TermID Term Enrichment logP Genes in Term Target Genes in Term Fraction of Targets in Term Total Target Genes Total Genes Entrez Gene IDs Gene Symbols GO:0022626 cytosolic ribosome 1.46924318248884e-20 -45.6669544335112 115 14 0.291666666666667 48 19108 6233,6168,11224,6176,6157,6141,6234,23521,6137,6209,6143,6122,6158,6232 RPS27A,RPL37A,RPL35,RPLP1,RPL27A,RPL18,RPS28,RPL13A,RPL13,RPS15,RPL19,RPL3,RPL28,RPS27 GO:0044391 ribosomal subunit 1.3989753577758e-17 -38.8082064995408 185 14 0.291666666666667 48 19108 6137,23521,6209,6143,6122,6232,6158,6168,6233,6176,11224,6141,6157,6234 RPL13,RPL13A,RPS15,RPL19,RPL3,RPS27,RPL28,RPL37A,RPS27A,RPLP1,RPL35,RPL18,RPL27A,RPS28 GO:0022625 cytosolic large ribosomal subunit 8.10202453315792e-17 -37.0518326080856 54 10 0.208333333333333 48 19108 11224,6176,23521,6168,6137,6158,6157,6122,6141,6143 RPL35,RPLP1,RPL13A,RPL37A,RPL13,RPL28,RPL27A,RPL3,RPL18,RPL19 GO:0005840 ribosome 3.85057648769463e-16 -35.493138613751 234 14 0.291666666666667 48 19108 6143,6122,6158,6232,23521,6137,6209,6141,6157,6234,6233,6168,11224,6176 RPL19,RPL3,RPL28,RPS27,RPL13A,RPL13,RPS15,RPL18,RPL27A,RPS28,RPS27A,RPL37A,RPL35,RPLP1 GO:0015934 large ribosomal subunit 1.57349854942466e-13 -29.4803046932789 111 10 0.208333333333333 48 19108 6157,6143,6141,6122,6158,23521,6137,6168,11224,6176 RPL27A,RPL19,RPL18,RPL3,RPL28,RPL13A,RPL13,RPL37A,RPL35,RPLP1 GO:1990904 ribonucleoprotein complex 5.66331986512848e-12 -25.8970108470566 1101 19 0.395833333333333 48 19108 6137,2597,23521,6209,6122,6143,6232,6158,6168,6233,6176,11224,60,7538,6157,6141,27303,6234,10209 RPL13,GAPDH,RPL13A,RPS15,RPL3,RPL19,RPS27,RPL28,RPL37A,RPS27A,RPLP1,RPL35,ACTB,ZFP36,RPL27A,RPL18,RBMS3,RPS28,EIF1 GO:0005925 focal adhesion 4.47666808717099e-10 -21.5269718907605 427 12 0.25 48 19108 6141,388,10395,3315,682,60,6176,6168,6143,6122,6209,23521 RPL18,RHOB,DLC1,HSPB1,BSG,ACTB,RPLP1,RPL37A,RPL19,RPL3,RPS15,RPL13A GO:0030055 cell-substrate junction 5.82741977442347e-10 -21.2632766048301 437 12 0.25 48 19108 10395,6141,388,6168,6176,3315,60,682,6143,6122,23521,6209 DLC1,RPL18,RHOB,RPL37A,RPLP1,HSPB1,ACTB,BSG,RPL19,RPL3,RPL13A,RPS15 GO:0030054 cell junction 1.25246155946812e-07 -15.8929847884958 2224 20 0.416666666666667 48 19108 10395,388,6141,8404,6234,6168,6233,6176,682,60,3315,7122,6143,6122,6232,6158,6137,23521,6209,3164 DLC1,RHOB,RPL18,SPARCL1,RPS28,RPL37A,RPS27A,RPLP1,BSG,ACTB,HSPB1,CLDN5,RPL19,RPL3,RPS27,RPL28,RPL13,RPL13A,RPS15,NR4A1 GO:0070161 anchoring junction 2.19724729355611e-07 -15.3308903042379 902 13 0.270833333333333 48 19108 10395,388,6141,6168,6176,682,60,3315,7122,6143,6122,23521,6209 DLC1,RHOB,RPL18,RPL37A,RPLP1,BSG,ACTB,HSPB1,CLDN5,RPL19,RPL3,RPL13A,RPS15 GO:0005737 cytoplasm 1.03200027245379e-06 -13.7840116268993 12081 45 0.9375 48 19108 11224,6176,4854,10209,27303,7114,9168,388,6141,7538,3429,3164,4493,60,682,3315,3956,6168,5243,6157,10395,483,6209,2,6137,10398,3490,6158,6232,1843,2034,6122,6143,7122,10410,6233,7078,10974,8404,6234,2512,23521,2597,56901,4502 RPL35,RPLP1,NOTCH3,EIF1,RBMS3,TMSB4X,TMSB10,RHOB,RPL18,ZFP36,IFI27,NR4A1,MT1E,ACTB,BSG,HSPB1,LGALS1,RPL37A,ABCB1,RPL27A,DLC1,ATP1B3,RPS15,A2M,RPL13,MYL9,IGFBP7,RPL28,RPS27,DUSP1,EPAS1,RPL3,RPL19,CLDN5,IFITM3,RPS27A,TIMP3,ADIRF,SPARCL1,RPS28,FTL,RPL13A,GAPDH,NDUFA4L2,MT2A GO:0005829 cytosol 1.09039404507656e-06 -13.7289714178074 5475 30 0.625 48 19108 6143,6122,2034,6232,6158,3164,7538,6141,388,27303,7114,4854,6176,11224,4502,10398,2597,6137,23521,2512,6209,10395,6157,6234,10974,6168,3956,6233,3315,60 RPL19,RPL3,EPAS1,RPS27,RPL28,NR4A1,ZFP36,RPL18,RHOB,RBMS3,TMSB4X,NOTCH3,RPLP1,RPL35,MT2A,MYL9,GAPDH,RPL13,RPL13A,FTL,RPS15,DLC1,RPL27A,RPS28,ADIRF,RPL37A,LGALS1,RPS27A,HSPB1,ACTB GO:0043229 intracellular organelle 1.60125800958496e-06 -13.3447209816653 13594 47 0.979166666666667 48 19108 57801,10398,483,6209,2,6137,6157,10395,682,60,3315,3956,6168,4493,3164,10209,7114,27303,388,9168,6141,7538,3429,11224,6176,3725,4854,56901,4502,2512,23521,2597,10974,8404,6234,3726,10410,6233,7078,6158,6232,1843,2034,6122,6143,7122,3490 HES4,MYL9,ATP1B3,RPS15,A2M,RPL13,RPL27A,DLC1,BSG,ACTB,HSPB1,LGALS1,RPL37A,MT1E,NR4A1,EIF1,TMSB4X,RBMS3,RHOB,TMSB10,RPL18,ZFP36,IFI27,RPL35,RPLP1,JUN,NOTCH3,NDUFA4L2,MT2A,FTL,RPL13A,GAPDH,ADIRF,SPARCL1,RPS28,JUNB,IFITM3,RPS27A,TIMP3,RPL28,RPS27,DUSP1,EPAS1,RPL3,RPL19,CLDN5,IGFBP7 GO:0043226 organelle 1.73448198050253e-06 -13.264801759462 14500 48 1 48 19108 6158,6232,1843,2034,6122,6143,7122,3490,2512,23521,2597,56901,4502,10410,3726,6233,7078,10974,8404,6234,3164,4493,11224,6176,3725,4854,10209,7114,27303,9168,388,6141,7538,3429,483,6209,2,6137,57801,10398,682,60,3315,3956,6168,5243,6157,10395 RPL28,RPS27,DUSP1,EPAS1,RPL3,RPL19,CLDN5,IGFBP7,FTL,RPL13A,GAPDH,NDUFA4L2,MT2A,IFITM3,JUNB,RPS27A,TIMP3,ADIRF,SPARCL1,RPS28,NR4A1,MT1E,RPL35,RPLP1,JUN,NOTCH3,EIF1,TMSB4X,RBMS3,TMSB10,RHOB,RPL18,ZFP36,IFI27,ATP1B3,RPS15,A2M,RPL13,HES4,MYL9,BSG,ACTB,HSPB1,LGALS1,RPL37A,ABCB1,RPL27A,DLC1 GO:0022627 cytosolic small ribosomal subunit 4.41887052601696e-06 -12.3296264316301 44 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 6233,6234,6232,6209 RPS27A,RPS28,RPS27,RPS15 GO:0032991 protein-containing complex 4.51824510939522e-06 -12.3073868896425 6542 32 0.666666666666667 48 19108 60,3315,3726,10410,3956,6233,6168,6234,6157,483,6209,2512,23521,6137,2597,56901,57801,10398,11224,6176,3725,4854,10209,27303,6141,7538,3164,6158,6232,2034,6143,6122 ACTB,HSPB1,JUNB,IFITM3,LGALS1,RPS27A,RPL37A,RPS28,RPL27A,ATP1B3,RPS15,FTL,RPL13A,RPL13,GAPDH,NDUFA4L2,HES4,MYL9,RPL35,RPLP1,JUN,NOTCH3,EIF1,RBMS3,RPL18,ZFP36,NR4A1,RPL28,RPS27,EPAS1,RPL19,RPL3 GO:0070062 extracellular exosome 1.11871863520562e-05 -11.4007415103267 2175 17 0.354166666666667 48 19108 388,5243,6234,10974,6168,3956,3490,6233,3315,682,60,6122,6158,2597,2,2512,483 RHOB,ABCB1,RPS28,ADIRF,RPL37A,LGALS1,IGFBP7,RPS27A,HSPB1,BSG,ACTB,RPL3,RPL28,GAPDH,A2M,FTL,ATP1B3 GO:0005622 intracellular anatomical structure 1.69990206555008e-05 -10.9823548240674 15205 48 1 48 19108 23521,2512,2597,56901,4502,3726,10410,6233,7078,10974,6234,8404,6158,6232,6122,6143,2034,1843,7122,3490,483,6209,2,6137,57801,10398,3315,682,60,3956,6168,5243,6157,10395,3164,4493,11224,6176,3725,4854,10209,7114,27303,6141,9168,388,3429,7538 RPL13A,FTL,GAPDH,NDUFA4L2,MT2A,JUNB,IFITM3,RPS27A,TIMP3,ADIRF,RPS28,SPARCL1,RPL28,RPS27,RPL3,RPL19,EPAS1,DUSP1,CLDN5,IGFBP7,ATP1B3,RPS15,A2M,RPL13,HES4,MYL9,HSPB1,BSG,ACTB,LGALS1,RPL37A,ABCB1,RPL27A,DLC1,NR4A1,MT1E,RPL35,RPLP1,JUN,NOTCH3,EIF1,TMSB4X,RBMS3,RPL18,TMSB10,RHOB,IFI27,ZFP36 GO:1903561 extracellular vesicle 2.06849557487387e-05 -10.7861038973455 2278 17 0.354166666666667 48 19108 2,2512,2597,483,6122,6158,3956,3490,6233,6168,3315,60,682,388,10974,5243,6234 A2M,FTL,GAPDH,ATP1B3,RPL3,RPL28,LGALS1,IGFBP7,RPS27A,RPL37A,HSPB1,ACTB,BSG,RHOB,ADIRF,ABCB1,RPS28 GO:0065010 extracellular membrane-bounded organelle 2.08049955819637e-05 -10.7803174278839 2279 17 0.354166666666667 48 19108 6158,6122,483,2597,2,2512,5243,6234,10974,388,3315,60,682,6168,6233,3956,3490 RPL28,RPL3,ATP1B3,GAPDH,A2M,FTL,ABCB1,RPS28,ADIRF,RHOB,HSPB1,ACTB,BSG,RPL37A,RPS27A,LGALS1,IGFBP7 GO:0043230 extracellular organelle 2.08049955819637e-05 -10.7803174278839 2279 17 0.354166666666667 48 19108 60,682,3315,6168,3956,3490,6233,5243,6234,10974,388,483,2597,2512,2,6158,6122 ACTB,BSG,HSPB1,RPL37A,LGALS1,IGFBP7,RPS27A,ABCB1,RPS28,ADIRF,RHOB,ATP1B3,GAPDH,FTL,A2M,RPL28,RPL3 GO:0097452 GAIT complex 3.69562117795611e-05 -10.2057768115855 4 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 2597,23521 GAPDH,RPL13A GO:0043232 intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle 4.1364209596436e-05 -10.0930945535323 5729 28 0.583333333333333 48 19108 7122,6122,6143,2034,6232,6158,3164,7538,6141,9168,7114,3725,6176,11224,10398,57801,2597,6137,23521,6209,10395,6157,6234,6168,6233,3726,3315,60 CLDN5,RPL3,RPL19,EPAS1,RPS27,RPL28,NR4A1,ZFP36,RPL18,TMSB10,TMSB4X,JUN,RPLP1,RPL35,MYL9,HES4,GAPDH,RPL13,RPL13A,RPS15,DLC1,RPL27A,RPS28,RPL37A,RPS27A,JUNB,HSPB1,ACTB GO:0015935 small ribosomal subunit 4.14547494451454e-05 -10.0909081004345 77 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 6233,6209,6232,6234 RPS27A,RPS15,RPS27,RPS28 GO:0043228 non-membrane-bounded organelle 4.16546067117645e-05 -10.0860985901433 5731 28 0.583333333333333 48 19108 6168,3725,6233,6176,3726,3315,60,11224,10395,7538,6141,9168,6157,6234,7114,2597,6137,23521,3164,6209,7122,10398,6122,6143,2034,6232,6158,57801 RPL37A,JUN,RPS27A,RPLP1,JUNB,HSPB1,ACTB,RPL35,DLC1,ZFP36,RPL18,TMSB10,RPL27A,RPS28,TMSB4X,GAPDH,RPL13,RPL13A,NR4A1,RPS15,CLDN5,MYL9,RPL3,RPL19,EPAS1,RPS27,RPL28,HES4 GO:0035976 transcription factor AP-1 complex 6.14948554675253e-05 -9.69655703758528 5 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 3725,3726 JUN,JUNB GO:0005634 nucleus 0.000147521609033221 -8.82153589099462 7993 33 0.6875 48 19108 4493,6143,6122,1843,2034,6232,3164,3429,7538,6141,388,27303,7114,10209,4854,3725,11224,4502,57801,2597,6137,23521,6209,10395,6157,6234,10974,7078,6168,6233,3315,3726,60 MT1E,RPL19,RPL3,DUSP1,EPAS1,RPS27,NR4A1,IFI27,ZFP36,RPL18,RHOB,RBMS3,TMSB4X,EIF1,NOTCH3,JUN,RPL35,MT2A,HES4,GAPDH,RPL13,RPL13A,RPS15,DLC1,RPL27A,RPS28,ADIRF,TIMP3,RPL37A,RPS27A,HSPB1,JUNB,ACTB GO:0045202 synapse 0.000215426835319259 -8.44288921734701 1473 12 0.25 48 19108 3164,6209,60,6137,23521,6233,6234,6232,8404,6158,6143,388 NR4A1,RPS15,ACTB,RPL13,RPL13A,RPS27A,RPS28,RPS27,SPARCL1,RPL28,RPL19,RHOB GO:0005615 extracellular space 0.000372198060451183 -7.89608442480897 3443 19 0.395833333333333 48 19108 6158,6122,483,2512,2,2597,10974,8404,6234,5243,388,60,682,3315,6233,3490,3956,6168,7078 RPL28,RPL3,ATP1B3,FTL,A2M,GAPDH,ADIRF,SPARCL1,RPS28,ABCB1,RHOB,ACTB,BSG,HSPB1,RPS27A,IGFBP7,LGALS1,RPL37A,TIMP3 GO:0043231 intracellular membrane-bounded organelle 0.000475140656389938 -7.65189967904847 12479 42 0.875 48 19108 682,60,10410,3315,3726,3956,6233,6168,7078,10974,8404,6234,6157,10395,483,6209,2512,23521,2,6137,2597,56901,57801,4502,11224,3490,3725,4854,10209,27303,7114,388,6141,7538,3429,3164,6232,1843,2034,6122,6143,4493 BSG,ACTB,IFITM3,HSPB1,JUNB,LGALS1,RPS27A,RPL37A,TIMP3,ADIRF,SPARCL1,RPS28,RPL27A,DLC1,ATP1B3,RPS15,FTL,RPL13A,A2M,RPL13,GAPDH,NDUFA4L2,HES4,MT2A,RPL35,IGFBP7,JUN,NOTCH3,EIF1,RBMS3,TMSB4X,RHOB,RPL18,ZFP36,IFI27,NR4A1,RPS27,DUSP1,EPAS1,RPL3,RPL19,MT1E GO:0043227 membrane-bounded organelle 0.000622435215974177 -7.38187100576536 13662 44 0.916666666666667 48 19108 5243,10395,6157,3315,60,682,6168,3956,57801,6209,483,6137,2,27303,7114,10209,3429,7538,6141,388,11224,4854,3725,4493,3164,6234,8404,10974,10410,3726,7078,6233,56901,4502,2597,23521,2512,3490,6232,6158,6122,6143,1843,2034 ABCB1,DLC1,RPL27A,HSPB1,ACTB,BSG,RPL37A,LGALS1,HES4,RPS15,ATP1B3,RPL13,A2M,RBMS3,TMSB4X,EIF1,IFI27,ZFP36,RPL18,RHOB,RPL35,NOTCH3,JUN,MT1E,NR4A1,RPS28,SPARCL1,ADIRF,IFITM3,JUNB,TIMP3,RPS27A,NDUFA4L2,MT2A,GAPDH,RPL13A,FTL,IGFBP7,RPS27,RPL28,RPL3,RPL19,DUSP1,EPAS1 GO:0032040 small-subunit processome 0.000817851071429589 -7.10883030220424 73 3 0.0625 48 19108 6234,6232,6233 RPS28,RPS27,RPS27A GO:0005576 extracellular region 0.00100351959670681 -6.904241861561 4350 21 0.4375 48 19108 2597,2,2512,483,6122,6158,7078,4854,6168,3956,6233,3490,3315,60,682,388,6234,5243,7114,8404,10974 GAPDH,A2M,FTL,ATP1B3,RPL3,RPL28,TIMP3,NOTCH3,RPL37A,LGALS1,RPS27A,IGFBP7,HSPB1,ACTB,BSG,RHOB,RPS28,ABCB1,TMSB4X,SPARCL1,ADIRF GO:0031982 vesicle 0.00142933643094997 -6.55054497670828 4141 20 0.416666666666667 48 19108 483,2597,2,2512,6158,6122,3315,10410,682,60,7078,6168,6233,3956,3490,5243,6234,7114,10974,388 ATP1B3,GAPDH,A2M,FTL,RPL28,RPL3,HSPB1,IFITM3,BSG,ACTB,TIMP3,RPL37A,RPS27A,LGALS1,IGFBP7,ABCB1,RPS28,TMSB4X,ADIRF,RHOB GO:0043233 organelle lumen 0.00240517612460871 -6.03013214542026 6022 25 0.520833333333333 48 19108 3164,2034,6122,6143,6232,4854,3490,3725,11224,6141,7114,6137,2512,2,23521,6209,7078,3956,6233,60,3726,6157,8404,6234,10974 NR4A1,EPAS1,RPL3,RPL19,RPS27,NOTCH3,IGFBP7,JUN,RPL35,RPL18,TMSB4X,RPL13,FTL,A2M,RPL13A,RPS15,TIMP3,LGALS1,RPS27A,ACTB,JUNB,RPL27A,SPARCL1,RPS28,ADIRF GO:0031974 membrane-enclosed lumen 0.00240517612460871 -6.03013214542026 6022 25 0.520833333333333 48 19108 6209,23521,2,2512,6137,3726,60,3956,6233,7078,10974,6234,8404,6157,3164,6232,6143,6122,2034,11224,3490,3725,4854,7114,6141 RPS15,RPL13A,A2M,FTL,RPL13,JUNB,ACTB,LGALS1,RPS27A,TIMP3,ADIRF,RPS28,SPARCL1,RPL27A,NR4A1,RPS27,RPL19,RPL3,EPAS1,RPL35,IGFBP7,JUN,NOTCH3,TMSB4X,RPL18 GO:0070013 intracellular organelle lumen 0.00240517612460871 -6.03013214542026 6022 25 0.520833333333333 48 19108 10974,6234,8404,6157,3726,60,6233,3956,7078,6209,23521,2,2512,6137,7114,6141,11224,3725,3490,4854,6232,6143,6122,2034,3164 ADIRF,RPS28,SPARCL1,RPL27A,JUNB,ACTB,RPS27A,LGALS1,TIMP3,RPS15,RPL13A,A2M,FTL,RPL13,TMSB4X,RPL18,RPL35,JUN,IGFBP7,NOTCH3,RPS27,RPL19,RPL3,EPAS1,NR4A1 GO:0030684 preribosome 0.00245872627600429 -6.0081118371111 107 3 0.0625 48 19108 6233,6234,6232 RPS27A,RPS28,RPS27 GO:0030863 cortical cytoskeleton 0.00259144681894058 -5.95553894188771 109 3 0.0625 48 19108 60,7122,10395 ACTB,CLDN5,DLC1 GO:0005783 endoplasmic reticulum 0.00396879155958931 -5.52929362367056 2051 12 0.25 48 19108 8404,6234,6157,6141,3429,10395,682,6233,3490,3956,6137,4854 SPARCL1,RPS28,RPL27A,RPL18,IFI27,DLC1,BSG,RPS27A,IGFBP7,LGALS1,RPL13,NOTCH3 GO:0062023 collagen-containing extracellular matrix 0.00427370809349768 -5.45527342261656 428 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 8404,3956,3490,2,7078 SPARCL1,LGALS1,IGFBP7,A2M,TIMP3 GO:0008043 intracellular ferritin complex 0.00501789449891073 -5.29474485578847 2 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 2512 FTL GO:1990724 galectin complex 0.00501789449891073 -5.29474485578847 2 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3956 LGALS1 GO:0070288 ferritin complex 0.00501789449891073 -5.29474485578847 2 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 2512 FTL GO:0043614 multi-eIF complex 0.00751758784496104 -4.89050995777431 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10209 EIF1 GO:0005938 cell cortex 0.00780100803917621 -4.85350231784499 313 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 10395,7122,10398,60 DLC1,CLDN5,MYL9,ACTB GO:0005730 nucleolus 0.00784914053105455 -4.84735123967177 1414 9 0.1875 48 19108 6143,6141,6122,6234,6232,6233,23521,6137,11224 RPL19,RPL18,RPL3,RPS28,RPS27,RPS27A,RPL13A,RPL13,RPL35 GO:0012505 endomembrane system 0.0080250351308393 -4.82518923230096 4764 20 0.416666666666667 48 19108 682,10410,4854,7078,3956,6233,3490,8404,7114,6234,10395,3429,388,6157,6141,3164,6137,2597,2512,2 BSG,IFITM3,NOTCH3,TIMP3,LGALS1,RPS27A,IGFBP7,SPARCL1,TMSB4X,RPS28,DLC1,IFI27,RHOB,RPL27A,RPL18,NR4A1,RPL13,GAPDH,FTL,A2M GO:0034774 secretory granule lumen 0.00850895253391951 -4.76663643046856 321 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 7114,2512,2,7078 TMSB4X,FTL,A2M,TIMP3 GO:0060205 cytoplasmic vesicle lumen 0.00897220156210848 -4.71362419689346 326 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 7114,2512,2,7078 TMSB4X,FTL,A2M,TIMP3 GO:0005791 rough endoplasmic reticulum 0.00903157881012826 -4.7070280862903 57 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 6234,6141 RPS28,RPL18 GO:0031983 vesicle lumen 0.00906679541759728 -4.70313639397883 327 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 7114,7078,2512,2 TMSB4X,TIMP3,FTL,A2M GO:0098556 cytoplasmic side of rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane 0.0100111317227546 -4.60405763282947 4 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6234 RPS28 GO:0031093 platelet alpha granule lumen 0.0123143514951687 -4.39698990854702 67 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 7114,2 TMSB4X,A2M GO:0097433 dense body 0.0124985409394714 -4.38214336632905 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0098635 protein complex involved in cell-cell adhesion 0.0124985409394714 -4.38214336632905 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3956 LGALS1 GO:0098871 postsynaptic actin cytoskeleton 0.0124985409394714 -4.38214336632905 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0031012 extracellular matrix 0.0127962962598163 -4.35859950462956 559 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 8404,2,3956,3490,7078 SPARCL1,A2M,LGALS1,IGFBP7,TIMP3 GO:0030312 external encapsulating structure 0.012887596053537 -4.35148997643409 560 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 8404,2,3956,3490,7078 SPARCL1,A2M,LGALS1,IGFBP7,TIMP3 GO:0098591 external side of apical plasma membrane 0.0149798302676459 -4.20105063155499 6 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 5243 ABCB1 GO:0030864 cortical actin cytoskeleton 0.0156480600794323 -4.15740832626502 76 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 7122,10395 CLDN5,DLC1 GO:0031091 platelet alpha granule 0.0219556116141156 -3.81873251773335 91 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 7114,2 TMSB4X,A2M GO:0098685 Schaffer collateral - CA1 synapse 0.0228642992829211 -3.77817856817941 93 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 60,388 ACTB,RHOB GO:0140092 bBAF complex 0.0248440829220026 -3.69513566658325 10 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0099571 postsynaptic cytoskeleton 0.0248440829220026 -3.69513566658325 10 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0036464 cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule 0.0258796001516368 -3.65430025956011 254 3 0.0625 48 19108 7538,6158,60 ZFP36,RPL28,ACTB GO:0043220 Schmidt-Lanterman incisure 0.0272949931757974 -3.60105199376503 11 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7122 CLDN5 GO:0033270 paranode region of axon 0.0297398714458848 -3.51526666055917 12 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7122 CLDN5 GO:0005890 sodium:potassium-exchanging ATPase complex 0.0297398714458848 -3.51526666055917 12 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 483 ATP1B3 GO:0035770 ribonucleoprotein granule 0.0305437192556245 -3.48859620351478 271 3 0.0625 48 19108 7538,60,6158 ZFP36,ACTB,RPL28 GO:0048770 pigment granule 0.0322399261887734 -3.43454965077644 112 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 682,483 BSG,ATP1B3 GO:0042470 melanosome 0.0322399261887734 -3.43454965077644 112 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 483,682 ATP1B3,BSG GO:0072562 blood microparticle 0.0343771897370183 -3.37036202358372 116 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 2,60 A2M,ACTB GO:0043218 compact myelin 0.0346115901245739 -3.36356667831129 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7122 CLDN5 GO:0035060 brahma complex 0.0346115901245739 -3.36356667831129 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0140288 GBAF complex 0.0346115901245739 -3.36356667831129 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0071564 npBAF complex 0.0346115901245739 -3.36356667831129 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0031089 platelet dense granule lumen 0.0346115901245739 -3.36356667831129 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7078 TIMP3 GO:0044754 autolysosome 0.0370384594892913 -3.29579846053096 15 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 2512 FTL GO:0016586 RSC-type complex 0.0370384594892913 -3.29579846053096 15 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0005859 muscle myosin complex 0.0370384594892913 -3.29579846053096 15 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10398 MYL9 GO:0005667 transcription regulator complex 0.0378337284859553 -3.27455428622064 506 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 3726,3164,3725,2034 JUNB,NR4A1,JUN,EPAS1 GO:0071565 nBAF complex 0.0394593547882978 -3.23248412955283 16 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0098554 cytoplasmic side of endoplasmic reticulum membrane 0.0394593547882978 -3.23248412955283 16 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6234 RPS28 GO:0030014 CCR4-NOT complex 0.0394593547882978 -3.23248412955283 16 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7538 ZFP36 GO:0015629 actin cytoskeleton 0.0411599990270001 -3.19028839165574 520 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 60,10398,7122,10395 ACTB,MYL9,CLDN5,DLC1 GO:0033290 eukaryotic 48S preinitiation complex 0.0418742904175926 -3.173083234232 17 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10209 EIF1 GO:0030018 Z disc 0.0422744628289035 -3.16357209086832 130 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 3315,10398 HSPB1,MYL9 GO:0070160 tight junction 0.0428624564346007 -3.14975897759255 131 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 60,7122 ACTB,CLDN5 GO:0005788 endoplasmic reticulum lumen 0.0434921987293237 -3.13517369652654 312 3 0.0625 48 19108 8404,3956,3490 SPARCL1,LGALS1,IGFBP7 GO:0031965 nuclear membrane 0.0441843848896236 -3.11938383535783 314 3 0.0625 48 19108 3429,2597,3164 IFI27,GAPDH,NR4A1 GO:0016282 eukaryotic 43S preinitiation complex 0.0442832807274319 -3.11714808338419 18 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10209 EIF1 GO:0044305 calyx of Held 0.0442832807274319 -3.11714808338419 18 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0031981 nuclear lumen 0.045753493294111 -3.08448713402016 4888 18 0.375 48 19108 10974,6234,6141,6157,3726,11224,60,6233,3725,4854,6232,6122,6143,2034,3164,6209,23521,6137 ADIRF,RPS28,RPL18,RPL27A,JUNB,RPL35,ACTB,RPS27A,JUN,NOTCH3,RPS27,RPL3,RPL19,EPAS1,NR4A1,RPS15,RPL13A,RPL13 GO:0090533 cation-transporting ATPase complex 0.0466863400550865 -3.06430366126871 19 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 483 ATP1B3 GO:0070993 translation preinitiation complex 0.0466863400550865 -3.06430366126871 19 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10209 EIF1 GO:0005751 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV 0.0490834826831955 -3.01423270234161 20 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 56901 NDUFA4L2 GO:0031674 I band 0.0507806070716962 -2.98024074784016 144 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 3315,10398 HSPB1,MYL9 GO:0042827 platelet dense granule 0.0514747228782034 -2.96666440970194 21 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7078 TIMP3 GO:0043296 apical junction complex 0.054600072905615 -2.9077200609645 150 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 7122,60 CLDN5,ACTB GO:0005767 secondary lysosome 0.0562395528233924 -2.87813498273125 23 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 2512 FTL GO:0016327 apicolateral plasma membrane 0.0562395528233924 -2.87813498273125 23 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7122 CLDN5 GO:0045277 respiratory chain complex IV 0.0562395528233924 -2.87813498273125 23 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 56901 NDUFA4L2 GO:0000178 exosome (RNase complex) 0.0586131709272115 -2.83679584780385 24 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7538 ZFP36 GO:0030867 rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane 0.0586131709272115 -2.83679584780385 24 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6234 RPS28 GO:1905354 exoribonuclease complex 0.0609809432885857 -2.79719386872262 25 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7538 ZFP36 GO:0098533 ATPase dependent transmembrane transport complex 0.0609809432885857 -2.79719386872262 25 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 483 ATP1B3 GO:0016460 myosin II complex 0.063342884007628 -2.75919270673851 26 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10398 MYL9 GO:0031902 late endosome membrane 0.0687231163289433 -2.67766965412503 171 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 10410,388 IFITM3,RHOB GO:0016514 SWI/SNF complex 0.0727326110842992 -2.62096542439729 30 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0030141 secretory granule 0.0733686246174157 -2.61225889227608 897 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 7114,682,7078,2512,2 TMSB4X,BSG,TIMP3,FTL,A2M GO:0035267 NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex 0.0773928486856774 -2.55886089689696 32 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0043189 H4/H2A histone acetyltransferase complex 0.0773928486856774 -2.55886089689696 32 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0002080 acrosomal membrane 0.0773928486856774 -2.55886089689696 32 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 682 BSG GO:0070069 cytochrome complex 0.0866446270802127 -2.44594027189581 36 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 56901 NDUFA4L2 GO:0098590 plasma membrane region 0.099140939592485 -2.31121280900387 1278 6 0.125 48 19108 483,682,5243,388,7122,10395 ATP1B3,BSG,ABCB1,RHOB,CLDN5,DLC1 GO:0030017 sarcomere 0.103959239854468 -2.2637563811395 218 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 3315,10398 HSPB1,MYL9 GO:0005741 mitochondrial outer membrane 0.104755252630193 -2.2561285769961 219 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 6233,3429 RPS27A,IFI27 GO:0043209 myelin sheath 0.107130245234243 -2.23370993958266 45 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7122 CLDN5 GO:1902562 H4 histone acetyltransferase complex 0.107130245234243 -2.23370993958266 45 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0030016 myofibril 0.121016211023652 -2.11183076695722 239 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 3315,10398 HSPB1,MYL9 GO:0090575 RNA polymerase II transcription regulator complex 0.126012221925001 -2.07137637733003 245 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 3726,3725 JUNB,JUN GO:0031968 organelle outer membrane 0.128529011559882 -2.05160062923525 248 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 3429,6233 IFI27,RPS27A GO:0005635 nuclear envelope 0.12928975379773 -2.04569923998131 498 3 0.0625 48 19108 3164,2597,3429 NR4A1,GAPDH,IFI27 GO:0032154 cleavage furrow 0.12936455942058 -2.04512081834972 55 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 388 RHOB GO:0043292 contractile muscle fiber 0.129370645463898 -2.04507377377902 249 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 10398,3315 MYL9,HSPB1 GO:0019867 outer membrane 0.130213611907274 -2.03857900853342 250 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 3429,6233 IFI27,RPS27A GO:0016459 myosin complex 0.13155794109678 -2.0283079077018 56 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10398 MYL9 GO:0099503 secretory vesicle 0.131572720834306 -2.02819557007127 1076 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 7114,682,7078,2,2512 TMSB4X,BSG,TIMP3,A2M,FTL GO:0000785 chromatin 0.132391014645934 -2.02199550299416 1387 6 0.125 48 19108 3164,3726,60,3725,57801,2034 NR4A1,JUNB,ACTB,JUN,HES4,EPAS1 GO:0098636 protein complex involved in cell adhesion 0.133745911852887 -2.01181345925905 57 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3956 LGALS1 GO:0005637 nuclear inner membrane 0.133745911852887 -2.01181345925905 57 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3429 IFI27 GO:0016323 basolateral plasma membrane 0.136150718045187 -1.99399278594909 257 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 483,682 ATP1B3,BSG GO:0001533 cornified envelope 0.140277489071786 -1.96413275327308 60 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3315 HSPB1 GO:0000502 proteasome complex 0.144605057961233 -1.93374899088421 62 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3315 HSPB1 GO:0000791 euchromatin 0.146760836456134 -1.91895098002824 63 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3725 JUN GO:1904115 axon cytoplasm 0.148911294829245 -1.90440448703642 64 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3315 HSPB1 GO:0032993 protein-DNA complex 0.155249304085718 -1.86272304071826 1454 6 0.125 48 19108 2034,57801,3725,3164,3726,60 EPAS1,HES4,JUN,NR4A1,JUNB,ACTB GO:0044304 main axon 0.157460183763942 -1.84858265417492 68 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7122 CLDN5 GO:0016328 lateral plasma membrane 0.157460183763942 -1.84858265417492 68 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7122 CLDN5 GO:0009925 basal plasma membrane 0.163123221336148 -1.81324940465107 288 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 682,483 BSG,ATP1B3 GO:0001917 photoreceptor inner segment 0.163816615902214 -1.80900767252342 71 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 682 BSG GO:0032153 cell division site 0.170126084446901 -1.77121544361847 74 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 388 RHOB GO:0010008 endosome membrane 0.17130205993774 -1.76432684840189 569 3 0.0625 48 19108 10410,6233,388 IFITM3,RPS27A,RHOB GO:0031410 cytoplasmic vesicle 0.174709789439648 -1.74462902769571 2521 9 0.1875 48 19108 10410,682,483,7078,2,6233,2512,7114,388 IFITM3,BSG,ATP1B3,TIMP3,A2M,RPS27A,FTL,TMSB4X,RHOB GO:0097708 intracellular vesicle 0.176461392224977 -1.73465316747105 2527 9 0.1875 48 19108 7114,388,10410,682,483,7078,2,2512,6233 TMSB4X,RHOB,IFITM3,BSG,ATP1B3,TIMP3,A2M,FTL,RPS27A GO:0045178 basal part of cell 0.180108645688578 -1.71419502301862 307 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 682,483 BSG,ATP1B3 GO:0098803 respiratory chain complex 0.182605486986192 -1.70042726206029 80 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 56901 NDUFA4L2 GO:0005789 endoplasmic reticulum membrane 0.183119175636187 -1.69761810511627 1204 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 3429,4854,6233,6234,682 IFI27,NOTCH3,RPS27A,RPS28,BSG GO:0005770 late endosome 0.184625078156551 -1.68942811480475 312 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 388,10410 RHOB,IFITM3 GO:0098827 endoplasmic reticulum subcompartment 0.18527628832874 -1.68590711756619 1209 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 6233,3429,4854,682,6234 RPS27A,IFI27,NOTCH3,BSG,RPS28 GO:0005746 mitochondrial respirasome 0.188776093080705 -1.6671936589203 83 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 56901 NDUFA4L2 GO:0005901 caveola 0.188776093080705 -1.6671936589203 83 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10395 DLC1 GO:0042175 nuclear outer membrane-endoplasmic reticulum membrane network 0.19312243285572 -1.64443092407494 1227 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 6233,3429,4854,682,6234 RPS27A,IFI27,NOTCH3,BSG,RPS28 GO:0140535 intracellular protein-containing complex 0.19347529167274 -1.64260546627931 909 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 60,3315,7538,2512 ACTB,HSPB1,ZFP36,FTL GO:1905369 endopeptidase complex 0.194901079848143 -1.63526313195989 86 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3315 HSPB1 GO:0001725 stress fiber 0.194901079848143 -1.63526313195989 86 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10398 MYL9 GO:0097517 contractile actin filament bundle 0.194901079848143 -1.63526313195989 86 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10398 MYL9 GO:0120111 neuron projection cytoplasm 0.200980777426799 -1.60454601018889 89 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3315 HSPB1 GO:0035578 azurophil granule lumen 0.202997335748955 -1.59456242441586 90 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 2512 FTL GO:0070469 respirasome 0.205008910458194 -1.58470183513861 91 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 56901 NDUFA4L2 GO:0042641 actomyosin 0.207015513622826 -1.5749615434872 92 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10398 MYL9 GO:0005604 basement membrane 0.207015513622826 -1.5749615434872 92 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7078 TIMP3 GO:0010494 cytoplasmic stress granule 0.207015513622826 -1.5749615434872 92 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7538 ZFP36 GO:0070603 SWI/SNF superfamily-type complex 0.20901715725622 -1.56533893825168 93 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0001750 photoreceptor outer segment 0.20901715725622 -1.56533893825168 93 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 682 BSG GO:0031967 organelle envelope 0.210987556103264 -1.55595612305913 1267 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 56901,3164,6233,2597,3429 NDUFA4L2,NR4A1,RPS27A,GAPDH,IFI27 GO:0000123 histone acetyltransferase complex 0.211013853361343 -1.55583149192035 94 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0032432 actin filament bundle 0.214992450840323 -1.53715236384152 96 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10398 MYL9 GO:0000932 P-body 0.222890800200764 -1.50107331265534 100 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7538 ZFP36 GO:0030424 axon 0.22332355746756 -1.49913362875659 650 3 0.0625 48 19108 7122,3315,60 CLDN5,HSPB1,ACTB GO:0032587 ruffle membrane 0.224853197180517 -1.49230754669588 101 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10395 DLC1 GO:0071944 cell periphery 0.22724151410074 -1.48174188831268 6020 18 0.375 48 19108 2597,2,483,7122,10398,7078,4854,3956,6233,3490,10410,3315,682,60,10395,388,5243,8404 GAPDH,A2M,ATP1B3,CLDN5,MYL9,TIMP3,NOTCH3,LGALS1,RPS27A,IGFBP7,IFITM3,HSPB1,BSG,ACTB,DLC1,RHOB,ABCB1,SPARCL1 GO:0031248 protein acetyltransferase complex 0.230711319667228 -1.46658804839485 104 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0005811 lipid droplet 0.23265437672864 -1.45820128836622 105 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 2597 GAPDH GO:1902493 acetyltransferase complex 0.23265437672864 -1.45820128836622 105 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0005903 brush border 0.238454759959491 -1.43357567235079 108 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0043005 neuron projection 0.240676945193733 -1.42429972110819 1331 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 7122,6158,3315,60,682 CLDN5,RPL28,HSPB1,ACTB,BSG GO:0043679 axon terminus 0.246121864799858 -1.40192848034732 112 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0044853 plasma membrane raft 0.249927021908115 -1.38658631610214 114 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10395 DLC1 GO:0005856 cytoskeleton 0.254649192029333 -1.36786839852389 2412 8 0.166666666666667 48 19108 9168,7122,10395,10398,7114,2597,3315,60 TMSB10,CLDN5,DLC1,MYL9,TMSB4X,GAPDH,HSPB1,ACTB GO:0097733 photoreceptor cell cilium 0.257481002618524 -1.35680933783869 118 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 682 BSG GO:0005884 actin filament 0.261230007811748 -1.34235400375381 120 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:1905368 peptidase complex 0.263097553599359 -1.3352303893472 121 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3315 HSPB1 GO:0016324 apical plasma membrane 0.270685701213251 -1.30679690528174 405 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 5243,483 ABCB1,ATP1B3 GO:0005923 bicellular tight junction 0.272366162980284 -1.30060793055654 126 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 7122 CLDN5 GO:0000786 nucleosome 0.27420613897255 -1.29387512343733 127 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0016363 nuclear matrix 0.276041558873728 -1.28720384897091 128 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0044306 neuron projection terminus 0.276041558873728 -1.28720384897091 128 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0098978 glutamatergic synapse 0.277232173165136 -1.28289995359209 412 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 8404,60 SPARCL1,ACTB GO:0005768 endosome 0.279355008248291 -1.27527187501757 1067 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 6233,388,10410,682 RPS27A,RHOB,IFITM3,BSG GO:0097731 9+0 non-motile cilium 0.279698774612582 -1.27404205986147 130 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 682 BSG GO:0099080 supramolecular complex 0.281827179982789 -1.2664612328458 1416 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 7538,10398,3315,6158,60 ZFP36,MYL9,HSPB1,RPL28,ACTB GO:0031252 cell leading edge 0.292186768852547 -1.2303620618251 428 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 60,10395 ACTB,DLC1 GO:0031966 mitochondrial membrane 0.292627154861588 -1.22885598929698 752 3 0.0625 48 19108 56901,3429,6233 NDUFA4L2,IFI27,RPS27A GO:0005769 early endosome 0.299654111463972 -1.20512643128446 436 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 388,10410 RHOB,IFITM3 GO:0042383 sarcolemma 0.301265185883064 -1.19976438587745 142 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 682 BSG GO:0001669 acrosomal vesicle 0.308312490457704 -1.17664143093826 146 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 682 BSG GO:1904949 ATPase complex 0.310063413385118 -1.17097844311552 147 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0098800 inner mitochondrial membrane protein complex 0.311809996160407 -1.16536126334571 148 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 56901 NDUFA4L2 GO:0098588 bounding membrane of organelle 0.312256411861411 -1.16393059580326 2198 7 0.145833333333333 48 19108 6234,3429,388,10410,682,4854,6233 RPS28,IFI27,RHOB,IFITM3,BSG,NOTCH3,RPS27A GO:0034399 nuclear periphery 0.315290183398341 -1.15426184707901 150 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0005740 mitochondrial envelope 0.324542988573563 -1.12533727526841 798 3 0.0625 48 19108 56901,6233,3429 NDUFA4L2,RPS27A,IFI27 GO:0042582 azurophil granule 0.325627671757445 -1.1220006614949 156 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 2512 FTL GO:0005766 primary lysosome 0.325627671757445 -1.1220006614949 156 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 2512 FTL GO:0045177 apical part of cell 0.332171703758222 -1.10210326376248 471 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 483,5243 ATP1B3,ABCB1 GO:0031984 organelle subcompartment 0.338106764456032 -1.08439356220422 1528 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 4854,3429,6233,6234,682 NOTCH3,IFI27,RPS27A,RPS28,BSG GO:0097730 non-motile cilium 0.340847969442855 -1.07631873852465 165 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 682 BSG GO:0098862 cluster of actin-based cell projections 0.344184298936424 -1.06657801235083 167 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0005654 nucleoplasm 0.345860339992161 -1.06172022705078 4159 12 0.25 48 19108 3726,60,3164,6209,3725,6233,4854,10974,6234,6232,2034,6157 JUNB,ACTB,NR4A1,RPS15,JUN,RPS27A,NOTCH3,ADIRF,RPS28,RPS27,EPAS1,RPL27A GO:0016020 membrane 0.348964610534895 -1.0527847644001 9220 25 0.520833333333333 48 19108 10395,6157,5243,6234,6233,3315,10410,60,682,56901,2597,6137,23521,2512,6209,483,3429,6141,388,4854,11224,7122,6143,6158,3164 DLC1,RPL27A,ABCB1,RPS28,RPS27A,HSPB1,IFITM3,ACTB,BSG,NDUFA4L2,GAPDH,RPL13,RPL13A,FTL,RPS15,ATP1B3,IFI27,RPL18,RHOB,NOTCH3,RPL35,CLDN5,RPL19,RPL28,NR4A1 GO:0120025 plasma membrane bounded cell projection 0.348978303666287 -1.05274552585748 2285 7 0.145833333333333 48 19108 3315,682,60,483,10395,7122,6158 HSPB1,BSG,ACTB,ATP1B3,DLC1,CLDN5,RPL28 GO:0036126 sperm flagellum 0.352452949042116 -1.04283814353349 172 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 483 ATP1B3 GO:0000776 kinetochore 0.352452949042116 -1.04283814353349 172 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0005775 vacuolar lumen 0.360619491505792 -1.01993191669039 177 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 2512 FTL GO:0031256 leading edge membrane 0.365470919438062 -1.00656856673862 180 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10395 DLC1 GO:0005911 cell-cell junction 0.370664541767775 -0.992457825497045 513 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 60,7122 ACTB,CLDN5 GO:0110165 cellular anatomical entity 0.371182100325193 -0.991062500339467 18718 48 1 48 19108 3490,6158,6232,6122,6143,1843,2034,7122,3726,10410,6233,7078,10974,6234,8404,23521,2512,2597,56901,4502,11224,6176,3725,4854,10209,27303,7114,6141,388,9168,3429,7538,3164,4493,3315,682,60,3956,6168,5243,6157,10395,483,6209,2,6137,57801,10398 IGFBP7,RPL28,RPS27,RPL3,RPL19,DUSP1,EPAS1,CLDN5,JUNB,IFITM3,RPS27A,TIMP3,ADIRF,RPS28,SPARCL1,RPL13A,FTL,GAPDH,NDUFA4L2,MT2A,RPL35,RPLP1,JUN,NOTCH3,EIF1,RBMS3,TMSB4X,RPL18,RHOB,TMSB10,IFI27,ZFP36,NR4A1,MT1E,HSPB1,BSG,ACTB,LGALS1,RPL37A,ABCB1,RPL27A,DLC1,ATP1B3,RPS15,A2M,RPL13,HES4,MYL9 GO:0000779 condensed chromosome, centromeric region 0.371883457638007 -0.989174759712611 184 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0001726 ruffle 0.371883457638007 -0.989174759712611 184 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10395 DLC1 GO:0030659 cytoplasmic vesicle membrane 0.373486195974078 -0.984874233662322 1230 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 10410,682,388,6233 IFITM3,BSG,RHOB,RPS27A GO:0005912 adherens junction 0.378232527568419 -0.97224612019376 188 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0005694 chromosome 0.378517708609868 -0.971492420911449 1979 6 0.125 48 19108 3725,3164,3726,60,2034,57801 JUN,NR4A1,JUNB,ACTB,EPAS1,HES4 GO:0012506 vesicle membrane 0.385708725639132 -0.952672791158586 1251 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 6233,388,682,10410 RPS27A,RHOB,BSG,IFITM3 GO:0097729 9+2 motile cilium 0.386080549034592 -0.951709255031748 193 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 483 ATP1B3 GO:0031901 early endosome membrane 0.389192525834011 -0.943681132775519 195 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10410 IFITM3 GO:0098562 cytoplasmic side of membrane 0.392289054910038 -0.935756325951815 197 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6234 RPS28 GO:0042995 cell projection 0.39753433512301 -0.922473970950137 2398 7 0.145833333333333 48 19108 6158,7122,10395,3315,60,682,483 RPL28,CLDN5,DLC1,HSPB1,ACTB,BSG,ATP1B3 GO:0019866 organelle inner membrane 0.400333861309474 -0.915456426729816 546 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 3429,56901 IFI27,NDUFA4L2 GO:0030027 lamellipodium 0.401486704815606 -0.912580859927888 203 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0030666 endocytic vesicle membrane 0.401486704815606 -0.912580859927888 203 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6233 RPS27A GO:0005739 mitochondrion 0.405250124485215 -0.903250811185117 1659 5 0.104166666666667 48 19108 6233,3429,56901,682,3164 RPS27A,IFI27,NDUFA4L2,BSG,NR4A1 GO:0098793 presynapse 0.420647652952518 -0.865959724574117 569 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 60,3164 ACTB,NR4A1 GO:0000228 nuclear chromosome 0.441217133909377 -0.818218157566776 230 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3725 JUN GO:0031090 organelle membrane 0.470697291734789 -0.753540084288664 3742 10 0.208333333333333 48 19108 56901,6234,388,3429,10410,682,3164,6233,2597,4854 NDUFA4L2,RPS28,RHOB,IFI27,IFITM3,BSG,NR4A1,RPS27A,GAPDH,NOTCH3 GO:0000775 chromosome, centromeric region 0.483654652213791 -0.726384155432014 261 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0098794 postsynapse 0.4860658741504 -0.721411120747495 646 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 60,6232 ACTB,RPS27 GO:0099512 supramolecular fiber 0.489177245061062 -0.715030390844043 1040 3 0.0625 48 19108 10398,3315,60 MYL9,HSPB1,ACTB GO:0099081 supramolecular polymer 0.494357071061361 -0.704497206986137 1048 3 0.0625 48 19108 60,3315,10398 ACTB,HSPB1,MYL9 GO:0032838 plasma membrane bounded cell projection cytoplasm 0.497941040414826 -0.697273601707771 272 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3315 HSPB1 GO:0098798 mitochondrial protein-containing complex 0.499220443138124 -0.694707510966294 273 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 56901 NDUFA4L2 GO:0150034 distal axon 0.499220443138124 -0.694707510966294 273 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0031514 motile cilium 0.510592334280564 -0.672183787447334 282 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 483 ATP1B3 GO:0000793 condensed chromosome 0.513084870418899 -0.667314008081899 284 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0000139 Golgi membrane 0.51591016874003 -0.661822620245363 683 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 4854,682 NOTCH3,BSG GO:0045121 membrane raft 0.520488133710731 -0.652988189053019 290 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10395 DLC1 GO:0098857 membrane microdomain 0.522931307775001 -0.648305166229843 292 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10395 DLC1 GO:0098552 side of membrane 0.54082009987815 -0.614668588009607 715 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 5243,6234 ABCB1,RPS28 GO:0099568 cytoplasmic region 0.540870634250299 -0.614575152112282 307 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3315 HSPB1 GO:0014069 postsynaptic density 0.552461448967107 -0.593371623649808 317 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6232 RPS27 GO:0030667 secretory granule membrane 0.552461448967107 -0.593371623649808 317 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 682 BSG GO:0048471 perinuclear region of cytoplasm 0.555951096880568 -0.587074943850622 735 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 10410,2597 IFITM3,GAPDH GO:0032279 asymmetric synapse 0.570413379228054 -0.561393954287476 333 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6232 RPS27 GO:0000323 lytic vacuole 0.575833829754279 -0.551936149917426 762 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 10410,2512 IFITM3,FTL GO:0005764 lysosome 0.575833829754279 -0.551936149917426 762 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 2512,10410 FTL,IFITM3 GO:0005929 cilium 0.583037661975527 -0.539503494417079 772 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 682,483 BSG,ATP1B3 GO:0099572 postsynaptic specialization 0.583412715234208 -0.538860426732531 345 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6232 RPS27 GO:0030139 endocytic vesicle 0.587659621329066 -0.531607373987204 349 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6233 RPS27A GO:0031253 cell projection membrane 0.594989926229817 -0.519210804286024 356 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10395 DLC1 GO:0098984 neuron to neuron synapse 0.604227348470449 -0.50380474711742 365 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6232 RPS27 GO:0140513 nuclear protein-containing complex 0.621495404351518 -0.475626762505182 1260 3 0.0625 48 19108 60,3726,3725 ACTB,JUNB,JUN GO:1902494 catalytic complex 0.632363685774337 -0.458290598169807 1708 4 0.0833333333333333 48 19108 7538,3315,60,56901 ZFP36,HSPB1,ACTB,NDUFA4L2 GO:0009897 external side of plasma membrane 0.634493268307165 -0.454928601328948 396 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 5243 ABCB1 GO:0005773 vacuole 0.640744373272895 -0.44512469524683 857 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 2512,10410 FTL,IFITM3 GO:0098687 chromosomal region 0.641007194480765 -0.444714598285507 403 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0043235 receptor complex 0.646499979852316 -0.436182111934469 409 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0016607 nuclear speck 0.651014367722255 -0.429223566783233 414 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 2034 EPAS1 GO:0009986 cell surface 0.665114352489484 -0.40779629447867 896 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 4854,5243 NOTCH3,ABCB1 GO:0005819 spindle 0.665945047149073 -0.406548123634211 431 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 3315 HSPB1 GO:1902495 transmembrane transporter complex 0.668514140372501 -0.402697730274168 434 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 483 ATP1B3 GO:0098852 lytic vacuole membrane 0.678598440493258 -0.387725724758346 446 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10410 IFITM3 GO:0005765 lysosomal membrane 0.678598440493258 -0.387725724758346 446 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10410 IFITM3 GO:1990351 transporter complex 0.690782159628767 -0.369930758710782 461 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 483 ATP1B3 GO:0005743 mitochondrial inner membrane 0.712326895279779 -0.339218350350726 489 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 56901 NDUFA4L2 GO:0005774 vacuolar membrane 0.713068519911807 -0.338177762327158 490 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 10410 IFITM3 GO:0044297 cell body 0.75808962513215 -0.276953661368821 556 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6158 RPL28 GO:0005886 plasma membrane 0.775907063977103 -0.253722528887173 5538 12 0.25 48 19108 483,2597,7122,10410,3315,60,682,6233,4854,5243,388,10395 ATP1B3,GAPDH,CLDN5,IFITM3,HSPB1,ACTB,BSG,RPS27A,NOTCH3,ABCB1,RHOB,DLC1 GO:0098797 plasma membrane protein complex 0.784179914560656 -0.243116802100912 600 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 483 ATP1B3 GO:0030425 dendrite 0.795108295024799 -0.229276953447948 620 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6158 RPL28 GO:0097447 dendritic tree 0.796170854515478 -0.227941474818811 622 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6158 RPL28 GO:0098796 membrane protein complex 0.834620363260561 -0.180778312295875 1261 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 56901,483 NDUFA4L2,ATP1B3 GO:0099513 polymeric cytoskeletal fiber 0.870279160692255 -0.138941244443761 795 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0015630 microtubule cytoskeleton 0.878827044955471 -0.129167164075542 1411 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 2597,3315 GAPDH,HSPB1 GO:0036477 somatodendritic compartment 0.885350866106723 -0.12177125366561 842 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 6158 RPL28 GO:1990234 transferase complex 0.887146948939261 -0.119744640789672 848 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 60 ACTB GO:0016604 nuclear body 0.889498926579254 -0.117096978645661 856 1 0.0208333333333333 48 19108 2034 EPAS1 GO:0005794 Golgi apparatus 0.926890289552204 -0.0759200704178174 1645 2 0.0416666666666667 48 19108 682,4854 BSG,NOTCH3 GO:0099634 postsynaptic specialization membrane 0.999999999957408 -4.25919208130139e-11 125 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097525 spliceosomal snRNP complex 0.999999999962746 -3.72539284411083e-11 75 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016591 RNA polymerase II, holoenzyme 0.999999999962746 -3.72539284411083e-11 75 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030669 clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle membrane 0.999999999962746 -3.72539284411083e-11 75 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031594 neuromuscular junction 0.999999999962746 -3.72539284411083e-11 75 0 0 48 19108 GO:0046581 intercellular canaliculus 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005726 perichromatin fibrils 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071986 Ragulator complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120157 PAR polarity complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:1905347 endodeoxyribonuclease complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0110142 ubiquinone biosynthesis complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097165 nuclear stress granule 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035749 myelin sheath adaxonal region 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034274 Atg12-Atg5-Atg16 complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097487 multivesicular body, internal vesicle 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033165 interphotoreceptor matrix 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005955 calcineurin complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002142 stereocilia ankle link complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042587 glycogen granule 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990124 messenger ribonucleoprotein complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0017071 intracellular cyclic nucleotide activated cation channel complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045293 mRNA editing complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990913 sperm head plasma membrane 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099617 matrix side of mitochondrial inner membrane 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031931 TORC1 complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031265 CD95 death-inducing signaling complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097443 sorting endosome 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016012 sarcoglycan complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0170049 box C/D RNP complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031428 box C/D methylation guide snoRNP complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990075 periciliary membrane compartment 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005593 FACIT collagen trimer 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044613 nuclear pore central transport channel 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035748 myelin sheath abaxonal region 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0010009 cytoplasmic side of endosome membrane 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990246 uniplex complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043190 ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990635 proximal dendrite 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097512 cardiac myofibril 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032133 chromosome passenger complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098888 extrinsic component of presynaptic membrane 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030314 junctional membrane complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120200 rod photoreceptor outer segment 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000127 transcription factor TFIIIC complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031465 Cul4B-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097180 serine protease inhibitor complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097441 basal dendrite 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097342 ripoptosome 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120099 procentriole replication complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060171 stereocilium membrane 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031314 extrinsic component of mitochondrial inner membrane 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000445 THO complex part of transcription export complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097427 microtubule bundle 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030289 protein phosphatase 4 complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005587 collagen type IV trimer 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000120 RNA polymerase I transcription regulator complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098536 deuterosome 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031088 platelet dense granule membrane 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002141 stereocilia ankle link 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000275 mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, catalytic sector F(1) 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000347 THO complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070552 BRISC complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042719 mitochondrial intermembrane space protein transporter complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0048179 activin receptor complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097226 sperm mitochondrial sheath 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072558 NLRP1 inflammasome complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034715 pICln-Sm protein complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097457 hippocampal mossy fiber 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060473 cortical granule 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071256 translocon complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001520 outer dense fiber 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001739 sex chromatin 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070937 CRD-mediated mRNA stability complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045261 proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, catalytic core F(1) 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030015 CCR4-NOT core complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071204 histone pre-mRNA 3'end processing complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070533 BRCA1-C complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033588 elongator holoenzyme complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032783 super elongation complex 0.999999999963085 -3.69154888596085e-11 6 0 0 48 19108 GO:0019897 extrinsic component of plasma membrane 0.999999999966233 -3.37668862467471e-11 100 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034708 methyltransferase complex 0.999999999966233 -3.37668862467471e-11 100 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030175 filopodium 0.999999999967741 -3.22585552674341e-11 106 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005776 autophagosome 0.999999999968082 -3.19184010443393e-11 115 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071012 catalytic step 1 spliceosome 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005652 nuclear lamina 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044615 nuclear pore nuclear basket 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098643 banded collagen fibril 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097504 Gemini of coiled bodies 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990229 iron-sulfur cluster assembly complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045263 proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o) 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060198 clathrin-sculpted vesicle 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045275 respiratory chain complex III 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044224 juxtaparanode region of axon 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0038201 TOR complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099535 synapse-associated extracellular matrix 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000109 nucleotide-excision repair complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042405 nuclear inclusion body 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098850 extrinsic component of synaptic vesicle membrane 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033179 proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V0 domain 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990072 TRAPPIII protein complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099523 presynaptic cytosol 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005797 Golgi medial cisterna 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000346 transcription export complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005583 fibrillar collagen trimer 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071006 U2-type catalytic step 1 spliceosome 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005833 hemoglobin complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000813 ESCRT I complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005750 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex III 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044666 MLL3/4 complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030877 beta-catenin destruction complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031209 SCAR complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033180 proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030121 AP-1 adaptor complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990071 TRAPPII protein complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000439 transcription factor TFIIH core complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990454 L-type voltage-gated calcium channel complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008540 proteasome regulatory particle, base subcomplex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140268 endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane contact site 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031074 nucleocytoplasmic transport complex 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000221 vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain 0.999999999969 -3.09998966059005e-11 12 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070820 tertiary granule 0.999999999969634 -3.0365550204587e-11 164 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060170 ciliary membrane 0.999999999969973 -3.0026545047349e-11 78 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098982 GABA-ergic synapse 0.999999999969973 -3.0026545047349e-11 78 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016471 vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex 0.999999999972541 -2.74594991843068e-11 26 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032281 AMPA glutamate receptor complex 0.999999999972541 -2.74594991843068e-11 26 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042611 MHC protein complex 0.999999999972541 -2.74594991843068e-11 26 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034364 high-density lipoprotein particle 0.999999999972541 -2.74594991843068e-11 26 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030990 intraciliary transport particle 0.999999999972541 -2.74594991843068e-11 26 0 0 48 19108 GO:0046930 pore complex 0.999999999972541 -2.74594991843068e-11 26 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060293 germ plasm 0.999999999972541 -2.74594991843068e-11 26 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070847 core mediator complex 0.999999999972541 -2.74594991843068e-11 26 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043186 P granule 0.999999999972541 -2.74594991843068e-11 26 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036379 myofilament 0.999999999972541 -2.74594991843068e-11 26 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045495 pole plasm 0.999999999972541 -2.74594991843068e-11 26 0 0 48 19108 GO:0160111 axonemal A tubule inner sheath 0.999999999972541 -2.74594991843068e-11 26 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005801 cis-Golgi network 0.999999999973873 -2.61268761813012e-11 72 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016234 inclusion body 0.999999999973873 -2.61268761813012e-11 72 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005796 Golgi lumen 0.999999999974858 -2.51417853726292e-11 105 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030880 RNA polymerase complex 0.999999999974858 -2.51417853726292e-11 105 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000124 SAGA complex 0.999999999975216 -2.47836066758979e-11 25 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031462 Cul2-RING ubiquitin ligase complex 0.999999999975216 -2.47836066758979e-11 25 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005686 U2 snRNP 0.999999999975216 -2.47836066758979e-11 25 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030137 COPI-coated vesicle 0.999999999975216 -2.47836066758979e-11 25 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098992 neuronal dense core vesicle 0.999999999975216 -2.47836066758979e-11 25 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031312 extrinsic component of organelle membrane 0.999999999975216 -2.47836066758979e-11 25 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044309 neuron spine 0.999999999975778 -2.42215017912045e-11 174 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031436 BRCA1-BARD1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044316 cone cell pedicle 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044308 axonal spine 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990622 CHOP-ATF3 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097059 CNTFR-CLCF1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902560 GMP reductase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031251 PAN complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097362 MCM8-MCM9 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044609 DBIRD complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005712 chiasma 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0009328 phenylalanine-tRNA ligase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031533 mRNA capping enzyme complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097442 CA3 pyramidal cell dendrite 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990660 calprotectin complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005589 collagen type VI trimer 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000322 storage vacuole 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002096 polkadots 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0062157 mitochondrial ATP-gated potassium channel complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035355 Toll-like receptor 2-Toll-like receptor 6 protein complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034689 integrin alphaX-beta2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902937 inward rectifier potassium channel complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1903767 sweet taste receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034665 integrin alpha1-beta1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000308 cytoplasmic cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099631 postsynaptic endocytic zone cytoplasmic component 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036501 UFD1-NPL4 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0180019 Knl1/Spc105 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034682 integrin alphav-beta1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035370 UBC13-UEV1A complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140738 NLRP6 inflammasome complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034685 integrin alphav-beta6 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042825 TAP complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002133 polycystin complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034678 integrin alpha8-beta1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034669 integrin alpha4-beta7 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043511 inhibin complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0150001 primary dendrite 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060053 neurofilament cytoskeleton 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043076 megasporocyte nucleus 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090535 WICH complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034515 proteasome storage granule 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098646 collagen sheet 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045251 electron transfer flavoprotein complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033257 Bcl3/NF-kappaB2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000333 telomerase catalytic core complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070691 P-TEFb complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099182 presynaptic intermediate filament cytoskeleton 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070557 PCNA-p21 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032302 MutSbeta complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031416 NatB complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034674 integrin alpha5-beta1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990667 PCSK9-AnxA2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071751 secretory IgA immunoglobulin complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002944 cyclin K-CDK12 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070319 Golgi to plasma membrane transport vesicle 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005691 U6atac snRNP 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034684 integrin alphav-beta5 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005713 recombination nodule 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030935 sheet-forming collagen trimer 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070743 interleukin-23 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098898 dense core granule lumen 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005584 collagen type I trimer 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097196 Shu complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002095 caveolar macromolecular signaling complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070381 endosome to plasma membrane transport vesicle 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097058 CRLF-CLCF1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990971 EMILIN complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990728 mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint MAD1-MAD2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034998 oligosaccharyltransferase I complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0019008 molybdopterin synthase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1903440 amylin receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0017090 meprin A complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034688 integrin alphaM-beta2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032478 heterotetrameric polyprenyl diphosphate synthase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031372 UBC13-MMS2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071193 Kv4.2-KChIP2 channel complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005754 mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase, catalytic core 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034750 Scrib-APC-beta-catenin complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034365 discoidal high-density lipoprotein particle 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090694 Scc2-Scc4 cohesin loading complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035632 mitochondrial prohibitin complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0009361 succinate-CoA ligase complex (ADP-forming) 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097519 DNA recombinase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005893 interleukin-2 receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099013 neuronal dense core vesicle lumen 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005656 nuclear pre-replicative complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032116 SMC loading complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0017087 mitochondrial processing peptidase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071819 DUBm complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990427 stereocilia tip-link density 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005960 glycine cleavage complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0009923 fatty acid elongase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098594 mucin granule 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0017054 negative cofactor 2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002945 cyclin K-CDK13 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1905379 beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099544 perisynaptic space 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005953 CAAX-protein geranylgeranyltransferase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032473 cytoplasmic side of mitochondrial outer membrane 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005598 short-chain collagen trimer 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097130 cyclin D3-CDK4 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034679 integrin alpha9-beta1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990030 pericellular basket 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016590 ACF complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034686 integrin alphav-beta8 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072380 TRC complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990723 cytoplasmic periphery of the nuclear pore complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042720 mitochondrial inner membrane peptidase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045025 mitochondrial degradosome 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036387 pre-replicative complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990565 HSP90-CDC37 chaperone complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035354 Toll-like receptor 1-Toll-like receptor 2 protein complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120043 stereocilium shaft 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005745 m-AAA complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090536 NoRC complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045265 proton-transporting ATP synthase, stator stalk 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071920 cleavage body 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098575 lumenal side of lysosomal membrane 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034680 integrin alpha10-beta1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1904856 cytolytic granule lumen 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990221 L-cysteine desulfurase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036502 Derlin-1-VIMP complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045244 succinate-CoA ligase complex (GDP-forming) 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033181 plasma membrane proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002169 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase complex, mitochondrial 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071142 homomeric SMAD protein complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031380 nuclear RNA-directed RNA polymerase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035692 macrophage migration inhibitory factor receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098683 cochlear hair cell ribbon synapse 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002140 stereocilia tip link 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032311 angiogenin-PRI complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1905202 methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071133 alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM8 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032398 MHC class Ib protein complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097145 BAK complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031205 endoplasmic reticulum Sec complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071595 Nem1-Spo7 phosphatase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990682 CSF1-CSF1R complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990812 growth cone filopodium 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0010370 perinucleolar chromocenter 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034667 integrin alpha3-beta1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005900 oncostatin-M receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034466 chromaffin granule lumen 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005607 laminin-2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098560 cytoplasmic side of late endosome membrane 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031232 extrinsic component of external side of plasma membrane 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042565 RNA nuclear export complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090537 CERF complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070435 Shc-EGFR complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016914 follicle-stimulating hormone complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097125 cyclin B1-CDK1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036409 histone H3-K14 acetyltransferase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016222 procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071755 IgM B cell receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990647 C/EBP complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097122 cyclin A2-CDK1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071735 IgG immunoglobulin complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070310 ATR-ATRIP complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034687 integrin alphaL-beta2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990265 platelet-derived growth factor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070443 Mad-Max complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032301 MutSalpha complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034967 Set3 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043512 inhibin A complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036398 TCR signalosome 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036186 early phagosome membrane 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0062073 histone mRNA stem-loop binding complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902712 G protein-coupled GABA receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031313 extrinsic component of endosome membrane 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0150002 distal dendrite 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071540 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex, eIF3e 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990665 AnxA2-p11 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061779 Tapasin-ERp57 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090725 peripheral region of growth cone 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099154 serotonergic synapse 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034681 integrin alpha11-beta1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071943 Myc-Max complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0106143 tRNA (m7G46) methyltransferase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097138 BAD-BCL-2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071746 IgA immunoglobulin complex, circulating 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097057 TRAF2-GSTP1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030692 Noc4p-Nop14p complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990184 amino acid transport complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036117 hyaluranon cable 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000806 Y chromosome 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0009368 endopeptidase Clp complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034753 nuclear aryl hydrocarbon receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097629 extrinsic component of omegasome membrane 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031085 BLOC-3 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045092 interleukin-18 receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097575 lateral cell cortex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097233 alveolar lamellar body membrane 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031431 Dbf4-dependent protein kinase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036284 tubulobulbar complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120219 subapical part of cell 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990032 parallel fiber 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990630 IRE1-RACK1-PP2A complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000839 Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase ERAD-L complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0160045 TMEM240-body 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902500 vacuolar HOPS complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097135 cyclin E2-CDK2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098548 cytoplasmic side of Golgi membrane 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990590 ATF1-ATF4 transcription factor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0017177 glucosidase II complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000274 mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase, stator stalk 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990617 CHOP-ATF4 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043514 interleukin-12 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031510 SUMO activating enzyme complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990972 multimerin complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990425 ryanodine receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005673 transcription factor TFIIE complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0160056 macropinosome membrane 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097128 cyclin D1-CDK4 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033065 Rad51C-XRCC3 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071749 polymeric IgA immunoglobulin complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097229 sperm end piece 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099629 postsynaptic specialization of symmetric synapse 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0150058 amylin receptor complex 3 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070554 synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-3-complexin complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045253 pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0017109 glutamate-cysteine ligase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031213 RSF complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990666 PCSK9-LDLR complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1904423 dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990533 Dom34-Hbs1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071914 prominosome 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099115 chromosome, subtelomeric region 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090619 meiotic spindle pole 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071745 IgA immunoglobulin complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990794 basolateral part of cell 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044301 climbing fiber 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061852 retrograde transporter complex, Golgi to ER 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098647 collagen beaded filament 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1903768 taste receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097123 cyclin A1-CDK2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032044 DSIF complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034066 Ric1-Rgp1 guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035838 growing cell tip 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990026 hippocampal mossy fiber expansion 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0038143 ERBB3:ERBB2 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016935 glycine-gated chloride channel complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045267 proton-transporting ATP synthase, catalytic core 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034360 chylomicron remnant 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902501 lysosomal HOPS complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070436 Grb2-EGFR complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990730 VCP-NSFL1C complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990917 ooplasm 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071020 post-spliceosomal complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990711 beta-catenin-ICAT complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070195 growth hormone receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990597 AIP1-IRE1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005965 protein farnesyltransferase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032798 Swi5-Sfr1 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120212 sperm head-tail coupling apparatus 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005848 mRNA cleavage stimulating factor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070210 Rpd3L-Expanded complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005674 transcription factor TFIIF complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990406 CGRP receptor complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0160157 branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035525 NF-kappaB p50/p65 complex 0.999999999976056 -2.39436472290245e-11 2 0 0 48 19108 GO:0019005 SCF ubiquitin ligase complex 0.999999999977392 -2.26079805896195e-11 66 0 0 48 19108 GO:0062151 catalase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031207 Sec62/Sec63 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099189 postsynaptic spectrin-associated cytoskeleton 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071750 dimeric IgA immunoglobulin complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030112 glycocalyx 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120220 basal body patch 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990047 spindle matrix 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0014801 longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099192 cerebellar Golgi cell to granule cell synapse 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034676 integrin alpha6-beta4 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097453 mesaxon 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045298 tubulin complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990811 MWP complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005715 late recombination nodule 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098648 collagen anchoring fibril 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990706 MAD1 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071561 nucleus-vacuole junction 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990718 axonemal central pair projection 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005948 acetolactate synthase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036027 protein C inhibitor-PLAU complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0046611 lysosomal proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070703 outer mucus layer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030936 transmembrane collagen trimer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005895 interleukin-5 receptor complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990780 cytoplasmic side of dendritic spine plasma membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042406 extrinsic component of endoplasmic reticulum membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120337 radial spoke head 2 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032936 SREBP-SCAP complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031257 cell trailing edge membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097414 classical Lewy body 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140225 DNA topoisomerase III-beta-TDRD3 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032144 4-aminobutyrate transaminase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030690 Noc1p-Noc2p complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0106003 amyloid-beta complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005595 collagen type XII trimer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034974 Swi5-Swi2 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070622 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-lysosomal-enzyme N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031389 Rad17 RFC-like complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071002 U4atac/U6atac snRNP 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005585 collagen type II trimer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990332 Ire1 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0150057 amylin receptor complex 2 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030691 Noc2p-Noc3p complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005582 collagen type XV trimer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120282 autolysosome lumen 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990713 survivin complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0046536 dosage compensation complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097182 protein C inhibitor-coagulation factor Xa complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071757 hexameric IgM immunoglobulin complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071513 phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120003 hinge region between urothelial plaques of apical plasma membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005599 collagen type X trimer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098652 collagen type VII anchoring fibril 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034423 autophagosome lumen 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140261 BCOR complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070618 Grb2-Sos complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0150051 postsynaptic Golgi apparatus 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990572 TERT-RMRP complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098541 cytoplasmic side of trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990722 DAPK1-calmodulin complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098595 perivitelline space 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098723 skeletal muscle myofibril 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120330 rixosome complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001651 dense fibrillar component 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035000 oligosaccharyltransferase III complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031477 myosin VII complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035841 new growing cell tip 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005596 collagen type XIV trimer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097505 Rad6-Rad18 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061850 growth cone leading edge 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090534 calcium ion-transporting ATPase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0055120 striated muscle dense body 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071665 gamma-catenin-TCF7L2 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0009841 mitochondrial endopeptidase Clp complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002144 cytosolic tRNA wobble base thiouridylase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097471 mossy fiber rosette 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120231 DNA recombinase auxiliary factor complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0048180 activin complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030874 nucleolar chromatin 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070421 DNA ligase III-XRCC1 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036030 protein C inhibitor-plasma kallikrein complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031673 H zone 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034693 U11/U12 snRNP 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000112 nucleotide-excision repair factor 3 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990031 pinceau fiber 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000417 HIR complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044326 dendritic spine neck 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044225 apical pole of neuron 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070702 inner mucus layer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097183 protein C inhibitor-coagulation factor XI complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005898 interleukin-13 receptor complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098896 postsynaptic early endosome membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043540 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098922 extrinsic component of dense core granule membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0055028 cortical microtubule 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043160 acrosomal lumen 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0014705 C zone 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0009360 DNA polymerase III complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097409 glial cytoplasmic inclusion 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990876 cytoplasmic side of nuclear pore 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090730 Las1 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0160074 non-canonical inflammasome complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044302 dentate gyrus mossy fiber 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030142 COPI-coated Golgi to ER transport vesicle 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005586 collagen type III trimer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098875 epididymosome 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005914 spot adherens junction 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044218 other organism cell membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1905720 cytoplasmic microtubule bundle 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0038038 G protein-coupled receptor homodimeric complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043626 PCNA complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008275 gamma-tubulin small complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005591 collagen type VIII trimer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097541 axonemal basal plate 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060987 lipid tube 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070826 paraferritin complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016938 kinesin I complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120135 distal portion of axoneme 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070992 translation initiation complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005700 polytene chromosome 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005880 nuclear microtubule 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990350 glucose transporter complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990150 VEGF-A complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005597 collagen type XVI trimer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070274 RES complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097462 Lewy neurite 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140240 perforant pathway to dendrate granule cell synapse 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070762 nuclear pore transmembrane ring 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070685 macropinocytic cup 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099573 glutamatergic postsynaptic density 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090658 cone matrix sheath 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097632 extrinsic component of phagophore assembly site membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0110070 cellularization cleavage furrow 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097489 multivesicular body, internal vesicle lumen 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036025 protein C inhibitor-TMPRSS11E complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031592 centrosomal corona 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990512 Cry-Per complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071748 monomeric IgA immunoglobulin complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034245 mitochondrial DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031595 nuclear proteasome complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044796 DNA polymerase processivity factor complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061845 neuron projection branch point 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071752 secretory dimeric IgA immunoglobulin complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990620 ANPR-A receptor complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990676 Golgi trans cisterna membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031259 uropod membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043509 activin A complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005731 nucleolus organizer region 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120234 stereocilium coat 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120095 vacuole-isolation membrane contact site 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098998 extrinsic component of postsynaptic early endosome membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036029 protein C inhibitor-KLK3 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043033 isoamylase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0017122 protein N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044207 translation initiation ternary complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097181 protein C inhibitor-coagulation factor V complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0009330 DNA topoisomerase type II (double strand cut, ATP-hydrolyzing) complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990662 S100A9 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005600 collagen type XIII trimer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036053 glomerular endothelium fenestra 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034359 mature chylomicron 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005590 collagen type VII trimer 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034718 SMN-Gemin2 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990435 upper tip-link density 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120249 lateral wall of outer hair cell 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061829 basal tubulobulbar complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990038 Lewy body corona 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071754 IgM immunoglobulin complex, circulating 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071021 U2-type post-spliceosomal complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035693 NOS2-CD74 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031680 G-protein beta/gamma-subunit complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032996 Bcl3-Bcl10 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990385 meiotic spindle midzone 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070860 RNA polymerase I core factor complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097132 cyclin D2-CDK6 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005969 serine-pyruvate aminotransferase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098844 postsynaptic endocytic zone membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071261 Ssh1 translocon complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000111 nucleotide-excision repair factor 2 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070931 Golgi-associated vesicle lumen 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031475 myosin V complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036026 protein C inhibitor-PLAT complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034677 integrin alpha7-beta1 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070772 PAS complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990664 Nkx-2.5 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035657 eRF1 methyltransferase complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098539 cytoplasmic side of transport vesicle membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0110157 reelin complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043257 laminin-8 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044299 C-fiber 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990298 bub1-bub3 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061826 podosome ring 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098674 extrinsic component of neuronal dense core vesicle membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005692 U11 snRNP 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990005 granular vesicle 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098965 extracellular matrix of synaptic cleft 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120202 rod photoreceptor disc membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034592 synaptic vesicle lumen 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097234 epidermal lamellar body membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120134 proximal portion of axoneme 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071254 cytoplasmic U snRNP body 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031260 pseudopodium membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099400 caveola neck 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070442 integrin alphaIIb-beta3 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061832 basal ectoplasmic specialization 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031511 Mis6-Sim4 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099020 perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum lumen 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070176 DRM complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034777 recycling endosome lumen 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097144 BAX complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042568 insulin-like growth factor binary complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990231 STING complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000802 transverse filament 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071065 alpha9-beta1 integrin-vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098999 extrinsic component of postsynaptic endosome membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036028 protein C inhibitor-thrombin complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032173 septin collar 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071756 pentameric IgM immunoglobulin complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990675 Golgi medial cisterna membrane 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098577 inactive sex chromosome 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033291 eukaryotic 80S initiation complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990836 lysosomal matrix 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034752 cytosolic aryl hydrocarbon receptor complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061846 dendritic spine cytoplasm 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990529 glycosylphosphatidylinositol-mannosyltransferase I complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0150014 apical distal dendrite 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990070 TRAPPI protein complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0170047 virus-like capsid 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033593 BRCA2-MAGE-D1 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061828 apical tubulobulbar complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098846 podocyte foot 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043513 inhibin B complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120334 radial spoke 2 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0014804 terminal cisterna lumen 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990015 ensheathing process 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036024 protein C inhibitor-TMPRSS7 complex 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0150056 amylin receptor complex 1 0.999999999977612 -2.23878849486825e-11 1 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005876 spindle microtubule 0.999999999979666 -2.03343782736696e-11 81 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033116 endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane 0.999999999979666 -2.03343782736696e-11 81 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000794 condensed nuclear chromosome 0.999999999979666 -2.03343782736696e-11 81 0 0 48 19108 GO:0015030 Cajal body 0.999999999979666 -2.03343782736696e-11 81 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000792 heterochromatin 0.999999999979666 -2.03343782736696e-11 81 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001772 immunological synapse 0.999999999980768 -1.92321991933247e-11 45 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005891 voltage-gated calcium channel complex 0.999999999980768 -1.92321991933247e-11 45 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016442 RISC complex 0.999999999980816 -1.91837414597791e-11 407 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031332 RNAi effector complex 0.999999999980816 -1.91837414597791e-11 407 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902911 protein kinase complex 0.999999999980823 -1.91768053321446e-11 150 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001650 fibrillar center 0.999999999980823 -1.91768053321446e-11 150 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036020 endolysosome membrane 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035145 exon-exon junction complex 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005922 connexin complex 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120293 dynein axonemal particle 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034385 triglyceride-rich plasma lipoprotein particle 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005753 mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032426 stereocilium tip 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0012510 trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031082 BLOC complex 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034361 very-low-density lipoprotein particle 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005828 kinetochore microtubule 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042575 DNA polymerase complex 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000940 outer kinetochore 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005839 proteasome core complex 0.999999999980909 -1.90910368156181e-11 20 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090665 glycoprotein complex 0.999999999980914 -1.90854847631442e-11 23 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005868 cytoplasmic dynein complex 0.999999999980914 -1.90854847631442e-11 23 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071682 endocytic vesicle lumen 0.999999999980914 -1.90854847631442e-11 23 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032045 guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor complex 0.999999999980914 -1.90854847631442e-11 23 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097381 photoreceptor disc membrane 0.999999999980914 -1.90854847631442e-11 23 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005849 mRNA cleavage factor complex 0.999999999980914 -1.90854847631442e-11 23 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098799 outer mitochondrial membrane protein complex 0.999999999980914 -1.90854847631442e-11 23 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043203 axon hillock 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042272 nuclear RNA export factor complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070761 pre-snoRNP complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005655 nucleolar ribonuclease P complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033263 CORVET complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140596 TOM complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032593 insulin-responsive compartment 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030893 meiotic cohesin complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042721 TIM22 mitochondrial import inner membrane insertion complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033061 DNA recombinase mediator complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070187 shelterin complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016272 prefoldin complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005958 DNA-dependent protein kinase-DNA ligase 4 complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043527 tRNA methyltransferase complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097227 sperm annulus 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005579 membrane attack complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032541 cortical endoplasmic reticulum 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030892 mitotic cohesin complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0038037 G protein-coupled receptor dimeric complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070776 MOZ/MORF histone acetyltransferase complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044327 dendritic spine head 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016593 Cdc73/Paf1 complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071541 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex, eIF3m 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070765 gamma-secretase complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032300 mismatch repair complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0051286 cell tip 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005683 U7 snRNP 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044284 mitochondrial crista junction 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120115 Lsm2-8 complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000506 glycosylphosphatidylinositol-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GPI-GnT) complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072357 PTW/PP1 phosphatase complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005757 mitochondrial permeability transition pore complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0110016 B-WICH complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016589 NURF complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044300 cerebellar mossy fiber 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005577 fibrinogen complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032127 dense core granule membrane 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001652 granular component 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016011 dystroglycan complex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008541 proteasome regulatory particle, lid subcomplex 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097208 alveolar lamellar body 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035686 sperm fibrous sheath 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0150053 cerebellar climbing fiber to Purkinje cell synapse 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036449 microtubule minus-end 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097486 multivesicular body lumen 0.999999999981663 -1.83369997446233e-11 7 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044322 endoplasmic reticulum quality control compartment 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090571 RNA polymerase II transcription repressor complex 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001741 XY body 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034362 low-density lipoprotein particle 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097470 ribbon synapse 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001534 radial spoke 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0048188 Set1C/COMPASS complex 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031083 BLOC-1 complex 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030673 axolemma 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005665 RNA polymerase II, core complex 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032591 dendritic spine membrane 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031254 cell trailing edge 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030688 preribosome, small subunit precursor 0.999999999981754 -1.82458160926741e-11 15 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030660 Golgi-associated vesicle membrane 0.999999999981795 -1.82053424524394e-11 57 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005813 centrosome 0.999999999982616 -1.738348613027e-11 734 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005732 sno(s)RNA-containing ribonucleoprotein complex 0.999999999982675 -1.73245965066715e-11 27 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030057 desmosome 0.999999999982675 -1.73245965066715e-11 27 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032839 dendrite cytoplasm 0.999999999982675 -1.73245965066715e-11 27 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030131 clathrin adaptor complex 0.999999999982675 -1.73245965066715e-11 27 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097346 INO80-type complex 0.999999999982675 -1.73245965066715e-11 27 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030686 90S preribosome 0.999999999982675 -1.73245965066715e-11 27 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044295 axonal growth cone 0.999999999982675 -1.73245965066715e-11 27 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031430 M band 0.999999999982675 -1.73245965066715e-11 27 0 0 48 19108 GO:0014704 intercalated disc 0.99999999998374 -1.62601782417151e-11 51 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044232 organelle membrane contact site 0.99999999998374 -1.62601782417151e-11 51 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031907 microbody lumen 0.99999999998374 -1.62601782417151e-11 51 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030118 clathrin coat 0.99999999998374 -1.62601782417151e-11 51 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005782 peroxisomal matrix 0.99999999998374 -1.62601782417151e-11 51 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005875 microtubule associated complex 0.999999999984004 -1.59962527356765e-11 156 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030658 transport vesicle membrane 0.999999999985709 -1.42906754705132e-11 240 0 0 48 19108 GO:1904813 ficolin-1-rich granule lumen 0.999999999987028 -1.29721979001509e-11 124 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090543 Flemming body 0.999999999987286 -1.2714046662985e-11 35 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030125 clathrin vesicle coat 0.999999999987286 -1.2714046662985e-11 35 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902555 endoribonuclease complex 0.999999999987286 -1.2714046662985e-11 35 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097228 sperm principal piece 0.999999999987286 -1.2714046662985e-11 35 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000803 sex chromosome 0.999999999987286 -1.2714046662985e-11 35 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016235 aggresome 0.999999999987286 -1.2714046662985e-11 35 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099738 cell cortex region 0.999999999987286 -1.2714046662985e-11 35 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000315 organellar large ribosomal subunit 0.999999999987318 -1.26820313592584e-11 56 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005879 axonemal microtubule 0.999999999987318 -1.26820313592584e-11 56 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034707 chloride channel complex 0.999999999987318 -1.26820313592584e-11 56 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005762 mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit 0.999999999987318 -1.26820313592584e-11 56 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000307 cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex 0.999999999987318 -1.26820313592584e-11 56 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005793 endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment 0.999999999988386 -1.16135491840164e-11 134 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045211 postsynaptic membrane 0.999999999988481 -1.15189136372057e-11 280 0 0 48 19108 GO:0055037 recycling endosome 0.999999999988986 -1.10138259661055e-11 206 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034451 centriolar satellite 0.99999999998903 -1.09701602637533e-11 127 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090734 site of DNA damage 0.99999999998903 -1.09701602637533e-11 127 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035577 azurophil granule membrane 0.999999999989161 -1.08386023614397e-11 59 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045111 intermediate filament cytoskeleton 0.999999999989342 -1.06579065492789e-11 241 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070382 exocytic vesicle 0.999999999989342 -1.06579065492789e-11 241 0 0 48 19108 GO:0055038 recycling endosome membrane 0.999999999989495 -1.05049103795624e-11 107 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097060 synaptic membrane 0.999999999991742 -8.25776279919487e-12 400 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030136 clathrin-coated vesicle 0.999999999991805 -8.19502933564991e-12 220 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031414 N-terminal protein acetyltransferase complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0019814 immunoglobulin complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000138 Golgi trans cisterna 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030681 multimeric ribonuclease P complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060091 kinocilium 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071546 pi-body 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005883 neurofilament 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031080 nuclear pore outer ring 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005687 U4 snRNP 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098981 cholinergic synapse 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0101019 nucleolar exosome (RNase complex) 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097136 Bcl-2 family protein complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097197 tetraspanin-enriched microdomain 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097732 9+2 non-motile cilium 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061700 GATOR2 complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072546 EMC complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042612 MHC class I protein complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990877 FNIP-folliculin RagC/D GAP 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033106 cis-Golgi network membrane 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0017119 Golgi transport complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001939 female pronucleus 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000815 ESCRT III complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005832 chaperonin-containing T-complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031588 nucleotide-activated protein kinase complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120103 centriolar subdistal appendage 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031466 Cul5-RING ubiquitin ligase complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072534 perineuronal net 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000276 mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o) 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000220 vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V0 domain 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008303 caspase complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042564 NLS-dependent protein nuclear import complex 0.999999999993675 -6.32494067951325e-12 10 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043073 germ cell nucleus 0.999999999993765 -6.23469717846376e-12 68 0 0 48 19108 GO:0048787 presynaptic active zone membrane 0.999999999993767 -6.23349140304776e-12 32 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000314 organellar small ribosomal subunit 0.999999999993767 -6.23349140304776e-12 32 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031941 filamentous actin 0.999999999993767 -6.23349140304776e-12 32 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044298 cell body membrane 0.999999999993767 -6.23349140304776e-12 32 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005763 mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit 0.999999999993767 -6.23349140304776e-12 32 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044665 MLL1/2 complex 0.999999999993767 -6.23349140304776e-12 32 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902554 serine/threonine protein kinase complex 0.999999999993964 -6.03550021849608e-12 136 0 0 48 19108 GO:0048475 coated membrane 0.999999999994045 -5.95502008151042e-12 97 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030117 membrane coat 0.999999999994045 -5.95502008151042e-12 97 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035253 ciliary rootlet 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072687 meiotic spindle 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990498 mitotic spindle microtubule 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036128 CatSper complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045120 pronucleus 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990531 phospholipid-translocating ATPase complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0010369 chromocenter 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000800 lateral element 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008250 oligosaccharyltransferase complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001518 voltage-gated sodium channel complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097524 sperm plasma membrane 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098691 dopaminergic synapse 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001931 uropod 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030677 ribonuclease P complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099243 extrinsic component of synaptic membrane 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072379 ER membrane insertion complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035859 Seh1-associated complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098845 postsynaptic endosome 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031010 ISWI-type complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005940 septin ring 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031105 septin complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044194 cytolytic granule 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071203 WASH complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070822 Sin3-type complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031616 spindle pole centrosome 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990023 mitotic spindle midzone 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000974 Prp19 complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031464 Cul4A-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042583 chromaffin granule 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140672 ATAC complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140445 chromosome, telomeric repeat region 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030897 HOPS complex 0.999999999995174 -4.82629696488516e-12 14 0 0 48 19108 GO:0051233 spindle midzone 0.99999999999521 -4.78957734057609e-12 37 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097386 glial cell projection 0.99999999999521 -4.78957734057609e-12 37 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016592 mediator complex 0.99999999999521 -4.78957734057609e-12 37 0 0 48 19108 GO:0160110 axonemal microtubule doublet inner sheath 0.99999999999521 -4.78957734057609e-12 37 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032421 stereocilium bundle 0.999999999995283 -4.71665925367055e-12 65 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060076 excitatory synapse 0.999999999995283 -4.71665925367055e-12 65 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032588 trans-Golgi network membrane 0.999999999995739 -4.26096711401567e-12 108 0 0 48 19108 GO:0055029 nuclear DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex 0.999999999995901 -4.09931033272368e-12 99 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005902 microvillus 0.999999999995901 -4.09931033272368e-12 99 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035579 specific granule membrane 0.999999999996023 -3.97707213804936e-12 91 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031970 organelle envelope lumen 0.999999999996023 -3.97707213804936e-12 91 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045171 intercellular bridge 0.999999999996023 -3.97707213804936e-12 91 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032580 Golgi cisterna membrane 0.999999999996023 -3.97707213804936e-12 91 0 0 48 19108 GO:1904724 tertiary granule lumen 0.999999999996046 -3.95414382360346e-12 55 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008287 protein serine/threonine phosphatase complex 0.999999999996046 -3.95414382360346e-12 55 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097225 sperm midpiece 0.999999999996046 -3.95414382360346e-12 55 0 0 48 19108 GO:1903293 phosphatase complex 0.999999999996046 -3.95414382360346e-12 55 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008076 voltage-gated potassium channel complex 0.999999999997556 -2.44370246598522e-12 90 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045095 keratin filament 0.999999999997556 -2.44370246598522e-12 90 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044291 cell-cell contact zone 0.999999999997769 -2.23144714267297e-12 74 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035869 ciliary transition zone 0.999999999997769 -2.23144714267297e-12 74 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005657 replication fork 0.999999999997769 -2.23144714267297e-12 74 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008021 synaptic vesicle 0.999999999998397 -1.60301747905864e-12 222 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005778 peroxisomal membrane 0.999999999999001 -9.99440740297505e-13 64 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031903 microbody membrane 0.999999999999001 -9.99440740297505e-13 64 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099501 exocytic vesicle membrane 0.999999999999512 -4.8771101441248e-13 132 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030672 synaptic vesicle membrane 0.999999999999512 -4.8771101441248e-13 132 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042734 presynaptic membrane 0.999999999999957 -4.29773583687951e-14 168 0 0 48 19108 root NA 1 0 19108 48 1 48 19108 3164,4493,11224,6176,3725,4854,10209,27303,7114,388,9168,6141,7538,3429,483,6209,2,6137,57801,10398,60,682,3315,3956,6168,5243,6157,10395,6158,6232,1843,2034,6143,6122,7122,3490,2512,23521,2597,56901,4502,3726,10410,6233,7078,10974,8404,6234 NR4A1,MT1E,RPL35,RPLP1,JUN,NOTCH3,EIF1,RBMS3,TMSB4X,RHOB,TMSB10,RPL18,ZFP36,IFI27,ATP1B3,RPS15,A2M,RPL13,HES4,MYL9,ACTB,BSG,HSPB1,LGALS1,RPL37A,ABCB1,RPL27A,DLC1,RPL28,RPS27,DUSP1,EPAS1,RPL19,RPL3,CLDN5,IGFBP7,FTL,RPL13A,GAPDH,NDUFA4L2,MT2A,JUNB,IFITM3,RPS27A,TIMP3,ADIRF,SPARCL1,RPS28 GO:0005575 cellular_component 1 0 19108 48 1 48 19108 3490,7122,6122,6143,1843,2034,6232,6158,7078,6233,3726,10410,6234,8404,10974,2597,23521,2512,4502,56901,4854,3725,6176,11224,3429,7538,6141,9168,388,7114,27303,10209,3164,4493,6168,3956,3315,60,682,10395,6157,5243,6137,2,6209,483,10398,57801 IGFBP7,CLDN5,RPL3,RPL19,DUSP1,EPAS1,RPS27,RPL28,TIMP3,RPS27A,JUNB,IFITM3,RPS28,SPARCL1,ADIRF,GAPDH,RPL13A,FTL,MT2A,NDUFA4L2,NOTCH3,JUN,RPLP1,RPL35,IFI27,ZFP36,RPL18,TMSB10,RHOB,TMSB4X,RBMS3,EIF1,NR4A1,MT1E,RPL37A,LGALS1,HSPB1,ACTB,BSG,DLC1,RPL27A,ABCB1,RPL13,A2M,RPS15,ATP1B3,MYL9,HES4 GO:0070821 tertiary granule membrane 1.0000000000005 4.99398422183654e-13 73 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030532 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex 1.00000000000102 1.01942832291479e-12 84 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033176 proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex 1.00000000000247 2.46523070741589e-12 28 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032585 multivesicular body membrane 1.00000000000247 2.46523070741589e-12 28 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071782 endoplasmic reticulum tubular network 1.00000000000247 2.46523070741589e-12 28 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001891 phagocytic cup 1.00000000000247 2.46523070741589e-12 28 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036452 ESCRT complex 1.00000000000247 2.46523070741589e-12 28 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005689 U12-type spliceosomal complex 1.00000000000247 2.46523070741589e-12 28 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061695 transferase complex, transferring phosphorus-containing groups 1.00000000000267 2.66659604908602e-12 295 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045335 phagocytic vesicle 1.00000000000287 2.87116325215546e-12 141 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016605 PML body 1.00000000000291 2.91439981171387e-12 109 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098839 postsynaptic density membrane 1.00000000000348 3.47830452560347e-12 101 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034705 potassium channel complex 1.00000000000348 3.47830452560347e-12 101 0 0 48 19108 GO:1904602 serotonin-activated cation-selective channel complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140494 migrasome 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036021 endolysosome lumen 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097418 neurofibrillary tangle 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001405 PAM complex, Tim23 associated import motor 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001535 radial spoke head 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099012 neuronal dense core vesicle membrane 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031597 cytosolic proteasome complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990745 EARP complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032997 Fc receptor complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034388 Pwp2p-containing subcomplex of 90S preribosome 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099147 extrinsic component of postsynaptic density membrane 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097422 tubular endosome 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000243 commitment complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030896 checkpoint clamp complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035658 Mon1-Ccz1 complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005827 polar microtubule 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033553 rDNA heterochromatin 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000923 equatorial microtubule organizing center 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098895 postsynaptic endosome membrane 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002079 inner acrosomal membrane 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0046696 lipopolysaccharide receptor complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098892 extrinsic component of postsynaptic specialization membrane 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070390 transcription export complex 2 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034657 GID complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097013 phagocytic vesicle lumen 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005642 annulate lamellae 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005954 calcium- and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097025 MPP7-DLG1-LIN7 complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005787 signal peptidase complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000811 GINS complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0106002 mCRD-mediated mRNA stability complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005851 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0048476 Holliday junction resolvase complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036156 inner dynein arm 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031415 NatA complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990462 omegasome 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042765 GPI-anchor transamidase complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000938 GARP complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990726 Lsm1-7-Pat1 complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030895 apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0019815 B cell receptor complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005638 lamin filament 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070083 clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle membrane 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005658 alpha DNA polymerase:primase complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000408 EKC/KEOPS complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0089701 U2AF complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097255 R2TP complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097356 perinucleolar compartment 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035805 egg coat 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044217 other organism part 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990111 spermatoproteasome complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097361 CIA complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030870 Mre11 complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005663 DNA replication factor C complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008622 epsilon DNA polymerase complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033093 Weibel-Palade body 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:1903439 calcitonin family receptor complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990130 GATOR1 complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005672 transcription factor TFIIA complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005964 phosphorylase kinase complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071547 piP-body 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097574 lateral part of cell 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033011 perinuclear theca 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005854 nascent polypeptide-associated complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070081 clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070695 FHF complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005668 RNA polymerase transcription factor SL1 complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045180 basal cortex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090661 box H/ACA telomerase RNP complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035061 interchromatin granule 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031905 early endosome lumen 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016942 insulin-like growth factor binding protein complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990393 3M complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002189 ribose phosphate diphosphokinase complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008352 katanin complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031499 TRAMP complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005784 Sec61 translocon complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097728 9+0 motile cilium 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072487 MSL complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042105 alpha-beta T cell receptor complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016602 CCAAT-binding factor complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990508 CKM complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031501 mannosyltransferase complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032449 CBM complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070449 elongin complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990513 CLOCK-BMAL transcription complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098826 endoplasmic reticulum tubular network membrane 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032983 kainate selective glutamate receptor complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098843 postsynaptic endocytic zone 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071817 MMXD complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070418 DNA-dependent protein kinase complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070044 synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071953 elastic fiber 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990779 glycoprotein Ib-IX-V complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098665 serotonin receptor complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071598 neuronal ribonucleoprotein granule 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000835 ER ubiquitin ligase complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071159 NF-kappaB complex 1.00000000000348 3.4800366019006e-12 5 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001673 male germ cell nucleus 1.00000000000355 3.55456213191087e-12 52 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030315 T-tubule 1.00000000000355 3.55456213191087e-12 52 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008023 transcription elongation factor complex 1.00000000000355 3.55456213191087e-12 52 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071011 precatalytic spliceosome 1.00000000000355 3.55456213191087e-12 52 0 0 48 19108 GO:0048786 presynaptic active zone 1.0000000000036 3.59919550989408e-12 79 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008305 integrin complex 1.00000000000378 3.77842023217807e-12 31 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016342 catenin complex 1.00000000000378 3.77842023217807e-12 31 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005640 nuclear outer membrane 1.00000000000378 3.77842023217807e-12 31 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071339 MLL1 complex 1.00000000000378 3.77842023217807e-12 31 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005681 spliceosomal complex 1.00000000000419 4.1917367026433e-12 202 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097545 axonemal outer doublet 1.00000000000519 5.19054452818046e-12 40 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097526 spliceosomal tri-snRNP complex 1.00000000000519 5.19054452818046e-12 40 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099086 synaptonemal structure 1.00000000000519 5.19054452818046e-12 40 0 0 48 19108 GO:0046540 U4/U6 x U5 tri-snRNP complex 1.00000000000519 5.19054452818046e-12 40 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032590 dendrite membrane 1.00000000000519 5.19054452818046e-12 40 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000795 synaptonemal complex 1.00000000000519 5.19054452818046e-12 40 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031904 endosome lumen 1.00000000000519 5.19054452818046e-12 40 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016529 sarcoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000000553 5.53347456576196e-12 76 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031201 SNARE complex 1.00000000000567 5.66972493956383e-12 50 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071005 U2-type precatalytic spliceosome 1.00000000000567 5.66972493956383e-12 50 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016469 proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex 1.00000000000567 5.66972493956383e-12 50 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030687 preribosome, large subunit precursor 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033178 proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex, catalytic domain 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000939 inner kinetochore 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099522 cytosolic region 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902711 GABA-A receptor complex 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097449 astrocyte projection 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034506 chromosome, centromeric core domain 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099091 postsynaptic specialization, intracellular component 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030992 intraciliary transport particle B 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098688 parallel fiber to Purkinje cell synapse 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000930 gamma-tubulin complex 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042588 zymogen granule 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000164 protein phosphatase type 1 complex 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032433 filopodium tip 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032039 integrator complex 1.00000000000575 5.74711565958263e-12 19 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016528 sarcoplasm 1.00000000000577 5.77020680823465e-12 96 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120114 Sm-like protein family complex 1.00000000000577 5.77020680823465e-12 96 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035861 site of double-strand break 1.00000000000577 5.77020680823465e-12 96 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030133 transport vesicle 1.00000000000627 6.27052023037886e-12 437 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005790 smooth endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000000643 6.42953258497679e-12 29 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005942 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex 1.00000000000643 6.42953258497679e-12 29 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032809 neuronal cell body membrane 1.00000000000643 6.42953258497679e-12 29 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098553 lumenal side of endoplasmic reticulum membrane 1.00000000000643 6.42953258497679e-12 29 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000137 Golgi cis cisterna 1.00000000000643 6.42953258497679e-12 29 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036019 endolysosome 1.00000000000643 6.42953258497679e-12 29 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030427 site of polarized growth 1.00000000000689 6.89081248032839e-12 170 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030665 clathrin-coated vesicle membrane 1.00000000000691 6.91401171450116e-12 138 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045271 respiratory chain complex I 1.00000000000731 7.30638144389713e-12 44 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005747 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I 1.00000000000731 7.30638144389713e-12 44 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030964 NADH dehydrogenase complex 1.00000000000731 7.30638144389713e-12 44 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005581 collagen trimer 1.00000000000732 7.31564387681432e-12 86 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098686 hippocampal mossy fiber to CA3 synapse 1.00000000000768 7.67900948937647e-12 43 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033017 sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane 1.00000000000768 7.67900948937647e-12 43 0 0 48 19108 GO:0101003 ficolin-1-rich granule membrane 1.00000000000769 7.69073446723383e-12 61 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098644 complex of collagen trimers 1.00000000000777 7.7744726862609e-12 21 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902710 GABA receptor complex 1.00000000000777 7.7744726862609e-12 21 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034045 phagophore assembly site membrane 1.00000000000777 7.7744726862609e-12 21 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030904 retromer complex 1.00000000000777 7.7744726862609e-12 21 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097038 perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000000777 7.7744726862609e-12 21 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045259 proton-transporting ATP synthase complex 1.00000000000777 7.7744726862609e-12 21 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043194 axon initial segment 1.00000000000777 7.7744726862609e-12 21 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005838 proteasome regulatory particle 1.00000000000777 7.7744726862609e-12 21 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032806 carboxy-terminal domain protein kinase complex 1.00000000000777 7.7744726862609e-12 21 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000922 spindle pole 1.00000000000778 7.78080729653343e-12 179 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033268 node of Ranvier 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005744 TIM23 mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase complex 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034518 RNA cap binding complex 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042101 T cell receptor complex 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035098 ESC/E(Z) complex 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032156 septin cytoskeleton 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016581 NuRD complex 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090545 CHD-type complex 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000177 cytoplasmic exosome (RNase complex) 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031011 Ino80 complex 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000176 nuclear exosome (RNase complex) 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0150005 enzyme activator complex 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005852 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030127 COPII vesicle coat 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098985 asymmetric, glutamatergic, excitatory synapse 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042622 photoreceptor outer segment membrane 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099092 postsynaptic density, intracellular component 1.00000000000806 8.05822214481406e-12 16 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098791 Golgi apparatus subcompartment 1.00000000000869 8.68864676635817e-12 385 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000118 histone deacetylase complex 1.00000000000872 8.72179493970107e-12 77 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005905 clathrin-coated pit 1.00000000000872 8.72179493970107e-12 77 0 0 48 19108 GO:0017053 transcription repressor complex 1.00000000000872 8.72179493970107e-12 77 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043202 lysosomal lumen 1.0000000000091 9.10107220823978e-12 98 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043197 dendritic spine 1.0000000000092 9.20431557609122e-12 172 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036064 ciliary basal body 1.0000000000092 9.20431557609122e-12 172 0 0 48 19108 GO:0019898 extrinsic component of membrane 1.00000000000929 9.29043778423069e-12 175 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030662 coated vesicle membrane 1.00000000000941 9.40519392888045e-12 204 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032420 stereocilium 1.00000000000958 9.58190767900334e-12 58 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031672 A band 1.00000000000963 9.62818455626927e-12 39 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098576 lumenal side of membrane 1.00000000000963 9.62818455626927e-12 39 0 0 48 19108 GO:1905360 GTPase complex 1.00000000000963 9.62818455626927e-12 39 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031463 Cul3-RING ubiquitin ligase complex 1.00000000000963 9.62818455626927e-12 39 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097431 mitotic spindle pole 1.00000000000963 9.62818455626927e-12 39 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070461 SAGA-type complex 1.00000000000963 9.62818455626927e-12 39 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032994 protein-lipid complex 1.00000000000963 9.62818455626927e-12 39 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000428 DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex 1.00000000000965 9.65420956908666e-12 102 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031045 dense core granule 1.00000000001003 1.00303926083173e-11 38 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000407 phagophore assembly site 1.00000000001003 1.00303926083173e-11 38 0 0 48 19108 GO:0080008 Cul4-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex 1.00000000001003 1.00303926083173e-11 38 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030140 trans-Golgi network transport vesicle 1.00000000001003 1.00303926083173e-11 38 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097649 A axonemal microtubule 1.00000000001003 1.00303926083173e-11 38 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097542 ciliary tip 1.0000000000107 1.06963983252345e-11 48 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034704 calcium channel complex 1.00000000001252 1.25193105442909e-11 70 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035097 histone methyltransferase complex 1.00000000001252 1.25193105442909e-11 70 0 0 48 19108 GO:0012507 ER to Golgi transport vesicle membrane 1.00000000001269 1.26935256149704e-11 63 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030120 vesicle coat 1.00000000001269 1.26935256149704e-11 63 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030894 replisome 1.0000000000127 1.27020455542315e-11 24 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035371 microtubule plus-end 1.0000000000127 1.27020455542315e-11 24 0 0 48 19108 GO:0022624 proteasome accessory complex 1.0000000000127 1.27020455542315e-11 24 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002177 manchette 1.0000000000127 1.27020455542315e-11 24 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032982 myosin filament 1.0000000000127 1.27020455542315e-11 24 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034706 sodium channel complex 1.0000000000127 1.27020455542315e-11 24 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033177 proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex, proton-transporting domain 1.0000000000127 1.27020455542315e-11 24 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043596 nuclear replication fork 1.00000000001271 1.27111360269651e-11 41 0 0 48 19108 GO:0101031 protein folding chaperone complex 1.00000000001271 1.27111360269651e-11 41 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030119 AP-type membrane coat adaptor complex 1.00000000001271 1.27111360269651e-11 41 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032391 photoreceptor connecting cilium 1.00000000001271 1.27111360269651e-11 41 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008328 ionotropic glutamate receptor complex 1.00000000001271 1.27111360269651e-11 41 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043198 dendritic shaft 1.00000000001271 1.27111360269651e-11 41 0 0 48 19108 GO:1905348 endonuclease complex 1.00000000001271 1.27111360269651e-11 41 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005643 nuclear pore 1.00000000001322 1.32212630048256e-11 94 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030134 COPII-coated ER to Golgi transport vesicle 1.00000000001322 1.32212630048256e-11 94 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005684 U2-type spliceosomal complex 1.00000000001322 1.32212630048256e-11 94 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005798 Golgi-associated vesicle 1.00000000001322 1.32212630048256e-11 94 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090741 pigment granule membrane 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005865 striated muscle thin filament 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033162 melanosome membrane 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045009 chitosome 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005680 anaphase-promoting complex 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043083 synaptic cleft 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005697 telomerase holoenzyme complex 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990391 DNA repair complex 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000242 pericentriolar material 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044233 mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membrane contact site 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005742 mitochondrial outer membrane translocase complex 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045239 tricarboxylic acid cycle heteromeric enzyme complex 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005858 axonemal dynein complex 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043601 nuclear replisome 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031258 lamellipodium membrane 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005685 U1 snRNP 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005682 U5 snRNP 1.00000000001519 1.51872818206792e-11 22 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005882 intermediate filament 1.00000000001543 1.54347694620171e-11 205 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030496 midbody 1.00000000001543 1.54347694620171e-11 205 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034703 cation channel complex 1.00000000001543 1.54347694620171e-11 205 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005777 peroxisome 1.00000000001727 1.72705576877529e-11 146 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042579 microbody 1.00000000001727 1.72705576877529e-11 146 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032797 SMN complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008278 cohesin complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990062 RPAP3/R2TP/prefoldin-like complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990742 microvesicle 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030123 AP-3 adaptor complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071162 CMG complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070938 contractile ring 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000235 astral microtubule 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030128 clathrin coat of endocytic vesicle 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0048500 signal recognition particle 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032280 symmetric synapse 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034992 microtubule organizing center attachment site 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031838 haptoglobin-hemoglobin complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0017101 aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase multienzyme complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0160112 axonemal B tubule inner sheath 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042555 MCM complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0019774 proteasome core complex, beta-subunit complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005614 interstitial matrix 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902773 GTPase activator complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034663 endoplasmic reticulum chaperone complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030122 AP-2 adaptor complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071014 post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032476 polyprenyl diphosphate synthase complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034993 meiotic nuclear membrane microtubule tethering complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002178 palmitoyltransferase complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036157 outer dynein arm 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098966 perisynaptic extracellular matrix 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005818 aster 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005786 signal recognition particle, endoplasmic reticulum targeting 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:1904930 amphisome membrane 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031094 platelet dense tubular network 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097648 G protein-coupled receptor complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045252 oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099569 presynaptic cytoskeleton 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044545 NSL complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:1904090 peptidase inhibitor complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035631 CD40 receptor complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005641 nuclear envelope lumen 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0106083 nuclear membrane protein complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:1905370 serine-type endopeptidase complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0106094 nuclear membrane microtubule tethering complex 1.00000000001737 1.73690969858759e-11 11 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005795 Golgi stack 1.00000000001782 1.78184286585665e-11 149 0 0 48 19108 GO:0009898 cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane 1.00000000001793 1.79343033513421e-11 160 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042581 specific granule 1.00000000001793 1.79343033513421e-11 160 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005814 centriole 1.00000000001793 1.79343033513421e-11 160 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140534 endoplasmic reticulum protein-containing complex 1.00000000001845 1.84460256429488e-11 122 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098802 plasma membrane signaling receptor complex 1.00000000001928 1.92824162232535e-11 191 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034366 spherical high-density lipoprotein particle 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030991 intraciliary transport particle A 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030868 smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0017059 serine C-palmitoyltransferase complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001740 Barr body 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005915 zonula adherens 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001940 male pronucleus 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061202 clathrin-sculpted gamma-aminobutyric acid transport vesicle membrane 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005869 dynactin complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000153 cytoplasmic ubiquitin ligase complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070531 BRCA1-A complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072588 box H/ACA RNP complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032584 growth cone membrane 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032437 cuticular plate 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097413 Lewy body 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031211 endoplasmic reticulum palmitoyltransferase complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045179 apical cortex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042824 MHC class I peptide loading complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008385 IkappaB kinase complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120044 stereocilium base 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008024 cyclin/CDK positive transcription elongation factor complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032010 phagolysosome 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070578 RISC-loading complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002139 stereocilia coupling link 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098690 glycinergic synapse 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098837 postsynaptic recycling endosome 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098642 network-forming collagen trimer 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990712 HFE-transferrin receptor complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097179 protease inhibitor complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098645 collagen network 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0170014 ankyrin-1 complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0019773 proteasome core complex, alpha-subunit complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120199 cone photoreceptor outer segment 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034751 aryl hydrocarbon receptor complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097539 ciliary transition fiber 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071439 clathrin complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000801 central element 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070652 HAUS complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061200 clathrin-sculpted gamma-aminobutyric acid transport vesicle 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002199 zona pellucida receptor complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030061 mitochondrial crista 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000796 condensin complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072559 NLRP3 inflammasome complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005688 U6 snRNP 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072669 tRNA-splicing ligase complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098890 extrinsic component of postsynaptic membrane 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033010 paranodal junction 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030056 hemidesmosome 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008290 F-actin capping protein complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034464 BBSome 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031390 Ctf18 RFC-like complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098651 basement membrane collagen trimer 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070852 cell body fiber 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045254 pyruvate dehydrogenase complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031371 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034098 VCP-NPL4-UFD1 AAA ATPase complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099078 BORC complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070775 H3 histone acetyltransferase complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071144 heteromeric SMAD protein complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0048788 cytoskeleton of presynaptic active zone 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036454 growth factor complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098835 presynaptic endocytic zone membrane 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036513 Derlin-1 retrotranslocation complex 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035032 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class III 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061673 mitotic spindle astral microtubule 1.00000000001932 1.93219092750111e-11 8 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000151 ubiquitin ligase complex 1.00000000001948 1.94807686528324e-11 313 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045334 clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle 1.00000000001967 1.96682115266289e-11 93 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043204 perikaryon 1.00000000001977 1.97654077287634e-11 151 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098858 actin-based cell projection 1.00000000002013 2.01313694668641e-11 228 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099023 vesicle tethering complex 1.00000000002079 2.07944703868109e-11 67 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005771 multivesicular body 1.00000000002079 2.07944703868109e-11 67 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031528 microvillus membrane 1.00000000002114 2.11404436829099e-11 33 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002102 podosome 1.00000000002114 2.11404436829099e-11 33 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005834 heterotrimeric G-protein complex 1.00000000002114 2.11404436829099e-11 33 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031461 cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase complex 1.00000000002133 2.13286681987392e-11 186 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098878 neurotransmitter receptor complex 1.00000000002242 2.24175986051265e-11 46 0 0 48 19108 GO:0009295 nucleoid 1.00000000002242 2.24175986051265e-11 46 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042645 mitochondrial nucleoid 1.00000000002242 2.24175986051265e-11 46 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043195 terminal bouton 1.00000000002242 2.24175986051265e-11 46 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005874 microtubule 1.00000000002253 2.25254130147668e-11 478 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000313 organellar ribosome 1.00000000002266 2.2657018571076e-11 89 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071013 catalytic step 2 spliceosome 1.00000000002266 2.2657018571076e-11 89 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005761 mitochondrial ribosome 1.00000000002266 2.2657018571076e-11 89 0 0 48 19108 GO:0101002 ficolin-1-rich granule 1.00000000002478 2.47808422962272e-11 185 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990204 oxidoreductase complex 1.00000000002478 2.47848107700651e-11 121 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005802 trans-Golgi network 1.00000000002532 2.53212421257899e-11 264 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005930 axoneme 1.00000000002583 2.58261893068438e-11 183 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072686 mitotic spindle 1.00000000002583 2.58261893068438e-11 183 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031519 PcG protein complex 1.00000000002583 2.5826893250989e-11 49 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005759 mitochondrial matrix 1.00000000002587 2.58673859067386e-11 494 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035580 specific granule lumen 1.00000000002688 2.68823220733478e-11 62 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043256 laminin complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044354 macropinosome 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097651 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class I 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071141 SMAD protein complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008091 spectrin 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031264 death-inducing signaling complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042382 paraspeckles 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005885 Arp2/3 protein complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005943 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class IA 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005952 cAMP-dependent protein kinase complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0160064 multi-pass translocon complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016461 unconventional myosin complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005916 fascia adherens 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990316 Atg1/ULK1 kinase complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033018 sarcoplasmic reticulum lumen 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016600 flotillin complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044352 pinosome 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030915 Smc5-Smc6 complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036057 slit diaphragm 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005861 troponin complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044294 dendritic growth cone 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000931 gamma-tubulin ring complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036396 RNA N6-methyladenosine methyltransferase complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061617 MICOS complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043196 varicosity 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000808 origin recognition complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031932 TORC2 complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098684 photoreceptor ribbon synapse 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098833 presynaptic endocytic zone 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070419 nonhomologous end joining complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036056 filtration diaphragm 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005664 nuclear origin of replication recognition complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043657 host cell 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042584 chromaffin granule membrane 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0017146 NMDA selective glutamate receptor complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0018995 host cellular component 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0014731 spectrin-associated cytoskeleton 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090576 RNA polymerase III transcription regulator complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097450 astrocyte end-foot 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031906 late endosome lumen 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060187 cell pole 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032059 bleb 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0014701 junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000172 ribonuclease MRP complex 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031095 platelet dense tubular network membrane 1.00000000002727 2.72703892807334e-11 9 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990777 lipoprotein particle 1.00000000002742 2.7423745941291e-11 36 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008180 COP9 signalosome 1.00000000002742 2.7423745941291e-11 36 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034358 plasma lipoprotein particle 1.00000000002742 2.7423745941291e-11 36 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034702 monoatomic ion channel complex 1.00000000002792 2.79167116028461e-11 344 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070971 endoplasmic reticulum exit site 1.00000000002857 2.85725087425829e-11 34 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990752 microtubule end 1.00000000002857 2.85725087425829e-11 34 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005669 transcription factor TFIID complex 1.00000000002857 2.85725087425829e-11 34 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031526 brush border membrane 1.00000000002906 2.90579407885328e-11 60 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032589 neuron projection membrane 1.00000000002906 2.90579407885328e-11 60 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000781 chromosome, telomeric region 1.00000000002929 2.92926987362808e-11 173 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005758 mitochondrial intermembrane space 1.0000000000296 2.95992211566239e-11 80 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030670 phagocytic vesicle membrane 1.0000000000296 2.95992211566239e-11 80 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043025 neuronal cell body 1.00000000002987 2.98694211244568e-11 489 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031985 Golgi cisterna 1.00000000003249 3.24947420851644e-11 116 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002116 semaphorin receptor complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030126 COPI vesicle coat 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005677 chromatin silencing complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098574 cytoplasmic side of lysosomal membrane 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:1905286 serine-type peptidase complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099524 postsynaptic cytosol 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044753 amphisome 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042627 chylomicron 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990909 Wnt signalosome 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005736 RNA polymerase I complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036038 MKS complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001401 SAM complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097224 sperm connecting piece 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005675 transcription factor TFIIH holo complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000783 nuclear telomere cap complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033391 chromatoid body 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016281 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043240 Fanconi anaemia nuclear complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000812 Swr1 complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990907 beta-catenin-TCF complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034709 methylosome 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005662 DNA replication factor A complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031261 DNA replication preinitiation complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000805 X chromosome 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000782 telomere cap complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140275 MIB complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032009 early phagosome 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0106068 SUMO ligase complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044292 dendrite terminus 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001527 microfibril 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097550 transcription preinitiation complex 1.00000000003275 3.27478466385154e-11 13 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036457 keratohyalin granule 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005944 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class IB 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044599 AP-5 adaptor complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030906 retromer, cargo-selective complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008282 inward rectifying potassium channel 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031467 Cul7-RING ubiquitin ligase complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031429 box H/ACA snoRNP complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016013 syntrophin complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045283 fumarate reductase complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042567 insulin-like growth factor ternary complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005862 muscle thin filament tropomyosin 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061574 ASAP complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034363 intermediate-density lipoprotein particle 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990604 IRE1-TRAF2-ASK1 complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005592 collagen type XI trimer 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045257 succinate dehydrogenase complex (ubiquinone) 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097169 AIM2 inflammasome complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098944 postsynaptic recycling endosome membrane 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005899 insulin receptor complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071664 catenin-TCF7L2 complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035517 PR-DUB complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043159 acrosomal matrix 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0110158 calpain complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035339 SPOTS complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043625 delta DNA polymerase complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033503 HULC complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990851 Wnt-Frizzled-LRP5/6 complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990716 axonemal central apparatus 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090443 FAR/SIN/STRIPAK complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072557 IPAF inflammasome complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033597 mitotic checkpoint complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032021 NELF complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031422 RecQ family helicase-topoisomerase III complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030124 AP-4 adaptor complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034272 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class III, type II 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031262 Ndc80 complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:1903349 omegasome membrane 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070724 BMP receptor complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990578 perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum membrane 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032777 piccolo histone acetyltransferase complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005749 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex II, succinate dehydrogenase complex (ubiquinone) 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097543 ciliary inversin compartment 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098894 extrinsic component of presynaptic endocytic zone membrane 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005588 collagen type V trimer 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140007 KICSTOR complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030905 retromer, tubulation complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030478 actin cap 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033269 internode region of axon 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043219 lateral loop 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043541 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transferase complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005850 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072589 box H/ACA scaRNP complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060199 clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070876 SOSS complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016035 zeta DNA polymerase complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045273 respiratory chain complex II 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005594 collagen type IX trimer 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990589 ATF4-CREB1 transcription factor complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044614 nuclear pore cytoplasmic filaments 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005956 protein kinase CK2 complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000214 tRNA-intron endonuclease complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0106139 symbiont cell surface 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005853 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035101 FACT complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060203 clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle membrane 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005968 Rab-protein geranylgeranyltransferase complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035363 histone locus body 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033063 Rad51B-Rad51C-Rad51D-XRCC2 complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090733 tenascin complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0014802 terminal cisterna 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030526 granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042585 germinal vesicle 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061696 pituitary gonadotropin complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000015 phosphopyruvate hydratase complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097209 epidermal lamellar body 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990131 Gtr1-Gtr2 GTPase complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000836 Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071821 FANCM-MHF complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099160 postsynaptic intermediate filament cytoskeleton 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098666 G protein-coupled serotonin receptor complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098983 symmetric, GABA-ergic, inhibitory synapse 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120216 matrilin complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070532 BRCA1-B complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120281 autolysosome membrane 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990769 proximal neuron projection 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060342 photoreceptor inner segment membrane 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000444 MIS12/MIND type complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990788 GLI-SUFU complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005927 muscle tendon junction 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035867 alphav-beta3 integrin-IGF-1-IGF1R complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099128 mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster assembly complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031021 interphase microtubule organizing center 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002947 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035189 Rb-E2F complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070516 CAK-ERCC2 complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098559 cytoplasmic side of early endosome membrane 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005785 signal recognition particle receptor complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034271 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class III, type I 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090724 central region of growth cone 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008623 CHRAC 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045281 succinate dehydrogenase complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070522 ERCC4-ERCC1 complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030849 autosome 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990696 USH2 complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0101004 cytolytic granule membrane 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098855 HCN channel complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002081 outer acrosomal membrane 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0106333 subcortical maternal complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033256 I-kappaB/NF-kappaB complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072536 interleukin-23 receptor complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005826 actomyosin contractile ring 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140284 endoplasmic reticulum-endosome membrane contact site 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071797 LUBAC complex 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061689 tricellular tight junction 1.0000000000333 3.33025365835627e-11 4 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061827 sperm head 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005892 acetylcholine-gated channel complex 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000145 exocyst 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001674 female germ cell nucleus 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071004 U2-type prespliceosome 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098831 presynaptic active zone cytoplasmic component 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060077 inhibitory synapse 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042589 zymogen granule membrane 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071010 prespliceosome 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030008 TRAPP complex 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098637 protein complex involved in cell-matrix adhesion 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042599 lamellar body 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097440 apical dendrite 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0019908 nuclear cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042613 MHC class II protein complex 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031092 platelet alpha granule membrane 1.00000000003346 3.3455181380179e-11 17 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061702 canonical inflammasome complex 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005847 mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor complex 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035102 PRC1 complex 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043020 NADPH oxidase complex 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030132 clathrin coat of coated pit 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045240 alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000159 protein phosphatase type 2A complex 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061638 CENP-A containing chromatin 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033276 transcription factor TFTC complex 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043034 costamere 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005666 RNA polymerase III complex 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030130 clathrin coat of trans-Golgi network vesicle 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043505 CENP-A containing nucleosome 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031527 filopodium membrane 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031143 pseudopodium 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016010 dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030663 COPI-coated vesicle membrane 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034719 SMN-Sm protein complex 1.00000000003375 3.37468451448095e-11 18 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030426 growth cone 1.0000000000339 3.38974606386549e-11 165 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097014 ciliary plasm 1.00000000003482 3.48240896864173e-11 184 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071007 U2-type catalytic step 2 spliceosome 1.00000000003636 3.63601523610554e-11 30 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005721 pericentric heterochromatin 1.00000000003636 3.63601523610554e-11 30 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005921 gap junction 1.00000000003636 3.63601523610554e-11 30 0 0 48 19108 GO:1903095 ribonuclease III complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1901588 dendritic microtubule 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061474 phagolysosome membrane 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902737 dendritic filopodium 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990112 RQC complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990879 CST complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034673 inhibin-betaglycan-ActRII complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005602 complement component C1 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035866 alphav-beta3 integrin-PKCalpha complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036488 CHOP-C/EBP complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071818 BAT3 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033185 dolichol-phosphate-mannose synthase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030956 glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043291 RAVE complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005889 potassium:proton exchanging ATPase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034455 t-UTP complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0055087 Ski complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005873 plus-end kinesin complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1903958 nitric-oxide synthase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005971 ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1903143 adrenomedullin receptor complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043260 laminin-11 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990501 exon-exon junction subcomplex mago-y14 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030934 anchoring collagen complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097513 myosin II filament 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070021 transforming growth factor beta ligand-receptor complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008247 1-alkyl-2-acetylglycerophosphocholine esterase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0072563 endothelial microparticle 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990584 cardiac Troponin complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097268 cytoophidium 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031298 replication fork protection complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035868 alphav-beta3 integrin-HMGB1 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0019907 cyclin-dependent protein kinase activating kinase holoenzyme complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043564 Ku70:Ku80 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0019185 snRNA-activating protein complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032807 DNA ligase IV complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098592 cytoplasmic side of apical plasma membrane 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0038039 G protein-coupled receptor heterodimeric complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030981 cortical microtubule cytoskeleton 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005606 laminin-1 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005760 gamma DNA polymerase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005896 interleukin-6 receptor complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0001536 radial spoke stalk 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042571 immunoglobulin complex, circulating 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990037 Lewy body core 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098830 presynaptic endosome 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034456 UTP-C complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0110078 TTT Hsp90 cochaperone complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044530 supraspliceosomal complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042022 interleukin-12 receptor complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033186 CAF-1 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1905721 mitotic spindle astral microtubule end 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034666 integrin alpha2-beta1 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033150 cytoskeletal calyx 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030485 smooth muscle contractile fiber 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031004 potassium ion-transporting ATPase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071008 U2-type post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005863 striated muscle myosin thick filament 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016533 protein kinase 5 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000126 transcription factor TFIIIB complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060201 clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle membrane 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005608 laminin-3 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099053 activating signal cointegrator 1 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0046695 SLIK (SAGA-like) complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031523 Myb complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070939 Dsl1/NZR complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0060200 clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031379 RNA-directed RNA polymerase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005945 6-phosphofructokinase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043259 laminin-10 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034683 integrin alphav-beta3 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036125 fatty acid beta-oxidation multienzyme complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990923 PET complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097444 spine apparatus 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061908 phagophore 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016513 core-binding factor complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034668 integrin alpha4-beta1 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061851 leading edge of lamellipodium 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031515 tRNA (m1A) methyltransferase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005690 U4atac snRNP 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0090651 apical cytoplasm 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033001 Fc-gamma receptor III complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061793 chromatin lock complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097232 lamellar body membrane 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044611 nuclear pore inner ring 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030678 mitochondrial ribonuclease P complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0009331 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (FAD) complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031391 Elg1 RFC-like complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016507 mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation multienzyme complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120206 photoreceptor distal connecting cilium 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042106 gamma-delta T cell receptor complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097129 cyclin D2-CDK4 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005610 laminin-5 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0034457 Mpp10 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0150048 cerebellar granule cell to Purkinje cell synapse 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000438 core TFIIH complex portion of holo TFIIH complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990674 Golgi cis cisterna membrane 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035985 senescence-associated heterochromatin focus 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120335 radial spoke 3 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070033 synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-complexin II complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032444 activin responsive factor complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042709 succinate-CoA ligase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032299 ribonuclease H2 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990423 RZZ complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008074 guanylate cyclase complex, soluble 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031084 BLOC-2 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0140552 TEAD-YAP complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990357 terminal web 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070877 microprocessor complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0098842 postsynaptic early endosome 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0035003 subapical complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097134 cyclin E1-CDK2 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000814 ESCRT II complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070985 transcription factor TFIIK complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045098 type III intermediate filament 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0008537 proteasome activator complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0048269 methionine adenosyltransferase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990452 Parkin-FBXW7-Cul1 ubiquitin ligase complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033565 ESCRT-0 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070110 ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030689 Noc complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071001 U4/U6 snRNP 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070721 ISGF3 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097149 centralspindlin complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036194 muscle cell projection 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032937 SREBP-SCAP-Insig complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0062167 complement component C1q complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0016939 kinesin II complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0061773 eNoSc complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097124 cyclin A2-CDK2 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070701 mucus layer 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043293 apoptosome 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120336 radial spoke head 1 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070032 synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-complexin I complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0048237 rough endoplasmic reticulum lumen 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0020018 ciliary pocket membrane 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120333 radial spoke 1 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070369 beta-catenin-TCF7L2 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120228 outer dynein arm docking complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032002 interleukin-28 receptor complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097451 glial limiting end-foot 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0036195 muscle cell projection membrane 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0042629 mast cell granule 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005846 nuclear cap binding complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120098 procentriole 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0018444 translation release factor complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0043529 GET complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033596 TSC1-TSC2 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1990429 peroxisomal importomer complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032998 Fc-epsilon receptor I complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1903503 ATPase inhibitor complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0045242 isocitrate dehydrogenase complex (NAD+) 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032545 CURI complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071753 IgM immunoglobulin complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0033557 Slx1-Slx4 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071062 alphav-beta3 integrin-vitronectin complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:1902636 kinociliary basal body 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120338 radial spoke head 3 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031417 NatC complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030891 VCB complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044393 microspike 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120259 7SK snRNP 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0071942 XPC complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097598 sperm cytoplasmic droplet 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0020016 ciliary pocket 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0032389 MutLalpha complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0070545 PeBoW complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0099073 mitochondrion-derived vesicle 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000110 nucleotide-excision repair factor 1 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0002193 MAML1-RBP-Jkappa- ICN1 complex 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0044307 dendritic branch 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0046691 intracellular canaliculus 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0120001 apical plasma membrane urothelial plaque 1.00000000003847 3.8473169615299e-11 3 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000421 autophagosome membrane 1.00000000004347 4.34666797294216e-11 54 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030286 dynein complex 1.00000000004347 4.34666797294216e-11 54 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005881 cytoplasmic microtubule 1.00000000004363 4.36338535948011e-11 119 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005815 microtubule organizing center 1.00000000004748 4.74777892836678e-11 875 0 0 48 19108 GO:0097546 ciliary base 1.00000000005084 5.08352706404736e-11 47 0 0 48 19108 GO:0000152 nuclear ubiquitin ligase complex 1.00000000005084 5.08352706404736e-11 47 0 0 48 19108 GO:0005871 kinesin complex 1.00000000005084 5.08352706404736e-11 47 0 0 48 19108 GO:0031234 extrinsic component of cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane 1.00000000005084 5.08352706404736e-11 47 0 0 48 19108 GO:0030135 coated vesicle 1.00000000006184 6.18353366152692e-11 319 0 0 48 19108