,6164,567,5552,115207,9168,1915,7114,54622,6167,1191,10410,6171,388,6154,7122,4256,6210,6156,8404,6137,6161,6189,2040,2197,3429,2 RPS27A,VIM,RPS14,RPS13,S100A6,RPLP1,RPL23A,RPS4X,RPS12,DSTN,RPL29,MECOM,RPS24,RPL34,B2M,SRGN,KCTD12,TMSB10,EEF1A1,TMSB4X,ARL15,RPL37,CLU,IFITM3,RPL41,RHOB,RPL26,CLDN5,MGP,RPS15A,RPL30,SPARCL1,RPL13,RPL32,RPS3A,STOM,FAU,IFI27,A2M GO:0031490 chromatin DNA binding 1.0000000000004 4.03730483420779e-13 145 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008081 phosphoric diester hydrolase activity 1.00000000000062 6.20218780867397e-13 89 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030527 structural constituent of chromatin 1.00000000000062 6.20218780867397e-13 89 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004527 exonuclease activity 1.00000000000062 6.20218780867397e-13 89 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030546 signaling receptor activator activity 1.00000000000063 6.33841420588496e-13 512 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004756 selenide, water dikinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015146 pentose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004392 heme oxygenase (decyclizing) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000514 3-sulfino-L-alanine: proton, glutamate antiporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140998 histone H2B kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045029 G protein-coupled UDP receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016403 dimethylargininase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071568 UFM1 transferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106386 (3R)-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042978 ornithine decarboxylase activator activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001790 polymeric immunoglobulin binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003868 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004103 choline kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106429 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0080122 AMP transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090422 thiamine pyrophosphate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016499 orexin receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016901 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-OH group of donors, quinone or similar compound as acceptor 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061714 folic acid receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003875 ADP-ribosylarginine hydrolase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016297 fatty acyl-[ACP] hydrolase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004828 serine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015150 fucose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062063 BBSome binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004948 calcitonin receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004483 mRNA (nucleoside-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004946 bombesin receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004613 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097372 NAD-dependent histone H3K18 deacetylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034597 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 4-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050497 alkylthioltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042019 interleukin-23 binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016882 cyclo-ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047159 plasmalogen synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140431 DNA-(abasic site) binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042132 fructose 1,6-bisphosphate 1-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004419 hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043891 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+) (phosphorylating) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045142 triplex DNA binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052828 inositol-3,4-bisphosphate 4-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031403 lithium ion binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004074 biliverdin reductase (NAD(P)H) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001604 urotensin II receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097269 all-trans-decaprenyl-diphosphate synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036221 UTP diphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045547 dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140794 histone arginine deiminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031799 type 2 metabotropic glutamate receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047150 betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004651 polynucleotide 5'-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046857 oxidoreductase activity, acting on other nitrogenous compounds as donors, with NAD or NADP as acceptor 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000825 inositol tetrakisphosphate 6-kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015229 L-ascorbic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036461 BLOC-2 complex binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019777 Atg12 transferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031703 type 2 angiotensin receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160010 protein de-2-hydroxyisobutyrylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046811 histone deacetylase inhibitor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036313 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015433 ABC-type peptide antigen transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051499 D-aminoacyl-tRNA deacylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016731 oxidoreductase activity, acting on iron-sulfur proteins as donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015350 methotrexate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003972 RNA ligase (ATP) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0080019 alcohol-forming very long-chain fatty acyl-CoA reductase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004918 interleukin-8 receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019781 NEDD8 activating enzyme activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015230 FAD transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071614 linoleic acid epoxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001156 TFIIIC-class transcription factor complex binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008260 succinyl-CoA:3-oxo-acid CoA-transferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051032 nucleic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070251 pristanate-CoA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016492 G protein-coupled neurotensin receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005463 UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030549 acetylcholine receptor activator activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061749 forked DNA-dependent helicase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004905 type I interferon receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033328 peroxisome membrane targeting sequence binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070735 protein-glycine ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005174 CD40 receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0023030 MHC class Ib protein binding, via antigen binding groove 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030351 inositol-1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 3-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004368 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (quinone) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034041 ABC-type sterol transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102773 dihydroceramide kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004088 carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047975 guanosine phosphorylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042924 neuromedin U binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050659 N-acetylgalactosamine 4-sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098770 FBXO family protein binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097258 20-hydroxy-leukotriene B4 omega oxidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140773 NAD-dependent protein demyristoylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086062 voltage-gated sodium channel activity involved in Purkinje myocyte action potential 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004373 glycogen (starch) synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005052 peroxisome matrix targeting signal-1 binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004354 glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004146 dihydrofolate reductase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031530 gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018676 (S)-limonene 7-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004316 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008476 protein-tyrosine sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070733 AMPylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106050 tRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047804 cysteine-S-conjugate beta-lyase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031127 alpha-(1,2)-fucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062080 inhibitory MHC class Ib receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036130 prostaglandin H2 endoperoxidase reductase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051718 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase activity, acting on CpG substrates 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050486 intramolecular hydroxytransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032181 dinucleotide repeat insertion binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140830 L-glutamine, sodium:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008747 N-acetylneuraminate lyase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032574 5'-3' RNA helicase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141106 tRNA methyltransferase activator activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047710 bis(5'-adenosyl)-triphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062082 HLA-E specific inhibitory MHC class Ib receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000248 C-5 sterol desaturase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031716 calcitonin receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008413 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:2001070 starch binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015647 peptidoglycan transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016781 phosphotransferase activity, paired acceptors 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001641 group II metabotropic glutamate receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047787 Delta4-3-oxosteroid 5beta-reductase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140674 ATP-dependent histone chaperone activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140567 membrane protein dislocase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052841 inositol bisdiphosphate tetrakisphosphate diphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019144 ADP-sugar diphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035642 histone H3R17 methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047783 corticosterone 18-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035717 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 7 binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140563 UDP-D-xylose:beta-D-glucoside alpha-1,3-D-xylosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004352 glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031777 type 1 melanin-concentrating hormone receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032028 myosin head/neck binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070553 nicotinic acid receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004796 thromboxane-A synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004798 thymidylate kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004557 alpha-galactosidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047057 vitamin-K-epoxide reductase (warfarin-sensitive) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003938 IMP dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038102 activin receptor antagonist activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016362 activin receptor activity, type II 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004105 choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990889 H4K20me3 modified histone binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031834 neurokinin receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019158 mannokinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016524 latrotoxin receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004615 phosphomannomutase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106073 dolichyl pyrophosphate Glc2Man9GlcNAc2 alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004485 methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019202 amino acid kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008521 acetyl-CoA transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032427 GBD domain binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015192 L-phenylalanine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044378 non-sequence-specific DNA binding, bending 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004727 prenylated protein tyrosine phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004572 mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,3-1,6-alpha-mannosidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000035 acyl binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140065 peptide butyryltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043183 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061769 ribosylnicotinate kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031752 D5 dopamine receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062101 peptidyl-aspartic acid 3-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016418 S-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016211 ammonia ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071791 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031078 histone H3K14 deacetylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060698 endoribonuclease inhibitor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042835 BRE binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003904 deoxyribodipyrimidine photo-lyase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031750 D3 dopamine receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003721 telomerase RNA reverse transcriptase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004797 thymidine kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004365 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) (phosphorylating) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070699 type II activin receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035718 macrophage migration inhibitory factor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005362 low-affinity glucose:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031776 melanin-concentrating hormone receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033882 choloyl-CoA hydrolase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004692 cGMP-dependent protein kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019909 [pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide)] phosphatase regulator activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008418 protein-N-terminal asparagine amidohydrolase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047315 kynurenine-glyoxylate transaminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033142 nuclear progesterone receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032558 adenyl deoxyribonucleotide binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047322 [hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase (NADPH)] kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050613 delta14-sterol reductase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061920 protein propionyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052856 NADHX epimerase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004906 type II interferon receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008545 JUN kinase kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004835 tubulin-tyrosine ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050251 retinol isomerase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036487 nitric-oxide synthase inhibitor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033703 3beta-hydroxy-5beta-steroid dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0150047 G protein-coupled neurotransmitter receptor activity involved in regulation of presynaptic membrane potential 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004819 glutamine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004920 interleukin-10 receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990698 palmitoleoyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008459 chondroitin 6-sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070704 sterol desaturase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010465 nerve growth factor receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140489 molecular template activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004915 interleukin-6 receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016005 phospholipase A2 activator activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003880 protein C-terminal carboxyl O-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015087 cobalt ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016743 carboxyl- or carbamoyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033721 aldehyde dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141057 histone H3 arginine deiminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031249 denatured protein binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017050 D-erythro-sphingosine kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032143 single thymine insertion binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052842 inositol diphosphate pentakisphosphate diphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004151 dihydroorotase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070694 deoxyribonucleoside 5'-monophosphate N-glycosidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047757 chondroitin-glucuronate 5-epimerase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001642 group III metabotropic glutamate receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003923 GPI-anchor transamidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032542 sulfiredoxin activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008405 arachidonic acid 11,12-epoxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005185 neurohypophyseal hormone activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004583 dolichyl-phosphate-glucose-glycolipid alpha-glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008396 oxysterol 7-alpha-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008781 N-acylneuraminate cytidylyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008160 protein tyrosine phosphatase activator activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004351 glutamate decarboxylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042903 tubulin deacetylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004991 parathyroid hormone receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140751 histone octamer slider activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140988 ADP:phosphate antiporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017161 inositol-1,3,4-trisphosphate 4-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035539 8-oxo-7,8-dihydrodeoxyguanosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008452 RNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004825 methionine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008481 sphinganine kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004510 tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140610 RNA sequestering activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141131 DNA N6-methyladenine demethylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050509 N-acetylglucosaminyl-proteoglycan 4-beta-glucuronosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019961 interferon binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015218 pyrimidine nucleotide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015650 lactate:proton symporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140625 opioid growth factor receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0150043 structural constituent of synapse-associated extracellular matrix 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000213 tRNA-intron endonuclease activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051717 inositol-1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate 3-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120092 crotonyl-CoA hydratase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008520 L-ascorbate:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141107 methyltransferase regulator activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000247 C-8 sterol isomerase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003884 D-amino-acid oxidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140338 sphingomyelin transfer activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016807 cysteine-type carboxypeptidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015056 corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003998 acylphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005137 interleukin-5 receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047801 L-cysteine transaminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008241 peptidyl-dipeptidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016155 formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016784 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904855 proteasome regulatory particle binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004666 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031780 corticotropin hormone receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015322 secondary active oligopeptide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016890 site-specific endodeoxyribonuclease activity, specific for altered base 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033878 hormone-sensitive lipase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061860 DNA clamp unloader activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000701 purine-specific mismatch base pair DNA N-glycosylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004951 cholecystokinin receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004779 sulfate adenylyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097604 temperature-gated cation channel activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106335 tRNA (5-carboxymethyluridine(34)-5-O)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046556 alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001729 ceramide kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016422 mRNA (2'-O-methyladenosine-N6-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035034 histone acetyltransferase regulator activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016420 malonyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120300 peptide lactyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000009 alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051424 corticotropin-releasing hormone binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031732 CCR7 chemokine receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004618 phosphoglycerate kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019972 interleukin-12 binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070259 tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099534 calcium ion binding involved in regulation of presynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004345 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030624 U6atac snRNA binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160107 tRNA (adenine(58)-N1)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052654 L-leucine transaminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004917 interleukin-7 receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004823 leucine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030305 heparanase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120225 coenzyme A binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004329 formate-tetrahydrofolate ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102521 tRNA-4-demethylwyosine synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018064 protein-L-histidine N-tele-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097158 pre-mRNA intronic pyrimidine-rich binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030629 U6 snRNA 3'-end binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045550 geranylgeranyl reductase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072570 ADP-D-ribose binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008513 secondary active organic cation transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002134 UTP binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046922 peptide-O-fucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015151 alpha-glucoside transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000150 DNA strand exchange activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003863 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate dehydrogenase (2-methylpropanoyl-transferring) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045174 glutathione dehydrogenase (ascorbate) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140805 NAD+-protein-serine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047290 alpha-N-acetylneuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3-N-acetyl-galactosaminide 6-alpha-sialyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000215 tRNA 2'-phosphotransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061654 NEDD8 conjugating enzyme activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045031 G protein-coupled ATP receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052741 (R)-limonene 6-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015117 thiosulfate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005356 glucose:proton symporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106293 NADH oxidase H202-forming activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042284 sphingolipid delta-4 desaturase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102751 UDP-alpha-D-glucose:glucosyl-glycogenin alpha-D-glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005171 hepatocyte growth factor receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002951 leukotriene-C(4) hydrolase 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106255 hydroperoxy icosatetraenoate isomerase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004087 carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (ammonia) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003914 DNA (6-4) photolyase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030354 melanin-concentrating hormone activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004560 alpha-L-fucosidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004441 inositol-1,4-bisphosphate 1-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097020 COPII receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005228 intracellular sodium-activated potassium channel activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016432 tRNA-uridine aminocarboxypropyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071567 deUFMylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140581 P-type monovalent copper transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047389 glycerophosphocholine phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033754 indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004339 glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072354 histone H3T3 kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990447 U2 snRNP binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004019 adenylosuccinate synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016730 oxidoreductase activity, acting on iron-sulfur proteins as donors 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015382 sodium:sulfate symporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035851 Krueppel-associated box domain binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009041 UMP/dUMP kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070012 oligopeptidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004040 amidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004132 dCMP deaminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030348 syntaxin-3 binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070025 carbon monoxide binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005135 interleukin-3 receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004827 proline-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106226 peptide 2-hydroxyisobutyryltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047275 glucosaminylgalactosylglucosylceramide beta-galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008466 glycogenin glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004913 interleukin-4 receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047939 L-glucuronate reductase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035403 histone H3T6 kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018675 (S)-limonene 6-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004315 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062179 vitamin D 23-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005297 proline:proton symporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004947 bradykinin receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990890 netrin receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140260 mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061711 N(6)-L-threonylcarbamoyladenine synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008768 UDP-sugar diphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102193 protein-ribulosamine 3-kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005183 gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990136 linoleate 9S-lipoxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045518 interleukin-22 receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052827 inositol pentakisphosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003845 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase [NAD(P)] activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031852 mu-type opioid receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036055 protein-succinyllysine desuccinylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002083 4-hydroxybenzoate decaprenyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031696 alpha-2C adrenergic receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061463 O-acetyl-ADP-ribose deacetylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031711 bradykinin receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102294 cholesterol dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008107 galactoside 2-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047635 alanine-oxo-acid transaminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032090 Pyrin domain binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140315 iron ion sequestering activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019113 limonene monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042020 interleukin-23 receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045523 interleukin-27 receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004422 hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008192 RNA guanylyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099579 G protein-coupled neurotransmitter receptor activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106276 biliberdin reductase NAD+ activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140978 mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052848 inositol-3,5-bisdiphosphate-2,3,4,6-tetrakisphosphate 5-diphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002153 steroid receptor RNA activator RNA binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004577 N-acetylglucosaminyldiphosphodolichol N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000515 aspartate:glutamate, proton antiporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035276 ethanol binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043404 corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071886 1-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)propan-2-amine binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004372 glycine hydroxymethyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008425 2-polyprenyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009882 blue light photoreceptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004698 calcium,diacylglycerol-dependent serine/threonine kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044022 histone H3S28 kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004357 glutamate-cysteine ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042008 interleukin-18 receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072545 L-tyrosine binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004850 uridine phosphorylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141089 glucose sensor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004174 electron-transferring-flavoprotein dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061928 glutathione specific gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009032 thymidine phosphorylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015417 ABC-type polyamine transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047747 cholate-CoA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050295 steryl-beta-glucosidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034188 apolipoprotein A-I receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097243 flavonoid binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017042 glycosylceramidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043924 suramin binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017130 poly(C) RNA binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990583 phospholipase D activator activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086020 gap junction channel activity involved in SA node cell-atrial cardiac muscle cell electrical coupling 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004909 interleukin-1, type I, activating receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003990 acetylcholinesterase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071796 K6-linked polyubiquitin modification-dependent protein binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033872 [heparan sulfate]-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 3 activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052732 phosphoethanolamine phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045130 keratan sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004353 glutamate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046970 NAD-dependent histone H4K16 deacetylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004662 CAAX-protein geranylgeranyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070698 type I activin receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004660 protein farnesyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140774 NAD-dependent protein depalmitoylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035500 MH2 domain binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031753 endothelial differentiation G protein-coupled receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033857 diphosphoinositol-pentakisphosphate kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004068 aspartate 1-decarboxylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004066 asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050567 glutaminyl-tRNA synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004379 glycylpeptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033798 thyroxine 5-deiodinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004873 asialoglycoprotein receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050196 [phosphorylase] phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140486 zinc ion sequestering activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140943 histone H4K20 trimethyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016913 follicle-stimulating hormone activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003870 5-aminolevulinate synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004816 asparagine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990409 adrenomedullin binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004818 glutamate-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004021 L-alanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005011 macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032791 lead ion binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140823 histone H2BS36 kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034988 Fc-gamma receptor I complex binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140932 5'-(N(7)-methyl 5'-triphosphoguanosine)-[mRNA] diphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004941 beta2-adrenergic receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004803 transposase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035870 dITP diphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001165 RNA polymerase I cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015420 ABC-type vitamin B12 transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005026 transforming growth factor beta receptor activity, type II 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004821 histidine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031704 apelin receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008118 N-acetyllactosaminide alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004503 tyrosinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062184 testosterone 16-beta-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018708 thiol S-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044017 histone H3K27 acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000703 oxidized pyrimidine nucleobase lesion DNA N-glycosylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015928 fucosidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106346 snRNA methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097004 adipokinetic hormone binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061953 mRNA (adenine-N1-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004161 dimethylallyltranstransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030158 protein xylosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001147 transcription termination site sequence-specific DNA binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010436 carotenoid dioxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090624 endoribonuclease activity, cleaving miRNA-paired mRNA 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031699 beta-3 adrenergic receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005427 proton-dependent oligopeptide secondary active transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019145 aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003948 N4-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052717 tRNA-specific adenosine-34 deaminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044716 8-oxo-GDP phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004782 sulfinoalanine decarboxylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008798 beta-aspartyl-peptidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045519 interleukin-23 receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036431 dCMP kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002953 5'-deoxynucleotidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008796 bis(5'-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046997 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH group of donors, flavin as acceptor 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031755 Edg-2 lysophosphatidic acid receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017060 3-galactosyl-N-acetylglucosaminide 4-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003977 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine diphosphorylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016920 pyroglutamyl-peptidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140343 phosphatidylserine transfer activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051736 ATP-dependent polyribonucleotide 5'-hydroxyl-kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016631 enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase activity (NAD(P)H) 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004743 pyruvate kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004649 poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034899 trimethylamine monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106245 L-serine-phosphatidylethanolamine phosphatidyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140037 SUMO-modified protein reader activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010844 recombination hotspot binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019772 low-affinity IgG receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070005 cysteine-type aminopeptidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061507 2',3'-cyclic GMP-AMP binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004831 tyrosine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030144 alpha-1,6-mannosylglycoprotein 6-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016825 hydrolase activity, acting on acid phosphorus-nitrogen bonds 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031835 substance P receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001883 purine nucleoside binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004478 methionine adenosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001069 regulatory region RNA binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003973 (S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990984 tRNA demethylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015227 acyl carnitine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005146 leukemia inhibitory factor receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042781 3'-tRNA processing endoribonuclease activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005148 prolactin receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004531 deoxyribonuclease II activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001096 TFIIF-class transcription factor complex binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030697 tRNA (uracil(54)-C5)-methyltransferase activity, S-adenosyl methionine-dependent 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990042 glycerol dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004081 bis(5'-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (asymmetrical) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060072 large conductance calcium-activated potassium channel activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016404 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071074 eukaryotic initiation factor eIF2 binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017098 sulfonylurea receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001631 cysteinyl leukotriene receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102965 alcohol-forming long-chain fatty acyl-CoA reductase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0110153 RNA NAD-cap (NMN-forming) hydrolase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005093 Rab GDP-dissociation inhibitor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004778 succinyl-CoA hydrolase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004776 succinate-CoA ligase (GDP-forming) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070780 dihydrosphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047408 alkenylglycerophosphocholine hydrolase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004658 propionyl-CoA carboxylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009679 hexose:proton symporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001607 neuromedin U receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140064 peptide crotonyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005234 extracellularly glutamate-gated ion channel activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990259 histone H2AQ104 methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005150 interleukin-1, type I receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036403 arachidonate 8(S)-lipoxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047685 amine sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044013 histone H2B acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018467 formaldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051033 RNA transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102035 2-methylpropanoyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004507 steroid 11-beta-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0055055 D-glucose:proton symporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004138 deoxyguanosine kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005460 UDP-glucose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070336 flap-structured DNA binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035373 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008263 pyrimidine-specific mismatch base pair DNA N-glycosylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140702 cyclic GMP-AMP binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052656 L-isoleucine transaminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016603 glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046904 calcium oxalate binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030626 U12 snRNA binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160123 structural constituent of nuclear lamina 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033041 sweet taste receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004109 coproporphyrinogen oxidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032397 activating MHC class I receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003951 NAD+ kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001785 prostaglandin J receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106231 protein-propionyllysine depropionylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001872 (1->3)-beta-D-glucan binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003980 UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004822 isoleucine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047020 15-hydroxyprostaglandin-D dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016316 phosphatidylinositol-3,4-bisphosphate 4-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038062 protein tyrosine kinase collagen receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004815 aspartate-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003943 N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140785 amino acid sensor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033862 UMP kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043682 P-type divalent copper transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052815 medium-chain fatty acyl-CoA hydrolase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004084 branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018030 peptidyl-lysine N6-myristoyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031769 glucagon receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061752 telomeric repeat-containing RNA binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008967 phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036430 CMP kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070080 titin Z domain binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017061 S-methyl-5-thioadenosine phosphorylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017159 pantetheine hydrolase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042328 heparan sulfate N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004750 D-ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004657 proline dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140798 histone H3R26 arginine deiminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072518 Rho-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004956 prostaglandin D receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004958 prostaglandin F receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047661 amino-acid racemase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004781 sulfate adenylyltransferase (ATP) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031870 thromboxane A2 receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019809 spermidine binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004137 deoxycytidine kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032089 NACHT domain binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015200 methylammonium transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004450 isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008113 peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide reductase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036505 prosaposin receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047006 17-alpha,20-alpha-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047847 deoxyuridine phosphorylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004452 isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004047 aminomethyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004611 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004914 interleukin-5 receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016608 growth hormone-releasing hormone activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070611 histone H3R2 methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004832 valine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062181 1-alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 23-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019166 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098633 collagen fibril binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070506 high-density lipoprotein particle receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005294 neutral L-amino acid secondary active transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016639 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH2 group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019981 interleukin-6 binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004337 geranyltranstransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004830 tryptophan-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140968 polyspecific organic cation:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022852 glycine-gated chloride ion channel activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004360 glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase (isomerizing) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046964 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004051 arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008389 coumarin 7-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1902379 chemoattractant activity involved in axon guidance 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050429 calcium-dependent phospholipase C activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001632 leukotriene B4 receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047693 ATP diphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052845 inositol-5-diphosphate-1,2,3,4,6-pentakisphosphate diphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003913 DNA photolyase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016230 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase activator activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019948 SUMO activating enzyme activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005151 interleukin-1, type II receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086059 voltage-gated calcium channel activity involved SA node cell action potential 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002196 Ser-tRNA(Ala) hydrolase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071885 N-terminal protein N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046969 NAD-dependent histone H3K9 deacetylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990190 peptide-glutamate-alpha-N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004912 interleukin-3 receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001588 dopamine neurotransmitter receptor activity, coupled via Gs 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160102 tRNA (guanine(10)-N2)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003989 acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051903 S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033040 sour taste receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005461 UDP-glucuronic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001691 pseudophosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044594 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004910 interleukin-1, type II, blocking receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035402 histone H3T11 kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001888 glucuronyl-galactosyl-proteoglycan 4-alpha-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008294 calcium- and calmodulin-responsive adenylate cyclase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050610 methylarsonate reductase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1903981 enterobactin binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052655 L-valine transaminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005019 platelet-derived growth factor beta-receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004609 phosphatidylserine decarboxylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003858 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033842 N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001855 complement component C4b binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009007 site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (adenine-specific) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031682 G-protein gamma-subunit binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141054 histone H2B ubiquitin ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004421 hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061775 cohesin loader activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003835 beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043992 histone H3K9 acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090486 small RNA 2'-O-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:2001065 mannan binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052923 all-trans-nonaprenyl-diphosphate synthase (geranyl-diphosphate specific) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140787 phosphate ion uniporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030899 calcium-dependent ATPase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004067 asparaginase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018820 cyanamide hydratase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052817 very long-chain fatty acyl-CoA hydrolase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004794 threonine deaminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003920 GMP reductase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019002 GMP binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047196 long-chain-alcohol O-fatty-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050197 phytanate-CoA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140682 FAD-dependent H3K4me/H3K4me3 demethylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036361 racemase activity, acting on amino acids and derivatives 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061768 magnesium:sodium antiporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008650 rRNA (uridine-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052901 spermine:oxygen oxidoreductase (spermidine-forming) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016419 S-malonyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008124 4-alpha-hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin dehydratase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003883 CTP synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047017 prostaglandin-F synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033906 hyaluronoglucuronidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090560 2-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)histidine synthase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004140 dephospho-CoA kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034228 ethanolamine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106363 protein-cysteine methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015657 branched-chain amino acid:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035596 methylthiotransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002114 interleukin-33 receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004923 leukemia inhibitory factor receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019785 ISG15-specific peptidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004119 cGMP-inhibited cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072590 N-acetyl-L-aspartate-L-glutamate ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070039 rRNA (guanosine-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015369 calcium:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004817 cysteine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904713 beta-catenin destruction complex binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051500 D-tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099510 calcium ion binding involved in regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047611 acetylspermidine deacetylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004342 glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031800 type 3 metabotropic glutamate receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050048 L-leucine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050484 GMP 5'-nucleotidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016749 N-succinyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030109 HLA-B specific inhibitory MHC class I receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051800 phosphatidylinositol-3,4-bisphosphate 3-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008332 low voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140613 P-type manganese transporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106277 biliverdin reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035605 peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061697 protein-glutaryllysine deglutarylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071207 histone pre-mRNA stem-loop binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008441 3'(2'),5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017057 6-phosphogluconolactonase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047956 glycerol dehydrogenase [NADP+] activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047750 cholestenol delta-isomerase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097259 20-aldehyde-leukotriene B4 20-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004063 aryldialkylphosphatase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000048 peptidyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001735 prenylcysteine oxidase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038025 reelin receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990931 mRNA N6-methyladenosine dioxygenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031783 type 5 melanocortin receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016213 linoleoyl-CoA desaturase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036054 protein-malonyllysine demalonylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045509 interleukin-27 receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004356 glutamine synthetase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042007 interleukin-18 binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034039 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine DNA N-glycosylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004996 thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016855 racemase and epimerase activity, acting on amino acids and derivatives 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004998 transferrin receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005367 myo-inositol:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004020 adenylylsulfate kinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005139 interleukin-7 receptor binding 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061547 glycogen synthase activity, transferring glucose-1-phosphate 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008281 sulfonylurea receptor activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004314 [acyl-carrier-protein] S-malonyltransferase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016509 long-chain-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008479 tRNA-guanosine(34) queuine transglycosylase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004335 galactokinase activity 1.00000000000073 7.33102911126935e-13 2 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008559 ABC-type xenobiotic transporter activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061665 SUMO ligase activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008195 phosphatidate phosphatase activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070742 C2H2 zinc finger domain binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097157 pre-mRNA intronic binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052744 phosphatidylinositol monophosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990226 histone methyltransferase binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016530 metallochaperone activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015651 quaternary ammonium group transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008242 omega peptidase activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005161 platelet-derived growth factor receptor binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071933 Arp2/3 complex binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099602 neurotransmitter receptor regulator activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019104 DNA N-glycosylase activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008020 G protein-coupled photoreceptor activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035325 Toll-like receptor binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005344 oxygen carrier activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030983 mismatched DNA binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008331 high voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004559 alpha-mannosidase activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052816 long-chain fatty acyl-CoA hydrolase activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031404 chloride ion binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098847 sequence-specific single stranded DNA binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015386 potassium:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004065 arylsulfatase activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0089720 caspase binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034450 ubiquitin-ubiquitin ligase activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016888 endodeoxyribonuclease activity, producing 5'-phosphomonoesters 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000900 mRNA regulatory element binding translation repressor activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005347 ATP transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005313 L-glutamate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008191 metalloendopeptidase inhibitor activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050780 dopamine receptor binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004865 protein serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitor activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098599 palmitoyl hydrolase activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017070 U6 snRNA binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051011 microtubule minus-end binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008252 nucleotidase activity 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034236 protein kinase A catalytic subunit binding 1.00000000000088 8.79609593914886e-13 14 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015645 fatty acid ligase activity 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070412 R-SMAD binding 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001091 RNA polymerase II general transcription initiation factor binding 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005104 fibroblast growth factor receptor binding 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019707 protein-cysteine S-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015252 proton channel activity 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030247 polysaccharide binding 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070840 dynein complex binding 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003707 nuclear steroid receptor activity 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019706 protein-cysteine S-palmitoyltransferase activity 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005112 Notch binding 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034237 protein kinase A regulatory subunit binding 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008483 transaminase activity 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017025 TBP-class protein binding 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070577 lysine-acetylated histone binding 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051537 2 iron, 2 sulfur cluster binding 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120014 phospholipid transfer activity 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015296 monoatomic anion:monoatomic cation symporter activity 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016701 oxidoreductase activity, acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016895 DNA exonuclease activity, producing 5'-phosphomonoesters 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004806 triglyceride lipase activity 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015149 hexose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042974 nuclear retinoic acid receptor binding 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0055056 D-glucose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016289 acyl-CoA hydrolase activity 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005537 mannose binding 1.00000000000096 9.62910254222785e-13 25 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003713 transcription coactivator activity 1.00000000000139 1.38667187833365e-12 271 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016773 phosphotransferase activity, alcohol group as acceptor 1.00000000000141 1.41263514135317e-12 686 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061630 ubiquitin protein ligase activity 1.00000000000183 1.83013871643473e-12 350 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043022 ribosome binding 1.00000000000191 1.91497894194049e-12 109 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004843 cysteine-type deubiquitinase activity 1.00000000000191 1.91497894194049e-12 109 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015179 L-amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000201 2.01078915896033e-12 66 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016705 oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 1.00000000000215 2.15393297882236e-12 177 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005543 phospholipid binding 1.00000000000226 2.26210961040365e-12 489 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008289 lipid binding 1.0000000000023 2.3015350318458e-12 861 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008235 metalloexopeptidase activity 1.00000000000246 2.46326451941963e-12 68 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003777 microtubule motor activity 1.00000000000246 2.46326451941963e-12 68 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140034 methylation-dependent protein binding 1.00000000000247 2.47373652160333e-12 83 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031492 nucleosomal DNA binding 1.00000000000252 2.51544030369031e-12 64 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005548 phospholipid transporter activity 1.00000000000252 2.51544030369031e-12 64 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044183 protein folding chaperone 1.00000000000252 2.51544030369031e-12 64 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005261 monoatomic cation channel activity 1.00000000000264 2.64080916663887e-12 331 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017022 myosin binding 1.000000000003 2.99946580083258e-12 75 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030371 translation repressor activity 1.00000000000311 3.1075582289557e-12 324 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003899 DNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polymerase activity 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033612 receptor serine/threonine kinase binding 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004033 aldo-keto reductase (NADPH) activity 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031210 phosphatidylcholine binding 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008327 methyl-CpG binding 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008187 poly-pyrimidine tract binding 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022839 monoatomic ion-gated channel activity 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052866 phosphatidylinositol phosphate phosphatase activity 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070566 adenylyltransferase activity 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072349 modified amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032452 histone demethylase activity 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001968 fibronectin binding 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008527 taste receptor activity 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035250 UDP-galactosyltransferase activity 1.0000000000035 3.50314264754121e-12 30 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008188 neuropeptide receptor activity 1.00000000000378 3.78181622232242e-12 48 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019212 phosphatase inhibitor activity 1.00000000000378 3.78181622232242e-12 48 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016879 ligase activity, forming carbon-nitrogen bonds 1.00000000000378 3.78181622232242e-12 48 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016903 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors 1.00000000000378 3.78181622232242e-12 48 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015459 potassium channel regulator activity 1.00000000000378 3.78181622232242e-12 48 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003941 L-serine ammonia-lyase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033782 24-hydroxycholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005094 Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005157 macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042947 glucoside transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004500 dopamine beta-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070905 serine binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004802 transketolase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070538 oleic acid binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008269 JAK pathway signal transduction adaptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004307 ethanolaminephosphotransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017020 myosin phosphatase regulator activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004800 thyroxine 5'-deiodinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062187 anandamide 8,9 epoxidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051022 Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004719 protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140293 ADP-ribosylglutamate hydrolase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002950 ceramide phosphoethanolamine synthase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086056 voltage-gated calcium channel activity involved in AV node cell action potential 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050692 DNA binding domain binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990450 linear polyubiquitin binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905773 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine DNA binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034714 type III transforming growth factor beta receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031697 beta-1 adrenergic receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016880 acid-ammonia (or amide) ligase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045030 G protein-coupled UTP receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000033 alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008859 exoribonuclease II activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033765 steroid dehydrogenase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000810 diacylglycerol diphosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033592 RNA strand annealing activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004053 arginase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045340 mercury ion binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042010 interleukin-15 receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004449 isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008900 P-type potassium:proton transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062183 all-trans retinoic acid 18-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004487 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901235 (R)-carnitine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016149 translation release factor activity, codon specific 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120160 intraciliary transport particle A binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032399 HECT domain binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030343 vitamin D3 25-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1902945 metalloendopeptidase activity involved in amyloid precursor protein catabolic process 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052836 inositol 5-diphosphate pentakisphosphate 5-kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052905 tRNA (guanosine(9)-N1)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042134 rRNA primary transcript binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050178 phenylpyruvate tautomerase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019808 polyamine binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043398 HLH domain binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005153 interleukin-8 receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034632 retinol transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016672 oxidoreductase activity, acting on a sulfur group of donors, quinone or similar compound as acceptor 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004586 ornithine decarboxylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047192 1-alkylglycerophosphocholine O-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140987 ATP:phosphate antiporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032038 myosin II heavy chain binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905576 ganglioside GT1b binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140912 membrane destabilizing activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016748 succinyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008109 N-acetyllactosaminide beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102499 SHG alpha-glucan phosphorylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016520 growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001591 dopamine neurotransmitter receptor activity, coupled via Gi/Go 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016822 hydrolase activity, acting on acid carbon-carbon bonds 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005046 KDEL sequence binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008489 UDP-galactose:glucosylceramide beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050252 retinol O-fatty-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071633 dihydroceramidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004921 interleukin-11 receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070026 nitric oxide binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102140 heparan sulfate N-deacetylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005136 interleukin-4 receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036132 13-prostaglandin reductase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043998 histone H2A acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120319 long-chain fatty acid omega-1 hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140360 cyclic-GMP-AMP transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004968 gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004999 vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048101 calmodulin-activated 3',5'-cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033188 sphingomyelin synthase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004667 prostaglandin-D synthase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031686 A1 adenosine receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004992 platelet activating factor receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120325 NuRD complex binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003909 DNA ligase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008988 rRNA (adenine-N6-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070853 myosin VI binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016971 flavin-dependent sulfhydryl oxidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000254 C-4 methylsterol oxidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015131 oxaloacetate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015265 urea channel activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140506 endoplasmic reticulum-autophagosome adaptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015375 glycine:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032557 pyrimidine ribonucleotide binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106235 ceramide-1-phosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033745 L-methionine-(R)-S-oxide reductase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036139 peptidyl-histidine dioxygenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016532 superoxide dismutase copper chaperone activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035979 histone H2AXS139 kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036134 12-hydroxyheptadecatrienoic acid synthase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004118 cGMP-stimulated cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005128 erythropoietin receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015086 cadmium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050254 rhodopsin kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905030 voltage-gated monoatomic ion channel activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004346 glucose-6-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140940 histone H2A methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008073 ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070401 NADP+ binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070579 5-methylcytosine dioxygenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0055100 adiponectin binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008240 tripeptidyl-peptidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016899 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-OH group of donors, oxygen as acceptor 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140892 sodium,bicarbonate:chloride antiporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043993 histone H3K18 acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004085 butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019767 IgE receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005459 UDP-galactose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004027 alcohol sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005017 platelet-derived growth factor receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102007 acyl-L-homoserine-lactone lactonohydrolase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016309 1-phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031531 thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016941 natriuretic peptide receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004814 arginine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008454 alpha-1,3-mannosylglycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030613 oxidoreductase activity, acting on phosphorus or arsenic in donors 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904121 phosphatidylethanolamine transfer activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004117 calmodulin-activated dual specificity 3',5'-cyclic-GMP, 3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004461 lactose synthase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070290 N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine-specific phospholipase D activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990174 phosphodiesterase decapping endonuclease activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904678 alpha-aminoacyl-tRNA binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140081 glycosylated region protein binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905573 ganglioside GM1 binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018479 benzaldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070991 medium-chain fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004096 catalase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004069 L-aspartate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140789 histone phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004060 arylamine N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052810 1-phosphatidylinositol-5-kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071209 U7 snRNA binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032549 ribonucleoside binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034736 cholesterol O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032810 sterol response element binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003876 AMP deaminase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031821 G protein-coupled serotonin receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004525 ribonuclease III activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003865 3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004924 oncostatin-M receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036121 double-stranded DNA helicase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033149 FFAT motif binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050265 RNA uridylyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061849 telomeric G-quadruplex DNA binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008940 nitrate reductase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008534 oxidized purine nucleobase lesion DNA N-glycosylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047115 trans-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008670 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005369 taurine:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031894 V1A vasopressin receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050682 AF-2 domain binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004967 glucagon receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990518 single-stranded 3'-5' DNA helicase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140995 histone H2A kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031687 A2A adenosine receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140355 cargo receptor ligand activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004699 diacylglycerol-dependent, calcium-independent serine/threonine kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002060 purine nucleobase binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001018 mitochondrial promoter sequence-specific DNA binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050220 prostaglandin-E synthase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001003 RNA polymerase III type 2 promoter sequence-specific DNA binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001601 peptide YY receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015275 stretch-activated, monoatomic cation-selective, calcium channel activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003834 beta-carotene 15,15'-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004980 melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017099 very-long-chain fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019776 Atg8-family ligase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005006 epidermal growth factor receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047493 ceramide cholinephosphotransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001791 IgM binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051264 mono-olein transacylation activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019970 interleukin-11 binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990599 3' overhang single-stranded DNA endodeoxyribonuclease activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004605 phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005335 serotonin:sodium:chloride symporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004332 fructose-bisphosphate aldolase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003958 NADPH-hemoprotein reductase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018858 benzoate-CoA ligase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051021 GDP-dissociation inhibitor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003839 gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032139 dinucleotide insertion or deletion binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004774 succinate-CoA ligase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017153 sodium:dicarboxylate symporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004965 G protein-coupled GABA receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061770 translation elongation factor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052833 inositol monophosphate 4-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004167 dopachrome isomerase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047376 all-trans-retinyl-palmitate hydrolase, all-trans-retinol forming activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033829 O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062153 C5-methylcytidine-containing RNA reader activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004833 tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052869 arachidonic acid omega-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008475 procollagen-lysine 5-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036009 protein-glutamine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062188 anandamide 11,12 epoxidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031708 endothelin B receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032129 histone H3K9 deacetylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004772 sterol O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008158 hedgehog receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004677 DNA-dependent protein kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030350 iron-responsive element binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003910 DNA ligase (ATP) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140090 membrane curvature sensor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003829 beta-1,3-galactosyl-O-glycosyl-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016823 hydrolase activity, acting on acid carbon-carbon bonds, in ketonic substances 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099038 ceramide floppase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043812 phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003994 aconitate hydratase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050508 glucuronosyl-N-acetylglucosaminyl-proteoglycan 4-alpha-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034739 histone H4K16 deacetylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000822 inositol hexakisphosphate binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004370 glycerol kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046899 nucleoside triphosphate adenylate kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015018 galactosylgalactosylxylosylprotein 3-beta-glucuronosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038131 neuregulin receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042015 interleukin-20 binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030369 ICAM-3 receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008449 N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046979 TAP2 binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016774 phosphotransferase activity, carboxyl group as acceptor 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003968 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004311 farnesyltranstransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004031 aldehyde oxidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032408 MutSbeta complex binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032406 MutLbeta complex binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030942 endoplasmic reticulum signal peptide binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035651 AP-3 adaptor complex binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004739 pyruvate dehydrogenase (acetyl-transferring) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060002 plus-end directed microfilament motor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004505 phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047649 alkylglycerol kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050473 arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019797 procollagen-proline 3-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032767 copper-dependent protein binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990189 peptide-serine-alpha-N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004938 alpha2-adrenergic receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009383 rRNA (cytosine-C5-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001605 adrenomedullin receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047894 flavonol 3-sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047751 3-oxo-5alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001025 RNA polymerase III general transcription initiation factor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140562 EGF-domain serine xylosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141051 histone H4K deacetylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140951 histone H3K27 trimethyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031862 prostanoid receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032296 double-stranded RNA-specific ribonuclease activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140788 L-glutamate uniporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002094 polyprenyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097643 amylin receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046592 polyamine oxidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033229 cysteine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032554 purine deoxyribonucleotide binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015210 uracil transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005483 soluble NSF attachment protein activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097682 intracellularly phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate-gated monatomic cation channel activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015225 biotin transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070548 L-glutamine aminotransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098919 structural constituent of postsynaptic density 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030337 DNA polymerase processivity factor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008458 carnitine O-octanoyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003872 6-phosphofructokinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034986 iron chaperone activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050119 N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015188 L-isoleucine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102250 linear malto-oligosaccharide phosphorylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047623 adenosine-phosphate deaminase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008427 calcium-dependent protein kinase inhibitor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0080084 5S rDNA binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045027 DNA end binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904768 all-trans-retinol binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001621 G protein-coupled ADP receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004566 beta-glucuronidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004995 tachykinin receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140793 histone H2AXY142 phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017176 phosphatidylinositol N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031871 proteinase activated receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140351 glycosylceramide flippase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090541 MIT domain binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030226 apolipoprotein receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016151 nickel cation binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070052 collagen V binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047374 methylumbelliferyl-acetate deacetylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160133 bicarbonate channel activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008511 sodium:potassium:chloride symporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001587 Gq/11-coupled serotonin receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901680 sulfur-containing amino acid secondary active transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019976 interleukin-2 binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008469 histone arginine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004104 cholinesterase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090433 palmitoyl-CoA ligase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046936 2'-deoxyadenosine deaminase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005009 insulin receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038177 death receptor agonist activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008553 P-type proton-exporting transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004050 apyrase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010858 calcium-dependent protein kinase regulator activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003918 DNA topoisomerase type II (double strand cut, ATP-hydrolyzing) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009674 potassium:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047223 beta-1,3-galactosyl-O-glycosyl-glycoprotein beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008177 succinate dehydrogenase (quinone) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005220 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-gated calcium channel activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005152 interleukin-1 receptor antagonist activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046573 lactonohydrolase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016165 linoleate 13S-lipoxygenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047237 glucuronylgalactosylproteoglycan 4-beta-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004136 deoxyadenosine kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140294 NAD DNA ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019862 IgA binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072582 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004911 interleukin-2 receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004614 phosphoglucomutase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038181 bile acid receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106423 tubulin-tyrosine carboxypeptidase 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070644 vitamin D response element binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004748 ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase activity, thioredoxin disulfide as acceptor 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016263 glycoprotein-N-acetylgalactosamine 3-beta-galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050633 acetyl-CoA C-myristoyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015228 coenzyme A transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001097 TFIIH-class transcription factor complex binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004477 methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001002 RNA polymerase III type 1 promoter sequence-specific DNA binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052834 inositol monophosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005176 ErbB-2 class receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015636 short-chain fatty acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050698 proteoglycan sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008184 glycogen phosphorylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018636 phenanthrene 9,10-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032450 maltose alpha-glucosidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140663 ATP-dependent FeS chaperone activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015140 malate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070653 high-density lipoprotein particle receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008404 arachidonic acid 14,15-epoxygenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052839 inositol diphosphate tetrakisphosphate kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033823 procollagen glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004013 adenosylhomocysteinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062061 TAP complex binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050262 ribosylnicotinamide kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004705 JUN kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030623 U5 snRNA binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050816 phosphothreonine residue binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008934 inositol monophosphate 1-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003896 DNA primase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042988 X11-like protein binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097621 monoamine oxidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042610 CD8 receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030172 troponin C binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008426 protein kinase C inhibitor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140853 cholesterol-protein transferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008428 ribonuclease inhibitor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052832 inositol monophosphate 3-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097603 temperature-gated ion channel activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000285 1-phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate 5-kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008384 IkappaB kinase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004416 hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016154 pyrimidine-nucleoside phosphorylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042018 interleukin-22 receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030395 lactose binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004949 cannabinoid receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004473 malate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) (NADP+) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003976 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-lysosomal-enzyme N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990444 F-box domain binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008607 phosphorylase kinase regulator activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031737 CX3C chemokine receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031841 neuropeptide Y receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0170011 stalled ribosome sensor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004829 threonine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031749 D2 dopamine receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071535 RING-like zinc finger domain binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047718 indanol dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004937 alpha1-adrenergic receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102148 N-acetyl-beta-D-galactosaminidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051265 diolein transacylation activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102354 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016414 O-octanoyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097108 hedgehog family protein binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004768 stearoyl-CoA 9-desaturase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051425 PTB domain binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004962 endothelin receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000309 nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033883 pyridoxal phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070576 vitamin D 24-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017095 heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004775 succinate-CoA ligase (ADP-forming) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106130 purine phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031893 vasopressin receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099583 neurotransmitter receptor activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032142 single guanine insertion binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044729 hemi-methylated DNA-binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046508 hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-sulfur bonds 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004517 nitric-oxide synthase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051538 3 iron, 4 sulfur cluster binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005334 norepinephrine:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050309 sugar-terminal-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004142 diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004813 alanine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008453 alanine-glyoxylate transaminase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030614 oxidoreductase activity, acting on phosphorus or arsenic in donors, disulfide as acceptor 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015196 L-tryptophan transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047288 beta-D-galactosyl-(1->3)-N-acetyl-beta-D-galactosaminide alpha-2,3- sialyltransferase 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031735 CCR10 chemokine receptor binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004731 purine-nucleoside phosphorylase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0170009 endoplasmic reticulum-organelle membrane tether activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140561 EGF-domain serine glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008753 NADPH dehydrogenase (quinone) activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004878 complement component C5a receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000104 succinate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044715 8-oxo-dGDP phosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905762 CCR4-NOT complex binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099184 structural constituent of postsynaptic intermediate filament cytoskeleton 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005010 insulin-like growth factor receptor activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005330 dopamine:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008823 cupric reductase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:1902271 D3 vitamins binding 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047522 15-oxoprostaglandin 13-oxidase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061731 ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097363 protein O-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000210 NAD+ diphosphatase activity 1.00000000000409 4.09501794552961e-12 3 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097153 cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140492 metal-dependent deubiquitinase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004526 ribonuclease P activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070410 co-SMAD binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004861 cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase inhibitor activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031543 peptidyl-proline dioxygenase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043047 single-stranded telomeric DNA binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008179 adenylate cyclase binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045295 gamma-catenin binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015166 polyol transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016274 protein-arginine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140829 bicarbonate:monoatomic anion antiporter activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990817 poly(A) RNA polymerase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035197 siRNA binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:1902282 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004726 non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine phosphatase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140713 histone chaperone activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015132 prostaglandin transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008253 5'-nucleotidase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070700 BMP receptor binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043997 histone H4K12 acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005078 MAP-kinase scaffold activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140852 histone ubiquitin ligase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140900 chloride:bicarbonate antiporter activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008499 UDP-galactose:beta-N-acetylglucosamine beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004129 cytochrome-c oxidase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005095 GTPase inhibitor activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008504 monoamine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016273 arginine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004859 phospholipase inhibitor activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086080 protein binding involved in heterotypic cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042301 phosphate ion binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099528 G protein-coupled neurotransmitter receptor activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004126 cytidine deaminase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008239 dipeptidyl-peptidase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016668 oxidoreductase activity, acting on a sulfur group of donors, NAD(P) as acceptor 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008603 cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulator activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034452 dynactin binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070679 inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017154 semaphorin receptor activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005165 neurotrophin receptor binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019855 calcium channel inhibitor activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008519 ammonium transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097493 structural molecule activity conferring elasticity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035497 cAMP response element binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990247 N6-methyladenosine-containing RNA reader activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000995 RNA polymerase III general transcription initiation factor activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035014 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulator activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035259 nuclear glucocorticoid receptor binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070697 activin receptor binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106019 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005527 macrolide binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004032 aldose reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070008 serine-type exopeptidase activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017166 vinculin binding 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005049 nuclear export signal receptor activity 1.00000000000417 4.16914458343314e-12 12 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106310 protein serine kinase activity 1.00000000000435 4.34787184424129e-12 362 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042578 phosphoric ester hydrolase activity 1.00000000000435 4.34787184424129e-12 362 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031406 carboxylic acid binding 1.00000000000457 4.5667289399683e-12 195 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017080 sodium channel regulator activity 1.00000000000459 4.59498243544677e-12 39 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030331 nuclear estrogen receptor binding 1.00000000000459 4.59498243544677e-12 39 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000217 DNA secondary structure binding 1.00000000000459 4.59498243544677e-12 39 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015605 organophosphate ester transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000459 4.59498243544677e-12 39 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043531 ADP binding 1.00000000000459 4.59498243544677e-12 39 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061650 ubiquitin-like protein conjugating enzyme activity 1.00000000000459 4.59498243544677e-12 39 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042162 telomeric DNA binding 1.00000000000459 4.59498243544677e-12 39 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030547 signaling receptor inhibitor activity 1.00000000000459 4.59498243544677e-12 39 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140318 protein transporter activity 1.00000000000459 4.59498243544677e-12 39 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140640 catalytic activity, acting on a nucleic acid 1.00000000000521 5.20684691116524e-12 617 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003727 single-stranded RNA binding 1.00000000000534 5.34364063546385e-12 87 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140517 protein-RNA adaptor activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099186 structural constituent of postsynapse 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008656 cysteine-type endopeptidase activator activity involved in apoptotic process 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005326 neurotransmitter transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050145 nucleoside monophosphate kinase activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036122 BMP binding 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019200 carbohydrate kinase activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009975 cyclase activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030742 GTP-dependent protein binding 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070182 DNA polymerase binding 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005123 death receptor binding 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001846 opsonin binding 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140035 ubiquitin-like protein reader activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031681 G-protein beta-subunit binding 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060229 lipase activator activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003841 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016864 intramolecular oxidoreductase activity, transposing S-S bonds 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004745 all-trans-retinol dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051010 microtubule plus-end binding 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003756 protein disulfide isomerase activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008373 sialyltransferase activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015125 bile acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016500 protein-hormone receptor activity 1.00000000000539 5.39467991703247e-12 21 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009055 electron transfer activity 1.00000000000601 6.01359714251415e-12 104 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004497 monooxygenase activity 1.00000000000601 6.01359714251415e-12 104 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008238 exopeptidase activity 1.00000000000601 6.01359714251415e-12 104 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043130 ubiquitin binding 1.00000000000601 6.01359714251415e-12 104 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004222 metalloendopeptidase activity 1.00000000000628 6.27517400640562e-12 108 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004620 phospholipase activity 1.00000000000628 6.27517400640562e-12 108 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005549 odorant binding 1.00000000000628 6.27517400640562e-12 108 0 0 39 18094 GO:1902936 phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate binding 1.00000000000628 6.27517400640562e-12 108 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031072 heat shock protein binding 1.0000000000063 6.29875945246092e-12 130 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005524 ATP binding 1.0000000000067 6.6994457021328e-12 1467 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030276 clathrin binding 1.00000000000688 6.87910016217146e-12 57 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015932 nucleobase-containing compound transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000688 6.87910016217146e-12 57 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004601 peroxidase activity 1.00000000000688 6.87910016217146e-12 57 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990756 ubiquitin-like ligase-substrate adaptor activity 1.00000000000688 6.87910016217146e-12 57 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031593 polyubiquitin modification-dependent protein binding 1.00000000000688 6.87910016217146e-12 57 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016504 peptidase activator activity 1.00000000000688 6.87910016217146e-12 57 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008554 P-type sodium transporter activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031628 opioid receptor binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005021 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016312 inositol bisphosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008467 [heparan sulfate]-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 1 activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015234 thiamine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015220 choline transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003988 acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016775 phosphotransferase activity, nitrogenous group as acceptor 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003747 translation release factor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001517 N-acetylglucosamine 6-O-sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050544 arachidonic acid binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034190 apolipoprotein receptor binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030292 protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004321 fatty-acyl-CoA synthase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008420 RNA polymerase II CTD heptapeptide repeat phosphatase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004771 sterol esterase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0023024 MHC class I protein complex binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005223 intracellularly cGMP-activated cation channel activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043878 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) (non-phosphorylating) activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003846 2-acylglycerol O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003720 telomerase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090599 alpha-glucosidase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004723 calcium-dependent protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030250 guanylate cyclase activator activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003997 acyl-CoA oxidase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005138 interleukin-6 receptor binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009922 fatty acid elongase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046977 TAP binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008443 phosphofructokinase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034485 phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106256 hydroperoxy icosatetraenoate dehydratase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035005 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070004 cysteine-type exopeptidase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016716 oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, another compound as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035240 dopamine binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004931 extracellularly ATP-gated monoatomic cation channel activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015247 aminophospholipid flippase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035242 protein-arginine omega-N asymmetric methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035473 lipase binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160002 ADP-D-ribose modification-dependent protein binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004908 interleukin-1 receptor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008169 C-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004176 ATP-dependent peptidase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043237 laminin-1 binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001594 trace-amine receptor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070728 L-leucine binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016531 copper chaperone activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016892 RNA endonuclease activity, producing 3'-phosphomonoesters 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004571 mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051575 5'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904399 heparan sulfate binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015315 organophosphate:phosphate antiporter activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042289 MHC class II protein binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031730 CCR5 chemokine receptor binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046934 1-phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070569 uridylyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140439 protein-cysteine S-stearoyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005499 vitamin D binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990050 phosphatidic acid transfer activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016936 galactoside binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004711 ribosomal protein S6 kinase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000992 RNA polymerase III cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008312 7S RNA binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050291 sphingosine N-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042392 sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018812 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106029 tRNA pseudouridine synthase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120283 protein serine/threonine kinase binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008079 translation termination factor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005412 glucose:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005375 copper ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050253 retinyl-palmitate esterase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017040 N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016453 C-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102033 long-chain fatty acid omega-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016833 oxo-acid-lyase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005502 11-cis retinal binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017108 5'-flap endonuclease activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009008 DNA-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004767 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048273 mitogen-activated protein kinase p38 binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004445 inositol-polyphosphate 5-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042937 tripeptide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016885 ligase activity, forming carbon-carbon bonds 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004791 thioredoxin-disulfide reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035800 deubiquitinase activator activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015193 L-proline transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034979 NAD-dependent protein lysine deacetylase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050543 icosatetraenoic acid binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061649 ubiquitin-modified histone reader activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005350 pyrimidine nucleobase transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:1902387 ceramide 1-phosphate binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050693 LBD domain binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005000 vasopressin receptor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016842 amidine-lyase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019770 IgG receptor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019788 NEDD8 transferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016929 deSUMOylase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052642 lysophosphatidic acid phosphatase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004972 NMDA glutamate receptor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003916 DNA topoisomerase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120250 fatty acid omega-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070568 guanylyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003836 beta-galactoside (CMP) alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008318 protein prenyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052658 inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031433 telethonin binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030550 acetylcholine receptor inhibitor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005351 carbohydrate:proton symporter activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036374 glutathione hydrolase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031727 CCR2 chemokine receptor binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032405 MutLalpha complex binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032051 clathrin light chain binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001181 RNA polymerase I general transcription initiation factor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016907 G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:1902388 ceramide 1-phosphate transfer activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016714 oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, reduced pteridine as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004703 G protein-coupled receptor kinase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030235 nitric-oxide synthase regulator activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004024 alcohol dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity, zinc-dependent 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030911 TPR domain binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004985 G protein-coupled opioid receptor activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005391 P-type sodium:potassium-exchanging transporter activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015925 galactosidase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004144 diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141109 transporter activator activity 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032407 MutSalpha complex binding 1.00000000000709 7.08692099412126e-12 7 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008094 ATP-dependent activity, acting on DNA 1.00000000000731 7.31146110656128e-12 121 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051119 sugar transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140416 transcription regulator inhibitor activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043236 laminin binding 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004629 phospholipase C activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043325 phosphatidylinositol-3,4-bisphosphate binding 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016866 intramolecular transferase activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035925 mRNA 3'-UTR AU-rich region binding 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099604 ligand-gated calcium channel activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016417 S-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005416 amino acid:monoatomic cation symporter activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015216 purine nucleotide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051059 NF-kappaB binding 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070273 phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate binding 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160041 neuropeptide activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051019 mitogen-activated protein kinase binding 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001965 G-protein alpha-subunit binding 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004364 glutathione transferase activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005184 neuropeptide hormone activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004693 cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097472 cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051861 glycolipid binding 1.00000000000735 7.35087970742816e-12 29 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098631 cell adhesion mediator activity 1.00000000000737 7.37227378739556e-12 67 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043539 protein serine/threonine kinase activator activity 1.00000000000737 7.37227378739556e-12 67 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032934 sterol binding 1.00000000000737 7.37227378739556e-12 67 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990841 promoter-specific chromatin binding 1.00000000000737 7.37227378739556e-12 67 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002039 p53 binding 1.00000000000737 7.37227378739556e-12 67 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004540 RNA nuclease activity 1.00000000000801 8.01498884249211e-12 128 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042826 histone deacetylase binding 1.00000000000801 8.01498884249211e-12 128 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004930 G protein-coupled receptor activity 1.00000000000816 8.15984832916893e-12 816 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008194 UDP-glycosyltransferase activity 1.00000000000855 8.54997691696362e-12 147 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004402 histone acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000903 9.02844582155932e-12 45 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032266 phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate binding 1.00000000000903 9.02844582155932e-12 45 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016859 cis-trans isomerase activity 1.00000000000903 9.02844582155932e-12 45 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004864 protein phosphatase inhibitor activity 1.00000000000903 9.02844582155932e-12 45 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004715 non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity 1.00000000000903 9.02844582155932e-12 45 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008375 acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000000903 9.02844582155932e-12 45 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019840 isoprenoid binding 1.00000000000903 9.02844582155932e-12 45 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140299 small molecule sensor activity 1.00000000000903 9.02844582155932e-12 45 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004532 RNA exonuclease activity 1.00000000000903 9.02844582155932e-12 45 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005501 retinoid binding 1.00000000000903 9.02844582155932e-12 45 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050699 WW domain binding 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015377 chloride:monoatomic cation symporter activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015464 acetylcholine receptor activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008649 rRNA methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031683 G-protein beta/gamma-subunit complex binding 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016780 phosphotransferase activity, for other substituted phosphate groups 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050321 tau-protein kinase activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008171 O-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004115 3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016881 acid-amino acid ligase activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005158 insulin receptor binding 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042171 lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016917 GABA receptor activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033691 sialic acid binding 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004993 G protein-coupled serotonin receptor activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071617 lysophospholipid acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010485 histone H4 acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030021 extracellular matrix structural constituent conferring compression resistance 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070034 telomerase RNA binding 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004407 histone deacetylase activity 1.00000000000904 9.04258631587545e-12 22 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016746 acyltransferase activity 1.00000000000913 9.13493393085174e-12 727 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004175 endopeptidase activity 1.00000000000915 9.14503579240331e-12 388 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042393 histone binding 1.00000000001109 1.1092496796573e-11 247 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008013 beta-catenin binding 1.0000000000111 1.10974072657345e-11 107 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005496 steroid binding 1.0000000000111 1.10974072657345e-11 107 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000149 SNARE binding 1.0000000000111 1.10974072657345e-11 107 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140098 catalytic activity, acting on RNA 1.00000000001151 1.1507761990568e-11 398 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005179 hormone activity 1.00000000001154 1.15427033618915e-11 126 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046873 metal ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.0000000000121 1.20966924799748e-11 442 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008186 ATP-dependent activity, acting on RNA 1.00000000001228 1.22772509210314e-11 78 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046332 SMAD binding 1.00000000001228 1.22772509210314e-11 78 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019210 kinase inhibitor activity 1.00000000001228 1.22772509210314e-11 78 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016301 kinase activity 1.00000000001281 1.28135464909032e-11 739 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005227 calcium-activated cation channel activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004435 phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008066 glutamate receptor activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004950 chemokine receptor activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008395 steroid hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052742 phosphatidylinositol kinase activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008157 protein phosphatase 1 binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034593 phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004190 aspartic-type endopeptidase activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019865 immunoglobulin binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004622 lysophospholipase activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050681 nuclear androgen receptor binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098918 structural constituent of synapse 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008198 ferrous iron binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043548 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004709 MAP kinase kinase kinase activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005160 transforming growth factor beta receptor binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019789 SUMO transferase activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001637 G protein-coupled chemoattractant receptor activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035255 ionotropic glutamate receptor binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097602 cullin family protein binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070330 aromatase activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001848 complement binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000295 adenine nucleotide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051139 metal cation:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000030 mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140033 acetylation-dependent protein binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070530 K63-linked polyubiquitin modification-dependent protein binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008143 poly(A) binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004529 DNA exonuclease activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005540 hyaluronic acid binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070006 metalloaminopeptidase activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030507 spectrin binding 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004112 cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001309 1.30897032622115e-11 26 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032182 ubiquitin-like protein binding 1.00000000001329 1.32858500583184e-11 123 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030545 signaling receptor regulator activity 1.00000000001342 1.34163582152173e-11 556 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008386 cholesterol monooxygenase (side-chain-cleaving) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030378 serine racemase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120301 histone lactyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032500 muramyl dipeptide binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047224 acetylgalactosaminyl-O-glycosyl-glycoprotein beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009673 low-affinity phosphate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016158 3-phytase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043759 2-methylbutanoate-CoA ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004070 aspartate carbamoyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047173 phosphatidylcholine-retinol O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1902098 calcitriol binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000497 DNA template activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004168 dolichol kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050221 prostaglandin-E2 9-reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008445 D-aspartate oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016768 spermine synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071566 UFM1 activating enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008068 extracellularly glutamate-gated chloride channel activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045703 ketoreductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047464 heparosan-N-sulfate-glucuronate 5-epimerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106388 18S rRNA aminocarboxypropyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043337 cardiolipin synthase (CMP-forming) 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047620 acylglycerol kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140490 microtubule nucleator activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086040 sodium:proton antiporter activity involved in regulation of cardiac muscle cell membrane potential 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990448 exon-exon junction complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003974 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4-epimerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004458 D-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050313 sulfur dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004502 kynurenine 3-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015055 secretin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140314 calcium ion sequestering activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098621 O-phosphoseryl-tRNA(Sec) selenium transferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051008 Hsp27 protein binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102522 tRNA 4-demethylwyosine alpha-amino-alpha-carboxypropyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047931 glucosamine kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052597 diamine oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160129 protein-DNA covalent cross-linking activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046316 gluconokinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001792 polymeric immunoglobulin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030519 snoRNP binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008516 hexose uniporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008518 folate:monoatomic anion antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047291 lactosylceramide alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018423 protein C-terminal leucine carboxyl O-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042083 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate-dependent methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016843 amine-lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043829 tRNA-specific adenosine-37 deaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008732 L-allo-threonine aldolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032440 2-alkenal reductase [NAD(P)+] activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017125 deoxycytidyl transferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008111 alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030294 receptor signaling protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016517 interleukin-12 receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070041 rRNA (uridine-C5-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072571 mono-ADP-D-ribose binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160042 purine nucleotide uniporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031707 endothelin A receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043716 2-hydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentenyl-1-phosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036317 tyrosyl-RNA phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102279 lecithin:11-cis retinol acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140340 cerebroside transfer activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047105 4-trimethylammoniobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046921 alpha-(1->6)-fucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106157 peptidyl-arginine 3-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003979 UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106075 peptide N-succinyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045183 translation factor activity, non-nucleic acid binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004742 dihydrolipoyllysine-residue acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106430 dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102752 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme activity (using a glucosylated glycogenin as primer for glycogen synthesis) 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045517 interleukin-20 receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035730 S-nitrosoglutathione binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004561 alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106264 protein serine kinase activity (using GTP as donor) 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016794 diphosphoric monoester hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061981 3-hydroxykynureninase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008955 peptidoglycan glycosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008424 glycoprotein 6-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005170 neurotrophin TRKC receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004057 arginyl-tRNA--protein transferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038021 leptin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004676 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106341 omega-hydroxyceramide transacylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052826 inositol hexakisphosphate 2-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043754 dihydrolipoyllysine-residue (2-methylpropanoyl)transferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102076 beta,beta-carotene-9',10'-cleaving oxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019912 cyclin-dependent protein kinase activating kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051996 squalene synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047992 hydroxylysine kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061897 all-trans retinal 3,4-desaturase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001626 nociceptin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047352 adenylylsulfate-ammonia adenylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043185 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045119 azole:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072544 L-DOPA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015498 pantothenate:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015105 arsenite transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047220 galactosylxylosylprotein 3-beta-galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031766 type 3 galanin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031768 ghrelin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990272 anti-Mullerian hormone receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022883 zinc efflux transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070678 preprotein binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004375 glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046992 oxidoreductase activity, acting on X-H and Y-H to form an X-Y bond 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016964 alpha-2 macroglobulin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030184 nitric oxide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031962 nuclear mineralocorticoid receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052725 inositol-1,3,4-trisphosphate 6-kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052918 dol-P-Man:Man(8)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042012 interleukin-16 receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042324 orexin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032041 NAD-dependent histone H3K14 deacetylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047359 1-alkenyl-2-acylglycerol choline phosphotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102196 cortisol dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030409 glutamate formimidoyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004394 heparan sulfate 2-O-sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047874 dolichyldiphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045513 interleukin-27 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102867 molybdenum cofactor sulfurtransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0110152 RNA NAD+-cap (NAD+-forming) hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050571 1,5-anhydro-D-fructose reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004617 phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047305 (R)-3-amino-2-methylpropionate-pyruvate transaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106153 phosphorylated histone binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038186 bile acid nuclear receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042163 interleukin-12 beta subunit binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0080132 fatty acid alpha-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106439 L-lysine:L-arginine antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005260 intracellularly ATP-gated chloride channel activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102524 tRNA(Phe) (7-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)wyosine37-C2)-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004504 peptidylglycine monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140901 L-asparagine:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050023 L-fuconate dehydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004643 phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071713 para-aminobenzoyl-glutamate hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017024 myosin I binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019983 interleukin-9 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990362 butanol dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160012 NAD-dependent histone decrotonylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160106 tRNA (adenine(9)-N1)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140817 NAD+-histone H3S10 serine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016847 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000404 heteroduplex DNA loop binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036143 kringle domain binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050512 lactosylceramide 4-alpha-galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030290 sphingolipid activator protein activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106420 NAD-dependent protein biotinidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061710 L-threonylcarbamoyladenylate synthase 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004471 malate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) (NAD+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050113 inositol oxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047316 glutamine-phenylpyruvate transaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160044 sulfate:chloride antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005141 interleukin-10 receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017045 corticotropin-releasing hormone activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008720 D-lactate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904493 tetrahydrofolyl-poly(glutamate) polymer binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001962 alpha-1,3-galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140937 histone H4K12 deacetylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106237 arachidonate 12(R)-lipoxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120241 2-iminobutanoate/2-iminopropanoate deaminase 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050290 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase D activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062156 mitochondrial ATP-gated potassium channel activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061712 tRNA (N(6)-L-threonylcarbamoyladenosine(37)-C(2))-methylthiotransferase 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004838 L-tyrosine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106370 protein-L-histidine N-pros-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003957 NAD(P)+ transhydrogenase (B-specific) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016034 maleylacetoacetate isomerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140344 triglyceride transfer activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070280 pyridoxal binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004509 steroid 21-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160134 protein-RNA sequence-specific adaptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042943 D-amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086087 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in bundle of His cell action potential repolarization 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047994 hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019914 cyclin-dependent protein kinase activating kinase regulator activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120295 histone serotonyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033778 7alpha-hydroxycholest-4-en-3-one 12alpha-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035715 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099077 histone-dependent DNA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043956 3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA dehydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047888 fatty acid peroxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047886 farnesol dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004555 alpha,alpha-trehalase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050207 plasmanylethanolamine desaturase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004855 xanthine oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071890 bicarbonate binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004079 biotin-[methylmalonyl-CoA-carboxytransferase] ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061651 Atg12 conjugating enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030380 interleukin-17E receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990829 C-rich single-stranded DNA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031851 kappa-type opioid receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046570 methylthioribulose 1-phosphate dehydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120274 virus coreceptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140799 glycine:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042281 dolichyl pyrophosphate Man9GlcNAc2 alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045515 interleukin-18 receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000252 C-3 sterol dehydrogenase (C-4 sterol decarboxylase) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001716 L-amino-acid oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000823 inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate 6-kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004423 iduronate-2-sulfatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008193 tRNA guanylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008397 sterol 12-alpha-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044549 GTP cyclohydrolase binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050560 aspartate-tRNA(Asn) ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004588 orotate phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008890 glycine C-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008957 phenylacetaldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070224 sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031867 EP4 subtype prostaglandin E2 receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047444 N-acylneuraminate-9-phosphate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031695 alpha-2B adrenergic receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000250 lanosterol synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009384 N-acylmannosamine kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004055 argininosuccinate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120022 glucagon family peptide binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086060 voltage-gated sodium channel activity involved in AV node cell action potential 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008892 guanine deaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047190 2-acylglycerophosphocholine O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031405 lipoic acid binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106138 Sec61 translocon complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140211 folic acid:proton symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004148 dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050277 sedoheptulokinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047276 N-acetyllactosaminide 3-alpha-galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008465 glycerate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032093 SAM domain binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097161 DH domain binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003877 ATP:ADP adenylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030108 HLA-A specific activating MHC class I receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061632 RNA lariat debranching enzyme activator activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036470 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase activator activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005328 neurotransmitter:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062185 secalciferol 1-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047536 2-aminoadipate transaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008507 sodium:iodide symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070002 glutamic-type peptidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0103069 17-hydroxyprogesterone 21-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106155 peptidyl-lysine 3-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019187 beta-1,4-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019964 type II interferon binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015390 purine-specific nucleoside:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047131 saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD+, L-glutamate-forming) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004462 lactoylglutathione lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003881 CDP-diacylglycerol-inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008478 pyridoxal kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047918 GDP-mannose 3,5-epimerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047749 cholestanetriol 26-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052895 N1-acetylspermine:oxygen oxidoreductase (N1-acetylspermidine-forming) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008531 riboflavin kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004903 growth hormone receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1902122 chenodeoxycholic acid binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140832 L-histidine, sodium:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019969 interleukin-10 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019171 (3R)-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005302 L-tyrosine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050115 myosin-light-chain-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001567 cholesterol 25-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004632 phosphopantothenate--cysteine ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050479 glyceryl-ether monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046526 D-xylulose reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031718 type 1 cannabinoid receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140337 diacylglyceride transfer activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000246 delta24(24-1) sterol reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005287 high-affinity basic amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047412 N-(long-chain-acyl)ethanolamine deacylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044603 protein adenylylhydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034701 tripeptidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036218 dTTP diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004595 pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034038 deoxyhypusine synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002055 adenine binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047394 glycerophosphoinositol inositolphosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140082 SUMO-ubiquitin ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004853 uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033961 cis-stilbene-oxide hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032841 calcitonin binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042292 URM1 activating enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038048 dynorphin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038046 G protein-coupled enkephalin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000332 template for synthesis of G-rich strand of telomere DNA activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052630 UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine diphosphorylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140759 histone H3K56 methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035478 chylomicron binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004574 oligo-1,6-glucosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004760 serine-pyruvate transaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043865 methionine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001532 interleukin-21 receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106326 acetylgalactosaminyl-O-glycosyl-threonyl-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052903 N1-acetylspermine:oxygen oxidoreductase (3-acetamidopropanal-forming) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004152 dihydroorotate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031773 kisspeptin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106328 acetylgalactosaminyl-O-glycosyl-seryl-glycoprotein beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120297 histone dopaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048257 3'-flap endonuclease activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004381 fucosylgalactoside 3-alpha-galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008894 guanosine-5'-triphosphate,3'-diphosphate diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033791 3alpha,7alpha,12alpha-trihydroxy-5beta-cholestanoyl-CoA 24-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052907 23S rRNA (adenine(1618)-N(6))-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060961 phospholipase D inhibitor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047442 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone aldolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047419 N-acetylgalactosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140956 histone H3K79 trimethyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106258 L-serine-phosphatidylcholine phosphatidyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004350 glutamate-5-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071424 rRNA (cytosine-N4-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060422 peptidyl-dipeptidase inhibitor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004990 oxytocin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042922 neuromedin U receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019135 deoxyhypusine monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0103023 ITPase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047977 hepoxilin-epoxide hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004061 arylformamidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019962 type I interferon binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036332 placental growth factor receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019799 tubulin N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047613 aconitate decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141040 very-long-chain 3-oxoacyl-CoA reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004496 mevalonate kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004498 calcidiol 1-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051748 UTP-monosaccharide-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052857 NADPHX epimerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990238 double-stranded DNA endonuclease activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004608 phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005018 platelet-derived growth factor alpha-receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008482 sulfite oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019768 high-affinity IgE receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015410 ABC-type manganese transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102149 farnesylcysteine lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047946 glutamine N-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140481 ABC-type iron-sulfur cluster transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160117 tRNA (guanine(6)-N2)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050648 5(S)-hydroxyperoxy-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-icosatetraenoic acid binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140808 NAD+-protein-tyrosine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052381 tRNA dimethylallyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050646 5-oxo-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-icosatetraenoic acid binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047826 D-lysine 5,6-aminomutase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0180003 S-adenosyl-L-methionine:S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062078 TSC1-TSC2 complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038054 G protein-coupled estrogen receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062076 acyl-CoA delta5-desaturase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004639 phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004733 pyridoxamine phosphate oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005309 creatine:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004511 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008480 sarcosine dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008336 gamma-butyrobetaine dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050124 N-acylneuraminate-9-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047103 3-alpha,7-alpha,12-alpha-trihydroxycholestan-26-al 26-oxidoreductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047800 cysteamine dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005304 L-valine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030273 melanin-concentrating hormone receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036479 peroxidase inhibitor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052872 tocotrienol omega-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106219 zinc ion sensor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990407 calcitonin gene-related peptide binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031839 type 1 neuromedin U receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140822 NAD+-histone H2BE35 glutamate ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043843 ADP-specific glucokinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008803 bis(5'-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (symmetrical) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047714 galactolipase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070009 serine-type aminopeptidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140815 NAD+-protein-histidine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047280 nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102707 S-adenosyl-L-methionine:beta-alanine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052870 tocopherol omega-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019119 phenanthrene-9,10-epoxide hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002061 pyrimidine nucleobase binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047390 glycerophosphocholine cholinephosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008995 ribonuclease E activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140983 calcium:manganese antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000334 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042497 triacyl lipopeptide binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047166 1-alkenylglycerophosphoethanolamine O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015538 sialic acid:proton symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106283 ursodeoxycholate 7-beta-dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004377 GDP-Man:Man3GlcNAc2-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141056 histone H4 ubiquitin ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051750 delta(3,5)-delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061798 GTP 3',8'-cyclase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106309 progesterone 21-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047952 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140777 protein-containing complex stabilizing activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044540 L-cystine L-cysteine-lyase (deaminating) 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045127 N-acetylglucosamine kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048270 methionine adenosyltransferase regulator activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070975 FHA domain binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030984 kininogen binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017065 single-strand selective uracil DNA N-glycosylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052814 medium-chain-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086061 voltage-gated sodium channel activity involved in bundle of His cell action potential 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047191 1-alkylglycerophosphocholine O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047058 vitamin-K-epoxide reductase (warfarin-insensitive) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030977 taurine binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120296 peptide dopaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042931 enterobactin transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018025 calmodulin-lysine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035716 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 12 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047677 arachidonate 8(R)-lipoxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120298 peptide noradrenalinyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052906 tRNA (guanine(37)-N1)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052835 inositol-3,4,6-trisphosphate 1-kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003937 IMP cyclohydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106301 arachidonic acid 5,6-epoxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901707 leptomycin B binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004963 follicle-stimulating hormone receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140592 histone H3R8 methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050561 glutamate-tRNA(Gln) ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000121 glycerol-1-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046980 tapasin binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005169 neurotrophin TRKB receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140765 NAD-dependent histone H3K56 deacetylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004856 D-xylulokinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004607 phosphatidylcholine-sterol O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050528 acyloxyacyl hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005133 type II interferon receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990422 glyoxalase (glycolic acid-forming) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032556 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004514 nicotinate-nucleotide diphosphorylase (carboxylating) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008829 dCTP deaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046523 S-methyl-5-thioribose-1-phosphate isomerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016521 pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097162 MADS box domain binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052858 peptidyl-lysine acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051747 cytosine C-5 DNA demethylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097657 3',5'-nucleotide bisphosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008127 quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102262 tRNA-dihydrouridine16 synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0080146 L-cysteine desulfhydrase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005043 netrin receptor activity involved in chemorepulsion 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050011 itaconyl-CoA hydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070736 protein-glycine ligase activity, initiating 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160118 tRNA (guanine(7)-N2)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050647 5-hydroxy-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-icosatetraenoic acid binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097160 polychlorinated biphenyl binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099609 microtubule lateral binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061542 3-demethylubiquinol-n 3-O-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070037 rRNA (pseudouridine) methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030735 carnosine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1902121 lithocholic acid binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004313 [acyl-carrier-protein] S-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140831 L-asparagine, sodium:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062050 GPI-mannose ethanolamine phosphate phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015367 oxoglutarate:malate antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003851 N-acylsphingosine galactosyltransferase 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106080 GATOR1 complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003882 CDP-diacylglycerol-serine O-phosphatidyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072555 17-beta-ketosteroid reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008705 methionine synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047273 galactosylgalactosylglucosylceramide beta-D-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030251 guanylate cyclase inhibitor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004347 glucose-6-phosphate isomerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050121 N-acylglucosamine 2-epimerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990439 MAP kinase serine/threonine phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036131 prostaglandin D2 11-ketoreductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062081 activating MHC class Ib receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038164 thrombopoietin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004631 phosphomevalonate kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047130 saccharopine dehydrogenase (NADP+, L-lysine-forming) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099142 intracellularly ATP-gated ion channel activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008832 dGTPase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032428 beta-N-acetylgalactosaminidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047042 androsterone dehydrogenase (B-specific) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106405 isoprenoid diphosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019172 glyoxalase III activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047833 D-sorbitol dehydrogenase (acceptor) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004378 GDP-Man:Man1GlcNAc2-PP-Dol alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099580 monoatomic ion antiporter activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061690 lipoamidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061797 pH-gated chloride channel activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004883 nuclear glucocorticoid receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052840 inositol diphosphate tetrakisphosphate diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052726 inositol-1,3,4-trisphosphate 5-kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044620 ACP phosphopantetheine attachment site binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015495 gamma-aminobutyric acid:proton symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050897 cobalt ion binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070675 hypoxanthine oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031765 type 2 galanin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047598 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098680 template-free RNA nucleotidyltransferase 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004098 cerebroside-sulfatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016751 S-succinyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046659 digestive hormone activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062104 pumilio-response element binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140778 microtubule stabilizing activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015019 heparan-alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008398 sterol 14-demethylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031073 cholesterol 26-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047560 3-dehydrosphinganine reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015130 mevalonate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004587 ornithine aminotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030366 molybdopterin synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036440 citrate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102559 protein-(glutamine-N5) methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1902444 riboflavin binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097257 leukotriene B4 12-hydroxy dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0103002 16-hydroxypalmitate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106137 IkappaB kinase complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905577 ganglioside GP1c binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061666 UFM1 ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004380 glycoprotein-fucosylgalactoside alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047860 diiodophenylpyruvate reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003878 ATP citrate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005477 pyruvate secondary active transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030107 HLA-A specific inhibitory MHC class I receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000095 S-adenosyl-L-methionine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010309 acireductone dioxygenase [iron(II)-requiring] activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047453 ATP-dependent NAD(P)H-hydrate dehydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017005 3'-tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047837 D-xylose 1-dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102264 tRNA-dihydrouridine20 synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060703 deoxyribonuclease inhibitor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047277 globoside alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102732 myo-inositol-1,2,3,4,6-heptakisphosphate 5-kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004343 glucosamine 6-phosphate N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086038 calcium:sodium antiporter activity involved in regulation of cardiac muscle cell membrane potential 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120153 calcium-dependent carbohydrate binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047012 sterol-4-alpha-carboxylate 3-dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004512 inositol-3-phosphate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016642 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH2 group of donors, disulfide as acceptor 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106078 histone succinyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004113 2',3'-cyclic-nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004317 (3R)-3-hydroxypalmitoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990955 G-rich single-stranded DNA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004037 allantoicase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043715 2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentyl-1-phosphate enolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004810 CCA tRNA nucleotidyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106162 mRNA N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036456 L-methionine-(S)-S-oxide reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036458 hepatocyte growth factor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004621 glycosylphosphatidylinositol phospholipase D activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052871 alpha-tocopherol omega-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002113 interleukin-33 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043739 G/U mismatch-specific uracil-DNA glycosylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004001 adenosine kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016287 glycerone-phosphate O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042586 peptide deformylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019153 protein-disulfide reductase (glutathione) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016635 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors, quinone or related compound as acceptor 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004736 pyruvate carboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062054 fluoride channel activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030504 inorganic diphosphate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048244 phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008746 NAD(P)+ transhydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004493 methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061929 gamma-glutamylaminecyclotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008123 cholesterol 7-alpha-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031717 cannabinoid receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004603 phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009000 selenocysteine lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106364 4-hydroxy-3-all-trans-hexaprenylbenzoate oxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015191 L-methionine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090416 nicotinate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070856 myosin VI light chain binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031751 D4 dopamine receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904593 prostaglandin binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003933 GTP cyclohydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0103026 fructose-1-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034512 box C/D sno(s)RNA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106327 acetylgalactosaminyl-O-glycosyl-threonyl-glycoprotein beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051751 alpha-1,4-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047982 homocysteine desulfhydrase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004793 threonine aldolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047391 alkylglycerophosphoethanolamine phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038047 morphine receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030412 formimidoyltetrahydrofolate cyclodeaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033889 N-sulfoglucosamine-3-sulfatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008983 protein-glutamate O-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008446 GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008448 N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033781 cholesterol 24-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031559 oxidosqualene cyclase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160079 G protein-coupled glycine receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004654 polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015607 ABC-type fatty-acyl-CoA transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008792 arginine decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141055 histone H3 ubiquitin ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052917 dolichyl-P-Man:Man(7)GlcNAc(2)-PP-dolichol alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000036 acyl carrier activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010859 calcium-dependent cysteine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004673 protein histidine kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004788 thiamine diphosphokinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140068 histone crotonyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003919 FMN adenylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031767 gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098872 G protein-coupled neurotransmitter receptor activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050152 omega-amidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070976 TIR domain binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034012 FAD-AMP lyase (cyclizing) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030760 pyridine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003940 L-iduronidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017172 cysteine dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120048 U6 snRNA (adenine-(43)-N(6))-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047603 acetoacetyl-CoA hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019778 Atg12 activating enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004479 methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061605 molybdopterin-synthase adenylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031724 CXCR5 chemokine receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016262 protein N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000994 RNA polymerase III core binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050632 propionyl-CoA C2-trimethyltridecanoyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045237 CXCR1 chemokine receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004801 transaldolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102102 homocarnosine synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046027 phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003983 UTP:glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031805 type 8 metabotropic glutamate receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004616 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005008 hepatocyte growth factor receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004122 cystathionine beta-synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071820 N-box binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004134 4-alpha-glucanotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140818 mRNA 5'-triphosphate monophosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086041 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in SA node cell action potential depolarization 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050462 N-acetylneuraminate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008707 4-phytase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141148 enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140816 NAD+-histone H2BS6 serine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070320 inward rectifier potassium channel inhibitor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004044 amidophosphoribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047621 acylpyruvate hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050038 L-xylulose reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106431 N6-methyl-(d)ATP hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008112 nicotinamide N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004324 ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004108 citrate (Si)-synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036105 peroxisome membrane class-1 targeting sequence binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097655 serpin family protein binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004474 malate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050146 nucleoside phosphotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031729 CCR4 chemokine receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015098 molybdate ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043136 glycerol-3-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047704 bile-salt sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033919 glucan 1,3-alpha-glucosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004139 deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061501 2',3'-cyclic GMP-AMP synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033746 histone H3R2 demethylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005144 interleukin-13 receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032560 guanyl deoxyribonucleotide binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070042 rRNA (uridine-N3-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005020 stem cell factor receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102258 1,3-diacylglycerol acylhydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098606 selenocystathionine gamma-lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090580 phosphodiesterase activity, acting on 3'-phosphoglycolate-terminated DNA strands 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004163 diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106340 tRNA (guanine(34)-2'-O)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004795 threonine synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043890 N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030975 thiamine binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106008 2-oxoglutaramate amidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019807 aspartoacylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086079 gap junction channel activity involved in Purkinje myocyte-ventricular cardiac muscle cell electrical coupling 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016223 beta-alanine-pyruvate transaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031854 orexigenic neuropeptide QRFP receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050354 triokinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030586 [methionine synthase] reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004753 saccharopine dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046583 monoatomic cation efflux transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016153 urocanate hydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035731 dinitrosyl-iron complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043210 alkanesulfonate binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042131 thiamine phosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070774 phytoceramidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008775 acetate CoA-transferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030572 phosphatidyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042011 interleukin-16 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018738 S-formylglutathione hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002058 uracil binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036222 XTP diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004569 glycoprotein endo-alpha-1,2-mannosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017174 glycine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0170054 ribonuclease activator activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050232 putrescine oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004757 sepiapterin reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008387 steroid 7-alpha-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030377 urokinase plasminogen activator receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015343 siderophore-iron transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005371 tricarboxylate secondary active transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004598 peptidylamidoglycolate lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033679 3'-5' DNA/RNA helicase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050785 advanced glycation end-product receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036220 ITP diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140850 histone H2B C-terminal K residue ubiquitin ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010420 3,4-dihydroxy-5-polyprenylbenzoic acid O-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004411 homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106325 acetylgalactosaminyl-O-glycosyl-seryl-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003944 N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphodiester alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003830 beta-1,4-mannosylglycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005091 guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor adaptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004363 glutathione synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099567 calcium ion binding involved in regulation of postsynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031877 somatostatin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047378 acetylalkylglycerol acetylhydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031370 eukaryotic initiation factor 4G binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015317 phosphate:proton symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008794 arsenate reductase (glutaredoxin) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046812 host cell surface binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004042 acetyl-CoA:L-glutamate N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003867 4-aminobutyrate transaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047934 glucose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990244 histone H2AT120 kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140902 L-glutamine:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990081 trimethylamine receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050346 trans-L-3-hydroxyproline dehydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032216 glucosaminyl-phosphatidylinositol O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008119 thiopurine S-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1902118 calcidiol binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047840 dCTP diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051722 protein C-terminal methylesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008817 corrinoid adenosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047915 ganglioside galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045353 interleukin-1 type II receptor antagonist activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046525 xylosylprotein 4-beta-galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004306 ethanolamine-phosphate cytidylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033925 mannosyl-glycoprotein endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032896 palmitoyl-CoA 9-desaturase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031715 C5L2 anaphylatoxin chemotactic receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160011 NAD-dependent protein decrotonylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052757 chondroitin hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030267 glyoxylate reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036004 GAF domain binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001850 complement component C3a binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052598 histamine oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008843 endochitinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005142 interleukin-11 receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001179 RNA polymerase I general transcription initiation factor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004648 O-phospho-L-serine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097383 dIDP phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106228 peptide glutaryltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008937 ferredoxin-NAD(P) reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140926 L-kynurenine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008609 alkylglycerone-phosphate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031739 cholecystokinin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141000 histone H4K91 ubiquitin ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000224 peptide-N4-(N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0180017 K11-linked deubiquitinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052885 all-trans-retinyl-ester hydrolase, 11-cis retinol forming activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019782 ISG15 activating enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032564 dATP binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004014 adenosylmethionine decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106156 peptidyl-lysine 4-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004334 fumarylacetoacetase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008721 D-serine ammonia-lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904931 MCM complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160121 bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005140 interleukin-9 receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035226 glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019780 FAT10 activating enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141118 nitric oxide dioxygenase activity, heme protein as donor 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120242 2-iminobutanoate deaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070523 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047402 protein-glucosylgalactosylhydroxylysine glucosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004585 ornithine carbamoyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030352 inositol-1,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate 6-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003912 DNA nucleotidylexotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008403 25-hydroxycholecalciferol-24-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0080079 cellobiose glucosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008693 (3R)-3-hydroxydecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905059 P-type calcium transporter activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008962 phosphatidylglycerophosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061598 molybdopterin adenylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032145 succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086057 voltage-gated calcium channel activity involved in bundle of His cell action potential 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004978 corticotropin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050061 long-chain-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047963 glycine N-choloyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905594 resveratrol binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905575 ganglioside GM3 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061898 all-trans retinoic acid 3,4-desaturase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106261 tRNA uridine(34) acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004564 beta-fructofuranosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017188 aspartate N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061896 all-trans retinol 3,4-desaturase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051997 2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-ureidoimidazoline decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031763 galanin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090600 alpha-1,3-glucosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016170 interleukin-15 receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004058 aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033867 Fas-activated serine/threonine kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018549 methanethiol oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004056 argininosuccinate lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036373 L-fucose mutarotase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071164 RNA cap trimethylguanosine synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019178 NADP phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016250 N-sulfoglucosamine sulfohydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0103067 4alpha-carboxy-5alpha-cholesta-8-en-3beta-ol:NAD(P)+ 3-dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016618 hydroxypyruvate reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003975 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-dolichyl-phosphate N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140827 zinc chaperone activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141101 tRNA(Ser) (uridine(44)-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070818 protoporphyrinogen oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990400 mitochondrial ribosomal large subunit rRNA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061708 tRNA-5-taurinomethyluridine 2-sulfurtransferase 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043849 Ras palmitoyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050137 NADPH peroxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050333 thiamine triphosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016501 prostacyclin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010308 acireductone dioxygenase (Ni2+-requiring) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030611 arsenate reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086039 P-type calcium transporter activity involved in regulation of cardiac muscle cell membrane potential 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990856 methionyl-initiator methionine tRNA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015054 gastrin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042356 GDP-4-dehydro-D-rhamnose reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905060 calcium:monoatomic cation antiporter activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086063 voltage-gated sodium channel activity involved in SA node cell action potential 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047225 acetylgalactosaminyl-O-glycosyl-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019810 putrescine binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004092 carnitine O-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004877 complement component C3b receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036185 13-lipoxin reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106321 S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052720 class II DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) endonuclease activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035538 carbohydrate response element binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004420 hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042602 riboflavin reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005053 peroxisome matrix targeting signal-2 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052926 dol-P-Man:Man(6)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008893 guanosine-3',5'-bis(diphosphate) 3'-diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004961 thromboxane A2 receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047658 alpha-amino-acid esterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052722 fatty acid in-chain hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008444 CDP-diacylglycerol-glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004852 uroporphyrinogen-III synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140083 ATP-dependent protein-DNA unloader activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062124 4-hydroxybutyrate receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031770 growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004408 holocytochrome-c synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008682 3-demethoxyubiquinol 3-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061685 diphthine methylesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120147 formylglycine-generating oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047972 guanidinopropionase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008412 4-hydroxybenzoate octaprenyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051978 lysophospholipid:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008973 phosphopentomutase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015126 canalicular bile acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015304 glucose uniporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052902 spermidine:oxygen oxidoreductase (3-aminopropanal-forming) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035643 L-DOPA receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0110050 deaminated glutathione amidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0103045 methione N-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031772 type 2 orexin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036080 purine nucleotide-sugar transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004997 thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003921 GMP synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005366 myo-inositol:proton symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034722 gamma-glutamyl-peptidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098695 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic cytosolic calcium levels 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102389 polyprenol reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099181 structural constituent of presynapse 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004581 dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140984 histone H4K12 methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140681 histone H3K36me2/H3K36me3 demethylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030748 amine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0072591 citrate-L-glutamate ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005289 high-affinity L-arginine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005278 acetylcholine:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003874 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001596 angiotensin type I receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990883 rRNA cytidine N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016495 C-X3-C chemokine receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140339 phosphatidylglycerol transfer activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003853 2-methylbutanoyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003999 adenine phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008265 Mo-molybdopterin cofactor sulfurase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035375 zymogen binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004463 leukotriene-A4 hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015594 ABC-type putrescine transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008725 DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102266 tRNA-dihydrouridine20a synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001681 sialate O-acetylesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031320 hexitol dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047326 inositol tetrakisphosphate 5-kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004900 erythropoietin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0180009 broad specificity neutral L-amino acid:basic L-amino acid antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036524 protein deglycase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061627 S-methylmethionine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004633 phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106375 deoxynucleoside triphosphate hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004637 phosphoribosylamine-glycine ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008946 oligonucleotidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015052 beta3-adrenergic receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047451 (3R)-3-hydroxyoctanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106419 NAD-dependent protein lipoamidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005307 choline:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141133 diphthine methyl ester synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102549 1-18:1-2-16:0-monogalactosyldiacylglycerol lipase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047743 chlordecone reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004341 gluconolactonase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008613 diuretic hormone activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0180000 histone methyltransferase inhibitor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034386 4-aminobutyrate:2-oxoglutarate transaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070463 tubulin-dependent ATPase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102704 GDP-Man:Man2GlcNAc2-PP-dolichol alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005456 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016711 flavonoid 3'-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033931 endogalactosaminidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140010 D-aspartate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008828 dATP diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005121 Toll binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047256 lactosylceramide 1,3-N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042880 D-glucuronate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051120 hepoxilin A3 synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015361 low-affinity sodium:dicarboxylate symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008442 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031071 cysteine desulfurase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140795 histone H3R2 arginine deiminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047988 hydroxyacid-oxoacid transhydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008419 RNA lariat debranching enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034601 oxoglutarate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008783 agmatinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990147 talin binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038121 C-C motif chemokine 21 receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015328 cystine secondary active transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051786 all-trans-retinol 13,14-reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005166 neurotrophin p75 receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050591 quinine 3-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004075 biotin carboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106331 sialate 4-O-acetylesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046789 host cell surface receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050185 phosphatidylinositol deacylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000824 inositol tetrakisphosphate 3-kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016869 intramolecular aminotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001010 RNA polymerase II sequence-specific DNA-binding transcription factor recruiting activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016652 oxidoreductase activity, acting on NAD(P)H, NAD(P) as acceptor 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140560 xylosyl alpha-1,3-xylosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002172 high-affinity IgM receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120299 peptide histaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031788 motilin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016898 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-OH group of donors, cytochrome as acceptor 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052909 18S rRNA (adenine(1779)-N(6)/adenine(1780)-N(6))-dimethyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001616 growth hormone secretagogue receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018271 biotin-protein ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032003 interleukin-28 receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905761 SCF ubiquitin ligase complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106282 isoursodeoxycholate 7-beta-dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0055103 ligase regulator activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008390 testosterone 16-alpha-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052904 N1-acetylspermidine:oxygen oxidoreductase (3-acetamidopropanal-forming) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990738 pseudouridine 5'-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008897 holo-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050080 malonyl-CoA decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015136 sialic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047995 hydroxyphenylpyruvate reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015138 fumarate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120294 peptide serotonyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004573 Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 oligosaccharide glucosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005175 CD27 receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004170 dUTP diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102571 [protein]-3-O-(N-acetyl-D-glucosaminyl)-L-serine/L-threonine O-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990930 mRNA N1-methyladenosine dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044024 histone H2AS1 kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004854 xanthine dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043221 SMC family protein binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048040 UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018478 malonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140801 histone H2AXY142 kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035758 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 21 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047821 D-glutamate oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004729 oxygen-dependent protoporphyrinogen oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030272 5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061730 C-rich strand telomeric DNA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070260 5'-tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046911 metal chelating activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035597 N6-isopentenyladenosine methylthiotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031741 type B gastrin/cholecystokinin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050337 thiosulfate-thiol sulfurtransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043915 L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050459 ethanolamine-phosphate phospho-lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004516 nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140616 iodotyrosine deiodinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047016 cholest-5-ene-3-beta,7-alpha-diol 3-beta-dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047102 aminomuconate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106414 mRNA dihydrouridine synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004491 methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acylating, NAD) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034353 mRNA 5'-diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000773 phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990165 single-strand break-containing DNA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008802 betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990699 palmitoleyl hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047941 glucuronolactone reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008456 alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047021 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004309 exopolyphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016497 substance K receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004644 phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0080101 phosphatidyl-N-dimethylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046715 active borate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003952 NAD+ synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052599 methylputrescine oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001793 IgM receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042164 interleukin-12 alpha subunit binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034417 bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140930 fructose:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047298 (S)-3-amino-2-methylpropionate transaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004102 choline O-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052899 N(1),N(12)-diacetylspermine:oxygen oxidoreductase (3-acetamidopropanal-forming) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004018 N6-(1,2-dicarboxyethyl)AMP AMP-lyase (fumarate-forming) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106377 2-hydroxy-ATP hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008116 prostaglandin-I synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070287 ferritin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031812 P2Y1 nucleotide receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033678 5'-3' DNA/RNA helicase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033783 25-hydroxycholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004671 protein C-terminal S-isoprenylcysteine carboxyl O-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052821 DNA-7-methyladenine glycosylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035485 adenine/guanine mispair binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034480 phosphatidylcholine phospholipase C activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016402 pristanoyl-CoA oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008785 alkyl hydroperoxide reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086082 cell adhesive protein binding involved in AV node cell-bundle of His cell communication 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061751 neutral sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070892 lipoteichoic acid immune receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000721 (R,R)-butanediol dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904091 non-ribosomal peptide synthetase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140699 cyclic GMP-AMP synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046577 long-chain-alcohol oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061899 11-cis-retinal 3,4-desaturase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047395 glycerophosphoinositol glycerophosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017178 diphthine-ammonia ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033897 ribonuclease T2 activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004059 aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004751 ribose-5-phosphate isomerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106105 Ala-tRNA(Thr) hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008663 2',3'-cyclic-nucleotide 2'-phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000140 acylglycerone-phosphate reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004575 sucrose alpha-glucosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033981 D-dopachrome decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061599 molybdopterin molybdotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001512 dihydronicotinamide riboside quinone reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905056 P-type calcium transporter activity involved in regulation of presynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042017 interleukin-22 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004979 beta-endorphin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052751 GDP-mannose hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052894 norspermine:oxygen oxidoreductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017113 dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062062 oligosaccharyltransferase complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004610 phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106433 O6-methyl-dGTP hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0009013 succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047936 glucose 1-dehydrogenase [NAD(P)] activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005464 UDP-xylose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015195 L-threonine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047805 cytidylate cyclase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140849 ATP-dependent H2AZ histone chaperone activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035798 2-alkenal reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010736 serum response element binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016819 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, in sulfonyl-containing anhydrides 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047341 fucose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140292 ADP-ribosylserine hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050135 NADP+ nucleosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015439 ABC-type heme transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106229 histone glutaryltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016519 gastric inhibitory peptide receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008811 chloramphenicol O-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004304 estrone sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062060 NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140929 mannose:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004482 mRNA 5'-cap (guanine-N7-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047730 carnosine synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033735 aspartate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016726 oxidoreductase activity, acting on CH or CH2 groups, NAD or NADP as acceptor 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015552 propionate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015374 neutral, basic amino acid:sodium:chloride symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062182 all-trans retinoic acid 4-hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008460 dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036140 [protein]-asparagine 3-dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160047 muramyl dipeptide kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001761 beta-alanine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070612 histone H2AR3 methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004747 ribokinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005316 high-affinity phosphate:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141125 tRNA-queuosine(34) galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062069 GARP complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004326 tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019779 Atg8 activating enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047708 biotinidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062180 25-hydroxycholecalciferol-23-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140347 N-retinylidene-phosphatidylethanolamine flippase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004489 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NAD(P)H) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031700 adrenomedullin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043250 sodium-dependent organic anion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004476 mannose-6-phosphate isomerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015094 lead ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051908 double-stranded DNA 5'-3' DNA exonuclease activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106359 2-hydroxyacyl-CoA lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034590 L-hydroxyproline transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004642 phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008903 hydroxypyruvate isomerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033744 L-methionine:thioredoxin-disulfide S-oxidoreductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031692 alpha-1B adrenergic receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061656 SUMO conjugating enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990833 clathrin-uncoating ATPase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004447 iodide peroxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120108 DNA-3'-diphospho-5'-guanosine diphosphatase 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030171 voltage-gated proton channel activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031856 parathyroid hormone receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017096 acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018729 propionate CoA-transferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018601 4-nitrophenol 2-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015264 methylammonium channel activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102757 NADPH phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160089 internal N(7)-methylguanine-containing RNA reader activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004361 glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140069 histone butyryltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008437 thyrotropin-releasing hormone activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060175 brain-derived neurotrophic factor receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031151 histone H3K79 methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140797 histone H3R17 arginine deiminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004590 orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046554 malate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004155 6,7-dihydropteridine reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004077 biotin-[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016438 tRNA-queuosine(34) beta-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031883 taste receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003905 alkylbase DNA N-glycosylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047092 27-hydroxycholesterol 7-alpha-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047186 N-acetylneuraminate 7-O(or 9-O)-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050187 phosphoamidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016231 beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016793 triphosphoric monoester hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044508 glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106009 (4S)-4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086076 gap junction channel activity involved in atrial cardiac muscle cell-AV node cell electrical coupling 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004397 histidine ammonia-lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1903924 estradiol binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033787 cyanocobalamin reductase (cyanide-eliminating) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102772 sphingolipid C4-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086078 gap junction channel activity involved in bundle of His cell-Purkinje myocyte electrical coupling 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140858 histone H2AK15 ubiquitin ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043795 glyceraldehyde oxidoreductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010428 methyl-CpNpG binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008579 JUN kinase phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106177 cyclic-GMP-AMP hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106373 3-deoxyglucosone dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030110 HLA-C specific inhibitory MHC class I receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004484 mRNA guanylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015099 nickel cation transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904492 Ac-Asp-Glu binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050340 thymidylate 5'-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031840 type 2 neuromedin U receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030342 1-alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 24-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047627 adenylylsulfatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015068 glycine amidinotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033749 histone H4R3 demethylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102259 1,2-diacylglycerol acylhydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036468 L-dopa decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016844 strictosidine synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042084 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-dependent methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047734 CDP-glycerol diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000171 ribonuclease MRP activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035401 histone H3Y41 kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140908 histone H3K122 acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102320 1,8-cineole 2-exo-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051922 cholesterol sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050255 ribitol 2-dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062064 box C/D methylation guide snoRNP complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030731 guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140906 halogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030293 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015233 pantothenate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004807 triose-phosphate isomerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043916 DNA-7-methylguanine glycosylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071618 lysophosphatidylethanolamine acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004820 glycine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047015 3-hydroxy-2-methylbutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035438 cyclic-di-GMP binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004123 cystathionine gamma-lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008493 tetracycline transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042658 MHC class II protein binding, via antigen binding groove 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035755 cardiolipin hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140931 neutral L-amino acid:sodium:chloride symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005292 high-affinity lysine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008709 cholate 7-alpha-dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140485 5-aminolevulinic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004919 interleukin-9 receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015421 ABC-type oligopeptide transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047022 7-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032448 DNA hairpin binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031811 G protein-coupled nucleotide receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017118 lipoyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005147 oncostatin-M receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015371 galactose:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062154 N6-methyl-AMP deaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106436 glutathione-dependent sulfide quinone oxidoreductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047933 glucose-1,6-bisphosphate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008455 alpha-1,6-mannosylglycoprotein 2-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050031 L-pipecolate oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102500 beta-maltose 4-alpha-glucanotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004940 beta1-adrenergic receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140348 lysophosphatidylcholine flippase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016206 catechol O-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050153 omega-hydroxydecanoate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031857 type 1 parathyroid hormone receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038147 C-X-C motif chemokine 12 receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034611 oligoribonucleotidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033560 folate reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052822 DNA-3-methylguanine glycosylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102390 mycophenolic acid acyl-glucuronide esterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045148 tripeptide aminopeptidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015135 glucuronate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050201 fucokinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140870 RNA polymerase inhibitor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0089715 tRNA (L-threonylcarbamoyladenosine(37)-C2) methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047969 glyoxylate oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141090 protein serine pyrophosphorylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061750 acid sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004446 inositol-hexakisphosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061657 UFM1 conjugating enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015499 formate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0170053 nuclease activator activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051990 (R)-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004777 succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140232 intracellular cAMP-activated cation channel activity involved in regulation of presynaptic membrane potential 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070773 protein-N-terminal glutamine amidohydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061863 microtubule plus end polymerase 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0101006 protein histidine phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046403 polynucleotide 3'-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102758 very-long-chain enoyl-CoA reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031798 type 1 metabotropic glutamate receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047865 dimethylglycine dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015517 galactose:proton symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070674 hypoxanthine dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016150 translation release factor activity, codon nonspecific 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031764 type 1 galanin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050577 GDP-L-fucose synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018114 threonine racemase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004078 biotin-[methylcrotonoyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008176 tRNA (guanine(46)-N7)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015312 polyamine:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015024 glucuronate-2-sulfatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071795 K11-linked polyubiquitin modification-dependent protein binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102175 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/C4-decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008887 glycerate kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140796 histone H3R8 arginine deiminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140857 histone H3T45 kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036424 L-phosphoserine phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004398 histidine decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102194 protein-fructosamine 3-kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033779 5beta-cholestane-3alpha,7alpha-diol 12alpha-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032935 sterol sensor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003837 beta-ureidopropionase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904408 melatonin binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015067 amidinotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047293 4-hydroxybenzoate nonaprenyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003860 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004333 fumarate hydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008929 methylglyoxal synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070337 3'-flap-structured DNA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070524 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102483 scopolin beta-glucosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004506 squalene monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120053 ribitol beta-1,4-xylosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004508 steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990175 EH domain binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019771 high-affinity IgG receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046817 chemokine receptor antagonist activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036467 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008812 choline dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061815 Met1-linked polyubiquitin deubiquitinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052657 guanine phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051267 CP2 mannose-ethanolamine phosphotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010348 lithium:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160104 tRNA (guanine(26)-N2)-dimethyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036463 TRAIL receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070539 linoleic acid binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051723 protein methylesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045352 interleukin-1 type I receptor antagonist activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034211 GTP-dependent protein kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099130 estrogen binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015383 sulfate:bicarbonate antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030729 acetoacetate-CoA ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004043 L-aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016496 substance P receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004824 lysine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062152 mRNA (cytidine-5-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004641 phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106376 2-hydroxyphytanoyl-CoA lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008117 sphinganine-1-phosphate aldolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031723 CXCR4 chemokine receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106378 2-hydroxy-dATP hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001760 aminocarboxymuconate-semialdehyde decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047349 D-ribitol-5-phosphate cytidylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015578 mannose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004133 glycogen debranching enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032567 dGTP binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047325 inositol tetrakisphosphate 1-kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003984 acetolactate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003681 bent DNA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015039 NADPH-adrenodoxin reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106347 U2 snRNA 2'-O-methyladenosine m6 methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033885 10-hydroxy-9-(phosphonooxy)octadecanoate phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031177 phosphopantetheine binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030429 kynureninase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016992 lipoate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016663 oxidoreductase activity, acting on other nitrogenous compounds as donors, oxygen as acceptor 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015927 trehalase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044016 histone H3K4 acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034545 fumarylpyruvate hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106313 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015112 nitrate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030379 neurotensin receptor activity, non-G protein-coupled 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051401 CH domain binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008761 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004362 glutathione-disulfide reductase (NADPH) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033989 3alpha,7alpha,12alpha-trihydroxy-5beta-cholest-24-enoyl-CoA hydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030233 deoxynucleotide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030791 arsenite methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0103046 alanylglutamate dipeptidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070089 chloride-activated potassium channel activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035299 inositol pentakisphosphate 2-kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004567 beta-mannosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097023 fructose 6-phosphate aldolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004080 biotin-[propionyl-CoA-carboxylase (ATP-hydrolyzing)] ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1904854 proteasome core complex binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047962 glycine N-benzoyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050094 methionine-glyoxylate transaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004418 hydroxymethylbilane synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018547 nitroglycerin reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003827 alpha-1,3-mannosylglycoprotein 2-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004754 saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD+, L-lysine-forming) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016785 selenotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004686 elongation factor-2 kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031895 V1B vasopressin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052829 inositol-1,3,4-trisphosphate 1-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004773 steryl-sulfatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010437 9,10 (9', 10')-carotenoid-cleaving dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045485 omega-6 fatty acid desaturase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038117 C-C motif chemokine 19 receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016872 intramolecular lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990838 poly(U)-specific exoribonuclease activity, producing 3' uridine cyclic phosphate ends 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004164 diphthine synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052925 dol-P-Man:Man(5)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003947 (N-acetylneuraminyl)-galactosylglucosylceramide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044717 8-hydroxy-dADP phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990276 RNA 5'-gamma-phosphate methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050353 trimethyllysine dioxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044610 FMN transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016232 HNK-1 sulfotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018112 proline racemase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042283 dolichyl pyrophosphate Glc1Man9GlcNAc2 alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047609 acetylputrescine deacetylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005519 cytoskeletal regulatory protein binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071913 citrate secondary active transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160016 CCACCA tRNA nucleotidyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004925 prolactin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003978 UDP-glucose 4-epimerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004454 ketohexokinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000170 sphingosine hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000386 second spliceosomal transesterification activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0080048 GDP-D-glucose phosphorylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0090409 malonyl-CoA synthetase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047638 albendazole monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008700 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120243 2-iminopropanoate deaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016727 oxidoreductase activity, acting on CH or CH2 groups, oxygen as acceptor 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038182 G protein-coupled bile acid receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070123 transforming growth factor beta receptor activity, type III 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004135 amylo-alpha-1,6-glucosidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120230 recombinase activator activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070335 aspartate binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047127 thiomorpholine-carboxylate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043733 DNA-3-methylbase glycosylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047323 [3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate dehydrogenase (acetyl-transferring)] kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141016 G/T mismatch-specific thymine-DNA glycosylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097163 sulfur carrier activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140536 nuclear receptor corepressor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061604 molybdopterin-synthase sulfurtransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0062213 peroxynitrite isomerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034202 glycolipid floppase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004638 phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008470 isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0080007 S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (NADH) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003692 left-handed Z-DNA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140905 haloperoxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003963 RNA-3'-phosphate cyclase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031710 neuromedin B receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047545 2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051916 granulocyte colony-stimulating factor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102009 proline dipeptidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005457 GDP-fucose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019769 low-affinity IgE receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033819 lipoyl(octanoyl) transferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004344 glucose dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102263 tRNA-dihydrouridine17 synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005130 granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050480 imidazolonepropionase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140893 neutral amino acid, sodium:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015327 cystine:glutamate antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106322 S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035472 choriogonadotropin hormone receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004655 porphobilinogen synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000016 lactase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003939 L-iditol 2-dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004960 thromboxane receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004766 spermidine synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004371 glycerone kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032029 myosin tail binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003908 methylated-DNA-[protein]-cysteine S-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004799 thymidylate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019811 cocaine binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015450 protein-transporting ATPase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050355 inorganic triphosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031855 oxytocin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050568 protein-glutamine glutaminase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047971 guanidinobutyrase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003842 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033858 N-acetylgalactosamine kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008898 S-adenosylmethionine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008681 2-octaprenyl-6-methoxyphenol hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019118 phenanthrene-epoxide hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047198 cysteine-S-conjugate N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051192 prosthetic group binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004582 dolichyl-phosphate beta-D-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106339 tRNA (cytidine(32)-2'-O)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001918 farnesylated protein binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018477 benzaldehyde dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106254 lipid sensor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003922 GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140412 zinc:bicarbonate symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061799 cyclic pyranopterin monophosphate synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003934 GTP cyclohydrolase I activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031771 type 1 orexin receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016826 hydrolase activity, acting on acid sulfur-nitrogen bonds 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043727 5-amino-4-imidazole carboxylate lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004494 methylmalonyl-CoA mutase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004325 ferrochelatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990595 mast cell secretagogue receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033814 propanoyl-CoA C-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004349 glutamate 5-kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070626 (S)-2-(5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamido) succinate lyase (fumarate-forming) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035757 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 19 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035598 N6-threonylcarbomyladenosine methylthiotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098619 selenocysteine-tRNA ligase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004312 fatty acid synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030338 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate monooxygenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070547 L-tyrosine aminotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0150025 oxidised low-density lipoprotein particle receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046539 histamine N-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140749 phlorizin hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060001 minus-end directed microfilament motor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008254 3'-nucleotidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004310 farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036478 L-dopa decarboxylase activator activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005129 granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004475 mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase (GTP) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061609 fructose-1-phosphate aldolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002135 CTP binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035248 alpha-1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005252 open rectifier potassium channel activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0018773 acetylpyruvate hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070119 ciliary neurotrophic factor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016617 4-oxoproline reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0103066 4alpha-carboxy-4beta-methyl-5alpha-cholesta-8-en-3beta-ol:NAD(P)+ 3-oxidoreductase (decarboxylating) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1903425 fluoride transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047935 glucose 1-dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050046 delta7-sterol 5(6)-desaturase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140946 histone H3K4 dimethyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004149 dihydrolipoyllysine-residue succinyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140483 kinetochore adaptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015362 high-affinity sodium:dicarboxylate symporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001861 complement component C4b receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050136 NADH:ubiquinone reductase (non-electrogenic) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015080 silver ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031714 C5a anaphylatoxin chemotactic receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008108 UDP-glucose:hexose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019975 interleukin-17 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008495 protoheme IX farnesyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047450 (3R)-3-hydroxybutanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] hydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050614 delta24-sterol reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005115 receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047369 succinate-hydroxymethylglutarate CoA-transferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0086090 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in SA node cell action potential repolarization 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098782 mechanosensitive potassium channel activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004964 luteinizing hormone receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033699 DNA 5'-adenosine monophosphate hydrolase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008659 (3R)-3-hydroxymyristoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004876 complement component C3a receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043994 histone H3K23 acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070551 endoribonuclease activity, cleaving siRNA-paired mRNA 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051392 tRNA N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106330 sialate 9-O-acetylesterase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052731 phosphocholine phosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034602 oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047958 glycine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033871 [heparan sulfate]-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 2 activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022894 intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016412 serine O-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043423 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000831 inositol hexakisphosphate 6-kinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004578 chitobiosyldiphosphodolichol beta-mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016682 oxidoreductase activity, acting on diphenols and related substances as donors, oxygen as acceptor 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102769 dihydroceramide glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004790 thioether S-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106345 glyoxylate reductase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038106 choriogonadotropin hormone binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060182 apelin receptor activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140414 phosphopantetheine-dependent carrier activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017168 5-oxoprolinase (ATP-hydrolyzing) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990002 methylglyoxal reductase (NADPH) (acetol producing) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140981 medium-chain fatty acid omega-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047777 (S)-citramalyl-CoA lyase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050683 AF-1 domain binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031861 prolactin-releasing peptide receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106281 chenodeoxycholate 7-alpha-dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036393 thiocyanate peroxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106329 L-phenylalaine oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0160090 internal mRNA (guanine-N7-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140952 histone H3K27 dimethyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052600 propane-1,3-diamine oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032034 myosin II head/neck binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043999 histone H2AK5 acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036219 GTP diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015127 bilirubin transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043874 acireductone synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003844 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:1905574 ganglioside GM2 binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035501 MH1 domain binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000225 N-acetylglucosaminylphosphatidylinositol deacetylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052884 all-trans-retinyl-palmitate hydrolase, 11-cis retinol forming activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0102267 tRNA-dihydrouridine20b synthase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0002112 interleukin-33 receptor binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140802 NAD+-protein-C-terminal glycine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0141046 Atg8-family conjugating enzyme activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004490 methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008120 ceramide glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015164 glucuronoside transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008523 sodium-dependent multivitamin transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019150 D-ribulokinase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008115 sarcosine oxidase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004034 aldose 1-epimerase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008488 gamma-glutamyl carboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004492 methyl/ethyl malonyl-CoA decarboxylase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032358 oxidized pyrimidine DNA binding 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047820 D-glutamate cyclase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140800 gamma-aminobutyric acid:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047748 cholestanetetraol 26-dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050104 L-gulonate 3-dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000001342 1.34228622140908e-11 1 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030165 PDZ domain binding 1.00000000001354 1.35402256561984e-11 86 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004197 cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 1.00000000001354 1.35402256561984e-11 86 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016810 hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds 1.00000000001413 1.41282766905796e-11 137 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015297 antiporter activity 1.00000000001413 1.41282766905796e-11 137 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016798 hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds 1.00000000001413 1.41282766905796e-11 137 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048018 receptor ligand activity 1.00000000001431 1.43060213152246e-11 506 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016491 oxidoreductase activity 1.00000000001435 1.43548637757364e-11 709 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015276 ligand-gated monoatomic ion channel activity 1.00000000001446 1.4456901711524e-11 186 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046943 carboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001446 1.4456901711524e-11 186 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015103 inorganic anion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001448 1.44813557149436e-11 159 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016791 phosphatase activity 1.00000000001524 1.52444154544664e-11 272 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001217 DNA-binding transcription repressor activity 1.00000000001524 1.52444154544664e-11 272 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016655 oxidoreductase activity, acting on NAD(P)H, quinone or similar compound as acceptor 1.00000000001527 1.52681704959141e-11 50 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003743 translation initiation factor activity 1.00000000001527 1.52681704959141e-11 50 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048020 CCR chemokine receptor binding 1.00000000001527 1.52681704959141e-11 50 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017046 peptide hormone binding 1.00000000001527 1.52681704959141e-11 50 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017069 snRNA binding 1.00000000001527 1.52681704959141e-11 50 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001664 G protein-coupled receptor binding 1.00000000001529 1.52910083548147e-11 291 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019902 phosphatase binding 1.00000000001579 1.57920663501779e-11 188 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008429 phosphatidylethanolamine binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019198 transmembrane receptor protein phosphatase activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032977 membrane insertase activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005003 ephrin receptor activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017110 nucleoside diphosphate phosphatase activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047498 calcium-dependent phospholipase A2 activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005068 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase adaptor activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005092 GDP-dissociation inhibitor activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015280 ligand-gated sodium channel activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015095 magnesium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043024 ribosomal small subunit binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031489 myosin V binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036041 long-chain fatty acid binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046965 nuclear retinoid X receptor binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140566 histone reader activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070064 proline-rich region binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016722 oxidoreductase activity, acting on metal ions 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005149 interleukin-1 receptor binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004659 prenyltransferase activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016805 dipeptidase activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042813 Wnt receptor activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004550 nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030169 low-density lipoprotein particle binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016646 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008381 mechanosensitive monoatomic ion channel activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140939 histone H4 methyltransferase activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005001 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016004 phospholipase activator activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034185 apolipoprotein binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004198 calcium-dependent cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140994 RNA polymerase II CTD heptapeptide repeat modifying activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022848 acetylcholine-gated monoatomic cation-selective channel activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070492 oligosaccharide binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005132 type I interferon receptor binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008569 minus-end-directed microtubule motor activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008308 voltage-gated monoatomic anion channel activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005315 phosphate transmembrane transporter activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070628 proteasome binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032183 SUMO binding 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004030 aldehyde dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 1.0000000000159 1.59001824083491e-11 17 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015085 calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001643 1.64335464489863e-11 136 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044325 transmembrane transporter binding 1.00000000001643 1.64335464489863e-11 136 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016922 nuclear receptor binding 1.00000000001643 1.64335464489863e-11 136 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022890 inorganic cation transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001664 1.66409147526136e-11 589 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001653 peptide receptor activity 1.00000000001676 1.67616090020992e-11 131 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015079 potassium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001776 1.77642609557578e-11 158 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015081 sodium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001776 1.77642609557578e-11 158 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005178 integrin binding 1.00000000001776 1.77642609557578e-11 158 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015215 nucleotide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001818 1.81784291636618e-11 33 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061631 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme activity 1.00000000001818 1.81784291636618e-11 33 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019825 oxygen binding 1.00000000001818 1.81784291636618e-11 33 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008175 tRNA methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001818 1.81784291636618e-11 33 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042923 neuropeptide binding 1.00000000001818 1.81784291636618e-11 33 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051427 hormone receptor binding 1.00000000001818 1.81784291636618e-11 33 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008378 galactosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001818 1.81784291636618e-11 33 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019239 deaminase activity 1.00000000001818 1.81784291636618e-11 33 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016651 oxidoreductase activity, acting on NAD(P)H 1.0000000000182 1.82012992249678e-11 79 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030544 Hsp70 protein binding 1.00000000001848 1.84813086748928e-11 51 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030159 signaling receptor complex adaptor activity 1.00000000001848 1.84813086748928e-11 51 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016597 amino acid binding 1.00000000001848 1.84813086748928e-11 51 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016616 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-OH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor 1.0000000000186 1.86037349565651e-11 122 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017124 SH3 domain binding 1.0000000000186 1.86037349565651e-11 122 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005267 potassium channel activity 1.0000000000186 1.86037349565651e-11 122 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016758 hexosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001872 1.87174639771176e-11 202 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030674 protein-macromolecule adaptor activity 1.00000000001888 1.88846309581602e-11 989 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005432 calcium:sodium antiporter activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003953 NAD+ nucleosidase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140933 5'-(N(7)-methylguanosine 5'-triphospho)-[mRNA] hydrolase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000182 rDNA binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031996 thioesterase binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0052740 1-acyl-2-lysophosphatidylserine acylhydrolase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008353 RNA polymerase II CTD heptapeptide repeat kinase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070740 tubulin-glutamic acid ligase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030023 extracellular matrix constituent conferring elasticity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043295 glutathione binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015173 aromatic amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005031 tumor necrosis factor receptor activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033550 MAP kinase tyrosine phosphatase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050786 RAGE receptor binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035256 G protein-coupled glutamate receptor binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015643 toxic substance binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035612 AP-2 adaptor complex binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016653 oxidoreductase activity, acting on NAD(P)H, heme protein as acceptor 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0050308 sugar-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034511 U3 snoRNA binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005337 nucleoside transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016803 ether hydrolase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008641 ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016717 oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with oxidation of a pair of donors resulting in the reduction of molecular oxygen to two molecules of water 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098973 structural constituent of postsynaptic actin cytoskeleton 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031957 very long-chain fatty acid-CoA ligase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004382 GDP phosphatase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033204 ribonuclease P RNA binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043422 protein kinase B binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005522 profilin binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042975 peroxisome proliferator activated receptor binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001054 RNA polymerase I activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0036435 K48-linked polyubiquitin modification-dependent protein binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019531 oxalate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001094 TFIID-class transcription factor complex binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015203 polyamine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043225 ATPase-coupled inorganic anion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004862 cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031434 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031720 haptoglobin binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008297 single-stranded DNA exodeoxyribonuclease activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042166 acetylcholine binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005131 growth hormone receptor binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016801 hydrolase activity, acting on ether bonds 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0071723 lipopeptide binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001056 RNA polymerase III activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008190 eukaryotic initiation factor 4E binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051864 histone H3K36 demethylase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004439 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 5-phosphatase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032357 oxidized purine DNA binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008526 phosphatidylinositol transfer activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070739 protein-glutamic acid ligase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001163 RNA polymerase I transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032395 MHC class II receptor activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004955 prostaglandin receptor activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008199 ferric iron binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045322 unmethylated CpG binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019203 carbohydrate phosphatase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015658 branched-chain amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005528 FK506 binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042799 histone H4K20 methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034594 phosphatidylinositol trisphosphate phosphatase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045294 alpha-catenin binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047429 nucleoside triphosphate diphosphatase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032052 bile acid binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0003680 minor groove of adenine-thymine-rich DNA binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016176 superoxide-generating NADPH oxidase activator activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008401 retinoic acid 4-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099122 RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0010857 calcium-dependent protein kinase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070567 cytidylyltransferase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098505 G-rich strand telomeric DNA binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032396 inhibitory MHC class I receptor activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004935 adrenergic receptor activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015187 glycine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140999 histone H3K4 trimethyltransferase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046790 virion binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016427 tRNA (cytidine) methyltransferase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016634 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors, oxygen as acceptor 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015279 store-operated calcium channel activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016175 superoxide-generating NAD(P)H oxidase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008330 protein tyrosine/threonine phosphatase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005345 purine nucleobase transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043208 glycosphingolipid binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030957 Tat protein binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031419 cobalamin binding 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901702 salt transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016303 1-phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase activity 1.00000000001917 1.91673173032334e-11 10 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030246 carbohydrate binding 1.00000000001933 1.93270275799999e-11 278 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005244 voltage-gated monoatomic ion channel activity 1.0000000000194 1.94018171737197e-11 171 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015078 proton transmembrane transporter activity 1.0000000000194 1.94018171737197e-11 171 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004674 protein serine/threonine kinase activity 1.00000000001941 1.94077136126883e-11 428 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140767 enzyme-substrate adaptor activity 1.00000000001988 1.98844763227842e-11 70 0 0 39 18094 GO:0098960 postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor activity 1.00000000001988 1.98844763227842e-11 70 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051536 iron-sulfur cluster binding 1.00000000001988 1.98844763227842e-11 70 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004252 serine-type endopeptidase activity 1.00000000002023 2.02315284116381e-11 172 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016298 lipase activity 1.00000000002202 2.2021405949455e-11 134 0 0 39 18094 GO:0099094 ligand-gated monoatomic cation channel activity 1.00000000002203 2.20281547562002e-11 135 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140101 catalytic activity, acting on a tRNA 1.00000000002203 2.20281547562002e-11 135 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016772 transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups 1.00000000002219 2.21876655963905e-11 903 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005342 organic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002326 2.32606226994735e-11 187 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022834 ligand-gated channel activity 1.00000000002326 2.32606226994735e-11 187 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008234 cysteine-type peptidase activity 1.00000000002326 2.32606226994735e-11 187 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005109 frizzled binding 1.00000000002473 2.47322119618585e-11 37 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005484 SNAP receptor activity 1.00000000002473 2.47322119618585e-11 37 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030280 structural constituent of skin epidermis 1.00000000002473 2.47322119618585e-11 37 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000175 3'-5'-RNA exonuclease activity 1.00000000002473 2.47322119618585e-11 37 0 0 39 18094 GO:0000146 microfilament motor activity 1.00000000002473 2.47322119618585e-11 37 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045505 dynein intermediate chain binding 1.00000000002473 2.47322119618585e-11 37 0 0 39 18094 GO:0044390 ubiquitin-like protein conjugating enzyme binding 1.00000000002473 2.47322119618585e-11 37 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030291 protein serine/threonine kinase inhibitor activity 1.00000000002473 2.47322119618585e-11 37 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016229 steroid dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000002473 2.47322119618585e-11 37 0 0 39 18094 GO:0042805 actinin binding 1.00000000002473 2.47322119618585e-11 37 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005546 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate binding 1.0000000000248 2.47997562282608e-11 84 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051117 ATPase binding 1.0000000000248 2.47997562282608e-11 84 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001227 DNA-binding transcription repressor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific 1.00000000002492 2.49250474350717e-11 263 0 0 39 18094 GO:0031267 small GTPase binding 1.00000000002556 2.55572594556034e-11 283 0 0 39 18094 GO:0043274 phospholipase binding 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0120020 cholesterol transfer activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0047555 3',5'-cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005283 amino acid:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016018 cyclosporin A binding 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140612 DNA damage sensor activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140102 catalytic activity, acting on a rRNA 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030215 semaphorin receptor binding 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005243 gap junction channel activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017134 fibroblast growth factor binding 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070300 phosphatidic acid binding 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035173 histone kinase activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005346 purine ribonucleotide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016849 phosphorus-oxygen lyase activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0106222 lncRNA binding 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016493 C-C chemokine receptor activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0017116 single-stranded DNA helicase activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0033558 protein lysine deacetylase activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008106 alcohol dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005248 voltage-gated sodium channel activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004022 alcohol dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004602 glutathione peroxidase activity 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140103 catalytic activity, acting on a glycoprotein 1.00000000002568 2.56839457381476e-11 23 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140030 modification-dependent protein binding 1.00000000002581 2.58070605061452e-11 189 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008236 serine-type peptidase activity 1.00000000002581 2.58070605061452e-11 189 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008237 metallopeptidase activity 1.00000000002756 2.75635853583317e-11 185 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008233 peptidase activity 1.00000000002779 2.77880811609262e-11 603 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004519 endonuclease activity 1.00000000002811 2.81110824048378e-11 124 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046982 protein heterodimerization activity 1.00000000002813 2.81308699489544e-11 329 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015370 solute:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000002882 2.88200166604802e-11 80 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015101 organic cation transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002882 2.88200166604802e-11 80 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001618 virus receptor activity 1.00000000002892 2.89245469211997e-11 81 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019199 transmembrane receptor protein kinase activity 1.00000000002892 2.89245469211997e-11 81 0 0 39 18094 GO:0035064 methylated histone binding 1.00000000002892 2.89245469211997e-11 81 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005254 chloride channel activity 1.00000000002892 2.89245469211997e-11 81 0 0 39 18094 GO:0045499 chemorepellent activity 1.00000000002899 2.89898067859697e-11 28 0 0 39 18094 GO:0080025 phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate binding 1.00000000002899 2.89898067859697e-11 28 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046966 nuclear thyroid hormone receptor binding 1.00000000002899 2.89898067859697e-11 28 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051721 protein phosphatase 2A binding 1.00000000002899 2.89898067859697e-11 28 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051393 alpha-actinin binding 1.00000000002899 2.89898067859697e-11 28 0 0 39 18094 GO:0097718 disordered domain specific binding 1.00000000002899 2.89898067859697e-11 28 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140463 chromatin-protein adaptor activity 1.00000000002899 2.89898067859697e-11 28 0 0 39 18094 GO:0046625 sphingolipid binding 1.00000000002899 2.89898067859697e-11 28 0 0 39 18094 GO:1990404 NAD+-protein ADP-ribosyltransferase activity 1.00000000002899 2.89898067859697e-11 28 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005251 delayed rectifier potassium channel activity 1.00000000002899 2.89898067859697e-11 28 0 0 39 18094 GO:0048019 receptor antagonist activity 1.00000000002899 2.89898067859697e-11 28 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051959 dynein light intermediate chain binding 1.00000000002899 2.89898067859697e-11 28 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015267 channel activity 1.00000000002903 2.90252763894161e-11 502 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051539 4 iron, 4 sulfur cluster binding 1.00000000002963 2.96251933594868e-11 44 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001223 transcription coactivator binding 1.00000000002963 2.96251933594868e-11 44 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019894 kinesin binding 1.00000000002963 2.96251933594868e-11 44 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030020 extracellular matrix structural constituent conferring tensile strength 1.00000000002963 2.96251933594868e-11 44 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901505 carbohydrate derivative transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002986 2.98629289355143e-11 58 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016788 hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds 1.00000000003127 3.12730180249083e-11 761 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901981 phosphatidylinositol phosphate binding 1.00000000003188 3.18806025340808e-11 179 0 0 39 18094 GO:0019208 phosphatase regulator activity 1.00000000003228 3.22829177013531e-11 105 0 0 39 18094 GO:1903231 mRNA base-pairing translational repressor activity 1.00000000003278 3.27835042065095e-11 293 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004712 protein serine/threonine/tyrosine kinase activity 1.00000000003363 3.36306574148535e-11 43 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016790 thiolester hydrolase activity 1.00000000003363 3.36306574148535e-11 43 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005272 sodium channel activity 1.00000000003363 3.36306574148535e-11 43 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016712 oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, reduced flavin or flavoprotein as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen 1.00000000003363 3.36306574148535e-11 43 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004888 transmembrane signaling receptor activity 1.00000000003445 3.44453551909256e-11 1251 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001221 transcription coregulator binding 1.00000000003451 3.45060441228522e-11 114 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016763 pentosyltransferase activity 1.00000000003484 3.48367617021105e-11 54 0 0 39 18094 GO:0140223 general transcription initiation factor activity 1.00000000003484 3.48367617021105e-11 54 0 0 39 18094 GO:0034212 peptide N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000003484 3.48367617021105e-11 54 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901618 organic hydroxy compound transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003484 3.48367617021105e-11 54 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004725 protein tyrosine phosphatase activity 1.000000000035 3.49989225951219e-11 100 0 0 39 18094 GO:0015171 amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.000000000035 3.49989225951219e-11 100 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016835 carbon-oxygen lyase activity 1.00000000003516 3.51647191459181e-11 77 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008017 microtubule binding 1.00000000003551 3.5510784835483e-11 279 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005249 voltage-gated potassium channel activity 1.00000000003767 3.76715797776736e-11 99 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022835 transmitter-gated channel activity 1.0000000000378 3.78017095080528e-11 59 0 0 39 18094 GO:0070888 E-box binding 1.0000000000378 3.78017095080528e-11 59 0 0 39 18094 GO:0022824 transmitter-gated monoatomic ion channel activity 1.0000000000378 3.78017095080528e-11 59 0 0 39 18094 GO:1901682 sulfur compound transmembrane transporter activity 1.0000000000378 3.78017095080528e-11 59 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016684 oxidoreductase activity, acting on peroxide as acceptor 1.0000000000378 3.78017095080528e-11 59 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016836 hydro-lyase activity 1.0000000000378 3.78017095080528e-11 59 0 0 39 18094 GO:0061659 ubiquitin-like protein ligase activity 1.00000000004003 4.00312643145382e-11 369 0 0 39 18094 GO:0005516 calmodulin binding 1.00000000004154 4.15355500821648e-11 206 0 0 39 18094 GO:0060089 molecular transducer activity 1.00000000004188 4.18772306357202e-11 1474 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038023 signaling receptor activity 1.00000000004188 4.18772306357202e-11 1474 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004860 protein kinase inhibitor activity 1.00000000004343 4.34305910119328e-11 73 0 0 39 18094 GO:0038024 cargo receptor activity 1.00000000004343 4.34305910119328e-11 73 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008028 monocarboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004343 4.34305910119328e-11 73 0 0 39 18094 GO:0008080 N-acetyltransferase activity 1.00000000004355 4.3552465679138e-11 71 0 0 39 18094 GO:0016782 transferase activity, transferring sulphur-containing groups 1.00000000004355 4.3552465679138e-11 71 0 0 39 18094 GO:0001786 phosphatidylserine binding 1.00000000004355 4.3552465679138e-11 71 0 0 39 18094 GO:0004521 RNA endonuclease activity 1.00000000004355 4.3552465679138e-11 71 0 0 39 18094 GO:0051540 metal cluster binding 1.00000000004355 4.3552465679138e-11 71 0 0 39 18094 GO:0032559 adenyl ribonucleotide binding 1.00000000004716 4.71613005421967e-11 1528 0 0 39 18094 GO:0030554 adenyl nucleotide binding 1.00000000004986 4.98604625099417e-11 1620 0 0 39 18094