TermID Term Enrichment logP Genes in Term Target Genes in Term Fraction of Targets in Term Total Target Genes Total Genes Entrez Gene IDs Gene Symbols GO:0002181 cytoplasmic translation 1.09074267519097e-19 -43.6622579492754 126 14 0.291666666666667 48 18204 23521,6143,6122,11224,6157,6233,6137,6158,6168,6209,6176,6234,6141,6232 RPL13A,RPL19,RPL3,RPL35,RPL27A,RPS27A,RPL13,RPL28,RPL37A,RPS15,RPLP1,RPS28,RPL18,RPS27 GO:0006412 translation 3.1029956097036e-14 -31.1038233313068 383 15 0.3125 48 18204 6209,6168,6176,6141,6234,6232,6143,23521,6122,6233,6157,11224,6158,10209,6137 RPS15,RPL37A,RPLP1,RPL18,RPS28,RPS27,RPL19,RPL13A,RPL3,RPS27A,RPL27A,RPL35,RPL28,EIF1,RPL13 GO:1901566 organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process 7.75557129012083e-07 -14.0696841897161 1313 15 0.3125 48 18204 6122,23521,6143,10209,6158,6137,6157,6233,11224,6176,6209,6168,6232,6141,6234 RPL3,RPL13A,RPL19,EIF1,RPL28,RPL13,RPL27A,RPS27A,RPL35,RPLP1,RPS15,RPL37A,RPS27,RPL18,RPS28 GO:0070887 cellular response to chemical stimulus 1.03473752590579e-06 -13.781362761567 2411 20 0.416666666666667 48 18204 388,3164,7114,10410,6122,23521,3725,3726,3429,4502,4493,2597,60,3490,682,2034,7078,1843,7538,5243 RHOB,NR4A1,TMSB4X,IFITM3,RPL3,RPL13A,JUN,JUNB,IFI27,MT2A,MT1E,GAPDH,ACTB,IGFBP7,BSG,EPAS1,TIMP3,DUSP1,ZFP36,ABCB1 GO:0000028 ribosomal small subunit assembly 1.1399820786677e-05 -11.3819129231543 17 3 0.0625 48 18204 6209,6234,6232 RPS15,RPS28,RPS27 GO:0042221 response to chemical 2.05039887340061e-05 -10.7948911183561 3743 23 0.479166666666667 48 18204 3726,3429,388,3164,7114,1843,7538,2034,4502,4493,2597,60,6122,10410,3725,23521,2,7078,5243,3490,682,7122,3315 JUNB,IFI27,RHOB,NR4A1,TMSB4X,DUSP1,ZFP36,EPAS1,MT2A,MT1E,GAPDH,ACTB,RPL3,IFITM3,JUN,RPL13A,A2M,TIMP3,ABCB1,IGFBP7,BSG,CLDN5,HSPB1 GO:0034097 response to cytokine 5.17264502393773e-05 -9.86954129723171 834 10 0.208333333333333 48 18204 23521,6122,10410,7114,2597,1843,7538,7078,4502,3429 RPL13A,RPL3,IFITM3,TMSB4X,GAPDH,DUSP1,ZFP36,TIMP3,MT2A,IFI27 GO:0071345 cellular response to cytokine stimulus 0.000109515741394524 -9.11944226201216 734 9 0.1875 48 18204 1843,2597,7538,4502,3429,23521,7114,10410,6122 DUSP1,GAPDH,ZFP36,MT2A,IFI27,RPL13A,TMSB4X,IFITM3,RPL3 GO:0010467 gene expression 0.000121712506438476 -9.01384879876035 2751 18 0.375 48 18204 6176,2034,6168,3315,6209,6232,6234,6141,3164,6122,23521,6143,6137,10209,6158,11224,6233,6157 RPLP1,EPAS1,RPL37A,HSPB1,RPS15,RPS27,RPS28,RPL18,NR4A1,RPL3,RPL13A,RPL19,RPL13,EIF1,RPL28,RPL35,RPS27A,RPL27A GO:0010033 response to organic substance 0.00012616243330522 -8.97794032804131 2498 17 0.354166666666667 48 18204 3315,682,3490,7122,1843,7538,7078,2,23521,10410,6122,3164,7114,2597,60,4502,3429 HSPB1,BSG,IGFBP7,CLDN5,DUSP1,ZFP36,TIMP3,A2M,RPL13A,IFITM3,RPL3,NR4A1,TMSB4X,GAPDH,ACTB,MT2A,IFI27 GO:0071276 cellular response to cadmium ion 0.000136028952226677 -8.90264281086513 38 3 0.0625 48 18204 4502,4493,3725 MT2A,MT1E,JUN GO:0070527 platelet aggregation 0.000291099171800408 -8.14184655228576 49 3 0.0625 48 18204 3315,60,10398 HSPB1,ACTB,MYL9 GO:0042989 sequestering of actin monomers 0.000302264248720461 -8.10420892741192 10 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,9168 TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0071310 cellular response to organic substance 0.000366491998418224 -7.91153386929548 1716 13 0.270833333333333 48 18204 60,2597,3429,4502,23521,6122,10410,7114,3164,7538,1843,7078,3490 ACTB,GAPDH,IFI27,MT2A,RPL13A,RPL3,IFITM3,TMSB4X,NR4A1,ZFP36,DUSP1,TIMP3,IGFBP7 GO:0042255 ribosome assembly 0.000504235481824312 -7.59246717316702 59 3 0.0625 48 18204 6232,6234,6209 RPS27,RPS28,RPS15 GO:0046686 response to cadmium ion 0.0005297944983145 -7.54302136563757 60 3 0.0625 48 18204 4502,4493,3725 MT2A,MT1E,JUN GO:0007155 cell adhesion 0.000693480154072536 -7.27378793567361 942 9 0.1875 48 18204 60,3956,8404,3315,10398,3490,10395,388,7122 ACTB,LGALS1,SPARCL1,HSPB1,MYL9,IGFBP7,DLC1,RHOB,CLDN5 GO:0032897 negative regulation of viral transcription 0.00069937198838283 -7.26532778506238 15 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,10410 ZFP36,IFITM3 GO:2001028 positive regulation of endothelial cell chemotaxis 0.00069937198838283 -7.26532778506238 15 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,3315 TMSB4X,HSPB1 GO:0034109 homotypic cell-cell adhesion 0.000700649412076813 -7.26350292145949 66 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,3315,10398 ACTB,HSPB1,MYL9 GO:0010273 detoxification of copper ion 0.000797938628145818 -7.13347887055741 16 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4502,4493 MT2A,MT1E GO:1990169 stress response to copper ion 0.000797938628145818 -7.13347887055741 16 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4493,4502 MT1E,MT2A GO:0048646 anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis 0.000817966631251002 -7.10868901528527 964 9 0.1875 48 18204 2034,3164,682,388,10398,10395,1843,4854,3726 EPAS1,NR4A1,BSG,RHOB,MYL9,DLC1,DUSP1,NOTCH3,JUNB GO:0009059 macromolecule biosynthetic process 0.000818579141036653 -7.1079404754954 3197 18 0.375 48 18204 6137,6158,10209,11224,6233,6157,3164,6122,6143,23521,6232,6234,6141,6176,2034,6168,3315,6209 RPL13,RPL28,EIF1,RPL35,RPS27A,RPL27A,NR4A1,RPL3,RPL19,RPL13A,RPS27,RPS28,RPL18,RPLP1,EPAS1,RPL37A,HSPB1,RPS15 GO:0019538 protein metabolic process 0.000849799569471057 -7.07051003690754 3496 19 0.395833333333333 48 18204 6232,6234,6141,1843,6176,6168,3315,6209,6137,3429,10209,6158,11224,2597,6157,6233,6122,6143,23521 RPS27,RPS28,RPL18,DUSP1,RPLP1,RPL37A,HSPB1,RPS15,RPL13,IFI27,EIF1,RPL28,RPL35,GAPDH,RPL27A,RPS27A,RPL3,RPL19,RPL13A GO:0048514 blood vessel morphogenesis 0.000943920548110985 -6.96546856049753 435 6 0.125 48 18204 4854,3726,2034,3164,682,388 NOTCH3,JUNB,EPAS1,NR4A1,BSG,RHOB GO:0009987 cellular process 0.00101425561590088 -6.8936003188944 14996 47 0.979166666666667 48 18204 6233,3429,6209,57801,1843,2512,3725,10410,10395,11224,60,2597,4493,4854,6168,7122,3490,6176,7078,3164,7114,388,6137,3726,10209,6158,2034,7538,6234,3956,6232,6143,23521,6122,10398,6157,4502,3315,79144,8404,10974,483,682,5243,6141,9168,2 RPS27A,IFI27,RPS15,HES4,DUSP1,FTL,JUN,IFITM3,DLC1,RPL35,ACTB,GAPDH,MT1E,NOTCH3,RPL37A,CLDN5,IGFBP7,RPLP1,TIMP3,NR4A1,TMSB4X,RHOB,RPL13,JUNB,EIF1,RPL28,EPAS1,ZFP36,RPS28,LGALS1,RPS27,RPL19,RPL13A,RPL3,MYL9,RPL27A,MT2A,HSPB1,PPDPF,SPARCL1,ADIRF,ATP1B3,BSG,ABCB1,RPL18,TMSB10,A2M GO:0046782 regulation of viral transcription 0.00113133971849456 -6.78435275692849 19 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,10410 ZFP36,IFITM3 GO:0032414 positive regulation of ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.00136338301883433 -6.59778615412685 83 3 0.0625 48 18204 5243,7114,483 ABCB1,TMSB4X,ATP1B3 GO:0097501 stress response to metal ion 0.00138470087740247 -6.58227113566296 21 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4502,4493 MT2A,MT1E GO:0006446 regulation of translational initiation 0.00141127432315939 -6.56326220746069 84 3 0.0625 48 18204 23521,3315,10209 RPL13A,HSPB1,EIF1 GO:0071248 cellular response to metal ion 0.00141718655586107 -6.55908167142702 185 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3725,3726,4493,4502 JUN,JUNB,MT1E,MT2A GO:0061687 detoxification of inorganic compound 0.00166263701911694 -6.39935037131645 23 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4493,4502 MT1E,MT2A GO:2001026 regulation of endothelial cell chemotaxis 0.00181074094447998 -6.31401915587885 24 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3315,7114 HSPB1,TMSB4X GO:0071294 cellular response to zinc ion 0.00181074094447998 -6.31401915587885 24 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4493,4502 MT1E,MT2A GO:0032411 positive regulation of transporter activity 0.00183277342329965 -6.30192492753049 92 3 0.0625 48 18204 483,7114,5243 ATP1B3,TMSB4X,ABCB1 GO:0046697 decidualization 0.00196489313740349 -6.23231741814049 25 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3726,682 JUNB,BSG GO:0071280 cellular response to copper ion 0.00196489313740349 -6.23231741814049 25 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4502,4493 MT2A,MT1E GO:0035239 tube morphogenesis 0.0019908915315054 -6.21917273478875 685 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 3164,10395,388,682,2034,4854,3726 NR4A1,DLC1,RHOB,BSG,EPAS1,NOTCH3,JUNB GO:0001525 angiogenesis 0.00200694140152216 -6.21114340664342 342 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 4854,388,682,3164,2034 NOTCH3,RHOB,BSG,NR4A1,EPAS1 GO:0010035 response to inorganic substance 0.0020211728527545 -6.2040773158882 505 6 0.125 48 18204 4493,4502,3726,3725,682,388 MT1E,MT2A,JUNB,JUN,BSG,RHOB GO:0010038 response to metal ion 0.00203264006621434 -6.19841980565013 343 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 4502,4493,3726,682,3725 MT2A,MT1E,JUNB,BSG,JUN GO:0051651 maintenance of location in cell 0.00219536458428542 -6.12140714862335 98 3 0.0625 48 18204 2512,7114,9168 FTL,TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0035295 tube development 0.00229321139546169 -6.07780208770217 903 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 3726,4854,682,388,10395,3164,2034,23521 JUNB,NOTCH3,BSG,RHOB,DLC1,NR4A1,EPAS1,RPL13A GO:0030168 platelet activation 0.00239218854727548 -6.03554662188839 101 3 0.0625 48 18204 3315,60,10398 HSPB1,ACTB,MYL9 GO:0006364 rRNA processing 0.00241064884741492 -6.02785933642332 214 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 6234,11224,6209,6232 RPS28,RPL35,RPS15,RPS27 GO:0071241 cellular response to inorganic substance 0.00241064884741492 -6.02785933642332 214 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3725,3726,4493,4502 JUN,JUNB,MT1E,MT2A GO:0042274 ribosomal small subunit biogenesis 0.00252929088491866 -5.97981629817007 103 3 0.0625 48 18204 6232,6209,6234 RPS27,RPS15,RPS28 GO:0001568 blood vessel development 0.00257404036818022 -5.96227848687748 530 6 0.125 48 18204 3164,682,388,2034,3726,4854 NR4A1,BSG,RHOB,EPAS1,JUNB,NOTCH3 GO:1901835 positive regulation of deadenylation-independent decapping of nuclear-transcribed mRNA 0.00263678312459769 -5.93819561822497 1 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1901328 response to cytochalasin B 0.00263678312459769 -5.93819561822497 1 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:1901193 regulation of formation of translation preinitiation complex 0.00263678312459769 -5.93819561822497 1 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 23521 RPL13A GO:0072749 cellular response to cytochalasin B 0.00263678312459769 -5.93819561822497 1 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0051623 positive regulation of norepinephrine uptake 0.00263678312459769 -5.93819561822497 1 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:1901834 regulation of deadenylation-independent decapping of nuclear-transcribed mRNA 0.00263678312459769 -5.93819561822497 1 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1901194 negative regulation of formation of translation preinitiation complex 0.00263678312459769 -5.93819561822497 1 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 23521 RPL13A GO:0014860 neurotransmitter secretion involved in regulation of skeletal muscle contraction 0.00263678312459769 -5.93819561822497 1 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:1904246 negative regulation of polynucleotide adenylyltransferase activity 0.00263678312459769 -5.93819561822497 1 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0034341 response to type II interferon 0.00267116874213257 -5.92523917121051 105 3 0.0625 48 18204 2597,23521,10410 GAPDH,RPL13A,IFITM3 GO:0022898 regulation of transmembrane transporter activity 0.00275211184789516 -5.89538671733315 222 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 483,7114,60,5243 ATP1B3,TMSB4X,ACTB,ABCB1 GO:0072359 circulatory system development 0.00280861836236567 -5.87506260254454 933 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 4854,3726,2034,682,388,10395,7122,3164 NOTCH3,JUNB,EPAS1,BSG,RHOB,DLC1,CLDN5,NR4A1 GO:0098609 cell-cell adhesion 0.00298342676289944 -5.81468271868086 546 6 0.125 48 18204 3956,7122,10398,60,3315,8404 LGALS1,CLDN5,MYL9,ACTB,HSPB1,SPARCL1 GO:0030036 actin cytoskeleton organization 0.00301054613566616 -5.80563377625902 547 6 0.125 48 18204 60,7114,9168,10398,10395,388 ACTB,TMSB4X,TMSB10,MYL9,DLC1,RHOB GO:0001944 vasculature development 0.003093017896099 -5.77860799929562 550 6 0.125 48 18204 3164,388,682,2034,4854,3726 NR4A1,RHOB,BSG,EPAS1,NOTCH3,JUNB GO:0009719 response to endogenous stimulus 0.00311809597191998 -5.77053272885874 1402 10 0.208333333333333 48 18204 7122,3164,682,3490,3315,3725,7078,2,7538,60 CLDN5,NR4A1,BSG,IGFBP7,HSPB1,JUN,TIMP3,A2M,ZFP36,ACTB GO:0044092 negative regulation of molecular function 0.00316451230524086 -5.75575632523037 744 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 7078,7538,60,2597,1843,3315,3725 TIMP3,ZFP36,ACTB,GAPDH,DUSP1,HSPB1,JUN GO:0051702 biological process involved in interaction with symbiont 0.00371350204713467 -5.59577989958682 118 3 0.0625 48 18204 3429,2597,3725 IFI27,GAPDH,JUN GO:0046688 response to copper ion 0.00383218099629056 -5.56432118713652 35 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4502,4493 MT2A,MT1E GO:0001893 maternal placenta development 0.00383218099629056 -5.56432118713652 35 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3726,682 JUNB,BSG GO:0140467 integrated stress response signaling 0.00383218099629056 -5.56432118713652 35 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3726,3725 JUNB,JUN GO:0016072 rRNA metabolic process 0.0040310659076457 -5.51372444478338 247 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 6234,11224,6209,6232 RPS28,RPL35,RPS15,RPS27 GO:0006882 intracellular zinc ion homeostasis 0.00405080586751263 -5.50883943802476 36 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4502,4493 MT2A,MT1E GO:0006950 response to stress 0.00438005204558277 -5.43069467211124 3388 17 0.354166666666667 48 18204 2597,60,3726,4493,27303,3429,4502,23521,3725,388,10398,10410,3164,7538,2,3315,2034 GAPDH,ACTB,JUNB,MT1E,RBMS3,IFI27,MT2A,RPL13A,JUN,RHOB,MYL9,IFITM3,NR4A1,ZFP36,A2M,HSPB1,EPAS1 GO:0032409 regulation of transporter activity 0.00438907595309172 -5.42863656309615 253 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 60,5243,483,7114 ACTB,ABCB1,ATP1B3,TMSB4X GO:0035633 maintenance of blood-brain barrier 0.00474062227555032 -5.35158687013018 39 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,7122 ACTB,CLDN5 GO:0065009 regulation of molecular function 0.00489322982357181 -5.31990269790863 2005 12 0.25 48 18204 7078,5243,7538,1843,7122,483,3315,60,2597,7114,10395,3725 TIMP3,ABCB1,ZFP36,DUSP1,CLDN5,ATP1B3,HSPB1,ACTB,GAPDH,TMSB4X,DLC1,JUN GO:0044403 biological process involved in symbiotic interaction 0.00496552866786056 -5.3052355082289 262 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3429,682,3725,2597 IFI27,BSG,JUN,GAPDH GO:0010595 positive regulation of endothelial cell migration 0.00518786363286234 -5.26143329798089 133 3 0.0625 48 18204 3315,388,7114 HSPB1,RHOB,TMSB4X GO:0045445 myoblast differentiation 0.00522848431694553 -5.2536338484624 41 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3956,2034 LGALS1,EPAS1 GO:1904245 regulation of polynucleotide adenylyltransferase activity 0.00526675809625335 -5.2463402677199 2 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0035606 peptidyl-cysteine S-trans-nitrosylation 0.00526675809625335 -5.2463402677199 2 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0051621 regulation of norepinephrine uptake 0.00526675809625335 -5.2463402677199 2 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:1904689 negative regulation of cytoplasmic translational initiation 0.00526675809625335 -5.2463402677199 2 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 23521 RPL13A GO:0019046 release from viral latency 0.00526675809625335 -5.2463402677199 2 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:0019045 latent virus replication 0.00526675809625335 -5.2463402677199 2 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:0014852 regulation of skeletal muscle contraction by neural stimulation via neuromuscular junction 0.00526675809625335 -5.2463402677199 2 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0001869 negative regulation of complement activation, lectin pathway 0.00526675809625335 -5.2463402677199 2 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0001868 regulation of complement activation, lectin pathway 0.00526675809625335 -5.2463402677199 2 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0030029 actin filament-based process 0.00537295358152253 -5.22637750648317 616 6 0.125 48 18204 9168,7114,388,10398,10395,60 TMSB10,TMSB4X,RHOB,MYL9,DLC1,ACTB GO:0051384 response to glucocorticoid 0.00540738926019105 -5.21998887927583 135 3 0.0625 48 18204 7538,2,3490 ZFP36,A2M,IGFBP7 GO:0098771 inorganic ion homeostasis 0.00549684347190436 -5.20358126569471 433 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 2512,4502,4493,483,2034 FTL,MT2A,MT1E,ATP1B3,EPAS1 GO:0044249 cellular biosynthetic process 0.00564192328613603 -5.1775302634221 3776 18 0.375 48 18204 6232,6234,6141,6176,3315,6168,2034,6209,6137,6158,10209,11224,6157,6233,6122,3164,6143,23521 RPS27,RPS28,RPL18,RPLP1,HSPB1,RPL37A,EPAS1,RPS15,RPL13,RPL28,EIF1,RPL35,RPL27A,RPS27A,RPL3,NR4A1,RPL19,RPL13A GO:0031333 negative regulation of protein-containing complex assembly 0.00609927681071337 -5.0995850704519 141 3 0.0625 48 18204 23521,9168,7114 RPL13A,TMSB10,TMSB4X GO:0043086 negative regulation of catalytic activity 0.00615955772381574 -5.08975030209618 445 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 3315,7538,2597,1843,7078 HSPB1,ZFP36,GAPDH,DUSP1,TIMP3 GO:1901700 response to oxygen-containing compound 0.00624742530881978 -5.07558585069762 1546 10 0.208333333333333 48 18204 3164,7122,3490,388,682,23521,3725,2,60,7538 NR4A1,CLDN5,IGFBP7,RHOB,BSG,RPL13A,JUN,A2M,ACTB,ZFP36 GO:0060337 type I interferon-mediated signaling pathway 0.00627029981225927 -5.07193110853325 45 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10410,3429 IFITM3,IFI27 GO:0007566 embryo implantation 0.00627029981225927 -5.07193110853325 45 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3490,682 IGFBP7,BSG GO:0006417 regulation of translation 0.00645168987201636 -5.04341318682787 450 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 2597,23521,3315,7538,10209 GAPDH,RPL13A,HSPB1,ZFP36,EIF1 GO:0098754 detoxification 0.00646418439781875 -5.04147843127995 144 3 0.0625 48 18204 4502,4493,5243 MT2A,MT1E,ABCB1 GO:0071357 cellular response to type I interferon 0.00654435078821944 -5.0291530765616 46 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10410,3429 IFITM3,IFI27 GO:0043122 regulation of canonical NF-kappaB signal transduction 0.00682935730744169 -4.98652470829818 287 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3315,2597,7114,3956 HSPB1,GAPDH,TMSB4X,LGALS1 GO:0001890 placenta development 0.00723250953219752 -4.92916920314769 150 3 0.0625 48 18204 3726,682,2034 JUNB,BSG,EPAS1 GO:0046596 regulation of viral entry into host cell 0.00739866960289065 -4.90645507832814 49 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3956,10410 LGALS1,IFITM3 GO:0035924 cellular response to vascular endothelial growth factor stimulus 0.00739866960289065 -4.90645507832814 49 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3164,3315 NR4A1,HSPB1 GO:1905271 regulation of proton-transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:1904582 positive regulation of intracellular mRNA localization 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1901529 positive regulation of anion channel activity 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:1905273 positive regulation of proton-transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0046943 carboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0099038 ceramide floppase activity 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:1903961 positive regulation of anion transmembrane transport 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:1903793 positive regulation of monoatomic anion transport 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0010037 response to carbon dioxide 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:1990402 embryonic liver development 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:1903288 positive regulation of potassium ion import across plasma membrane 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0099040 ceramide translocation 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0160075 non-canonical inflammasome complex assembly 0.0078899421205468 -4.84216647995015 3 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0034767 positive regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 0.0079125183739114 -4.83930916937724 155 3 0.0625 48 18204 5243,483,7114 ABCB1,ATP1B3,TMSB4X GO:0010043 response to zinc ion 0.00799473117177124 -4.82897255780547 51 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4493,4502 MT1E,MT2A GO:0009891 positive regulation of biosynthetic process 0.00804807651168111 -4.82232215875132 2697 14 0.291666666666667 48 18204 10974,3315,2034,7122,7538,3725,7114,3164,2597,60,10209,4854,3726,27303 ADIRF,HSPB1,EPAS1,CLDN5,ZFP36,JUN,TMSB4X,NR4A1,GAPDH,ACTB,EIF1,NOTCH3,JUNB,RBMS3 GO:0031960 response to corticosteroid 0.00819475153582038 -4.80426138624288 157 3 0.0625 48 18204 7538,3490,2 ZFP36,IGFBP7,A2M GO:0051494 negative regulation of cytoskeleton organization 0.00819475153582038 -4.80426138624288 157 3 0.0625 48 18204 10395,9168,7114 DLC1,TMSB10,TMSB4X GO:0042254 ribosome biogenesis 0.00852176123696525 -4.76513224155046 306 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 6232,6209,11224,6234 RPS27,RPS15,RPL35,RPS28 GO:1902904 negative regulation of supramolecular fiber organization 0.00877690971314973 -4.73563090218025 161 3 0.0625 48 18204 10395,9168,7114 DLC1,TMSB10,TMSB4X GO:0034340 response to type I interferon 0.00892802357224859 -4.71856023308585 54 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3429,10410 IFI27,IFITM3 GO:1901564 organonitrogen compound metabolic process 0.00922924551115125 -4.6853779769124 4594 20 0.416666666666667 48 18204 6122,23521,6143,10209,6158,3429,6137,6233,6157,2597,11224,6176,6209,2034,3315,6168,6232,1843,6141,6234 RPL3,RPL13A,RPL19,EIF1,RPL28,IFI27,RPL13,RPS27A,RPL27A,GAPDH,RPL35,RPLP1,RPS15,EPAS1,HSPB1,RPL37A,RPS27,DUSP1,RPL18,RPS28 GO:0071363 cellular response to growth factor stimulus 0.00945702795997433 -4.66099711441572 494 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 3725,7538,3315,3164,7122 JUN,ZFP36,HSPB1,NR4A1,CLDN5 GO:1902895 positive regulation of miRNA transcription 0.00957602050228706 -4.64849316972134 56 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4854,3725 NOTCH3,JUN GO:0052372 modulation by symbiont of entry into host 0.00957602050228706 -4.64849316972134 56 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3956,10410 LGALS1,IFITM3 GO:0051716 cellular response to stimulus 0.00963595520083839 -4.64225384338536 6307 25 0.520833333333333 48 18204 10395,10410,6122,3725,23521,4854,4502,4493,2597,60,3490,682,7122,8404,3315,7078,5243,388,7114,3164,3726,3429,2034,1843,7538 DLC1,IFITM3,RPL3,JUN,RPL13A,NOTCH3,MT2A,MT1E,GAPDH,ACTB,IGFBP7,BSG,CLDN5,SPARCL1,HSPB1,TIMP3,ABCB1,RHOB,TMSB4X,NR4A1,JUNB,IFI27,EPAS1,DUSP1,ZFP36 GO:0050792 regulation of viral process 0.00985299486020713 -4.61997982328944 168 3 0.0625 48 18204 7538,3956,10410 ZFP36,LGALS1,IFITM3 GO:0051235 maintenance of location 0.00985299486020713 -4.61997982328944 168 3 0.0625 48 18204 2512,7114,9168 FTL,TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0060135 maternal process involved in female pregnancy 0.0102443962034593 -4.58102443475677 58 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 682,3726 BSG,JUNB GO:0007565 female pregnancy 0.0103367163235688 -4.57205303059243 171 3 0.0625 48 18204 682,3726,3490 BSG,JUNB,IGFBP7 GO:0055080 monoatomic cation homeostasis 0.0103380202164061 -4.57192689666695 505 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 2034,4502,2512,4493,483 EPAS1,MT2A,FTL,MT1E,ATP1B3 GO:0150111 regulation of transepithelial transport 0.0105063523612153 -4.55577521796698 4 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:1903276 regulation of sodium ion export across plasma membrane 0.0105063523612153 -4.55577521796698 4 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:1904580 regulation of intracellular mRNA localization 0.0105063523612153 -4.55577521796698 4 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0019042 viral latency 0.0105063523612153 -4.55577521796698 4 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:1903278 positive regulation of sodium ion export across plasma membrane 0.0105063523612153 -4.55577521796698 4 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0030837 negative regulation of actin filament polymerization 0.0105861562289392 -4.54820814758428 59 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,9168 TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0050896 response to stimulus 0.0106685084175882 -4.54045901560637 7803 29 0.604166666666667 48 18204 10410,6122,10395,10398,23521,3725,4493,4502,4854,60,2597,7122,682,3490,3315,8404,2,7078,5243,3164,7114,388,3429,27303,3726,2034,3956,7538,1843 IFITM3,RPL3,DLC1,MYL9,RPL13A,JUN,MT1E,MT2A,NOTCH3,ACTB,GAPDH,CLDN5,BSG,IGFBP7,HSPB1,SPARCL1,A2M,TIMP3,ABCB1,NR4A1,TMSB4X,RHOB,IFI27,RBMS3,JUNB,EPAS1,LGALS1,ZFP36,DUSP1 GO:0140888 interferon-mediated signaling pathway 0.0109329273231675 -4.51597618802582 60 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10410,3429 IFITM3,IFI27 GO:0140115 export across plasma membrane 0.0109329273231675 -4.51597618802582 60 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 483,5243 ATP1B3,ABCB1 GO:0009653 anatomical structure morphogenesis 0.011094736426657 -4.5012844789269 2225 12 0.25 48 18204 2034,7122,682,1843,23521,3164,388,10395,10398,60,4854,3726 EPAS1,CLDN5,BSG,DUSP1,RPL13A,NR4A1,RHOB,DLC1,MYL9,ACTB,NOTCH3,JUNB GO:0007596 blood coagulation 0.0111732555626926 -4.49423225244013 176 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,3315,10398 ACTB,HSPB1,MYL9 GO:0050801 monoatomic ion homeostasis 0.0111867355768791 -4.4930265260393 515 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 2034,2512,4502,483,4493 EPAS1,FTL,MT2A,ATP1B3,MT1E GO:0050817 coagulation 0.0115185494621349 -4.46379654638755 178 3 0.0625 48 18204 10398,3315,60 MYL9,HSPB1,ACTB GO:0010634 positive regulation of epithelial cell migration 0.0116934943789725 -4.44872262780902 179 3 0.0625 48 18204 388,7114,3315 RHOB,TMSB4X,HSPB1 GO:0070848 response to growth factor 0.0120822126182813 -4.4160209394829 525 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 3315,7538,3725,7122,3164 HSPB1,ZFP36,JUN,CLDN5,NR4A1 GO:0007599 hemostasis 0.0122275486900963 -4.40406378354305 182 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,3315,10398 ACTB,HSPB1,MYL9 GO:0140694 non-membrane-bounded organelle assembly 0.0123174136953227 -4.39674127024229 341 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 6234,6209,6232,10398 RPS28,RPS15,RPS27,MYL9 GO:0043903 regulation of biological process involved in symbiotic interaction 0.0127409846558175 -4.36293134329902 65 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10410,3956 IFITM3,LGALS1 GO:1905744 regulation of mRNA cis splicing, via spliceosome 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10209 EIF1 GO:0071896 protein localization to adherens junction 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:1990963 establishment of blood-retinal barrier 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:1905746 positive regulation of mRNA cis splicing, via spliceosome 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10209 EIF1 GO:0010359 regulation of anion channel activity 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0032497 detection of lipopolysaccharide 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0099039 sphingolipid translocation 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0046864 isoprenoid transport 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0017014 protein nitrosylation 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0071376 cellular response to corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulus 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0043435 response to corticotropin-releasing hormone 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0046865 terpenoid transport 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0002317 plasma cell differentiation 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0002158 osteoclast proliferation 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:1903286 regulation of potassium ion import 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:1902037 negative regulation of hematopoietic stem cell differentiation 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0018119 peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylation 0.0131160059375307 -4.33392196730613 5 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0031325 positive regulation of cellular metabolic process 0.0134789616020182 -4.30662520895636 3164 15 0.3125 48 18204 7114,3164,10395,3725,27303,10209,4854,3726,60,2597,7122,3315,2034,10974,7538 TMSB4X,NR4A1,DLC1,JUN,RBMS3,EIF1,NOTCH3,JUNB,ACTB,GAPDH,CLDN5,HSPB1,EPAS1,ADIRF,ZFP36 GO:2000630 positive regulation of miRNA metabolic process 0.0134983253116488 -4.30518965222169 67 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3725,4854 JUN,NOTCH3 GO:0032507 maintenance of protein location in cell 0.0134983253116488 -4.30518965222169 67 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,9168 TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0044703 multi-organism reproductive process 0.0141082489483197 -4.26099562086668 192 3 0.0625 48 18204 3490,3726,682 IGFBP7,JUNB,BSG GO:0010557 positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 0.0144244910787491 -4.238827747713 2592 13 0.270833333333333 48 18204 2034,3315,10974,7122,7538,3725,3164,60,2597,27303,3726,4854,10209 EPAS1,HSPB1,ADIRF,CLDN5,ZFP36,JUN,NR4A1,ACTB,GAPDH,RBMS3,JUNB,NOTCH3,EIF1 GO:0043065 positive regulation of apoptotic process 0.0145329982390097 -4.23133347450995 550 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 3725,3956,3164,388,10395 JUN,LGALS1,NR4A1,RHOB,DLC1 GO:0045600 positive regulation of fat cell differentiation 0.0150703061964777 -4.19502894827027 71 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10974,7538 ADIRF,ZFP36 GO:0048625 myoblast fate commitment 0.0157189199276178 -4.15289020123604 6 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:1904684 negative regulation of metalloendopeptidase activity 0.0157189199276178 -4.15289020123604 6 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7078 TIMP3 GO:0072103 glomerulus vasculature morphogenesis 0.0157189199276178 -4.15289020123604 6 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0051414 response to cortisol 0.0157189199276178 -4.15289020123604 6 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3490 IGFBP7 GO:2001200 positive regulation of dendritic cell differentiation 0.0157189199276178 -4.15289020123604 6 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:1901552 positive regulation of endothelial cell development 0.0157189199276178 -4.15289020123604 6 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:1990962 xenobiotic transport across blood-brain barrier 0.0157189199276178 -4.15289020123604 6 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0006880 intracellular sequestering of iron ion 0.0157189199276178 -4.15289020123604 6 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2512 FTL GO:0072104 glomerular capillary formation 0.0157189199276178 -4.15289020123604 6 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:1903142 positive regulation of establishment of endothelial barrier 0.0157189199276178 -4.15289020123604 6 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:1903959 regulation of monoatomic anion transmembrane transport 0.0157189199276178 -4.15289020123604 6 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0044706 multi-multicellular organism process 0.0157250864701759 -4.15249797751244 200 3 0.0625 48 18204 3490,3726,682 IGFBP7,JUNB,BSG GO:0022618 protein-RNA complex assembly 0.0157250864701759 -4.15249797751244 200 3 0.0625 48 18204 6209,6234,6232 RPS15,RPS28,RPS27 GO:0141188 nucleic acid catabolic process 0.0158208215700261 -4.14642838562532 562 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 6232,6234,7538,11224,6209 RPS27,RPS28,ZFP36,RPL35,RPS15 GO:0032272 negative regulation of protein polymerization 0.0158845198083827 -4.14241024096638 73 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,9168 TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:1901576 organic substance biosynthetic process 0.016286004055912 -4.11744918689437 4177 18 0.375 48 18204 6137,10209,6158,11224,6233,6157,3164,6122,23521,6143,6232,6234,6141,6176,2034,6168,3315,6209 RPL13,EIF1,RPL28,RPL35,RPS27A,RPL27A,NR4A1,RPL3,RPL13A,RPL19,RPS27,RPS28,RPL18,RPLP1,EPAS1,RPL37A,HSPB1,RPS15 GO:0009725 response to hormone 0.0164667354167086 -4.10641296836132 784 6 0.125 48 18204 3490,682,3164,7538,2,7078 IGFBP7,BSG,NR4A1,ZFP36,A2M,TIMP3 GO:0042127 regulation of cell population proliferation 0.0166997493218602 -4.09236157033914 1790 10 0.208333333333333 48 18204 4854,3726,7538,60,1843,7122,3164,3490,10395,3725 NOTCH3,JUNB,ZFP36,ACTB,DUSP1,CLDN5,NR4A1,IGFBP7,DLC1,JUN GO:0017148 negative regulation of translation 0.0170037276559239 -4.07432268508505 206 3 0.0625 48 18204 2597,23521,7538 GAPDH,RPL13A,ZFP36 GO:0043068 positive regulation of programmed cell death 0.0170669577112615 -4.07061098235596 573 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 3725,10395,388,3956,3164 JUN,DLC1,RHOB,LGALS1,NR4A1 GO:1902893 regulation of miRNA transcription 0.0171405255769127 -4.06630970251876 76 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3725,4854 JUN,NOTCH3 GO:0031328 positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 0.0172625775703188 -4.05921426668296 2652 13 0.270833333333333 48 18204 7122,2034,3315,10974,7538,3164,3725,27303,4854,3726,10209,60,2597 CLDN5,EPAS1,HSPB1,ADIRF,ZFP36,NR4A1,JUN,RBMS3,NOTCH3,JUNB,EIF1,ACTB,GAPDH GO:0050920 regulation of chemotaxis 0.0176643618294387 -4.0362061250937 209 3 0.0625 48 18204 3315,1843,7114 HSPB1,DUSP1,TMSB4X GO:0030336 negative regulation of cell migration 0.0178200080962367 -4.02743340260531 381 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 1843,388,10395,7122 DUSP1,RHOB,DLC1,CLDN5 GO:0044419 biological process involved in interspecies interaction between organisms 0.0178584273875077 -4.02527975962182 1540 9 0.1875 48 18204 682,3164,10410,23521,3725,3315,3429,2597,7538 BSG,NR4A1,IFITM3,RPL13A,JUN,HSPB1,IFI27,GAPDH,ZFP36 GO:0071826 protein-RNA complex organization 0.0178877377950973 -4.02363984026216 210 3 0.0625 48 18204 6232,6209,6234 RPS27,RPS15,RPS28 GO:0036015 response to interleukin-3 0.0183151113683803 -4.0000288020502 7 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4502 MT2A GO:0036017 response to erythropoietin 0.0183151113683803 -4.0000288020502 7 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4502 MT2A GO:0060136 embryonic process involved in female pregnancy 0.0183151113683803 -4.0000288020502 7 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0031086 nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, deadenylation-independent decay 0.0183151113683803 -4.0000288020502 7 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0036018 cellular response to erythropoietin 0.0183151113683803 -4.0000288020502 7 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4502 MT2A GO:0000056 ribosomal small subunit export from nucleus 0.0183151113683803 -4.0000288020502 7 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0090027 negative regulation of monocyte chemotaxis 0.0183151113683803 -4.0000288020502 7 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0097577 sequestering of iron ion 0.0183151113683803 -4.0000288020502 7 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2512 FTL GO:0070262 peptidyl-serine dephosphorylation 0.0183151113683803 -4.0000288020502 7 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:2001225 regulation of chloride transport 0.0183151113683803 -4.0000288020502 7 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0036016 cellular response to interleukin-3 0.0183151113683803 -4.0000288020502 7 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4502 MT2A GO:0043270 positive regulation of monoatomic ion transport 0.0183392421460785 -3.99871213546789 212 3 0.0625 48 18204 7114,483,5243 TMSB4X,ATP1B3,ABCB1 GO:0043536 positive regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration 0.018437527866347 -3.99336713348815 79 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,3315 TMSB4X,HSPB1 GO:0009058 biosynthetic process 0.0185135319756404 -3.98925335614026 4231 18 0.375 48 18204 6137,6158,10209,11224,6233,6157,3164,6122,23521,6143,6232,6234,6141,6176,2034,3315,6168,6209 RPL13,RPL28,EIF1,RPL35,RPS27A,RPL27A,NR4A1,RPL3,RPL13A,RPL19,RPS27,RPS28,RPL18,RPLP1,EPAS1,HSPB1,RPL37A,RPS15 GO:0051348 negative regulation of transferase activity 0.0185673722411951 -3.98634941922031 213 3 0.0625 48 18204 3315,7538,1843 HSPB1,ZFP36,DUSP1 GO:0032412 regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.0187970886881398 -3.97405327815166 214 3 0.0625 48 18204 483,7114,5243 ATP1B3,TMSB4X,ABCB1 GO:0034764 positive regulation of transmembrane transport 0.0187970886881398 -3.97405327815166 214 3 0.0625 48 18204 7114,483,5243 TMSB4X,ATP1B3,ABCB1 GO:0060326 cell chemotaxis 0.0192612836101219 -3.94965822840916 216 3 0.0625 48 18204 682,3164,23521 BSG,NR4A1,RPL13A GO:0071346 cellular response to type II interferon 0.0197748299780811 -3.92334536318682 82 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 23521,2597 RPL13A,GAPDH GO:2000146 negative regulation of cell motility 0.0202234474669299 -3.900912582053 396 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 10395,388,7122,1843 DLC1,RHOB,CLDN5,DUSP1 GO:0030334 regulation of cell migration 0.020369698364471 -3.89370685668462 1061 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 1843,3315,388,10395,9168,7122,7114 DUSP1,HSPB1,RHOB,DLC1,TMSB10,CLDN5,TMSB4X GO:1902172 regulation of keratinocyte apoptotic process 0.0209045972545146 -3.86778617986914 8 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0051045 negative regulation of membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis 0.0209045972545146 -3.86778617986914 8 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7078 TIMP3 GO:1904688 regulation of cytoplasmic translational initiation 0.0209045972545146 -3.86778617986914 8 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 23521 RPL13A GO:0045647 negative regulation of erythrocyte differentiation 0.0209045972545146 -3.86778617986914 8 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1903753 negative regulation of p38MAPK cascade 0.0209045972545146 -3.86778617986914 8 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0061439 kidney vasculature morphogenesis 0.0209045972545146 -3.86778617986914 8 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0051351 positive regulation of ligase activity 0.0209045972545146 -3.86778617986914 8 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0061438 renal system vasculature morphogenesis 0.0209045972545146 -3.86778617986914 8 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0014016 neuroblast differentiation 0.0209045972545146 -3.86778617986914 8 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:1902414 protein localization to cell junction 0.0216193989429513 -3.83416426813111 86 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,3315 ACTB,HSPB1 GO:0001892 embryonic placenta development 0.0220913551618213 -3.8125689161334 87 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3726,2034 JUNB,EPAS1 GO:0044344 cellular response to fibroblast growth factor stimulus 0.0220913551618213 -3.8125689161334 87 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,3164 ZFP36,NR4A1 GO:0051851 modulation by host of symbiont process 0.0220913551618213 -3.8125689161334 87 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3725,3429 JUN,IFI27 GO:0045185 maintenance of protein location 0.0230480696010042 -3.7701732613761 89 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,9168 TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0040013 negative regulation of locomotion 0.023179983538323 -3.76446615123804 413 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 388,10395,7122,1843 RHOB,DLC1,CLDN5,DUSP1 GO:1903348 positive regulation of bicellular tight junction assembly 0.0234873945355962 -3.75129140448803 9 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0099641 anterograde axonal protein transport 0.0234873945355962 -3.75129140448803 9 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0097011 cellular response to granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor stimulus 0.0234873945355962 -3.75129140448803 9 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0099640 axo-dendritic protein transport 0.0234873945355962 -3.75129140448803 9 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0051340 regulation of ligase activity 0.0234873945355962 -3.75129140448803 9 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0097012 response to granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor 0.0234873945355962 -3.75129140448803 9 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0072102 glomerulus morphogenesis 0.0234873945355962 -3.75129140448803 9 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:1905383 protein localization to presynapse 0.0234873945355962 -3.75129140448803 9 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0051098 regulation of binding 0.0239885710755075 -3.73017776724308 235 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,3725,7122 ACTB,JUN,CLDN5 GO:2000628 regulation of miRNA metabolic process 0.0240216883766589 -3.72879817434848 91 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4854,3725 NOTCH3,JUN GO:0030071 regulation of mitotic metaphase/anaphase transition 0.0240216883766589 -3.72879817434848 91 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 1843,60 DUSP1,ACTB GO:0010594 regulation of endothelial cell migration 0.0242533094729884 -3.71920219779733 236 3 0.0625 48 18204 3315,7114,388 HSPB1,TMSB4X,RHOB GO:0048525 negative regulation of viral process 0.0250120148306022 -3.68839897633779 93 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10410,7538 IFITM3,ZFP36 GO:0032502 developmental process 0.0250993596330457 -3.68491294579751 5716 22 0.458333333333333 48 18204 3164,388,6137,3726,57801,2034,6209,3956,7538,1843,10398,10395,23521,4854,60,7122,3490,682,8404,79144,10974,2 NR4A1,RHOB,RPL13,JUNB,HES4,EPAS1,RPS15,LGALS1,ZFP36,DUSP1,MYL9,DLC1,RPL13A,NOTCH3,ACTB,CLDN5,IGFBP7,BSG,SPARCL1,PPDPF,ADIRF,A2M GO:1903706 regulation of hemopoiesis 0.0254184903327785 -3.67227840393885 425 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 7538,60,3726,3956 ZFP36,ACTB,JUNB,LGALS1 GO:1902099 regulation of metaphase/anaphase transition of cell cycle 0.0255133824018628 -3.6685521644041 94 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,1843 ACTB,DUSP1 GO:0030003 intracellular monoatomic cation homeostasis 0.0259979377057561 -3.64973806311595 428 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 2512,4502,483,4493 FTL,MT2A,ATP1B3,MT1E GO:0032102 negative regulation of response to external stimulus 0.0259979377057561 -3.64973806311595 428 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 2,7114,1843,7538 A2M,TMSB4X,DUSP1,ZFP36 GO:0071774 response to fibroblast growth factor 0.0260188538378231 -3.64893385614457 95 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,3164 ZFP36,NR4A1 GO:0001553 luteinization 0.026063520123639 -3.64721863875453 10 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0046689 response to mercury ion 0.026063520123639 -3.64721863875453 10 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0035767 endothelial cell chemotaxis 0.026063520123639 -3.64721863875453 10 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:2001171 positive regulation of ATP biosynthetic process 0.026063520123639 -3.64721863875453 10 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:1905049 negative regulation of metallopeptidase activity 0.026063520123639 -3.64721863875453 10 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7078 TIMP3 GO:0098973 structural constituent of postsynaptic actin cytoskeleton 0.026063520123639 -3.64721863875453 10 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0099159 regulation of modification of postsynaptic structure 0.026063520123639 -3.64721863875453 10 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0048519 negative regulation of biological process 0.0261649276846308 -3.64333540298251 5737 22 0.458333333333333 48 18204 60,2597,4493,3429,4502,27303,4854,3725,23521,10410,3164,7114,388,10395,7538,1843,9168,2,7078,3315,7122,3490 ACTB,GAPDH,MT1E,IFI27,MT2A,RBMS3,NOTCH3,JUN,RPL13A,IFITM3,NR4A1,TMSB4X,RHOB,DLC1,ZFP36,DUSP1,TMSB10,A2M,TIMP3,HSPB1,CLDN5,IGFBP7 GO:0009611 response to wounding 0.0265853588285239 -3.62739463471147 431 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 10398,3315,60,7538 MYL9,HSPB1,ACTB,ZFP36 GO:2000145 regulation of cell motility 0.0267109804866987 -3.62268054393429 1122 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 9168,1843,10395,388,7114,7122,3315 TMSB10,DUSP1,DLC1,RHOB,TMSB4X,CLDN5,HSPB1 GO:0009636 response to toxic substance 0.02698833704053 -3.61235046776189 246 3 0.0625 48 18204 5243,4493,4502 ABCB1,MT1E,MT2A GO:0051094 positive regulation of developmental process 0.0271399262943677 -3.60674934033563 1385 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 3956,3726,7538,60,7122,388,3315,10974 LGALS1,JUNB,ZFP36,ACTB,CLDN5,RHOB,HSPB1,ADIRF GO:0006873 intracellular monoatomic ion homeostasis 0.0277842062938084 -3.58328753865401 437 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 4502,2512,4493,483 MT2A,FTL,MT1E,ATP1B3 GO:0050790 regulation of catalytic activity 0.0281831164960353 -3.56903218614831 1395 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 7078,7538,60,1843,2597,7114,10395,3315 TIMP3,ZFP36,ACTB,DUSP1,GAPDH,TMSB4X,DLC1,HSPB1 GO:0071495 cellular response to endogenous stimulus 0.0282211123380403 -3.567684916678 1135 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 3725,7538,3315,60,3490,3164,7122 JUN,ZFP36,HSPB1,ACTB,IGFBP7,NR4A1,CLDN5 GO:0048661 positive regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation 0.0286069268921819 -3.55410639145444 100 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4854,3725 NOTCH3,JUN GO:1990961 xenobiotic detoxification by transmembrane export across the plasma membrane 0.028632990886237 -3.55319569846717 11 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0051238 sequestering of metal ion 0.028632990886237 -3.55319569846717 11 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2512 FTL GO:0051248 negative regulation of protein metabolic process 0.0290668211699876 -3.53815792126822 893 6 0.125 48 18204 3315,23521,7078,7538,2597,1843 HSPB1,RPL13A,TIMP3,ZFP36,GAPDH,DUSP1 GO:0009607 response to biotic stimulus 0.0295811639213845 -3.52061747421855 1408 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 23521,3315,3164,10410,2597,7538,27303,3429 RPL13A,HSPB1,NR4A1,IFITM3,GAPDH,ZFP36,RBMS3,IFI27 GO:0007179 transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway 0.0307488161824025 -3.48190378360393 104 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3725,7122 JUN,CLDN5 GO:0045597 positive regulation of cell differentiation 0.0309051201107983 -3.47683340942648 906 6 0.125 48 18204 60,7538,3956,3726,10974,7122 ACTB,ZFP36,LGALS1,JUNB,ADIRF,CLDN5 GO:2000637 positive regulation of miRNA-mediated gene silencing 0.0311958236466725 -3.46747105060486 12 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1900370 positive regulation of post-transcriptional gene silencing by RNA 0.0311958236466725 -3.46747105060486 12 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0033687 osteoblast proliferation 0.0311958236466725 -3.46747105060486 12 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0061154 endothelial tube morphogenesis 0.0311958236466725 -3.46747105060486 12 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0003159 morphogenesis of an endothelium 0.0311958236466725 -3.46747105060486 12 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:1904683 regulation of metalloendopeptidase activity 0.0311958236466725 -3.46747105060486 12 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7078 TIMP3 GO:0060148 positive regulation of post-transcriptional gene silencing 0.0311958236466725 -3.46747105060486 12 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0061469 regulation of type B pancreatic cell proliferation 0.0311958236466725 -3.46747105060486 12 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0033045 regulation of sister chromatid segregation 0.0312940132193363 -3.46432847067837 105 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,1843 ACTB,DUSP1 GO:0097305 response to alcohol 0.0316951297813828 -3.45159224455861 262 3 0.0625 48 18204 7122,3490,2 CLDN5,IGFBP7,A2M GO:0022613 ribonucleoprotein complex biogenesis 0.0317932533163298 -3.44850117156894 456 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 11224,6234,6209,6232 RPL35,RPS28,RPS15,RPS27 GO:0040012 regulation of locomotion 0.03179994445921 -3.44829073576326 1164 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 3315,1843,7114,9168,7122,10395,388 HSPB1,DUSP1,TMSB4X,TMSB10,CLDN5,DLC1,RHOB GO:0043170 macromolecule metabolic process 0.0330297091326576 -3.41034784577451 5858 22 0.458333333333333 48 18204 11224,6157,2597,6233,6137,3429,10209,6158,23521,6143,6122,3164,7538,6234,1843,6141,6232,3315,6168,2034,6209,6176 RPL35,RPL27A,GAPDH,RPS27A,RPL13,IFI27,EIF1,RPL28,RPL13A,RPL19,RPL3,NR4A1,ZFP36,RPS28,DUSP1,RPL18,RPS27,HSPB1,RPL37A,EPAS1,RPS15,RPLP1 GO:0060213 positive regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA poly(A) tail shortening 0.0337520351924594 -3.3887145614829 13 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0002357 defense response to tumor cell 0.0337520351924594 -3.3887145614829 13 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 27303 RBMS3 GO:0045916 negative regulation of complement activation 0.0337520351924594 -3.3887145614829 13 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0032490 detection of molecule of bacterial origin 0.0337520351924594 -3.3887145614829 13 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0034333 adherens junction assembly 0.0337520351924594 -3.3887145614829 13 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0110053 regulation of actin filament organization 0.0338817874655208 -3.3848776518674 269 3 0.0625 48 18204 10395,9168,7114 DLC1,TMSB10,TMSB4X GO:0051100 negative regulation of binding 0.0346450980701803 -3.36259903319009 111 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,3725 ACTB,JUN GO:0042592 homeostatic process 0.0351650466062026 -3.34770268386536 1456 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 60,4502,2512,4493,23521,2034,483,7122 ACTB,MT2A,FTL,MT1E,RPL13A,EPAS1,ATP1B3,CLDN5 GO:0001824 blastocyst development 0.0352167154928061 -3.34623443713937 112 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3726,6137 JUNB,RPL13 GO:0001228 DNA-binding transcription activator activity, RNA polymerase II-specific 0.0354222641216768 -3.34041472654512 472 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 2034,3725,3726,3164 EPAS1,JUN,JUNB,NR4A1 GO:0048856 anatomical structure development 0.0356839555311917 -3.33305411611477 5207 20 0.416666666666667 48 18204 4854,3726,6137,60,10398,10395,388,3164,23521,2,3956,1843,7538,57801,3490,682,7122,8404,6209,2034 NOTCH3,JUNB,RPL13,ACTB,MYL9,DLC1,RHOB,NR4A1,RPL13A,A2M,LGALS1,DUSP1,ZFP36,HES4,IGFBP7,BSG,CLDN5,SPARCL1,RPS15,EPAS1 GO:0002438 acute inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0098840 protein transport along microtubule 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0033750 ribosome localization 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0036376 sodium ion export across plasma membrane 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:1901533 negative regulation of hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1900119 positive regulation of execution phase of apoptosis 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0046618 xenobiotic export from cell 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0075294 positive regulation by symbiont of entry into host 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0000054 ribosomal subunit export from nucleus 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:1900373 positive regulation of purine nucleotide biosynthetic process 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:1905244 regulation of modification of synaptic structure 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0046598 positive regulation of viral entry into host cell 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0099118 microtubule-based protein transport 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0043922 negative regulation by host of viral transcription 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:0030810 positive regulation of nucleotide biosynthetic process 0.0363016422678328 -3.31589229719661 14 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0007015 actin filament organization 0.0368064501813132 -3.30208217250029 278 3 0.0625 48 18204 7114,9168,388 TMSB4X,TMSB10,RHOB GO:0065008 regulation of biological quality 0.0369609958620894 -3.29789208825104 2936 13 0.270833333333333 48 18204 2597,60,388,10395,10398,7114,5243,7538,9168,3315,2034,483,7122 GAPDH,ACTB,RHOB,DLC1,MYL9,TMSB4X,ABCB1,ZFP36,TMSB10,HSPB1,EPAS1,ATP1B3,CLDN5 GO:0052548 regulation of endopeptidase activity 0.0381469854226116 -3.26630854344038 282 3 0.0625 48 18204 2597,10395,7078 GAPDH,DLC1,TIMP3 GO:0034762 regulation of transmembrane transport 0.0385424598332682 -3.25599479257164 485 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 7114,483,60,5243 TMSB4X,ATP1B3,ACTB,ABCB1 GO:0060211 regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA poly(A) tail shortening 0.0388446615753033 -3.24818462279937 15 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0044070 regulation of monoatomic anion transport 0.0388446615753033 -3.24818462279937 15 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0042415 norepinephrine metabolic process 0.0388446615753033 -3.24818462279937 15 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0030007 intracellular potassium ion homeostasis 0.0388446615753033 -3.24818462279937 15 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0045176 apical protein localization 0.0388446615753033 -3.24818462279937 15 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0048246 macrophage chemotaxis 0.0388446615753033 -3.24818462279937 15 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 23521 RPL13A GO:1900153 positive regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, deadenylation-dependent decay 0.0388446615753033 -3.24818462279937 15 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0038066 p38MAPK cascade 0.0388446615753033 -3.24818462279937 15 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:2001198 regulation of dendritic cell differentiation 0.0388446615753033 -3.24818462279937 15 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0048545 response to steroid hormone 0.0391687413569828 -3.23987626465236 285 3 0.0625 48 18204 7538,3490,2 ZFP36,IGFBP7,A2M GO:0034329 cell junction assembly 0.0391687413569828 -3.23987626465236 285 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,7122,10395 ACTB,CLDN5,DLC1 GO:0051447 negative regulation of meiotic cell cycle 0.0413811097727533 -3.18493078796314 16 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:2001169 regulation of ATP biosynthetic process 0.0413811097727533 -3.18493078796314 16 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0051895 negative regulation of focal adhesion assembly 0.0413811097727533 -3.18493078796314 16 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0047484 regulation of response to osmotic stress 0.0413811097727533 -3.18493078796314 16 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0000463 maturation of LSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) 0.0413811097727533 -3.18493078796314 16 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 11224 RPL35 GO:0150118 negative regulation of cell-substrate junction organization 0.0413811097727533 -3.18493078796314 16 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0010951 negative regulation of endopeptidase activity 0.0417426932816789 -3.1762308542188 123 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2597,7078 GAPDH,TIMP3 GO:0031348 negative regulation of defense response 0.0419616251607252 -3.17099976501425 293 3 0.0625 48 18204 7114,2,7538 TMSB4X,A2M,ZFP36 GO:0030099 myeloid cell differentiation 0.0426752765887432 -3.15413552903984 295 3 0.0625 48 18204 2034,7538,3726 EPAS1,ZFP36,JUNB GO:0007275 multicellular organism development 0.0426810194630497 -3.15400096663307 3957 16 0.333333333333333 48 18204 388,10395,3164,23521,3726,4854,6137,60,682,3490,57801,7122,6209,2034,2,1843 RHOB,DLC1,NR4A1,RPL13A,JUNB,NOTCH3,RPL13,ACTB,BSG,IGFBP7,HES4,CLDN5,RPS15,EPAS1,A2M,DUSP1 GO:0042981 regulation of apoptotic process 0.0434033779418209 -3.13721800814374 1518 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 3725,3315,3164,10395,388,7538,60,3956 JUN,HSPB1,NR4A1,DLC1,RHOB,ZFP36,ACTB,LGALS1 GO:0030154 cell differentiation 0.0439106172200899 -3.12559913802609 3645 15 0.3125 48 18204 2034,6209,79144,10974,7122,57801,7538,3956,2,3164,10398,388,60,3726,4854 EPAS1,RPS15,PPDPF,ADIRF,CLDN5,HES4,ZFP36,LGALS1,A2M,NR4A1,MYL9,RHOB,ACTB,JUNB,NOTCH3 GO:0010155 regulation of proton transport 0.0439110034788176 -3.12559034158794 17 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0098974 postsynaptic actin cytoskeleton organization 0.0439110034788176 -3.12559034158794 17 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0002921 negative regulation of humoral immune response 0.0439110034788176 -3.12559034158794 17 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:1902036 regulation of hematopoietic stem cell differentiation 0.0439110034788176 -3.12559034158794 17 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0043923 positive regulation by host of viral transcription 0.0439110034788176 -3.12559034158794 17 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:0035970 peptidyl-threonine dephosphorylation 0.0439110034788176 -3.12559034158794 17 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0048869 cellular developmental process 0.0441931384722651 -3.11918574013323 3648 15 0.3125 48 18204 60,4854,3726,3164,388,10398,7538,3956,2,2034,10974,79144,6209,7122,57801 ACTB,NOTCH3,JUNB,NR4A1,RHOB,MYL9,ZFP36,LGALS1,A2M,EPAS1,ADIRF,PPDPF,RPS15,CLDN5,HES4 GO:0007043 cell-cell junction assembly 0.0442205222125251 -3.11856629420318 127 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,60 CLDN5,ACTB GO:0007010 cytoskeleton organization 0.0443600332358352 -3.11541636727042 1251 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 9168,2597,60,10398,10395,388,7114 TMSB10,GAPDH,ACTB,MYL9,DLC1,RHOB,TMSB4X GO:0010632 regulation of epithelial cell migration 0.0444862583243904 -3.1125749391981 300 3 0.0625 48 18204 3315,388,7114 HSPB1,RHOB,TMSB4X GO:0043393 regulation of protein binding 0.0448484198307915 -3.10446692341035 128 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,60 CLDN5,ACTB GO:0035627 ceramide transport 0.0464343592700467 -3.06971559227627 18 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0043129 surfactant homeostasis 0.0464343592700467 -3.06971559227627 18 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0006878 intracellular copper ion homeostasis 0.0464343592700467 -3.06971559227627 18 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4502 MT2A GO:0043116 negative regulation of vascular permeability 0.0464343592700467 -3.06971559227627 18 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:1901550 regulation of endothelial cell development 0.0464343592700467 -3.06971559227627 18 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0035455 response to interferon-alpha 0.0464343592700467 -3.06971559227627 18 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10410 IFITM3 GO:0014819 regulation of skeletal muscle contraction 0.0464343592700467 -3.06971559227627 18 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:1903140 regulation of establishment of endothelial barrier 0.0464343592700467 -3.06971559227627 18 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:1902307 positive regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transport 0.0464343592700467 -3.06971559227627 18 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0052547 regulation of peptidase activity 0.0467098114668074 -3.06380104072531 306 3 0.0625 48 18204 2597,10395,7078 GAPDH,DLC1,TIMP3 GO:0010466 negative regulation of peptidase activity 0.0467520299587295 -3.06289760261303 131 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7078,2597 TIMP3,GAPDH GO:0045935 positive regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 0.0467583885264446 -3.06276160562301 2118 10 0.208333333333333 48 18204 3726,4854,10209,60,7538,7114,3164,3725,2034,10974 JUNB,NOTCH3,EIF1,ACTB,ZFP36,TMSB4X,NR4A1,JUN,EPAS1,ADIRF GO:0051983 regulation of chromosome segregation 0.0473931356316488 -3.04927787866594 132 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 1843,60 DUSP1,ACTB GO:0061061 muscle structure development 0.0479903572780099 -3.03675517829681 521 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 2034,3956,3164,10398 EPAS1,LGALS1,NR4A1,MYL9 GO:0030833 regulation of actin filament polymerization 0.0486850750649966 -3.022382762702 134 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,9168 TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0150105 protein localization to cell-cell junction 0.0489511936919776 -3.01693152435857 19 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0061158 3'-UTR-mediated mRNA destabilization 0.0489511936919776 -3.01693152435857 19 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0001829 trophectodermal cell differentiation 0.0489511936919776 -3.01693152435857 19 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:1900242 regulation of synaptic vesicle endocytosis 0.0489511936919776 -3.01693152435857 19 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:2000434 regulation of protein neddylation 0.0489511936919776 -3.01693152435857 19 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0034614 cellular response to reactive oxygen species 0.0499898471097424 -2.99593535197817 136 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3725,388 JUN,RHOB GO:0097529 myeloid leukocyte migration 0.0506469938557086 -2.98287540136749 137 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 682,23521 BSG,RPL13A GO:0043067 regulation of programmed cell death 0.0510892506067272 -2.97418116384787 1569 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 3725,3315,10395,388,3164,7538,60,3956 JUN,HSPB1,DLC1,RHOB,NR4A1,ZFP36,ACTB,LGALS1 GO:0034330 cell junction organization 0.0511140503267241 -2.97369586209622 532 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 10395,7122,8404,60 DLC1,CLDN5,SPARCL1,ACTB GO:0070935 3'-UTR-mediated mRNA stabilization 0.0514615232321574 -2.96692087225264 20 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0060716 labyrinthine layer blood vessel development 0.0514615232321574 -2.96692087225264 20 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0099188 postsynaptic cytoskeleton organization 0.0514615232321574 -2.96692087225264 20 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:1905048 regulation of metallopeptidase activity 0.0514615232321574 -2.96692087225264 20 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7078 TIMP3 GO:1901018 positive regulation of potassium ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.0514615232321574 -2.96692087225264 20 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0000289 nuclear-transcribed mRNA poly(A) tail shortening 0.0514615232321574 -2.96692087225264 20 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1904064 positive regulation of cation transmembrane transport 0.0519707065113231 -2.95707505545494 139 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,483 TMSB4X,ATP1B3 GO:0042060 wound healing 0.0525064132539934 -2.94681995962622 321 3 0.0625 48 18204 10398,3315,60 MYL9,HSPB1,ACTB GO:0001649 osteoblast differentiation 0.0533068426086691 -2.93169057690072 141 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 6209,3726 RPS15,JUNB GO:0050921 positive regulation of chemotaxis 0.0533068426086691 -2.93169057690072 141 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3315,7114 HSPB1,TMSB4X GO:0016338 calcium-independent cell-cell adhesion via plasma membrane cell-adhesion molecules 0.0539653643517015 -2.91941283909783 21 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0055070 copper ion homeostasis 0.0539653643517015 -2.91941283909783 21 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4502 MT2A GO:0060218 hematopoietic stem cell differentiation 0.0539653643517015 -2.91941283909783 21 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0002042 cell migration involved in sprouting angiogenesis 0.0539653643517015 -2.91941283909783 21 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0006915 apoptotic process 0.0540120746373428 -2.91854765301836 1038 6 0.125 48 18204 3429,3956,2597,3164,388,10395 IFI27,LGALS1,GAPDH,NR4A1,RHOB,DLC1 GO:1903900 regulation of viral life cycle 0.0546552407672637 -2.90671017202669 143 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3956,10410 LGALS1,IFITM3 GO:0009790 embryo development 0.0552615744089791 -2.89567746895934 1044 6 0.125 48 18204 2034,10395,1843,6137,3726,2 EPAS1,DLC1,DUSP1,RPL13,JUNB,A2M GO:1902105 regulation of leukocyte differentiation 0.0557348763648177 -2.88714918141128 329 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,3726,3956 ACTB,JUNB,LGALS1 GO:0072012 glomerulus vasculature development 0.0564627334604253 -2.87417444322271 22 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0002347 response to tumor cell 0.0564627334604253 -2.87417444322271 22 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 27303 RBMS3 GO:0006883 intracellular sodium ion homeostasis 0.0564627334604253 -2.87417444322271 22 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0090266 regulation of mitotic cell cycle spindle assembly checkpoint 0.0564627334604253 -2.87417444322271 22 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:1903504 regulation of mitotic spindle checkpoint 0.0564627334604253 -2.87417444322271 22 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:1905517 macrophage migration 0.0564627334604253 -2.87417444322271 22 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 23521 RPL13A GO:0045947 negative regulation of translational initiation 0.0564627334604253 -2.87417444322271 22 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 23521 RPL13A GO:0008135 translation factor activity, RNA binding 0.0564627334604253 -2.87417444322271 22 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10209 EIF1 GO:0035024 negative regulation of Rho protein signal transduction 0.0564627334604253 -2.87417444322271 22 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0032496 response to lipopolysaccharide 0.0573843329916295 -2.85798395730942 333 3 0.0625 48 18204 3164,7538,23521 NR4A1,ZFP36,RPL13A GO:0045598 regulation of fat cell differentiation 0.0573881841805707 -2.85791684735945 147 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,10974 ZFP36,ADIRF GO:0030595 leukocyte chemotaxis 0.0573881841805707 -2.85791684735945 147 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 23521,682 RPL13A,BSG GO:0046597 negative regulation of viral entry into host cell 0.0589536469336574 -2.83100378904959 23 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10410 IFITM3 GO:0090231 regulation of spindle checkpoint 0.0589536469336574 -2.83100378904959 23 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0030449 regulation of complement activation 0.0589536469336574 -2.83100378904959 23 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0002689 negative regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis 0.0589536469336574 -2.83100378904959 23 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:2000319 regulation of T-helper 17 cell differentiation 0.0589536469336574 -2.83100378904959 23 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0051254 positive regulation of RNA metabolic process 0.0596903479228023 -2.81858494798958 1912 9 0.1875 48 18204 10209,4854,3726,7538,60,3164,10974,3725,2034 EIF1,NOTCH3,JUNB,ZFP36,ACTB,NR4A1,ADIRF,JUN,EPAS1 GO:0009893 positive regulation of metabolic process 0.0598547010859616 -2.81583530226067 3796 15 0.3125 48 18204 7122,10974,3315,2034,7538,10395,7114,3164,3725,10209,3726,4854,27303,2597,60 CLDN5,ADIRF,HSPB1,EPAS1,ZFP36,DLC1,TMSB4X,NR4A1,JUN,EIF1,JUNB,NOTCH3,RBMS3,GAPDH,ACTB GO:0010639 negative regulation of organelle organization 0.0603267891477118 -2.80797900943241 340 3 0.0625 48 18204 9168,7114,10395 TMSB10,TMSB4X,DLC1 GO:0051246 regulation of protein metabolic process 0.0607299563192249 -2.80131818833481 2218 10 0.208333333333333 48 18204 10209,7078,2597,1843,7538,60,10395,3315,23521,2034 EIF1,TIMP3,GAPDH,DUSP1,ZFP36,ACTB,DLC1,HSPB1,RPL13A,EPAS1 GO:0008064 regulation of actin polymerization or depolymerization 0.0608705130188511 -2.79900640840518 152 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,9168 TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0032956 regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization 0.0611804607567938 -2.79392740912079 342 3 0.0625 48 18204 10395,9168,7114 DLC1,TMSB10,TMSB4X GO:0061437 renal system vasculature development 0.0614381211099681 -2.78972477150277 24 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0099560 synaptic membrane adhesion 0.0614381211099681 -2.78972477150277 24 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 8404 SPARCL1 GO:0061440 kidney vasculature development 0.0614381211099681 -2.78972477150277 24 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0000470 maturation of LSU-rRNA 0.0614381211099681 -2.78972477150277 24 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 11224 RPL35 GO:1903902 positive regulation of viral life cycle 0.0614381211099681 -2.78972477150277 24 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:2000810 regulation of bicellular tight junction assembly 0.0614381211099681 -2.78972477150277 24 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0010604 positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 0.0618127530299691 -2.78364557609949 3485 14 0.291666666666667 48 18204 10395,3164,3725,3726,4854,10209,27303,2597,60,7122,10974,2034,3315,7538 DLC1,NR4A1,JUN,JUNB,NOTCH3,EIF1,RBMS3,GAPDH,ACTB,CLDN5,ADIRF,EPAS1,HSPB1,ZFP36 GO:0048513 animal organ development 0.0620521870115471 -2.77977952199701 2846 12 0.25 48 18204 60,3726,4854,6137,23521,10395,3164,2,6209,2034,682,7122 ACTB,JUNB,NOTCH3,RPL13,RPL13A,DLC1,NR4A1,A2M,RPS15,EPAS1,BSG,CLDN5 GO:0006935 chemotaxis 0.0624716980618404 -2.77304165580926 345 3 0.0625 48 18204 23521,3164,682 RPL13A,NR4A1,BSG GO:0030832 regulation of actin filament length 0.0629942571870126 -2.76471171250725 155 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,9168 TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0034765 regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 0.0633396451130286 -2.75924384077606 347 3 0.0625 48 18204 5243,483,7114 ABCB1,ATP1B3,TMSB4X GO:0042330 taxis 0.0633396451130286 -2.75924384077606 347 3 0.0625 48 18204 3164,682,23521 NR4A1,BSG,RPL13A GO:0034695 response to prostaglandin E 0.0639161722721909 -2.75018286241808 25 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0042026 protein refolding 0.0639161722721909 -2.75018286241808 25 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0042910 xenobiotic transmembrane transporter activity 0.0639161722721909 -2.75018286241808 25 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0060586 multicellular organismal-level iron ion homeostasis 0.0639161722721909 -2.75018286241808 25 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0060964 regulation of miRNA-mediated gene silencing 0.0639161722721909 -2.75018286241808 25 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0071356 cellular response to tumor necrosis factor 0.0644240784563958 -2.74226782667646 157 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,7538 TMSB4X,ZFP36 GO:0012501 programmed cell death 0.0647373513133295 -2.73741694399739 1087 6 0.125 48 18204 2597,3956,3429,3164,388,10395 GAPDH,LGALS1,IFI27,NR4A1,RHOB,DLC1 GO:0051707 response to other organism 0.0648134244294436 -2.73624252995901 1363 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 3164,10410,23521,3315,3429,2597,7538 NR4A1,IFITM3,RPL13A,HSPB1,IFI27,GAPDH,ZFP36 GO:0043535 regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration 0.0651431297886666 -2.73116843317949 158 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3315,7114 HSPB1,TMSB4X GO:0043207 response to external biotic stimulus 0.0654301637684752 -2.72677190714664 1366 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 23521,3315,3164,10410,7538,2597,3429 RPL13A,HSPB1,NR4A1,IFITM3,ZFP36,GAPDH,IFI27 GO:0008219 cell death 0.065665491415649 -2.72318173629604 1091 6 0.125 48 18204 10395,388,3164,3429,3956,2597 DLC1,RHOB,NR4A1,IFI27,LGALS1,GAPDH GO:0055082 intracellular chemical homeostasis 0.0663656538021103 -2.71257561834231 581 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 4502,2512,4493,483 MT2A,FTL,MT1E,ATP1B3 GO:0051873 killing by host of symbiont cells 0.0663878166860476 -2.71224172297879 26 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0098581 detection of external biotic stimulus 0.0663878166860476 -2.71224172297879 26 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:2000737 negative regulation of stem cell differentiation 0.0663878166860476 -2.71224172297879 26 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1900151 regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, deadenylation-dependent decay 0.0663878166860476 -2.71224172297879 26 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1900368 regulation of post-transcriptional gene silencing by regulatory ncRNA 0.0663878166860476 -2.71224172297879 26 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0086009 membrane repolarization 0.0663878166860476 -2.71224172297879 26 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:1903421 regulation of synaptic vesicle recycling 0.0663878166860476 -2.71224172297879 26 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0002237 response to molecule of bacterial origin 0.0664219872943989 -2.71172714336071 354 3 0.0625 48 18204 7538,23521,3164 ZFP36,RPL13A,NR4A1 GO:0045765 regulation of angiogenesis 0.0668679393392655 -2.70503565931352 355 3 0.0625 48 18204 3315,7122,388 HSPB1,CLDN5,RHOB GO:0050878 regulation of body fluid levels 0.0673152873446873 -2.69836791590244 356 3 0.0625 48 18204 10398,60,3315 MYL9,ACTB,HSPB1 GO:0048731 system development 0.0680249529182806 -2.68788068643684 3533 14 0.291666666666667 48 18204 2,6209,2034,57801,682,7122,60,4854,3726,6137,23521,10395,388,3164 A2M,RPS15,EPAS1,HES4,BSG,CLDN5,ACTB,NOTCH3,JUNB,RPL13,RPL13A,DLC1,RHOB,NR4A1 GO:0051043 regulation of membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis 0.0688530705530086 -2.67578045708212 27 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7078 TIMP3 GO:0060147 regulation of post-transcriptional gene silencing 0.0688530705530086 -2.67578045708212 27 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0002070 epithelial cell maturation 0.0688530705530086 -2.67578045708212 27 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0044827 modulation by host of viral genome replication 0.0688530705530086 -2.67578045708212 27 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0002313 mature B cell differentiation involved in immune response 0.0688530705530086 -2.67578045708212 27 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0060284 regulation of cell development 0.0689402604400004 -2.67451494012277 839 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 60,7538,7122,3956,3726 ACTB,ZFP36,CLDN5,LGALS1,JUNB GO:0014070 response to organic cyclic compound 0.0700604851887095 -2.6583963359055 843 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 682,2,3490,7538,60 BSG,A2M,IGFBP7,ZFP36,ACTB GO:0071560 cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus 0.0702520367125736 -2.65566597883875 165 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3725,7122 JUN,CLDN5 GO:0097435 supramolecular fiber organization 0.0704297423588579 -2.65313962834797 593 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 7114,9168,10398,388 TMSB4X,TMSB10,MYL9,RHOB GO:1901342 regulation of vasculature development 0.0709439828614757 -2.64586468712647 364 3 0.0625 48 18204 7122,388,3315 CLDN5,RHOB,HSPB1 GO:0032703 negative regulation of interleukin-2 production 0.0713119500466184 -2.64069136326872 28 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1903901 negative regulation of viral life cycle 0.0713119500466184 -2.64069136326872 28 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10410 IFITM3 GO:1900371 regulation of purine nucleotide biosynthetic process 0.0713119500466184 -2.64069136326872 28 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:2000819 regulation of nucleotide-excision repair 0.0713119500466184 -2.64069136326872 28 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0030808 regulation of nucleotide biosynthetic process 0.0713119500466184 -2.64069136326872 28 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0060966 regulation of gene silencing by regulatory ncRNA 0.0713119500466184 -2.64069136326872 28 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0090025 regulation of monocyte chemotaxis 0.0713119500466184 -2.64069136326872 28 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0006979 response to oxidative stress 0.0714037653172346 -2.63940467549157 365 3 0.0625 48 18204 388,2034,3725 RHOB,EPAS1,JUN GO:0032101 regulation of response to external stimulus 0.071646897117977 -2.63600543174511 1116 6 0.125 48 18204 3315,7114,7538,1843,3956,2 HSPB1,TMSB4X,ZFP36,DUSP1,LGALS1,A2M GO:0040011 locomotion 0.0723274283138961 -2.62655185365562 367 3 0.0625 48 18204 682,3164,23521 BSG,NR4A1,RPL13A GO:1902532 negative regulation of intracellular signal transduction 0.0725096067340577 -2.62403621922308 599 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 7114,10395,3315,1843 TMSB4X,DLC1,HSPB1,DUSP1 GO:0051726 regulation of cell cycle 0.0726328170814878 -2.62233843336851 1120 6 0.125 48 18204 3725,60,1843,3164,3726,388 JUN,ACTB,DUSP1,NR4A1,JUNB,RHOB GO:0006937 regulation of muscle contraction 0.073229148478962 -2.61416173401224 169 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3164,10398 NR4A1,MYL9 GO:0048041 focal adhesion assembly 0.0737644713077243 -2.60687808188937 29 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0060395 SMAD protein signal transduction 0.0737644713077243 -2.60687808188937 29 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:0006469 negative regulation of protein kinase activity 0.0739798054313074 -2.60396312259876 170 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 1843,3315 DUSP1,HSPB1 GO:0044237 cellular metabolic process 0.0742449800344678 -2.60038511254831 5975 21 0.4375 48 18204 2034,3315,6168,6209,6176,5243,6234,1843,6141,6232,23521,6143,3164,6122,11224,6233,2597,6157,6137,10209,6158 EPAS1,HSPB1,RPL37A,RPS15,RPLP1,ABCB1,RPS28,DUSP1,RPL18,RPS27,RPL13A,RPL19,NR4A1,RPL3,RPL35,RPS27A,GAPDH,RPL27A,RPL13,EIF1,RPL28 GO:0030856 regulation of epithelial cell differentiation 0.0747329780850809 -2.59383381056834 171 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,7538 CLDN5,ZFP36 GO:0071559 response to transforming growth factor beta 0.0754886486077947 -2.58377298359642 172 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,3725 CLDN5,JUN GO:0033993 response to lipid 0.0755212743329904 -2.58334088317457 862 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 3490,2,3164,7538,23521 IGFBP7,A2M,NR4A1,ZFP36,RPL13A GO:0043392 negative regulation of DNA binding 0.0762106504232486 -2.57425405672239 30 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:1901798 positive regulation of signal transduction by p53 class mediator 0.0762106504232486 -2.57425405672239 30 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0048660 regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation 0.0762467992584525 -2.573779841314 173 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3725,4854 JUN,NOTCH3 GO:0010765 positive regulation of sodium ion transport 0.0786505034394568 -2.54274124848808 31 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0071353 cellular response to interleukin-4 0.0786505034394568 -2.54274124848808 31 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6122 RPL3 GO:0060674 placenta blood vessel development 0.0786505034394568 -2.54274124848808 31 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0097421 liver regeneration 0.0786505034394568 -2.54274124848808 31 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0045786 negative regulation of cell cycle 0.0789441553720621 -2.53901457050703 381 3 0.0625 48 18204 388,3164,1843 RHOB,NR4A1,DUSP1 GO:0141091 transforming growth factor beta receptor superfamily signaling pathway 0.079303850565081 -2.53446859458348 177 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,3725 CLDN5,JUN GO:0006952 defense response 0.0796912312685843 -2.52959572096296 1431 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 27303,3429,2,2597,3164,10410,23521 RBMS3,IFI27,A2M,GAPDH,NR4A1,IFITM3,RPL13A GO:0009615 response to virus 0.079910691854322 -2.52684561971406 383 3 0.0625 48 18204 10410,3429,3315 IFITM3,IFI27,HSPB1 GO:0032970 regulation of actin filament-based process 0.0803959295383991 -2.52079173171069 384 3 0.0625 48 18204 7114,9168,10395 TMSB4X,TMSB10,DLC1 GO:0050863 regulation of T cell activation 0.0803959295383991 -2.52079173171069 384 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,3726,3956 ACTB,JUNB,LGALS1 GO:0019221 cytokine-mediated signaling pathway 0.0803959295383991 -2.52079173171069 384 3 0.0625 48 18204 10410,3429,7114 IFITM3,IFI27,TMSB4X GO:0070633 transepithelial transport 0.0810840463818987 -2.51226905260144 32 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0018198 peptidyl-cysteine modification 0.0810840463818987 -2.51226905260144 32 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0051497 negative regulation of stress fiber assembly 0.0810840463818987 -2.51226905260144 32 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:1901889 negative regulation of cell junction assembly 0.0810840463818987 -2.51226905260144 32 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0035335 peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation 0.0810840463818987 -2.51226905260144 32 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:1903580 positive regulation of ATP metabolic process 0.0810840463818987 -2.51226905260144 32 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0060325 face morphogenesis 0.0810840463818987 -2.51226905260144 32 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0070269 pyroptosis 0.0810840463818987 -2.51226905260144 32 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:1902903 regulation of supramolecular fiber organization 0.0823499359767009 -2.49677759981233 388 3 0.0625 48 18204 10395,9168,7114 DLC1,TMSB10,TMSB4X GO:0045216 cell-cell junction organization 0.0823991824649631 -2.49617976365764 181 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,60 CLDN5,ACTB GO:0033673 negative regulation of kinase activity 0.0823991824649631 -2.49617976365764 181 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 1843,3315 DUSP1,HSPB1 GO:0000302 response to reactive oxygen species 0.0823991824649631 -2.49617976365764 181 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 388,3725 RHOB,JUN GO:0048863 stem cell differentiation 0.0831788672839581 -2.48676196240907 182 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,2 ZFP36,A2M GO:0035456 response to interferon-beta 0.0835112952086225 -2.4827733843142 33 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10410 IFITM3 GO:0043534 blood vessel endothelial cell migration 0.0835112952086225 -2.4827733843142 33 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:2000316 regulation of T-helper 17 type immune response 0.0835112952086225 -2.4827733843142 33 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:1900117 regulation of execution phase of apoptosis 0.0835112952086225 -2.4827733843142 33 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0002335 mature B cell differentiation 0.0835112952086225 -2.4827733843142 33 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0034694 response to prostaglandin 0.0835112952086225 -2.4827733843142 33 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0034612 response to tumor necrosis factor 0.08396085866529 -2.47740455700613 183 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,7538 TMSB4X,ZFP36 GO:0045580 regulation of T cell differentiation 0.0855316933106758 -2.45886828972881 185 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3726,60 JUNB,ACTB GO:0001701 in utero embryonic development 0.0858192184312921 -2.45551230652977 395 3 0.0625 48 18204 3726,6137,2034 JUNB,RPL13,EPAS1 GO:0046825 regulation of protein export from nucleus 0.0859322658685324 -2.45419589923319 34 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:1902176 negative regulation of oxidative stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 0.0859322658685324 -2.45419589923319 34 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0048010 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signaling pathway 0.0859322658685324 -2.45419589923319 34 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0070670 response to interleukin-4 0.0859322658685324 -2.45419589923319 34 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6122 RPL3 GO:2000765 regulation of cytoplasmic translation 0.0859322658685324 -2.45419589923319 34 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 23521 RPL13A GO:0055075 potassium ion homeostasis 0.0859322658685324 -2.45419589923319 34 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0045766 positive regulation of angiogenesis 0.0863205028560841 -2.44968813256169 186 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 388,3315 RHOB,HSPB1 GO:0048522 positive regulation of cellular process 0.0864926656946576 -2.44769565829629 5719 20 0.416666666666667 48 18204 10974,6209,3315,2034,7122,483,7538,5243,3956,3725,388,10395,3164,7114,2597,60,10209,3726,4854,27303 ADIRF,RPS15,HSPB1,EPAS1,CLDN5,ATP1B3,ZFP36,ABCB1,LGALS1,JUN,RHOB,DLC1,NR4A1,TMSB4X,GAPDH,ACTB,EIF1,JUNB,NOTCH3,RBMS3 GO:0009888 tissue development 0.0869442621136572 -2.44248803100156 1757 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 3726,1843,60,10395,388,682,3164,2034 JUNB,DUSP1,ACTB,DLC1,RHOB,BSG,NR4A1,EPAS1 GO:0032232 negative regulation of actin filament bundle assembly 0.0883469742473279 -2.42648332814496 35 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0032680 regulation of tumor necrosis factor production 0.0887002995244872 -2.42249201284607 189 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3315,7538 HSPB1,ZFP36 GO:0030324 lung development 0.0887002995244872 -2.42249201284607 189 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 23521,2034 RPL13A,EPAS1 GO:1904018 positive regulation of vasculature development 0.0887002995244872 -2.42249201284607 189 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 388,3315 RHOB,HSPB1 GO:0051338 regulation of transferase activity 0.089493776482903 -2.41358619262298 645 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 1843,7538,60,3315 DUSP1,ZFP36,ACTB,HSPB1 GO:0007178 cell surface receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway 0.0902978046457689 -2.40464213064024 191 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,3725 CLDN5,JUN GO:0071676 negative regulation of mononuclear cell migration 0.0907554362041136 -2.39958690455566 36 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0001975 response to amphetamine 0.0907554362041136 -2.39958690455566 36 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0048026 positive regulation of mRNA splicing, via spliceosome 0.0907554362041136 -2.39958690455566 36 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10209 EIF1 GO:0048878 chemical homeostasis 0.0916351097161618 -2.38994078689581 914 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 2034,2512,4502,483,4493 EPAS1,FTL,MT2A,ATP1B3,MT1E GO:0043009 chordate embryonic development 0.0918417752382327 -2.38768801691311 651 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 6137,3726,10395,2034 RPL13,JUNB,DLC1,EPAS1 GO:1903708 positive regulation of hemopoiesis 0.0919039353177306 -2.38701142879923 193 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,3956 ACTB,LGALS1 GO:1902107 positive regulation of leukocyte differentiation 0.0919039353177306 -2.38701142879923 193 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3956,60 LGALS1,ACTB GO:0030323 respiratory tube development 0.0919039353177306 -2.38701142879923 193 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2034,23521 EPAS1,RPL13A GO:2000026 regulation of multicellular organismal development 0.0925942845127529 -2.37952786155939 1484 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 3315,388,7122,60,7538,3726,3956 HSPB1,RHOB,CLDN5,ACTB,ZFP36,JUNB,LGALS1 GO:1900544 positive regulation of purine nucleotide metabolic process 0.0931576675473712 -2.37346187134071 37 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:1901381 positive regulation of potassium ion transmembrane transport 0.0931576675473712 -2.37346187134071 37 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0009595 detection of biotic stimulus 0.0931576675473712 -2.37346187134071 37 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0045981 positive regulation of nucleotide metabolic process 0.0931576675473712 -2.37346187134071 37 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:1903555 regulation of tumor necrosis factor superfamily cytokine production 0.0935185610607144 -2.36959534837046 195 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,3315 ZFP36,HSPB1 GO:0072659 protein localization to plasma membrane 0.0951415524796956 -2.35238947026695 197 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 682,483 BSG,ATP1B3 GO:0070316 regulation of G0 to G1 transition 0.0955536840595547 -2.34806705268586 38 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0060323 head morphogenesis 0.0955536840595547 -2.34806705268586 38 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0010628 positive regulation of gene expression 0.0974984826985933 -2.32791846316514 1212 6 0.125 48 18204 7122,3315,10209,27303,2597,7538 CLDN5,HSPB1,EIF1,RBMS3,GAPDH,ZFP36 GO:0055078 sodium ion homeostasis 0.0979435014721592 -2.32336448215079 39 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0001974 blood vessel remodeling 0.0979435014721592 -2.32336448215079 39 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0006953 acute-phase response 0.0979435014721592 -2.32336448215079 39 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0050685 positive regulation of mRNA processing 0.0979435014721592 -2.32336448215079 39 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10209 EIF1 GO:0045616 regulation of keratinocyte differentiation 0.0979435014721592 -2.32336448215079 39 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0043254 regulation of protein-containing complex assembly 0.0981805575436286 -2.32094707157809 419 3 0.0625 48 18204 23521,7114,9168 RPL13A,TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0050728 negative regulation of inflammatory response 0.0984121201195374 -2.31859131056245 201 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,7114 ZFP36,TMSB4X GO:0051346 negative regulation of hydrolase activity 0.0984121201195374 -2.31859131056245 201 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2597,7078 GAPDH,TIMP3 GO:0032271 regulation of protein polymerization 0.0992347913656384 -2.31026660676731 202 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 9168,7114 TMSB10,TMSB4X GO:0009792 embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching 0.100293641426924 -2.29965298156796 672 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 2034,6137,10395,3726 EPAS1,RPL13,DLC1,JUNB GO:0032781 positive regulation of ATP-dependent activity 0.100327135489681 -2.29931907733747 40 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0001953 negative regulation of cell-matrix adhesion 0.100327135489681 -2.29931907733747 40 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0032501 multicellular organismal process 0.100710124960037 -2.29550893853209 6177 21 0.4375 48 18204 5243,1843,3956,2,7078,2034,3315,6209,7122,3490,57801,682,60,6137,4854,3726,23521,3164,10398,10395,388 ABCB1,DUSP1,LGALS1,A2M,TIMP3,EPAS1,HSPB1,RPS15,CLDN5,IGFBP7,HES4,BSG,ACTB,RPL13,NOTCH3,JUNB,RPL13A,NR4A1,MYL9,DLC1,RHOB GO:0007044 cell-substrate junction assembly 0.102704601769653 -2.2758983551678 41 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:1901532 regulation of hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation 0.102704601769653 -2.2758983551678 41 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0002437 inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus 0.102704601769653 -2.2758983551678 41 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0050727 regulation of inflammatory response 0.102995670538701 -2.27306832524078 428 3 0.0625 48 18204 7538,7114,3956 ZFP36,TMSB4X,LGALS1 GO:0045944 positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 0.104972052510477 -2.25406113082011 1237 6 0.125 48 18204 2034,3725,10974,3164,3726,4854 EPAS1,JUN,ADIRF,NR4A1,JUNB,NOTCH3 GO:0043123 positive regulation of canonical NF-kappaB signal transduction 0.105048068481659 -2.25333723851738 209 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2597,3956 GAPDH,LGALS1 GO:0000288 nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, deadenylation-dependent decay 0.105075915933232 -2.2530721811817 42 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0051239 regulation of multicellular organismal process 0.106508332042866 -2.23953206174859 3113 12 0.25 48 18204 7122,2034,3315,3956,7538,7114,3164,10398,388,3726,60,2597 CLDN5,EPAS1,HSPB1,LGALS1,ZFP36,TMSB4X,NR4A1,MYL9,RHOB,JUNB,ACTB,GAPDH GO:0030097 hemopoiesis 0.106972346400093 -2.23518492278181 688 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3726,3956,7538,2034 JUNB,LGALS1,ZFP36,EPAS1 GO:0019725 cellular homeostasis 0.107396501024115 -2.23122767635693 689 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 4502,2512,483,4493 MT2A,FTL,ATP1B3,MT1E GO:0045663 positive regulation of myoblast differentiation 0.107441093551517 -2.23081254856582 43 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0021762 substantia nigra development 0.107441093551517 -2.23081254856582 43 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0150115 cell-substrate junction organization 0.107441093551517 -2.23081254856582 43 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:1905168 positive regulation of double-strand break repair via homologous recombination 0.107441093551517 -2.23081254856582 43 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0071364 cellular response to epidermal growth factor stimulus 0.107441093551517 -2.23081254856582 43 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0050821 protein stabilization 0.1092568906597 -2.21405337459542 214 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 483,2597 ATP1B3,GAPDH GO:0045622 regulation of T-helper cell differentiation 0.109800150189615 -2.20909338206051 44 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0051602 response to electrical stimulus 0.109800150189615 -2.20909338206051 44 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0031295 T cell costimulation 0.109800150189615 -2.20909338206051 44 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:1990573 potassium ion import across plasma membrane 0.109800150189615 -2.20909338206051 44 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0035307 positive regulation of protein dephosphorylation 0.109800150189615 -2.20909338206051 44 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0060541 respiratory system development 0.110953104951511 -2.19864764485305 216 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2034,23521 EPAS1,RPL13A GO:0045619 regulation of lymphocyte differentiation 0.110953104951511 -2.19864764485305 216 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3726,60 JUNB,ACTB GO:0007601 visual perception 0.111803870922552 -2.1910090952241 217 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2034,7078 EPAS1,TIMP3 GO:1901888 regulation of cell junction assembly 0.111803870922552 -2.1910090952241 217 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,10395 CLDN5,DLC1 GO:0043268 positive regulation of potassium ion transport 0.112153101337348 -2.18789036492214 45 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:1901976 regulation of cell cycle checkpoint 0.112153101337348 -2.18789036492214 45 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0031294 lymphocyte costimulation 0.112153101337348 -2.18789036492214 45 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0001825 blastocyst formation 0.112153101337348 -2.18789036492214 45 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:1901654 response to ketone 0.112656389794488 -2.18341289116938 218 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2,3490 A2M,IGFBP7 GO:0006096 glycolytic process 0.114499962459752 -2.16718078385032 46 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0042789 mRNA transcription by RNA polymerase II 0.114499962459752 -2.16718078385032 46 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0009712 catechol-containing compound metabolic process 0.114499962459752 -2.16718078385032 46 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0006584 catecholamine metabolic process 0.114499962459752 -2.16718078385032 46 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0010171 body morphogenesis 0.114499962459752 -2.16718078385032 46 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0060249 anatomical structure homeostasis 0.115224317651227 -2.1608744622744 221 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,60 CLDN5,ACTB GO:0001894 tissue homeostasis 0.115224317651227 -2.1608744622744 221 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,60 CLDN5,ACTB GO:0050953 sensory perception of light stimulus 0.115224317651227 -2.1608744622744 221 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2034,7078 EPAS1,TIMP3 GO:0051129 negative regulation of cellular component organization 0.116042615808542 -2.15379777768257 709 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 23521,9168,7114,10395 RPL13A,TMSB10,TMSB4X,DLC1 GO:0045646 regulation of erythrocyte differentiation 0.116840748992174 -2.14694339107426 47 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0045601 regulation of endothelial cell differentiation 0.116840748992174 -2.14694339107426 47 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0022602 ovulation cycle process 0.116840748992174 -2.14694339107426 47 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0070849 response to epidermal growth factor 0.116840748992174 -2.14694339107426 47 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1900744 regulation of p38MAPK cascade 0.116840748992174 -2.14694339107426 47 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0008089 anterograde axonal transport 0.116840748992174 -2.14694339107426 47 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0060711 labyrinthine layer development 0.116840748992174 -2.14694339107426 47 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:1902175 regulation of oxidative stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 0.116840748992174 -2.14694339107426 47 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0043407 negative regulation of MAP kinase activity 0.116840748992174 -2.14694339107426 47 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0021575 hindbrain morphogenesis 0.116840748992174 -2.14694339107426 47 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0048568 embryonic organ development 0.117425170037307 -2.14195399901983 454 3 0.0625 48 18204 2034,2,3726 EPAS1,A2M,JUNB GO:0009605 response to external stimulus 0.117528958722461 -2.14107051855108 1882 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 23521,3315,682,3164,10410,2597,7538,3429 RPL13A,HSPB1,BSG,NR4A1,IFITM3,GAPDH,ZFP36,IFI27 GO:0031329 regulation of cellular catabolic process 0.117994977718696 -2.13711321712822 455 3 0.0625 48 18204 7078,3315,2597 TIMP3,HSPB1,GAPDH GO:0008284 positive regulation of cell population proliferation 0.118914361039163 -2.12935170007976 992 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 60,3725,4854,7122,3164 ACTB,JUN,NOTCH3,CLDN5,NR4A1 GO:0046032 ADP catabolic process 0.119175476319991 -2.1271582810879 48 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:1902459 positive regulation of stem cell population maintenance 0.119175476319991 -2.1271582810879 48 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0042908 xenobiotic transport 0.119175476319991 -2.1271582810879 48 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0010837 regulation of keratinocyte proliferation 0.119175476319991 -2.1271582810879 48 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0002920 regulation of humoral immune response 0.119175476319991 -2.1271582810879 48 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0010720 positive regulation of cell development 0.119710774233164 -2.12267666016677 458 3 0.0625 48 18204 7122,3956,60 CLDN5,LGALS1,ACTB GO:0045926 negative regulation of growth 0.120405543332533 -2.11688970619939 227 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4502,4493 MT2A,MT1E GO:0002009 morphogenesis of an epithelium 0.120859913448468 -2.11312314417948 460 3 0.0625 48 18204 388,10395,60 RHOB,DLC1,ACTB GO:0034599 cellular response to oxidative stress 0.121274795609563 -2.10969627019911 228 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3725,388 JUN,RHOB GO:2001259 positive regulation of cation channel activity 0.121504159790826 -2.10780677982607 49 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0060425 lung morphogenesis 0.121504159790826 -2.10780677982607 49 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 23521 RPL13A GO:0043114 regulation of vascular permeability 0.121504159790826 -2.10780677982607 49 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0000086 G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle 0.121504159790826 -2.10780677982607 49 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0045861 negative regulation of proteolysis 0.123018071529073 -2.09542401140126 230 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7078,2597 TIMP3,GAPDH GO:0001775 cell activation 0.12317822263725 -2.0941230078154 725 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3315,60,10398,3956 HSPB1,ACTB,MYL9,LGALS1 GO:0006357 regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 0.123312895655215 -2.09303028664721 2539 10 0.208333333333333 48 18204 3726,4854,3429,7538,60,57801,3164,10974,2034,3725 JUNB,NOTCH3,IFI27,ZFP36,ACTB,HES4,NR4A1,ADIRF,EPAS1,JUN GO:0050793 regulation of developmental process 0.12355120792564 -2.09109956977912 2540 10 0.208333333333333 48 18204 7122,10395,388,3315,10974,3956,4854,3726,60,7538 CLDN5,DLC1,RHOB,HSPB1,ADIRF,LGALS1,NOTCH3,JUNB,ACTB,ZFP36 GO:0003743 translation initiation factor activity 0.123826814718435 -2.08887134510596 50 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10209 EIF1 GO:0044788 modulation by host of viral process 0.123826814718435 -2.08887134510596 50 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0070830 bicellular tight junction assembly 0.123826814718435 -2.08887134510596 50 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0009299 mRNA transcription 0.123826814718435 -2.08887134510596 50 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0033120 positive regulation of RNA splicing 0.123826814718435 -2.08887134510596 50 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10209 EIF1 GO:0019364 pyridine nucleotide catabolic process 0.123826814718435 -2.08887134510596 50 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0044183 protein folding chaperone 0.123826814718435 -2.08887134510596 50 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0045332 phospholipid translocation 0.123826814718435 -2.08887134510596 50 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:1903313 positive regulation of mRNA metabolic process 0.123892067281922 -2.08834451756282 231 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10209,7538 EIF1,ZFP36 GO:0043269 regulation of monoatomic ion transport 0.124332329907162 -2.08479721849077 466 3 0.0625 48 18204 483,7114,5243 ATP1B3,TMSB4X,ABCB1 GO:0045859 regulation of protein kinase activity 0.126082419102314 -2.07081946601418 469 3 0.0625 48 18204 1843,60,3315 DUSP1,ACTB,HSPB1 GO:0009137 purine nucleoside diphosphate catabolic process 0.126143456390571 -2.07033547689664 51 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0001738 morphogenesis of a polarized epithelium 0.126143456390571 -2.07033547689664 51 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0009181 purine ribonucleoside diphosphate catabolic process 0.126143456390571 -2.07033547689664 51 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0032092 positive regulation of protein binding 0.126143456390571 -2.07033547689664 51 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0050922 negative regulation of chemotaxis 0.126143456390571 -2.07033547689664 51 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0044087 regulation of cellular component biogenesis 0.128023954169711 -2.05553789062052 1016 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 23521,10395,7114,7122,9168 RPL13A,DLC1,TMSB4X,CLDN5,TMSB10 GO:1904707 positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell proliferation 0.128454100035741 -2.05218363662277 52 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:0050832 defense response to fungus 0.128454100035741 -2.05218363662277 52 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0034332 adherens junction organization 0.128454100035741 -2.05218363662277 52 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0006826 iron ion transport 0.128454100035741 -2.05218363662277 52 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2512 FTL GO:0014075 response to amine 0.128454100035741 -2.05218363662277 52 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0004879 nuclear receptor activity 0.128454100035741 -2.05218363662277 52 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:1990778 protein localization to cell periphery 0.130052762704196 -2.03981504391292 238 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 682,483 BSG,ATP1B3 GO:0045087 innate immune response 0.13050192509905 -2.03636730061134 741 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 10410,3429,23521,2597 IFITM3,IFI27,RPL13A,GAPDH GO:0030490 maturation of SSU-rRNA 0.13075876085731 -2.034401173637 53 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6234 RPS28 GO:0060324 face development 0.13075876085731 -2.034401173637 53 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0045595 regulation of cell differentiation 0.13148305463085 -2.02887729779057 1622 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 10974,7122,60,7538,3956,3726,4854 ADIRF,CLDN5,ACTB,ZFP36,LGALS1,JUNB,NOTCH3 GO:0035306 positive regulation of dephosphorylation 0.133057454018509 -2.01697425893751 54 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0071385 cellular response to glucocorticoid stimulus 0.133057454018509 -2.01697425893751 54 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0046031 ADP metabolic process 0.133057454018509 -2.01697425893751 54 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0072526 pyridine-containing compound catabolic process 0.133057454018509 -2.01697425893751 54 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0009191 ribonucleoside diphosphate catabolic process 0.133057454018509 -2.01697425893751 54 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0044839 cell cycle G2/M phase transition 0.133057454018509 -2.01697425893751 54 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0016032 viral process 0.134497272756871 -2.00621135704641 243 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3725,682 JUN,BSG GO:0034204 lipid translocation 0.135350194629071 -1.99988982495411 55 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0045071 negative regulation of viral genome replication 0.135350194629071 -1.99988982495411 55 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10410 IFITM3 GO:1901016 regulation of potassium ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.135350194629071 -1.99988982495411 55 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0033047 regulation of mitotic sister chromatid segregation 0.135350194629071 -1.99988982495411 55 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0030593 neutrophil chemotaxis 0.135350194629071 -1.99988982495411 55 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0140352 export from cell 0.135567868882402 -1.99828288669867 485 3 0.0625 48 18204 5243,483,3164 ABCB1,ATP1B3,NR4A1 GO:0048523 negative regulation of cellular process 0.135645622561091 -1.99770951049673 5320 18 0.375 48 18204 7538,1843,9168,7078,3315,7122,3490,60,2597,3429,27303,4854,23521,3725,3164,7114,388,10395 ZFP36,DUSP1,TMSB10,TIMP3,HSPB1,CLDN5,IGFBP7,ACTB,GAPDH,IFI27,RBMS3,NOTCH3,RPL13A,JUN,NR4A1,TMSB4X,RHOB,DLC1 GO:0050900 leukocyte migration 0.136284910482183 -1.99300765453603 245 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 23521,682 RPL13A,BSG GO:0080090 regulation of primary metabolic process 0.136515559750623 -1.99131668000653 5680 19 0.395833333333333 48 18204 3315,2034,10974,3490,57801,7538,1843,7078,23521,3725,7114,3164,10395,60,2597,3429,10209,4854,3726 HSPB1,EPAS1,ADIRF,IGFBP7,HES4,ZFP36,DUSP1,TIMP3,RPL13A,JUN,TMSB4X,NR4A1,DLC1,ACTB,GAPDH,IFI27,EIF1,NOTCH3,JUNB GO:0002312 B cell activation involved in immune response 0.137636997795448 -1.98313551029707 56 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0002686 negative regulation of leukocyte migration 0.137636997795448 -1.98313551029707 56 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0001706 endoderm formation 0.137636997795448 -1.98313551029707 56 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0033209 tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway 0.137636997795448 -1.98313551029707 56 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0033044 regulation of chromosome organization 0.138976575554161 -1.97344988124583 248 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 1843,60 DUSP1,ACTB GO:0090257 regulation of muscle system process 0.139876467712275 -1.96699561937722 249 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3164,10398 NR4A1,MYL9 GO:0051058 negative regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction 0.139917878557857 -1.9666996102088 57 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0030316 osteoclast differentiation 0.139917878557857 -1.9666996102088 57 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0120192 tight junction assembly 0.139917878557857 -1.9666996102088 57 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0043370 regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation 0.139917878557857 -1.9666996102088 57 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:1901701 cellular response to oxygen-containing compound 0.140263061026419 -1.96423561216727 1047 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 3164,388,60,7538,3725 NR4A1,RHOB,ACTB,ZFP36,JUN GO:0006955 immune response 0.142052574739493 -1.95155804526019 1349 6 0.125 48 18204 23521,2597,10410,3429,3956,2 RPL13A,GAPDH,IFITM3,IFI27,LGALS1,A2M GO:0043297 apical junction assembly 0.142192851932414 -1.950571030581 58 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0009134 nucleoside diphosphate catabolic process 0.142192851932414 -1.950571030581 58 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:1902305 regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transport 0.142192851932414 -1.950571030581 58 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0035418 protein localization to synapse 0.144461932898213 -1.93473924628688 59 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0045604 regulation of epidermal cell differentiation 0.144461932898213 -1.93473924628688 59 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0032835 glomerulus development 0.144461932898213 -1.93473924628688 59 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0006414 translational elongation 0.144461932898213 -1.93473924628688 59 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6176 RPLP1 GO:0050870 positive regulation of T cell activation 0.145302965799027 -1.92893429705862 255 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3956,60 LGALS1,ACTB GO:0045893 positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription 0.145757805839409 -1.92580889882605 1667 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 60,4854,3726,10974,3725,2034,3164 ACTB,NOTCH3,JUNB,ADIRF,JUN,EPAS1,NR4A1 GO:0060322 head development 0.146174751793427 -1.92295244293158 774 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 10395,4854,7122,60 DLC1,NOTCH3,CLDN5,ACTB GO:0120193 tight junction organization 0.146725136384392 -1.91919426301429 60 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0035914 skeletal muscle cell differentiation 0.146725136384392 -1.91919426301429 60 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0048255 mRNA stabilization 0.146725136384392 -1.91919426301429 60 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0010965 regulation of mitotic sister chromatid separation 0.146725136384392 -1.91919426301429 60 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:1902680 positive regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 0.146736120580666 -1.91911940341345 1670 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 3726,4854,60,3164,10974,3725,2034 JUNB,NOTCH3,ACTB,NR4A1,ADIRF,JUN,EPAS1 GO:0045165 cell fate commitment 0.147121836731175 -1.9164942141856 257 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4854,2034 NOTCH3,EPAS1 GO:0032870 cellular response to hormone stimulus 0.147148013435535 -1.91631630466198 504 3 0.0625 48 18204 3490,3164,7538 IGFBP7,NR4A1,ZFP36 GO:0051249 regulation of lymphocyte activation 0.147766559449632 -1.91212155148286 505 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,3726,3956 ACTB,JUNB,LGALS1 GO:0002376 immune system process 0.148511623655069 -1.90709205003111 1991 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 23521,2034,10410,682,2597,3956,3429,2 RPL13A,EPAS1,IFITM3,BSG,GAPDH,LGALS1,IFI27,A2M GO:0007166 cell surface receptor signaling pathway 0.148813775096781 -1.90505958629277 1992 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 4854,3429,682,7114,7122,10410,3725,3315 NOTCH3,IFI27,BSG,TMSB4X,CLDN5,IFITM3,JUN,HSPB1 GO:0010608 post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression 0.150506436752575 -1.89374942658768 1072 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 10209,23521,3315,7538,2597 EIF1,RPL13A,HSPB1,ZFP36,GAPDH GO:0098742 cell-cell adhesion via plasma-membrane adhesion molecules 0.150774038957365 -1.89197299368387 261 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,8404 CLDN5,SPARCL1 GO:0032731 positive regulation of interleukin-1 beta production 0.151233970483659 -1.88892716796082 62 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0097035 regulation of membrane lipid distribution 0.151233970483659 -1.88892716796082 62 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0098930 axonal transport 0.151233970483659 -1.88892716796082 62 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0002040 sprouting angiogenesis 0.151233970483659 -1.88892716796082 62 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0003007 heart morphogenesis 0.152607174285559 -1.87988814757005 263 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,10395 CLDN5,DLC1 GO:0051893 regulation of focal adhesion assembly 0.153479630795252 -1.87418741916236 63 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0090109 regulation of cell-substrate junction assembly 0.153479630795252 -1.87418741916236 63 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0032663 regulation of interleukin-2 production 0.153479630795252 -1.87418741916236 63 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0009620 response to fungus 0.153479630795252 -1.87418741916236 63 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0051641 cellular localization 0.154062615258155 -1.87039616661945 2660 10 0.208333333333333 48 18204 60,2512,9168,3315,6209,7114,3164,483,388,682 ACTB,FTL,TMSB10,HSPB1,RPS15,TMSB4X,NR4A1,ATP1B3,RHOB,BSG GO:0031324 negative regulation of cellular metabolic process 0.155513366610296 -1.86102359214845 2998 11 0.229166666666667 48 18204 7538,2597,1843,3429,27303,7078,4854,3315,3725,23521,7122 ZFP36,GAPDH,DUSP1,IFI27,RBMS3,TIMP3,NOTCH3,HSPB1,JUN,RPL13A,CLDN5 GO:0043462 regulation of ATP-dependent activity 0.15571947301779 -1.85969914041084 64 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0043124 negative regulation of canonical NF-kappaB signal transduction 0.15571947301779 -1.85969914041084 64 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0071384 cellular response to corticosteroid stimulus 0.15571947301779 -1.85969914041084 64 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0048524 positive regulation of viral process 0.15571947301779 -1.85969914041084 64 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0071900 regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity 0.156287029909143 -1.85606102702514 267 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,1843 ACTB,DUSP1 GO:0051493 regulation of cytoskeleton organization 0.157780522489531 -1.84655030981395 521 3 0.0625 48 18204 10395,9168,7114 DLC1,TMSB10,TMSB4X GO:0010812 negative regulation of cell-substrate adhesion 0.157953511906285 -1.84545451769008 65 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0045682 regulation of epidermis development 0.157953511906285 -1.84545451769008 65 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0009179 purine ribonucleoside diphosphate metabolic process 0.160181762161989 -1.83144609501096 66 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0031100 animal organ regeneration 0.160181762161989 -1.83144609501096 66 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0009135 purine nucleoside diphosphate metabolic process 0.160181762161989 -1.83144609501096 66 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0048857 neural nucleus development 0.160181762161989 -1.83144609501096 66 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:1990266 neutrophil migration 0.160181762161989 -1.83144609501096 66 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0003018 vascular process in circulatory system 0.161839350694349 -1.82115109815276 273 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 5243,7122 ABCB1,CLDN5 GO:0051445 regulation of meiotic cell cycle 0.162404238476236 -1.81766675260353 67 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0006413 translational initiation 0.162404238476236 -1.81766675260353 67 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10209 EIF1 GO:0030155 regulation of cell adhesion 0.162565087095295 -1.81667682143442 807 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3956,10395,60,1843 LGALS1,DLC1,ACTB,DUSP1 GO:0051607 defense response to virus 0.163698426733455 -1.80972940532041 275 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10410,3429 IFITM3,IFI27 GO:0043549 regulation of kinase activity 0.164146966847177 -1.80699311313899 531 3 0.0625 48 18204 1843,3315,60 DUSP1,HSPB1,ACTB GO:0070301 cellular response to hydrogen peroxide 0.164620955493919 -1.80410968721491 68 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0150116 regulation of cell-substrate junction organization 0.164620955493919 -1.80410968721491 68 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0042273 ribosomal large subunit biogenesis 0.164620955493919 -1.80410968721491 68 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 11224 RPL35 GO:2000144 positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation 0.164620955493919 -1.80410968721491 68 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:0007266 Rho protein signal transduction 0.164620955493919 -1.80410968721491 68 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0043489 RNA stabilization 0.166831927826161 -1.79076839354888 69 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0002526 acute inflammatory response 0.166831927826161 -1.79076839354888 69 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0033036 macromolecule localization 0.166919321570599 -1.79024468766556 2376 9 0.1875 48 18204 3315,7114,483,388,682,7538,5243,60,9168 HSPB1,TMSB4X,ATP1B3,RHOB,BSG,ZFP36,ABCB1,ACTB,TMSB10 GO:1903039 positive regulation of leukocyte cell-cell adhesion 0.167428481158277 -1.78719899705769 279 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3956,60 LGALS1,ACTB GO:0071479 cellular response to ionizing radiation 0.16903717003647 -1.77763664719835 70 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0042698 ovulation cycle 0.16903717003647 -1.77763664719835 70 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0006879 intracellular iron ion homeostasis 0.16903717003647 -1.77763664719835 70 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2512 FTL GO:0006090 pyruvate metabolic process 0.16903717003647 -1.77763664719835 70 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0030239 myofibril assembly 0.16903717003647 -1.77763664719835 70 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10398 MYL9 GO:0048844 artery morphogenesis 0.17123669665647 -1.76470848861518 71 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0080134 regulation of response to stress 0.172682842572864 -1.7562986469243 1431 6 0.125 48 18204 5243,60,7538,3956,2,7114 ABCB1,ACTB,ZFP36,LGALS1,A2M,TMSB4X GO:0062197 cellular response to chemical stress 0.173051967620109 -1.75416333872498 285 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 388,3725 RHOB,JUN GO:0072089 stem cell proliferation 0.173430522202291 -1.75197820819788 72 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0032091 negative regulation of protein binding 0.173430522202291 -1.75197820819788 72 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:1903578 regulation of ATP metabolic process 0.173430522202291 -1.75197820819788 72 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:1902373 negative regulation of mRNA catabolic process 0.173430522202291 -1.75197820819788 72 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0045665 negative regulation of neuron differentiation 0.173430522202291 -1.75197820819788 72 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0032732 positive regulation of interleukin-1 production 0.173430522202291 -1.75197820819788 72 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0055002 striated muscle cell development 0.173430522202291 -1.75197820819788 72 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10398 MYL9 GO:0071277 cellular response to calcium ion 0.173430522202291 -1.75197820819788 72 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0001503 ossification 0.174933683084956 -1.74334833068001 287 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3726,6209 JUNB,RPS15 GO:0008333 endosome to lysosome transport 0.175618661122516 -1.73944033279808 73 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0045661 regulation of myoblast differentiation 0.175618661122516 -1.73944033279808 73 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0001570 vasculogenesis 0.175618661122516 -1.73944033279808 73 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0140962 multicellular organismal-level chemical homeostasis 0.175618661122516 -1.73944033279808 73 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:2000242 negative regulation of reproductive process 0.175618661122516 -1.73944033279808 73 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0043542 endothelial cell migration 0.175618661122516 -1.73944033279808 73 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0048663 neuron fate commitment 0.175618661122516 -1.73944033279808 73 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0022857 transmembrane transporter activity 0.175618661122516 -1.73944033279808 73 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:2000036 regulation of stem cell population maintenance 0.175618661122516 -1.73944033279808 73 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0048583 regulation of response to stimulus 0.175710214229195 -1.7389191509928 4104 14 0.291666666666667 48 18204 5243,7538,1843,3956,2,3315,6209,3490,60,2597,27303,3726,7114,10395 ABCB1,ZFP36,DUSP1,LGALS1,A2M,HSPB1,RPS15,IGFBP7,ACTB,GAPDH,RBMS3,JUNB,TMSB4X,DLC1 GO:0048585 negative regulation of response to stimulus 0.177566424930651 -1.72841051510995 1760 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 7538,1843,27303,2,3315,7114,10395 ZFP36,DUSP1,RBMS3,A2M,HSPB1,TMSB4X,DLC1 GO:0006919 activation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process 0.177801127852891 -1.72708961254286 74 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0061077 chaperone-mediated protein folding 0.177801127852891 -1.72708961254286 74 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0008088 axo-dendritic transport 0.177801127852891 -1.72708961254286 74 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0141124 intracellular signaling cassette 0.178037901414275 -1.7257588220626 837 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3725,7538,3726,388 JUN,ZFP36,JUNB,RHOB GO:0001933 negative regulation of protein phosphorylation 0.179652940849004 -1.71672839567625 292 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3315,1843 HSPB1,DUSP1 GO:0051101 regulation of DNA binding 0.179977936777019 -1.71492100906568 75 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:1905818 regulation of chromosome separation 0.179977936777019 -1.71492100906568 75 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0032481 positive regulation of type I interferon production 0.179977936777019 -1.71492100906568 75 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0046637 regulation of alpha-beta T cell differentiation 0.179977936777019 -1.71492100906568 75 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0006996 organelle organization 0.180428893673703 -1.7124185196902 3091 11 0.229166666666667 48 18204 2597,60,388,10398,10395,7114,6234,6232,9168,6209,2034 GAPDH,ACTB,RHOB,MYL9,DLC1,TMSB4X,RPS28,RPS27,TMSB10,RPS15,EPAS1 GO:0031347 regulation of defense response 0.181193642340731 -1.70818897240861 843 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 7538,3956,7114,2 ZFP36,LGALS1,TMSB4X,A2M GO:0051050 positive regulation of transport 0.181721506626283 -1.70527994720365 844 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 483,7114,60,5243 ATP1B3,TMSB4X,ACTB,ABCB1 GO:0045911 positive regulation of DNA recombination 0.182149102264912 -1.70292968408809 76 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0009185 ribonucleoside diphosphate metabolic process 0.182149102264912 -1.70292968408809 76 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0000079 regulation of cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity 0.184314638612231 -1.6911109892879 77 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0070936 protein K48-linked ubiquitination 0.184314638612231 -1.6911109892879 77 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0070925 organelle assembly 0.185431586807798 -1.6850692692303 851 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 6209,6234,10398,6232 RPS15,RPS28,MYL9,RPS27 GO:0032103 positive regulation of response to external stimulus 0.185692596992086 -1.683662676835 564 3 0.0625 48 18204 3315,7114,3956 HSPB1,TMSB4X,LGALS1 GO:0019220 regulation of phosphate metabolic process 0.186263863366027 -1.68059099031254 1154 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 1843,60,3315,10395,7114 DUSP1,ACTB,HSPB1,DLC1,TMSB4X GO:0035304 regulation of protein dephosphorylation 0.18647456014287 -1.67946045594315 78 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0051174 regulation of phosphorus metabolic process 0.186718926820218 -1.67815085799566 1155 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 10395,7114,1843,60,3315 DLC1,TMSB4X,DUSP1,ACTB,HSPB1 GO:2000514 regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell activation 0.188628881063025 -1.66797378655629 79 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0044057 regulation of system process 0.190360164681998 -1.6588373976214 571 3 0.0625 48 18204 3164,10398,2034 NR4A1,MYL9,EPAS1 GO:1904029 regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity 0.19077761561317 -1.65664684543957 80 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0002694 regulation of leukocyte activation 0.191029540692192 -1.65532719958474 572 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,3726,3956 ACTB,JUNB,LGALS1 GO:0051128 regulation of cellular component organization 0.191349042171487 -1.65365607275929 2455 9 0.1875 48 18204 60,1843,9168,23521,7114,7122,3490,10395,388 ACTB,DUSP1,TMSB10,RPL13A,TMSB4X,CLDN5,IGFBP7,DLC1,RHOB GO:0048729 tissue morphogenesis 0.192370192094453 -1.64833367949692 574 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,10395,388 ACTB,DLC1,RHOB GO:0010569 regulation of double-strand break repair via homologous recombination 0.192920777967224 -1.6454756511997 81 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0000281 mitotic cytokinesis 0.192920777967224 -1.6454756511997 81 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0003151 outflow tract morphogenesis 0.192920777967224 -1.6454756511997 81 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:2000142 regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation 0.192920777967224 -1.6454756511997 81 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:0001618 virus receptor activity 0.192920777967224 -1.6454756511997 81 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0048518 positive regulation of biological process 0.194956000069385 -1.6349813865489 6326 20 0.416666666666667 48 18204 60,2597,27303,10209,3726,4854,3725,7114,3164,388,10395,5243,7538,3956,3315,2034,10974,6209,7122,483 ACTB,GAPDH,RBMS3,EIF1,JUNB,NOTCH3,JUN,TMSB4X,NR4A1,RHOB,DLC1,ABCB1,ZFP36,LGALS1,HSPB1,EPAS1,ADIRF,RPS15,CLDN5,ATP1B3 GO:0007492 endoderm development 0.195058382268228 -1.63445636898118 82 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0050810 regulation of steroid biosynthetic process 0.195058382268228 -1.63445636898118 82 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3490 IGFBP7 GO:0071621 granulocyte chemotaxis 0.195058382268228 -1.63445636898118 82 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:1904062 regulation of monoatomic cation transmembrane transport 0.195842647462926 -1.63044376125013 309 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,483 TMSB4X,ATP1B3 GO:0007162 negative regulation of cell adhesion 0.196801219735791 -1.62556109653873 310 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10395,1843 DLC1,DUSP1 GO:0031640 killing of cells of another organism 0.197190442613684 -1.62358530343594 83 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0009132 nucleoside diphosphate metabolic process 0.197190442613684 -1.62358530343594 83 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0141061 disruption of cell in another organism 0.197190442613684 -1.62358530343594 83 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:1902369 negative regulation of RNA catabolic process 0.199316973085273 -1.61285889189098 84 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:2000736 regulation of stem cell differentiation 0.199316973085273 -1.61285889189098 84 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0002028 regulation of sodium ion transport 0.199316973085273 -1.61285889189098 84 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0042475 odontogenesis of dentin-containing tooth 0.199316973085273 -1.61285889189098 84 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0042326 negative regulation of phosphorylation 0.199680677773764 -1.61103579950713 313 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 1843,3315 DUSP1,HSPB1 GO:0060562 epithelial tube morphogenesis 0.199680677773764 -1.61103579950713 313 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10395,388 DLC1,RHOB GO:0045069 regulation of viral genome replication 0.201437987732064 -1.60227369815188 85 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10410 IFITM3 GO:0010605 negative regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 0.203089311841792 -1.59410943688251 3170 11 0.229166666666667 48 18204 3315,23521,3725,7122,7538,2597,1843,27303,3429,7078,4854 HSPB1,RPL13A,JUN,CLDN5,ZFP36,GAPDH,DUSP1,RBMS3,IFI27,TIMP3,NOTCH3 GO:1901379 regulation of potassium ion transmembrane transport 0.203553500533472 -1.59182640676775 86 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0141060 disruption of anatomical structure in another organism 0.203553500533472 -1.59182640676775 86 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0051591 response to cAMP 0.203553500533472 -1.59182640676775 86 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0010232 vascular transport 0.203553500533472 -1.59182640676775 86 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0030901 midbrain development 0.203553500533472 -1.59182640676775 86 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0150104 transport across blood-brain barrier 0.203553500533472 -1.59182640676775 86 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0044093 positive regulation of molecular function 0.203849573972925 -1.59037293962377 1192 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 5243,10395,7114,7122,483 ABCB1,DLC1,TMSB4X,CLDN5,ATP1B3 GO:1902531 regulation of intracellular signal transduction 0.204160247265676 -1.58885006768971 1832 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 10395,7114,6209,3315,3956,1843,2597 DLC1,TMSB4X,RPS15,HSPB1,LGALS1,DUSP1,GAPDH GO:0030335 positive regulation of cell migration 0.204545496650404 -1.58696485073565 592 3 0.0625 48 18204 7114,388,3315 TMSB4X,RHOB,HSPB1 GO:0031323 regulation of cellular metabolic process 0.206127452049115 -1.57926060224049 6375 20 0.416666666666667 48 18204 10974,2034,3315,57801,7122,1843,7538,7078,23521,3725,10395,7114,3164,2597,60,4854,3726,10209,27303,3429 ADIRF,EPAS1,HSPB1,HES4,CLDN5,DUSP1,ZFP36,TIMP3,RPL13A,JUN,DLC1,TMSB4X,NR4A1,GAPDH,ACTB,NOTCH3,JUNB,EIF1,RBMS3,IFI27 GO:0099643 signal release from synapse 0.20776807649771 -1.5713328382125 88 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0007269 neurotransmitter secretion 0.20776807649771 -1.5713328382125 88 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0033043 regulation of organelle organization 0.208099424397937 -1.56973931157418 1201 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 1843,60,10395,9168,7114 DUSP1,ACTB,DLC1,TMSB10,TMSB4X GO:0140546 defense response to symbiont 0.208766761125403 -1.56653762565817 894 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 10410,3429,2597,23521 IFITM3,IFI27,GAPDH,RPL13A GO:0022603 regulation of anatomical structure morphogenesis 0.208766761125403 -1.56653762565817 894 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 7122,388,10395,3315 CLDN5,RHOB,DLC1,HSPB1 GO:0006576 biogenic amine metabolic process 0.209867167488381 -1.56128048416943 89 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0001843 neural tube closure 0.209867167488381 -1.56128048416943 89 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:1900542 regulation of purine nucleotide metabolic process 0.211960812312787 -1.55135386897774 90 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0045824 negative regulation of innate immune response 0.211960812312787 -1.55135386897774 90 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0035023 regulation of Rho protein signal transduction 0.211960812312787 -1.55135386897774 90 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0060606 tube closure 0.211960812312787 -1.55135386897774 90 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0040008 regulation of growth 0.2120770689309 -1.5508055376792 603 3 0.0625 48 18204 3490,4502,4493 IGFBP7,MT2A,MT1E GO:0030162 regulation of proteolysis 0.2120770689309 -1.5508055376792 603 3 0.0625 48 18204 7078,10395,2597 TIMP3,DLC1,GAPDH GO:0031647 regulation of protein stability 0.212217558108919 -1.55014331301643 326 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 483,2597 ATP1B3,GAPDH GO:0009408 response to heat 0.214049024798004 -1.54155020235576 91 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:2000781 positive regulation of double-strand break repair 0.214049024798004 -1.54155020235576 91 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0006140 regulation of nucleotide metabolic process 0.214049024798004 -1.54155020235576 91 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0060021 roof of mouth development 0.214049024798004 -1.54155020235576 91 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0022409 positive regulation of cell-cell adhesion 0.214154012156669 -1.54105983983281 328 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,3956 ACTB,LGALS1 GO:0051251 positive regulation of lymphocyte activation 0.214154012156669 -1.54105983983281 328 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3956,60 LGALS1,ACTB GO:0009889 regulation of biosynthetic process 0.215000515610444 -1.53711485266924 5686 18 0.375 48 18204 7114,3164,3725,23521,3429,27303,10209,4854,3726,60,2597,7122,3490,57801,3315,2034,10974,7538 TMSB4X,NR4A1,JUN,RPL13A,IFI27,RBMS3,EIF1,NOTCH3,JUNB,ACTB,GAPDH,CLDN5,IGFBP7,HES4,HSPB1,EPAS1,ADIRF,ZFP36 GO:0000981 DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific 0.215730409517796 -1.53372575491284 1217 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 2034,3725,3164,3726,57801 EPAS1,JUN,NR4A1,JUNB,HES4 GO:0018958 phenol-containing compound metabolic process 0.216131818743749 -1.53186678547638 92 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:1990869 cellular response to chemokine 0.216131818743749 -1.53186678547638 92 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:1990868 response to chemokine 0.216131818743749 -1.53186678547638 92 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0009154 purine ribonucleotide catabolic process 0.216131818743749 -1.53186678547638 92 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0048871 multicellular organismal-level homeostasis 0.21621223209216 -1.53149479770792 609 3 0.0625 48 18204 7122,60,2034 CLDN5,ACTB,EPAS1 GO:0008585 female gonad development 0.218209207911477 -1.52230100706255 93 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:1904705 regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell proliferation 0.218209207911477 -1.52230100706255 93 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:0051492 regulation of stress fiber assembly 0.218209207911477 -1.52230100706255 93 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0050808 synapse organization 0.219003075176523 -1.51866950736229 333 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 8404,60 SPARCL1,ACTB GO:0071901 negative regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity 0.220281206041781 -1.51285033956298 94 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:1903312 negative regulation of mRNA metabolic process 0.220281206041781 -1.51285033956298 94 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0000122 negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 0.22047510811998 -1.51197047881237 915 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 4854,3429,7538,3725 NOTCH3,IFI27,ZFP36,JUN GO:0007165 signal transduction 0.221963527872799 -1.50524219946802 4637 15 0.3125 48 18204 8404,3315,2034,682,7122,7538,3725,388,10395,10410,3164,7114,3726,4854,3429 SPARCL1,HSPB1,EPAS1,BSG,CLDN5,ZFP36,JUN,RHOB,DLC1,IFITM3,NR4A1,TMSB4X,JUNB,NOTCH3,IFI27 GO:0014020 primary neural tube formation 0.222347826800284 -1.50351233585199 95 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0045638 negative regulation of myeloid cell differentiation 0.222347826800284 -1.50351233585199 95 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0000041 transition metal ion transport 0.222347826800284 -1.50351233585199 95 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2512 FTL GO:2000147 positive regulation of cell motility 0.223144066546855 -1.49993767778824 619 3 0.0625 48 18204 3315,7114,388 HSPB1,TMSB4X,RHOB GO:0097530 granulocyte migration 0.224409083881229 -1.49428462539878 96 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0046545 development of primary female sexual characteristics 0.226464990886599 -1.48516491162763 97 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0034655 nucleobase-containing compound catabolic process 0.227756980911735 -1.47947609166864 342 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,2597 ZFP36,GAPDH GO:0031399 regulation of protein modification process 0.227838456640111 -1.47911842465739 1242 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 10395,3315,60,2034,1843 DLC1,HSPB1,ACTB,EPAS1,DUSP1 GO:0016070 RNA metabolic process 0.227890351124906 -1.47889068182377 1893 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 6209,2034,3164,11224,7538,6234,6232 RPS15,EPAS1,NR4A1,RPL35,ZFP36,RPS28,RPS27 GO:0007167 enzyme-linked receptor protein signaling pathway 0.228024450084983 -1.47830241856236 626 3 0.0625 48 18204 7122,3315,3725 CLDN5,HSPB1,JUN GO:0042542 response to hydrogen peroxide 0.228515561405397 -1.47615096853612 98 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0009308 amine metabolic process 0.228515561405397 -1.47615096853612 98 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0009261 ribonucleotide catabolic process 0.228515561405397 -1.47615096853612 98 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0044238 primary metabolic process 0.228803303952152 -1.47489257923044 7206 22 0.458333333333333 48 18204 6143,23521,3164,6122,11224,6233,2597,6157,3429,6137,6158,10209,2034,6168,3315,6209,6176,6234,7538,1843,6141,6232 RPL19,RPL13A,NR4A1,RPL3,RPL35,RPS27A,GAPDH,RPL27A,IFI27,RPL13,RPL28,EIF1,EPAS1,RPL37A,HSPB1,RPS15,RPLP1,RPS28,ZFP36,DUSP1,RPL18,RPS27 GO:0006942 regulation of striated muscle contraction 0.230560809009074 -1.4672406378497 99 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0035278 miRNA-mediated gene silencing by inhibition of translation 0.230560809009074 -1.4672406378497 99 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0015914 phospholipid transport 0.230560809009074 -1.4672406378497 99 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0050865 regulation of cell activation 0.230823103855472 -1.46610364599827 630 3 0.0625 48 18204 3726,3956,60 JUNB,LGALS1,ACTB GO:0048468 cell development 0.231295341659861 -1.46405984976657 2236 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 2034,7122,10398,60,7538,3956,3726,4854 EPAS1,CLDN5,MYL9,ACTB,ZFP36,LGALS1,JUNB,NOTCH3 GO:0002244 hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation 0.232600747215086 -1.4584318264561 100 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0040017 positive regulation of locomotion 0.23292663540139 -1.45703174452018 633 3 0.0625 48 18204 7114,388,3315 TMSB4X,RHOB,HSPB1 GO:0006195 purine nucleotide catabolic process 0.234635389509691 -1.4497225037146 101 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0120162 positive regulation of cold-induced thermogenesis 0.234635389509691 -1.4497225037146 101 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0043266 regulation of potassium ion transport 0.234635389509691 -1.4497225037146 101 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0002682 regulation of immune system process 0.236499149612755 -1.44181066677435 1584 6 0.125 48 18204 3726,2,3956,1843,7538,60 JUNB,A2M,LGALS1,DUSP1,ZFP36,ACTB GO:0060840 artery development 0.236664749355308 -1.4411106989633 102 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0061844 antimicrobial humoral immune response mediated by antimicrobial peptide 0.236664749355308 -1.4411106989633 102 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0005200 structural constituent of cytoskeleton 0.236664749355308 -1.4411106989633 102 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0001841 neural tube formation 0.236664749355308 -1.4411106989633 102 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0032535 regulation of cellular component size 0.237515668157881 -1.43752168649237 352 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,9168 TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0002027 regulation of heart rate 0.238688840174744 -1.43259449924497 103 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0030218 erythrocyte differentiation 0.238688840174744 -1.43259449924497 103 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0009895 negative regulation of catabolic process 0.239470770743874 -1.42932391240207 354 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,7078 ZFP36,TIMP3 GO:0099587 inorganic ion import across plasma membrane 0.240707675366993 -1.42417204701147 104 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0098659 inorganic cation import across plasma membrane 0.240707675366993 -1.42417204701147 104 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0110020 regulation of actomyosin structure organization 0.240707675366993 -1.42417204701147 104 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0010631 epithelial cell migration 0.240707675366993 -1.42417204701147 104 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0035303 regulation of dephosphorylation 0.240707675366993 -1.42417204701147 104 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0019218 regulation of steroid metabolic process 0.240707675366993 -1.42417204701147 104 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3490 IGFBP7 GO:0000956 nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process 0.242721268263655 -1.41584153818275 105 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0003158 endothelium development 0.244729632213787 -1.40760121977275 106 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0032526 response to retinoic acid 0.244729632213787 -1.40760121977275 106 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3490 IGFBP7 GO:0032231 regulation of actin filament bundle assembly 0.244729632213787 -1.40760121977275 106 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:1901990 regulation of mitotic cell cycle phase transition 0.245341659117981 -1.405103512875 360 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,1843 ACTB,DUSP1 GO:0090132 epithelium migration 0.246732780489126 -1.39944938835542 107 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0051402 neuron apoptotic process 0.246732780489126 -1.39944938835542 107 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0072523 purine-containing compound catabolic process 0.246732780489126 -1.39944938835542 107 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:1901796 regulation of signal transduction by p53 class mediator 0.246732780489126 -1.39944938835542 107 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0010506 regulation of autophagy 0.247300274334977 -1.39715199513481 362 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2597,3315 GAPDH,HSPB1 GO:0002696 positive regulation of leukocyte activation 0.247300274334977 -1.39715199513481 362 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,3956 ACTB,LGALS1 GO:0048771 tissue remodeling 0.248730726372262 -1.39138438786587 108 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:1903076 regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane 0.250723483080002 -1.38340460816077 109 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0099173 postsynapse organization 0.250723483080002 -1.38340460816077 109 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0032760 positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor production 0.250723483080002 -1.38340460816077 109 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0007409 axonogenesis 0.251219615763764 -1.38142775920528 366 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4854,60 NOTCH3,ACTB GO:0008104 protein localization 0.252592263713947 -1.37597869616204 1954 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 3315,682,388,483,7114,60,9168 HSPB1,BSG,RHOB,ATP1B3,TMSB4X,ACTB,TMSB10 GO:1901890 positive regulation of cell junction assembly 0.252711063769125 -1.37550848331797 110 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0061640 cytoskeleton-dependent cytokinesis 0.252711063769125 -1.37550848331797 110 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0051099 positive regulation of binding 0.252711063769125 -1.37550848331797 110 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0001938 positive regulation of endothelial cell proliferation 0.252711063769125 -1.37550848331797 110 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0032651 regulation of interleukin-1 beta production 0.252711063769125 -1.37550848331797 110 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0048024 regulation of mRNA splicing, via spliceosome 0.254693481647247 -1.36769448960043 111 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10209 EIF1 GO:0046822 regulation of nucleocytoplasmic transport 0.254693481647247 -1.36769448960043 111 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0070727 cellular macromolecule localization 0.255897166962279 -1.36297960675584 1962 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 60,9168,3315,7114,483,682,388 ACTB,TMSB10,HSPB1,TMSB4X,ATP1B3,BSG,RHOB GO:0071674 mononuclear cell migration 0.256670749808203 -1.3599611445854 112 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 23521 RPL13A GO:0097191 extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 0.256670749808203 -1.3599611445854 112 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0034101 erythrocyte homeostasis 0.256670749808203 -1.3599611445854 112 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0046660 female sex differentiation 0.256670749808203 -1.3599611445854 112 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0000910 cytokinesis 0.256670749808203 -1.3599611445854 112 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0090130 tissue migration 0.258642881354729 -1.35230700522054 113 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:1903557 positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor superfamily cytokine production 0.258642881354729 -1.35230700522054 113 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:2001243 negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 0.258642881354729 -1.35230700522054 113 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0046718 symbiont entry into host cell 0.258642881354729 -1.35230700522054 113 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0042177 negative regulation of protein catabolic process 0.260609889353491 -1.34473066660968 114 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7078 TIMP3 GO:0007219 Notch signaling pathway 0.260609889353491 -1.34473066660968 114 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0045936 negative regulation of phosphate metabolic process 0.262008835993027 -1.33937705062549 377 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 1843,3315 DUSP1,HSPB1 GO:0009887 animal organ morphogenesis 0.262487745447968 -1.33755088204793 988 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 682,10395,7122,23521 BSG,DLC1,CLDN5,RPL13A GO:0044409 symbiont entry into host 0.262571786831865 -1.33723076069236 115 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0010563 negative regulation of phosphorus metabolic process 0.262990243385964 -1.33563834488427 378 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3315,1843 HSPB1,DUSP1 GO:2001257 regulation of cation channel activity 0.264528586782125 -1.32980595495249 116 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0043280 positive regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process 0.264528586782125 -1.32980595495249 116 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0046634 regulation of alpha-beta T cell activation 0.264528586782125 -1.32980595495249 116 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0043434 response to peptide hormone 0.26593482136085 -1.32450403270381 381 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 682,3164 BSG,NR4A1 GO:0050867 positive regulation of cell activation 0.26593482136085 -1.32450403270381 381 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,3956 ACTB,LGALS1 GO:0009617 response to bacterium 0.267038088765278 -1.32036397620448 681 3 0.0625 48 18204 7538,23521,3164 ZFP36,RPL13A,NR4A1 GO:0019362 pyridine nucleotide metabolic process 0.268426945910648 -1.31517648432378 118 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0046496 nicotinamide nucleotide metabolic process 0.268426945910648 -1.31517648432378 118 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:1903037 regulation of leukocyte cell-cell adhesion 0.268879786945968 -1.3134908879415 384 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3956,60 LGALS1,ACTB GO:0051093 negative regulation of developmental process 0.269556767601219 -1.31097627036488 1000 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 4854,7122,60,7538 NOTCH3,CLDN5,ACTB,ZFP36 GO:0016052 carbohydrate catabolic process 0.270368530931529 -1.30796932127706 119 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0031330 negative regulation of cellular catabolic process 0.270368530931529 -1.30796932127706 119 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7078 TIMP3 GO:0007088 regulation of mitotic nuclear division 0.270368530931529 -1.30796932127706 119 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:1904035 regulation of epithelial cell apoptotic process 0.270368530931529 -1.30796932127706 119 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0006006 glucose metabolic process 0.270368530931529 -1.30796932127706 119 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0006986 response to unfolded protein 0.270368530931529 -1.30796932127706 119 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0009892 negative regulation of metabolic process 0.270921785636177 -1.30592511364809 3385 11 0.229166666666667 48 18204 3315,23521,3725,7122,7538,2597,1843,3429,27303,7078,4854 HSPB1,RPL13A,JUN,CLDN5,ZFP36,GAPDH,DUSP1,IFI27,RBMS3,TIMP3,NOTCH3 GO:0098542 defense response to other organism 0.273105620779044 -1.29789666931902 1006 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 2597,23521,3429,10410 GAPDH,RPL13A,IFI27,IFITM3 GO:0002832 negative regulation of response to biotic stimulus 0.27423657617473 -1.29376412842775 121 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0002698 negative regulation of immune effector process 0.27423657617473 -1.29376412842775 121 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0045582 positive regulation of T cell differentiation 0.27423657617473 -1.29376412842775 121 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0002697 regulation of immune effector process 0.274770141898709 -1.29182037847204 390 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2,3726 A2M,JUNB GO:0006366 transcription by RNA polymerase II 0.275751844116305 -1.28825393323243 391 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2034,3164 EPAS1,NR4A1 GO:0042476 odontogenesis 0.276163062082362 -1.2867637830751 122 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0002688 regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis 0.276163062082362 -1.2867637830751 122 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0001704 formation of primary germ layer 0.276163062082362 -1.2867637830751 122 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0001838 embryonic epithelial tube formation 0.276163062082362 -1.2867637830751 122 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0051028 mRNA transport 0.278084540516565 -1.27983010894375 123 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0045444 fat cell differentiation 0.280001024228282 -1.27296201786143 124 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0009166 nucleotide catabolic process 0.280001024228282 -1.27296201786143 124 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0010927 cellular component assembly involved in morphogenesis 0.281912525934567 -1.26615844788482 125 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10398 MYL9 GO:0032989 cellular anatomical entity morphogenesis 0.281912525934567 -1.26615844788482 125 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10398 MYL9 GO:0031032 actomyosin structure organization 0.281912525934567 -1.26615844788482 125 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10398 MYL9 GO:0001952 regulation of cell-matrix adhesion 0.281912525934567 -1.26615844788482 125 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0044085 cellular component biogenesis 0.282315653503212 -1.26472949537258 2716 9 0.1875 48 18204 6209,3164,7122,10395,10398,11224,6234,60,6232 RPS15,NR4A1,CLDN5,DLC1,MYL9,RPL35,RPS28,ACTB,RPS27 GO:0019222 regulation of metabolic process 0.283581480616814 -1.26025578752543 7052 21 0.4375 48 18204 7122,3490,57801,2034,3315,10974,7078,7538,1843,7114,3164,10395,23521,3725,3429,27303,3726,4854,10209,60,2597 CLDN5,IGFBP7,HES4,EPAS1,HSPB1,ADIRF,TIMP3,ZFP36,DUSP1,TMSB4X,NR4A1,DLC1,RPL13A,JUN,IFI27,RBMS3,JUNB,NOTCH3,EIF1,ACTB,GAPDH GO:0006805 xenobiotic metabolic process 0.283819058303449 -1.25941836251709 126 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0045471 response to ethanol 0.283819058303449 -1.25941836251709 126 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0072524 pyridine-containing compound metabolic process 0.283819058303449 -1.25941836251709 126 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0032479 regulation of type I interferon production 0.283819058303449 -1.25941836251709 126 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0051240 positive regulation of multicellular organismal process 0.285155012543425 -1.25472234291433 1691 6 0.125 48 18204 3956,388,2034,60,3315,2597 LGALS1,RHOB,EPAS1,ACTB,HSPB1,GAPDH GO:0032652 regulation of interleukin-1 production 0.287617265599642 -1.24612462155873 128 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0042552 myelination 0.287617265599642 -1.24612462155873 128 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:1903311 regulation of mRNA metabolic process 0.288509392472788 -1.24302763733242 404 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,10209 ZFP36,EIF1 GO:0006402 mRNA catabolic process 0.289508965704698 -1.23956901282964 129 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0051168 nuclear export 0.289508965704698 -1.23956901282964 129 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0046683 response to organophosphorus 0.289508965704698 -1.23956901282964 129 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0007272 ensheathment of neurons 0.291395746875712 -1.23307298081241 130 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0008366 axon ensheathment 0.291395746875712 -1.23307298081241 130 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0072175 epithelial tube formation 0.291395746875712 -1.23307298081241 130 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0030183 B cell differentiation 0.291395746875712 -1.23307298081241 130 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0045596 negative regulation of cell differentiation 0.292317677869622 -1.22991413017976 716 3 0.0625 48 18204 4854,60,7538 NOTCH3,ACTB,ZFP36 GO:0030900 forebrain development 0.292431786919844 -1.22952384661888 408 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10395,4854 DLC1,NOTCH3 GO:1905039 carboxylic acid transmembrane transport 0.293277621617234 -1.22663560452116 131 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0051592 response to calcium ion 0.293277621617234 -1.22663560452116 131 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:2001056 positive regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 0.293277621617234 -1.22663560452116 131 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0050684 regulation of mRNA processing 0.295154602438345 -1.22025598386003 132 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10209 EIF1 GO:0045739 positive regulation of DNA repair 0.297026701761878 -1.2139332392985 133 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:1901292 nucleoside phosphate catabolic process 0.297026701761878 -1.2139332392985 133 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0001889 liver development 0.297026701761878 -1.2139332392985 133 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0007420 brain development 0.298128007524401 -1.21023232925826 724 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,10395,4854 ACTB,DLC1,NOTCH3 GO:0035966 response to topologically incorrect protein 0.298893932037587 -1.20766651087661 134 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0050678 regulation of epithelial cell proliferation 0.299290683231429 -1.20633999313646 415 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3164,7538 NR4A1,ZFP36 GO:0051336 regulation of hydrolase activity 0.299582018059699 -1.20536704896777 726 3 0.0625 48 18204 7078,10395,2597 TIMP3,DLC1,GAPDH GO:0045621 positive regulation of lymphocyte differentiation 0.30075630565847 -1.20145495790169 135 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:1903825 organic acid transmembrane transport 0.30075630565847 -1.20145495790169 135 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0007041 lysosomal transport 0.30075630565847 -1.20145495790169 135 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0007160 cell-matrix adhesion 0.302613834968835 -1.19529775835301 136 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0006470 protein dephosphorylation 0.302613834968835 -1.19529775835301 136 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0043405 regulation of MAP kinase activity 0.302613834968835 -1.19529775835301 136 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0061008 hepaticobiliary system development 0.302613834968835 -1.19529775835301 136 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0061564 axon development 0.304184823736127 -1.19011978950031 420 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4854,60 NOTCH3,ACTB GO:0002285 lymphocyte activation involved in immune response 0.30446653234182 -1.18919410808024 137 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0001906 cell killing 0.30446653234182 -1.18919410808024 137 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0009968 negative regulation of signal transduction 0.304806248989766 -1.18807895344488 1393 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 7114,27303,10395,3315,1843 TMSB4X,RBMS3,DLC1,HSPB1,DUSP1 GO:0031400 negative regulation of protein modification process 0.3051630695518 -1.1869089909832 421 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3315,1843 HSPB1,DUSP1 GO:1904375 regulation of protein localization to cell periphery 0.306314410054974 -1.18314322069019 138 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0035725 sodium ion transmembrane transport 0.306314410054974 -1.18314322069019 138 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0019730 antimicrobial humoral response 0.308157480367602 -1.177144326783 139 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0010212 response to ionizing radiation 0.308157480367602 -1.177144326783 139 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0008360 regulation of cell shape 0.308157480367602 -1.177144326783 139 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0071456 cellular response to hypoxia 0.308157480367602 -1.177144326783 139 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0002521 leukocyte differentiation 0.309073923471052 -1.17417479616226 425 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3956,3726 LGALS1,JUNB GO:0072006 nephron development 0.309995755525618 -1.17119667344953 140 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0002262 myeloid cell homeostasis 0.309995755525618 -1.17119667344953 140 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0006836 neurotransmitter transport 0.309995755525618 -1.17119667344953 140 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0050789 regulation of biological process 0.311535898670397 -1.16624070286701 12079 34 0.708333333333333 48 18204 4502,4493,4854,60,2597,10410,10398,10395,3725,23521,9168,7078,2,5243,483,7122,3490,682,3315,8404,10974,27303,3429,3726,10209,7114,3164,388,3956,7538,1843,57801,2034,6209 MT2A,MT1E,NOTCH3,ACTB,GAPDH,IFITM3,MYL9,DLC1,JUN,RPL13A,TMSB10,TIMP3,A2M,ABCB1,ATP1B3,CLDN5,IGFBP7,BSG,HSPB1,SPARCL1,ADIRF,RBMS3,IFI27,JUNB,EIF1,TMSB4X,NR4A1,RHOB,LGALS1,ZFP36,DUSP1,HES4,EPAS1,RPS15 GO:0007519 skeletal muscle tissue development 0.311829247772011 -1.16529952376856 141 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:2000779 regulation of double-strand break repair 0.313657969249285 -1.15945215666625 142 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0062013 positive regulation of small molecule metabolic process 0.313657969249285 -1.15945215666625 142 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0000018 regulation of DNA recombination 0.313657969249285 -1.15945215666625 142 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0071675 regulation of mononuclear cell migration 0.315481932121115 -1.15365386608567 143 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0014074 response to purine-containing compound 0.317301148509098 -1.14790396076796 144 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0090090 negative regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway 0.317301148509098 -1.14790396076796 144 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 27303 RBMS3 GO:0042886 amide transport 0.317301148509098 -1.14790396076796 144 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0016331 morphogenesis of embryonic epithelium 0.317301148509098 -1.14790396076796 144 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0023052 signaling 0.318010254283266 -1.14567165054806 4968 15 0.3125 48 18204 3726,4854,3429,3725,388,10395,10410,3164,7114,7538,8404,3315,2034,682,7122 JUNB,NOTCH3,IFI27,JUN,RHOB,DLC1,IFITM3,NR4A1,TMSB4X,ZFP36,SPARCL1,HSPB1,EPAS1,BSG,CLDN5 GO:0035148 tube formation 0.319115630511268 -1.14220176378486 145 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0036294 cellular response to decreased oxygen levels 0.320925390170344 -1.13654661224389 146 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0051783 regulation of nuclear division 0.320925390170344 -1.13654661224389 146 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0033157 regulation of intracellular protein transport 0.320925390170344 -1.13654661224389 146 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0044772 mitotic cell cycle phase transition 0.320925390170344 -1.13654661224389 146 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0022607 cellular component assembly 0.324147824109093 -1.12655561998865 2472 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 6209,3164,7122,10398,10395,60,6234,6232 RPS15,NR4A1,CLDN5,MYL9,DLC1,ACTB,RPS28,RPS27 GO:1901361 organic cyclic compound catabolic process 0.324677152613835 -1.12492396695072 441 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2597,7538 GAPDH,ZFP36 GO:0060429 epithelium development 0.326002572570506 -1.120850006326 1094 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 10395,388,2034,60 DLC1,RHOB,EPAS1,ACTB GO:0048667 cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation 0.326622336328148 -1.11895071031232 443 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4854,60 NOTCH3,ACTB GO:0050658 RNA transport 0.328117445607223 -1.1143836688126 150 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0050657 nucleic acid transport 0.328117445607223 -1.1143836688126 150 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0009628 response to abiotic stimulus 0.329651162776979 -1.10972026612136 1100 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3315,2034,3164,388 HSPB1,EPAS1,NR4A1,RHOB GO:0120161 regulation of cold-induced thermogenesis 0.329903773441354 -1.10895426267614 151 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0048870 cell motility 0.330259600894599 -1.10787626440621 1101 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 60,23521,3164,682 ACTB,RPL13A,NR4A1,BSG GO:0007154 cell communication 0.331130049283653 -1.10524408263141 5010 15 0.3125 48 18204 7538,3315,2034,8404,7122,682,3429,4854,3726,3725,10410,3164,7114,388,10395 ZFP36,HSPB1,EPAS1,SPARCL1,CLDN5,BSG,IFI27,NOTCH3,JUNB,JUN,IFITM3,NR4A1,TMSB4X,RHOB,DLC1 GO:0051236 establishment of RNA localization 0.331685450655877 -1.10356819695202 152 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0046034 ATP metabolic process 0.331685450655877 -1.10356819695202 152 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0051701 biological process involved in interaction with host 0.331685450655877 -1.10356819695202 152 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0060538 skeletal muscle organ development 0.331685450655877 -1.10356819695202 152 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0070661 leukocyte proliferation 0.333462489136436 -1.09822489630491 153 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0071383 cellular response to steroid hormone stimulus 0.333462489136436 -1.09822489630491 153 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0002573 myeloid leukocyte differentiation 0.333462489136436 -1.09822489630491 153 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0015748 organophosphate ester transport 0.333462489136436 -1.09822489630491 153 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0016525 negative regulation of angiogenesis 0.335234900661571 -1.09292379687544 154 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0050729 positive regulation of inflammatory response 0.335234900661571 -1.09292379687544 154 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0030902 hindbrain development 0.335234900661571 -1.09292379687544 154 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0007612 learning 0.335234900661571 -1.09292379687544 154 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0071704 organic substance metabolic process 0.335827087898115 -1.09115887083176 7613 22 0.458333333333333 48 18204 6157,2597,11224,23521,6143,6122,6141,3315,6168,6176,6233,6158,10209,3429,6137,3164,1843,7538,6234,6232,6209,2034 RPL27A,GAPDH,RPL35,RPL13A,RPL19,RPL3,RPL18,HSPB1,RPL37A,RPLP1,RPS27A,RPL28,EIF1,IFI27,RPL13,NR4A1,DUSP1,ZFP36,RPS28,RPS27,RPS15,EPAS1 GO:0031099 regeneration 0.337002697045533 -1.08766434555933 155 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0010468 regulation of gene expression 0.337876752222512 -1.0850740883908 5398 16 0.333333333333333 48 18204 7538,10974,2034,3315,57801,7122,2597,60,4854,3726,10209,27303,3429,23521,3725,3164 ZFP36,ADIRF,EPAS1,HSPB1,HES4,CLDN5,GAPDH,ACTB,NOTCH3,JUNB,EIF1,RBMS3,IFI27,RPL13A,JUN,NR4A1 GO:0010950 positive regulation of endopeptidase activity 0.338765890047028 -1.08244600000046 156 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:2000181 negative regulation of blood vessel morphogenesis 0.338765890047028 -1.08244600000046 156 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:1901987 regulation of cell cycle phase transition 0.340200118763984 -1.07822124991995 457 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,1843 ACTB,DUSP1 GO:0021915 neural tube development 0.340524491401581 -1.0772682282213 157 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0031503 protein-containing complex localization 0.340524491401581 -1.0772682282213 157 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0007584 response to nutrient 0.340524491401581 -1.0772682282213 157 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:1901343 negative regulation of vasculature development 0.342278512817089 -1.07213050837251 158 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0044770 cell cycle phase transition 0.344027965951985 -1.06703232854106 159 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0019318 hexose metabolic process 0.344027965951985 -1.06703232854106 159 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0009894 regulation of catabolic process 0.344276107526972 -1.06631130539069 1124 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 7078,3315,7538,2597 TIMP3,HSPB1,ZFP36,GAPDH GO:0072657 protein localization to membrane 0.345031404387464 -1.06411983888346 462 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 682,483 BSG,ATP1B3 GO:0009266 response to temperature stimulus 0.345772862471595 -1.06197318633822 160 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0071407 cellular response to organic cyclic compound 0.346961050187399 -1.05854275263404 464 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,60 ZFP36,ACTB GO:0008285 negative regulation of cell population proliferation 0.346997598956969 -1.05843741849158 791 3 0.0625 48 18204 1843,3490,10395 DUSP1,IGFBP7,DLC1 GO:0060255 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 0.347175410298157 -1.05792512157797 6536 19 0.395833333333333 48 18204 3725,23521,10395,3164,2597,60,3726,4854,10209,27303,3429,10974,2034,3315,57801,7122,1843,7538,7078 JUN,RPL13A,DLC1,NR4A1,GAPDH,ACTB,JUNB,NOTCH3,EIF1,RBMS3,IFI27,ADIRF,EPAS1,HSPB1,HES4,CLDN5,DUSP1,ZFP36,TIMP3 GO:0071453 cellular response to oxygen levels 0.347513213983988 -1.05695258884705 161 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0023057 negative regulation of signaling 0.353802434404613 -1.03901661654351 1485 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 10395,27303,7114,1843,3315 DLC1,RBMS3,TMSB4X,DUSP1,HSPB1 GO:0010648 negative regulation of cell communication 0.353802434404613 -1.03901661654351 1485 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 1843,3315,10395,7114,27303 DUSP1,HSPB1,DLC1,TMSB4X,RBMS3 GO:0071805 potassium ion transmembrane transport 0.35442940123601 -1.03724610309403 165 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0098739 import across plasma membrane 0.35442940123601 -1.03724610309403 165 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0043281 regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process 0.35442940123601 -1.03724610309403 165 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0010970 transport along microtubule 0.356147200924119 -1.03241114784987 166 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0043409 negative regulation of MAPK cascade 0.362973754555541 -1.01342474883105 170 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0010952 positive regulation of peptidase activity 0.362973754555541 -1.01342474883105 170 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0007034 vacuolar transport 0.362973754555541 -1.01342474883105 170 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0071840 cellular component organization or biogenesis 0.363721958904428 -1.01136555239047 5850 17 0.354166666666667 48 18204 2034,8404,6209,7122,6234,5243,9168,6232,7114,3164,388,10395,10398,60,11224,2597,4854 EPAS1,SPARCL1,RPS15,CLDN5,RPS28,ABCB1,TMSB10,RPS27,TMSB4X,NR4A1,RHOB,DLC1,MYL9,ACTB,RPL35,GAPDH,NOTCH3 GO:0035556 intracellular signal transduction 0.36455598758212 -1.00907513828052 1505 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 3725,3315,7538,3726,388 JUN,HSPB1,ZFP36,JUNB,RHOB GO:0071478 cellular response to radiation 0.364669288537846 -1.00876439491945 171 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0006401 RNA catabolic process 0.366360403383805 -1.00413772138942 172 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0007369 gastrulation 0.366360403383805 -1.00413772138942 172 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0031667 response to nutrient levels 0.367113518292543 -1.00208416460671 485 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7538,2 ZFP36,A2M GO:0048812 neuron projection morphogenesis 0.368067834541201 -0.999488024808049 486 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,4854 ACTB,NOTCH3 GO:0045785 positive regulation of cell adhesion 0.368067834541201 -0.999488024808049 486 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3956,60 LGALS1,ACTB GO:0006403 RNA localization 0.369729420791113 -0.99498383602976 174 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0055001 muscle cell development 0.371407345789701 -0.990455851611574 175 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10398 MYL9 GO:0009205 purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process 0.371407345789701 -0.990455851611574 175 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0120039 plasma membrane bounded cell projection morphogenesis 0.372831612241673 -0.986628402980142 491 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4854,60 NOTCH3,ACTB GO:0006813 potassium ion transport 0.373080896599008 -0.98596000189111 176 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0030178 negative regulation of Wnt signaling pathway 0.374750084355317 -0.981495916901877 177 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 27303 RBMS3 GO:0019941 modification-dependent protein catabolic process 0.375683497649739 -0.979008251642296 494 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 6233,3429 RPS27A,IFI27 GO:0016241 regulation of macroautophagy 0.376414920220562 -0.977063232788296 178 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0061157 mRNA destabilization 0.376414920220562 -0.977063232788296 178 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0019058 viral life cycle 0.376414920220562 -0.977063232788296 178 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 682 BSG GO:0048858 cell projection morphogenesis 0.377582032830408 -0.973967428389465 496 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4854,60 NOTCH3,ACTB GO:0010556 regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 0.378753062328726 -0.970870836834872 5528 16 0.333333333333333 48 18204 57801,7122,10974,2034,3315,7538,3164,23521,3725,4854,3726,10209,27303,3429,2597,60 HES4,CLDN5,ADIRF,EPAS1,HSPB1,ZFP36,NR4A1,RPL13A,JUN,NOTCH3,JUNB,EIF1,RBMS3,IFI27,GAPDH,ACTB GO:0090066 regulation of anatomical structure size 0.379478355936839 -0.96895771687741 498 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,9168 TMSB4X,TMSB10 GO:0008152 metabolic process 0.379697042690245 -0.968381600317652 8139 23 0.479166666666667 48 18204 6233,6137,3429,10209,6158,3164,6234,7538,1843,6232,2034,6209,11224,6157,2597,6143,23521,6122,5243,6141,3315,6168,6176 RPS27A,RPL13,IFI27,EIF1,RPL28,NR4A1,RPS28,ZFP36,DUSP1,RPS27,EPAS1,RPS15,RPL35,RPL27A,GAPDH,RPL19,RPL13A,RPL3,ABCB1,RPL18,HSPB1,RPL37A,RPLP1 GO:0043632 modification-dependent macromolecule catabolic process 0.3804256788195 -0.966464445806124 499 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 6233,3429 RPS27A,IFI27 GO:0001819 positive regulation of cytokine production 0.381372437740348 -0.963978854446147 500 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2597,3315 GAPDH,HSPB1 GO:0022407 regulation of cell-cell adhesion 0.381372437740348 -0.963978854446147 500 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3956,60 LGALS1,ACTB GO:0006814 sodium ion transport 0.381383427266034 -0.963950039130025 181 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0005996 monosaccharide metabolic process 0.381383427266034 -0.963950039130025 181 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0009199 ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process 0.383030966258989 -0.959639441218678 182 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0050779 RNA destabilization 0.383030966258989 -0.959639441218678 182 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0009144 purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process 0.383030966258989 -0.959639441218678 182 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:1905475 regulation of protein localization to membrane 0.384674208623601 -0.955358514300574 183 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0031589 cell-substrate adhesion 0.384674208623601 -0.955358514300574 183 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0071417 cellular response to organonitrogen compound 0.386097647551421 -0.95166496857842 505 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3164,60 NR4A1,ACTB GO:0010558 negative regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 0.387876756379993 -0.947067628012455 2624 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 7122,23521,3725,3429,27303,4854,7538,2597 CLDN5,RPL13A,JUN,IFI27,RBMS3,NOTCH3,ZFP36,GAPDH GO:0046434 organophosphate catabolic process 0.387947847184209 -0.946884362866988 185 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0043484 regulation of RNA splicing 0.387947847184209 -0.946884362866988 185 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10209 EIF1 GO:0003013 circulatory system process 0.388925778656152 -0.944366753938187 508 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,5243 CLDN5,ABCB1 GO:0019219 regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 0.389019469499787 -0.94412588648817 4085 12 0.25 48 18204 57801,2034,10974,7538,7114,3164,3725,3429,4854,3726,10209,60 HES4,EPAS1,ADIRF,ZFP36,TMSB4X,NR4A1,JUN,IFI27,NOTCH3,JUNB,EIF1,ACTB GO:0001936 regulation of endothelial cell proliferation 0.389578265249611 -0.942690496116922 186 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:2000045 regulation of G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 0.389578265249611 -0.942690496116922 186 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0010629 negative regulation of gene expression 0.390421952548182 -0.940527195111746 1553 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 7538,23521,2597,7122,27303 ZFP36,RPL13A,GAPDH,CLDN5,RBMS3 GO:0048469 cell maturation 0.391204430383079 -0.938525015775483 187 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0006355 regulation of DNA-templated transcription 0.391586291988689 -0.937549374074612 3360 10 0.208333333333333 48 18204 10974,2034,3725,57801,3164,60,7538,3726,4854,3429 ADIRF,EPAS1,JUN,HES4,NR4A1,ACTB,ZFP36,JUNB,NOTCH3,IFI27 GO:1903047 mitotic cell cycle process 0.391748549438624 -0.937135100525999 511 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 388,5243 RHOB,ABCB1 GO:0030522 intracellular receptor signaling pathway 0.392826353421141 -0.934387613557989 188 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0023061 signal release 0.392826353421141 -0.934387613557989 188 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:2001242 regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 0.394444045198854 -0.930277986021327 189 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0046890 regulation of lipid biosynthetic process 0.394444045198854 -0.930277986021327 189 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3490 IGFBP7 GO:0042113 B cell activation 0.394444045198854 -0.930277986021327 189 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:2001141 regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 0.398887236375802 -0.919076517635081 3379 10 0.208333333333333 48 18204 3726,4854,3429,60,7538,57801,3164,10974,2034,3725 JUNB,NOTCH3,IFI27,ACTB,ZFP36,HES4,NR4A1,ADIRF,EPAS1,JUN GO:0045664 regulation of neuron differentiation 0.399271840856037 -0.918112788671836 192 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0001817 regulation of cytokine production 0.399302080963945 -0.918037053396501 863 3 0.0625 48 18204 2597,3315,7538 GAPDH,HSPB1,ZFP36 GO:0071466 cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.400872715382916 -0.914111320061038 193 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:2000116 regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 0.402469412375288 -0.910136179109881 194 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0002822 regulation of adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains 0.402469412375288 -0.910136179109881 194 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0061014 positive regulation of mRNA catabolic process 0.402469412375288 -0.910136179109881 194 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0060348 bone development 0.40406194253749 -0.906187089661174 195 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6137 RPL13 GO:0030705 cytoskeleton-dependent intracellular transport 0.40406194253749 -0.906187089661174 195 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0002064 epithelial cell development 0.405650316510959 -0.902263779885089 196 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0031327 negative regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 0.405735184210049 -0.902054587831932 2666 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 2597,7538,4854,3429,27303,3725,23521,7122 GAPDH,ZFP36,NOTCH3,IFI27,RBMS3,JUN,RPL13A,CLDN5 GO:0031326 regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 0.407030134950195 -0.898868054633818 5616 16 0.333333333333333 48 18204 10974,2034,3315,57801,7122,7538,3725,23521,3164,2597,60,4854,3726,10209,3429,27303 ADIRF,EPAS1,HSPB1,HES4,CLDN5,ZFP36,JUN,RPL13A,NR4A1,GAPDH,ACTB,NOTCH3,JUNB,EIF1,IFI27,RBMS3 GO:0050777 negative regulation of immune response 0.407234544887108 -0.898365982159675 197 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0006351 DNA-templated transcription 0.408567604720887 -0.895097883342101 529 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2034,3164 EPAS1,NR4A1 GO:0002683 negative regulation of immune system process 0.408567604720887 -0.895097883342101 529 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 1843,2 DUSP1,A2M GO:0009141 nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process 0.408814638287603 -0.894493432789497 198 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0051252 regulation of RNA metabolic process 0.409121335106733 -0.89374350408241 3773 11 0.229166666666667 48 18204 7538,10974,2034,57801,60,10209,3726,4854,3429,3725,3164 ZFP36,ADIRF,EPAS1,HES4,ACTB,EIF1,JUNB,NOTCH3,IFI27,JUN,NR4A1 GO:0007346 regulation of mitotic cell cycle 0.409495865590576 -0.892828471977889 530 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 1843,60 DUSP1,ACTB GO:0001667 ameboidal-type cell migration 0.410390607260585 -0.890645872179431 199 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0016043 cellular component organization 0.413507084796068 -0.883080630938284 5636 16 0.333333333333333 48 18204 2034,6209,8404,7122,5243,6234,9168,6232,3164,7114,388,10395,10398,60,2597,4854 EPAS1,RPS15,SPARCL1,CLDN5,ABCB1,RPS28,TMSB10,RPS27,NR4A1,TMSB4X,RHOB,DLC1,MYL9,ACTB,GAPDH,NOTCH3 GO:0002366 leukocyte activation involved in immune response 0.413530214086673 -0.883024698054382 201 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0009890 negative regulation of biosynthetic process 0.415959701438188 -0.877166894956041 2690 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 23521,3725,7122,2597,7538,4854,3429,27303 RPL13A,JUN,CLDN5,GAPDH,ZFP36,NOTCH3,IFI27,RBMS3 GO:0032774 RNA biosynthetic process 0.417819901530623 -0.87270479688542 539 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2034,3164 EPAS1,NR4A1 GO:0006396 RNA processing 0.418092573125635 -0.872052404169795 1245 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 6209,6234,11224,6232 RPS15,RPS28,RPL35,RPS27 GO:0002263 cell activation involved in immune response 0.419760396449273 -0.86807121513759 205 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:2000241 regulation of reproductive process 0.419760396449273 -0.86807121513759 205 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0007163 establishment or maintenance of cell polarity 0.419760396449273 -0.86807121513759 205 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0099111 microtubule-based transport 0.421307788027959 -0.864391624461974 206 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0071222 cellular response to lipopolysaccharide 0.424390458919014 -0.857101353835702 208 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0008016 regulation of heart contraction 0.424390458919014 -0.857101353835702 208 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0045892 negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription 0.42475686175171 -0.856238363759617 1256 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3725,7538,3429,4854 JUN,ZFP36,IFI27,NOTCH3 GO:0002819 regulation of adaptive immune response 0.425925758885523 -0.853490222817017 209 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3726 JUNB GO:0051668 localization within membrane 0.427003040246818 -0.850964145762893 549 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 483,682 ATP1B3,BSG GO:0051049 regulation of transport 0.42702662778701 -0.850908907540893 1621 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 60,5243,3429,7114,483 ACTB,ABCB1,IFI27,TMSB4X,ATP1B3 GO:1902806 regulation of cell cycle G1/S phase transition 0.42898433918446 -0.846334866117988 211 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0009952 anterior/posterior pattern specification 0.430507639996643 -0.842790208473582 212 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 57801 HES4 GO:0042594 response to starvation 0.432026961546489 -0.839267281698268 213 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0006886 intracellular protein transport 0.433388633141559 -0.836120417400654 556 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3315,388 HSPB1,RHOB GO:1902679 negative regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 0.433819653526714 -0.83512637611375 1271 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3429,4854,3725,7538 IFI27,NOTCH3,JUN,ZFP36 GO:0006457 protein folding 0.435053707491185 -0.832285790017714 215 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0016311 dephosphorylation 0.435053707491185 -0.832285790017714 215 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0006954 inflammatory response 0.436114317291418 -0.82985087437785 559 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3164,2 NR4A1,A2M GO:0010243 response to organonitrogen compound 0.436480587851431 -0.829011376967619 915 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,3164,682 ACTB,NR4A1,BSG GO:0045637 regulation of myeloid cell differentiation 0.436561152165107 -0.828826816916908 216 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0001932 regulation of protein phosphorylation 0.437896127591735 -0.825773548347625 917 3 0.0625 48 18204 1843,3315,60 DUSP1,HSPB1,ACTB GO:0065003 protein-containing complex assembly 0.438640152749777 -0.824075899651457 1279 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 6209,6234,6232,3164 RPS15,RPS28,RPS27,NR4A1 GO:0009966 regulation of signal transduction 0.439367373026491 -0.822419375255802 3114 9 0.1875 48 18204 7114,10395,3490,3315,6209,27303,3956,2597,1843 TMSB4X,DLC1,IGFBP7,HSPB1,RPS15,RBMS3,LGALS1,GAPDH,DUSP1 GO:0050679 positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation 0.439564235366228 -0.821971416982031 218 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0016477 cell migration 0.440723601840141 -0.81933735322414 921 3 0.0625 48 18204 23521,682,3164 RPL13A,BSG,NR4A1 GO:0015931 nucleobase-containing compound transport 0.441059894019886 -0.818574598653142 219 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0065007 biological regulation 0.441096496469792 -0.818491614614662 12501 34 0.708333333333333 48 18204 3490,682,483,7122,8404,10974,3315,2,7078,9168,5243,10398,10395,10410,3725,23521,4854,4502,4493,2597,60,57801,6209,2034,3956,1843,7538,388,7114,3164,3726,10209,27303,3429 IGFBP7,BSG,ATP1B3,CLDN5,SPARCL1,ADIRF,HSPB1,A2M,TIMP3,TMSB10,ABCB1,MYL9,DLC1,IFITM3,JUN,RPL13A,NOTCH3,MT2A,MT1E,GAPDH,ACTB,HES4,RPS15,EPAS1,LGALS1,DUSP1,ZFP36,RHOB,TMSB4X,NR4A1,JUNB,EIF1,RBMS3,IFI27 GO:0010810 regulation of cell-substrate adhesion 0.444039495566615 -0.811841766527221 221 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0071219 cellular response to molecule of bacterial origin 0.444039495566615 -0.811841766527221 221 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0000165 MAPK cascade 0.445523458439093 -0.808505377028633 222 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0007507 heart development 0.446949453015194 -0.805309771265573 571 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,10395 CLDN5,DLC1 GO:0006282 regulation of DNA repair 0.447003542628685 -0.805188759056159 223 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0032879 regulation of localization 0.448290320172079 -0.802314220353483 2028 6 0.125 48 18204 483,7114,3429,7538,5243,60 ATP1B3,TMSB4X,IFI27,ZFP36,ABCB1,ACTB GO:0007411 axon guidance 0.448479758092688 -0.801891730959562 224 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:1901136 carbohydrate derivative catabolic process 0.448479758092688 -0.801891730959562 224 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0097485 neuron projection guidance 0.448479758092688 -0.801891730959562 224 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0051146 striated muscle cell differentiation 0.449952114689723 -0.798614113680525 225 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10398 MYL9 GO:0008406 gonad development 0.451420622283553 -0.795355730477078 226 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0034976 response to endoplasmic reticulum stress 0.452885290777805 -0.792116406806064 227 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:1901699 cellular response to nitrogen compound 0.455003080844876 -0.78745108896647 580 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,3164 ACTB,NR4A1 GO:0002685 regulation of leukocyte migration 0.458705769574109 -0.779346299358902 231 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0045137 development of primary sexual characteristics 0.458705769574109 -0.779346299358902 231 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0048598 embryonic morphogenesis 0.462108102005181 -0.771956428246891 588 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10395,1843 DLC1,DUSP1 GO:0000278 mitotic cell cycle 0.466522561109732 -0.762448897356702 593 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 5243,388 ABCB1,RHOB GO:0071695 anatomical structure maturation 0.467322972707042 -0.760734669972556 237 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0048609 multicellular organismal reproductive process 0.467326105452303 -0.760727966397205 959 3 0.0625 48 18204 3726,2,682 JUNB,A2M,BSG GO:0009057 macromolecule catabolic process 0.469404965356141 -0.75628941752968 962 3 0.0625 48 18204 6233,7538,3429 RPS27A,ZFP36,IFI27 GO:0051603 proteolysis involved in protein catabolic process 0.470039431765083 -0.754938690424704 597 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3429,6233 IFI27,RPS27A GO:1903320 regulation of protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal 0.477206692915062 -0.739805563468922 244 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0006913 nucleocytoplasmic transport 0.477206692915062 -0.739805563468922 244 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:2001234 negative regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway 0.477206692915062 -0.739805563468922 244 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0051169 nuclear transport 0.478603913354732 -0.73688192687031 245 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0016071 mRNA metabolic process 0.479642459916075 -0.734714327812397 608 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2034,7538 EPAS1,ZFP36 GO:0022604 regulation of cell morphogenesis 0.479997477127649 -0.733974431078077 246 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0050807 regulation of synapse organization 0.479997477127649 -0.733974431078077 246 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0006959 humoral immune response 0.481387393677097 -0.73108294077061 247 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0071216 cellular response to biotic stimulus 0.481387393677097 -0.73108294077061 247 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0060341 regulation of cellular localization 0.483862047212955 -0.725955439312771 983 3 0.0625 48 18204 3429,60,7538 IFI27,ACTB,ZFP36 GO:0000209 protein polyubiquitination 0.484156322305295 -0.725347444442691 249 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:1901873 regulation of post-translational protein modification 0.485535353019619 -0.722503176147735 250 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0071375 cellular response to peptide hormone stimulus 0.485535353019619 -0.722503176147735 250 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0050803 regulation of synapse structure or activity 0.488282593616189 -0.716860955455091 252 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0016567 protein ubiquitination 0.490002004858803 -0.713345796337257 620 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3429,6233 IFI27,RPS27A GO:0042325 regulation of phosphorylation 0.491365747970857 -0.710566524273431 994 3 0.0625 48 18204 1843,3315,60 DUSP1,HSPB1,ACTB GO:0007417 central nervous system development 0.492045463185561 -0.709184161910192 995 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,4854,10395 ACTB,NOTCH3,DLC1 GO:0003006 developmental process involved in reproduction 0.494082132188259 -0.705053516123389 998 3 0.0625 48 18204 682,3726,2 BSG,JUNB,A2M GO:0141187 nucleic acid biosynthetic process 0.495987880487446 -0.701203787056854 627 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2034,3164 EPAS1,NR4A1 GO:0007264 small GTPase-mediated signal transduction 0.496438411824493 -0.700295847854744 258 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0090304 nucleic acid metabolic process 0.496598749147559 -0.699972924744189 2504 7 0.145833333333333 48 18204 3164,6209,2034,6232,7538,6234,11224 NR4A1,RPS15,EPAS1,RPS27,ZFP36,RPS28,RPL35 GO:0030001 metal ion transport 0.498540192414072 -0.696071066122134 630 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2512,483 FTL,ATP1B3 GO:0051253 negative regulation of RNA metabolic process 0.499049185057338 -0.695050620838877 1381 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3725,7538,4854,3429 JUN,ZFP36,NOTCH3,IFI27 GO:1903522 regulation of blood circulation 0.500468452593331 -0.692210713995004 261 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0001227 DNA-binding transcription repressor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific 0.503137583614422 -0.686891620211425 263 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:0032386 regulation of intracellular transport 0.504466907281361 -0.684253036421469 264 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0060828 regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway 0.50579274832665 -0.681628281886119 265 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 27303 RBMS3 GO:1901698 response to nitrogen compound 0.509569964901973 -0.674188115036535 1021 3 0.0625 48 18204 60,682,3164 ACTB,BSG,NR4A1 GO:0043488 regulation of mRNA stability 0.51106146460863 -0.671265413020404 269 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0048511 rhythmic process 0.512370026081203 -0.668708207779864 270 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0007611 learning or memory 0.520149685048604 -0.653638652966514 276 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0043487 regulation of RNA stability 0.526539787815195 -0.641428379864176 281 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1902533 positive regulation of intracellular signal transduction 0.527452073285077 -0.639697274091209 1048 3 0.0625 48 18204 3956,2597,6209 LGALS1,GAPDH,RPS15 GO:0007548 sex differentiation 0.527807772536112 -0.63902312873087 282 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0048872 homeostasis of number of cells 0.527807772536112 -0.63902312873087 282 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0051179 localization 0.528320873529814 -0.638051464841282 4474 12 0.25 48 18204 483,682,3315,6209,9168,2512,5243,7538,7114,3164,388,60 ATP1B3,BSG,HSPB1,RPS15,TMSB10,FTL,ABCB1,ZFP36,TMSB4X,NR4A1,RHOB,ACTB GO:0021700 developmental maturation 0.532846544067162 -0.629521806087988 286 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0042692 muscle cell differentiation 0.53659103484509 -0.622519048463223 289 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10398 MYL9 GO:0061013 regulation of mRNA catabolic process 0.537832655266938 -0.620207816896048 290 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0030098 lymphocyte differentiation 0.537832655266938 -0.620207816896048 290 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0001666 response to hypoxia 0.540306131825519 -0.615619389269033 292 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0030100 regulation of endocytosis 0.543992060917157 -0.608820626134972 295 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0048608 reproductive structure development 0.54521426099141 -0.606576422144172 296 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0000902 cell morphogenesis 0.545497904783226 -0.606056314627064 687 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,4854 ACTB,NOTCH3 GO:0043161 proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 0.546433253379273 -0.604343113537729 297 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0046942 carboxylic acid transport 0.546433253379273 -0.604343113537729 297 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0015849 organic acid transport 0.547649046294738 -0.602120623664207 298 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0051054 positive regulation of DNA metabolic process 0.54886164797135 -0.599908876569953 299 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0061458 reproductive system development 0.550071066605434 -0.597707797092893 300 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0031175 neuron projection development 0.550266805630073 -0.597352017233556 693 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4854,60 NOTCH3,ACTB GO:0032446 protein modification by small protein conjugation 0.551848929806183 -0.594480948049019 695 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3429,6233 IFI27,RPS27A GO:0022414 reproductive process 0.552385081194773 -0.593509865062294 1475 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 682,2,3726,3490 BSG,A2M,JUNB,IGFBP7 GO:0010562 positive regulation of phosphorus metabolic process 0.553427290491272 -0.591624898621741 697 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7114,10395 TMSB4X,DLC1 GO:0045937 positive regulation of phosphate metabolic process 0.553427290491272 -0.591624898621741 697 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10395,7114 DLC1,TMSB4X GO:0001822 kidney development 0.557261191279212 -0.58472122386854 306 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0051056 regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction 0.557261191279212 -0.58472122386854 306 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0036293 response to decreased oxygen levels 0.557261191279212 -0.58472122386854 306 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0048584 positive regulation of response to stimulus 0.561013650512472 -0.578010041291171 2266 6 0.125 48 18204 2597,6209,60,3315,3956,7114 GAPDH,RPS15,ACTB,HSPB1,LGALS1,TMSB4X GO:0006139 nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 0.565726220556723 -0.56964502706776 3048 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 6232,2597,11224,6234,7538,3164,6209,2034 RPS27,GAPDH,RPL35,RPS28,ZFP36,NR4A1,RPS15,EPAS1 GO:0030163 protein catabolic process 0.567462402612425 -0.566580782724483 715 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3429,6233 IFI27,RPS27A GO:0007517 muscle organ development 0.567835894347064 -0.565922820409004 315 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0097190 apoptotic signaling pathway 0.567835894347064 -0.565922820409004 315 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0072001 renal system development 0.568995482779855 -0.563882783762793 316 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 4854 NOTCH3 GO:0071705 nitrogen compound transport 0.569905861065203 -0.56228408781926 1507 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 5243,7538,3315,388 ABCB1,ZFP36,HSPB1,RHOB GO:1901565 organonitrogen compound catabolic process 0.570310363754279 -0.561574568524163 1115 3 0.0625 48 18204 3429,6233,2597 IFI27,RPS27A,GAPDH GO:0045934 negative regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 0.572071149090826 -0.558491908815278 1511 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 7538,3725,4854,3429 ZFP36,JUN,NOTCH3,IFI27 GO:0050890 cognition 0.572455998679749 -0.557819404708798 319 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0104004 cellular response to environmental stimulus 0.573603446945856 -0.55581698039495 320 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0071214 cellular response to abiotic stimulus 0.573603446945856 -0.55581698039495 320 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0008283 cell population proliferation 0.575887811777221 -0.551842408476725 726 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 5243,3726 ABCB1,JUNB GO:0019216 regulation of lipid metabolic process 0.581551582392409 -0.542055605209631 327 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3490 IGFBP7 GO:0062012 regulation of small molecule metabolic process 0.586028048450617 -0.534387626300381 331 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7114 TMSB4X GO:0070482 response to oxygen levels 0.586028048450617 -0.534387626300381 331 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0010564 regulation of cell cycle process 0.591651080164091 -0.524838209472359 747 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 1843,60 DUSP1,ACTB GO:0050794 regulation of cellular process 0.592157138114894 -0.523983243315146 11468 30 0.625 48 18204 3164,7114,388,3429,27303,10209,3726,57801,2034,6209,3956,7538,1843,10410,10395,3725,23521,4854,60,2597,483,7122,682,3490,3315,10974,8404,9168,7078,5243 NR4A1,TMSB4X,RHOB,IFI27,RBMS3,EIF1,JUNB,HES4,EPAS1,RPS15,LGALS1,ZFP36,DUSP1,IFITM3,DLC1,JUN,RPL13A,NOTCH3,ACTB,GAPDH,ATP1B3,CLDN5,BSG,IGFBP7,HSPB1,ADIRF,SPARCL1,TMSB10,TIMP3,ABCB1 GO:0030111 regulation of Wnt signaling pathway 0.594840758555433 -0.519461541936469 339 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 27303 RBMS3 GO:0006869 lipid transport 0.594840758555433 -0.519461541936469 339 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0045862 positive regulation of proteolysis 0.597015072609644 -0.515812918655906 341 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0023051 regulation of signaling 0.604050754679805 -0.504097053650893 3534 9 0.1875 48 18204 10395,3490,7114,6209,3315,3956,27303,1843,2597 DLC1,IGFBP7,TMSB4X,RPS15,HSPB1,LGALS1,RBMS3,DUSP1,GAPDH GO:0006812 monoatomic cation transport 0.605547697422599 -0.501621945478588 766 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2512,483 FTL,ATP1B3 GO:0010646 regulation of cell communication 0.606636946961109 -0.499824777305027 3541 9 0.1875 48 18204 2597,1843,3956,27303,6209,3315,3490,10395,7114 GAPDH,DUSP1,LGALS1,RBMS3,RPS15,HSPB1,IGFBP7,DLC1,TMSB4X GO:0060537 muscle tissue development 0.60982304148338 -0.494586459829629 353 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0046907 intracellular transport 0.610823802492234 -0.492946737025247 1182 3 0.0625 48 18204 6209,3315,388 RPS15,HSPB1,RHOB GO:0006091 generation of precursor metabolites and energy 0.612962230862313 -0.489451958545568 356 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0033554 cellular response to stress 0.613125963296709 -0.489184877537613 1589 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 388,3726,2034,3725 RHOB,JUNB,EPAS1,JUN GO:0042176 regulation of protein catabolic process 0.618139341956617 -0.481041374517823 361 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7078 TIMP3 GO:1903131 mononuclear cell differentiation 0.6212129959435 -0.476081267218938 364 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0051649 establishment of localization in cell 0.6282963490514 -0.464743330426662 1619 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 3315,6209,3164,388 HSPB1,RPS15,NR4A1,RHOB GO:0070647 protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal 0.629546732778684 -0.462755190320456 800 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3429,6233 IFI27,RPS27A GO:0009150 purine ribonucleotide metabolic process 0.630289330662033 -0.461576310002768 373 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0010876 lipid localization 0.631284569967349 -0.459998535587366 374 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0001818 negative regulation of cytokine production 0.638178166183724 -0.44913777728116 381 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:1901575 organic substance catabolic process 0.640663338278027 -0.445251173329091 1644 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 2597,6233,7538,3429 GAPDH,RPS27A,ZFP36,IFI27 GO:0010498 proteasomal protein catabolic process 0.641093784109649 -0.444579523700179 384 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0007017 microtubule-based process 0.642473225963255 -0.442430134733571 819 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2597,3315 GAPDH,HSPB1 GO:0002252 immune effector process 0.645902104306023 -0.437107328005027 389 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0043933 protein-containing complex organization 0.648848041570816 -0.432556732111511 2067 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 3164,6232,6234,60,6209 NR4A1,RPS27,RPS28,ACTB,RPS15 GO:0009259 ribonucleotide metabolic process 0.649703294115969 -0.431239490897686 393 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0010959 regulation of metal ion transport 0.649703294115969 -0.431239490897686 393 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0007018 microtubule-based movement 0.650647331044113 -0.429787517751779 394 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0007049 cell cycle 0.651566643833698 -0.428375594734453 1254 3 0.0625 48 18204 388,1843,5243 RHOB,DUSP1,ABCB1 GO:2001233 regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway 0.652527937513875 -0.426901324588654 396 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0015711 organic anion transport 0.654398630235565 -0.424038586856602 398 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0001558 regulation of cell growth 0.657186192931821 -0.419787901968775 401 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3490 IGFBP7 GO:0019693 ribose phosphate metabolic process 0.662695430621221 -0.411439775005705 407 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0003002 regionalization 0.664512505327195 -0.408701581852875 409 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 57801 HES4 GO:0051656 establishment of organelle localization 0.665417444914128 -0.407340698557583 410 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0043687 post-translational protein modification 0.667925226578826 -0.403579047970064 858 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 6233,3429 RPS27A,IFI27 GO:0048666 neuron development 0.66855885300637 -0.402630848908518 859 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,4854 ACTB,NOTCH3 GO:0007268 chemical synaptic transmission 0.669906412358833 -0.400617259400228 415 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0098916 anterograde trans-synaptic signaling 0.669906412358833 -0.400617259400228 415 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0008015 blood circulation 0.672571429538893 -0.396646958218827 418 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0043085 positive regulation of catalytic activity 0.674219071388215 -0.394200189147944 868 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 10395,7114 DLC1,TMSB4X GO:0032940 secretion by cell 0.674336391263597 -0.394026195746965 420 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0009314 response to radiation 0.676092036298983 -0.391426063835245 422 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0032880 regulation of protein localization 0.676710272329988 -0.390512055823724 872 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,3429 ACTB,IFI27 GO:0048732 gland development 0.677838412890521 -0.388846348516655 424 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0022402 cell cycle process 0.681033793197766 -0.384143351159592 879 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 5243,388 ABCB1,RHOB GO:0007169 cell surface receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway 0.68130355185325 -0.383747327869194 428 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0009410 response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.68216411830161 -0.382485007417496 429 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0031349 positive regulation of defense response 0.68302240928133 -0.381227609874432 430 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0099537 trans-synaptic signaling 0.68387843068681 -0.379975110069973 431 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0051223 regulation of protein transport 0.685583688189778 -0.377484704003512 433 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0007005 mitochondrion organization 0.686432936027494 -0.376246748236527 434 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0034654 nucleobase-containing compound biosynthetic process 0.691343597717586 -0.369118331742084 896 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3164,2034 NR4A1,EPAS1 GO:0005975 carbohydrate metabolic process 0.69148145611953 -0.368918945128401 440 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0007399 nervous system development 0.698376318246207 -0.358997183613831 2185 5 0.104166666666667 48 18204 60,7122,57801,10395,4854 ACTB,CLDN5,HES4,DLC1,NOTCH3 GO:0045088 regulation of innate immune response 0.698905341188487 -0.358239966249694 449 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0006163 purine nucleotide metabolic process 0.70375712036597 -0.351321981830262 455 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0007600 sensory perception 0.704289538430471 -0.350565731195315 918 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2034,7078 EPAS1,TIMP3 GO:0007389 pattern specification process 0.704558273004303 -0.350184235657031 456 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 57801 HES4 GO:0099536 synaptic signaling 0.706949023301194 -0.346796718512263 459 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0042391 regulation of membrane potential 0.710107243639475 -0.34233927297374 463 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0009593 detection of chemical stimulus 0.710891576686715 -0.341235354918817 464 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0051345 positive regulation of hydrolase activity 0.712454014151746 -0.339039910463636 466 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0050877 nervous system process 0.713747999370842 -0.337225320998904 1376 3 0.0625 48 18204 2034,7078,7122 EPAS1,TIMP3,CLDN5 GO:0050776 regulation of immune response 0.719021581549555 -0.329863905648205 944 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3726,2 JUNB,A2M GO:0046649 lymphocyte activation 0.720143020741634 -0.328305446779396 476 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:1901615 organic hydroxy compound metabolic process 0.72241020546175 -0.325162149817258 479 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0003700 DNA-binding transcription factor activity 0.724659402805893 -0.322053523746249 482 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3725 JUN GO:0072521 purine-containing compound metabolic process 0.725405162230069 -0.321024935767604 483 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0051604 protein maturation 0.725405162230069 -0.321024935767604 483 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0006511 ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 0.726148943774476 -0.320000128484947 484 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0006811 monoatomic ion transport 0.729942631550923 -0.314789334844358 964 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 483,2512 ATP1B3,FTL GO:1901360 organic cyclic compound metabolic process 0.737247376398129 -0.304831789925665 3526 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 11224,6234,7538,2597,6232,2034,6209,3164 RPL35,RPS28,ZFP36,GAPDH,RPS27,EPAS1,RPS15,NR4A1 GO:0001501 skeletal system development 0.737784601246008 -0.304103365213828 500 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6137 RPL13 GO:0002684 positive regulation of immune system process 0.74155053076365 -0.29901197304545 986 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,3956 ACTB,LGALS1 GO:0071702 organic substance transport 0.744836516729325 -0.294590525314974 1881 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 5243,7538,3315,388 ABCB1,ZFP36,HSPB1,RHOB GO:0051052 regulation of DNA metabolic process 0.748252611273282 -0.290014642414747 515 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0009117 nucleotide metabolic process 0.748252611273282 -0.290014642414747 515 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0044089 positive regulation of cellular component biogenesis 0.748252611273282 -0.290014642414747 515 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0051301 cell division 0.748935740566983 -0.289102092780939 516 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0060627 regulation of vesicle-mediated transport 0.748935740566983 -0.289102092780939 516 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0032787 monocarboxylic acid metabolic process 0.750296558407291 -0.28728673939647 518 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0018193 peptidyl-amino acid modification 0.750296558407291 -0.28728673939647 518 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0080135 regulation of cellular response to stress 0.752324253609596 -0.28458785965663 521 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0006753 nucleoside phosphate metabolic process 0.753667084090615 -0.282804541514914 523 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0070201 regulation of establishment of protein localization 0.758311087906796 -0.276661571323866 530 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3429 IFI27 GO:0071396 cellular response to lipid 0.760926199350193 -0.27321890433803 534 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0002831 regulation of response to biotic stimulus 0.760926199350193 -0.27321890433803 534 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2 A2M GO:0051640 organelle localization 0.761575635795098 -0.272365786831958 535 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 6209 RPS15 GO:0046903 secretion 0.762223344799856 -0.27151566283002 536 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0006810 transport 0.763818851824477 -0.269424622871221 3615 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 6209,3315,388,483,3164,7538,5243,2512 RPS15,HSPB1,RHOB,ATP1B3,NR4A1,ZFP36,ABCB1,FTL GO:0009056 catabolic process 0.765569981025272 -0.26713464934922 1936 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 6233,2597,7538,3429 RPS27A,GAPDH,ZFP36,IFI27 GO:0000226 microtubule cytoskeleton organization 0.774821588484761 -0.255122484537573 556 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0030182 neuron differentiation 0.787009733634803 -0.239514662617325 1081 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,4854 ACTB,NOTCH3 GO:0015031 protein transport 0.789201322939763 -0.236733828530262 1086 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 388,3315 RHOB,HSPB1 GO:0035195 miRNA-mediated post-transcriptional gene silencing 0.79306790197407 -0.231846434311823 587 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0003008 system process 0.79312044715329 -0.231780180919824 2015 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 5243,2034,7122,7078 ABCB1,EPAS1,CLDN5,TIMP3 GO:0055086 nucleobase-containing small molecule metabolic process 0.796428310244498 -0.227618159653313 593 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:1901362 organic cyclic compound biosynthetic process 0.796932027263128 -0.226985889571583 1104 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3164,2034 NR4A1,EPAS1 GO:0045321 leukocyte activation 0.799735267043936 -0.223474522274135 599 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3956 LGALS1 GO:0035194 regulatory ncRNA-mediated post-transcriptional gene silencing 0.80082585206665 -0.222111768701693 601 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0009967 positive regulation of signal transduction 0.803362654888394 -0.218949041970578 1593 3 0.0625 48 18204 2597,6209,3956 GAPDH,RPS15,LGALS1 GO:0016441 post-transcriptional gene silencing 0.80619214298564 -0.215433174085038 611 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0036211 protein modification process 0.807036908999081 -0.21438587569971 2058 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 1843,6233,2597,3429 DUSP1,RPS27A,GAPDH,IFI27 GO:0051606 detection of stimulus 0.808298790224101 -0.212823498935156 615 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0098662 inorganic cation transmembrane transport 0.809864045267142 -0.210888890752466 618 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0007610 behavior 0.810383010714701 -0.210248290341078 619 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0009896 positive regulation of catabolic process 0.81193159909128 -0.208339179940958 622 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0120036 plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization 0.816365526918785 -0.202893074662151 1152 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4854,60 NOTCH3,ACTB GO:0030855 epithelial cell differentiation 0.818003060431263 -0.200889201027876 634 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2034 EPAS1 GO:0048699 generation of neurons 0.818677523829472 -0.200065016464469 1158 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,4854 ACTB,NOTCH3 GO:0098655 monoatomic cation transmembrane transport 0.818996135918797 -0.199675913188065 636 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0006508 proteolysis 0.825832513780916 -0.191363293841047 1177 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 3429,6233 IFI27,RPS27A GO:0051234 establishment of localization 0.833633115787272 -0.181961882539769 3887 8 0.166666666666667 48 18204 2512,5243,7538,388,483,3164,6209,3315 FTL,ABCB1,ZFP36,RHOB,ATP1B3,NR4A1,RPS15,HSPB1 GO:0030030 cell projection organization 0.834162870299277 -0.181326607561005 1200 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 4854,60 NOTCH3,ACTB GO:0043408 regulation of MAPK cascade 0.834636083124198 -0.180759477725942 669 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 1843 DUSP1 GO:0031047 regulatory ncRNA-mediated gene silencing 0.836439472707404 -0.178601118964717 673 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7538 ZFP36 GO:0006338 chromatin remodeling 0.836439472707404 -0.178601118964717 673 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0098657 import into cell 0.842600967310818 -0.171261781430737 687 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0051241 negative regulation of multicellular organismal process 0.846830926339604 -0.166254218966962 1237 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 7122,7538 CLDN5,ZFP36 GO:0098660 inorganic ion transmembrane transport 0.854249820863559 -0.157531597687011 715 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0055085 transmembrane transport 0.855528161479811 -0.156036268038773 1264 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 483,5243 ATP1B3,ABCB1 GO:0043412 macromolecule modification 0.859465490068191 -0.151444606136703 2246 4 0.0833333333333333 48 18204 1843,6233,2597,3429 DUSP1,RPS27A,GAPDH,IFI27 GO:0045184 establishment of protein localization 0.863784334292174 -0.146432154424375 1291 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 388,3315 RHOB,HSPB1 GO:0010647 positive regulation of cell communication 0.864206734196661 -0.145943263109364 1792 3 0.0625 48 18204 6209,2597,3956 RPS15,GAPDH,LGALS1 GO:0023056 positive regulation of signaling 0.86472667947232 -0.14534179947031 1794 3 0.0625 48 18204 3956,6209,2597 LGALS1,RPS15,GAPDH GO:0061024 membrane organization 0.871579948606958 -0.137447681445965 761 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 5243 ABCB1 GO:0031401 positive regulation of protein modification process 0.871933337498352 -0.137042305818432 762 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0022008 neurogenesis 0.876066738835219 -0.132313005062789 1334 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 60,4854 ACTB,NOTCH3 GO:0019752 carboxylic acid metabolic process 0.880465010309227 -0.127305090269055 787 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0034220 monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 0.885945993080594 -0.121099286125919 804 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 483 ATP1B3 GO:0043436 oxoacid metabolic process 0.887821079675603 -0.118985043142968 810 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0006082 organic acid metabolic process 0.889970550853278 -0.116566905732304 817 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0007267 cell-cell signaling 0.891481143343425 -0.114870993508445 822 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3164 NR4A1 GO:0006325 chromatin organization 0.891780815678036 -0.114534898930847 823 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0071824 protein-DNA complex organization 0.912577653907713 -0.0914820969734685 900 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 60 ACTB GO:0043066 negative regulation of apoptotic process 0.915913386872737 -0.0878334745944794 914 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:0019637 organophosphate metabolic process 0.91867313845671 -0.0848248907773134 926 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0043069 negative regulation of programmed cell death 0.923076886555739 -0.080042747238153 946 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 3315 HSPB1 GO:1901135 carbohydrate derivative metabolic process 0.929050377171831 -0.0735923143276408 975 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0006796 phosphate-containing compound metabolic process 0.944002271249337 -0.0576267068550631 1681 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 1843,2597 DUSP1,GAPDH GO:0006793 phosphorus metabolic process 0.94734873271039 -0.05408800362526 1707 2 0.0416666666666667 48 18204 2597,1843 GAPDH,DUSP1 GO:0051130 positive regulation of cellular component organization 0.953001934284523 -0.0481383456505374 1122 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 7122 CLDN5 GO:0051247 positive regulation of protein metabolic process 0.966981091640749 -0.0335763373490258 1247 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 10395 DLC1 GO:0016192 vesicle-mediated transport 0.970187569336429 -0.0302658557284378 1283 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 388 RHOB GO:0044281 small molecule metabolic process 0.988465574476193 -0.0116014630009776 1614 1 0.0208333333333333 48 18204 2597 GAPDH GO:0010717 regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition 0.999999999966163 -3.38369809578299e-11 121 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003014 renal system process 0.999999999966163 -3.38369809578299e-11 121 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030510 regulation of BMP signaling pathway 0.999999999966163 -3.38369809578299e-11 121 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006821 chloride transport 0.999999999966163 -3.38369809578299e-11 121 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032530 regulation of microvillus organization 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032823 regulation of natural killer cell differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032377 regulation of intracellular lipid transport 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051000 positive regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045683 negative regulation of epidermis development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060965 negative regulation of miRNA-mediated gene silencing 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098698 postsynaptic specialization assembly 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033700 phospholipid efflux 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035860 glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046341 CDP-diacylglycerol metabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009133 nucleoside diphosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905939 regulation of gonad development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903867 extraembryonic membrane development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099151 regulation of postsynaptic density assembly 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002664 regulation of T cell tolerance induction 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070365 hepatocyte differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905666 regulation of protein localization to endosome 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009812 flavonoid metabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070863 positive regulation of protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097499 protein localization to non-motile cilium 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900116 extracellular negative regulation of signal transduction 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010002 cardioblast differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000622 regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, nonsense-mediated decay 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051036 regulation of endosome size 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051918 negative regulation of fibrinolysis 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902093 positive regulation of flagellated sperm motility 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015851 nucleobase transport 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903490 positive regulation of mitotic cytokinesis 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903624 regulation of DNA catabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042448 progesterone metabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045837 negative regulation of membrane potential 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004707 MAP kinase activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021979 hypothalamus cell differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035821 modulation of process of another organism 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021978 telencephalon regionalization 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090158 endoplasmic reticulum membrane organization 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901857 positive regulation of cellular respiration 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071696 ectodermal placode development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070294 renal sodium ion absorption 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072393 microtubule anchoring at microtubule organizing center 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009304 tRNA transcription 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060911 cardiac cell fate commitment 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001024 negative regulation of response to drug 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014061 regulation of norepinephrine secretion 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099500 vesicle fusion to plasma membrane 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904350 regulation of protein catabolic process in the vacuole 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902950 regulation of dendritic spine maintenance 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070417 cellular response to cold 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060732 positive regulation of inositol phosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034111 negative regulation of homotypic cell-cell adhesion 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048711 positive regulation of astrocyte differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031053 primary miRNA processing 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070828 heterochromatin organization 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000479 regulation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071679 commissural neuron axon guidance 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060333 type II interferon-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010658 striated muscle cell apoptotic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031453 positive regulation of heterochromatin formation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070572 positive regulation of neuron projection regeneration 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140588 chromatin looping 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051450 myoblast proliferation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071305 cellular response to vitamin D 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048521 negative regulation of behavior 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035810 positive regulation of urine volume 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006448 regulation of translational elongation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035589 G protein-coupled purinergic nucleotide receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106049 regulation of cellular response to osmotic stress 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075509 endocytosis involved in viral entry into host cell 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015780 nucleotide-sugar transmembrane transport 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072075 metanephric mesenchyme development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008494 translation activator activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904923 regulation of autophagy of mitochondrion in response to mitochondrial depolarization 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046761 viral budding from plasma membrane 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015116 sulfate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061029 eyelid development in camera-type eye 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904748 regulation of apoptotic process involved in development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048680 positive regulation of axon regeneration 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001217 DNA-binding transcription repressor activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090385 phagosome-lysosome fusion 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042670 retinal cone cell differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060026 convergent extension 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000303 regulation of ceramide biosynthetic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001976 nervous system process involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060134 prepulse inhibition 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904995 negative regulation of leukocyte adhesion to vascular endothelial cell 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021681 cerebellar granular layer development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903083 protein localization to condensed chromosome 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033015 tetrapyrrole catabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060287 epithelial cilium movement involved in determination of left/right asymmetry 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007320 insemination 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033690 positive regulation of osteoblast proliferation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090235 regulation of metaphase plate congression 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072539 T-helper 17 cell differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045182 translation regulator activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905155 positive regulation of membrane invagination 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905064 negative regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043568 positive regulation of insulin-like growth factor receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021702 cerebellar Purkinje cell differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006465 signal peptide processing 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045605 negative regulation of epidermal cell differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901526 positive regulation of mitophagy 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031274 positive regulation of pseudopodium assembly 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035845 photoreceptor cell outer segment organization 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016075 rRNA catabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031272 regulation of pseudopodium assembly 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007175 negative regulation of epidermal growth factor-activated receptor activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060670 branching involved in labyrinthine layer morphogenesis 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040034 regulation of development, heterochronic 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034638 phosphatidylcholine catabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043306 positive regulation of mast cell degranulation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060100 positive regulation of phagocytosis, engulfment 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000551 regulation of T-helper 2 cell cytokine production 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106074 aminoacyl-tRNA metabolism involved in translational fidelity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009068 aspartate family amino acid catabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043589 skin morphogenesis 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090435 protein localization to nuclear envelope 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902902 negative regulation of autophagosome assembly 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045039 protein insertion into mitochondrial inner membrane 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034501 protein localization to kinetochore 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048853 forebrain morphogenesis 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030836 positive regulation of actin filament depolymerization 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043353 enucleate erythrocyte differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031115 negative regulation of microtubule polymerization 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051481 negative regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010572 positive regulation of platelet activation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006167 AMP biosynthetic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015816 glycine transport 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021794 thalamus development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051231 spindle elongation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031650 regulation of heat generation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071107 response to parathyroid hormone 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905700 negative regulation of xenobiotic detoxification by transmembrane export across the plasma membrane 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070170 regulation of tooth mineralization 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045737 positive regulation of cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097475 motor neuron migration 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036302 atrioventricular canal development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033604 negative regulation of catecholamine secretion 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903377 negative regulation of oxidative stress-induced neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903977 positive regulation of glial cell migration 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901652 response to peptide 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009415 response to water 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905699 regulation of xenobiotic detoxification by transmembrane export across the plasma membrane 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045956 positive regulation of calcium ion-dependent exocytosis 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002863 positive regulation of inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000722 telomere maintenance via recombination 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060623 regulation of chromosome condensation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090232 positive regulation of spindle checkpoint 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904152 regulation of retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032494 response to peptidoglycan 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030397 membrane disassembly 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046415 urate metabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010896 regulation of triglyceride catabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003174 mitral valve development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021889 olfactory bulb interneuron differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006241 CTP biosynthetic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021514 ventral spinal cord interneuron differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904948 midbrain dopaminergic neuron differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005313 L-glutamate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034145 positive regulation of toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905065 positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097178 ruffle assembly 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042761 very long-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140353 lipid export from cell 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046087 cytidine metabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018394 peptidyl-lysine acetylation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001711 endodermal cell fate commitment 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097202 activation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903238 positive regulation of leukocyte tethering or rolling 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060746 parental behavior 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010642 negative regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030728 ovulation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006388 tRNA splicing, via endonucleolytic cleavage and ligation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900103 positive regulation of endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002024 diet induced thermogenesis 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060402 calcium ion transport into cytosol 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070243 regulation of thymocyte apoptotic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052650 all-trans-retinol dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043278 response to morphine 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045006 DNA deamination 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098693 regulation of synaptic vesicle cycle 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035865 cellular response to potassium ion 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010457 centriole-centriole cohesion 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021559 trigeminal nerve development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000155 positive regulation of cilium-dependent cell motility 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009972 cytidine deamination 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072087 renal vesicle development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000395 mRNA 5'-splice site recognition 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010917 negative regulation of mitochondrial membrane potential 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002087 regulation of respiratory gaseous exchange by nervous system process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010524 positive regulation of calcium ion transport into cytosol 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001682 tRNA 5'-leader removal 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006216 cytidine catabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045475 locomotor rhythm 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110156 mRNA methylguanosine-cap decapping 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035437 maintenance of protein localization in endoplasmic reticulum 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016024 CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006521 regulation of cellular amino acid metabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032769 negative regulation of monooxygenase activity 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006971 hypotonic response 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090153 regulation of sphingolipid biosynthetic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034498 early endosome to Golgi transport 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905651 regulation of artery morphogenesis 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070234 positive regulation of T cell apoptotic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021781 glial cell fate commitment 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016078 tRNA decay 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033275 actin-myosin filament sliding 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010764 negative regulation of fibroblast migration 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071389 cellular response to mineralocorticoid stimulus 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014744 positive regulation of muscle adaptation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019321 pentose metabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043301 negative regulation of leukocyte degranulation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905907 negative regulation of amyloid fibril formation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043383 negative T cell selection 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900115 extracellular regulation of signal transduction 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003198 epithelial to mesenchymal transition involved in endocardial cushion formation 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061052 negative regulation of cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003334 keratinocyte development 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016446 somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin genes 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006787 porphyrin-containing compound catabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005513 detection of calcium ion 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018195 peptidyl-arginine modification 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051451 myoblast migration 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006586 indolalkylamine metabolic process 0.999999999970855 -2.91446170445854e-11 13 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045494 photoreceptor cell maintenance 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046839 phospholipid dephosphorylation 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072595 maintenance of protein localization in organelle 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055090 acylglycerol homeostasis 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048066 developmental pigmentation 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009126 purine nucleoside monophosphate metabolic process 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046427 positive regulation of receptor signaling pathway via JAK-STAT 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046785 microtubule polymerization 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033574 response to testosterone 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016266 O-glycan processing 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009409 response to cold 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019320 hexose catabolic process 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071526 semaphorin-plexin signaling pathway 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048821 erythrocyte development 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030261 chromosome condensation 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032735 positive regulation of interleukin-12 production 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900026 positive regulation of substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002294 CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation involved in immune response 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050881 musculoskeletal movement 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008625 extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042093 T-helper cell differentiation 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003176 aortic valve development 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060412 ventricular septum morphogenesis 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010712 regulation of collagen metabolic process 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042491 inner ear auditory receptor cell differentiation 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045740 positive regulation of DNA replication 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046849 bone remodeling 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031638 zymogen activation 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905145 cellular response to acetylcholine 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000300 regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051154 negative regulation of striated muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045124 regulation of bone resorption 0.999999999972387 -2.76133834712424e-11 43 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030949 positive regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036303 lymph vessel morphogenesis 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032252 secretory granule localization 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902686 mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization involved in programmed cell death 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006044 N-acetylglucosamine metabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905209 positive regulation of cardiocyte differentiation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045217 cell-cell junction maintenance 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051930 regulation of sensory perception of pain 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021511 spinal cord patterning 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090281 negative regulation of calcium ion import 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006346 DNA methylation-dependent heterochromatin formation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007076 mitotic chromosome condensation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061003 positive regulation of dendritic spine morphogenesis 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050862 positive regulation of T cell receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002827 positive regulation of T-helper 1 type immune response 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032239 regulation of nucleobase-containing compound transport 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990403 embryonic brain development 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001224 positive regulation of neuron migration 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048384 retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002830 positive regulation of type 2 immune response 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030970 retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007096 regulation of exit from mitosis 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030011 maintenance of cell polarity 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009223 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide catabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042053 regulation of dopamine metabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010612 regulation of cardiac muscle adaptation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901970 positive regulation of mitotic sister chromatid separation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0170044 non-proteinogenic amino acid catabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048268 clathrin coat assembly 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019081 viral translation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000811 negative regulation of anoikis 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903242 regulation of cardiac muscle hypertrophy in response to stress 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060055 angiogenesis involved in wound healing 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902221 erythrose 4-phosphate/phosphoenolpyruvate family amino acid metabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032930 positive regulation of superoxide anion generation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032645 regulation of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor production 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061718 glucose catabolic process to pyruvate 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061760 antifungal innate immune response 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903817 negative regulation of voltage-gated potassium channel activity 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010310 regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902259 regulation of delayed rectifier potassium channel activity 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010755 regulation of plasminogen activation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072234 metanephric nephron tubule development 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010832 negative regulation of myotube differentiation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140058 neuron projection arborization 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044342 type B pancreatic cell proliferation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903513 endoplasmic reticulum to cytosol transport 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055003 cardiac myofibril assembly 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035234 ectopic germ cell programmed cell death 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002923 regulation of humoral immune response mediated by circulating immunoglobulin 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051350 negative regulation of lyase activity 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019433 triglyceride catabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042574 retinal metabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010715 regulation of extracellular matrix disassembly 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045346 regulation of MHC class II biosynthetic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061644 protein localization to CENP-A containing chromatin 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009148 pyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060046 regulation of acrosome reaction 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015697 quaternary ammonium group transport 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060973 cell migration involved in heart development 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002428 antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class Ib 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043217 myelin maintenance 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019373 epoxygenase P450 pathway 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050687 negative regulation of defense response to virus 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001845 phagolysosome assembly 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060997 dendritic spine morphogenesis 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050435 amyloid-beta metabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006825 copper ion transport 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051383 kinetochore organization 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010042 response to manganese ion 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046851 negative regulation of bone remodeling 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046040 IMP metabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035329 hippo signaling 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090036 regulation of protein kinase C signaling 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045945 positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase III 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032801 receptor catabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060914 heart formation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042069 regulation of catecholamine metabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032328 alanine transport 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015693 magnesium ion transport 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046653 tetrahydrofolate metabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007176 regulation of epidermal growth factor-activated receptor activity 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015936 coenzyme A metabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034727 piecemeal microautophagy of the nucleus 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046479 glycosphingolipid catabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060088 auditory receptor cell stereocilium organization 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046629 gamma-delta T cell activation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042339 keratan sulfate metabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051788 response to misfolded protein 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051931 regulation of sensory perception 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043173 nucleotide salvage 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000369 regulation of clathrin-dependent endocytosis 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048791 calcium ion-regulated exocytosis of neurotransmitter 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071514 genomic imprinting 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006735 NADH regeneration 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055093 response to hyperoxia 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051917 regulation of fibrinolysis 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032042 mitochondrial DNA metabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010522 regulation of calcium ion transport into cytosol 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150078 positive regulation of neuroinflammatory response 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006450 regulation of translational fidelity 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903236 regulation of leukocyte tethering or rolling 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071371 cellular response to gonadotropin stimulus 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097720 calcineurin-mediated signaling 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046112 nucleobase biosynthetic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031643 positive regulation of myelination 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043931 ossification involved in bone maturation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904872 regulation of telomerase RNA localization to Cajal body 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010766 negative regulation of sodium ion transport 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071025 RNA surveillance 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060571 morphogenesis of an epithelial fold 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009070 serine family amino acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043649 dicarboxylic acid catabolic process 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061621 canonical glycolysis 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010544 negative regulation of platelet activation 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042753 positive regulation of circadian rhythm 0.999999999975819 -2.41807234251627e-11 18 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902115 regulation of organelle assembly 0.999999999978424 -2.15762106556143e-11 248 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097553 calcium ion transmembrane import into cytosol 0.999999999978813 -2.11865930662097e-11 95 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000723 telomere maintenance 0.999999999978813 -2.11865930662097e-11 95 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055007 cardiac muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999978813 -2.11865930662097e-11 95 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036503 ERAD pathway 0.999999999978813 -2.11865930662097e-11 95 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021766 hippocampus development 0.999999999978813 -2.11865930662097e-11 95 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030641 regulation of cellular pH 0.999999999978813 -2.11865930662097e-11 95 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051303 establishment of chromosome localization 0.999999999978813 -2.11865930662097e-11 95 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032465 regulation of cytokinesis 0.999999999978813 -2.11865930662097e-11 95 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903432 regulation of TORC1 signaling 0.999999999978813 -2.11865930662097e-11 95 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060173 limb development 0.999999999982635 -1.73652432642382e-11 186 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048736 appendage development 0.999999999982635 -1.73652432642382e-11 186 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050852 T cell receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999985828 -1.41720566196988e-11 107 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002065 columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell differentiation 0.999999999985828 -1.41720566196988e-11 107 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903509 liposaccharide metabolic process 0.999999999985828 -1.41720566196988e-11 107 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050708 regulation of protein secretion 0.999999999987855 -1.21449617845632e-11 265 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072594 establishment of protein localization to organelle 0.999999999989556 -1.04436548192171e-11 345 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007413 axonal fasciculation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000076 DNA replication checkpoint signaling 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002097 tRNA wobble base modification 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000679 positive regulation of transcription regulatory region DNA binding 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031998 regulation of fatty acid beta-oxidation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034393 positive regulation of smooth muscle cell apoptotic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072662 protein localization to peroxisome 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006123 mitochondrial electron transport, cytochrome c to oxygen 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045953 negative regulation of natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046514 ceramide catabolic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061298 retina vasculature development in camera-type eye 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030150 protein import into mitochondrial matrix 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090026 positive regulation of monocyte chemotaxis 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007351 tripartite regional subdivision 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045655 regulation of monocyte differentiation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061709 reticulophagy 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090201 negative regulation of release of cytochrome c from mitochondria 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060396 growth hormone receptor signaling pathway 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072170 metanephric tubule development 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051900 regulation of mitochondrial depolarization 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002643 regulation of tolerance induction 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015872 dopamine transport 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003899 DNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polymerase activity 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000786 positive regulation of autophagosome assembly 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905038 regulation of membrane lipid metabolic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903376 regulation of oxidative stress-induced neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006896 Golgi to vacuole transport 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060353 regulation of cell adhesion molecule production 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006670 sphingosine metabolic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901739 regulation of myoblast fusion 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060561 apoptotic process involved in morphogenesis 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046794 transport of virus 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061620 glycolytic process through glucose-6-phosphate 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000244 spliceosomal tri-snRNP complex assembly 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902004 positive regulation of amyloid-beta formation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051016 barbed-end actin filament capping 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006607 NLS-bearing protein import into nucleus 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015108 chloride transmembrane transporter activity 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032332 positive regulation of chondrocyte differentiation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008090 retrograde axonal transport 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900424 regulation of defense response to bacterium 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902236 negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032402 melanosome transport 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097494 regulation of vesicle size 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038096 Fc-gamma receptor signaling pathway involved in phagocytosis 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007263 nitric oxide mediated signal transduction 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061615 glycolytic process through fructose-6-phosphate 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900037 regulation of cellular response to hypoxia 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033141 positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation of STAT protein 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022616 DNA strand elongation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106070 regulation of adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086013 membrane repolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000303 response to superoxide 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033033 negative regulation of myeloid cell apoptotic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044872 lipoprotein localization 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048643 positive regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007398 ectoderm development 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060340 positive regulation of type I interferon-mediated signaling pathway 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072243 metanephric nephron epithelium development 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005980 glycogen catabolic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002577 regulation of antigen processing and presentation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097205 renal filtration 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045653 negative regulation of megakaryocyte differentiation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015867 ATP transport 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021516 dorsal spinal cord development 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000269 regulation of fibroblast apoptotic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043171 peptide catabolic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045722 positive regulation of gluconeogenesis 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072663 establishment of protein localization to peroxisome 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032515 negative regulation of phosphoprotein phosphatase activity 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048670 regulation of collateral sprouting 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106030 neuron projection fasciculation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099622 cardiac muscle cell membrane repolarization 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039535 regulation of RIG-I signaling pathway 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043011 myeloid dendritic cell differentiation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046931 pore complex assembly 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052695 cellular glucuronidation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061608 nuclear import signal receptor activity 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006144 purine nucleobase metabolic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032305 positive regulation of icosanoid secretion 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009651 response to salt stress 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010738 regulation of protein kinase A signaling 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051769 regulation of nitric-oxide synthase biosynthetic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015810 aspartate transmembrane transport 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006071 glycerol metabolic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060749 mammary gland alveolus development 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070266 necroptotic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032026 response to magnesium ion 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002433 immune response-regulating cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved in phagocytosis 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035461 vitamin transmembrane transport 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043651 linoleic acid metabolic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071391 cellular response to estrogen stimulus 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090128 regulation of synapse maturation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001185 regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell activation 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006488 dolichol-linked oligosaccharide biosynthetic process 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061377 mammary gland lobule development 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008595 anterior/posterior axis specification, embryo 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055062 phosphate ion homeostasis 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050901 leukocyte tethering or rolling 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071397 cellular response to cholesterol 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000341 regulation of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 production 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071731 response to nitric oxide 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004709 MAP kinase kinase kinase activity 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001216 DNA-binding transcription activator activity 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000729 DNA double-strand break processing 0.99999999999001 -9.99009040836757e-12 20 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016055 Wnt signaling pathway 0.999999999990407 -9.59262572722438e-12 283 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009612 response to mechanical stimulus 0.999999999992208 -7.7915948647526e-12 220 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050730 regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation 0.999999999992208 -7.7915948647526e-12 220 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003229 ventricular cardiac muscle tissue development 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045428 regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904356 regulation of telomere maintenance via telomere lengthening 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048018 receptor ligand activity 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036465 synaptic vesicle recycling 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050688 regulation of defense response to virus 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032757 positive regulation of interleukin-8 production 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001655 urogenital system development 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006687 glycosphingolipid metabolic process 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002090 regulation of receptor internalization 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000117 negative regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032963 collagen metabolic process 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002067 glandular epithelial cell differentiation 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016079 synaptic vesicle exocytosis 0.999999999992936 -7.06426714345465e-12 63 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090150 establishment of protein localization to membrane 0.999999999993062 -6.93764171262286e-12 230 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002886 regulation of myeloid leukocyte mediated immunity 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099518 vesicle cytoskeletal trafficking 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070228 regulation of lymphocyte apoptotic process 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002707 negative regulation of lymphocyte mediated immunity 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007405 neuroblast proliferation 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051293 establishment of spindle localization 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007632 visual behavior 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905515 non-motile cilium assembly 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072171 mesonephric tubule morphogenesis 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070534 protein K63-linked ubiquitination 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046513 ceramide biosynthetic process 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045912 negative regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051283 negative regulation of sequestering of calcium ion 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008543 fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043331 response to dsRNA 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090497 mesenchymal cell migration 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009116 nucleoside metabolic process 0.999999999993181 -6.81918927526735e-12 57 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006399 tRNA metabolic process 0.999999999993377 -6.62334808882632e-12 203 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022408 negative regulation of cell-cell adhesion 0.999999999993377 -6.62334808882632e-12 203 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009913 epidermal cell differentiation 0.999999999993377 -6.62334808882632e-12 203 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042762 regulation of sulfur metabolic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003353 positive regulation of cilium movement 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086026 atrial cardiac muscle cell to AV node cell signaling 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002566 somatic diversification of immune receptors via somatic mutation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044029 positive regulation of gene expression via chromosomal CpG island demethylation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001710 mesodermal cell fate commitment 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046512 sphingosine biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900272 negative regulation of long-term synaptic potentiation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090175 regulation of establishment of planar polarity 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071415 cellular response to purine-containing compound 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140052 cellular response to oxidised low-density lipoprotein particle stimulus 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003413 chondrocyte differentiation involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902969 mitotic DNA replication 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045348 positive regulation of MHC class II biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990166 protein localization to site of double-strand break 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061635 regulation of protein complex stability 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000394 RNA splicing, via endonucleolytic cleavage and ligation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006750 glutathione biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901160 primary amino compound metabolic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045842 positive regulation of mitotic metaphase/anaphase transition 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046753 non-lytic viral release 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051382 kinetochore assembly 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038180 nerve growth factor signaling pathway 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051004 regulation of lipoprotein lipase activity 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090594 inflammatory response to wounding 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905208 negative regulation of cardiocyte differentiation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051645 Golgi localization 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033598 mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098734 macromolecule depalmitoylation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008020 G protein-coupled photoreceptor activity 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071361 cellular response to ethanol 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006596 polyamine biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006287 base-excision repair, gap-filling 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001279 regulation of unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032308 positive regulation of prostaglandin secretion 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905664 regulation of calcium ion import across plasma membrane 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001771 immunological synapse formation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001946 lymphangiogenesis 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038083 peptidyl-tyrosine autophosphorylation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006857 oligopeptide transport 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031665 negative regulation of lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903265 positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097320 plasma membrane tubulation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903727 positive regulation of phospholipid metabolic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006098 pentose-phosphate shunt 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140354 lipid import into cell 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014874 response to stimulus involved in regulation of muscle adaptation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905269 positive regulation of chromatin organization 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070141 response to UV-A 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099645 neurotransmitter receptor localization to postsynaptic specialization membrane 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006177 GMP biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006390 mitochondrial transcription 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903894 regulation of IRE1-mediated unfolded protein response 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048715 negative regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043144 sno(s)RNA processing 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046185 aldehyde catabolic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015803 branched-chain amino acid transport 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055119 relaxation of cardiac muscle 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014029 neural crest formation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060967 negative regulation of gene silencing by regulatory ncRNA 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001053 regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071285 cellular response to lithium ion 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009209 pyrimidine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010818 T cell chemotaxis 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006476 protein deacetylation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904814 regulation of protein localization to chromosome, telomeric region 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002430 complement receptor mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002295 T-helper cell lineage commitment 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045063 T-helper 1 cell differentiation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003222 ventricular trabecula myocardium morphogenesis 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032306 regulation of prostaglandin secretion 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000651 positive regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014072 response to isoquinoline alkaloid 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006474 N-terminal protein amino acid acetylation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009214 cyclic nucleotide catabolic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106072 negative regulation of adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009950 dorsal/ventral axis specification 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070102 interleukin-6-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050930 induction of positive chemotaxis 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904936 interneuron migration 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071801 regulation of podosome assembly 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900044 regulation of protein K63-linked ubiquitination 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070166 enamel mineralization 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150146 cell junction disassembly 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048388 endosomal lumen acidification 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051547 regulation of keratinocyte migration 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090646 mitochondrial tRNA processing 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016082 synaptic vesicle priming 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901029 negative regulation of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization involved in apoptotic signaling pathway 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010225 response to UV-C 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045040 protein insertion into mitochondrial outer membrane 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904321 response to forskolin 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070307 lens fiber cell development 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001833 inner cell mass cell proliferation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006085 acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900426 positive regulation of defense response to bacterium 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071599 otic vesicle development 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051127 positive regulation of actin nucleation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006000 fructose metabolic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001921 positive regulation of receptor recycling 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070914 UV-damage excision repair 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016114 terpenoid biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032736 positive regulation of interleukin-13 production 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035372 protein localization to microtubule 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032661 regulation of interleukin-18 production 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034139 regulation of toll-like receptor 3 signaling pathway 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030497 fatty acid elongation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042438 melanin biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905522 negative regulation of macrophage migration 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034138 toll-like receptor 3 signaling pathway 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010745 negative regulation of macrophage derived foam cell differentiation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030238 male sex determination 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042559 pteridine-containing compound biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071871 response to epinephrine 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900025 negative regulation of substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006047 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine metabolic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035721 intraciliary retrograde transport 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046322 negative regulation of fatty acid oxidation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060009 Sertoli cell development 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000105 positive regulation of DNA-templated DNA replication 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032048 cardiolipin metabolic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097284 hepatocyte apoptotic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000288 positive regulation of myoblast proliferation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051255 spindle midzone assembly 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007250 activation of NF-kappaB-inducing kinase activity 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045989 positive regulation of striated muscle contraction 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009159 deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate catabolic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060456 positive regulation of digestive system process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009263 deoxyribonucleotide biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035542 regulation of SNARE complex assembly 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098969 neurotransmitter receptor transport to postsynaptic membrane 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900452 regulation of long-term synaptic depression 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007008 outer mitochondrial membrane organization 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007216 G protein-coupled glutamate receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034116 positive regulation of heterotypic cell-cell adhesion 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000310 regulation of NMDA receptor activity 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055012 ventricular cardiac muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098761 cellular response to interleukin-7 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060354 negative regulation of cell adhesion molecule production 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007194 negative regulation of adenylate cyclase activity 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099633 protein localization to postsynaptic specialization membrane 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060149 negative regulation of post-transcriptional gene silencing 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015838 amino-acid betaine transport 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045117 azole transmembrane transport 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900369 negative regulation of post-transcriptional gene silencing by regulatory ncRNA 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001140 positive regulation of phospholipid transport 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001034 positive regulation of double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061000 negative regulation of dendritic spine development 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014733 regulation of skeletal muscle adaptation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060334 regulation of type II interferon-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070593 dendrite self-avoidance 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033962 P-body assembly 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031054 pre-miRNA processing 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046655 folic acid metabolic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904322 cellular response to forskolin 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002756 MyD88-independent toll-like receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005344 oxygen carrier activity 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010867 positive regulation of triglyceride biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051177 meiotic sister chromatid cohesion 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036010 protein localization to endosome 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034383 low-density lipoprotein particle clearance 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010820 positive regulation of T cell chemotaxis 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009642 response to light intensity 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046520 sphingoid biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016322 neuron remodeling 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046385 deoxyribose phosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007638 mechanosensory behavior 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014909 smooth muscle cell migration 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060330 regulation of response to type II interferon 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140042 lipid droplet formation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021819 layer formation in cerebral cortex 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090660 cerebrospinal fluid circulation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902001 fatty acid transmembrane transport 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072044 collecting duct development 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098856 intestinal lipid absorption 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000650 negative regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901077 regulation of relaxation of muscle 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070986 left/right axis specification 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903845 negative regulation of cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086069 bundle of His cell to Purkinje myocyte communication 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046633 alpha-beta T cell proliferation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086014 atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062042 regulation of cardiac epithelial to mesenchymal transition 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007512 adult heart development 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001977 renal system process involved in regulation of blood volume 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036151 phosphatidylcholine acyl-chain remodeling 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051775 response to redox state 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031293 membrane protein intracellular domain proteolysis 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060019 radial glial cell differentiation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051764 actin crosslink formation 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035331 negative regulation of hippo signaling 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009265 2'-deoxyribonucleotide biosynthetic process 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033262 regulation of nuclear cell cycle DNA replication 0.999999999993749 -6.25129964827461e-12 14 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903169 regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport 0.999999999994449 -5.5512109996936e-12 170 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030308 negative regulation of cell growth 0.999999999994449 -5.5512109996936e-12 170 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140013 meiotic nuclear division 0.999999999994449 -5.5512109996936e-12 170 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000058 regulation of ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 0.999999999994449 -5.5512109996936e-12 170 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901874 negative regulation of post-translational protein modification 0.999999999994534 -5.4655109071372e-12 93 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061387 regulation of extent of cell growth 0.999999999994534 -5.4655109071372e-12 93 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045104 intermediate filament cytoskeleton organization 0.999999999994534 -5.4655109071372e-12 93 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900182 positive regulation of protein localization to nucleus 0.999999999994534 -5.4655109071372e-12 93 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010660 regulation of muscle cell apoptotic process 0.999999999994534 -5.4655109071372e-12 93 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015695 organic cation transport 0.999999999994534 -5.4655109071372e-12 93 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904892 regulation of receptor signaling pathway via STAT 0.999999999994534 -5.4655109071372e-12 93 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015908 fatty acid transport 0.999999999994534 -5.4655109071372e-12 93 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090316 positive regulation of intracellular protein transport 0.999999999994534 -5.4655109071372e-12 93 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019751 polyol metabolic process 0.999999999994534 -5.4655109071372e-12 93 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001823 mesonephros development 0.999999999994534 -5.4655109071372e-12 93 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007608 sensory perception of smell 0.999999999995575 -4.42522048977058e-12 407 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010332 response to gamma radiation 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060193 positive regulation of lipase activity 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090307 mitotic spindle assembly 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006479 protein methylation 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021872 forebrain generation of neurons 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006220 pyrimidine nucleotide metabolic process 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001885 endothelial cell development 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071870 cellular response to catecholamine stimulus 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045815 transcription initiation-coupled chromatin remodeling 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051155 positive regulation of striated muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030811 regulation of nucleotide catabolic process 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008213 protein alkylation 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006110 regulation of glycolytic process 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050918 positive chemotaxis 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042572 retinol metabolic process 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033121 regulation of purine nucleotide catabolic process 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051180 vitamin transport 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010324 membrane invagination 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035567 non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010517 regulation of phospholipase activity 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071868 cellular response to monoamine stimulus 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070371 ERK1 and ERK2 cascade 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021695 cerebellar cortex development 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904752 regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell migration 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019319 hexose biosynthetic process 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990089 response to nerve growth factor 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006111 regulation of gluconeogenesis 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010719 negative regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030838 positive regulation of actin filament polymerization 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032692 negative regulation of interleukin-1 production 0.999999999995822 -4.17819096437394e-12 52 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901293 nucleoside phosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996013 -3.98729089981855e-12 254 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072214 metanephric cortex development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015136 sialic acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110002 regulation of tRNA methylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010932 regulation of macrophage tolerance induction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046204 nor-spermidine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140450 protein targeting to Golgi apparatus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075606 transport of viral material towards nucleus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120168 detection of hot stimulus involved in thermoception 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044357 regulation of rRNA stability 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035491 positive regulation of leukotriene production involved in inflammatory response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014739 positive regulation of muscle hyperplasia 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001811 negative regulation of type I hypersensitivity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030842 regulation of intermediate filament depolymerization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901346 negative regulation of vasculature development involved in avascular cornea development in camera-type eye 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018293 protein-FAD linkage 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120211 proacrosomal vesicle fusion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042706 eye photoreceptor cell fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000795 negative regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in lung morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006175 dATP biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904518 protein localization to cytoplasmic microtubule plus-end 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904192 regulation of cholangiocyte apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090716 adaptive immune memory response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042840 D-glucuronate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045795 positive regulation of cell volume 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072715 cellular response to selenite ion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090529 cell septum assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090648 response to environmental enrichment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075521 microtubule-dependent intracellular transport of viral material towards nucleus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046705 CDP biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150153 positive regulation of interleukin-17A production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002412 antigen transcytosis by M cells in mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043157 response to cation stress 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902977 mitotic DNA replication preinitiation complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903405 protein localization to nuclear body 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021944 neuronal-glial interaction involved in hindbrain glial-mediated radial cell migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905580 positive regulation of ERBB3 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015692 lead ion transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010645 regulation of cell communication by chemical coupling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097298 regulation of nucleus size 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022012 subpallium cell proliferation in forebrain 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008424 glycoprotein 6-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048571 long-day photoperiodism 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001712 ectodermal cell fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009443 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate salvage 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050675 regulation of urothelial cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904409 regulation of secretory granule organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901999 homogentisate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000734 negative regulation of glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor receptor signaling pathway involved in ureteric bud formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034128 negative regulation of MyD88-independent toll-like receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048264 determination of ventral identity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905045 negative regulation of Schwann cell proliferation involved in axon regeneration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905454 negative regulation of myeloid progenitor cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120169 detection of cold stimulus involved in thermoception 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006226 dUMP biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140312 cargo adaptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051796 negative regulation of timing of catagen 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045108 regulation of intermediate filament polymerization or depolymerization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106134 positive regulation of cardiac muscle cell contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904726 regulation of replicative senescence 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000411 positive regulation of transcription by galactose 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902491 negative regulation of sperm capacitation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990422 glyoxalase (glycolic acid-forming) activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005456 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905860 positive regulation of heparan sulfate proteoglycan binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048321 axial mesodermal cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900826 negative regulation of membrane depolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000235 regulation of tRNA processing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000053 argininosuccinate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038123 toll-like receptor TLR1:TLR2 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061100 lung neuroendocrine cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904895 ESCRT complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003070 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by neurotransmitter 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106040 regulation of GABA-A receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021665 rhombomere 5 structural organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903329 regulation of iron-sulfur cluster assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032658 regulation of interleukin-15 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002371 dendritic cell cytokine production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035445 borate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046360 2-oxobutyrate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019049 virus-mediated perturbation of host defense response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905884 negative regulation of triglyceride transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015738 glucuronate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050802 circadian sleep/wake cycle, sleep 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099575 regulation of protein catabolic process at presynapse, modulating synaptic transmission 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090367 negative regulation of mRNA modification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046588 negative regulation of calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055048 anastral spindle assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071629 cytoplasm protein quality control by the ubiquitin-proteasome system 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010124 phenylacetate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060681 branch elongation involved in ureteric bud branching 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033374 protein localization to T cell secretory granule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902860 propionyl-CoA biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903096 protein localization to meiotic spindle midzone 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086061 voltage-gated sodium channel activity involved in bundle of His cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001797 negative regulation of type IIa hypersensitivity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005350 pyrimidine nucleobase transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000683 regulation of cellular response to X-ray 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090592 DNA synthesis involved in DNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060496 mesenchymal-epithelial cell signaling involved in lung development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000213 positive regulation of glutamate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060125 negative regulation of growth hormone secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904860 DNA synthesis involved in mitotic DNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000723 negative regulation of cardiac vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019365 pyridine nucleotide salvage 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010711 negative regulation of collagen catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903457 lactate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048792 spontaneous exocytosis of neurotransmitter 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004733 pyridoxamine phosphate oxidase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002489 antigen processing and presentation of endogenous peptide antigen via MHC class Ib via ER pathway, TAP-dependent 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018352 protein-pyridoxal-5-phosphate linkage 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060721 regulation of spongiotrophoblast cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008079 translation termination factor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035604 fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in positive regulation of cell proliferation in bone marrow 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001596 angiotensin type I receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071788 endoplasmic reticulum tubular network maintenance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015739 sialic acid transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036463 TRAIL receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903496 response to 11-deoxycorticosterone 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035129 post-embryonic hindlimb morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003116 regulation of vasoconstriction by norepinephrine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903965 monounsaturated fatty acid catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008617 guanosine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018153 isopeptide cross-linking via N6-(L-isoglutamyl)-L-lysine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051466 positive regulation of corticotropin-releasing hormone secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015797 mannitol transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001079 nitrogen catabolite regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905091 positive regulation of parkin-mediated stimulation of mitophagy in response to mitochondrial depolarization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071298 cellular response to L-ascorbic acid 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001040 positive regulation of cellular response to drug 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014876 response to injury involved in regulation of muscle adaptation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035862 dITP metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140541 piRNA transcription 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045065 cytotoxic T cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006592 ornithine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062025 regulation of SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014853 regulation of excitatory postsynaptic membrane potential involved in skeletal muscle contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042667 auditory receptor cell fate specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002779 antibacterial peptide secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903168 positive regulation of pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903125 negative regulation of thioredoxin peroxidase activity by peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032491 detection of molecule of fungal origin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904914 negative regulation of establishment of protein-containing complex localization to telomere 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106106 cold-induced thermogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061670 evoked neurotransmitter secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905703 negative regulation of inhibitory synapse assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903917 positive regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced eIF2 alpha dephosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150089 multiple spine synapse organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019607 phenylethylamine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902250 regulation of erythrocyte apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046814 coreceptor-mediated virion attachment to host cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905834 response to pyrimidine ribonucleotide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904445 negative regulation of establishment of Sertoli cell barrier 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019449 L-cysteine catabolic process to hypotaurine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000706 negative regulation of dense core granule biogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990437 snRNA 2'-O-methylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006055 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061143 alveolar primary septum development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000357 negative regulation of kidney smooth muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097712 vesicle targeting, trans-Golgi to periciliary membrane compartment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002488 antigen processing and presentation of endogenous peptide antigen via MHC class Ib via ER pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038184 cell surface bile acid receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097222 mitochondrial mRNA polyadenylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090242 retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway involved in somitogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904325 positive regulation of inhibitory G protein-coupled receptor phosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901594 response to capsazepine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140208 apoptotic process in response to mitochondrial fragmentation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086040 sodium:proton antiporter activity involved in regulation of cardiac muscle cell membrane potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044795 trans-Golgi network to recycling endosome transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060169 negative regulation of adenosine receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046443 FAD metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900719 regulation of uterine smooth muscle relaxation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021576 hindbrain formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046086 adenosine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003235 sinus venosus development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902910 positive regulation of melanosome transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000413 regulation of fibronectin-dependent thymocyte migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070898 RNA polymerase III preinitiation complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015233 pantothenate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061853 regulation of neuroblast migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046436 D-alanine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017006 protein-tetrapyrrole linkage 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002737 negative regulation of plasmacytoid dendritic cell cytokine production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071401 cellular response to triglyceride 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035602 fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in negative regulation of apoptotic process in bone marrow cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043438 acetoacetic acid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001100 negative regulation of exit from mitosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003108 negative regulation of the force of heart contraction by chemical signal 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904910 regulation of establishment of RNA localization to telomere 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015499 formate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032208 negative regulation of telomere maintenance via recombination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021793 chemorepulsion of branchiomotor axon 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905291 positive regulation of CAMKK-AMPK signaling cascade 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903249 negative regulation of citrulline biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904050 positive regulation of spontaneous neurotransmitter secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015805 S-adenosyl-L-methionine transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032973 amino acid export across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050783 cocaine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016519 gastric inhibitory peptide receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046458 hexadecanal metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086044 atrial cardiac muscle cell to AV node cell communication by electrical coupling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015098 molybdate ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006585 dopamine biosynthetic process from tyrosine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990739 granulosa cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034373 intermediate-density lipoprotein particle remodeling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038182 G protein-coupled bile acid receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009645 response to low light intensity stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052173 response to defenses of other organism 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110058 positive regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903913 regulation of fusion of virus membrane with host plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990548 mitochondrial FAD transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070392 detection of lipoteichoic acid 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003294 atrial ventricular junction remodeling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106044 guanine deglycation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071283 cellular response to iron(III) ion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070899 mitochondrial tRNA wobble uridine modification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006963 positive regulation of antibacterial peptide biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903824 negative regulation of telomere single strand break repair 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006535 cysteine biosynthetic process from serine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003270 Notch signaling pathway involved in regulation of secondary heart field cardioblast proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086055 Purkinje myocyte to ventricular cardiac muscle cell communication by electrical coupling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048075 positive regulation of eye pigmentation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090320 regulation of chylomicron remnant clearance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003092 renal water retention 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015498 pantothenate:sodium symporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905956 positive regulation of endothelial tube morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060598 dichotomous subdivision of terminal units involved in mammary gland duct morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071166 ribonucleoprotein complex localization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002077 acrosome matrix dispersal 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046318 negative regulation of glucosylceramide biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010021 amylopectin biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033370 maintenance of protein location in mast cell secretory granule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072308 negative regulation of metanephric nephron tubule epithelial cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903248 regulation of citrulline biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002787 negative regulation of antibacterial peptide production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000229 regulation of pancreatic stellate cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120189 positive regulation of bile acid secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043316 cytotoxic T cell degranulation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000719 negative regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion, centromeric 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071926 endocannabinoid signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009202 deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904827 negative regulation of hydrogen sulfide biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905875 negative regulation of postsynaptic density organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009932 cell tip growth 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001777 T cell homeostatic proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015099 nickel cation transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046711 GDP biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000526 positive regulation of glycoprotein biosynthetic process involved in immunological synapse formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051086 chaperone mediated protein folding independent of cofactor 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007349 cellularization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070965 positive regulation of neutrophil mediated killing of fungus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097326 melanocyte adhesion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090346 cellular organofluorine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060520 activation of prostate induction by androgen receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140914 zinc ion import into secretory vesicle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035397 helper T cell enhancement of adaptive immune response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002149 hypochlorous acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010652 positive regulation of cell communication by chemical coupling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905534 positive regulation of L-leucine import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904989 positive regulation of endothelial cell activation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000730 regulation of termination of RNA polymerase I transcription 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044855 plasma membrane raft distribution 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003065 positive regulation of heart rate by epinephrine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009810 stilbene metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034050 symbiont-induced defense-related programmed cell death 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061931 positive regulation of erythrocyte enucleation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002014 vasoconstriction of artery involved in ischemic response to lowering of systemic arterial blood pressure 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905450 negative regulation of Fc-gamma receptor signaling pathway involved in phagocytosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016117 carotenoid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097279 histamine secretion mediated by IgE immunoglobulin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021685 cerebellar granular layer structural organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032595 B cell receptor transport within lipid bilayer 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036331 avascular cornea development in camera-type eye 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098784 biofilm matrix organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034151 regulation of toll-like receptor 6 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031444 slow-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003429 growth plate cartilage chondrocyte morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003251 positive regulation of cell proliferation involved in heart valve morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900085 negative regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine autophosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072414 response to mitotic cell cycle checkpoint signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016128 phytosteroid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903640 negative regulation of gastrin-induced gastric acid secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021768 nucleus accumbens development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097283 keratinocyte apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061433 cellular response to caloric restriction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032912 negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta2 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0093001 glycolysis from storage polysaccharide through glucose-1-phosphate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039689 negative stranded viral RNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044601 protein denucleotidylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072069 DCT cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903189 glyoxal metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060879 semicircular canal fusion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901175 lycopene metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032600 chemokine receptor transport out of membrane raft 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140454 protein aggregate center assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901081 negative regulation of relaxation of smooth muscle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902988 neurofibrillary tangle assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904291 positive regulation of mitotic DNA damage checkpoint 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032602 chemokine production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009115 xanthine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071714 icosanoid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032113 regulation of carbohydrate phosphatase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903394 protein localization to kinetochore involved in kinetochore assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903883 positive regulation of interleukin-17-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060156 milk ejection reflex 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003029 detection of hypoxic conditions in blood by carotid body chemoreceptor signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043012 regulation of fusion of sperm to egg plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902071 regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030844 positive regulation of intermediate filament depolymerization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903197 positive regulation of L-dopa biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001031 positive regulation of cellular glucuronidation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002148 hypochlorous acid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038164 thrombopoietin receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090676 calcium ion transmembrane transport via low voltage-gated calcium channel 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902997 negative regulation of neurofibrillary tangle assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903661 positive regulation of complement-dependent cytotoxicity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000917 division septum assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904643 response to curcumin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002843 regulation of tolerance induction to tumor cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090301 negative regulation of neural crest formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061078 positive regulation of prostaglandin secretion involved in immune response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070253 somatostatin secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006426 glycyl-tRNA aminoacylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036483 neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000290 regulation of myotome development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015694 mercury ion transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000292 regulation of defecation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042413 carnitine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098544 maintenance of protein complex location 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016129 phytosteroid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061381 cell migration in diencephalon 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904830 negative regulation of aortic smooth muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904832 negative regulation of removal of superoxide radicals 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036399 TCR signalosome assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006931 substrate-dependent cell migration, cell attachment to substrate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904799 regulation of neuron remodeling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046275 flavonoid catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904586 cellular response to putrescine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010816 calcitonin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007112 male meiosis cytokinesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086098 angiotensin-activated signaling pathway involved in heart process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000702 regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in ureteric bud formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061301 cerebellum vasculature morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070150 mitochondrial glycyl-tRNA aminoacylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021813 cell-cell adhesion involved in neuronal-glial interactions involved in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090298 negative regulation of mitochondrial DNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990828 hepatocyte dedifferentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051638 barbed-end actin filament uncapping 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903235 positive regulation of calcium ion-dependent exocytosis of neurotransmitter 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090246 convergent extension involved in somitogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042820 vitamin B6 catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000719 photoreactive repair 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035664 TIRAP-dependent toll-like receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016847 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051041 positive regulation of calcium-independent cell-cell adhesion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140010 D-aspartate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046552 photoreceptor cell fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086087 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in bundle of His cell action potential repolarization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905630 response to glyceraldehyde 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075523 viral translational frameshifting 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098972 anterograde dendritic transport of mitochondrion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098879 structural constituent of postsynaptic specialization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051460 negative regulation of corticotropin secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061874 positive regulation of hepatic stellate cell contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099627 neurotransmitter receptor cycle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070413 trehalose metabolism in response to stress 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018194 peptidyl-alanine modification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000005 negative regulation of metanephric S-shaped body morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050823 peptide antigen stabilization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045887 positive regulation of synaptic assembly at neuromuscular junction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016268 O-glycan processing, core 2 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097379 dorsal spinal cord interneuron posterior axon guidance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021592 fourth ventricle development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070844 polyubiquitinated protein transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060784 regulation of cell proliferation involved in tissue homeostasis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002450 B cell antigen processing and presentation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035238 vitamin A biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090299 regulation of neural crest formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902866 regulation of retina development in camera-type eye 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071164 RNA cap trimethylguanosine synthase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905149 positive regulation of smooth muscle hypertrophy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071444 cellular response to pheromone 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060490 lateral sprouting involved in lung morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010904 regulation of UDP-glucose catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990442 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to nitrosative stress 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090104 pancreatic epsilon cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904618 positive regulation of actin binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061987 negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by glucose 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033396 beta-alanine biosynthetic process via 3-ureidopropionate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071324 cellular response to disaccharide stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060734 regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced eIF2 alpha phosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015164 glucuronoside transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106046 guanine deglycation, glyoxal removal 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905025 negative regulation of membrane repolarization during ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014835 myoblast differentiation involved in skeletal muscle regeneration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034148 negative regulation of toll-like receptor 5 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061346 planar cell polarity pathway involved in heart morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904239 regulation of VCP-NPL4-UFD1 AAA ATPase complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009227 nucleotide-sugar catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015127 bilirubin transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904800 negative regulation of neuron remodeling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018016 N-terminal peptidyl-proline dimethylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048923 posterior lateral line neuromast hair cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031635 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting opioid receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901303 negative regulation of cargo loading into COPII-coated vesicle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038121 C-C motif chemokine 21 receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061611 mannose to fructose-6-phosphate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902239 negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to osmotic stress by p53 class mediator 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016269 O-glycan processing, core 3 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060305 regulation of cell diameter 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019544 arginine catabolic process to glutamate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070953 regulation of neutrophil mediated killing of fungus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030211 heparin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000655 negative regulation of cellular response to testosterone stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098786 biofilm matrix disassembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106121 positive regulation of cobalamin metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098599 palmitoyl hydrolase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002373 plasmacytoid dendritic cell cytokine production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001979 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by chemoreceptor signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039654 fusion of virus membrane with host endosome membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072185 metanephric cap development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902682 protein localization to pericentric heterochromatin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036255 response to methylamine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000292 RNA fragment catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048877 homeostasis of number of retina cells 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002880 regulation of chronic inflammatory response to non-antigenic stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002541 activation of plasma proteins involved in acute inflammatory response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905288 vascular associated smooth muscle cell apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904014 response to serotonin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061106 negative regulation of stomach neuroendocrine cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901670 negative regulation of superoxide dismutase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034238 macrophage fusion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002882 positive regulation of chronic inflammatory response to non-antigenic stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903017 positive regulation of exo-alpha-sialidase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099630 postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor cycle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000435 positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by galactose 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071528 tRNA re-export from nucleus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060683 regulation of branching involved in salivary gland morphogenesis by epithelial-mesenchymal signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031283 negative regulation of guanylate cyclase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032799 low-density lipoprotein receptor particle metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905627 regulation of serotonin biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002875 negative regulation of chronic inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030392 fructosamine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086063 voltage-gated sodium channel activity involved in SA node cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016038 absorption of visible light 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035945 mitochondrial ncRNA surveillance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900276 regulation of proteinase activated receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106022 positive regulation of vesicle docking 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000533 negative regulation of renal albumin absorption 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903840 response to arsenite(3-) 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044524 protein sulfhydration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903949 positive regulation of atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060723 regulation of cell proliferation involved in embryonic placenta development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031037 myosin II filament disassembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032802 low-density lipoprotein particle receptor catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000276 negative regulation of oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106342 omega-hydroxyceramide biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061040 female gonad morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900533 palmitic acid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990399 epithelium regeneration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900721 positive regulation of uterine smooth muscle relaxation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031651 negative regulation of heat generation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072356 chromosome passenger complex localization to kinetochore 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007522 visceral muscle development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021771 lateral geniculate nucleus development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018910 benzene metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140543 positive regulation of piRNA transcription 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072389 flavin adenine dinucleotide catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072707 cellular response to sodium dodecyl sulfate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051232 meiotic spindle elongation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002416 IgG immunoglobulin transcytosis in epithelial cells mediated by FcRn immunoglobulin receptor 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990134 epithelial cell apoptotic process involved in palatal shelf morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090067 regulation of thalamus size 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905586 negative regulation of outer hair cell apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140438 protein stearoylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904425 negative regulation of GTP binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110062 negative regulation of angiotensin-activated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904843 cellular response to nitroglycerin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019678 propionate metabolic process, methylmalonyl pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098736 negative regulation of the force of heart contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015130 mevalonate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021933 radial glia guided migration of cerebellar granule cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035212 cell competition in a multicellular organism 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002194 hepatocyte cell migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043519 regulation of myosin II filament organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903465 positive regulation of mitotic cell cycle DNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061141 lung ciliated cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060678 dichotomous subdivision of terminal units involved in ureteric bud branching 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000732 DNA strand displacement 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901340 negative regulation of store-operated calcium channel activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904414 positive regulation of cardiac ventricle development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072016 glomerular parietal epithelial cell development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060957 endocardial cell fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021528 commissural neuron differentiation in spinal cord 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000607 negative regulation of cell proliferation involved in mesonephros development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061865 polarized secretion of basement membrane proteins in epithelium 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903699 tarsal gland development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051032 nucleic acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051107 negative regulation of DNA ligation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902153 regulation of response to DNA damage checkpoint signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021998 neural plate mediolateral regionalization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090672 telomerase RNA localization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000759 regulation of N-terminal peptidyl-lysine acetylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000626 negative regulation of miRNA catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051545 negative regulation of elastin biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990983 regulation of translational initiation by tRNA modification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030704 vitelline membrane formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090143 nucleoid organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903451 negative regulation of G1 to G0 transition 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001998 angiotensin-mediated vasoconstriction involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900011 negative regulation of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060217 hemangioblast cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110027 negative regulation of DNA strand resection involved in replication fork processing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035695 mitophagy by internal vacuole formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060051 negative regulation of protein glycosylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006769 nicotinamide metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150190 negative regulation of interleukin-32 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008653 lipopolysaccharide metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905056 P-type calcium transporter activity involved in regulation of presynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120116 glucagon processing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002190 cap-independent translational initiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002518 lymphocyte chemotaxis across high endothelial venule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901505 carbohydrate derivative transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002192 IRES-dependent translational initiation of linear mRNA 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140536 nuclear receptor corepressor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904566 cellular response to 1-oleoyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060503 bud dilation involved in lung branching 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009234 menaquinone biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905316 superior endocardial cushion morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060311 negative regulation of elastin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071301 cellular response to vitamin B1 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903353 regulation of nucleus organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071026 cytoplasmic RNA surveillance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901344 response to leptomycin B 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009107 lipoate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904412 regulation of cardiac ventricle development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033274 response to vitamin B2 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070285 pigment cell development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902566 regulation of eosinophil activation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031549 negative regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140493 very long-chain fatty acid beta-oxidation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160028 negative regulation of pyroptosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120094 negative regulation of peptidyl-lysine crotonylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120274 virus coreceptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902010 negative regulation of translation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042197 halogenated hydrocarbon metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046986 negative regulation of hemoglobin biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990771 clathrin-dependent extracellular exosome endocytosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902847 regulation of neuronal signal transduction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904010 response to Aroclor 1254 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021874 Wnt signaling pathway involved in forebrain neuroblast division 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902724 positive regulation of skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060376 positive regulation of mast cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046359 butyrate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120072 positive regulation of pyloric antrum smooth muscle contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000257 regulation of protein activation cascade 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015195 L-threonine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034439 lipoprotein lipid oxidation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000011 regulation of adaxial/abaxial pattern formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090340 positive regulation of secretion of lysosomal enzymes 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006463 steroid hormone receptor complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061444 endocardial cushion cell development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904268 positive regulation of Schwann cell chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038033 positive regulation of endothelial cell chemotaxis by VEGF-activated vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045112 integrin biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045951 positive regulation of mitotic recombination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018969 thiocyanate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905662 negative regulation of telomerase RNA reverse transcriptase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072703 cellular response to methyl methanesulfonate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000476 positive regulation of opioid receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902350 cellular response to chloroquine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046223 aflatoxin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002895 regulation of central B cell tolerance induction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046713 borate transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902225 negative regulation of acrosome reaction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060719 chorionic trophoblast cell development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903620 positive regulation of transdifferentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010034 response to acetate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000661 positive regulation of interleukin-1-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904606 fat cell apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905012 regulation of 'de novo' NAD biosynthetic process from tryptophan 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043310 negative regulation of eosinophil degranulation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903072 regulation of death-inducing signaling complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990127 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to osmotic stress by p53 class mediator 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035038 female pronucleus assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045994 positive regulation of translational initiation by iron 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010900 negative regulation of phosphatidylcholine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062170 lutein metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086079 gap junction channel activity involved in Purkinje myocyte-ventricular cardiac muscle cell electrical coupling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905767 regulation of double-stranded telomeric DNA binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150129 positive regulation of interleukin-33 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036517 chemoattraction of serotonergic neuron axon 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060470 positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration involved in egg activation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062172 lutein catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005993 trehalose catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072128 renal capsule morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903435 positive regulation of constitutive secretory pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060542 regulation of strand invasion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905695 positive regulation of phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070145 mitochondrial asparaginyl-tRNA aminoacylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904456 negative regulation of neuronal action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072165 anterior mesonephric tubule development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060035 notochord cell development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903775 regulation of DNA double-strand break processing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001299 N(omega),N(omega)-dimethyl-L-arginine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035783 CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell costimulation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048919 posterior lateral line neuromast development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036333 hepatocyte homeostasis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005008 hepatocyte growth factor receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097551 mitochondrial double-strand break repair 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990261 pre-mRNA catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090326 positive regulation of locomotion involved in locomotory behavior 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150045 regulation of synaptic signaling by nitric oxide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905715 regulation of cornification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036528 peptidyl-lysine deglycation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050666 regulation of homocysteine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060116 vestibular receptor cell morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097281 immune complex formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009751 response to salicylic acid 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000173 negative regulation of branching morphogenesis of a nerve 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097026 dendritic cell dendrite assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904073 regulation of trophectodermal cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902497 iron-sulfur cluster transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003168 Purkinje myocyte differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048327 axial mesodermal cell fate specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901629 regulation of presynaptic membrane organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900139 negative regulation of arachidonic acid secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099088 axonal transport of messenger ribonucleoprotein complex 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048243 norepinephrine secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010808 positive regulation of synaptic vesicle priming 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046295 glycolate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042313 protein kinase C deactivation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150054 regulation of postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor diffusion trapping 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099606 microtubule plus-end directed mitotic chromosome migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902073 positive regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086078 gap junction channel activity involved in bundle of His cell-Purkinje myocyte electrical coupling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901307 positive regulation of spermidine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042501 serine phosphorylation of STAT protein 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904439 negative regulation of iron ion import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061481 response to TNF agonist 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038147 C-X-C motif chemokine 12 receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046080 dUTP metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035971 peptidyl-histidine dephosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071042 nuclear polyadenylation-dependent mRNA catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071040 nuclear polyadenylation-dependent antisense transcript catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010610 regulation of mRNA stability involved in response to stress 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902038 positive regulation of hematopoietic stem cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016068 type I hypersensitivity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060094 positive regulation of synaptic transmission, glycinergic 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001298 N(omega),N(omega)-dimethyl-L-arginine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021572 rhombomere 6 development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000741 karyogamy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019290 siderophore biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009850 auxin metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010774 meiotic strand invasion involved in reciprocal meiotic recombination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070429 negative regulation of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 1 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072129 renal capsule formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075519 microtubule-dependent intracellular transport of viral material 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004925 prolactin receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018009 N-terminal peptidyl-L-cysteine N-palmitoylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905858 regulation of heparan sulfate proteoglycan binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160090 internal mRNA (guanine-N7-)-methyltransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904316 response to 2-O-acetyl-1-O-hexadecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060782 regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018190 protein octanoylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021594 rhombomere formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036529 protein deglycation, glyoxal removal 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071244 cellular response to carbon dioxide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035543 positive regulation of SNARE complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001246 negative regulation of phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900079 regulation of arginine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903771 positive regulation of beta-galactosidase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904404 response to formaldehyde 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904568 cellular response to wortmannin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071678 olfactory bulb axon guidance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902380 positive regulation of endoribonuclease activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036292 DNA rewinding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905115 regulation of lateral attachment of mitotic spindle microtubules to kinetochore 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019481 L-alanine catabolic process, by transamination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036290 protein trans-autophosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000797 regulation of amniotic stem cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004673 protein histidine kinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904980 positive regulation of endosome organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000287 positive regulation of myotome development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035932 aldosterone secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021723 medullary reticular formation development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905711 response to phosphatidylethanolamine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903517 negative regulation of single strand break repair 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060383 positive regulation of DNA strand elongation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905364 regulation of endosomal vesicle fusion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005302 L-tyrosine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071581 regulation of zinc ion transmembrane import 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902838 regulation of nuclear migration along microtubule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002041 intussusceptive angiogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036085 GDP-fucose import into Golgi lumen 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150140 regulation of CD86 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006392 transcription elongation by mitochondrial RNA polymerase 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002406 antigen sampling by M cells in mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000549 positive regulation of dendritic cell dendrite assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061780 mitotic cohesin loading 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905327 tracheoesophageal septum formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097624 UDP-galactose transmembrane import into Golgi lumen 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072227 metanephric macula densa development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070963 positive regulation of neutrophil mediated killing of gram-negative bacterium 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150023 apical dendrite arborization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035645 enteric smooth muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150142 positive regulation of CD86 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905609 positive regulation of smooth muscle cell-matrix adhesion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060007 linear vestibuloocular reflex 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903182 regulation of SUMO transferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001996 positive regulation of heart rate by epinephrine-norepinephrine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032919 spermine acetylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072060 outer medullary collecting duct development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901188 negative regulation of ephrin receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032812 positive regulation of epinephrine secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019407 hexitol catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902888 protein localization to astral microtubule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904266 regulation of Schwann cell chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000461 endonucleolytic cleavage to generate mature 3'-end of SSU-rRNA from (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140236 translation at presynapse 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050677 positive regulation of urothelial cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000331 regulation of terminal button organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904569 regulation of selenocysteine incorporation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072219 metanephric cortical collecting duct development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905319 mesenchymal stem cell migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002845 positive regulation of tolerance induction to tumor cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014734 skeletal muscle hypertrophy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060182 apelin receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036116 long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990451 cellular stress response to acidic pH 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090177 establishment of planar polarity involved in neural tube closure 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008348 negative regulation of antimicrobial humoral response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060407 negative regulation of penile erection 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902569 negative regulation of activation of Janus kinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006193 ITP catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032243 negative regulation of nucleoside transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048352 paraxial mesoderm structural organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000478 positive regulation of metanephric podocyte development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903007 positive regulation of Lys63-specific deubiquitinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060431 primary lung bud formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035568 N-terminal peptidyl-proline methylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060175 brain-derived neurotrophic factor receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000548 negative regulation of dendritic cell dendrite assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002264 endothelial cell activation involved in immune response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905776 positive regulation of DNA helicase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036494 positive regulation of translation initiation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032711 negative regulation of interleukin-27 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051666 actin cortical patch localization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071348 cellular response to interleukin-11 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140122 regulation of Lewy body formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015723 bilirubin transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055130 D-alanine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002423 natural killer cell mediated immune response to tumor cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901189 positive regulation of ephrin receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060378 regulation of brood size 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060517 epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostatic bud elongation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061485 memory T cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061542 3-demethylubiquinol-n 3-O-methyltransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033367 protein localization to mast cell secretory granule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021840 directional guidance of interneurons involved in migration from the subpallium to the cortex 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021842 chemorepulsion involved in interneuron migration from the subpallium to the cortex 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035382 sterol transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904330 positive regulation of myofibroblast contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006846 acetate transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061881 positive regulation of anterograde axonal transport of mitochondrion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905059 P-type calcium transporter activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045186 zonula adherens assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090721 primary adaptive immune response involving T cells and B cells 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014861 regulation of skeletal muscle contraction via regulation of action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052885 all-trans-retinyl-ester hydrolase, 11-cis retinol forming activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902319 DNA strand elongation involved in nuclear cell cycle DNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098725 symmetric cell division 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006253 dCTP catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000424 positive regulation of eosinophil chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002280 monocyte activation involved in immune response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001112 regulation of cellular response to hepatocyte growth factor stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990540 mitochondrial manganese ion transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010925 positive regulation of inositol-polyphosphate 5-phosphatase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052031 symbiont-mediated perturbation of host defense response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090125 cell-cell adhesion involved in synapse maturation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009956 radial pattern formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120132 positive regulation of apoptotic process in bone marrow cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120007 negative regulation of glutamatergic neuron differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071544 diphosphoinositol polyphosphate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007499 ectoderm and mesoderm interaction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904812 rRNA acetylation involved in maturation of SSU-rRNA 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002552 serotonin secretion by mast cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090365 regulation of mRNA modification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036526 peptidyl-cysteine deglycation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046052 UTP catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072230 metanephric proximal straight tubule development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045344 negative regulation of MHC class I biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072232 metanephric proximal convoluted tubule segment 2 development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002808 regulation of antibacterial peptide biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000708 meiotic strand invasion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061451 retrotrapezoid nucleus development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072302 negative regulation of metanephric glomerular mesangial cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061526 acetylcholine secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060367 sagittal suture morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000415 positive regulation of fibronectin-dependent thymocyte migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098670 entry receptor-mediated virion attachment to host cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061855 negative regulation of neuroblast migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903119 protein localization to actin cytoskeleton 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035691 macrophage migration inhibitory factor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905183 negative regulation of protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014723 regulation of skeletal muscle contraction by modulation of calcium ion sensitivity of myofibril 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098694 regulation of synaptic vesicle budding from presynaptic endocytic zone membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140466 iron-sulfur cluster export from the mitochondrion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901053 sarcosine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070184 mitochondrial tyrosyl-tRNA aminoacylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042931 enterobactin transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905004 picolinic acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902691 respiratory basal cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034202 glycolipid floppase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014017 neuroblast fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904711 regulation of Wnt-Frizzled-LRP5/6 complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048916 posterior lateral line development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031173 otolith mineralization completed early in development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001248 regulation of ammonia assimilation cycle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000853 negative regulation of corticosterone secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042628 mating plug formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021905 forebrain-midbrain boundary formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140066 peptidyl-lysine crotonylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015826 threonine transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019242 methylglyoxal biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042665 regulation of ectodermal cell fate specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006049 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905404 positive regulation of activated CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006965 positive regulation of biosynthetic process of antibacterial peptides active against Gram-positive bacteria 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000690 regulation of cardiac muscle cell myoblast differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904058 positive regulation of sensory perception of pain 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043181 vacuolar sequestering 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000709 meiotic joint molecule formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140199 negative regulation of adenylate cyclase-activating adrenergic receptor signaling pathway involved in heart process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016334 establishment or maintenance of polarity of follicular epithelium 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033379 maintenance of protease location in T cell secretory granule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002302 CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation involved in immune response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002300 CD8-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000158 positive regulation of ubiquitin-specific protease activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901249 regulation of lung goblet cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905375 cellular response to homocysteine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904327 protein localization to cytosolic proteasome complex 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090096 positive regulation of metanephric cap mesenchymal cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006168 adenine salvage 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902167 positive regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage by p53 class mediator 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086076 gap junction channel activity involved in atrial cardiac muscle cell-AV node cell electrical coupling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099608 regulation of action potential firing pattern 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032888 regulation of mitotic spindle elongation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004900 erythropoietin receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000896 amylopectin metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033301 cell cycle comprising mitosis without cytokinesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150107 positive regulation of protein localization to cell-cell junction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061349 planar cell polarity pathway involved in cardiac right atrium morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990272 anti-Mullerian hormone receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990092 calcium-dependent self proteolysis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140569 extraction of mislocalized protein from ER membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039521 suppression by virus of host autophagy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904597 negative regulation of connective tissue replacement involved in inflammatory response wound healing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000431 regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by galactose 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003307 regulation of Wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051658 maintenance of nucleus location 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005464 UDP-xylose transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072432 response to G1 DNA damage checkpoint signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070130 negative regulation of mitochondrial translation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030233 deoxynucleotide transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019244 lactate biosynthetic process from pyruvate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903442 response to lipoic acid 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035573 N-terminal peptidyl-serine trimethylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901211 negative regulation of cardiac chamber formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033026 negative regulation of mast cell apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070481 nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, non-stop decay 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902960 negative regulation of aspartic-type endopeptidase activity involved in amyloid precursor protein catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015782 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045848 positive regulation of nitrogen utilization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904120 positive regulation of otic vesicle morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097698 telomere maintenance via base-excision repair 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060461 right lung morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004482 mRNA 5'-cap (guanine-N7-)-methyltransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009192 deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905512 regulation of short-term synaptic potentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021732 midbrain-hindbrain boundary maturation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015094 lead ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002480 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I, TAP-independent 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035814 negative regulation of renal sodium excretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071831 intermediate-density lipoprotein particle clearance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000420 negative regulation of eosinophil extravasation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902247 geranylgeranyl diphosphate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000063 positive regulation of ureter smooth muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015730 propanoate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905101 negative regulation of apoptosome assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903461 Okazaki fragment processing involved in mitotic DNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075713 establishment of integrated proviral latency 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000422 regulation of eosinophil chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034146 toll-like receptor 5 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061348 planar cell polarity pathway involved in ventricular septum morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072735 response to tert-butyl hydroperoxide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001049 regulation of tendon cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904247 positive regulation of polynucleotide adenylyltransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902443 negative regulation of ripoptosome assembly involved in necroptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036213 contractile ring contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005018 platelet-derived growth factor alpha-receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904323 regulation of inhibitory G protein-coupled receptor phosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900022 regulation of D-erythro-sphingosine kinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036531 glutathione deglycation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002432 granuloma formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086057 voltage-gated calcium channel activity involved in bundle of His cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071881 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting adrenergic receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051659 maintenance of mitochondrion location 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001125 negative regulation of translational frameshifting 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901631 positive regulation of presynaptic membrane organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160127 protein-RNA covalent cross-linking repair 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033195 response to alkyl hydroperoxide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002785 negative regulation of antimicrobial peptide production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904341 regulation of colon smooth muscle contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902748 positive regulation of lens fiber cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035597 N6-isopentenyladenosine methylthiotransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006747 FAD biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035906 descending aorta development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019442 tryptophan catabolic process to acetyl-CoA 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000481 maturation of 5S rRNA 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905934 negative regulation of cell fate determination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019440 tryptophan catabolic process to indole-3-acetate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009216 purine deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045769 negative regulation of asymmetric cell division 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905204 negative regulation of connective tissue replacement 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048391 intermediate mesoderm formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070407 oxidation-dependent protein catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019255 glucose 1-phosphate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090249 regulation of cell migration involved in somitogenic axis elongation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902941 regulation of voltage-gated chloride channel activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904616 regulation of actin binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072032 proximal convoluted tubule segment 2 development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031990 mRNA export from nucleus in response to heat stress 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038193 thromboxane A2 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002816 regulation of biosynthetic process of antibacterial peptides active against Gram-positive bacteria 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002625 regulation of T cell antigen processing and presentation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905199 manchette disassembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018262 isopeptide cross-linking 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990029 vasomotion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022018 lateral ganglionic eminence cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006173 dADP biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032043 mitochondrial DNA catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021503 neural fold bending 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072347 response to anesthetic 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903337 positive regulation of vacuolar transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070367 negative regulation of hepatocyte differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099187 presynaptic cytoskeleton organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001698 gastrin-induced gastric acid secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002509 central tolerance induction to self antigen 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070444 oligodendrocyte progenitor proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035395 negative regulation of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002936 bradykinin biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002336 B-1 B cell lineage commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903403 negative regulation of renal phosphate excretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032597 B cell receptor transport into membrane raft 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060551 regulation of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904877 positive regulation of DNA ligase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043041 amino acid activation for nonribosomal peptide biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904199 positive regulation of regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell membrane depolarization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071976 cell gliding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042942 D-serine transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902204 positive regulation of hepatocyte growth factor receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062126 fatty acid primary amide metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046271 phenylpropanoid catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032671 regulation of interleukin-27 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060611 mammary gland fat development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016124 xanthophyll catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061108 seminal vesicle epithelium development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903676 positive regulation of cap-dependent translational initiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000793 cell proliferation involved in heart valve development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002419 T cell mediated cytotoxicity directed against tumor cell target 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010185 regulation of cellular defense response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904934 negative regulation of cell proliferation in midbrain 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120042 negative regulation of macrophage proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033320 UDP-D-xylose biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000283 negative regulation of amino acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902000 homogentisate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010938 cytoplasmic microtubule depolymerization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090138 regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization by cell-cell adhesion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031583 phospholipase D-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000777 positive regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process involved in cellular response to hypoxia 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001193 positive regulation of gamma-delta T cell activation involved in immune response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046491 L-methylmalonyl-CoA metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007344 pronuclear fusion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120322 lipid modification by small protein conjugation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019676 ammonia assimilation cycle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030961 peptidyl-arginine hydroxylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071911 synchronous neurotransmitter secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904384 cellular response to sodium phosphate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904984 regulation of quinolinate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905597 positive regulation of low-density lipoprotein particle receptor binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072206 metanephric juxtaglomerular apparatus development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903946 negative regulation of ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039695 DNA-templated viral transcription 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018871 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034589 hydroxyproline transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000511 regulation of granzyme A production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042694 muscle cell fate specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903195 regulation of L-dopa biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051914 positive regulation of synaptic plasticity by chemical substance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045903 positive regulation of translational fidelity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071217 cellular response to external biotic stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903709 uterine gland development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903387 positive regulation of homophilic cell adhesion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160007 glutathione import into mitochondrion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072262 metanephric glomerular mesangial cell proliferation involved in metanephros development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010707 globoside biosynthetic process via lactosylceramide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005304 L-valine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904510 positive regulation of protein localization to basolateral plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990949 metaphase/anaphase transition of meiosis I 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035705 T-helper 17 cell chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071413 cellular response to hydroxyisoflavone 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003147 neural crest cell migration involved in heart formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036285 SAGA complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034443 negative regulation of lipoprotein oxidation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038114 interleukin-21-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015152 glucose-6-phosphate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098756 response to interleukin-21 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072027 connecting tubule development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071449 cellular response to lipid hydroperoxide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904735 regulation of fatty acid beta-oxidation using acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905464 positive regulation of DNA duplex unwinding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905693 regulation of phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061189 positive regulation of sclerotome development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070143 mitochondrial alanyl-tRNA aminoacylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090074 negative regulation of protein homodimerization activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090294 nitrogen catabolite activation of transcription 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000226 regulation of pancreatic A cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018400 peptidyl-proline hydroxylation to 3-hydroxy-L-proline 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003322 pancreatic A cell development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003922 GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046521 sphingoid catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071329 cellular response to sucrose stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071929 alpha-tubulin acetylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001928 regulation of exocyst assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160087 spermatid cytoplasm removal during spermiation of flagellated sperm 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086072 AV node cell-bundle of His cell adhesion involved in cell communication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000529 positive regulation of myeloid dendritic cell chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060381 positive regulation of single-stranded telomeric DNA binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060981 cell migration involved in coronary angiogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901494 regulation of cysteine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072286 metanephric connecting tubule development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071583 negative regulation of zinc ion transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015607 ABC-type fatty-acyl-CoA transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060549 regulation of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate 1-phosphatase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018395 peptidyl-lysine hydroxylation to 5-hydroxy-L-lysine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902482 regulatory T cell apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000983 regulation of ATP citrate synthase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150021 apical dendrite morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021743 hypoglossal nucleus development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903331 positive regulation of iron-sulfur cluster assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902480 protein localization to mitotic spindle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099181 structural constituent of presynapse 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019628 urate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901732 quercetin metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000979 positive regulation of forebrain neuron differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035772 interleukin-13-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000872 positive regulation of progesterone secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140060 axon arborization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000007 negative regulation of metanephric comma-shaped body morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904482 cellular response to tetrahydrofolate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905359 protein localization to meiotic spindle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072259 metanephric interstitial fibroblast development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904032 regulation of t-SNARE clustering 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090615 mitochondrial mRNA processing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050577 GDP-L-fucose synthase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051886 negative regulation of timing of anagen 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120158 positive regulation of collagen catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071448 cellular response to alkyl hydroperoxide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021822 negative regulation of cell motility involved in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901620 regulation of smoothened signaling pathway involved in dorsal/ventral neural tube patterning 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045175 basal protein localization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903788 positive regulation of glutathione biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140460 response to Gram-negative bacterium 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051352 negative regulation of ligase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034959 endothelin maturation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000180 negative regulation of androgen biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901290 succinyl-CoA biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060738 epithelial-mesenchymal signaling involved in prostate gland development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008049 male courtship behavior 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120015 sterol transfer activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017192 N-terminal peptidyl-glutamine acetylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990546 mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990758 mitotic sister chromatid biorientation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075512 clathrin-dependent endocytosis of virus by host cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000431 regulation of cytokinesis, actomyosin contractile ring assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032223 negative regulation of synaptic transmission, cholinergic 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046623 sphingolipid floppase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905027 regulation of membrane depolarization during AV node cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904075 positive regulation of trophectodermal cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140041 cellular detoxification of methylglyoxal 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002616 regulation of macrophage antigen processing and presentation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072258 metanephric interstitial fibroblast differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905591 regulation of optical nerve axon regeneration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006294 nucleotide-excision repair, preincision complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003363 lamellipodium assembly involved in ameboidal cell migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032464 positive regulation of protein homooligomerization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000517 regulation of T-helper 1 cell activation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008057 eye pigment granule organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046293 formaldehyde biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060299 negative regulation of sarcomere organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903287 negative regulation of potassium ion import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905432 regulation of retrograde trans-synaptic signaling by neuropeptide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032904 negative regulation of nerve growth factor production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902336 positive regulation of retinal ganglion cell axon guidance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048338 mesoderm structural organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902206 negative regulation of interleukin-2-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905794 response to puromycin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903710 spermine transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903674 regulation of cap-dependent translational initiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901646 negative regulation of synoviocyte proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904206 positive regulation of skeletal muscle hypertrophy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045813 positive regulation of Wnt signaling pathway, calcium modulating pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000590 negative regulation of metanephric mesenchymal cell migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042431 indole metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045967 negative regulation of growth rate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072198 mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006065 UDP-glucuronate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140232 intracellular cAMP-activated cation channel activity involved in regulation of presynaptic membrane potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051543 regulation of elastin biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904677 positive regulation of somatic stem cell division 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035713 response to nitrogen dioxide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032475 otolith formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015374 neutral, basic amino acid:sodium:chloride symporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150101 regulation of microtubule anchoring at centrosome 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007403 glial cell fate determination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904591 positive regulation of protein import 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090348 regulation of cellular organofluorine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000324 positive regulation of glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904958 positive regulation of midbrain dopaminergic neuron differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061736 engulfment of target by autophagosome 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001193 maintenance of transcriptional fidelity during transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070926 regulation of ATP:ADP antiporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003026 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by aortic arch baroreceptor feedback 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002334 transitional two stage B cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062036 sensory perception of hot stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031035 myosin filament disassembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140484 5-aminolevulinic acid import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035508 positive regulation of myosin-light-chain-phosphatase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097168 mesenchymal stem cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015990 electron transport coupled proton transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070446 negative regulation of oligodendrocyte progenitor proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035677 posterior lateral line neuromast hair cell development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039008 pronephric nephron tubule morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903811 L-asparagine import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090357 regulation of tryptophan metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904947 folate import into mitochondrion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061296 negative regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in mesonephric nephron morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019136 deoxynucleoside kinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051316 attachment of meiotic spindle microtubules to kinetochore 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001051 positive regulation of tendon cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006507 GPI anchor release 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039519 modulation by virus of host autophagy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002893 negative regulation of type II hypersensitivity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046715 active borate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015887 pantothenate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000119 negative regulation of sodium-dependent phosphate transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008193 tRNA guanylyltransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060853 Notch signaling pathway involved in arterial endothelial cell fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042983 amyloid precursor protein biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046111 xanthine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904508 regulation of protein localization to basolateral plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007387 anterior compartment pattern formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033078 extrathymic T cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051089 constitutive protein ectodomain proteolysis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904850 negative regulation of establishment of protein localization to telomere 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090349 negative regulation of cellular organohalogen metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014822 detection of wounding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905669 TORC1 complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071644 negative regulation of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990833 clathrin-uncoating ATPase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018960 4-nitrophenol metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048621 post-embryonic digestive tract morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903424 fluoride transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005043 netrin receptor activity involved in chemorepulsion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160020 positive regulation of ferroptosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043179 rhythmic excitation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010722 regulation of ferrochelatase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036076 ligamentous ossification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060712 spongiotrophoblast layer development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110012 protein localization to P-body 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098829 intestinal folate absorption 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905904 positive regulation of mesoderm formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905304 regulation of cardiac myofibril assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048291 isotype switching to IgG isotypes 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070651 nonfunctional rRNA decay 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060220 camera-type eye photoreceptor cell fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050652 dermatan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process, polysaccharide chain biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002404 antigen sampling in mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048174 negative regulation of short-term neuronal synaptic plasticity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150178 regulation of phosphatidylserine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070981 L-asparagine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035227 regulation of glutamate-cysteine ligase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042874 D-glucuronate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072266 metanephric capsule formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061048 negative regulation of branching involved in lung morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904140 negative regulation of microglial cell migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902729 negative regulation of proteoglycan biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090152 establishment of protein localization to mitochondrial membrane involved in mitochondrial fission 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071335 hair follicle cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097296 activation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045828 positive regulation of isoprenoid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099161 regulation of presynaptic dense core granule exocytosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051308 male meiosis chromosome separation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060121 vestibular receptor cell stereocilium organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021972 corticospinal neuron axon guidance through spinal cord 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004133 glycogen debranching enzyme activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070483 detection of hypoxia 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002514 B cell tolerance induction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0100001 regulation of skeletal muscle contraction by action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904041 regulation of cystathionine beta-synthase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018964 propylene metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901145 mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in nephron morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903420 protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum tubular network 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015138 fumarate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901507 negative regulation of acylglycerol transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000828 regulation of parathyroid hormone secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003182 coronary sinus valve morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035921 desmosome disassembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140668 positive regulation of oxytocin production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905300 positive regulation of intestinal epithelial cell development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905902 regulation of mesoderm formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905302 negative regulation of macropinocytosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072200 negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903940 negative regulation of TORC2 signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098924 retrograde trans-synaptic signaling by nitric oxide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046722 lactic acid secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001985 negative regulation of heart rate involved in baroreceptor response to increased systemic arterial blood pressure 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046720 citric acid secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046210 nitric oxide catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905774 regulation of DNA helicase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046630 gamma-delta T cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035041 sperm DNA decondensation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000061 regulation of ureter smooth muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904441 regulation of thyroid gland epithelial cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150200 regulation of transport across blood-brain barrier 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036496 regulation of translational initiation by eIF2 alpha dephosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106349 snRNA methylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000572 positive regulation of interleukin-4-dependent isotype switching to IgE isotypes 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905612 positive regulation of mRNA cap binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042281 dolichyl pyrophosphate Man9GlcNAc2 alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061114 branching involved in pancreas morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043400 cortisol secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043402 glucocorticoid mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905610 regulation of mRNA cap binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904728 positive regulation of replicative senescence 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099140 presynaptic actin cytoskeleton organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000570 positive regulation of T-helper 2 cell activation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902161 positive regulation of cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016131 brassinosteroid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905280 negative regulation of retrograde transport, endosome to Golgi 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061863 microtubule plus end polymerase 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030184 nitric oxide transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902728 positive regulation of growth factor dependent skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903714 isoleucine transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003226 right ventricular compact myocardium morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904227 negative regulation of glycogen synthase activity, transferring glucose-1-phosphate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905095 negative regulation of apolipoprotein A-I-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009787 regulation of abscisic acid-activated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904343 positive regulation of colon smooth muscle contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061168 regulation of hair follicle placode formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901251 positive regulation of lung goblet cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900535 palmitic acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051391 tRNA acetylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055020 positive regulation of cardiac muscle fiber development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001213 negative regulation of vasculogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002897 positive regulation of central B cell tolerance induction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904697 regulation of acinar cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022004 midbrain-hindbrain boundary maturation during brain development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902943 positive regulation of voltage-gated chloride channel activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052805 imidazole-containing compound catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014736 negative regulation of muscle atrophy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021642 trochlear nerve formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905808 positive regulation of synapse pruning 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001029 regulation of cellular glucuronidation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904639 cellular response to resveratrol 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001173 DNA-templated transcriptional start site selection 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060857 establishment of glial blood-brain barrier 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004919 interleukin-9 receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902612 regulation of anti-Mullerian hormone signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042160 lipoprotein modification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904792 positive regulation of shelterin complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098529 neuromuscular junction development, skeletal muscle fiber 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900134 negative regulation of renin secretion into blood stream 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033342 negative regulation of collagen binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021501 prechordal plate formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070159 mitochondrial threonyl-tRNA aminoacylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015112 nitrate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904282 regulation of antigen processing and presentation of endogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140223 general transcription initiation factor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002458 peripheral T cell tolerance induction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009210 pyrimidine ribonucleoside triphosphate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000387 regulation of antral ovarian follicle growth 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031948 positive regulation of glucocorticoid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000184 positive regulation of progesterone biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002812 biosynthetic process of antibacterial peptides active against Gram-negative bacteria 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090035 positive regulation of chaperone-mediated protein complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002319 memory B cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009682 induced systemic resistance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072036 mesenchymal to epithelial transition involved in renal vesicle formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097188 dentin mineralization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000710 meiotic mismatch repair 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905006 negative regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition involved in endocardial cushion formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045611 negative regulation of hemocyte differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904550 response to arachidonic acid 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905161 protein localization to phagocytic vesicle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090472 dibasic protein processing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006274 DNA replication termination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015736 hexuronate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071951 conversion of methionyl-tRNA to N-formyl-methionyl-tRNA 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905062 positive regulation of cardioblast proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061974 perichondral bone morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061374 mammillothalamic axonal tract development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901826 zeaxanthin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072167 specification of mesonephric tubule identity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905060 calcium:monoatomic cation antiporter activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001815 positive regulation of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106272 protein localization to ERGIC 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003242 cardiac chamber ballooning 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060283 negative regulation of oocyte development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019102 male somatic sex determination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002776 antimicrobial peptide secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097370 protein O-GlcNAcylation via threonine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106090 positive regulation of cell adhesion involved in sprouting angiogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061837 neuropeptide processing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032023 trypsinogen activation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001108 positive regulation of Rho guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002436 immune complex clearance by monocytes and macrophages 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140241 translation at synapse 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905689 positive regulation of diacylglycerol kinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033215 reductive iron assimilation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902366 regulation of Notch signaling pathway involved in somitogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051630 acetylcholine uptake 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061193 taste bud development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090070 positive regulation of ribosome biogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070158 mitochondrial seryl-tRNA aminoacylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086090 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in SA node cell action potential repolarization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001191 regulation of gamma-delta T cell activation involved in immune response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900281 positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell costimulation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008626 granzyme-mediated apoptotic signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903100 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 3,5-bisphosphate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043538 regulation of actin phosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097640 L-ornithine import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140018 regulation of cytoplasmic translational fidelity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005982 starch metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0180015 nucleoside import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000513 positive regulation of granzyme A production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000231 positive regulation of pancreatic stellate cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090274 positive regulation of somatostatin secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034343 type III interferon production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090094 metanephric cap mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in metanephros development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021758 putamen development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140591 nuclear envelope budding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000892 cellobiose catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046866 tetraterpenoid transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072059 cortical collecting duct development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990579 peptidyl-serine trans-autophosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904902 ESCRT III complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004964 luteinizing hormone receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051945 negative regulation of catecholamine uptake involved in synaptic transmission 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106108 negative regulation of (R)-mevalonic acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904034 positive regulation of t-SNARE clustering 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042817 pyridoxal metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090171 chondrocyte morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034441 plasma lipoprotein particle oxidation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002364 NK T cell lineage commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072706 response to sodium dodecyl sulfate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071921 cohesin loading 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110031 negative regulation of G2/MI transition of meiotic cell cycle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060875 lateral semicircular canal development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060731 positive regulation of intestinal epithelial structure maintenance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000733 regulation of glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor receptor signaling pathway involved in ureteric bud formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903781 positive regulation of cardiac conduction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007630 jump response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904394 negative regulation of skeletal muscle acetylcholine-gated channel clustering 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038115 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 19 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046226 coumarin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140329 lysophospholipid translocation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051915 induction of synaptic plasticity by chemical substance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903621 protein localization to photoreceptor connecting cilium 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150145 positive regulation of CD80 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904370 regulation of protein localization to actin cortical patch 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032599 protein transport out of membrane raft 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904372 positive regulation of protein localization to actin cortical patch 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903988 iron ion export across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904197 positive regulation of granulosa cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003345 proepicardium cell migration involved in pericardium morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061295 regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in mesonephric nephron morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071765 nuclear inner membrane organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904985 negative regulation of quinolinate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051164 L-xylitol metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003069 acetylcholine-mediated vasodilation involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044111 formation of structure involved in a symbiotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061772 xenobiotic transport across blood-nerve barrier 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097280 histamine secretion mediated by immunoglobulin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003414 chondrocyte morphogenesis involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032913 negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta3 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000606 regulation of cell proliferation involved in mesonephros development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061614 miRNA transcription 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045660 positive regulation of neutrophil differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098737 protein insertion into plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060989 lipid tube assembly involved in organelle fusion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903997 positive regulation of non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042352 GDP-L-fucose salvage 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015728 mevalonate transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140048 manganese ion export across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905546 cellular response to phenylpropanoid 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099156 cell-cell signaling via exosome 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097552 mitochondrial double-strand break repair via homologous recombination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071264 positive regulation of translational initiation in response to starvation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090384 phagosome-lysosome docking 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038047 morphine receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051455 spindle attachment to meiosis I kinetochore 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001178 positive regulation of mediator complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904205 negative regulation of skeletal muscle hypertrophy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036131 prostaglandin D2 11-ketoreductase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019172 glyoxalase III activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071656 negative regulation of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902205 regulation of interleukin-2-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072213 metanephric capsule development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060506 smoothened signaling pathway involved in lung development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018272 protein-pyridoxal-5-phosphate linkage via peptidyl-N6-pyridoxal phosphate-L-lysine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021688 cerebellar molecular layer formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000293 negative regulation of defecation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110081 negative regulation of placenta blood vessel development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070054 mRNA splicing, via endonucleolytic cleavage and ligation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904156 DN3 thymocyte differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015689 molybdate ion transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032011 ARF protein signal transduction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901004 ubiquinone-6 metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035394 regulation of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018191 peptidyl-serine octanoylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140917 zinc ion import into mitochondrion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015142 tricarboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098746 fast, calcium ion-dependent exocytosis of neurotransmitter 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905537 positive regulation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062035 sensory perception of cold stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007014 actin ubiquitination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003068 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by acetylcholine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046081 dUTP catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070368 positive regulation of hepatocyte differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901330 negative regulation of odontoblast differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150065 regulation of deacetylase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071041 antisense RNA transcript catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021639 trochlear nerve morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902173 negative regulation of keratinocyte apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015673 silver ion transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140049 regulation of endocardial cushion to mesenchymal transition 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904189 positive regulation of transformation of host cell by virus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001717 conversion of seryl-tRNAsec to selenocys-tRNAsec 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990386 mitotic cleavage furrow ingression 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900010 regulation of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904313 response to methamphetamine hydrochloride 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904913 regulation of establishment of protein-containing complex localization to telomere 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904867 protein localization to Cajal body 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001552 ovarian follicle atresia 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055113 epiboly involved in gastrulation with mouth forming second 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061986 negative regulation of transcription by glucose 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070408 carbamoyl phosphate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000409 regulation of transcription by galactose 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140990 primary piRNA processing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001124 regulation of translational frameshifting 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090671 telomerase RNA localization to Cajal body 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060254 regulation of N-terminal protein palmitoylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035598 N6-threonylcarbomyladenosine methylthiotransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035603 fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in hemopoiesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160054 microfibril assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016992 lipoate synthase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070091 glucagon secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902824 positive regulation of late endosome to lysosome transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905935 positive regulation of cell fate determination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901810 beta-carotene metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042038 peptidyl-histidine methylation, to form tele-methylhistidine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904411 positive regulation of secretory granule organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052373 suppression of symbiont entry into host 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902296 DNA strand elongation involved in cell cycle DNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902076 regulation of lateral motor column neuron migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010160 formation of animal organ boundary 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046444 FMN metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060595 fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in mammary gland specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019310 inositol catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046127 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005017 platelet-derived growth factor receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033388 putrescine biosynthetic process from arginine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905833 negative regulation of microtubule nucleation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060755 negative regulation of mast cell chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902626 assembly of large subunit precursor of preribosome 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000176 positive regulation of pro-T cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090122 cholesterol ester hydrolysis involved in cholesterol transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061347 planar cell polarity pathway involved in outflow tract morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015126 canalicular bile acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901753 leukotriene A4 biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000836 positive regulation of androgen secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032972 regulation of muscle filament sliding speed 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150090 multiple spine synapse organization, single dendrite 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070409 carbamoyl phosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017143 insecticide metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000350 positive regulation of CD40 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0089708 L-histidine transmembrane export from vacuole 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120071 regulation of pyloric antrum smooth muscle contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042543 protein N-linked glycosylation via arginine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034642 mitochondrion migration along actin filament 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990770 small intestine smooth muscle contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042371 vitamin K biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901036 positive regulation of L-glutamine import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903755 positive regulation of SUMO transferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097639 L-lysine import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110119 positive regulation of very-low-density lipoprotein particle clearance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034156 negative regulation of toll-like receptor 7 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061358 negative regulation of Wnt protein secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904736 negative regulation of fatty acid beta-oxidation using acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033389 putrescine biosynthetic process from arginine, using agmatinase 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051978 lysophospholipid:sodium symporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015552 propionate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048789 cytoskeletal matrix organization at active zone 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015774 polysaccharide transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905188 positive regulation of metaphase/anaphase transition of meiosis I 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006539 glutamate catabolic process via 2-oxoglutarate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071275 cellular response to aluminum ion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014006 regulation of microglia differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060450 positive regulation of hindgut contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006671 phytosphingosine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009407 toxin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051175 negative regulation of sulfur metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045225 negative regulation of CD4 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003308 negative regulation of Wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904598 positive regulation of connective tissue replacement involved in inflammatory response wound healing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090341 negative regulation of secretion of lysosomal enzymes 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001809 positive regulation of type IV hypersensitivity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033373 maintenance of protease location in mast cell secretory granule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072285 mesenchymal to epithelial transition involved in metanephric renal vesicle formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019452 L-cysteine catabolic process to taurine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048773 erythrophore differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015790 UDP-xylose transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990625 negative regulation of cytoplasmic translational initiation in response to stress 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905374 response to homocysteine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009398 FMN biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032887 regulation of spindle elongation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072274 metanephric glomerular basement membrane development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099607 lateral attachment of mitotic spindle microtubules to kinetochore 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990280 RNA localization to chromatin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019742 pentacyclic triterpenoid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0085017 entry into host cell by a symbiont-containing vacuole 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000388 spliceosome conformational change to release U4 (or U4atac) and U1 (or U11) 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904057 negative regulation of sensory perception of pain 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061227 pattern specification involved in mesonephros development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033008 positive regulation of mast cell activation involved in immune response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014064 positive regulation of serotonin secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902365 positive regulation of protein localization to spindle pole body 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905899 regulation of smooth muscle tissue development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046817 chemokine receptor antagonist activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990550 mitochondrial alpha-ketoglutarate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045210 FasL biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903314 regulation of nitrogen cycle metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018013 N-terminal peptidyl-glycine methylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903914 negative regulation of fusion of virus membrane with host plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061921 peptidyl-lysine propionylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015080 silver ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070731 cGMP transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903841 cellular response to arsenite(3-) 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000212 negative regulation of glutamate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904317 cellular response to 2-O-acetyl-1-O-hexadecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000720 positive regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion, centromeric 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060806 negative regulation of cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006711 estrogen catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001545 primary ovarian follicle growth 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042664 negative regulation of endodermal cell fate specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002470 plasmacytoid dendritic cell antigen processing and presentation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904049 negative regulation of spontaneous neurotransmitter secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046745 viral capsid secondary envelopment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902317 nuclear DNA replication termination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048613 embryonic ectodermal digestive tract morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009184 purine deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901962 S-adenosyl-L-methionine transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150035 regulation of trans-synaptic signaling by BDNF, modulating synaptic transmission 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061218 negative regulation of mesonephros development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070208 protein heterotrimerization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061006 regulation of cell proliferation involved in kidney morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009207 purine ribonucleoside triphosphate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002622 regulation of B cell antigen processing and presentation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098695 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic cytosolic calcium levels 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006593 ornithine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060165 regulation of timing of subpallium neuron differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001080 nitrogen catabolite activation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035863 dITP catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070560 protein secretion by platelet 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001770 establishment of natural killer cell polarity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060580 ventral spinal cord interneuron fate determination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903806 L-isoleucine import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060582 cell fate determination involved in pattern specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036516 chemoattraction of dopaminergic neuron axon 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009403 toxin biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090459 intracellular aspartate homeostasis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046754 viral exocytosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900210 positive regulation of cardiolipin metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033377 maintenance of protein location in T cell secretory granule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140972 negative regulation of AIM2 inflammasome complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000707 meiotic DNA recombinase assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002807 positive regulation of antimicrobial peptide biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038101 sequestering of nodal from receptor via nodal binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015904 tetracycline transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901247 negative regulation of lung ciliated cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003277 apoptotic process involved in endocardial cushion morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000196 positive regulation of female gonad development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002435 immune complex clearance by erythrocytes 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090364 regulation of proteasome assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150072 positive regulation of arginase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099049 clathrin coat assembly involved in endocytosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018217 peptidyl-aspartic acid phosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010164 response to cesium ion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150070 regulation of arginase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120008 positive regulation of glutamatergic neuron differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032974 amino acid transmembrane export from vacuole 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072732 cellular response to calcium ion starvation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904583 response to polyamine macromolecule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010967 regulation of polyamine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009231 riboflavin biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001306 lipoxin B4 biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007371 ventral midline determination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904457 positive regulation of neuronal action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010924 regulation of inositol-polyphosphate 5-phosphatase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015735 uronic acid transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061516 monocyte proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051892 negative regulation of cardioblast differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902846 positive regulation of mitotic spindle elongation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000308 negative regulation of tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily member 11 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905607 negative regulation of presynapse assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033368 protease localization to mast cell secretory granule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002152 bile acid conjugation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071693 protein transport within extracellular region 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043417 negative regulation of skeletal muscle tissue regeneration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060658 nipple morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044345 stromal-epithelial cell signaling involved in prostate gland development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060377 negative regulation of mast cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051042 negative regulation of calcium-independent cell-cell adhesion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002646 regulation of central tolerance induction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903884 regulation of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007225 patched ligand maturation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021509 roof plate formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019518 L-threonine catabolic process to glycine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048685 negative regulation of collateral sprouting of intact axon in response to injury 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010933 positive regulation of macrophage tolerance induction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000477 regulation of metanephric podocyte development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099567 calcium ion binding involved in regulation of postsynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016110 tetraterpenoid catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106101 ER-dependent peroxisome localization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904887 Wnt signalosome assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904702 regulation of protein localization to adherens junction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030504 inorganic diphosphate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019527 pentitol catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904193 negative regulation of cholangiocyte apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905631 cellular response to glyceraldehyde 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042843 D-xylose catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150152 negative regulation of interleukin-17A production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000559 regulation of CD24 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051141 negative regulation of NK T cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904990 regulation of adenylate cyclase-inhibiting dopamine receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904992 positive regulation of adenylate cyclase-inhibiting dopamine receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046901 tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008591 regulation of Wnt signaling pathway, calcium modulating pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030954 astral microtubule nucleation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0080129 proteasome core complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071336 regulation of hair follicle cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904837 beta-catenin-TCF complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902374 regulation of rRNA catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098038 non-replicative DNA transposition 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071206 establishment of protein localization to juxtaparanode region of axon 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000800 regulation of endocardial cushion to mesenchymal transition involved in heart valve formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120117 T cell meandering migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000802 positive regulation of endocardial cushion to mesenchymal transition involved in heart valve formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002451 peripheral B cell tolerance induction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000493 negative regulation of interleukin-18-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038021 leptin receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160135 phospholipase C-activating endothelin receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022013 pallium cell proliferation in forebrain 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072265 metanephric capsule morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010481 epidermal cell division 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901384 positive regulation of chorionic trophoblast cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903636 regulation of protein insertion into mitochondrial outer membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035644 phosphoanandamide dephosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009106 lipoate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043251 sodium-dependent organic anion transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003412 establishment of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity involved in camera-type eye morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120054 intestinal motility 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051585 negative regulation of dopamine uptake involved in synaptic transmission 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903190 glyoxal catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039692 single stranded viral RNA replication via double stranded DNA intermediate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051160 L-xylitol catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000798 negative regulation of amniotic stem cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902567 negative regulation of eosinophil activation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061103 carotid body glomus cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035766 cell chemotaxis to fibroblast growth factor 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071262 regulation of translational initiation in response to starvation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990697 protein depalmitoleylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031443 fast-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072217 negative regulation of metanephros development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097080 plasma membrane selenite transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903703 enterocyte differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904567 response to wortmannin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106402 Lewis x epitope biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150013 negative regulation of neuron projection arborization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052314 phytoalexin metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905317 inferior endocardial cushion morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905578 regulation of ERBB3 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010651 negative regulation of cell communication by electrical coupling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042666 negative regulation of ectodermal cell fate specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903073 negative regulation of death-inducing signaling complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021539 subthalamus development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106107 regulation of (R)-mevalonic acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061930 regulation of erythrocyte enucleation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905229 cellular response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905451 positive regulation of Fc-gamma receptor signaling pathway involved in phagocytosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005990 lactose catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048915 posterior lateral line system development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086082 cell adhesive protein binding involved in AV node cell-bundle of His cell communication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060489 planar dichotomous subdivision of terminal units involved in lung branching morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003117 regulation of vasoconstriction by circulating norepinephrine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000208 positive regulation of ribosomal small subunit export from nucleus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002721 regulation of B cell cytokine production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021757 caudate nucleus development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060097 cytoskeletal rearrangement involved in phagocytosis, engulfment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140357 heme export from vacuole to cytoplasm 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072169 specification of posterior mesonephric tubule identity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072579 glycine receptor clustering 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140633 CARD8 inflammasome complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071259 cellular response to magnetism 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021588 cerebellum formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000356 regulation of kidney smooth muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044602 protein deadenylylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901304 regulation of spermidine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090095 regulation of metanephric cap mesenchymal cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090275 negative regulation of somatostatin secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051415 microtubule nucleation by interphase microtubule organizing center 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019606 2-oxobutyrate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903916 regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced eIF2 alpha dephosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000541 positive regulation of protein geranylgeranylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035780 CD80 biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036332 placental growth factor receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035782 mature natural killer cell chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001107 negative regulation of Rho guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001814 negative regulation of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902070 positive regulation of sphingolipid mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009692 ethylene metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097510 base-excision repair, AP site formation via deaminated base removal 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015962 diadenosine triphosphate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904094 positive regulation of autophagic cell death 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990115 RNA polymerase III assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099540 trans-synaptic signaling by neuropeptide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072168 specification of anterior mesonephric tubule identity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031959 intracellular mineralocorticoid receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061514 interleukin-34-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901082 positive regulation of relaxation of smooth muscle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007604 phototransduction, UV 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904290 negative regulation of mitotic DNA damage checkpoint 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905503 regulation of motile cilium assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060488 orthogonal dichotomous subdivision of terminal units involved in lung branching morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048242 epinephrine secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032976 release of matrix enzymes from mitochondria 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035732 nitric oxide storage 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072721 cellular response to dithiothreitol 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120012 intermembrane sphingolipid transfer 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000830 positive regulation of parathyroid hormone secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001304 lipoxin B4 metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071306 cellular response to vitamin E 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903778 protein localization to vacuolar membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000185 regulation of phosphate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060783 mesenchymal smoothened signaling pathway involved in prostate gland development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031427 response to methotrexate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045339 farnesyl diphosphate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090034 regulation of chaperone-mediated protein complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032637 interleukin-8 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046789 host cell surface receptor binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051355 proprioception involved in equilibrioception 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905217 response to astaxanthin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000560 positive regulation of CD24 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071258 cellular response to gravity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070843 misfolded protein transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902435 regulation of male mating behavior 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000388 positive regulation of antral ovarian follicle growth 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905687 regulation of diacylglycerol kinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021556 central nervous system formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086030 adenylate cyclase-activating adrenergic receptor signaling pathway involved in cardiac muscle relaxation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061873 regulation of hepatic stellate cell contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901625 cellular response to ergosterol 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017003 protein-heme linkage 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900731 positive regulation of adenylate cyclase-inhibiting opioid receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110079 regulation of placenta blood vessel development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000025 maltose catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905780 regulation of phosphatidylserine exposure on apoptotic cell surface 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010849 regulation of proton-transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905782 positive regulation of phosphatidylserine exposure on apoptotic cell surface 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904911 negative regulation of establishment of RNA localization to telomere 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904150 negative regulation of microglial cell mediated cytotoxicity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902228 positive regulation of macrophage colony-stimulating factor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055111 ingression involved in gastrulation with mouth forming second 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905292 regulation of neural crest cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905070 anterior visceral endoderm cell migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106064 regulation of cobalamin metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070586 cell-cell adhesion involved in gastrulation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033316 meiotic spindle assembly checkpoint signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090673 endothelial cell-matrix adhesion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090219 negative regulation of lipid kinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900450 negative regulation of glutamate receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902311 regulation of copper ion transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905094 regulation of apolipoprotein A-I-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010420 3,4-dihydroxy-5-polyprenylbenzoic acid O-methyltransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006060 sorbitol metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003409 optic cup structural organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062112 fatty acid primary amide biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006062 sorbitol catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900827 positive regulation of membrane depolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902217 erythrocyte apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000595 regulation of optic nerve formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903952 regulation of voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990654 sebum secreting cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014906 myotube cell development involved in skeletal muscle regeneration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071652 regulation of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 1 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048894 efferent axon development in a lateral line nerve 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035229 positive regulation of glutamate-cysteine ligase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000312 regulation of kainate selective glutamate receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045584 negative regulation of cytotoxic T cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098530 positive regulation of strand invasion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002644 negative regulation of tolerance induction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901027 dextrin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904764 chaperone-mediated autophagy translocation complex disassembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005457 GDP-fucose transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061115 lung proximal/distal axis specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903886 positive regulation of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901419 regulation of response to alcohol 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003271 smoothened signaling pathway involved in regulation of secondary heart field cardioblast proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018125 peptidyl-cysteine methylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045818 negative regulation of glycogen catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090321 positive regulation of chylomicron remnant clearance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010121 arginine catabolic process to proline via ornithine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110015 positive regulation of elastin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098925 retrograde trans-synaptic signaling by nitric oxide, modulating synaptic transmission 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042880 D-glucuronate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009104 lipopolysaccharide catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120056 large intestinal transit 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905116 positive regulation of lateral attachment of mitotic spindle microtubules to kinetochore 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001984 artery vasodilation involved in baroreceptor response to increased systemic arterial blood pressure 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140667 regulation of oxytocin production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060695 negative regulation of cholesterol transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016109 tetraterpenoid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140074 cardiac endothelial to mesenchymal transition 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000827 mitochondrial RNA surveillance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903176 regulation of tyrosine 3-monooxygenase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000256 allantoin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009789 positive regulation of abscisic acid-activated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009237 siderophore metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905485 positive regulation of motor neuron migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001262 positive regulation of semaphorin-plexin signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021512 spinal cord anterior/posterior patterning 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072702 response to methyl methanesulfonate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070239 regulation of activated T cell autonomous cell death 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902601 silver ion transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000534 positive regulation of renal albumin absorption 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033606 chemokine receptor transport within lipid bilayer 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901986 response to ketamine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090717 adaptive immune memory response involving T cells and B cells 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000105 histidine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032072 regulation of restriction endodeoxyribonuclease activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046692 sperm competition 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060010 Sertoli cell fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046067 dGDP catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033371 T cell secretory granule organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019767 IgE receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008705 methionine synthase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015200 methylammonium transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035429 gluconate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046725 negative regulation by virus of viral protein levels in host cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905305 negative regulation of cardiac myofibril assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061573 actin filament bundle retrograde transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904679 myo-inositol import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003185 sinoatrial valve morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036323 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071266 'de novo' L-methionine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904723 negative regulation of Wnt-Frizzled-LRP5/6 complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097753 membrane bending 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006386 termination of RNA polymerase III transcription 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061341 non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904531 positive regulation of actin filament binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120093 regulation of peptidyl-lysine crotonylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120256 olefinic compound catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140290 peptidyl-serine ADP-deribosylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004883 nuclear glucocorticoid receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018011 N-terminal peptidyl-alanine methylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007388 posterior compartment specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001178 regulation of transcriptional start site selection at RNA polymerase II promoter 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070473 negative regulation of uterine smooth muscle contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000806 positive regulation of termination of RNA polymerase II transcription, poly(A)-coupled 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000454 positive regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic T cell extravasation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006713 glucocorticoid catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071839 apoptotic process in bone marrow cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090262 regulation of transcription-coupled nucleotide-excision repair 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007291 sperm individualization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060014 granulosa cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090677 reversible differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060682 primary ureteric bud growth 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061163 endoplasmic reticulum polarization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014810 positive regulation of skeletal muscle contraction by regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051102 DNA ligation involved in DNA recombination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000916 actomyosin contractile ring contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900054 positive regulation of retinoic acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086060 voltage-gated sodium channel activity involved in AV node cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030393 fructoselysine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039007 pronephric nephron morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099017 maintenance of protein localization at cell tip 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901006 ubiquinone-6 biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061360 optic chiasma development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140542 regulation of piRNA transcription 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034474 U2 snRNA 3'-end processing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901845 negative regulation of cell communication by electrical coupling involved in cardiac conduction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000761 positive regulation of N-terminal peptidyl-lysine acetylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150189 regulation of interleukin-32 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110063 positive regulation of angiotensin-activated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090144 mitochondrial nucleoid organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042636 negative regulation of hair cycle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060843 venous endothelial cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901161 primary amino compound catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036306 embryonic heart tube elongation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030377 urokinase plasminogen activator receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106227 peptidyl-lysine glutarylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090347 regulation of cellular organohalogen metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097327 response to antineoplastic agent 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035348 acetyl-CoA transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905667 negative regulation of protein localization to endosome 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905090 negative regulation of parkin-mediated stimulation of mitophagy in response to mitochondrial depolarization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905795 cellular response to puromycin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061757 leukocyte adhesion to arterial endothelial cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009087 methionine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060945 cardiac neuron differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060345 spleen trabecula formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903954 positive regulation of voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097115 neurexin clustering involved in presynaptic membrane assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086041 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in SA node cell action potential depolarization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150138 negative regulation of interleukin-37 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010186 positive regulation of cellular defense response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905285 fibrous ring of heart morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048337 positive regulation of mesodermal cell fate specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990466 protein autosumoylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902251 negative regulation of erythrocyte apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099145 regulation of exocytic insertion of neurotransmitter receptor to postsynaptic membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048892 lateral line nerve development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033477 S-methylmethionine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071654 positive regulation of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 1 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097036 regulation of plasma membrane sterol distribution 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043496 regulation of protein homodimerization activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002747 antigen processing and presentation following phagocytosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990539 fructose import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035490 regulation of leukotriene production involved in inflammatory response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015964 diadenosine triphosphate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000518 negative regulation of T-helper 1 cell activation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905957 regulation of cellular response to alcohol 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902294 cell cycle DNA replication termination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001812 positive regulation of type I hypersensitivity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904784 NLRP1 inflammasome complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000834 regulation of androgen secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905154 negative regulation of membrane invagination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072736 cellular response to tert-butyl hydroperoxide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903618 regulation of transdifferentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000174 regulation of pro-T cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000703 negative regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in ureteric bud formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032683 negative regulation of connective tissue growth factor production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050822 peptide stabilization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000408 negative regulation of T cell extravasation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050929 induction of negative chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010789 meiotic sister chromatid cohesion involved in meiosis I 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034213 quinolinate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110099 negative regulation of calcium import into the mitochondrion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000527 regulation of myeloid dendritic cell chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002815 biosynthetic process of antibacterial peptides active against Gram-positive bacteria 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000715 nucleotide-excision repair, DNA damage recognition 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002537 nitric oxide production involved in inflammatory response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036146 cellular response to mycotoxin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043049 otic placode formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033345 asparagine catabolic process via L-aspartate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006430 lysyl-tRNA aminoacylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990960 basophil homeostasis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051463 negative regulation of cortisol secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045977 positive regulation of mitotic cell cycle, embryonic 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097380 dorsal spinal cord interneuron anterior axon guidance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902615 immune response involved in response to exogenous dsRNA 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071919 G-quadruplex DNA formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098939 dendritic transport of mitochondrion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904108 protein localization to ciliary inversin compartment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060802 epiblast cell-extraembryonic ectoderm cell signaling involved in anterior/posterior axis specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990443 peptidyl-threonine autophosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019493 arginine catabolic process to proline 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045993 negative regulation of translational initiation by iron 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099109 potassium channel activating, G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046437 D-amino acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071047 polyadenylation-dependent mRNA catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019309 mannose catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032581 ER-dependent peroxisome organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002736 regulation of plasmacytoid dendritic cell cytokine production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046499 S-adenosylmethioninamine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097332 response to antipsychotic drug 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030862 positive regulation of polarized epithelial cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070684 seminal clot liquefaction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006669 sphinganine-1-phosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070715 sodium-dependent organic cation transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141119 chromosomal DNA methylation maintenance following DNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050928 negative regulation of positive chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060618 nipple development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031441 negative regulation of mRNA 3'-end processing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043048 dolichyl monophosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048322 axial mesodermal cell fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140051 positive regulation of endocardial cushion to mesenchymal transition 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905396 cellular response to flavonoid 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904803 regulation of translation involved in cellular response to UV 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901034 regulation of L-glutamine import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905585 regulation of outer hair cell apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032244 positive regulation of nucleoside transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038117 C-C motif chemokine 19 receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030264 nuclear fragmentation involved in apoptotic nuclear change 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072158 proximal tubule morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035026 leading edge cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043143 regulation of translation by machinery localization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072024 macula densa development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000808 negative regulation of synaptic vesicle clustering 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090389 phagosome-lysosome fusion involved in apoptotic cell clearance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045610 regulation of hemocyte differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904998 negative regulation of leukocyte adhesion to arterial endothelial cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003144 embryonic heart tube formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010189 vitamin E biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903984 positive regulation of TRAIL-activated apoptotic signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031129 inductive cell-cell signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042161 lipoprotein oxidation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904791 negative regulation of shelterin complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904346 positive regulation of gastric mucosal blood circulation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903893 positive regulation of ATF6-mediated unfolded protein response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902551 regulation of catalase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000275 regulation of oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042218 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042728 flavin-containing compound catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000036 acyl carrier activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902998 positive regulation of neurofibrillary tangle assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904195 regulation of granulosa cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072220 metanephric descending thin limb development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033341 regulation of collagen binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021858 GABAergic neuron differentiation in basal ganglia 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019101 female somatic sex determination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021566 hypoglossal nerve development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006781 succinyl-CoA pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030845 phospholipase C-inhibiting G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0080163 regulation of protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903198 regulation of L-dopa decarboxylase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046005 positive regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, REM sleep 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002424 T cell mediated immune response to tumor cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904987 regulation of endothelial cell activation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006185 dGDP biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901377 organic heteropentacyclic compound catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002505 antigen processing and presentation of polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140455 cytoplasm protein quality control 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000612 regulation of thyroid-stimulating hormone secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905572 ganglioside GM1 transport to membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010335 response to non-ionic osmotic stress 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009114 hypoxanthine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003359 noradrenergic neuron fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060101 negative regulation of phagocytosis, engulfment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015724 formate transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048683 regulation of collateral sprouting of intact axon in response to injury 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042264 peptidyl-aspartic acid hydroxylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000103 positive regulation of mammary stem cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904003 negative regulation of sebum secreting cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905061 negative regulation of cardioblast proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150136 regulation of interleukin-37 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042023 DNA endoreduplication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090416 nicotinate transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061105 regulation of stomach neuroendocrine cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140924 L-kynurenine transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904890 negative regulation of excitatory synapse assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021767 mammillary body development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904937 sensory neuron migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000900 cyclodextrin metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905828 regulation of prostaglandin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051631 regulation of acetylcholine uptake 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099551 trans-synaptic signaling by neuropeptide, modulating synaptic transmission 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141013 purine nucleotide import into lysosome 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072186 metanephric cap morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900280 negative regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell costimulation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120323 lipid ubiquitination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002355 detection of tumor cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016118 carotenoid catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003027 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by carotid body chemoreceptor signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140915 zinc ion import into zymogen granule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001695 histamine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071412 cellular response to genistein 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043063 intercellular bridge organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905535 regulation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010879 cholesterol transport involved in cholesterol storage 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035611 protein branching point deglutamylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032920 putrescine acetylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016261 selenocysteine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903002 positive regulation of lipid transport across blood-brain barrier 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903000 regulation of lipid transport across blood-brain barrier 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905123 regulation of glucosylceramidase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905042 negative regulation of epithelium regeneration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000891 cellobiose metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904676 negative regulation of somatic stem cell division 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097497 blood vessel endothelial cell delamination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061586 positive regulation of transcription by transcription factor localization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003260 cardioblast migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034255 regulation of urea metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035946 mitochondrial mRNA surveillance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019402 galactitol metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150024 oxidised low-density lipoprotein particle clearance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903934 positive regulation of DNA primase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904301 regulation of maternal process involved in parturition 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008176 tRNA (guanine(46)-N7)-methyltransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090194 negative regulation of glomerulus development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010351 lithium ion transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030302 deoxynucleotide transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016517 interleukin-12 receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060588 negative regulation of lipoprotein lipid oxidation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001543 ovarian follicle rupture 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001250 positive regulation of ammonia assimilation cycle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904828 positive regulation of hydrogen sulfide biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905134 positive regulation of meiotic chromosome separation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000854 positive regulation of corticosterone secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035570 N-terminal peptidyl-serine methylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035572 N-terminal peptidyl-serine dimethylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900161 regulation of phospholipid scramblase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990256 signal clustering 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070980 biphenyl catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046317 regulation of glucosylceramide biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905399 regulation of activated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990559 mitochondrial coenzyme A transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030034 microvillar actin bundle assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905890 regulation of cellular response to very-low-density lipoprotein particle stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045219 regulation of FasL production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0012502 induction of programmed cell death 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004479 methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048074 negative regulation of eye pigmentation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046448 tropane alkaloid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002617 negative regulation of macrophage antigen processing and presentation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903941 negative regulation of respiratory gaseous exchange 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070654 sensory epithelium regeneration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903341 regulation of meiotic DNA double-strand break formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015439 ABC-type heme transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035922 foramen ovale closure 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905513 negative regulation of short-term synaptic potentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046057 dADP catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905676 positive regulation of adaptive immune memory response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015779 glucuronoside transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002033 angiotensin-mediated vasodilation involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034346 positive regulation of type III interferon production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016203 muscle attachment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902363 regulation of protein localization to spindle pole body 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016333 morphogenesis of follicular epithelium 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002479 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I, TAP-dependent 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903259 exon-exon junction complex disassembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904042 negative regulation of cystathionine beta-synthase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990547 mitochondrial phosphate ion transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021660 rhombomere 3 formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106045 guanine deglycation, methylglyoxal removal 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904535 positive regulation of telomeric loop disassembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006666 3-keto-sphinganine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900142 negative regulation of oligodendrocyte apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034231 islet amyloid polypeptide processing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016132 brassinosteroid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000227 negative regulation of pancreatic A cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902442 regulation of ripoptosome assembly involved in necroptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903906 regulation of plasma membrane raft polarization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042774 plasma membrane ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006254 CTP catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905551 negative regulation of protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032901 positive regulation of neurotrophin production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002299 alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150201 positive regulation of transport across blood-brain barrier 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904442 negative regulation of thyroid gland epithelial cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900729 regulation of adenylate cyclase-inhibiting opioid receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000062 negative regulation of ureter smooth muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071971 extracellular exosome assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106128 negative regulation of store-operated calcium entry 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019341 dibenzo-p-dioxin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014886 transition between slow and fast fiber 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061354 planar cell polarity pathway involved in pericardium morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032676 regulation of interleukin-7 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904585 response to putrescine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003131 mesodermal-endodermal cell signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000571 regulation of interleukin-4-dependent isotype switching to IgE isotypes 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990297 renal amino acid absorption 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070183 mitochondrial tryptophanyl-tRNA aminoacylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903043 positive regulation of chondrocyte hypertrophy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071660 positive regulation of IP-10 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032207 regulation of telomere maintenance via recombination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901128 gentamycin metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905003 picolinic acid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904570 negative regulation of selenocysteine incorporation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042275 error-free postreplication DNA repair 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099123 somato-dendritic dopamine secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000006 regulation of metanephric comma-shaped body morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990787 negative regulation of hh target transcription factor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045062 extrathymic T cell selection 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038009 regulation of signal transduction by receptor internalization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061682 seminal vesicle morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0047805 cytidylate cyclase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030103 vasopressin secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034337 RNA folding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072287 metanephric distal tubule morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070179 D-serine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075136 response to host 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072098 anterior/posterior pattern specification involved in kidney development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038185 intracellular bile acid receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046296 glycolate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000358 positive regulation of kidney smooth muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904924 negative regulation of mitophagy in response to mitochondrial depolarization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002100 tRNA wobble adenosine to inosine editing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046076 dTTP catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006580 ethanolamine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902367 negative regulation of Notch signaling pathway involved in somitogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990438 U6 2'-O-snRNA methylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061350 planar cell polarity pathway involved in cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060436 bronchiole morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000419 regulation of eosinophil extravasation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905835 cellular response to pyrimidine ribonucleotide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008493 tetracycline transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090045 positive regulation of deacetylase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904444 regulation of establishment of Sertoli cell barrier 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990543 mitochondrial S-adenosyl-L-methionine transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903918 regulation of actin filament severing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001113 negative regulation of cellular response to hepatocyte growth factor stimulus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032716 negative regulation of interleukin-7 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904055 negative regulation of cholangiocyte proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016999 antibiotic metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904750 negative regulation of protein localization to nucleolus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903167 regulation of pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044785 metaphase/anaphase transition of meiotic cell cycle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140708 CAT tailing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007495 visceral mesoderm-endoderm interaction involved in midgut development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042668 auditory receptor cell fate determination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036268 swimming 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004001 adenosine kinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045751 negative regulation of Toll signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905528 positive regulation of Golgi lumen acidification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006117 acetaldehyde metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048881 mechanosensory lateral line system development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061767 negative regulation of lung blood pressure 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072303 positive regulation of glomerular metanephric mesangial cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901254 positive regulation of intracellular transport of viral material 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000509 negative regulation of dendritic cell chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051394 regulation of nerve growth factor receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004326 tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamate synthase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140231 anterograde axonal transport of neurotransmitter receptor complex 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021547 midbrain-hindbrain boundary initiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018063 cytochrome c-heme linkage 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000206 regulation of ribosomal small subunit export from nucleus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046867 carotenoid transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904118 regulation of otic vesicle morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005342 organic acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004498 calcidiol 1-monooxygenase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071909 determination of stomach left/right asymmetry 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904592 positive regulation of protein refolding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902605 heterotrimeric G-protein complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035750 protein localization to myelin sheath abaxonal region 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014843 growth factor dependent regulation of skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046603 negative regulation of mitotic centrosome separation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032203 telomere formation via telomerase 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015105 arsenite transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905872 negative regulation of protein localization to cell leading edge 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005020 stem cell factor receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002805 regulation of antimicrobial peptide biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021618 hypoglossal nerve morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033375 protease localization to T cell secretory granule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036153 triglyceride acyl-chain remodeling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010578 regulation of adenylate cyclase activity involved in G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034203 glycolipid translocation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903919 negative regulation of actin filament severing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035261 external genitalia morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060243 negative regulation of cell growth involved in contact inhibition 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045223 regulation of CD4 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052200 response to host defenses 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033514 L-lysine catabolic process to acetyl-CoA via L-pipecolate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033380 granzyme B localization to T cell secretory granule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904240 negative regulation of VCP-NPL4-UFD1 AAA ATPase complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051878 lateral element assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019918 peptidyl-arginine methylation, to symmetrical-dimethyl arginine 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042669 regulation of inner ear auditory receptor cell fate specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033382 maintenance of granzyme B location in T cell secretory granule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048561 establishment of animal organ orientation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006530 asparagine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001151 regulation of renal water transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048290 isotype switching to IgA isotypes 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086050 membrane repolarization during bundle of His cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046587 positive regulation of calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086052 membrane repolarization during SA node cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905716 negative regulation of cornification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070650 actin filament bundle distribution 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033133 positive regulation of glucokinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021664 rhombomere 5 morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060577 pulmonary vein morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900260 negative regulation of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071908 determination of intestine left/right asymmetry 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000019 negative regulation of male gonad development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002651 positive regulation of tolerance induction to self antigen 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035444 nickel cation transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901827 zeaxanthin biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120179 adherens junction disassembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000464 positive regulation of astrocyte chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045852 pH elevation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902979 mitotic DNA replication termination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034590 L-hydroxyproline transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001680 tRNA 3'-terminal CCA addition 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060975 cardioblast migration to the midline involved in heart field formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097238 cellular response to methylglyoxal 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051786 all-trans-retinol 13,14-reductase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904983 glycine import into mitochondrion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051296 establishment of meiotic spindle orientation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903569 positive regulation of protein localization to ciliary membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032752 positive regulation of interleukin-3 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042144 vacuole fusion, non-autophagic 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901956 positive regulation of retrograde dense core granule transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060178 regulation of exocyst localization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042947 glucoside transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033609 oxalate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048687 positive regulation of sprouting of injured axon 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902983 DNA strand elongation involved in mitotic DNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031584 activation of phospholipase D activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070757 interleukin-35-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060133 somatotropin secreting cell development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045107 intermediate filament polymerization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061623 glycolytic process from galactose 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140754 reorganization of cellular membranes to establish viral sites of replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140570 extraction of mislocalized protein from mitochondrial outer membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007321 sperm displacement 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060404 axonemal microtubule depolymerization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904481 response to tetrahydrofolate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060873 anterior semicircular canal development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048698 negative regulation of collateral sprouting in absence of injury 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060380 regulation of single-stranded telomeric DNA binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904716 positive regulation of chaperone-mediated autophagy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904226 regulation of glycogen synthase activity, transferring glucose-1-phosphate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004961 thromboxane A2 receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903932 regulation of DNA primase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150143 regulation of CD80 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150022 apical dendrite development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051913 regulation of synaptic plasticity by chemical substance 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904529 regulation of actin filament binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070962 positive regulation of neutrophil mediated killing of bacterium 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050674 urothelial cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903200 positive regulation of L-dopa decarboxylase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901208 negative regulation of heart looping 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072340 lactam catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045234 protein palmitoleylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003142 cardiogenic plate morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140745 siRNA transcription 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019200 carbohydrate kinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905164 positive regulation of phagosome maturation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903568 negative regulation of protein localization to ciliary membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072022 descending thin limb development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120221 maintenance of ciliary planar beating movement pattern 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901291 negative regulation of double-strand break repair via single-strand annealing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072020 proximal straight tubule development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036088 D-serine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051758 homologous chromosome movement towards spindle pole in meiosis I anaphase 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072714 response to selenite ion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060930 sinoatrial node cell fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046704 CDP metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901621 negative regulation of smoothened signaling pathway involved in dorsal/ventral neural tube patterning 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070247 regulation of natural killer cell apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072267 metanephric capsule specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002420 natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity directed against tumor cell target 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000284 positive regulation of amino acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905592 negative regulation of optical nerve axon regeneration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016123 xanthophyll biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900480 regulation of diacylglycerol biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904333 positive regulation of error-prone translesion synthesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033319 UDP-D-xylose metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905315 cell proliferation involved in endocardial cushion morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002849 regulation of peripheral T cell tolerance induction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903178 positive regulation of tyrosine 3-monooxygenase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901170 naphthalene catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140123 negative regulation of Lewy body formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904182 regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902203 negative regulation of hepatocyte growth factor receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000199 positive regulation of ribonucleoprotein complex localization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009683 indoleacetic acid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035499 carnosine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903126 negative regulation of centriole-centriole cohesion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042247 establishment of planar polarity of follicular epithelium 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042323 negative regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, non-REM sleep 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021595 rhombomere structural organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032685 negative regulation of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140067 peptidyl-lysine butyrylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062026 negative regulation of SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032361 pyridoxal phosphate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003318 cell migration to the midline involved in heart development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000002 negative regulation of DNA damage checkpoint 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903966 monounsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036393 thiocyanate peroxidase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002127 tRNA wobble base cytosine methylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010085 polarity specification of proximal/distal axis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032848 negative regulation of cellular pH reduction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042443 phenylethylamine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902613 negative regulation of anti-Mullerian hormone signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902553 positive regulation of catalase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902576 negative regulation of nuclear cell cycle DNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904283 negative regulation of antigen processing and presentation of endogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903495 cellular response to dehydroepiandrosterone 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060280 negative regulation of ovulation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002574 thrombocyte differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043363 nucleate erythrocyte differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030538 embryonic genitalia morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106273 cytosol to ERGIC protein transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010070 zygote asymmetric cell division 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003327 type B pancreatic cell fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010780 meiotic DNA double-strand break formation involved in reciprocal meiotic recombination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072240 metanephric DCT cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060792 sweat gland development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042868 antisense RNA metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042748 circadian sleep/wake cycle, non-REM sleep 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048211 Golgi vesicle docking 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903302 regulation of pyruvate kinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042941 D-alanine transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060550 positive regulation of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate 1-phosphatase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000066 positive regulation of cortisol biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060552 positive regulation of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990969 modulation by host of viral RNA-binding transcription factor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000386 second spliceosomal transesterification activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000101 regulation of mammary stem cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071602 phytosphingosine biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046092 deoxycytidine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106289 negative regulation of deadenylation-dependent decapping of nuclear-transcribed mRNA 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034463 90S preribosome assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046272 stilbene catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003058 hormonal regulation of the force of heart contraction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043322 negative regulation of natural killer cell degranulation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150044 regulation of postsynaptic dense core vesicle exocytosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005983 starch catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036527 peptidyl-arginine deglycation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070947 neutrophil-mediated killing of fungus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903282 regulation of glutathione peroxidase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903280 negative regulation of calcium:sodium antiporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008052 sensory organ boundary specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903612 positive regulation of calcium-dependent ATPase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903434 negative regulation of constitutive secretory pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072055 renal cortex development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903610 regulation of calcium-dependent ATPase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061190 regulation of sclerotome development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090293 nitrogen catabolite regulation of transcription 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905143 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021666 rhombomere 5 formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060034 notochord cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904401 cellular response to Thyroid stimulating hormone 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072127 renal capsule development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904777 negative regulation of protein localization to cell cortex 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905215 negative regulation of RNA binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905768 negative regulation of double-stranded telomeric DNA binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901787 benzoyl-CoA metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902233 negative regulation of positive thymic T cell selection 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072750 cellular response to leptomycin B 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035037 sperm entry 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000187 positive regulation of phosphate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002851 positive regulation of peripheral T cell tolerance induction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904651 positive regulation of fat cell apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000984 negative regulation of ATP citrate synthase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009949 polarity specification of anterior/posterior axis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060366 lambdoid suture morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904303 positive regulation of maternal process involved in parturition 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018885 carbon tetrachloride metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902437 positive regulation of male mating behavior 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031945 positive regulation of glucocorticoid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001113 transcription open complex formation at RNA polymerase II promoter 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904233 negative regulation of aconitate hydratase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990968 modulation by host of RNA binding by virus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071584 negative regulation of zinc ion transmembrane import 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070241 positive regulation of activated T cell autonomous cell death 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032498 detection of muramyl dipeptide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060854 branching involved in lymph vessel morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000043 regulation of cardiac cell fate specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021956 central nervous system interneuron axonogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061325 cell proliferation involved in outflow tract morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002383 immune response in brain or nervous system 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901210 regulation of cardiac chamber formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905805 excitatory synapse pruning 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021989 olfactory cortex development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035849 nephric duct elongation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900163 positive regulation of phospholipid scramblase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061580 colon epithelial cell migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021541 ammon gyrus development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061445 endocardial cushion cell fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016104 triterpenoid biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002007 detection of hypoxic conditions in blood by chemoreceptor signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090410 malonate catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900259 regulation of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000539 regulation of protein geranylgeranylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901954 regulation of retrograde dense core granule transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903343 positive regulation of meiotic DNA double-strand break formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006214 thymidine catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015988 energy coupled proton transmembrane transport, against electrochemical gradient 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902215 negative regulation of interleukin-4-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071939 vitamin A import into cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000597 positive regulation of optic nerve formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043387 mycotoxin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045960 positive regulation of complement activation, classical pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019516 lactate oxidation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903697 negative regulation of microvillus assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071643 regulation of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901068 guanosine-containing compound metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036250 peroxisome transport along microtubule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031586 negative regulation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive calcium-release channel activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036325 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060460 left lung morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903639 regulation of gastrin-induced gastric acid secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002648 positive regulation of central tolerance induction 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036368 cone photoresponse recovery 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903673 mitotic cleavage furrow formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061369 negative regulation of testicular blood vessel morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001025 positive regulation of response to drug 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048567 ectodermal digestive tract morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036530 protein deglycation, methylglyoxal removal 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110017 cap-independent translational initiation of linear mRNA 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071882 phospholipase C-activating adrenergic receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072130 renal capsule specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901148 gene expression involved in extracellular matrix organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032903 regulation of nerve growth factor production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990884 RNA acetylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905100 regulation of apoptosome assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140298 endocytic iron import into cell 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905099 positive regulation of guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035768 endothelial cell chemotaxis to fibroblast growth factor 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003133 endodermal-mesodermal cell signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000304 response to singlet oxygen 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001830 trophectodermal cell fate commitment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903041 regulation of chondrocyte hypertrophy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071338 positive regulation of hair follicle cell proliferation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071938 vitamin A transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905001 negative regulation of membrane repolarization during atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098918 structural constituent of synapse 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015707 nitrite transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003178 coronary sinus valve development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046065 dCTP metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071471 cellular response to non-ionic osmotic stress 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002649 regulation of tolerance induction to self antigen 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903638 positive regulation of protein insertion into mitochondrial outer membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090350 negative regulation of cellular organofluorine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140739 NLRP6 inflammasome complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150175 regulation of phosphatidylethanolamine metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070625 zymogen granule exocytosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905326 positive regulation of meiosis I spindle assembly checkpoint 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048392 intermediate mesodermal cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042137 sequestering of neurotransmitter 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006500 N-terminal protein palmitoylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048390 intermediate mesoderm morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060262 negative regulation of N-terminal protein palmitoylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002398 MHC class Ib protein complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905299 negative regulation of intestinal epithelial cell development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900036 positive regulation of cellular response to heat 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061864 basement membrane constituent secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006843 mitochondrial citrate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905433 negative regulation of retrograde trans-synaptic signaling by neuropeptide 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014740 negative regulation of muscle hyperplasia 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090720 primary adaptive immune response 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043379 memory T cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099158 regulation of recycling endosome localization within postsynapse 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902159 regulation of cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032739 positive regulation of interleukin-16 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060064 Spemann organizer formation at the anterior end of the primitive streak 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035853 chromosome passenger complex localization to spindle midzone 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000753 positive regulation of glucosylceramide catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901176 lycopene catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110051 metabolite repair 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990882 rRNA acetylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903464 negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle DNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038089 positive regulation of cell migration by vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019206 nucleoside kinase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036113 very long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001174 transcriptional start site selection at RNA polymerase II promoter 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042930 enterobactin transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042839 D-glucuronate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097045 phosphatidylserine exposure on blood platelet 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098757 cellular response to interleukin-21 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021703 locus ceruleus development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032078 negative regulation of endodeoxyribonuclease activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061452 retrotrapezoid nucleus neuron differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018106 peptidyl-histidine phosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002184 cytoplasmic translational termination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035712 T-helper 2 cell activation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051542 elastin biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990938 peptidyl-aspartic acid autophosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098906 regulation of Purkinje myocyte action potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061450 trophoblast cell migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001192 maintenance of transcriptional fidelity during transcription elongation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007400 neuroblast fate determination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904344 regulation of gastric mucosal blood circulation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032788 saturated monocarboxylic acid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044873 lipoprotein localization to membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044856 plasma membrane raft localization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031038 myosin II filament organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033030 negative regulation of neutrophil apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902220 positive regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to osmotic stress 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902955 positive regulation of early endosome to recycling endosome transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021647 vestibulocochlear nerve maturation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060386 synapse assembly involved in innervation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042404 thyroid hormone catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015658 branched-chain amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905381 negative regulation of snRNA transcription by RNA polymerase II 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042873 aldonate transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016037 light absorption 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032738 positive regulation of interleukin-15 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905246 negative regulation of aspartic-type peptidase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021993 initiation of neural tube closure 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045221 negative regulation of FasL production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901684 arsenate ion transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090345 cellular organohalogen metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007066 female meiosis sister chromatid cohesion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061910 autophagosome-endosome fusion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900753 doxorubicin transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051780 behavioral response to nutrient 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097117 guanylate kinase-associated protein clustering 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901859 negative regulation of mitochondrial DNA metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001176 regulation of mediator complex assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021659 rhombomere 3 structural organization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001153 positive regulation of renal water transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061755 positive regulation of circulating fibrinogen levels 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904015 cellular response to serotonin 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050894 determination of affect 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900086 positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine autophosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098923 retrograde trans-synaptic signaling by soluble gas 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140926 L-kynurenine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021686 cerebellar granular layer maturation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032789 unsaturated monocarboxylic acid metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990506 mitotic DNA-templated DNA replication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905483 regulation of motor neuron migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055018 regulation of cardiac muscle fiber development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000691 negative regulation of cardiac muscle cell myoblast differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904876 negative regulation of DNA ligase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038097 positive regulation of mast cell activation by Fc-epsilon receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045167 asymmetric protein localization involved in cell fate determination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051622 negative regulation of norepinephrine uptake 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097314 apoptosome assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000486 negative regulation of glutamine transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990832 slow axonal transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002901 mature B cell apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903064 positive regulation of reverse cholesterol transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072184 renal vesicle progenitor cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000095 S-adenosyl-L-methionine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061172 regulation of establishment of bipolar cell polarity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033386 geranylgeranyl diphosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018874 benzoate metabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905955 negative regulation of endothelial tube morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905355 spine apparatus assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072255 metanephric glomerular mesangial cell development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903284 positive regulation of glutathione peroxidase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061170 negative regulation of hair follicle placode formation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902078 positive regulation of lateral motor column neuron migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060904 regulation of protein folding in endoplasmic reticulum 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060234 neuroblast delamination 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001038 regulation of cellular response to drug 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035931 mineralocorticoid secretion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000975 positive regulation of pro-B cell differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000921 septin ring assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903770 negative regulation of beta-galactosidase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060032 notochord regression 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001532 interleukin-21 receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903082 positive regulation of C-C chemokine receptor CCR7 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034147 regulation of toll-like receptor 5 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048626 myoblast fate specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015761 mannose transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903080 regulation of C-C chemokine receptor CCR7 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051413 response to cortisone 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990755 mitotic spindle microtubule depolymerization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070462 plus-end specific microtubule depolymerization 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903785 L-valine transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003421 growth plate cartilage axis specification 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010905 negative regulation of UDP-glucose catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062175 brexanolone catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901733 quercetin catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003259 cardioblast anterior-lateral migration 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000717 nucleotide-excision repair, DNA duplex unwinding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900200 mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephros development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098705 copper ion import across plasma membrane 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006288 base-excision repair, DNA ligation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060735 regulation of eIF2 alpha phosphorylation by dsRNA 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904797 negative regulation of core promoter binding 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071582 negative regulation of zinc ion transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071580 regulation of zinc ion transmembrane transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061185 negative regulation of dermatome development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004963 follicle-stimulating hormone receptor activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004363 glutathione synthase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086038 calcium:sodium antiporter activity involved in regulation of cardiac muscle cell membrane potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901662 quinone catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021742 abducens nucleus development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036339 lymphocyte adhesion to endothelial cell of high endothelial venule 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902483 cytotoxic T cell pyroptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061938 protein localization to somatodendritic compartment 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000004 regulation of metanephric S-shaped body morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005998 xylulose catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905186 regulation of metaphase/anaphase transition of meiosis I 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070845 polyubiquitinated misfolded protein transport 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014008 positive regulation of microglia differentiation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060785 regulation of apoptosis involved in tissue homeostasis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033027 positive regulation of mast cell apoptotic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004585 ornithine carbamoyltransferase activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007258 JUN phosphorylation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905415 positive regulation of dense core granule exocytosis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902629 regulation of mRNA stability involved in cellular response to UV 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902104 positive regulation of metaphase/anaphase transition of meiotic cell cycle 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060668 regulation of branching involved in salivary gland morphogenesis by extracellular matrix-epithelial cell signaling 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014895 smooth muscle hypertrophy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000200 regulation of ribosomal subunit export from nucleus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071454 cellular response to anoxia 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000202 positive regulation of ribosomal subunit export from nucleus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032876 negative regulation of DNA endoreduplication 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003236 sinus venosus morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071045 nuclear histone mRNA catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070921 regulation of siRNA processing 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003306 Wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903904 negative regulation of establishment of T cell polarity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034355 NAD salvage 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036471 cellular response to glyoxal 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990113 RNA polymerase I assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005987 sucrose catabolic process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035665 TIRAP-dependent toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106089 negative regulation of cell adhesion involved in sprouting angiogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000569 regulation of T-helper 2 cell activation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904331 regulation of error-prone translesion synthesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061880 regulation of anterograde axonal transport of mitochondrion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050924 positive regulation of negative chemotaxis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061373 mammillary axonal complex development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061973 membrane bone morphogenesis 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010272 response to silver ion 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905505 positive regulation of motile cilium assembly 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060082 eye blink reflex 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061956 penetration of cumulus oophorus 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903545 cellular response to butyrate 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060432 lung pattern specification process 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086039 P-type calcium transporter activity involved in regulation of cardiac muscle cell membrane potential 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035788 cell migration involved in metanephros development 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070060 'de novo' actin filament nucleation 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905147 regulation of smooth muscle hypertrophy 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001761 beta-alanine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032712 negative regulation of interleukin-3 production 0.999999999996227 -3.77265319678743e-12 1 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071331 cellular response to hexose stimulus 0.999999999997347 -2.65318992554548e-12 94 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042147 retrograde transport, endosome to Golgi 0.999999999997347 -2.65318992554548e-12 94 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990542 mitochondrial transmembrane transport 0.999999999997347 -2.65318992554548e-12 94 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007098 centrosome cycle 0.999999999997347 -2.65318992554548e-12 94 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003073 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure 0.999999999997347 -2.65318992554548e-12 94 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902807 negative regulation of cell cycle G1/S phase transition 0.999999999997347 -2.65318992554548e-12 94 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045666 positive regulation of neuron differentiation 0.999999999997347 -2.65318992554548e-12 94 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045103 intermediate filament-based process 0.999999999997347 -2.65318992554548e-12 94 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050848 regulation of calcium-mediated signaling 0.999999999997347 -2.65318992554548e-12 94 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904063 negative regulation of cation transmembrane transport 0.999999999997347 -2.65318992554548e-12 94 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010507 negative regulation of autophagy 0.999999999997347 -2.65318992554548e-12 94 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048704 embryonic skeletal system morphogenesis 0.999999999997347 -2.65318992554548e-12 94 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071355 cellular response to interleukin-9 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046137 negative regulation of vitamin metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046877 regulation of saliva secretion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090383 phagosome acidification 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042760 very long-chain fatty acid catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901387 positive regulation of voltage-gated calcium channel activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032532 regulation of microvillus length 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015220 choline transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015712 hexose phosphate transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006657 CDP-choline pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035977 protein deglycosylation involved in glycoprotein catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042723 thiamine-containing compound metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019405 alditol catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904393 regulation of skeletal muscle acetylcholine-gated channel clustering 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036498 IRE1-mediated unfolded protein response 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002225 positive regulation of antimicrobial peptide production 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033211 adiponectin-activated signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060992 response to fungicide 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030213 hyaluronan biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071907 determination of digestive tract left/right asymmetry 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001788 antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002606 positive regulation of dendritic cell antigen processing and presentation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016562 protein import into peroxisome matrix, receptor recycling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900028 negative regulation of ruffle assembly 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002733 regulation of myeloid dendritic cell cytokine production 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010918 positive regulation of mitochondrial membrane potential 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901535 regulation of DNA demethylation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036022 limb joint morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000972 transcription-dependent tethering of RNA polymerase II gene DNA at nuclear periphery 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904761 negative regulation of myofibroblast differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033005 positive regulation of mast cell activation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070640 vitamin D3 metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086042 cardiac muscle cell-cardiac muscle cell adhesion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060449 bud elongation involved in lung branching 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099604 ligand-gated calcium channel activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021553 olfactory nerve development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051838 cytolysis by host of symbiont cells 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010573 vascular endothelial growth factor production 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042780 tRNA 3'-end processing 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050916 sensory perception of sweet taste 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000051 negative regulation of non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120197 mucociliary clearance 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019626 short-chain fatty acid catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072239 metanephric glomerulus vasculature development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000698 positive regulation of epithelial cell differentiation involved in kidney development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903546 protein localization to photoreceptor outer segment 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038203 TORC2 signaling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150093 amyloid-beta clearance by transcytosis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000646 positive regulation of receptor catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903598 positive regulation of gap junction assembly 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031649 heat generation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901894 regulation of ATPase-coupled calcium transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000820 regulation of glutamine family amino acid metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008063 Toll signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902389 ceramide 1-phosphate transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046654 tetrahydrofolate biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048262 determination of dorsal/ventral asymmetry 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005391 P-type sodium:potassium-exchanging transporter activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901979 regulation of inward rectifier potassium channel activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071267 L-methionine salvage 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902388 ceramide 1-phosphate transfer activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000965 mitochondrial RNA 3'-end processing 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904781 positive regulation of protein localization to centrosome 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032954 regulation of cytokinetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017183 protein histidyl modification to diphthamide 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051140 regulation of NK T cell proliferation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902308 regulation of peptidyl-serine dephosphorylation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901098 positive regulation of autophagosome maturation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090237 regulation of arachidonic acid secretion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030578 PML body organization 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030917 midbrain-hindbrain boundary development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035701 hematopoietic stem cell migration 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048341 paraxial mesoderm formation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006549 isoleucine metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900193 regulation of oocyte maturation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051006 positive regulation of lipoprotein lipase activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070601 centromeric sister chromatid cohesion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990791 dorsal root ganglion development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021648 vestibulocochlear nerve morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002016 regulation of blood volume by renin-angiotensin 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004875 complement receptor activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045917 positive regulation of complement activation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035425 autocrine signaling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060633 negative regulation of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097240 chromosome attachment to the nuclear envelope 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060017 parathyroid gland development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034627 'de novo' NAD biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071716 leukotriene transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038001 paracrine signaling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010571 positive regulation of nuclear cell cycle DNA replication 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086015 SA node cell action potential 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060718 chorionic trophoblast cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010728 regulation of hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071281 cellular response to iron ion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034316 negative regulation of Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin nucleation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905097 regulation of guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050882 voluntary musculoskeletal movement 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905684 regulation of plasma membrane repair 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033353 S-adenosylmethionine cycle 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097709 connective tissue replacement 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905214 regulation of RNA binding 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098700 neurotransmitter loading into synaptic vesicle 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043312 neutrophil degranulation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901078 negative regulation of relaxation of muscle 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072575 epithelial cell proliferation involved in liver morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010966 regulation of phosphate transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000429 carbon catabolite regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000394 positive regulation of lamellipodium morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003253 cardiac neural crest cell migration involved in outflow tract morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044351 macropinocytosis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904293 negative regulation of ERAD pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006166 purine ribonucleoside salvage 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901331 positive regulation of odontoblast differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002445 type II hypersensitivity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010792 DNA double-strand break processing involved in repair via single-strand annealing 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002925 positive regulation of humoral immune response mediated by circulating immunoglobulin 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002729 positive regulation of natural killer cell cytokine production 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060696 regulation of phospholipid catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015760 glucose-6-phosphate transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046016 positive regulation of transcription by glucose 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072161 mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in kidney development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036072 direct ossification 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010519 negative regulation of phospholipase activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904382 mannose trimming involved in glycoprotein ERAD pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021861 forebrain radial glial cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097294 'de novo' XMP biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072423 response to DNA damage checkpoint signaling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061470 T follicular helper cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035654 clathrin-coated vesicle cargo loading, AP-3-mediated 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072673 lamellipodium morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001957 intramembranous ossification 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097734 extracellular exosome biogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903979 negative regulation of microglial cell activation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048859 formation of anatomical boundary 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032927 positive regulation of activin receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070106 interleukin-27-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001842 neural fold formation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009744 response to sucrose 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019835 cytolysis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070426 positive regulation of nucleotide-binding domain, leucine rich repeat containing receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072126 positive regulation of glomerular mesangial cell proliferation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990116 ribosome-associated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038156 interleukin-3-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097531 mast cell migration 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016198 axon choice point recognition 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035608 protein deglutamylation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050904 diapedesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055118 negative regulation of cardiac muscle contraction 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046600 negative regulation of centriole replication 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044557 relaxation of smooth muscle 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900147 regulation of Schwann cell migration 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048293 regulation of isotype switching to IgE isotypes 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002735 positive regulation of myeloid dendritic cell cytokine production 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034334 adherens junction maintenance 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000121 regulation of removal of superoxide radicals 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000848 positive regulation of corticosteroid hormone secretion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060745 mammary gland branching involved in pregnancy 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000224 regulation of testosterone biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030046 parallel actin filament bundle assembly 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060572 morphogenesis of an epithelial bud 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021780 glial cell fate specification 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071035 nuclear polyadenylation-dependent rRNA catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032466 negative regulation of cytokinesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010912 positive regulation of isomerase activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036507 protein demannosylation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034384 high-density lipoprotein particle clearance 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060440 trachea formation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010172 embryonic body morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035652 clathrin-coated vesicle cargo loading 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905247 positive regulation of aspartic-type peptidase activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006704 glucocorticoid biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035995 detection of muscle stretch 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015855 pyrimidine nucleobase transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905868 regulation of 3'-UTR-mediated mRNA stabilization 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072386 plus-end-directed organelle transport along microtubule 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002155 regulation of thyroid hormone mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120040 regulation of macrophage proliferation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071265 L-methionine biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014831 gastro-intestinal system smooth muscle contraction 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903998 regulation of eating behavior 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000437 regulation of monocyte extravasation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021855 hypothalamus cell migration 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000055 ribosomal large subunit export from nucleus 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097292 XMP metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006370 7-methylguanosine mRNA capping 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030240 skeletal muscle thin filament assembly 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010536 positive regulation of activation of Janus kinase activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048050 post-embryonic eye morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046543 development of secondary female sexual characteristics 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007442 hindgut morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904904 regulation of endothelial cell-matrix adhesion via fibronectin 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002043 blood vessel endothelial cell proliferation involved in sprouting angiogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048312 intracellular distribution of mitochondria 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015822 ornithine transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060331 negative regulation of response to type II interferon 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035735 intraciliary transport involved in cilium assembly 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099545 trans-synaptic signaling by trans-synaptic complex 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072402 response to DNA integrity checkpoint signaling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060467 negative regulation of fertilization 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003337 mesenchymal to epithelial transition involved in metanephros morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045590 negative regulation of regulatory T cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030431 sleep 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009804 coumarin metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043654 recognition of apoptotic cell 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044528 regulation of mitochondrial mRNA stability 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008655 pyrimidine-containing compound salvage 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098828 modulation of inhibitory postsynaptic potential 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051971 positive regulation of transmission of nerve impulse 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034625 fatty acid elongation, monounsaturated fatty acid 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015193 L-proline transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005021 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090154 positive regulation of sphingolipid biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903147 negative regulation of autophagy of mitochondrion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031622 positive regulation of fever generation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902959 regulation of aspartic-type endopeptidase activity involved in amyloid precursor protein catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903944 negative regulation of hepatocyte apoptotic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060710 chorio-allantoic fusion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901376 organic heteropentacyclic compound metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902462 positive regulation of mesenchymal stem cell proliferation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015189 L-lysine transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032808 lacrimal gland development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060896 neural plate pattern specification 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110025 DNA strand resection involved in replication fork processing 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000535 regulation of entry of bacterium into host cell 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060463 lung lobe morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060267 positive regulation of respiratory burst 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001878 response to yeast 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052651 monoacylglycerol catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903224 regulation of endodermal cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903361 protein localization to basolateral plasma membrane 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000322 regulation of glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903896 positive regulation of IRE1-mediated unfolded protein response 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000987 positive regulation of behavioral fear response 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021626 central nervous system maturation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003164 His-Purkinje system development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905460 negative regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell apoptotic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031017 exocrine pancreas development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005375 copper ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900003 regulation of serine-type endopeptidase activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901490 regulation of lymphangiogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071321 cellular response to cGMP 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030952 establishment or maintenance of cytoskeleton polarity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901525 negative regulation of mitophagy 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000660 negative regulation of interleukin-1-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034626 fatty acid elongation, polyunsaturated fatty acid 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000489 regulation of hepatic stellate cell activation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061181 regulation of chondrocyte development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032747 positive regulation of interleukin-23 production 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000543 positive regulation of gastrulation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903939 regulation of TORC2 signaling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061669 spontaneous neurotransmitter secretion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902563 regulation of neutrophil activation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070445 regulation of oligodendrocyte progenitor proliferation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072396 response to cell cycle checkpoint signaling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070841 inclusion body assembly 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014891 striated muscle atrophy 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006573 valine metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086036 regulation of cardiac muscle cell membrane potential 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072235 metanephric distal tubule development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036508 protein alpha-1,2-demannosylation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034372 very-low-density lipoprotein particle remodeling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048549 positive regulation of pinocytosis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031179 peptide modification 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014062 regulation of serotonin secretion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006362 transcription elongation by RNA polymerase I 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060534 trachea cartilage development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902603 carnitine transmembrane transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070973 protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum exit site 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043615 astrocyte cell migration 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038146 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019368 fatty acid elongation, unsaturated fatty acid 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001614 purinergic nucleotide receptor activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006086 acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process from pyruvate 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036462 TRAIL-activated apoptotic signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001794 type IIa hypersensitivity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002072 optic cup morphogenesis involved in camera-type eye development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051026 chiasma assembly 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045630 positive regulation of T-helper 2 cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021785 branchiomotor neuron axon guidance 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062029 positive regulation of stress granule assembly 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001181 RNA polymerase I general transcription initiation factor activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033564 anterior/posterior axon guidance 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070666 regulation of mast cell proliferation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015677 copper ion import 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000052 citrulline metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006382 adenosine to inosine editing 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000391 positive regulation of neutrophil extravasation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010983 positive regulation of high-density lipoprotein particle clearance 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120252 hydrocarbon metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008509 monoatomic anion transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901475 pyruvate transmembrane transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031958 intracellular corticosteroid receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048752 semicircular canal morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000425 pexophagy 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046078 dUMP metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033684 regulation of luteinizing hormone secretion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021960 anterior commissure morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071286 cellular response to magnesium ion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000194 regulation of female gonad development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097466 ubiquitin-dependent glycoprotein ERAD pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021814 cell motility involved in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071671 regulation of smooth muscle cell chemotaxis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903438 positive regulation of mitotic cytokinetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021796 cerebral cortex regionalization 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003129 heart induction 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034699 response to luteinizing hormone 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000254 regulation of male germ cell proliferation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048007 antigen processing and presentation, exogenous lipid antigen via MHC class Ib 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043385 mycotoxin metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021877 forebrain neuron fate commitment 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051665 membrane raft localization 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032831 positive regulation of CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001027 negative regulation of endothelial cell chemotaxis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015204 urea transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009756 carbohydrate mediated signaling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086018 SA node cell to atrial cardiac muscle cell signaling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034775 glutathione transmembrane transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904526 regulation of microtubule binding 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071934 thiamine transmembrane transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007091 metaphase/anaphase transition of mitotic cell cycle 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016191 synaptic vesicle uncoating 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903566 positive regulation of protein localization to cilium 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046222 aflatoxin metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006729 tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903412 response to bile acid 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006689 ganglioside catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086027 AV node cell to bundle of His cell signaling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048003 antigen processing and presentation of lipid antigen via MHC class Ib 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051001 negative regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003339 regulation of mesenchymal to epithelial transition involved in metanephros morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110022 regulation of cardiac muscle myoblast proliferation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904465 negative regulation of matrix metallopeptidase secretion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032074 negative regulation of nuclease activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035507 regulation of myosin-light-chain-phosphatase activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903722 regulation of centriole elongation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002138 retinoic acid biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990384 hyaloid vascular plexus regression 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900454 positive regulation of long-term synaptic depression 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043374 CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072197 ureter morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904429 regulation of t-circle formation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060468 prevention of polyspermy 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030091 protein repair 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000192 negative regulation of fatty acid transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009215 purine deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051694 pointed-end actin filament capping 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002786 regulation of antibacterial peptide production 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006554 lysine catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050917 sensory perception of umami taste 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044806 G-quadruplex DNA unwinding 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061002 negative regulation of dendritic spine morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006545 glycine biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0180012 co-transcriptional RNA 3'-end processing, cleavage and polyadenylation pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033212 iron import into cell 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060558 regulation of calcidiol 1-monooxygenase activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050942 positive regulation of pigment cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086008 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016240 autophagosome membrane docking 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009820 alkaloid metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048842 positive regulation of axon extension involved in axon guidance 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032594 protein transport within lipid bilayer 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021684 cerebellar granular layer formation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990504 dense core granule exocytosis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097293 XMP biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902231 positive regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032829 regulation of CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035791 platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000436 carbon catabolite activation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010994 free ubiquitin chain polymerization 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990414 replication-born double-strand break repair via sister chromatid exchange 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904141 positive regulation of microglial cell migration 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090312 positive regulation of protein deacetylation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002246 wound healing involved in inflammatory response 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043102 amino acid salvage 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021521 ventral spinal cord interneuron specification 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071038 TRAMP-dependent tRNA surveillance pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072201 negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051005 negative regulation of lipoprotein lipase activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000183 rDNA heterochromatin formation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019236 response to pheromone 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009193 pyrimidine ribonucleoside diphosphate metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903748 negative regulation of establishment of protein localization to mitochondrion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046048 UDP metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060573 cell fate specification involved in pattern specification 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060556 regulation of vitamin D biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010815 bradykinin catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902255 positive regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway by p53 class mediator 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901165 positive regulation of trophoblast cell migration 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034134 toll-like receptor 2 signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070200 establishment of protein localization to telomere 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014012 peripheral nervous system axon regeneration 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046053 dAMP metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032696 negative regulation of interleukin-13 production 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002576 platelet degranulation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006925 inflammatory cell apoptotic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000064 regulation of cortisol biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061684 chaperone-mediated autophagy 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014722 regulation of skeletal muscle contraction by calcium ion signaling 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990456 mitochondrion-endoplasmic reticulum membrane tethering 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097210 response to gonadotropin-releasing hormone 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040031 snRNA modification 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021798 forebrain dorsal/ventral pattern formation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036500 ATF6-mediated unfolded protein response 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098943 neurotransmitter receptor transport, postsynaptic endosome to lysosome 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903593 regulation of histamine secretion by mast cell 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046476 glycosylceramide biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903436 regulation of mitotic cytokinetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000304 positive regulation of ceramide biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051599 response to hydrostatic pressure 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036089 cleavage furrow formation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035771 interleukin-4-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038113 interleukin-9-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070163 regulation of adiponectin secretion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001821 histamine secretion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001016 positive regulation of skeletal muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002857 positive regulation of natural killer cell mediated immune response to tumor cell 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036438 maintenance of lens transparency 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007023 post-chaperonin tubulin folding pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900107 regulation of nodal signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070341 fat cell proliferation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000794 regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in lung morphogenesis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003406 retinal pigment epithelium development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086016 AV node cell action potential 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904180 negative regulation of membrane depolarization 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000019 regulation of mitotic recombination 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901256 regulation of macrophage colony-stimulating factor production 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070358 actin polymerization-dependent cell motility 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015245 fatty acid transmembrane transporter activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010807 regulation of synaptic vesicle priming 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007221 positive regulation of transcription of Notch receptor target 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045002 double-strand break repair via single-strand annealing 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090521 podocyte cell migration 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060232 delamination 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048631 regulation of skeletal muscle tissue growth 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052697 xenobiotic glucuronidation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014832 urinary bladder smooth muscle contraction 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042362 fat-soluble vitamin biosynthetic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072574 hepatocyte proliferation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043570 maintenance of DNA repeat elements 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015939 pantothenate metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009624 response to nematode 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016907 G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097052 L-kynurenine metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021707 cerebellar granule cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140331 aminophospholipid translocation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072203 cell proliferation involved in metanephros development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990009 retinal cell apoptotic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045588 positive regulation of gamma-delta T cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001731 formation of translation preinitiation complex 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060462 lung lobe development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006269 DNA replication, synthesis of primer 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034087 establishment of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072007 mesangial cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905279 regulation of retrograde transport, endosome to Golgi 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032278 positive regulation of gonadotropin secretion 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905446 regulation of mitochondrial ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002933 lipid hydroxylation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051305 chromosome movement towards spindle pole 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021830 interneuron migration from the subpallium to the cortex 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010911 regulation of isomerase activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000480 endonucleolytic cleavage in 5'-ETS of tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010760 negative regulation of macrophage chemotaxis 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071393 cellular response to progesterone stimulus 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032483 regulation of Rab protein signal transduction 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060027 convergent extension involved in gastrulation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007198 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting serotonin receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019262 N-acetylneuraminate catabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032665 regulation of interleukin-21 production 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001012 mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in renal system development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071895 odontoblast differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098597 observational learning 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060336 negative regulation of type II interferon-mediated signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032201 telomere maintenance via semi-conservative replication 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000609 regulation of thyroid hormone generation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001269 positive regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046719 regulation by virus of viral protein levels in host cell 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060947 cardiac vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009698 phenylpropanoid metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039533 regulation of MDA-5 signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000380 regulation of mesoderm development 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034136 negative regulation of toll-like receptor 2 signaling pathway 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035617 stress granule disassembly 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015742 alpha-ketoglutarate transport 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000330 positive regulation of T-helper 17 cell lineage commitment 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006105 succinate metabolic process 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019770 IgG receptor activity 0.999999999997811 -2.18888702074919e-12 7 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007283 spermatogenesis 0.999999999998192 -1.80763378042348e-12 633 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086003 cardiac muscle cell contraction 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050886 endocrine process 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007249 canonical NF-kappaB signal transduction 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003197 endocardial cushion development 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046850 regulation of bone remodeling 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071622 regulation of granulocyte chemotaxis 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039532 negative regulation of cytoplasmic pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071168 protein localization to chromatin 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034030 ribonucleoside bisphosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042461 photoreceptor cell development 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903170 negative regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140374 antiviral innate immune response 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035094 response to nicotine 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045910 negative regulation of DNA recombination 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903350 response to dopamine 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033866 nucleoside bisphosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051496 positive regulation of stress fiber assembly 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032387 negative regulation of intracellular transport 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006968 cellular defense response 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035315 hair cell differentiation 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061097 regulation of protein tyrosine kinase activity 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097194 execution phase of apoptosis 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001238 positive regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034033 purine nucleoside bisphosphate biosynthetic process 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050885 neuromuscular process controlling balance 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032467 positive regulation of cytokinesis 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001914 regulation of T cell mediated cytotoxicity 0.999999999999131 -8.68570386396373e-13 51 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008150 biological_process 1 0 18204 48 1 48 18204 1843,2512,6209,57801,6233,3429,27303,7078,6168,6176,3490,7122,2597,60,11224,4854,4493,3725,10395,10410,6234,7538,6232,3956,2034,6158,10209,3726,6137,388,7114,3164,6141,5243,2,9168,10974,79144,8404,3315,682,483,6157,4502,6143,23521,10398,6122 DUSP1,FTL,RPS15,HES4,RPS27A,IFI27,RBMS3,TIMP3,RPL37A,RPLP1,IGFBP7,CLDN5,GAPDH,ACTB,RPL35,NOTCH3,MT1E,JUN,DLC1,IFITM3,RPS28,ZFP36,RPS27,LGALS1,EPAS1,RPL28,EIF1,JUNB,RPL13,RHOB,TMSB4X,NR4A1,RPL18,ABCB1,A2M,TMSB10,ADIRF,PPDPF,SPARCL1,HSPB1,BSG,ATP1B3,RPL27A,MT2A,RPL19,RPL13A,MYL9,RPL3 root NA 1 0 18204 48 1 48 18204 10395,10410,3725,4854,4493,2597,11224,60,3490,6176,7122,6168,7078,27303,3429,6233,57801,6209,2512,1843,10398,6122,23521,6143,4502,6157,682,483,79144,8404,10974,3315,2,9168,6141,5243,388,7114,3164,3726,6158,10209,6137,2034,6232,3956,7538,6234 DLC1,IFITM3,JUN,NOTCH3,MT1E,GAPDH,RPL35,ACTB,IGFBP7,RPLP1,CLDN5,RPL37A,TIMP3,RBMS3,IFI27,RPS27A,HES4,RPS15,FTL,DUSP1,MYL9,RPL3,RPL13A,RPL19,MT2A,RPL27A,BSG,ATP1B3,PPDPF,SPARCL1,ADIRF,HSPB1,A2M,TMSB10,RPL18,ABCB1,RHOB,TMSB4X,NR4A1,JUNB,RPL28,EIF1,RPL13,EPAS1,RPS27,LGALS1,ZFP36,RPS28 GO:0010897 negative regulation of triglyceride catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042357 thiamine diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900108 negative regulation of nodal signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038160 CXCL12-activated CXCR4 signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006528 asparagine metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902527 positive regulation of protein monoubiquitination 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009757 hexose mediated signaling 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902174 positive regulation of keratinocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006771 riboflavin metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051306 mitotic sister chromatid separation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036102 leukotriene B4 metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003150 muscular septum morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034165 positive regulation of toll-like receptor 9 signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031585 regulation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive calcium-release channel activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048006 antigen processing and presentation, endogenous lipid antigen via MHC class Ib 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036166 phenotypic switching 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042396 phosphagen biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021853 cerebral cortex GABAergic interneuron migration 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003292 cardiac septum cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035582 sequestering of BMP in extracellular matrix 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003072 renal control of peripheral vascular resistance involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000465 regulation of glycogen (starch) synthase activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003274 endocardial cushion fusion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070197 meiotic attachment of telomere to nuclear envelope 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046122 purine deoxyribonucleoside metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043308 eosinophil degranulation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048550 negative regulation of pinocytosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905216 positive regulation of RNA binding 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009204 deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040009 regulation of growth rate 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010753 positive regulation of cGMP-mediated signaling 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901162 primary amino compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008628 hormone-mediated apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072733 response to staurosporine 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008078 mesodermal cell migration 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009146 purine nucleoside triphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015651 quaternary ammonium group transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002238 response to molecule of fungal origin 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000503 positive regulation of natural killer cell chemotaxis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060501 positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in lung morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042435 indole-containing compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903626 positive regulation of DNA catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060011 Sertoli cell proliferation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002309 T cell proliferation involved in immune response 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098957 anterograde axonal transport of mitochondrion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070125 mitochondrial translational elongation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090611 ubiquitin-independent protein catabolic process via the multivesicular body sorting pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042976 activation of Janus kinase activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904016 response to Thyroglobulin triiodothyronine 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140250 regulation protein catabolic process at synapse 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902731 negative regulation of chondrocyte proliferation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032310 prostaglandin secretion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015848 spermidine transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048386 positive regulation of retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019640 glucuronate catabolic process to xylulose 5-phosphate 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035523 protein K29-linked deubiquitination 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048241 epinephrine transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006003 fructose 2,6-bisphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008215 spermine metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141006 piRNA-mediated retrotransposon silencing by heterochromatin formation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002468 dendritic cell antigen processing and presentation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903385 regulation of homophilic cell adhesion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902339 positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060935 cardiac fibroblast cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904997 regulation of leukocyte adhesion to arterial endothelial cell 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072025 distal convoluted tubule development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044727 epigenetic programing of male pronucleus 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051459 regulation of corticotropin secretion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035989 tendon development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903108 regulation of mitochondrial transcription 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106001 intestinal hexose absorption 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034157 positive regulation of toll-like receptor 7 signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086046 membrane depolarization during SA node cell action potential 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071455 cellular response to hyperoxia 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010430 fatty acid omega-oxidation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051462 regulation of cortisol secretion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071242 cellular response to ammonium ion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051697 protein delipidation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044721 protein import into peroxisome matrix, substrate release 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903294 regulation of glutamate secretion, neurotransmission 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072584 caveolin-mediated endocytosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008324 monoatomic cation transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032196 transposition 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032238 adenosine transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904149 regulation of microglial cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032701 negative regulation of interleukin-18 production 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051103 DNA ligation involved in DNA repair 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060029 convergent extension involved in organogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021529 spinal cord oligodendrocyte cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015081 sodium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008517 folic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006710 androgen catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032077 positive regulation of deoxyribonuclease activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034239 regulation of macrophage fusion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000583 regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904504 positive regulation of lipophagy 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031087 deadenylation-independent decapping of nuclear-transcribed mRNA 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090024 negative regulation of neutrophil chemotaxis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060028 convergent extension involved in axis elongation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990708 conditioned place preference 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071529 cementum mineralization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000472 endonucleolytic cleavage to generate mature 5'-end of SSU-rRNA from (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035469 determination of pancreatic left/right asymmetry 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905908 positive regulation of amyloid fibril formation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090670 RNA localization to Cajal body 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060687 regulation of branching involved in prostate gland morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035352 NAD transmembrane transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904502 regulation of lipophagy 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990379 lipid transport across blood-brain barrier 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001015 negative regulation of skeletal muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098917 retrograde trans-synaptic signaling 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031033 myosin filament organization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045053 protein retention in Golgi apparatus 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090685 RNA localization to nucleus 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015207 adenine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009082 branched-chain amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901355 response to rapamycin 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006121 mitochondrial electron transport, succinate to ubiquinone 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040038 polar body extrusion after meiotic divisions 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902952 positive regulation of dendritic spine maintenance 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086083 cell adhesive protein binding involved in bundle of His cell-Purkinje myocyte communication 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019732 antifungal humoral response 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038158 granulocyte colony-stimulating factor signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031944 negative regulation of glucocorticoid metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034634 glutathione transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903292 protein localization to Golgi membrane 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000957 mitochondrial RNA catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110030 regulation of G2/MI transition of meiotic cell cycle 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001865 NK T cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008594 photoreceptor cell morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044546 NLRP3 inflammasome complex assembly 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045188 regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, non-REM sleep 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905268 negative regulation of chromatin organization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070948 regulation of neutrophil mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990592 protein K69-linked ufmylation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051418 microtubule nucleation by microtubule organizing center 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110075 regulation of ferroptosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006498 N-terminal protein lipidation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046075 dTTP metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901907 diadenosine pentaphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001920 negative regulation of receptor recycling 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071865 regulation of apoptotic process in bone marrow cell 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002580 regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044537 regulation of circulating fibrinogen levels 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000138 positive regulation of cell proliferation involved in heart morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901994 negative regulation of meiotic cell cycle phase transition 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008349 MAP kinase kinase kinase kinase activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006524 alanine catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017077 oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090193 positive regulation of glomerulus development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141068 autosome genomic imprinting 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990051 activation of protein kinase C activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904178 negative regulation of adipose tissue development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902975 mitotic DNA replication initiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001205 negative regulation of osteoclast development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060979 vasculogenesis involved in coronary vascular morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030222 eosinophil differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097490 sympathetic neuron projection extension 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002441 histamine secretion involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072656 maintenance of protein location in mitochondrion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140021 mitochondrial ADP transmembrane transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045629 negative regulation of T-helper 2 cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099525 presynaptic dense core vesicle exocytosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032459 regulation of protein oligomerization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060978 angiogenesis involved in coronary vascular morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052696 flavonoid glucuronidation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017196 N-terminal peptidyl-methionine acetylation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002282 microglial cell activation involved in immune response 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051208 sequestering of calcium ion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035927 RNA import into mitochondrion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046050 UMP catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900158 negative regulation of bone mineralization involved in bone maturation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098961 dendritic transport of ribonucleoprotein complex 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002774 Fc receptor mediated inhibitory signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097029 mature conventional dendritic cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905930 regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell differentiation involved in phenotypic switching 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070987 error-free translesion synthesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034382 chylomicron remnant clearance 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061217 regulation of mesonephros development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905380 regulation of snRNA transcription by RNA polymerase II 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160040 mitocytosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006114 glycerol biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903444 negative regulation of brown fat cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005462 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097065 anterior head development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051388 positive regulation of neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002034 maintenance of blood vessel diameter homeostasis by renin-angiotensin 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016199 axon midline choice point recognition 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060605 tube lumen cavitation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009397 folic acid-containing compound catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071072 negative regulation of phospholipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904306 positive regulation of gastro-intestinal system smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904906 positive regulation of endothelial cell-matrix adhesion via fibronectin 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006603 phosphocreatine metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099538 synaptic signaling via neuropeptide 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006011 UDP-glucose metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016183 synaptic vesicle coating 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002669 positive regulation of T cell anergy 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032705 negative regulation of interleukin-21 production 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070175 positive regulation of enamel mineralization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022614 membrane to membrane docking 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000340 positive regulation of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 production 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900020 positive regulation of protein kinase C activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035962 response to interleukin-13 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0080184 response to phenylpropanoid 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006599 phosphagen metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034650 cortisol metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046314 phosphocreatine biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904796 regulation of core promoter binding 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018027 peptidyl-lysine dimethylation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051884 regulation of timing of anagen 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060922 atrioventricular node cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014719 skeletal muscle satellite cell activation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904259 regulation of basement membrane assembly involved in embryonic body morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035021 negative regulation of Rac protein signal transduction 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071494 cellular response to UV-C 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032384 negative regulation of intracellular cholesterol transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072144 glomerular mesangial cell development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036305 ameloblast differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900098 regulation of plasma cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014732 skeletal muscle atrophy 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090188 negative regulation of pancreatic juice secretion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022027 interkinetic nuclear migration 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021764 amygdala development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097116 gephyrin clustering involved in postsynaptic density assembly 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016167 glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor receptor activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000967 rRNA 5'-end processing 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032286 central nervous system myelin maintenance 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003186 tricuspid valve morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032341 aldosterone metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006522 alanine metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901374 acetate ester transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060676 ureteric bud formation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003415 chondrocyte hypertrophy 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905749 regulation of endosome to plasma membrane protein transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097070 ductus arteriosus closure 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022850 serotonin-gated monoatomic cation channel activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061092 positive regulation of phospholipid translocation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090156 intracellular sphingolipid homeostasis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002418 immune response to tumor cell 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903003 positive regulation of protein deubiquitination 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051410 detoxification of nitrogen compound 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009153 purine deoxyribonucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904304 regulation of gastro-intestinal system smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051176 positive regulation of sulfur metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021578 hindbrain maturation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140639 positive regulation of pyroptosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060931 sinoatrial node cell development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034241 positive regulation of macrophage fusion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098708 glucose import across plasma membrane 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071681 cellular response to indole-3-methanol 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044752 response to human chorionic gonadotropin 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061370 testosterone biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902816 regulation of protein localization to microtubule 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048818 positive regulation of hair follicle maturation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061197 fungiform papilla morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015057 thrombin-activated receptor activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050812 regulation of acyl-CoA biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110089 regulation of hippocampal neuron apoptotic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051724 NAD transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000752 regulation of glucosylceramide catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903690 negative regulation of wound healing, spreading of epidermal cells 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098535 de novo centriole assembly involved in multi-ciliated epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901911 adenosine 5'-(hexahydrogen pentaphosphate) catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071655 regulation of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor production 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140495 migracytosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006842 tricarboxylic acid transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000118 regulation of sodium-dependent phosphate transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140966 piRNA-mediated heterochromatin formation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098963 dendritic transport of messenger ribonucleoprotein complex 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055024 regulation of cardiac muscle tissue development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033299 secretion of lysosomal enzymes 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033079 immature T cell proliferation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904751 positive regulation of protein localization to nucleolus 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006678 glucosylceramide metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030885 regulation of myeloid dendritic cell activation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001992 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by vasopressin 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904959 regulation of cytochrome-c oxidase activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007195 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting dopamine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070777 D-aspartate transmembrane transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035509 negative regulation of myosin-light-chain-phosphatase activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060355 positive regulation of cell adhesion molecule production 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032430 positive regulation of phospholipase A2 activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110010 basolateral protein secretion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904673 negative regulation of somatic stem cell population maintenance 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086028 bundle of His cell to Purkinje myocyte signaling 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097411 hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071878 negative regulation of adenylate cyclase-activating adrenergic receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902219 negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to osmotic stress 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033087 negative regulation of immature T cell proliferation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009256 10-formyltetrahydrofolate metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003431 growth plate cartilage chondrocyte development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905034 regulation of antifungal innate immune response 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002838 negative regulation of immune response to tumor cell 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033278 cell proliferation in midbrain 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072179 nephric duct formation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051799 negative regulation of hair follicle development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051664 nuclear pore localization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086029 Purkinje myocyte to ventricular cardiac muscle cell signaling 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046069 cGMP catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021563 glossopharyngeal nerve development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042998 positive regulation of Golgi to plasma membrane protein transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015139 alpha-ketoglutarate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001640 adenylate cyclase inhibiting G protein-coupled glutamate receptor activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903215 negative regulation of protein targeting to mitochondrion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099041 vesicle tethering to Golgi 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075525 viral translational termination-reinitiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072221 metanephric distal convoluted tubule development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904612 response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036515 serotonergic neuron axon guidance 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000003 positive regulation of DNA damage checkpoint 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050748 negative regulation of lipoprotein metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021815 modulation of microtubule cytoskeleton involved in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000611 positive regulation of thyroid hormone generation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044572 [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032264 IMP salvage 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072047 proximal/distal pattern formation involved in nephron development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140206 dipeptide import across plasma membrane 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032571 response to vitamin K 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050960 detection of temperature stimulus involved in thermoception 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905516 positive regulation of fertilization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034227 tRNA thio-modification 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000301 negative regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902034 negative regulation of hematopoietic stem cell proliferation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071076 RNA 3' uridylation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019401 alditol biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009414 response to water deprivation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035610 protein side chain deglutamylation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001270 regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in execution phase of apoptosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901382 regulation of chorionic trophoblast cell proliferation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033602 negative regulation of dopamine secretion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098908 regulation of neuronal action potential 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034759 regulation of iron ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032053 ciliary basal body organization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042724 thiamine-containing compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062094 stomach development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019541 propionate metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000371 regulation of DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolyzing) activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042695 thelarche 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901645 regulation of synoviocyte proliferation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035385 Roundabout signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006204 IMP catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010387 COP9 signalosome assembly 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904878 negative regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport via high voltage-gated calcium channel 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905913 negative regulation of calcium ion export across plasma membrane 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905867 epididymis development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905599 positive regulation of low-density lipoprotein receptor activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019388 galactose catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009240 isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006101 citrate metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002349 histamine production involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002949 tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine modification 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000439 positive regulation of monocyte extravasation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0089709 L-histidine transmembrane transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004784 superoxide dismutase activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000393 spliceosomal conformational changes to generate catalytic conformation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097638 L-arginine import across plasma membrane 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099011 neuronal dense core vesicle exocytosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071034 CUT catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901608 regulation of vesicle transport along microtubule 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022615 protein to membrane docking 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010255 glucose mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072734 cellular response to staurosporine 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009175 pyrimidine ribonucleoside monophosphate catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060744 mammary gland branching involved in thelarche 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003289 atrial septum primum morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904351 negative regulation of protein catabolic process in the vacuole 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097688 glutamate receptor clustering 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002803 positive regulation of antibacterial peptide production 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901906 diadenosine pentaphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900425 negative regulation of defense response to bacterium 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140205 oligopeptide import across plasma membrane 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071284 cellular response to lead ion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060369 positive regulation of Fc receptor mediated stimulatory signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036343 psychomotor behavior 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048102 autophagic cell death 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097018 renal albumin absorption 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070291 N-acylethanolamine metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097241 hematopoietic stem cell migration to bone marrow 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071475 cellular hyperosmotic salinity response 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010915 regulation of very-low-density lipoprotein particle clearance 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903604 cytochrome metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901341 positive regulation of store-operated calcium channel activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086043 bundle of His cell action potential 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990034 calcium ion export across plasma membrane 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051890 regulation of cardioblast differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038163 thrombopoietin-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010182 sugar mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042148 DNA strand invasion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044821 meiotic telomere tethering at nuclear periphery 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043465 regulation of fermentation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036484 trunk neural crest cell migration 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048022 negative regulation of melanin biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098971 anterograde dendritic transport of neurotransmitter receptor complex 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903895 negative regulation of IRE1-mediated unfolded protein response 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033860 regulation of NAD(P)H oxidase activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051106 positive regulation of DNA ligation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030157 pancreatic juice secretion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070602 regulation of centromeric sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061550 cranial ganglion development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016076 snRNA catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046134 pyrimidine nucleoside biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001757 somite specification 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010511 regulation of phosphatidylinositol biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000523 regulation of T cell costimulation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009186 deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060662 salivary gland cavitation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905601 negative regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis involved in cholesterol transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000373 positive regulation of DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolyzing) activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902730 positive regulation of proteoglycan biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045875 negative regulation of sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035290 trunk segmentation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904732 regulation of electron transfer activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902292 cell cycle DNA replication initiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070345 negative regulation of fat cell proliferation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070945 neutrophil-mediated killing of gram-negative bacterium 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001923 B-1 B cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060916 mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031508 pericentric heterochromatin formation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110104 mRNA alternative polyadenylation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061889 negative regulation of astrocyte activation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015757 galactose transmembrane transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031947 negative regulation of glucocorticoid biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002457 T cell antigen processing and presentation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901668 regulation of superoxide dismutase activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071043 CUT metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000416 regulation of eosinophil migration 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046104 thymidine metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903724 positive regulation of centriole elongation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097749 membrane tubulation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905274 regulation of modification of postsynaptic actin cytoskeleton 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042560 pteridine-containing compound catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030185 nitric oxide transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071650 negative regulation of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 production 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044209 AMP salvage 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044830 modulation by host of viral RNA genome replication 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021934 hindbrain tangential cell migration 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043335 protein unfolding 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018057 peptidyl-lysine oxidation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990569 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transmembrane transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030208 dermatan sulfate biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098914 membrane repolarization during atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031554 regulation of termination of DNA-templated transcription 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042938 dipeptide transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033088 negative regulation of immature T cell proliferation in thymus 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021650 vestibulocochlear nerve formation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060684 epithelial-mesenchymal cell signaling 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045113 regulation of integrin biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086006 voltage-gated sodium channel activity involved in cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901656 glycoside transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004994 somatostatin receptor activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051793 medium-chain fatty acid catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071332 cellular response to fructose stimulus 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090155 negative regulation of sphingolipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902396 protein localization to bicellular tight junction 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004985 G protein-coupled opioid receptor activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009446 putrescine biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090427 activation of meiosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905784 regulation of anaphase-promoting complex-dependent catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046340 diacylglycerol catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006064 glucuronate catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032474 otolith morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900045 negative regulation of protein K63-linked ubiquitination 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061588 calcium activated phospholipid scrambling 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070779 D-aspartate import across plasma membrane 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001839 neural plate morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045054 constitutive secretory pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007356 thorax and anterior abdomen determination 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050253 retinyl-palmitate esterase activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045636 positive regulation of melanocyte differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002913 positive regulation of lymphocyte anergy 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051725 protein de-ADP-ribosylation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000977 regulation of forebrain neuron differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072011 glomerular endothelium development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903391 regulation of adherens junction organization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001300 lipoxin metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901610 positive regulation of vesicle transport along microtubule 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090131 mesenchyme migration 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902109 negative regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability involved in apoptotic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032417 positive regulation of sodium:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002248 connective tissue replacement involved in inflammatory response wound healing 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903800 positive regulation of miRNA processing 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035905 ascending aorta development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046102 inosine metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090080 positive regulation of MAPKKK cascade by fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034349 glial cell apoptotic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000491 positive regulation of hepatic stellate cell activation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060664 epithelial cell proliferation involved in salivary gland morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036066 protein O-linked fucosylation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099624 atrial cardiac muscle cell membrane repolarization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097200 cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in execution phase of apoptosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902803 regulation of synaptic vesicle transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001609 G protein-coupled adenosine receptor activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044860 protein localization to plasma membrane raft 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902490 regulation of sperm capacitation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034154 toll-like receptor 7 signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900377 negative regulation of secondary metabolite biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046098 guanine metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071593 lymphocyte aggregation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060137 maternal process involved in parturition 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070458 cellular detoxification of nitrogen compound 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007386 compartment pattern specification 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015111 iodide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071724 response to diacyl bacterial lipopeptide 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006172 ADP biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003241 growth involved in heart morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036493 positive regulation of translation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046898 response to cycloheximide 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098735 positive regulation of the force of heart contraction 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071502 cellular response to temperature stimulus 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048633 positive regulation of skeletal muscle tissue growth 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014916 regulation of lung blood pressure 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070318 positive regulation of G0 to G1 transition 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090185 negative regulation of kidney development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035426 extracellular matrix-cell signaling 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045900 negative regulation of translational elongation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003358 noradrenergic neuron development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061737 leukotriene signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071623 negative regulation of granulocyte chemotaxis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072237 metanephric proximal tubule development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003284 septum primum development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046125 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900060 negative regulation of ceramide biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097176 epoxide metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902817 negative regulation of protein localization to microtubule 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097500 receptor localization to non-motile cilium 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035442 dipeptide transmembrane transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014859 negative regulation of skeletal muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090666 scaRNA localization to Cajal body 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086045 membrane depolarization during AV node cell action potential 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071543 diphosphoinositol polyphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031393 negative regulation of prostaglandin biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900019 regulation of protein kinase C activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902164 positive regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002553 histamine secretion by mast cell 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071798 response to prostaglandin D 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901910 adenosine 5'-(hexahydrogen pentaphosphate) metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097068 response to thyroxine 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001245 regulation of phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042816 vitamin B6 metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015746 citrate transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904261 positive regulation of basement membrane assembly involved in embryonic body morphogenesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032379 positive regulation of intracellular lipid transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071787 endoplasmic reticulum tubular network formation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902315 nuclear cell cycle DNA replication initiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150099 neuron-glial cell signaling 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072553 terminal button organization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000359 regulation of binding of sperm to zona pellucida 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905870 positive regulation of 3'-UTR-mediated mRNA stabilization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002278 eosinophil activation involved in immune response 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071799 cellular response to prostaglandin D stimulus 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045347 negative regulation of MHC class II biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043307 eosinophil activation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038135 ERBB2-ERBB4 signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061502 early endosome to recycling endosome transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001787 natural killer cell proliferation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032378 negative regulation of intracellular lipid transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097468 programmed cell death in response to reactive oxygen species 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905605 positive regulation of blood-brain barrier permeability 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043415 positive regulation of skeletal muscle tissue regeneration 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002361 CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070120 ciliary neurotrophic factor-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009786 regulation of asymmetric cell division 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051867 general adaptation syndrome, behavioral process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903525 regulation of membrane tubulation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010193 response to ozone 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045794 negative regulation of cell volume 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046833 positive regulation of RNA export from nucleus 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034242 negative regulation of syncytium formation by plasma membrane fusion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060897 neural plate regionalization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904978 regulation of endosome organization 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004340 glucokinase activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060266 negative regulation of respiratory burst involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009249 protein lipoylation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000960 regulation of mitochondrial RNA catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905915 regulation of cell differentiation involved in phenotypic switching 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031452 negative regulation of heterochromatin formation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098838 folate transmembrane transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015818 isoleucine transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901908 diadenosine hexaphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033006 regulation of mast cell activation involved in immune response 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048496 maintenance of animal organ identity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006489 dolichyl diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005007 fibroblast growth factor receptor activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019230 proprioception 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035166 post-embryonic hemopoiesis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070427 nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 1 signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032849 positive regulation of cellular pH reduction 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046490 isopentenyl diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009957 epidermal cell fate specification 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061009 common bile duct development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901909 diadenosine hexaphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060126 somatotropin secreting cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000064 L-ornithine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090500 endocardial cushion to mesenchymal transition 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014050 negative regulation of glutamate secretion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990564 protein polyufmylation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902267 regulation of polyamine transmembrane transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072081 specification of nephron tubule identity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046465 dolichyl diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150031 regulation of protein localization to lysosome 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021523 somatic motor neuron differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900825 regulation of membrane depolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990834 response to odorant 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060023 soft palate development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904848 negative regulation of cell chemotaxis to fibroblast growth factor 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097113 AMPA glutamate receptor clustering 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006566 threonine metabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002835 negative regulation of response to tumor cell 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031536 positive regulation of exit from mitosis 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014827 intestine smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071373 cellular response to luteinizing hormone stimulus 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051490 negative regulation of filopodium assembly 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905166 negative regulation of lysosomal protein catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060161 positive regulation of dopamine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900122 positive regulation of receptor binding 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019441 tryptophan catabolic process to kynurenine 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072716 response to actinomycin D 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060591 chondroblast differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098962 regulation of postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001268 negative regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060751 branch elongation involved in mammary gland duct branching 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003400 regulation of COPII vesicle coating 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000436 positive regulation of protein neddylation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010957 negative regulation of vitamin D biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032381 negative regulation of intracellular sterol transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033080 immature T cell proliferation in thymus 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006196 AMP catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019509 L-methionine salvage from methylthioadenosine 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000812 regulation of barbed-end actin filament capping 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071726 cellular response to diacyl bacterial lipopeptide 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060936 cardiac fibroblast cell development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904690 positive regulation of cytoplasmic translational initiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014841 skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090425 acinar cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043378 positive regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903936 cellular response to sodium arsenite 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097325 melanocyte proliferation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035811 negative regulation of urine volume 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033131 regulation of glucokinase activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032596 protein transport into membrane raft 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005042 netrin receptor activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002513 tolerance induction to self antigen 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071658 regulation of IP-10 production 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034344 regulation of type III interferon production 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060482 lobar bronchus development 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014834 skeletal muscle satellite cell maintenance involved in skeletal muscle regeneration 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044691 tooth eruption 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072162 metanephric mesenchymal cell differentiation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032263 GMP salvage 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006627 protein processing involved in protein targeting to mitochondrion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032415 regulation of sodium:proton antiporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904557 L-alanine transmembrane transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032811 negative regulation of epinephrine secretion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900004 negative regulation of serine-type endopeptidase activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901097 negative regulation of autophagosome maturation 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051311 meiotic metaphase chromosome alignment 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903625 negative regulation of DNA catabolic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015860 purine nucleoside transmembrane transport 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033591 response to L-ascorbic acid 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009229 thiamine diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015129 lactate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032690 negative regulation of interleukin-1 alpha production 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061356 regulation of Wnt protein secretion 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071604 transforming growth factor beta production 1.00000000000043 4.27913857311614e-13 5 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050769 positive regulation of neurogenesis 1.00000000000053 5.29237543242044e-13 246 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901988 negative regulation of cell cycle phase transition 1.00000000000053 5.29237543242044e-13 246 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032527 protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045948 positive regulation of translational initiation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902914 regulation of protein polyubiquitination 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071549 cellular response to dexamethasone stimulus 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062149 detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019076 viral release from host cell 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051932 synaptic transmission, GABAergic 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002675 positive regulation of acute inflammatory response 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060795 cell fate commitment involved in formation of primary germ layer 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035308 negative regulation of protein dephosphorylation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009264 deoxyribonucleotide catabolic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060996 dendritic spine development 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900048 positive regulation of hemostasis 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003156 regulation of animal organ formation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046386 deoxyribose phosphate catabolic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044786 cell cycle DNA replication 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007342 fusion of sperm to egg plasma membrane involved in single fertilization 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000629 negative regulation of miRNA metabolic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021544 subpallium development 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006833 water transport 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045499 chemorepellent activity 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010800 positive regulation of peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035794 positive regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006270 DNA replication initiation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007141 male meiosis I 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006760 folic acid-containing compound metabolic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030517 negative regulation of axon extension 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050995 negative regulation of lipid catabolic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903672 positive regulation of sprouting angiogenesis 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055022 negative regulation of cardiac muscle tissue growth 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032366 intracellular sterol transport 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035902 response to immobilization stress 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035891 exit from host cell 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010039 response to iron ion 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010971 positive regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045606 positive regulation of epidermal cell differentiation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042634 regulation of hair cycle 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035883 enteroendocrine cell differentiation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010922 positive regulation of phosphatase activity 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009648 photoperiodism 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009081 branched-chain amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017158 regulation of calcium ion-dependent exocytosis 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014850 response to muscle activity 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010592 positive regulation of lamellipodium assembly 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090382 phagosome maturation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048714 positive regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043507 positive regulation of JUN kinase activity 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000273 positive regulation of signaling receptor activity 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030212 hyaluronan metabolic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098703 calcium ion import across plasma membrane 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903779 regulation of cardiac conduction 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034698 response to gonadotropin 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048240 sperm capacitation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001573 ganglioside metabolic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045830 positive regulation of isotype switching 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035116 embryonic hindlimb morphogenesis 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030194 positive regulation of blood coagulation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042832 defense response to protozoan 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048333 mesodermal cell differentiation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003416 endochondral bone growth 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014812 muscle cell migration 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904357 negative regulation of telomere maintenance via telomere lengthening 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006027 glycosaminoglycan catabolic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071577 zinc ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903077 negative regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046037 GMP metabolic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000647 negative regulation of stem cell proliferation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001964 startle response 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045686 negative regulation of glial cell differentiation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050857 positive regulation of antigen receptor-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010758 regulation of macrophage chemotaxis 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033137 negative regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042181 ketone biosynthetic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090314 positive regulation of protein targeting to membrane 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035590 purinergic nucleotide receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070306 lens fiber cell differentiation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021680 cerebellar Purkinje cell layer development 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904046 negative regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor production 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061117 negative regulation of heart growth 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031664 regulation of lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903019 negative regulation of glycoprotein metabolic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045980 negative regulation of nucleotide metabolic process 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014009 glial cell proliferation 1.00000000000106 1.05710891602721e-12 28 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045229 external encapsulating structure organization 1.00000000000146 1.45816032901505e-12 276 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090596 sensory organ morphogenesis 1.00000000000146 1.45816032901505e-12 276 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021537 telencephalon development 1.00000000000146 1.45816032901505e-12 276 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009247 glycolipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051966 regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergic 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032456 endocytic recycling 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032371 regulation of sterol transport 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050772 positive regulation of axonogenesis 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003407 neural retina development 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000045 autophagosome assembly 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032374 regulation of cholesterol transport 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071347 cellular response to interleukin-1 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009123 nucleoside monophosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045806 negative regulation of endocytosis 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031343 positive regulation of cell killing 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051057 positive regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032890 regulation of organic acid transport 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031397 negative regulation of protein ubiquitination 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030509 BMP signaling pathway 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014823 response to activity 1.00000000000289 2.88766713972142e-12 77 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042063 gliogenesis 1.00000000000299 2.99432917093968e-12 275 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043062 extracellular structure organization 1.00000000000299 2.99432917093968e-12 275 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901657 glycosyl compound metabolic process 1.00000000000313 3.13178047889957e-12 84 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007422 peripheral nervous system development 1.00000000000313 3.13178047889957e-12 84 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022406 membrane docking 1.00000000000313 3.13178047889957e-12 84 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015807 L-amino acid transport 1.00000000000313 3.13178047889957e-12 84 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048864 stem cell development 1.00000000000313 3.13178047889957e-12 84 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070098 chemokine-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000000313 3.13178047889957e-12 84 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006029 proteoglycan metabolic process 1.00000000000313 3.13178047889957e-12 84 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022404 molting cycle process 1.00000000000313 3.13178047889957e-12 84 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022405 hair cycle process 1.00000000000313 3.13178047889957e-12 84 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051279 regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol 1.00000000000313 3.13178047889957e-12 84 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006497 protein lipidation 1.00000000000313 3.13178047889957e-12 84 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905037 autophagosome organization 1.00000000000313 3.13178047889957e-12 84 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904377 positive regulation of protein localization to cell periphery 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014015 positive regulation of gliogenesis 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140056 organelle localization by membrane tethering 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050818 regulation of coagulation 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009880 embryonic pattern specification 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006112 energy reserve metabolic process 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006970 response to osmotic stress 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003281 ventricular septum development 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042130 negative regulation of T cell proliferation 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901568 fatty acid derivative metabolic process 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071260 cellular response to mechanical stimulus 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015918 sterol transport 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071806 protein transmembrane transport 1.00000000000334 3.33919047997268e-12 74 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903829 positive regulation of protein localization 1.00000000000386 3.85977245595378e-12 480 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001934 positive regulation of protein phosphorylation 1.00000000000403 4.03388371512378e-12 574 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006605 protein targeting 1.00000000000409 4.09293650570445e-12 249 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051924 regulation of calcium ion transport 1.00000000000409 4.09293650570445e-12 249 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051222 positive regulation of protein transport 1.00000000000409 4.09293650570445e-12 249 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008033 tRNA processing 1.00000000000421 4.20848151226376e-12 135 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006261 DNA-templated DNA replication 1.00000000000421 4.20848151226376e-12 135 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007368 determination of left/right symmetry 1.00000000000421 4.20848151226376e-12 135 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002702 positive regulation of production of molecular mediator of immune response 1.00000000000421 4.20848151226376e-12 135 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901875 positive regulation of post-translational protein modification 1.00000000000421 4.20848151226376e-12 135 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002269 leukocyte activation involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006026 aminoglycan catabolic process 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905819 negative regulation of chromosome separation 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002504 antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035909 aorta morphogenesis 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043368 positive T cell selection 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035196 miRNA processing 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071398 cellular response to fatty acid 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070741 response to interleukin-6 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901797 negative regulation of signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006099 tricarboxylic acid cycle 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002717 positive regulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070570 regulation of neuron projection regeneration 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090313 regulation of protein targeting to membrane 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015171 amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045576 mast cell activation 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904893 negative regulation of receptor signaling pathway via STAT 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901524 regulation of mitophagy 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045648 positive regulation of erythrocyte differentiation 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903955 positive regulation of protein targeting to mitochondrion 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007031 peroxisome organization 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903725 regulation of phospholipid metabolic process 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009954 proximal/distal pattern formation 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902275 regulation of chromatin organization 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009069 serine family amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035640 exploration behavior 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034249 negative regulation of amide metabolic process 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000271 polysaccharide biosynthetic process 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006360 transcription by RNA polymerase I 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042558 pteridine-containing compound metabolic process 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902253 regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway by p53 class mediator 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046320 regulation of fatty acid oxidation 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032743 positive regulation of interleukin-2 production 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006891 intra-Golgi vesicle-mediated transport 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042310 vasoconstriction 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042755 eating behavior 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045939 negative regulation of steroid metabolic process 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061436 establishment of skin barrier 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019068 virion assembly 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070293 renal absorption 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006904 vesicle docking involved in exocytosis 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033146 regulation of intracellular estrogen receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903749 positive regulation of establishment of protein localization to mitochondrion 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045943 positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase I 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000677 regulation of transcription regulatory region DNA binding 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051985 negative regulation of chromosome segregation 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034367 protein-containing complex remodeling 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040020 regulation of meiotic nuclear division 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902100 negative regulation of metaphase/anaphase transition of cell cycle 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010526 retrotransposon silencing 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003382 epithelial cell morphogenesis 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043403 skeletal muscle tissue regeneration 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045577 regulation of B cell differentiation 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001659 temperature homeostasis 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002828 regulation of type 2 immune response 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010667 negative regulation of cardiac muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000000423 4.226700461355e-12 34 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045727 positive regulation of translation 1.00000000000433 4.33052058810622e-12 133 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002821 positive regulation of adaptive immune response 1.00000000000433 4.33052058810622e-12 133 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051282 regulation of sequestering of calcium ion 1.00000000000433 4.33052058810622e-12 133 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009582 detection of abiotic stimulus 1.00000000000433 4.33052058810622e-12 133 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016125 sterol metabolic process 1.00000000000433 4.33052058810622e-12 133 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035592 establishment of protein localization to extracellular region 1.00000000000433 4.33052058810622e-12 133 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006720 isoprenoid metabolic process 1.00000000000433 4.33052058810622e-12 133 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050909 sensory perception of taste 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042490 mechanoreceptor differentiation 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060760 positive regulation of response to cytokine stimulus 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062208 positive regulation of pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904036 negative regulation of epithelial cell apoptotic process 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060079 excitatory postsynaptic potential 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043525 positive regulation of neuron apoptotic process 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030301 cholesterol transport 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071300 cellular response to retinoic acid 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002220 innate immune response activating cell surface receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055021 regulation of cardiac muscle tissue growth 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001909 leukocyte mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002444 myeloid leukocyte mediated immunity 1.00000000000502 5.02172555180893e-12 67 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050864 regulation of B cell activation 1.00000000000539 5.39110719511485e-12 128 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032200 telomere organization 1.00000000000539 5.39110719511485e-12 128 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021782 glial cell development 1.00000000000539 5.39110719511485e-12 128 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032434 regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 1.00000000000539 5.39110719511485e-12 128 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007093 mitotic cell cycle checkpoint signaling 1.00000000000539 5.39110719511485e-12 128 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035270 endocrine system development 1.00000000000539 5.39110719511485e-12 128 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016051 carbohydrate biosynthetic process 1.00000000000539 5.39110719511485e-12 128 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048706 embryonic skeletal system development 1.00000000000539 5.39110719511485e-12 128 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030512 negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000539 5.39110719511485e-12 128 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030177 positive regulation of Wnt signaling pathway 1.00000000000627 6.27186459405992e-12 146 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030534 adult behavior 1.00000000000627 6.27186459405992e-12 146 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002758 innate immune response-activating signaling pathway 1.00000000000627 6.27186459405992e-12 146 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006997 nucleus organization 1.00000000000627 6.27186459405992e-12 146 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032946 positive regulation of mononuclear cell proliferation 1.00000000000627 6.27186459405992e-12 146 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051051 negative regulation of transport 1.00000000000633 6.33250750892832e-12 460 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902652 secondary alcohol metabolic process 1.00000000000687 6.86723466596246e-12 130 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050868 negative regulation of T cell activation 1.00000000000687 6.86723466596246e-12 130 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046651 lymphocyte proliferation 1.00000000000687 6.86723466596246e-12 130 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009581 detection of external stimulus 1.00000000000687 6.86723466596246e-12 130 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034763 negative regulation of transmembrane transport 1.00000000000702 7.01754598512788e-12 145 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120254 olefinic compound metabolic process 1.00000000000702 7.01754598512788e-12 145 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009187 cyclic nucleotide metabolic process 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043277 apoptotic cell clearance 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009167 purine ribonucleoside monophosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042168 heme metabolic process 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042743 hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006692 prostanoid metabolic process 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010591 regulation of lamellipodium assembly 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001709 cell fate determination 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019933 cAMP-mediated signaling 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045738 negative regulation of DNA repair 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030279 negative regulation of ossification 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0095500 acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035384 thioester biosynthetic process 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009268 response to pH 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003203 endocardial cushion morphogenesis 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006775 fat-soluble vitamin metabolic process 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051954 positive regulation of amine transport 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904994 regulation of leukocyte adhesion to vascular endothelial cell 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051261 protein depolymerization 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030866 cortical actin cytoskeleton organization 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000731 DNA synthesis involved in DNA repair 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032365 intracellular lipid transport 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046676 negative regulation of insulin secretion 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071616 acyl-CoA biosynthetic process 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990776 response to angiotensin 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900016 negative regulation of cytokine production involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033627 cell adhesion mediated by integrin 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045454 cell redox homeostasis 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006418 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036297 interstrand cross-link repair 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062098 regulation of programmed necrotic cell death 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903146 regulation of autophagy of mitochondrion 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050805 negative regulation of synaptic transmission 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060421 positive regulation of heart growth 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001916 positive regulation of T cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002478 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009394 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolic process 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903115 regulation of actin filament-based movement 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072528 pyrimidine-containing compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010762 regulation of fibroblast migration 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030330 DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035136 forelimb morphogenesis 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045047 protein targeting to ER 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070302 regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106056 regulation of calcineurin-mediated signaling 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001580 detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of bitter taste 1.00000000000714 7.14154744621198e-12 41 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006643 membrane lipid metabolic process 1.00000000000725 7.24698617446378e-12 207 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044248 cellular catabolic process 1.0000000000073 7.30283217657428e-12 778 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008544 epidermis development 1.00000000000787 7.86669798968854e-12 334 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007059 chromosome segregation 1.00000000000787 7.86669798968854e-12 334 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060644 mammary gland epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034314 Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin nucleation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004950 chemokine receptor activity 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032977 membrane insertase activity 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003094 glomerular filtration 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050746 regulation of lipoprotein metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060253 negative regulation of glial cell proliferation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015078 proton transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018410 C-terminal protein amino acid modification 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902165 regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage by p53 class mediator 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006570 tyrosine metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036159 inner dynein arm assembly 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005068 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase adaptor activity 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034755 iron ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061548 ganglion development 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902170 cellular response to reactive nitrogen species 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097401 synaptic vesicle lumen acidification 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0080154 regulation of fertilization 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001574 ganglioside biosynthetic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043117 positive regulation of vascular permeability 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090083 regulation of inclusion body assembly 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120305 regulation of pigmentation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043373 CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell lineage commitment 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002091 negative regulation of receptor internalization 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900747 negative regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051284 positive regulation of sequestering of calcium ion 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021535 cell migration in hindbrain 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001963 synaptic transmission, dopaminergic 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902916 positive regulation of protein polyubiquitination 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007063 regulation of sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046135 pyrimidine nucleoside catabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904889 regulation of excitatory synapse assembly 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008028 monocarboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050427 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070920 regulation of regulatory ncRNA processing 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097428 protein maturation by iron-sulfur cluster transfer 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034375 high-density lipoprotein particle remodeling 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009208 pyrimidine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030033 microvillus assembly 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006743 ubiquinone metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008272 sulfate transport 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002484 antigen processing and presentation of endogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I via ER pathway 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036065 fucosylation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010666 positive regulation of cardiac muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032510 endosome to lysosome transport via multivesicular body sorting pathway 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044793 negative regulation by host of viral process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090110 COPII-coated vesicle cargo loading 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901096 regulation of autophagosome maturation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007549 sex-chromosome dosage compensation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070528 protein kinase C signaling 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071451 cellular response to superoxide 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031048 regulatory ncRNA-mediated heterochromatin formation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905906 regulation of amyloid fibril formation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030224 monocyte differentiation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072538 T-helper 17 type immune response 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051412 response to corticosterone 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042813 Wnt receptor activity 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043691 reverse cholesterol transport 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019079 viral genome replication 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060263 regulation of respiratory burst 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046068 cGMP metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019896 axonal transport of mitochondrion 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001522 pseudouridine synthesis 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904406 negative regulation of nitric oxide metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035728 response to hepatocyte growth factor 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007379 segment specification 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044320 cellular response to leptin stimulus 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000712 resolution of meiotic recombination intermediates 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001913 T cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030322 stabilization of membrane potential 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048532 anatomical structure arrangement 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048368 lateral mesoderm development 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071786 endoplasmic reticulum tubular network organization 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903830 magnesium ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901569 fatty acid derivative catabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045623 negative regulation of T-helper cell differentiation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034112 positive regulation of homotypic cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045836 positive regulation of meiotic nuclear division 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048557 embryonic digestive tract morphogenesis 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060602 branch elongation of an epithelium 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070875 positive regulation of glycogen metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071816 tail-anchored membrane protein insertion into ER membrane 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006577 amino-acid betaine metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002730 regulation of dendritic cell cytokine production 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901163 regulation of trophoblast cell migration 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048499 synaptic vesicle membrane organization 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034392 negative regulation of smooth muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010657 muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031573 mitotic intra-S DNA damage checkpoint signaling 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055091 phospholipid homeostasis 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035435 phosphate ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055089 fatty acid homeostasis 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071360 cellular response to exogenous dsRNA 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006103 2-oxoglutarate metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033623 regulation of integrin activation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034035 purine ribonucleoside bisphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016074 sno(s)RNA metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086064 cell communication by electrical coupling involved in cardiac conduction 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032780 negative regulation of ATP-dependent activity 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015179 L-amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072189 ureter development 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003356 regulation of cilium beat frequency 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071318 cellular response to ATP 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904294 positive regulation of ERAD pathway 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071243 cellular response to arsenic-containing substance 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903909 regulation of receptor clustering 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030575 nuclear body organization 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002476 antigen processing and presentation of endogenous peptide antigen via MHC class Ib 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035092 sperm DNA condensation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090209 negative regulation of triglyceride metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905874 regulation of postsynaptic density organization 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000266 mitochondrial fission 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021783 preganglionic parasympathetic fiber development 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110096 cellular response to aldehyde 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150079 negative regulation of neuroinflammatory response 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061952 midbody abscission 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022401 negative adaptation of signaling pathway 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002098 tRNA wobble uridine modification 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045019 negative regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006740 NADPH regeneration 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070198 protein localization to chromosome, telomeric region 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060221 retinal rod cell differentiation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042693 muscle cell fate commitment 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006895 Golgi to endosome transport 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006491 N-glycan processing 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060382 regulation of DNA strand elongation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035872 nucleotide-binding domain, leucine rich repeat containing receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070206 protein trimerization 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071450 cellular response to oxygen radical 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010831 positive regulation of myotube differentiation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0023058 adaptation of signaling pathway 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010470 regulation of gastrulation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010663 positive regulation of striated muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032926 negative regulation of activin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001956 positive regulation of neurotransmitter secretion 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903729 regulation of plasma membrane organization 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002407 dendritic cell chemotaxis 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030202 heparin metabolic process 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086012 membrane depolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043031 negative regulation of macrophage activation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904355 positive regulation of telomere capping 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051782 negative regulation of cell division 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903358 regulation of Golgi organization 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050872 white fat cell differentiation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003323 type B pancreatic cell development 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090308 regulation of DNA methylation-dependent heterochromatin formation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902033 regulation of hematopoietic stem cell proliferation 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010092 specification of animal organ identity 1.00000000000789 7.88841547160108e-12 17 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051262 protein tetramerization 1.00000000000825 8.24936011200693e-12 92 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046165 alcohol biosynthetic process 1.00000000000825 8.24936011200693e-12 92 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006400 tRNA modification 1.00000000000825 8.24936011200693e-12 92 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071677 positive regulation of mononuclear cell migration 1.00000000000825 8.24936011200693e-12 92 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002690 positive regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis 1.00000000000825 8.24936011200693e-12 92 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007032 endosome organization 1.00000000000825 8.24936011200693e-12 92 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046879 hormone secretion 1.00000000000825 8.24936011200693e-12 92 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045995 regulation of embryonic development 1.00000000000825 8.24936011200693e-12 92 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043586 tongue development 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042474 middle ear morphogenesis 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046323 glucose import 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043371 negative regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001044 regulation of integrin-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090141 positive regulation of mitochondrial fission 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002093 auditory receptor cell morphogenesis 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006244 pyrimidine nucleotide catabolic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071498 cellular response to fluid shear stress 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006337 nucleosome disassembly 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034312 diol biosynthetic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007213 G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043369 CD4-positive or CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell lineage commitment 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032069 regulation of nuclease activity 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071378 cellular response to growth hormone stimulus 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071379 cellular response to prostaglandin stimulus 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000305 response to oxygen radical 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098743 cell aggregation 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051904 pigment granule transport 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032012 regulation of ARF protein signal transduction 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055081 monoatomic anion homeostasis 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000738 positive regulation of stem cell differentiation 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003215 cardiac right ventricle morphogenesis 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086011 membrane repolarization during action potential 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060444 branching involved in mammary gland duct morphogenesis 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051988 regulation of attachment of spindle microtubules to kinetochore 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016137 glycoside metabolic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009190 cyclic nucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048025 negative regulation of mRNA splicing, via spliceosome 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071637 regulation of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 production 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034122 negative regulation of toll-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000001 regulation of DNA damage checkpoint 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009129 pyrimidine nucleoside monophosphate metabolic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033123 positive regulation of purine nucleotide catabolic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086005 ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009250 glucan biosynthetic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008631 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to oxidative stress 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006490 oligosaccharide-lipid intermediate biosynthetic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034260 negative regulation of GTPase activity 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010288 response to lead ion 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030813 positive regulation of nucleotide catabolic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902018 negative regulation of cilium assembly 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032816 positive regulation of natural killer cell activation 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031290 retinal ganglion cell axon guidance 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003081 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by renin-angiotensin 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006353 DNA-templated transcription termination 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002888 positive regulation of myeloid leukocyte mediated immunity 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010566 regulation of ketone biosynthetic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032495 response to muramyl dipeptide 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045061 thymic T cell selection 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032656 regulation of interleukin-13 production 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001759 organ induction 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001516 prostaglandin biosynthetic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009127 purine nucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002396 MHC protein complex assembly 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045056 transcytosis 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034587 piRNA processing 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030502 negative regulation of bone mineralization 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070977 bone maturation 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090043 regulation of tubulin deacetylation 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010829 negative regulation of glucose transmembrane transport 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106058 positive regulation of calcineurin-mediated signaling 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000010 positive regulation of protein localization to cell surface 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071295 cellular response to vitamin 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045821 positive regulation of glycolytic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021554 optic nerve development 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019377 glycolipid catabolic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032928 regulation of superoxide anion generation 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032211 negative regulation of telomere maintenance via telomerase 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060008 Sertoli cell differentiation 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043949 regulation of cAMP-mediated signaling 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009067 aspartate family amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043249 erythrocyte maturation 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010224 response to UV-B 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902683 regulation of receptor localization to synapse 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003707 nuclear steroid receptor activity 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006206 pyrimidine nucleobase metabolic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002501 peptide antigen assembly with MHC protein complex 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042454 ribonucleoside catabolic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035795 negative regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070886 positive regulation of calcineurin-NFAT signaling cascade 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044321 response to leptin 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050849 negative regulation of calcium-mediated signaling 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010985 negative regulation of lipoprotein particle clearance 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900227 positive regulation of NLRP3 inflammasome complex assembly 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046457 prostanoid biosynthetic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044794 positive regulation by host of viral process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014821 phasic smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001135 regulation of endocytic recycling 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903975 regulation of glial cell migration 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005978 glycogen biosynthetic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006662 glycerol ether metabolic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009251 glucan catabolic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006268 DNA unwinding involved in DNA replication 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007004 telomere maintenance via telomerase 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002716 negative regulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032303 regulation of icosanoid secretion 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001832 blastocyst growth 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032401 establishment of melanosome localization 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019677 NAD catabolic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000047 regulation of cell-cell adhesion mediated by cadherin 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061050 regulation of cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034104 negative regulation of tissue remodeling 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034505 tooth mineralization 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046485 ether lipid metabolic process 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032674 regulation of interleukin-5 production 1.00000000000826 8.25585910899563e-12 21 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038061 non-canonical NF-kappaB signal transduction 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099174 regulation of presynapse organization 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902742 apoptotic process involved in development 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001240 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034389 lipid droplet organization 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043500 muscle adaptation 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008340 determination of adult lifespan 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901099 negative regulation of signal transduction in absence of ligand 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010614 negative regulation of cardiac muscle hypertrophy 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032212 positive regulation of telomere maintenance via telomerase 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060544 regulation of necroptotic process 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905606 regulation of presynapse assembly 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000154 rRNA modification 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061081 positive regulation of myeloid leukocyte cytokine production involved in immune response 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051693 actin filament capping 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048489 synaptic vesicle transport 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035459 vesicle cargo loading 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071542 dopaminergic neuron differentiation 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000132 establishment of mitotic spindle orientation 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000279 negative regulation of DNA biosynthetic process 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042267 natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001990 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by hormone 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045920 negative regulation of exocytosis 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002183 cytoplasmic translational initiation 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032673 regulation of interleukin-4 production 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048147 negative regulation of fibroblast proliferation 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086004 regulation of cardiac muscle cell contraction 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050775 positive regulation of dendrite morphogenesis 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048665 neuron fate specification 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034405 response to fluid shear stress 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036230 granulocyte activation 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002719 negative regulation of cytokine production involved in immune response 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090183 regulation of kidney development 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032228 regulation of synaptic transmission, GABAergic 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099171 presynaptic modulation of chemical synaptic transmission 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007339 binding of sperm to zona pellucida 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002385 mucosal immune response 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038034 signal transduction in absence of ligand 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000038 very long-chain fatty acid metabolic process 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050974 detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070059 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016242 negative regulation of macroautophagy 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060122 inner ear receptor cell stereocilium organization 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000406 positive regulation of T cell migration 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001662 behavioral fear response 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046329 negative regulation of JNK cascade 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110110 positive regulation of animal organ morphogenesis 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009156 ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030947 regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006884 cell volume homeostasis 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046189 phenol-containing compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090659 walking behavior 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034121 regulation of toll-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048048 embryonic eye morphogenesis 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036314 response to sterol 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000462 maturation of SSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000460 maturation of 5.8S rRNA 1.00000000000833 8.32760579046737e-12 35 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007498 mesoderm development 1.00000000000864 8.63863721695191e-12 131 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001578 microtubule bundle formation 1.00000000000864 8.63863721695191e-12 131 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016482 cytosolic transport 1.00000000000864 8.63863721695191e-12 131 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006888 endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport 1.00000000000864 8.63863721695191e-12 131 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048565 digestive tract development 1.00000000000864 8.63863721695191e-12 131 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007229 integrin-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042633 hair cycle 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071326 cellular response to monosaccharide stimulus 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043502 regulation of muscle adaptation 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033108 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex assembly 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072091 regulation of stem cell proliferation 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032410 negative regulation of transporter activity 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903035 negative regulation of response to wounding 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031110 regulation of microtubule polymerization or depolymerization 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042303 molting cycle 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016064 immunoglobulin mediated immune response 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006906 vesicle fusion 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050829 defense response to Gram-negative bacterium 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048640 negative regulation of developmental growth 1.00000000000896 8.96075323560194e-12 96 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021987 cerebral cortex development 1.00000000000902 9.01867927218016e-12 125 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030879 mammary gland development 1.00000000000902 9.01867927218016e-12 125 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007613 memory 1.00000000000902 9.01867927218016e-12 125 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006661 phosphatidylinositol biosynthetic process 1.00000000000902 9.01867927218016e-12 125 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000725 recombinational repair 1.00000000000902 9.01867927218016e-12 125 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002221 pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000000902 9.01867927218016e-12 125 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051321 meiotic cell cycle 1.00000000000921 9.2099781374402e-12 253 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061138 morphogenesis of a branching epithelium 1.00000000000941 9.41319950566278e-12 166 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015850 organic hydroxy compound transport 1.00000000000941 9.41319950566278e-12 166 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051147 regulation of muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000000941 9.41319950566278e-12 166 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002449 lymphocyte mediated immunity 1.00000000000941 9.41319950566278e-12 166 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051495 positive regulation of cytoskeleton organization 1.00000000000952 9.5177163754383e-12 184 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043473 pigmentation 1.00000000000983 9.82557592662176e-12 106 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071322 cellular response to carbohydrate stimulus 1.00000000000983 9.82557592662176e-12 106 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032204 regulation of telomere maintenance 1.00000000000983 9.82557592662176e-12 106 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048477 oogenesis 1.00000000000983 9.82557592662176e-12 106 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901655 cellular response to ketone 1.00000000000983 9.82557592662176e-12 106 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010389 regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle 1.00000000000983 9.82557592662176e-12 106 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060078 regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential 1.00000000000983 9.82557592662176e-12 106 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035265 organ growth 1.00000000000983 9.82557592662176e-12 106 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006664 glycolipid metabolic process 1.00000000000983 9.82557592662176e-12 106 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043410 positive regulation of MAPK cascade 1.00000000000999 9.99022650658501e-12 473 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001244 positive regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090398 cellular senescence 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040014 regulation of multicellular organism growth 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0170035 L-amino acid catabolic process 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008154 actin polymerization or depolymerization 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046530 photoreceptor cell differentiation 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021545 cranial nerve development 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032655 regulation of interleukin-12 production 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015986 proton motive force-driven ATP synthesis 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070050 neuron cellular homeostasis 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048813 dendrite morphogenesis 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061512 protein localization to cilium 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051017 actin filament bundle assembly 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008643 carbohydrate transport 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030101 natural killer cell activation 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030888 regulation of B cell proliferation 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000179 positive regulation of neural precursor cell proliferation 1.00000000001053 1.05265807579752e-11 64 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034369 plasma lipoprotein particle remodeling 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034368 protein-lipid complex remodeling 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042417 dopamine metabolic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045762 positive regulation of adenylate cyclase activity 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051654 establishment of mitochondrion localization 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045070 positive regulation of viral genome replication 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902547 regulation of cellular response to vascular endothelial growth factor stimulus 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032682 negative regulation of chemokine production 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009218 pyrimidine ribonucleotide metabolic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046460 neutral lipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045048 protein insertion into ER membrane 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901186 positive regulation of ERBB signaling pathway 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046475 glycerophospholipid catabolic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150117 positive regulation of cell-substrate junction organization 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016556 mRNA modification 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010575 positive regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor production 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903055 positive regulation of extracellular matrix organization 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070979 protein K11-linked ubiquitination 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001782 B cell homeostasis 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051491 positive regulation of filopodium assembly 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001057 reactive nitrogen species metabolic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051647 nucleus localization 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031114 regulation of microtubule depolymerization 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032941 secretion by tissue 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010880 regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol by sarcoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040018 positive regulation of multicellular organism growth 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042119 neutrophil activation 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002825 regulation of T-helper 1 type immune response 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902751 positive regulation of cell cycle G2/M phase transition 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902019 regulation of cilium-dependent cell motility 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050654 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan metabolic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0065002 intracellular protein transmembrane transport 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901679 nucleotide transmembrane transport 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072525 pyridine-containing compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900745 positive regulation of p38MAPK cascade 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060037 pharyngeal system development 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045987 positive regulation of smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050869 negative regulation of B cell activation 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045026 plasma membrane fusion 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904385 cellular response to angiotensin 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036075 replacement ossification 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007212 dopamine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001774 microglial cell activation 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045724 positive regulation of cilium assembly 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901021 positive regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060045 positive regulation of cardiac muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006221 pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001958 endochondral ossification 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902992 negative regulation of amyloid precursor protein catabolic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019886 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class II 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046685 response to arsenic-containing substance 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046463 acylglycerol biosynthetic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006958 complement activation, classical pathway 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033238 regulation of amine metabolic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036258 multivesicular body assembly 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042219 cellular modified amino acid catabolic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902042 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903539 protein localization to postsynaptic membrane 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032924 activin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042573 retinoic acid metabolic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033688 regulation of osteoblast proliferation 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021602 cranial nerve morphogenesis 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098927 vesicle-mediated transport between endosomal compartments 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001562 response to protozoan 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098868 bone growth 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009072 aromatic amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006536 glutamate metabolic process 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021532 neural tube patterning 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060295 regulation of cilium movement involved in cell motility 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019082 viral protein processing 1.00000000001113 1.11280971462647e-11 31 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903846 positive regulation of cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140658 ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler activity 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050858 negative regulation of antigen receptor-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060563 neuroepithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010669 epithelial structure maintenance 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000515 negative regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell activation 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901020 negative regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010464 regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006505 GPI anchor metabolic process 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090022 regulation of neutrophil chemotaxis 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002862 negative regulation of inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048566 embryonic digestive tract development 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046471 phosphatidylglycerol metabolic process 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045907 positive regulation of vasoconstriction 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035115 embryonic forelimb morphogenesis 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051973 positive regulation of telomerase activity 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002495 antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class II 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030511 positive regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016447 somatic recombination of immunoglobulin gene segments 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006734 NADH metabolic process 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050873 brown fat cell differentiation 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006622 protein targeting to lysosome 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034142 toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010804 negative regulation of tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072678 T cell migration 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006984 ER-nucleus signaling pathway 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060416 response to growth hormone 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043094 cellular metabolic compound salvage 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021591 ventricular system development 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006654 phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072583 clathrin-dependent endocytosis 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006516 glycoprotein catabolic process 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902624 positive regulation of neutrophil migration 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035305 negative regulation of dephosphorylation 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090151 establishment of protein localization to mitochondrial membrane 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033198 response to ATP 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905207 regulation of cardiocyte differentiation 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043001 Golgi to plasma membrane protein transport 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050931 pigment cell differentiation 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010863 positive regulation of phospholipase C activity 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010743 regulation of macrophage derived foam cell differentiation 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031069 hair follicle morphogenesis 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045671 negative regulation of osteoclast differentiation 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090504 epiboly 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010996 response to auditory stimulus 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097192 extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905710 positive regulation of membrane permeability 1.00000000001147 1.14739778000149e-11 33 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007029 endoplasmic reticulum organization 1.00000000001174 1.17410103132341e-11 98 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051781 positive regulation of cell division 1.00000000001174 1.17410103132341e-11 98 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071229 cellular response to acid chemical 1.00000000001174 1.17410103132341e-11 98 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051153 regulation of striated muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000001174 1.17410103132341e-11 98 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006638 neutral lipid metabolic process 1.00000000001174 1.17410103132341e-11 98 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008593 regulation of Notch signaling pathway 1.00000000001174 1.17410103132341e-11 98 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090174 organelle membrane fusion 1.00000000001174 1.17410103132341e-11 98 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006885 regulation of pH 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006119 oxidative phosphorylation 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042472 inner ear morphogenesis 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905477 positive regulation of protein localization to membrane 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070555 response to interleukin-1 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090100 positive regulation of transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060070 canonical Wnt signaling pathway 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022612 gland morphogenesis 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061351 neural precursor cell proliferation 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030203 glycosaminoglycan metabolic process 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019882 antigen processing and presentation 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016579 protein deubiquitination 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097306 cellular response to alcohol 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045639 positive regulation of myeloid cell differentiation 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099175 regulation of postsynapse organization 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990823 response to leukemia inhibitory factor 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031214 biomineral tissue development 1.00000000001232 1.23238300938632e-11 105 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140527 reciprocal homologous recombination 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045620 negative regulation of lymphocyte differentiation 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046902 regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010921 regulation of phosphatase activity 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061180 mammary gland epithelium development 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051339 regulation of lyase activity 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032786 positive regulation of DNA-templated transcription, elongation 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044088 regulation of vacuole organization 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042733 embryonic digit morphogenesis 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019369 arachidonic acid metabolic process 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901616 organic hydroxy compound catabolic process 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060632 regulation of microtubule-based movement 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007254 JNK cascade 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007131 reciprocal meiotic recombination 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048168 regulation of neuronal synaptic plasticity 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042306 regulation of protein import into nucleus 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006289 nucleotide-excision repair 1.00000000001257 1.25701975934218e-11 58 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018209 peptidyl-serine modification 1.0000000000131 1.31006499028182e-11 172 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009267 cellular response to starvation 1.0000000000131 1.31006499028182e-11 172 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051048 negative regulation of secretion 1.0000000000131 1.31006499028182e-11 172 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009451 RNA modification 1.0000000000131 1.31006499028182e-11 172 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006367 transcription initiation at RNA polymerase II promoter 1.00000000001407 1.40663240929337e-11 126 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042471 ear morphogenesis 1.00000000001407 1.40663240929337e-11 126 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021761 limbic system development 1.00000000001407 1.40663240929337e-11 126 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006520 amino acid metabolic process 1.0000000000141 1.41018557061267e-11 290 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043523 regulation of neuron apoptotic process 1.00000000001423 1.42316943222544e-11 244 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003713 transcription coactivator activity 1.00000000001423 1.42316943222544e-11 244 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050804 modulation of chemical synaptic transmission 1.00000000001503 1.503446974678e-11 494 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009306 protein secretion 1.00000000001529 1.52933370456583e-11 132 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006865 amino acid transport 1.00000000001529 1.52933370456583e-11 132 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098661 inorganic anion transmembrane transport 1.00000000001529 1.52933370456583e-11 132 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043271 negative regulation of monoatomic ion transport 1.00000000001529 1.52933370456583e-11 132 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045931 positive regulation of mitotic cell cycle 1.00000000001529 1.52933370456583e-11 132 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902850 microtubule cytoskeleton organization involved in mitosis 1.00000000001529 1.52933370456583e-11 132 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903052 positive regulation of proteolysis involved in protein catabolic process 1.00000000001529 1.52933370456583e-11 132 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050768 negative regulation of neurogenesis 1.00000000001529 1.52933370456583e-11 132 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010906 regulation of glucose metabolic process 1.00000000001544 1.54442524770139e-11 101 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030048 actin filament-based movement 1.00000000001544 1.54442524770139e-11 101 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901992 positive regulation of mitotic cell cycle phase transition 1.00000000001544 1.54442524770139e-11 101 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035082 axoneme assembly 1.00000000001544 1.54442524770139e-11 101 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034766 negative regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000001544 1.54442524770139e-11 101 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042632 cholesterol homeostasis 1.00000000001544 1.54442524770139e-11 101 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019724 B cell mediated immunity 1.00000000001544 1.54442524770139e-11 101 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010596 negative regulation of endothelial cell migration 1.00000000001544 1.54442524770139e-11 101 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043255 regulation of carbohydrate biosynthetic process 1.00000000001544 1.54442524770139e-11 101 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035279 miRNA-mediated gene silencing by mRNA destabilization 1.00000000001544 1.54442524770139e-11 101 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006493 protein O-linked glycosylation 1.00000000001544 1.54442524770139e-11 101 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903305 regulation of regulated secretory pathway 1.00000000001572 1.5722290532791e-11 113 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048588 developmental cell growth 1.00000000001572 1.5722290532791e-11 113 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003015 heart process 1.00000000001572 1.5722290532791e-11 113 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016358 dendrite development 1.00000000001572 1.5722290532791e-11 113 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071482 cellular response to light stimulus 1.00000000001572 1.5722290532791e-11 113 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002793 positive regulation of peptide secretion 1.00000000001572 1.5722290532791e-11 113 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022037 metencephalon development 1.00000000001572 1.5722290532791e-11 113 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006606 protein import into nucleus 1.00000000001572 1.5722290532791e-11 113 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120034 positive regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly 1.00000000001572 1.5722290532791e-11 113 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000826 regulation of heart morphogenesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051122 hepoxilin biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000270 negative regulation of fibroblast apoptotic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036499 PERK-mediated unfolded protein response 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075733 intracellular transport of virus 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002634 regulation of germinal center formation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099519 dense core granule cytoskeletal transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001955 blood vessel maturation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007217 tachykinin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046146 tetrahydrobiopterin metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048227 plasma membrane to endosome transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070453 regulation of heme biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016254 preassembly of GPI anchor in ER membrane 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150012 positive regulation of neuron projection arborization 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046984 regulation of hemoglobin biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904491 protein localization to ciliary transition zone 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904045 cellular response to aldosterone 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071104 response to interleukin-9 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038134 ERBB2-EGFR signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090324 negative regulation of oxidative phosphorylation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038026 reelin-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062196 regulation of lysosome size 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904117 cellular response to vasopressin 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904823 purine nucleobase transmembrane transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044784 metaphase/anaphase transition of cell cycle 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099532 synaptic vesicle endosomal processing 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070173 regulation of enamel mineralization 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045760 positive regulation of action potential 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141084 inflammasome-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010616 negative regulation of cardiac muscle adaptation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032471 negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum calcium ion concentration 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901164 negative regulation of trophoblast cell migration 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040016 embryonic cleavage 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905832 positive regulation of spindle assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901750 leukotriene D4 biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071499 cellular response to laminar fluid shear stress 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009178 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030070 insulin processing 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010749 regulation of nitric oxide mediated signal transduction 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002866 positive regulation of acute inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097340 inhibition of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038130 ERBB4 signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000601 positive regulation of Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin nucleation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010757 negative regulation of plasminogen activation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902744 negative regulation of lamellipodium organization 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032071 regulation of endodeoxyribonuclease activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015793 glycerol transmembrane transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035912 dorsal aorta morphogenesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007270 neuron-neuron synaptic transmission 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905245 regulation of aspartic-type peptidase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050859 negative regulation of B cell receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031118 rRNA pseudouridine synthesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071340 skeletal muscle acetylcholine-gated channel clustering 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070317 negative regulation of G0 to G1 transition 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905600 regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis involved in cholesterol transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902523 positive regulation of protein K63-linked ubiquitination 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060372 regulation of atrial cardiac muscle cell membrane repolarization 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004675 transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000171 negative regulation of dendrite development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051964 negative regulation of synapse assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071694 maintenance of protein location in extracellular region 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035356 intracellular triglyceride homeostasis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006551 L-leucine metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033313 meiotic cell cycle checkpoint signaling 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021924 cell proliferation in external granule layer 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905821 positive regulation of chromosome condensation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014894 response to denervation involved in regulation of muscle adaptation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006548 histidine catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031340 positive regulation of vesicle fusion 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902746 regulation of lens fiber cell differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045990 carbon catabolite regulation of transcription 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099105 ion channel modulating, G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007501 mesodermal cell fate specification 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901463 regulation of tetrapyrrole biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090186 regulation of pancreatic juice secretion 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032289 central nervous system myelin formation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904354 negative regulation of telomere capping 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001696 gastric acid secretion 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032909 regulation of transforming growth factor beta2 production 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900125 regulation of hyaluronan biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902425 positive regulation of attachment of mitotic spindle microtubules to kinetochore 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070782 phosphatidylserine exposure on apoptotic cell surface 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033615 mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070070 proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007197 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042138 meiotic DNA double-strand break formation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009131 pyrimidine nucleoside monophosphate catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061044 negative regulation of vascular wound healing 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070092 regulation of glucagon secretion 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903719 regulation of I-kappaB phosphorylation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032489 regulation of Cdc42 protein signal transduction 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032277 negative regulation of gonadotropin secretion 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015874 norepinephrine transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000501 regulation of natural killer cell chemotaxis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140239 postsynaptic endocytosis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006848 pyruvate transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060601 lateral sprouting from an epithelium 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043416 regulation of skeletal muscle tissue regeneration 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000110 negative regulation of macrophage apoptotic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035634 response to stilbenoid 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001186 negative regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell activation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060013 righting reflex 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045110 intermediate filament bundle assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070474 positive regulation of uterine smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090063 positive regulation of microtubule nucleation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036261 7-methylguanosine cap hypermethylation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018393 internal peptidyl-lysine acetylation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006651 diacylglycerol biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140632 canonical inflammasome complex assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032225 regulation of synaptic transmission, dopaminergic 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003211 cardiac ventricle formation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140212 regulation of long-chain fatty acid import into cell 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120013 lipid transfer activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001033 negative regulation of double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002314 germinal center B cell differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006553 lysine metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032847 regulation of cellular pH reduction 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033152 immunoglobulin V(D)J recombination 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015949 nucleobase-containing small molecule interconversion 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015349 thyroid hormone transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051584 regulation of dopamine uptake involved in synaptic transmission 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033240 positive regulation of amine metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030853 negative regulation of granulocyte differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038110 interleukin-2-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045617 negative regulation of keratinocyte differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009452 7-methylguanosine RNA capping 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032364 intracellular oxygen homeostasis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060180 female mating behavior 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021957 corticospinal tract morphogenesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060081 membrane hyperpolarization 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034486 vacuolar transmembrane transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035873 lactate transmembrane transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048012 hepatocyte growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901642 nucleoside transmembrane transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015734 taurine transmembrane transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002084 protein depalmitoylation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050432 catecholamine secretion 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019367 fatty acid elongation, saturated fatty acid 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001826 inner cell mass cell differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010742 macrophage derived foam cell differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072282 metanephric nephron tubule morphogenesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903367 positive regulation of fear response 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097017 renal protein absorption 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039536 negative regulation of RIG-I signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045955 negative regulation of calcium ion-dependent exocytosis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061051 positive regulation of cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060242 contact inhibition 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015074 DNA integration 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006681 galactosylceramide metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002232 leukocyte chemotaxis involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060040 retinal bipolar neuron differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043550 regulation of lipid kinase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003433 chondrocyte development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000020 positive regulation of male gonad development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000143 negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097646 calcitonin family receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001561 fatty acid alpha-oxidation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990544 mitochondrial ATP transmembrane transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035588 G protein-coupled purinergic receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006824 cobalt ion transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051409 response to nitrosative stress 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050774 negative regulation of dendrite morphogenesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030422 siRNA processing 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016115 terpenoid catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070127 tRNA aminoacylation for mitochondrial protein translation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051454 intracellular pH elevation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017038 protein import 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015727 lactate transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032825 positive regulation of natural killer cell differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071051 poly(A)-dependent snoRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009445 putrescine metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051823 regulation of synapse structural plasticity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003344 pericardium morphogenesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000915 actomyosin contractile ring assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008228 opsonization 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016264 gap junction assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106035 protein maturation by [4Fe-4S] cluster transfer 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905936 regulation of germ cell proliferation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045835 negative regulation of meiotic nuclear division 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032713 negative regulation of interleukin-4 production 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032347 regulation of aldosterone biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007231 osmosensory signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045924 regulation of female receptivity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050932 regulation of pigment cell differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048541 Peyer's patch development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046836 glycolipid transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097681 double-strand break repair via alternative nonhomologous end joining 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034475 U4 snRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007207 phospholipase C-activating G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902947 regulation of tau-protein kinase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006531 aspartate metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010886 positive regulation of cholesterol storage 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060215 primitive hemopoiesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046469 platelet activating factor metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060022 hard palate development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990700 nucleolar chromatin organization 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061743 motor learning 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902218 regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to osmotic stress 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048659 smooth muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902423 regulation of attachment of mitotic spindle microtubules to kinetochore 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902571 regulation of serine-type peptidase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006152 purine nucleoside catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061365 positive regulation of triglyceride lipase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017185 peptidyl-lysine hydroxylation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072318 clathrin coat disassembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045003 double-strand break repair via synthesis-dependent strand annealing 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009157 deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098528 skeletal muscle fiber differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002115 store-operated calcium entry 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035095 behavioral response to nicotine 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002036 regulation of L-glutamate import across plasma membrane 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021546 rhombomere development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035434 copper ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904970 brush border assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022417 protein maturation by protein folding 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904139 regulation of microglial cell migration 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038036 sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106380 purine ribonucleotide salvage 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060373 regulation of ventricular cardiac muscle cell membrane depolarization 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905598 negative regulation of low-density lipoprotein receptor activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051967 negative regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergic 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006384 transcription initiation at RNA polymerase III promoter 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072683 T cell extravasation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003149 membranous septum morphogenesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098909 regulation of cardiac muscle cell action potential involved in regulation of contraction 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022028 tangential migration from the subventricular zone to the olfactory bulb 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090400 stress-induced premature senescence 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002760 positive regulation of antimicrobial humoral response 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043376 regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000623 negative regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, nonsense-mediated decay 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014041 regulation of neuron maturation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002667 regulation of T cell anergy 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060050 positive regulation of protein glycosylation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042439 ethanolamine-containing compound metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015232 heme transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007077 mitotic nuclear membrane disassembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902913 positive regulation of neuroepithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030916 otic vesicle formation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006616 SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane, translocation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905335 regulation of aggrephagy 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007309 oocyte axis specification 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002826 negative regulation of T-helper 1 type immune response 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006538 glutamate catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034370 triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particle remodeling 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060600 dichotomous subdivision of an epithelial terminal unit 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072109 glomerular mesangium development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007308 oocyte construction 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021891 olfactory bulb interneuron development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098821 BMP receptor activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031204 post-translational protein targeting to membrane, translocation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036006 cellular response to macrophage colony-stimulating factor stimulus 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035457 cellular response to interferon-alpha 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005353 fructose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006776 vitamin A metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900157 regulation of bone mineralization involved in bone maturation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003097 renal water transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150094 amyloid-beta clearance by cellular catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070172 positive regulation of tooth mineralization 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045843 negative regulation of striated muscle tissue development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002911 regulation of lymphocyte anergy 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071947 protein deubiquitination involved in ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032049 cardiolipin biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015959 diadenosine polyphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000586 regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001187 positive regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell activation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010835 regulation of protein ADP-ribosylation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002727 regulation of natural killer cell cytokine production 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050957 equilibrioception 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905276 regulation of epithelial tube formation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045991 carbon catabolite activation of transcription 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000912 assembly of actomyosin apparatus involved in cytokinesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001137 positive regulation of endocytic recycling 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990264 peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation involved in inactivation of protein kinase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098779 positive regulation of mitophagy in response to mitochondrial depolarization 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140537 transcription regulator activator activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043313 regulation of neutrophil degranulation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014877 response to muscle inactivity involved in regulation of muscle adaptation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904116 response to vasopressin 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061004 pattern specification involved in kidney development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061888 regulation of astrocyte activation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000973 regulation of pro-B cell differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902732 positive regulation of chondrocyte proliferation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901030 positive regulation of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization involved in apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072048 renal system pattern specification 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000389 regulation of neutrophil extravasation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004169 dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030050 vesicle transport along actin filament 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009222 pyrimidine ribonucleotide catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098884 postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor internalization 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060056 mammary gland involution 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140507 granzyme-mediated programmed cell death signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060073 micturition 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051712 positive regulation of killing of cells of another organism 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061525 hindgut development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015187 glycine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060836 lymphatic endothelial cell differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030388 fructose 1,6-bisphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097341 zymogen inhibition 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051299 centrosome separation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003190 atrioventricular valve formation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044208 'de novo' AMP biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007172 signal complex assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007506 gonadal mesoderm development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034285 response to disaccharide 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039529 RIG-I signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904396 regulation of neuromuscular junction development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015888 thiamine transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021888 hypothalamus gonadotrophin-releasing hormone neuron development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021930 cerebellar granule cell precursor proliferation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051121 hepoxilin metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032741 positive regulation of interleukin-18 production 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000564 regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell proliferation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905949 negative regulation of calcium ion import across plasma membrane 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010756 positive regulation of plasminogen activation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046487 glyoxylate metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051940 regulation of catecholamine uptake involved in synaptic transmission 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086103 G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway involved in heart process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048570 notochord morphogenesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070268 cornification 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001280 positive regulation of unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045008 depyrimidination 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072537 fibroblast activation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072674 multinuclear osteoclast differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009448 gamma-aminobutyric acid metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003223 ventricular compact myocardium morphogenesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905920 positive regulation of CoA-transferase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071352 cellular response to interleukin-2 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034141 positive regulation of toll-like receptor 3 signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006621 protein retention in ER lumen 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036289 peptidyl-serine autophosphorylation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015858 nucleoside transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006208 pyrimidine nucleobase catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044854 plasma membrane raft assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021886 hypothalamus gonadotrophin-releasing hormone neuron differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010603 regulation of cytoplasmic mRNA processing body assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000638 regulation of SREBP signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050651 dermatan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045656 negative regulation of monocyte differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010626 negative regulation of Schwann cell proliferation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045343 regulation of MHC class I biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060923 cardiac muscle cell fate commitment 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900223 positive regulation of amyloid-beta clearance 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060753 regulation of mast cell chemotaxis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019919 peptidyl-arginine methylation, to asymmetrical-dimethyl arginine 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038172 interleukin-33-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903243 negative regulation of cardiac muscle hypertrophy in response to stress 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071800 podosome assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902915 negative regulation of protein polyubiquitination 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006369 termination of RNA polymerase II transcription 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035813 regulation of renal sodium excretion 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010533 regulation of activation of Janus kinase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903608 protein localization to cytoplasmic stress granule 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042482 positive regulation of odontogenesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905031 regulation of membrane repolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000427 positive regulation of apoptotic cell clearance 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045959 negative regulation of complement activation, classical pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018401 peptidyl-proline hydroxylation to 4-hydroxy-L-proline 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014908 myotube differentiation involved in skeletal muscle regeneration 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090091 positive regulation of extracellular matrix disassembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000480 negative regulation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901523 icosanoid catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030223 neutrophil differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902031 regulation of NADP metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019856 pyrimidine nucleobase biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050955 thermoception 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060839 endothelial cell fate commitment 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015014 heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process, polysaccharide chain biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006527 arginine catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000554 regulation of T-helper 1 cell cytokine production 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010898 positive regulation of triglyceride catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043461 proton-transporting ATP synthase complex assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045066 regulatory T cell differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044341 sodium-dependent phosphate transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042421 norepinephrine biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051683 establishment of Golgi localization 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032714 negative regulation of interleukin-5 production 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002118 aggressive behavior 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043320 natural killer cell degranulation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021534 cell proliferation in hindbrain 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045650 negative regulation of macrophage differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014052 regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid secretion 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905278 positive regulation of epithelial tube formation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033300 dehydroascorbic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106354 tRNA surveillance 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001973 G protein-coupled adenosine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004383 guanylate cyclase activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904714 regulation of chaperone-mediated autophagy 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903423 positive regulation of synaptic vesicle recycling 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019673 GDP-mannose metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010637 negative regulation of mitochondrial fusion 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902857 positive regulation of non-motile cilium assembly 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060264 regulation of respiratory burst involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031077 post-embryonic camera-type eye development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000556 positive regulation of T-helper 1 cell cytokine production 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009235 cobalamin metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905331 negative regulation of morphogenesis of an epithelium 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060509 type I pneumocyte differentiation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015174 basic amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902222 erythrose 4-phosphate/phosphoenolpyruvate family amino acid catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016102 diterpenoid biosynthetic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901950 dense core granule transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034756 regulation of iron ion transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048537 mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070673 response to interleukin-18 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042918 alkanesulfonate transmembrane transport 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032344 regulation of aldosterone metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903430 negative regulation of cell maturation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060545 positive regulation of necroptotic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097527 necroptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006558 L-phenylalanine metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046035 CMP metabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060816 random inactivation of X chromosome 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902083 negative regulation of peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylation 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033206 meiotic cytokinesis 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003360 brainstem development 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140361 cyclic-GMP-AMP transmembrane import across plasma membrane 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006559 L-phenylalanine catabolic process 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032222 regulation of synaptic transmission, cholinergic 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007597 blood coagulation, intrinsic pathway 1.00000000001603 1.60333092970427e-11 8 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031570 DNA integrity checkpoint signaling 1.00000000001609 1.60902055887189e-11 120 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050830 defense response to Gram-positive bacterium 1.00000000001609 1.60902055887189e-11 120 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031644 regulation of nervous system process 1.00000000001609 1.60902055887189e-11 120 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000278 regulation of DNA biosynthetic process 1.00000000001609 1.60902055887189e-11 120 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031507 heterochromatin formation 1.00000000001609 1.60902055887189e-11 120 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006941 striated muscle contraction 1.00000000001609 1.60902055887189e-11 120 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033135 regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 1.00000000001609 1.60902055887189e-11 120 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002718 regulation of cytokine production involved in immune response 1.00000000001609 1.60902055887189e-11 120 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902600 proton transmembrane transport 1.0000000000161 1.61018156386955e-11 136 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006898 receptor-mediated endocytosis 1.00000000001666 1.665770580432e-11 163 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097193 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000001666 1.665770580432e-11 163 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000075 cell cycle checkpoint signaling 1.00000000001666 1.665770580432e-11 163 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007204 positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000001666 1.665770580432e-11 163 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009165 nucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000001668 1.66798927621795e-11 252 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008037 cell recognition 1.00000000001674 1.67383804051795e-11 137 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007623 circadian rhythm 1.00000000001674 1.67383804051795e-11 137 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048754 branching morphogenesis of an epithelial tube 1.00000000001674 1.67383804051795e-11 137 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051092 positive regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity 1.00000000001674 1.67383804051795e-11 137 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040029 epigenetic regulation of gene expression 1.00000000001678 1.67845427931744e-11 267 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051259 protein complex oligomerization 1.00000000001681 1.68091028716565e-11 256 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045860 positive regulation of protein kinase activity 1.00000000001681 1.68091028716565e-11 256 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045927 positive regulation of growth 1.00000000001681 1.68091028716565e-11 256 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060271 cilium assembly 1.00000000001704 1.70434159702894e-11 341 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007606 sensory perception of chemical stimulus 1.00000000001717 1.71684908653001e-11 483 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042116 macrophage activation 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002763 positive regulation of myeloid leukocyte differentiation 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045599 negative regulation of fat cell differentiation 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900024 regulation of substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060261 positive regulation of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006626 protein targeting to mitochondrion 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903078 positive regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019674 NAD metabolic process 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002889 regulation of immunoglobulin mediated immune response 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031109 microtubule polymerization or depolymerization 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044042 glucan metabolic process 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022029 telencephalon cell migration 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072348 sulfur compound transport 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043470 regulation of carbohydrate catabolic process 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060113 inner ear receptor cell differentiation 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051653 spindle localization 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099072 regulation of postsynaptic membrane neurotransmitter receptor levels 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030518 intracellular steroid hormone receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002712 regulation of B cell mediated immunity 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070897 transcription preinitiation complex assembly 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046824 positive regulation of nucleocytoplasmic transport 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006767 water-soluble vitamin metabolic process 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141193 nuclear receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001749 1.74940338608203e-11 62 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043010 camera-type eye development 1.00000000001757 1.75653630968005e-11 335 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045787 positive regulation of cell cycle 1.00000000001757 1.75653630968005e-11 335 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009100 glycoprotein metabolic process 1.00000000001757 1.75653630968005e-11 335 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051091 positive regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity 1.00000000001771 1.77129542580513e-11 221 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032868 response to insulin 1.00000000001771 1.77129542580513e-11 221 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002443 leukocyte mediated immunity 1.00000000001771 1.77129542580513e-11 221 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048515 spermatid differentiation 1.00000000001771 1.77129542580513e-11 221 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905562 regulation of vascular endothelial cell proliferation 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048260 positive regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070169 positive regulation of biomineral tissue development 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097696 cell surface receptor signaling pathway via STAT 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048286 lung alveolus development 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016073 snRNA metabolic process 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031279 regulation of cyclase activity 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141137 positive regulation of gene expression, epigenetic 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902930 regulation of alcohol biosynthetic process 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002639 positive regulation of immunoglobulin production 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051452 intracellular pH reduction 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042100 B cell proliferation 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061951 establishment of protein localization to plasma membrane 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002200 somatic diversification of immune receptors 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045778 positive regulation of ossification 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010874 regulation of cholesterol efflux 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006749 glutathione metabolic process 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046605 regulation of centrosome cycle 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010883 regulation of lipid storage 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042304 regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060688 regulation of morphogenesis of a branching structure 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902692 regulation of neuroblast proliferation 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019080 viral gene expression 1.0000000000179 1.78986592483968e-11 54 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009566 fertilization 1.00000000001799 1.79903256817654e-11 198 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060294 cilium movement involved in cell motility 1.00000000001807 1.80748797924082e-11 142 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055123 digestive system development 1.00000000001807 1.80748797924082e-11 142 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001764 neuron migration 1.00000000001807 1.80748797924082e-11 142 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900180 regulation of protein localization to nucleus 1.00000000001807 1.80748797924082e-11 142 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009799 specification of symmetry 1.00000000001807 1.80748797924082e-11 142 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001101 response to acid chemical 1.00000000001807 1.80748797924082e-11 142 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098656 monoatomic anion transmembrane transport 1.00000000001807 1.80748797924082e-11 142 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009855 determination of bilateral symmetry 1.00000000001807 1.80748797924082e-11 142 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070374 positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade 1.00000000001822 1.82155455556184e-11 199 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048738 cardiac muscle tissue development 1.00000000001822 1.82155455556184e-11 199 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031334 positive regulation of protein-containing complex assembly 1.00000000001822 1.82155455556184e-11 199 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032675 regulation of interleukin-6 production 1.00000000001828 1.82783398509256e-11 175 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050673 epithelial cell proliferation 1.00000000001828 1.82783398509256e-11 175 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902905 positive regulation of supramolecular fiber organization 1.00000000001828 1.82783398509256e-11 175 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000377 regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process 1.00000000001835 1.83489608781637e-11 148 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046546 development of primary male sexual characteristics 1.00000000001835 1.83489608781637e-11 148 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061326 renal tubule development 1.0000000000184 1.83951846700913e-11 90 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902117 positive regulation of organelle assembly 1.0000000000184 1.83951846700913e-11 90 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007631 feeding behavior 1.0000000000184 1.83951846700913e-11 90 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042158 lipoprotein biosynthetic process 1.0000000000184 1.83951846700913e-11 90 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001837 epithelial to mesenchymal transition 1.0000000000184 1.83951846700913e-11 90 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006637 acyl-CoA metabolic process 1.0000000000184 1.83951846700913e-11 90 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060993 kidney morphogenesis 1.0000000000184 1.83951846700913e-11 90 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000027 regulation of animal organ morphogenesis 1.0000000000184 1.83951846700913e-11 90 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035383 thioester metabolic process 1.0000000000184 1.83951846700913e-11 90 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000243 positive regulation of reproductive process 1.0000000000184 1.83951846700913e-11 90 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050796 regulation of insulin secretion 1.00000000001841 1.84099335004854e-11 167 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002520 immune system development 1.00000000001841 1.84099335004854e-11 167 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043954 cellular component maintenance 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990849 vacuolar localization 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035904 aorta development 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032418 lysosome localization 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010574 regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor production 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055008 cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002820 negative regulation of adaptive immune response 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140029 exocytic process 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045744 negative regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030282 bone mineralization 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031113 regulation of microtubule polymerization 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033059 cellular pigmentation 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003179 heart valve morphogenesis 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032233 positive regulation of actin filament bundle assembly 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903018 regulation of glycoprotein metabolic process 1.00000000001849 1.84903504105909e-11 61 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051046 regulation of secretion 1.00000000001852 1.85246897331752e-11 605 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051650 establishment of vesicle localization 1.00000000001854 1.85433664629331e-11 171 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901617 organic hydroxy compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000001854 1.85433664629331e-11 171 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002218 activation of innate immune response 1.00000000001854 1.85433664629331e-11 171 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017157 regulation of exocytosis 1.00000000001854 1.85433664629331e-11 171 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046661 male sex differentiation 1.00000000001854 1.85433664629331e-11 171 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062207 regulation of pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000001854 1.85433664629331e-11 171 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043414 macromolecule methylation 1.00000000001856 1.85611333847524e-11 129 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002708 positive regulation of lymphocyte mediated immunity 1.00000000001856 1.85611333847524e-11 129 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034243 regulation of transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II 1.00000000001914 1.91367585786164e-11 86 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032370 positive regulation of lipid transport 1.00000000001914 1.91367585786164e-11 86 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044774 mitotic DNA integrity checkpoint signaling 1.00000000001914 1.91367585786164e-11 86 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021954 central nervous system neuron development 1.00000000001914 1.91367585786164e-11 86 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009145 purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000001914 1.91367585786164e-11 86 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032024 positive regulation of insulin secretion 1.00000000001914 1.91367585786164e-11 86 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007626 locomotory behavior 1.00000000001923 1.92293466293163e-11 197 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003714 transcription corepressor activity 1.00000000001923 1.92293466293163e-11 197 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090276 regulation of peptide hormone secretion 1.00000000001923 1.92293466293163e-11 197 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048839 inner ear development 1.0000000000193 1.92990932648476e-11 195 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009260 ribonucleotide biosynthetic process 1.0000000000193 1.92990932648476e-11 195 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006260 DNA replication 1.0000000000193 1.92990932648476e-11 195 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050907 detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception 1.00000000001937 1.93696799789942e-11 432 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002703 regulation of leukocyte mediated immunity 1.00000000001948 1.94848581938158e-11 247 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060485 mesenchyme development 1.00000000001948 1.94848581938158e-11 247 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043413 macromolecule glycosylation 1.00000000001987 1.98676775607107e-11 222 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006486 protein glycosylation 1.00000000001987 1.98676775607107e-11 222 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043583 ear development 1.00000000001987 1.98676775607107e-11 222 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090407 organophosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000001999 1.99930374631096e-11 533 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009749 response to glucose 1.00000000002008 2.00805806968773e-11 149 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009060 aerobic respiration 1.00000000002008 2.00805806968773e-11 149 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050905 neuromuscular process 1.00000000002008 2.00805806968773e-11 149 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002687 positive regulation of leukocyte migration 1.00000000002008 2.00805806968773e-11 149 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903038 negative regulation of leukocyte cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000002008 2.00805806968773e-11 149 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033138 positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 1.00000000002021 2.02080991011701e-11 88 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001657 ureteric bud development 1.00000000002021 2.02080991011701e-11 88 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016101 diterpenoid metabolic process 1.00000000002021 2.02080991011701e-11 88 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034103 regulation of tissue remodeling 1.00000000002021 2.02080991011701e-11 88 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071897 DNA biosynthetic process 1.00000000002021 2.02080991011701e-11 88 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006383 transcription by RNA polymerase III 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002456 T cell mediated immunity 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045429 positive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032506 cytokinetic process 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048144 fibroblast proliferation 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000780 negative regulation of double-strand break repair 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017004 cytochrome complex assembly 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044743 protein transmembrane import into intracellular organelle 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060428 lung epithelium development 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035025 positive regulation of Rho protein signal transduction 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048645 animal organ formation 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048753 pigment granule organization 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032350 regulation of hormone metabolic process 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000184 nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, nonsense-mediated decay 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032814 regulation of natural killer cell activation 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006949 syncytium formation 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030835 negative regulation of actin filament depolymerization 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006730 one-carbon metabolic process 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002251 organ or tissue specific immune response 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042056 chemoattractant activity 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030488 tRNA methylation 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006120 mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061900 glial cell activation 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045746 negative regulation of Notch signaling pathway 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008206 bile acid metabolic process 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901223 negative regulation of non-canonical NF-kappaB signal transduction 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007595 lactation 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051125 regulation of actin nucleation 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035337 fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141085 regulation of inflammasome-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004896 cytokine receptor activity 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032768 regulation of monooxygenase activity 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071312 cellular response to alkaloid 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051349 positive regulation of lyase activity 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014912 negative regulation of smooth muscle cell migration 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021988 olfactory lobe development 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070232 regulation of T cell apoptotic process 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007616 long-term memory 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031111 negative regulation of microtubule polymerization or depolymerization 1.00000000002043 2.04272704258659e-11 39 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051588 regulation of neurotransmitter transport 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009142 nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060349 bone morphogenesis 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019217 regulation of fatty acid metabolic process 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006721 terpenoid metabolic process 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051225 spindle assembly 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048534 hematopoietic or lymphoid organ development 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010469 regulation of signaling receptor activity 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009798 axis specification 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001960 negative regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021510 spinal cord development 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070664 negative regulation of leukocyte proliferation 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032784 regulation of DNA-templated transcription elongation 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902017 regulation of cilium assembly 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060047 heart contraction 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090630 activation of GTPase activity 1.00000000002059 2.05876805399569e-11 99 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903530 regulation of secretion by cell 1.0000000000208 2.07985625975175e-11 551 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048285 organelle fission 1.00000000002105 2.10466767420957e-11 347 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062014 negative regulation of small molecule metabolic process 1.00000000002107 2.10662379469332e-11 114 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006690 icosanoid metabolic process 1.00000000002107 2.10662379469332e-11 114 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006694 steroid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002107 2.10662379469332e-11 114 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042752 regulation of circadian rhythm 1.00000000002107 2.10662379469332e-11 114 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031341 regulation of cell killing 1.00000000002107 2.10662379469332e-11 114 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007423 sensory organ development 1.00000000002112 2.11194952949756e-11 581 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048880 sensory system development 1.00000000002122 2.1215632638933e-11 391 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903533 regulation of protein targeting 1.0000000000213 2.13003241420707e-11 79 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045685 regulation of glial cell differentiation 1.0000000000213 2.13003241420707e-11 79 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990138 neuron projection extension 1.0000000000213 2.13003241420707e-11 79 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061515 myeloid cell development 1.0000000000213 2.13003241420707e-11 79 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005976 polysaccharide metabolic process 1.0000000000213 2.13003241420707e-11 79 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001510 RNA methylation 1.0000000000213 2.13003241420707e-11 79 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097009 energy homeostasis 1.0000000000213 2.13003241420707e-11 79 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090263 positive regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway 1.00000000002173 2.1734495066641e-11 110 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072009 nephron epithelium development 1.00000000002173 2.1734495066641e-11 110 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902476 chloride transmembrane transport 1.00000000002173 2.1734495066641e-11 110 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007586 digestion 1.00000000002173 2.1734495066641e-11 110 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902106 negative regulation of leukocyte differentiation 1.00000000002173 2.1734495066641e-11 110 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007218 neuropeptide signaling pathway 1.00000000002173 2.1734495066641e-11 110 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007200 phospholipase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002173 2.1734495066641e-11 110 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042110 T cell activation 1.00000000002198 2.19834380155641e-11 315 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006820 monoatomic anion transport 1.00000000002224 2.2240892861275e-11 159 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006352 DNA-templated transcription initiation 1.00000000002224 2.2240892861275e-11 159 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045814 negative regulation of gene expression, epigenetic 1.00000000002224 2.2240892861275e-11 159 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006909 phagocytosis 1.00000000002224 2.2240892861275e-11 159 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021549 cerebellum development 1.00000000002253 2.25306461183769e-11 103 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000177 regulation of neural precursor cell proliferation 1.00000000002253 2.25306461183769e-11 103 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034502 protein localization to chromosome 1.00000000002253 2.25306461183769e-11 103 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006766 vitamin metabolic process 1.00000000002253 2.25306461183769e-11 103 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042102 positive regulation of T cell proliferation 1.00000000002253 2.25306461183769e-11 103 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009914 hormone transport 1.00000000002253 2.25306461183769e-11 103 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050000 chromosome localization 1.00000000002253 2.25306461183769e-11 103 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033559 unsaturated fatty acid metabolic process 1.00000000002253 2.25306461183769e-11 103 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070167 regulation of biomineral tissue development 1.00000000002253 2.25306461183769e-11 103 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990830 cellular response to leukemia inhibitory factor 1.00000000002253 2.25306461183769e-11 103 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031398 positive regulation of protein ubiquitination 1.00000000002294 2.29403359420637e-11 112 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045833 negative regulation of lipid metabolic process 1.00000000002294 2.29403359420637e-11 112 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022900 electron transport chain 1.00000000002294 2.29403359420637e-11 112 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014013 regulation of gliogenesis 1.00000000002294 2.29403359420637e-11 112 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039531 regulation of cytoplasmic pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002294 2.29403359420637e-11 112 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009163 nucleoside biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021692 cerebellar Purkinje cell layer morphogenesis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098780 response to mitochondrial depolarisation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099054 presynapse assembly 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036342 post-anal tail morphogenesis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035864 response to potassium ion 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072273 metanephric nephron morphogenesis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030540 female genitalia development 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042730 fibrinolysis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042953 lipoprotein transport 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019370 leukotriene biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045780 positive regulation of bone resorption 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035338 long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901978 positive regulation of cell cycle checkpoint 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003417 growth plate cartilage development 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045721 negative regulation of gluconeogenesis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002523 leukocyte migration involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050884 neuromuscular process controlling posture 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045820 negative regulation of glycolytic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035720 intraciliary anterograde transport 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903428 positive regulation of reactive oxygen species biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035886 vascular associated smooth muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035269 protein O-linked mannosylation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045603 positive regulation of endothelial cell differentiation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042985 negative regulation of amyloid precursor protein biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048266 behavioral response to pain 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002532 production of molecular mediator involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009713 catechol-containing compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032695 negative regulation of interleukin-12 production 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048486 parasympathetic nervous system development 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060292 long-term synaptic depression 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009310 amine catabolic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903978 regulation of microglial cell activation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905459 regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007635 chemosensory behavior 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902514 regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport via high voltage-gated calcium channel 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006515 protein quality control for misfolded or incompletely synthesized proteins 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010968 regulation of microtubule nucleation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010761 fibroblast migration 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034404 nucleobase-containing small molecule biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046827 positive regulation of protein export from nucleus 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000136 regulation of cell proliferation involved in heart morphogenesis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097154 GABAergic neuron differentiation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002902 regulation of B cell apoptotic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010744 positive regulation of macrophage derived foam cell differentiation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030903 notochord development 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016202 regulation of striated muscle tissue development 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033003 regulation of mast cell activation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002693 positive regulation of cellular extravasation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051580 regulation of neurotransmitter uptake 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097094 craniofacial suture morphogenesis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901881 positive regulation of protein depolymerization 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034144 negative regulation of toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048339 paraxial mesoderm development 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014048 regulation of glutamate secretion 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003184 pulmonary valve morphogenesis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900118 negative regulation of execution phase of apoptosis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042481 regulation of odontogenesis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140131 positive regulation of lymphocyte chemotaxis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902774 late endosome to lysosome transport 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032516 positive regulation of phosphoprotein phosphatase activity 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990822 basic amino acid transmembrane transport 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002507 tolerance induction 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000641 regulation of early endosome to late endosome transport 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903541 regulation of exosomal secretion 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033151 V(D)J recombination 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003746 translation elongation factor activity 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033194 response to hydroperoxide 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009226 nucleotide-sugar biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030371 translation repressor activity 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043555 regulation of translation in response to stress 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071625 vocalization behavior 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060977 coronary vasculature morphogenesis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098543 detection of other organism 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072376 protein activation cascade 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048143 astrocyte activation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045618 positive regulation of keratinocyte differentiation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060216 definitive hemopoiesis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010885 regulation of cholesterol storage 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060039 pericardium development 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060438 trachea development 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000212 meiotic spindle organization 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051797 regulation of hair follicle development 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904861 excitatory synapse assembly 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048535 lymph node development 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045091 regulation of single stranded viral RNA replication via double stranded DNA intermediate 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050965 detection of temperature stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001502 cartilage condensation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009125 nucleoside monophosphate catabolic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034244 negative regulation of transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009168 purine ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042423 catecholamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007019 microtubule depolymerization 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000774 positive regulation of cellular senescence 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033122 negative regulation of purine nucleotide catabolic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070525 tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine metabolic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072079 nephron tubule formation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010759 positive regulation of macrophage chemotaxis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046579 positive regulation of Ras protein signal transduction 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006595 polyamine metabolic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006312 mitotic recombination 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032528 microvillus organization 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904044 response to aldosterone 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010801 negative regulation of peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090190 positive regulation of branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048311 mitochondrion distribution 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006977 DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in cell cycle arrest 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005326 neurotransmitter transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030206 chondroitin sulfate biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009110 vitamin biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903232 melanosome assembly 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042749 regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045198 establishment of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042402 cellular biogenic amine catabolic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006684 sphingomyelin metabolic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071880 adenylate cyclase-activating adrenergic receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001014 regulation of skeletal muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900221 regulation of amyloid-beta clearance 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903427 negative regulation of reactive oxygen species biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002281 macrophage activation involved in immune response 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904505 regulation of telomere maintenance in response to DNA damage 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071636 positive regulation of transforming growth factor beta production 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055064 chloride ion homeostasis 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016553 base conversion or substitution editing 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000318 positive regulation of T-helper 17 type immune response 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002363 alpha-beta T cell lineage commitment 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902548 negative regulation of cellular response to vascular endothelial growth factor stimulus 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007588 excretion 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030812 negative regulation of nucleotide catabolic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902931 negative regulation of alcohol biosynthetic process 1.00000000002308 2.30815885612074e-11 19 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071220 cellular response to bacterial lipoprotein 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035519 protein K29-linked ubiquitination 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072111 cell proliferation involved in kidney development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097104 postsynaptic membrane assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042428 serotonin metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016185 synaptic vesicle budding from presynaptic endocytic zone membrane 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048103 somatic stem cell division 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0023035 CD40 signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043558 regulation of translational initiation in response to stress 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071287 cellular response to manganese ion 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034356 NAD biosynthesis via nicotinamide riboside salvage pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106119 negative regulation of sterol biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007191 adenylate cyclase-activating dopamine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032988 protein-RNA complex disassembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0101024 mitotic nuclear membrane organization 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071635 negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta production 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051593 response to folic acid 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045542 positive regulation of cholesterol biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051608 histamine transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030953 astral microtubule organization 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061299 retina vasculature morphogenesis in camera-type eye 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090184 positive regulation of kidney development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031055 chromatin remodeling at centromere 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904338 regulation of dopaminergic neuron differentiation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032819 positive regulation of natural killer cell proliferation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072014 proximal tubule development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035973 aggrephagy 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043225 ATPase-coupled inorganic anion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032025 response to cobalt ion 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006104 succinyl-CoA metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048757 pigment granule maturation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098883 synapse pruning 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001915 negative regulation of T cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904627 response to phorbol 13-acetate 12-myristate 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019531 oxalate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070472 regulation of uterine smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000253 positive regulation of feeding behavior 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098598 learned vocalization behavior or vocal learning 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150172 regulation of phosphatidylcholine metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030644 intracellular chloride ion homeostasis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000048 negative regulation of cell-cell adhesion mediated by cadherin 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000822 regulation of behavioral fear response 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006415 translational termination 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071481 cellular response to X-ray 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033085 negative regulation of T cell differentiation in thymus 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000492 box C/D snoRNP assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015937 coenzyme A biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033622 integrin activation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904847 regulation of cell chemotaxis to fibroblast growth factor 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903911 positive regulation of receptor clustering 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021892 cerebral cortex GABAergic interneuron differentiation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009080 pyruvate family amino acid catabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036444 calcium import into the mitochondrion 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099566 regulation of postsynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098887 neurotransmitter receptor transport, endosome to postsynaptic membrane 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000197 regulation of ribonucleoprotein complex localization 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009155 purine deoxyribonucleotide catabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044598 doxorubicin metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018216 peptidyl-arginine methylation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006283 transcription-coupled nucleotide-excision repair 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000563 positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell proliferation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905918 regulation of CoA-transferase activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034776 response to histamine 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000739 regulation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097090 presynaptic membrane organization 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006655 phosphatidylglycerol biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002161 aminoacyl-tRNA editing activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070922 RISC complex assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032964 collagen biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900246 positive regulation of RIG-I signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000104 negative regulation of DNA-templated DNA replication 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000756 regulation of peptidyl-lysine acetylation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009113 purine nucleobase biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904179 positive regulation of adipose tissue development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032486 Rap protein signal transduction 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042424 catecholamine catabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048733 sebaceous gland development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034380 high-density lipoprotein particle assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021826 substrate-independent telencephalic tangential migration 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903044 protein localization to membrane raft 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070874 negative regulation of glycogen metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051643 endoplasmic reticulum localization 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046113 nucleobase catabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045136 development of secondary sexual characteristics 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010454 negative regulation of cell fate commitment 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097503 sialylation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048664 neuron fate determination 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070431 nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 2 signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901329 regulation of odontoblast differentiation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000849 regulation of glucocorticoid secretion 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071472 cellular response to salt stress 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046174 polyol catabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033572 transferrin transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036490 regulation of translation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031125 rRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042420 dopamine catabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061795 Golgi lumen acidification 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036109 alpha-linolenic acid metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090270 regulation of fibroblast growth factor production 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903596 regulation of gap junction assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060628 regulation of ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007440 foregut morphogenesis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015820 L-leucine transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045657 positive regulation of monocyte differentiation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060433 bronchus development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035871 protein K11-linked deubiquitination 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042118 endothelial cell activation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006784 heme A biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070942 neutrophil mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055015 ventricular cardiac muscle cell development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905770 regulation of mesodermal cell differentiation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000098 sulfur amino acid catabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071374 cellular response to parathyroid hormone stimulus 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051660 establishment of centrosome localization 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002002 regulation of angiotensin levels in blood 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002934 desmosome organization 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902260 negative regulation of delayed rectifier potassium channel activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048194 Golgi vesicle budding 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061626 pharyngeal arch artery morphogenesis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022400 regulation of opsin-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034080 CENP-A containing chromatin assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904729 regulation of intestinal lipid absorption 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048703 embryonic viscerocranium morphogenesis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902460 regulation of mesenchymal stem cell proliferation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060768 regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099639 neurotransmitter receptor transport, endosome to plasma membrane 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001188 RNA polymerase I preinitiation complex assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014824 artery smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018243 protein O-linked glycosylation via threonine 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021520 spinal cord motor neuron cell fate specification 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071372 cellular response to follicle-stimulating hormone stimulus 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044346 fibroblast apoptotic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010269 response to selenium ion 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071394 cellular response to testosterone stimulus 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000320 negative regulation of T-helper 17 cell differentiation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006646 phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044829 positive regulation by host of viral genome replication 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006171 cAMP biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018202 peptidyl-histidine modification 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098870 action potential propagation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070944 neutrophil-mediated killing of bacterium 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070344 regulation of fat cell proliferation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099550 trans-synaptic signaling, modulating synaptic transmission 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071501 cellular response to sterol depletion 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032060 bleb assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090085 regulation of protein deubiquitination 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032815 negative regulation of natural killer cell activation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008343 adult feeding behavior 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061668 mitochondrial ribosome assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900038 negative regulation of cellular response to hypoxia 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009750 response to fructose 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901838 positive regulation of transcription of nucleolar large rRNA by RNA polymerase I 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070862 negative regulation of protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034351 negative regulation of glial cell apoptotic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097484 dendrite extension 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060397 growth hormone receptor signaling pathway via JAK-STAT 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043485 endosome to pigment granule transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008300 isoprenoid catabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060052 neurofilament cytoskeleton organization 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030309 poly-N-acetyllactosamine metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106120 positive regulation of sterol biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070989 oxidative demethylation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070562 regulation of vitamin D receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060054 positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in wound healing 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031652 positive regulation of heat generation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060368 regulation of Fc receptor mediated stimulatory signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061140 lung secretory cell differentiation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046160 heme a metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070339 response to bacterial lipopeptide 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901748 leukotriene D4 metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000425 regulation of apoptotic cell clearance 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006183 GTP biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046184 aldehyde biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099515 actin filament-based transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071223 cellular response to lipoteichoic acid 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097107 postsynaptic density assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006266 DNA ligation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050861 positive regulation of B cell receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048340 paraxial mesoderm morphogenesis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002855 regulation of natural killer cell mediated immune response to tumor cell 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090179 planar cell polarity pathway involved in neural tube closure 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032329 serine transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045541 negative regulation of cholesterol biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007252 I-kappaB phosphorylation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070212 protein poly-ADP-ribosylation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071421 manganese ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060371 regulation of atrial cardiac muscle cell membrane depolarization 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043587 tongue morphogenesis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032353 negative regulation of hormone biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905150 regulation of voltage-gated sodium channel activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046548 retinal rod cell development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030643 intracellular phosphate ion homeostasis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903010 regulation of bone development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046015 regulation of transcription by glucose 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034085 establishment of sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070391 response to lipoteichoic acid 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015101 organic cation transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035646 endosome to melanosome transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070493 thrombin-activated receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032070 regulation of deoxyribonuclease activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002883 regulation of hypersensitivity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060068 vagina development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030647 aminoglycoside antibiotic metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032667 regulation of interleukin-23 production 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072173 metanephric tubule morphogenesis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006591 ornithine metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904760 regulation of myofibroblast differentiation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071918 urea transmembrane transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071221 cellular response to bacterial lipopeptide 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000012 single strand break repair 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033148 positive regulation of intracellular estrogen receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048865 stem cell fate commitment 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000271 positive regulation of fibroblast apoptotic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038060 nitric oxide-cGMP-mediated signaling 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003310 pancreatic A cell differentiation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903799 negative regulation of miRNA processing 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000659 regulation of interleukin-1-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060536 cartilage morphogenesis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042532 negative regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT protein 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033210 leptin-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005548 phospholipid transporter activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061909 autophagosome-lysosome fusion 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002467 germinal center formation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072015 podocyte development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006560 proline metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048840 otolith development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048251 elastic fiber assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001767 establishment of lymphocyte polarity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030638 polyketide metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001886 endothelial cell morphogenesis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902513 regulation of organelle transport along microtubule 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071073 positive regulation of phospholipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018158 protein oxidation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006534 cysteine metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097153 cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001056 RNA polymerase III activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901841 regulation of high voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042772 DNA damage response, signal transduction resulting in transcription 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033004 negative regulation of mast cell activation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009188 ribonucleoside diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072283 metanephric renal vesicle morphogenesis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007084 mitotic nuclear membrane reassembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000347 positive regulation of hepatocyte proliferation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050665 hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904851 positive regulation of establishment of protein localization to telomere 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010496 intercellular transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000508 regulation of dendritic cell chemotaxis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000234 positive regulation of rRNA processing 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904383 response to sodium phosphate 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060525 prostate glandular acinus development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008504 monoamine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003140 determination of left/right asymmetry in lateral mesoderm 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903980 positive regulation of microglial cell activation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000625 regulation of miRNA catabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903514 release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol by endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031666 positive regulation of lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021843 substrate-independent telencephalic tangential interneuron migration 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014866 skeletal myofibril assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903790 guanine nucleotide transmembrane transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015755 fructose transmembrane transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005031 tumor necrosis factor receptor activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0020027 hemoglobin metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904903 ESCRT III complex disassembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903441 protein localization to ciliary membrane 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070475 rRNA base methylation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902224 ketone body metabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003266 regulation of secondary heart field cardioblast proliferation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097254 renal tubular secretion 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044650 adhesion of symbiont to host cell 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904896 ESCRT complex disassembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002031 G protein-coupled receptor internalization 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018242 protein O-linked glycosylation via serine 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070669 response to interleukin-2 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030002 intracellular monoatomic anion homeostasis 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060717 chorion development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070432 regulation of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 2 signaling pathway 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019227 neuronal action potential propagation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035022 positive regulation of Rac protein signal transduction 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035694 mitochondrial protein catabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043653 mitochondrial fragmentation involved in apoptotic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016303 1-phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015884 folic acid transport 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097250 mitochondrial respirasome assembly 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990416 cellular response to brain-derived neurotrophic factor stimulus 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071314 cellular response to cocaine 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904628 cellular response to phorbol 13-acetate 12-myristate 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045654 positive regulation of megakaryocyte differentiation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005231 excitatory extracellular ligand-gated monoatomic ion channel activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035907 dorsal aorta development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060075 regulation of resting membrane potential 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035246 peptidyl-arginine N-methylation 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019614 catechol-containing compound catabolic process 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070943 neutrophil-mediated killing of symbiont cell 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060430 lung saccule development 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060080 inhibitory postsynaptic potential 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001054 RNA polymerase I activity 1.00000000002339 2.33900124628237e-11 10 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045732 positive regulation of protein catabolic process 1.0000000000234 2.34021099993016e-11 204 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016236 macroautophagy 1.0000000000234 2.34021099993016e-11 204 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046394 carboxylic acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002342 2.34189010324859e-11 271 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034728 nucleosome organization 1.00000000002351 2.35095289694715e-11 139 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050851 antigen receptor-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002351 2.35095289694715e-11 139 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007156 homophilic cell adhesion via plasma membrane adhesion molecules 1.00000000002351 2.35104799958347e-11 165 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072330 monocarboxylic acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002351 2.35104799958347e-11 165 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019953 sexual reproduction 1.00000000002358 2.35776974050716e-11 1049 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090092 regulation of transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway 1.00000000002364 2.36401457235513e-11 320 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048705 skeletal system morphogenesis 1.00000000002385 2.38491568682295e-11 228 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002429 immune response-activating cell surface receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002385 2.38491568682295e-11 228 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090068 positive regulation of cell cycle process 1.00000000002389 2.38865830970864e-11 266 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016053 organic acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002398 2.39751204968807e-11 274 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030198 extracellular matrix organization 1.00000000002398 2.39751204968807e-11 274 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043604 amide biosynthetic process 1.00000000002398 2.39768566615873e-11 140 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046328 regulation of JNK cascade 1.00000000002398 2.39768566615873e-11 140 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046777 protein autophosphorylation 1.00000000002405 2.40536001380003e-11 156 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009411 response to UV 1.00000000002405 2.40536001380003e-11 156 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060041 retina development in camera-type eye 1.00000000002405 2.40536001380003e-11 156 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045017 glycerolipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002415 2.41509322839114e-11 223 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032886 regulation of microtubule-based process 1.00000000002432 2.43216372600327e-11 258 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008202 steroid metabolic process 1.00000000002432 2.43216372600327e-11 258 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002757 immune response-activating signaling pathway 1.00000000002435 2.4347263517931e-11 302 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033674 positive regulation of kinase activity 1.00000000002435 2.4347263517931e-11 302 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002768 immune response-regulating cell surface receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002473 2.47273188506754e-11 262 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006022 aminoglycan metabolic process 1.00000000002474 2.47423212142604e-11 116 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098773 skin epidermis development 1.00000000002474 2.47423212142604e-11 116 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072329 monocarboxylic acid catabolic process 1.00000000002474 2.47423212142604e-11 116 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014706 striated muscle tissue development 1.00000000002476 2.4764555860834e-11 205 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070588 calcium ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000002476 2.4764555860834e-11 205 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022412 cellular process involved in reproduction in multicellular organism 1.00000000002481 2.4810170073555e-11 398 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007033 vacuole organization 1.00000000002497 2.49747648266784e-11 193 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060390 regulation of SMAD protein signal transduction 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006754 ATP biosynthetic process 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043491 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019646 aerobic electron transport chain 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007193 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900076 regulation of cellular response to insulin stimulus 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002790 peptide secretion 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071496 cellular response to external stimulus 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060415 muscle tissue morphogenesis 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070373 negative regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050795 regulation of behavior 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008652 amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072655 establishment of protein localization to mitochondrion 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901019 regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050709 negative regulation of protein secretion 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007589 body fluid secretion 1.00000000002521 2.52058562848051e-11 75 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045723 positive regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904862 inhibitory synapse assembly 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003085 negative regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097186 amelogenesis 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902254 negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway by p53 class mediator 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006817 phosphate ion transport 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046058 cAMP metabolic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033139 regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation of STAT protein 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010893 positive regulation of steroid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061756 leukocyte adhesion to vascular endothelial cell 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009219 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide metabolic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000413 protein peptidyl-prolyl isomerization 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034105 positive regulation of tissue remodeling 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000114 regulation of establishment of cell polarity 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903429 regulation of cell maturation 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097242 amyloid-beta clearance 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048512 circadian behavior 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003177 pulmonary valve development 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002834 regulation of response to tumor cell 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000272 polysaccharide catabolic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045736 negative regulation of cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010460 positive regulation of heart rate 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007340 acrosome reaction 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018126 protein hydroxylation 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019885 antigen processing and presentation of endogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051151 negative regulation of smooth muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006929 substrate-dependent cell migration 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003283 atrial septum development 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001881 receptor recycling 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002082 regulation of oxidative phosphorylation 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032400 melanosome localization 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043302 positive regulation of leukocyte degranulation 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046823 negative regulation of nucleocytoplasmic transport 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010560 positive regulation of glycoprotein biosynthetic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002223 stimulatory C-type lectin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990840 response to lectin 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006972 hyperosmotic response 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046039 GTP metabolic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021533 cell differentiation in hindbrain 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010866 regulation of triglyceride biosynthetic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904030 negative regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040019 positive regulation of embryonic development 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032986 protein-DNA complex disassembly 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046641 positive regulation of alpha-beta T cell proliferation 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070498 interleukin-1-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060143 positive regulation of syncytium formation by plasma membrane fusion 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032891 negative regulation of organic acid transport 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051354 negative regulation of oxidoreductase activity 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008053 mitochondrial fusion 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051590 positive regulation of neurotransmitter transport 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098664 G protein-coupled serotonin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048015 phosphatidylinositol-mediated signaling 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034453 microtubule anchoring 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046835 carbohydrate phosphorylation 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042088 T-helper 1 type immune response 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044804 nucleophagy 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032700 negative regulation of interleukin-17 production 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060740 prostate gland epithelium morphogenesis 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071359 cellular response to dsRNA 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072311 glomerular epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046033 AMP metabolic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009147 pyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009220 pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035601 protein deacylation 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035855 megakaryocyte development 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003091 renal water homeostasis 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031103 axon regeneration 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008514 organic anion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036120 cellular response to platelet-derived growth factor stimulus 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902074 response to salt 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035235 ionotropic glutamate receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090075 relaxation of muscle 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0023019 signal transduction involved in regulation of gene expression 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038128 ERBB2 signaling pathway 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050961 detection of temperature stimulus involved in sensory perception 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031445 regulation of heterochromatin formation 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019400 alditol metabolic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035162 embryonic hemopoiesis 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140894 endolysosomal toll-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046599 regulation of centriole replication 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031338 regulation of vesicle fusion 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042430 indole-containing compound metabolic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051156 glucose 6-phosphate metabolic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990858 cellular response to lectin 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016237 microautophagy 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072207 metanephric epithelium development 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061744 motor behavior 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042982 amyloid precursor protein metabolic process 1.00000000002523 2.52272600336774e-11 23 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007051 spindle organization 1.00000000002524 2.52446476881731e-11 162 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070663 regulation of leukocyte proliferation 1.00000000002552 2.55184883875198e-11 268 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007186 G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002559 2.55851960831723e-11 1178 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901879 regulation of protein depolymerization 1.00000000002577 2.57737691333227e-11 87 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045446 endothelial cell differentiation 1.00000000002577 2.57737691333227e-11 87 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098586 cellular response to virus 1.00000000002577 2.57737691333227e-11 87 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008306 associative learning 1.00000000002577 2.57737691333227e-11 87 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034440 lipid oxidation 1.00000000002577 2.57737691333227e-11 87 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901606 alpha-amino acid catabolic process 1.00000000002577 2.57737691333227e-11 87 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009953 dorsal/ventral pattern formation 1.00000000002577 2.57737691333227e-11 87 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032368 regulation of lipid transport 1.00000000002587 2.58706549444278e-11 152 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032869 cellular response to insulin stimulus 1.00000000002587 2.58706549444278e-11 152 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035296 regulation of tube diameter 1.00000000002587 2.58706549444278e-11 152 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097746 blood vessel diameter maintenance 1.00000000002587 2.58706549444278e-11 152 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099504 synaptic vesicle cycle 1.00000000002625 2.62505764877341e-11 144 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045055 regulated exocytosis 1.00000000002625 2.62505764877341e-11 144 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010821 regulation of mitochondrion organization 1.00000000002625 2.62505764877341e-11 144 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046887 positive regulation of hormone secretion 1.00000000002625 2.62505764877341e-11 144 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042770 signal transduction in response to DNA damage 1.00000000002625 2.62505764877341e-11 144 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051053 negative regulation of DNA metabolic process 1.00000000002625 2.62505764877341e-11 144 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051302 regulation of cell division 1.00000000002649 2.6491226086256e-11 188 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016485 protein processing 1.00000000002649 2.6491226086256e-11 188 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009597 detection of virus 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015853 adenine transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002502 peptide antigen assembly with MHC class I protein complex 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033631 cell-cell adhesion mediated by integrin 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140245 regulation of translation at postsynapse 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034604 pyruvate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061046 regulation of branching involved in lung morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120317 sperm mitochondrial sheath assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903898 negative regulation of PERK-mediated unfolded protein response 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070257 positive regulation of mucus secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036100 leukotriene catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905806 regulation of synapse pruning 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060405 regulation of penile erection 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043504 mitochondrial DNA repair 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001692 histamine metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035564 regulation of kidney size 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036446 myofibroblast differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032914 positive regulation of transforming growth factor beta1 production 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015811 L-cystine transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051934 catecholamine uptake involved in synaptic transmission 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051204 protein insertion into mitochondrial membrane 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007171 activation of transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000348 regulation of CD40 signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070370 cellular heat acclimation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031987 locomotion involved in locomotory behavior 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090315 negative regulation of protein targeting to membrane 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060631 regulation of meiosis I 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042270 protection from natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903721 positive regulation of I-kappaB phosphorylation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010593 negative regulation of lamellipodium assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905174 regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006924 activation-induced cell death of T cells 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031999 negative regulation of fatty acid beta-oxidation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006572 tyrosine catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010868 negative regulation of triglyceride biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090461 intracellular glutamate homeostasis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010286 heat acclimation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043456 regulation of pentose-phosphate shunt 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071651 positive regulation of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 production 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009838 abscission 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120188 regulation of bile acid secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900150 regulation of defense response to fungus 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140271 hexose import across plasma membrane 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140009 L-aspartate import across plasma membrane 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004536 DNA nuclease activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000855 regulation of mineralocorticoid secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060453 regulation of gastric acid secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033603 positive regulation of dopamine secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001714 endodermal cell fate specification 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903935 response to sodium arsenite 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031590 wybutosine metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015942 formate metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902956 regulation of mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902338 negative regulation of apoptotic process involved in morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006207 'de novo' pyrimidine nucleobase biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009608 response to symbiont 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008635 activation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process by cytochrome c 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071420 cellular response to histamine 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071422 succinate transmembrane transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030719 P granule organization 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030451 regulation of complement activation, alternative pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031119 tRNA pseudouridine synthesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071224 cellular response to peptidoglycan 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009221 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905912 regulation of calcium ion export across plasma membrane 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903972 regulation of cellular response to macrophage colony-stimulating factor stimulus 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051167 xylulose 5-phosphate metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015961 diadenosine polyphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072675 osteoclast fusion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006398 mRNA 3'-end processing by stem-loop binding and cleavage 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019563 glycerol catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009609 response to symbiotic bacterium 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032534 regulation of microvillus assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003348 cardiac endothelial cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060335 positive regulation of type II interferon-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014046 dopamine secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000807 regulation of synaptic vesicle clustering 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021940 positive regulation of cerebellar granule cell precursor proliferation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031848 protection from non-homologous end joining at telomere 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014031 mesenchymal cell development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010668 ectodermal cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034354 'de novo' NAD biosynthetic process from tryptophan 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045898 regulation of RNA polymerase II transcription preinitiation complex assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051142 positive regulation of NK T cell proliferation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901166 neural crest cell migration involved in autonomic nervous system development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051673 disruption of plasma membrane integrity in another organism 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032763 regulation of mast cell cytokine production 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010032 meiotic chromosome condensation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000405 negative regulation of T cell migration 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904746 negative regulation of apoptotic process involved in development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098704 carbohydrate import across plasma membrane 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099547 regulation of translation at synapse, modulating synaptic transmission 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072050 S-shaped body morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033029 regulation of neutrophil apoptotic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900449 regulation of glutamate receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006015 5-phosphoribose 1-diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021894 cerebral cortex GABAergic interneuron development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035630 bone mineralization involved in bone maturation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051552 flavone metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990709 presynaptic active zone organization 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034093 positive regulation of maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045578 negative regulation of B cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051792 medium-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000631 regulation of pre-miRNA processing 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051902 negative regulation of mitochondrial depolarization 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061817 endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane tethering 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097119 postsynaptic density protein 95 clustering 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990874 vascular associated smooth muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070072 vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052803 imidazole-containing compound metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060842 arterial endothelial cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002397 MHC class I protein complex assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033092 positive regulation of immature T cell proliferation in thymus 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051030 snRNA transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900736 regulation of phospholipase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901159 xylulose 5-phosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046958 nonassociative learning 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033292 T-tubule organization 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072008 glomerular mesangial cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903976 negative regulation of glial cell migration 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045759 negative regulation of action potential 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048200 Golgi transport vesicle coating 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000270 peptidoglycan metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036324 vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000758 positive regulation of peptidyl-lysine acetylation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006685 sphingomyelin catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051295 establishment of meiotic spindle localization 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904352 positive regulation of protein catabolic process in the vacuole 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032056 positive regulation of translation in response to stress 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060526 prostate glandular acinus morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072174 metanephric tubule formation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042661 regulation of mesodermal cell fate specification 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140105 interleukin-10-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021828 gonadotrophin-releasing hormone neuronal migration to the hypothalamus 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033601 positive regulation of mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006777 Mo-molybdopterin cofactor biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007253 cytoplasmic sequestering of NF-kappaB 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904778 positive regulation of protein localization to cell cortex 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010891 negative regulation of sequestering of triglyceride 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090166 Golgi disassembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002860 positive regulation of natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity directed against tumor cell target 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003057 regulation of the force of heart contraction by chemical signal 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902623 negative regulation of neutrophil migration 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038159 C-X-C chemokine receptor CXCR4 signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060435 bronchiole development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120229 protein localization to motile cilium 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006102 isocitrate metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030913 paranodal junction assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106104 regulation of glutamate receptor clustering 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070842 aggresome assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015141 succinate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060290 transdifferentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905691 lipid droplet disassembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010726 positive regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002023 reduction of food intake in response to dietary excess 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902525 regulation of protein monoubiquitination 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044355 clearance of foreign intracellular DNA 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046880 regulation of follicle-stimulating hormone secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046541 saliva secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097272 ammonium homeostasis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009052 pentose-phosphate shunt, non-oxidative branch 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018103 protein C-linked glycosylation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001188 regulation of T cell activation via T cell receptor contact with antigen bound to MHC molecule on antigen presenting cell 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030263 apoptotic chromosome condensation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015213 uridine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060574 intestinal epithelial cell maturation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035609 C-terminal protein deglutamylation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060592 mammary gland formation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038138 ERBB4-ERBB4 signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035964 COPI-coated vesicle budding 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003278 apoptotic process involved in heart morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051541 elastin metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051882 mitochondrial depolarization 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038173 interleukin-17A-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150103 reactive gliosis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140650 radial glia-guided pyramidal neuron migration 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043545 molybdopterin cofactor metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031394 positive regulation of prostaglandin biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051939 gamma-aminobutyric acid import 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006578 amino-acid betaine biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044381 glucose import in response to insulin stimulus 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003100 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by endothelin 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036265 RNA (guanine-N7)-methylation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003166 bundle of His development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903750 regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to hydrogen peroxide 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018406 protein C-linked glycosylation via 2'-alpha-mannosyl-L-tryptophan 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061311 cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved in heart development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120182 regulation of focal adhesion disassembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007100 mitotic centrosome separation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009172 purine deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021540 corpus callosum morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061762 CAMKK-AMPK signaling cascade 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006249 dCMP catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034137 positive regulation of toll-like receptor 2 signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014051 gamma-aminobutyric acid secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902869 regulation of amacrine cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046532 regulation of photoreceptor cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060754 positive regulation of mast cell chemotaxis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046054 dGMP metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000342 negative regulation of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 production 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140975 disruption of cellular anatomical structure in another organism 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048866 stem cell fate specification 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140459 response to Gram-positive bacterium 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006189 'de novo' IMP biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038169 somatostatin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042940 D-amino acid transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070315 G1 to G0 transition involved in cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060398 regulation of growth hormone receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006335 DNA replication-dependent chromatin assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070574 cadmium ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048630 skeletal muscle tissue growth 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021637 trigeminal nerve structural organization 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903551 regulation of extracellular exosome assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045046 protein import into peroxisome membrane 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071503 response to heparin 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051582 positive regulation of neurotransmitter uptake 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098596 imitative learning 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990349 gap junction-mediated intercellular transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043697 cell dedifferentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014807 regulation of somitogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904395 positive regulation of skeletal muscle acetylcholine-gated channel clustering 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048254 snoRNA localization 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003160 endocardium morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036335 intestinal stem cell homeostasis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034155 regulation of toll-like receptor 7 signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032262 pyrimidine nucleotide salvage 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016321 female meiosis chromosome segregation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120186 negative regulation of protein localization to chromatin 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090272 negative regulation of fibroblast growth factor production 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061156 pulmonary artery morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903299 regulation of hexokinase activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005384 manganese ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048755 branching morphogenesis of a nerve 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010746 regulation of long-chain fatty acid import across plasma membrane 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060298 positive regulation of sarcomere organization 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072236 metanephric loop of Henle development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071211 protein targeting to vacuole involved in autophagy 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051715 cytolysis in another organism 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060478 acrosomal vesicle exocytosis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000407 regulation of T cell extravasation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032241 positive regulation of nucleobase-containing compound transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903298 negative regulation of hypoxia-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021631 optic nerve morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009886 post-embryonic animal morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019083 viral transcription 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046073 dTMP metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902075 cellular response to salt 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009438 methylglyoxal metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045915 positive regulation of catecholamine metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036112 medium-chain fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097211 cellular response to gonadotropin-releasing hormone 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032075 positive regulation of nuclease activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045851 pH reduction 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904386 response to L-phenylalanine derivative 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051105 regulation of DNA ligation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060685 regulation of prostatic bud formation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003175 tricuspid valve development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901723 negative regulation of cell proliferation involved in kidney development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071640 regulation of macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha production 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905232 cellular response to L-glutamate 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042791 5S class rRNA transcription by RNA polymerase III 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045162 clustering of voltage-gated sodium channels 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071139 resolution of DNA recombination intermediates 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904717 regulation of AMPA glutamate receptor clustering 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051866 general adaptation syndrome 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044387 negative regulation of protein kinase activity by regulation of protein phosphorylation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900244 positive regulation of synaptic vesicle endocytosis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038154 interleukin-11-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010641 positive regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098885 modification of postsynaptic actin cytoskeleton 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071351 cellular response to interleukin-18 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006561 proline biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903903 regulation of establishment of T cell polarity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046477 glycosylceramide catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060437 lung growth 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060087 relaxation of vascular associated smooth muscle 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031581 hemidesmosome assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048165 fused antrum stage 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007315 pole plasm assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002318 myeloid progenitor cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002447 eosinophil mediated immunity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032218 riboflavin transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046391 5-phosphoribose 1-diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010606 positive regulation of cytoplasmic mRNA processing body assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006116 NADH oxidation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043152 induction of bacterial agglutination 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010901 regulation of very-low-density lipoprotein particle remodeling 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048263 determination of dorsal identity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046130 purine ribonucleoside catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060956 endocardial cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071462 cellular response to water stimulus 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061304 retinal blood vessel morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014034 neural crest cell fate commitment 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090402 oncogene-induced cell senescence 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007354 zygotic determination of anterior/posterior axis, embryo 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071638 negative regulation of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 production 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002842 positive regulation of T cell mediated immune response to tumor cell 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901897 regulation of relaxation of cardiac muscle 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010998 regulation of translational initiation by eIF2 alpha phosphorylation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904747 positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070564 positive regulation of vitamin D receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000858 regulation of aldosterone secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000634 regulation of primary miRNA processing 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051031 tRNA transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902747 negative regulation of lens fiber cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010754 negative regulation of cGMP-mediated signaling 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048298 positive regulation of isotype switching to IgA isotypes 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045634 regulation of melanocyte differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002191 cap-dependent translational initiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046813 receptor-mediated virion attachment to host cell 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010040 response to iron(II) ion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051933 amino acid neurotransmitter reuptake 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014060 regulation of epinephrine secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021902 commitment of neuronal cell to specific neuron type in forebrain 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009180 purine ribonucleoside diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060129 thyroid-stimulating hormone-secreting cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000354 regulation of ovarian follicle development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000675 negative regulation of type B pancreatic cell apoptotic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903575 cornified envelope assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001286 regulation of caveolin-mediated endocytosis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061343 cell adhesion involved in heart morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035929 steroid hormone secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000210 positive regulation of anoikis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042297 vocal learning 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001554 luteolysis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055129 L-proline biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905005 regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition involved in endocardial cushion formation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045345 positive regulation of MHC class I biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043305 negative regulation of mast cell degranulation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000389 mRNA 3'-splice site recognition 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015234 thiamine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002085 inhibition of neuroepithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035965 cardiolipin acyl-chain remodeling 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033091 positive regulation of immature T cell proliferation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903969 regulation of response to macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000504 positive regulation of blood vessel remodeling 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061966 establishment of left/right asymmetry 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060527 prostate epithelial cord arborization involved in prostate glandular acinus morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903726 negative regulation of phospholipid metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035655 interleukin-18-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900239 regulation of phenotypic switching 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008358 maternal determination of anterior/posterior axis, embryo 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900619 acetate ester metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055009 atrial cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010716 negative regulation of extracellular matrix disassembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014816 skeletal muscle satellite cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001199 negative regulation of dendritic cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038043 interleukin-5-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045627 positive regulation of T-helper 1 cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097199 cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032687 negative regulation of interferon-alpha production 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086080 protein binding involved in heterotypic cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000338 regulation of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 production 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032217 riboflavin transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031591 wybutosine biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007314 oocyte anterior/posterior axis specification 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060971 embryonic heart tube left/right pattern formation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032911 negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta1 production 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045338 farnesyl diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021869 forebrain ventricular zone progenitor cell division 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903371 regulation of endoplasmic reticulum tubular network organization 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051136 regulation of NK T cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033634 positive regulation of cell-cell adhesion mediated by integrin 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035470 positive regulation of vascular wound healing 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000172 regulation of branching morphogenesis of a nerve 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061975 articular cartilage development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071362 cellular response to ether 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051674 localization of cell 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036514 dopaminergic neuron axon guidance 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097187 dentinogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046079 dUMP catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097402 neuroblast migration 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006552 L-leucine catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038027 apolipoprotein A-I-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002583 regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009136 purine nucleoside diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090230 regulation of centromere complex assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032229 negative regulation of synaptic transmission, GABAergic 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036115 fatty-acyl-CoA catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050833 pyruvate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032730 positive regulation of interleukin-1 alpha production 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901509 regulation of endothelial tube morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903352 L-ornithine transmembrane transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060268 negative regulation of respiratory burst 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019695 choline metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042541 hemoglobin biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018211 peptidyl-tryptophan modification 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070309 lens fiber cell morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032274 gonadotropin secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032782 bile acid secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018317 protein C-linked glycosylation via tryptophan 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046121 deoxyribonucleoside catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021856 hypothalamic tangential migration using cell-axon interactions 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021873 forebrain neuroblast division 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033239 negative regulation of amine metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071569 protein ufmylation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904428 negative regulation of tubulin deacetylation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007185 cell surface receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042726 flavin-containing compound metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019720 Mo-molybdopterin cofactor metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031282 regulation of guanylate cyclase activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060414 aorta smooth muscle tissue morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000252 negative regulation of feeding behavior 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032803 regulation of low-density lipoprotein particle receptor catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046063 dCMP metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903025 regulation of RNA polymerase II regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036402 proteasome-activating activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070836 caveola assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030252 growth hormone secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903297 regulation of hypoxia-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090032 negative regulation of steroid hormone biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015691 cadmium ion transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051342 regulation of cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006032 chitin catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900408 negative regulation of cellular response to oxidative stress 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006030 chitin metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005372 water transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0180010 co-transcriptional mRNA 3'-end processing, cleavage and polyadenylation pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902474 positive regulation of protein localization to synapse 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032957 inositol trisphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042921 intracellular glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007418 ventral midline development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009211 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017085 response to insecticide 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010138 pyrimidine ribonucleotide salvage 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010878 cholesterol storage 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070086 ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060066 oviduct development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005981 regulation of glycogen catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005381 iron ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060510 type II pneumocyte differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051583 dopamine uptake involved in synaptic transmission 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031580 membrane raft distribution 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051096 positive regulation of helicase activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009449 gamma-aminobutyric acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009253 peptidoglycan catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035754 B cell chemotaxis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034184 positive regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072307 regulation of metanephric nephron tubule epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905337 positive regulation of aggrephagy 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046533 negative regulation of photoreceptor cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905653 positive regulation of artery morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061196 fungiform papilla development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034398 telomere tethering at nuclear periphery 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061945 regulation of protein K48-linked ubiquitination 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902162 regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097350 neutrophil clearance 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009992 intracellular water homeostasis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036149 phosphatidylinositol acyl-chain remodeling 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072033 renal vesicle formation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018344 protein geranylgeranylation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902572 negative regulation of serine-type peptidase activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046929 negative regulation of neurotransmitter secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060059 embryonic retina morphogenesis in camera-type eye 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903691 positive regulation of wound healing, spreading of epidermal cells 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009139 pyrimidine nucleoside diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051661 maintenance of centrosome location 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002326 B cell lineage commitment 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051970 negative regulation of transmission of nerve impulse 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034983 peptidyl-lysine deacetylation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038170 somatostatin signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051189 prosthetic group metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901534 positive regulation of hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905132 regulation of meiotic chromosome separation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055059 asymmetric neuroblast division 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046951 ketone body biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110112 regulation of lipid transporter activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120183 positive regulation of focal adhesion disassembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021800 cerebral cortex tangential migration 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902044 regulation of Fas signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090325 regulation of locomotion involved in locomotory behavior 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070995 NADPH oxidation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061038 uterus morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016255 attachment of GPI anchor to protein 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042713 sperm ejaculation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019375 galactolipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046985 positive regulation of hemoglobin biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004694 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha kinase activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032324 molybdopterin cofactor biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003062 regulation of heart rate by chemical signal 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090192 regulation of glomerulus development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062033 positive regulation of mitotic sister chromatid segregation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072143 mesangial cell development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071680 response to indole-3-methanol 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060332 positive regulation of response to type II interferon 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051546 keratinocyte migration 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098902 regulation of membrane depolarization during action potential 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010700 negative regulation of norepinephrine secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044206 UMP salvage 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060179 male mating behavior 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072672 neutrophil extravasation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0023041 neuronal signal transduction 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008212 mineralocorticoid metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006564 L-serine biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901339 regulation of store-operated calcium channel activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072215 regulation of metanephros development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106071 positive regulation of adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042262 DNA protection 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901289 succinyl-CoA catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015864 pyrimidine nucleoside transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015744 succinate transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015827 tryptophan transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099046 clearance of foreign intracellular nucleic acids 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902102 regulation of metaphase/anaphase transition of meiotic cell cycle 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046826 negative regulation of protein export from nucleus 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042538 hyperosmotic salinity response 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071864 positive regulation of cell proliferation in bone marrow 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120041 positive regulation of macrophage proliferation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032020 ISG15-protein conjugation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032224 positive regulation of synaptic transmission, cholinergic 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902498 regulation of protein autoubiquitination 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071910 determination of liver left/right asymmetry 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070508 cholesterol import 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061091 regulation of phospholipid translocation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042360 vitamin E metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048820 hair follicle maturation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048822 enucleate erythrocyte development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000430 regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by glucose 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000432 positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by glucose 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002885 positive regulation of hypersensitivity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904685 positive regulation of metalloendopeptidase activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060729 intestinal epithelial structure maintenance 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008291 acetylcholine metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071830 triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particle clearance 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902961 positive regulation of aspartic-type endopeptidase activity involved in amyloid precursor protein catabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097151 positive regulation of inhibitory postsynaptic potential 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001875 lipopolysaccharide immune receptor activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015185 gamma-aminobutyric acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072383 plus-end-directed vesicle transport along microtubule 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010727 negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002517 T cell tolerance induction 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070295 renal water absorption 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000323 negative regulation of glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086068 Purkinje myocyte to ventricular cardiac muscle cell communication 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060921 sinoatrial node cell differentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150003 regulation of spontaneous synaptic transmission 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903347 negative regulation of bicellular tight junction assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060677 ureteric bud elongation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097742 de novo centriole assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021636 trigeminal nerve morphogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016098 monoterpenoid metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043132 NAD transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003402 planar cell polarity pathway involved in axis elongation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070434 positive regulation of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 2 signaling pathway 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901858 regulation of mitochondrial DNA metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043696 dedifferentiation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072708 response to sorbitol 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010706 ganglioside biosynthetic process via lactosylceramide 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001993 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by norepinephrine-epinephrine 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060359 response to ammonium ion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904158 axonemal central apparatus assembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090069 regulation of ribosome biogenesis 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045964 positive regulation of dopamine metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006682 galactosylceramide biosynthetic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903751 negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to hydrogen peroxide 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048205 COPI coating of Golgi vesicle 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051620 norepinephrine uptake 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043813 phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate 5-phosphatase activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008582 regulation of synaptic assembly at neuromuscular junction 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060304 regulation of phosphatidylinositol dephosphorylation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086073 bundle of His cell-Purkinje myocyte adhesion involved in cell communication 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006297 nucleotide-excision repair, DNA gap filling 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002865 negative regulation of acute inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048296 regulation of isotype switching to IgA isotypes 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905024 regulation of membrane repolarization during ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061643 chemorepulsion of axon 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090289 regulation of osteoclast proliferation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046881 positive regulation of follicle-stimulating hormone secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090238 positive regulation of arachidonic acid secretion 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001293 malonyl-CoA metabolic process 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002322 B cell proliferation involved in immune response 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009637 response to blue light 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015862 uridine transmembrane transport 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061523 cilium disassembly 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006477 protein sulfation 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005003 ephrin receptor activity 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060770 negative regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development 1.00000000002675 2.67491389197834e-11 6 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099177 regulation of trans-synaptic signaling 1.00000000002676 2.67615727845537e-11 495 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007189 adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.0000000000268 2.6801710223174e-11 150 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035107 appendage morphogenesis 1.0000000000268 2.6801710223174e-11 150 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007009 plasma membrane organization 1.0000000000268 2.6801710223174e-11 150 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035108 limb morphogenesis 1.0000000000268 2.6801710223174e-11 150 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060759 regulation of response to cytokine stimulus 1.00000000002687 2.68664269649893e-11 194 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051260 protein homooligomerization 1.00000000002687 2.68664269649893e-11 194 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070372 regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade 1.00000000002691 2.69113631507102e-11 295 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048562 embryonic organ morphogenesis 1.00000000002691 2.69113631507102e-11 295 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007286 spermatid development 1.000000000027 2.69965586886559e-11 213 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090287 regulation of cellular response to growth factor stimulus 1.00000000002733 2.73339804098804e-11 374 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050778 positive regulation of immune response 1.00000000002755 2.75451962061903e-11 640 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006887 exocytosis 1.00000000002823 2.82307866567743e-11 241 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008654 phospholipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002823 2.82307866567743e-11 241 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903707 negative regulation of hemopoiesis 1.00000000002826 2.82605675516481e-11 117 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051963 regulation of synapse assembly 1.00000000002826 2.82605675516481e-11 117 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990748 cellular detoxification 1.00000000002826 2.82605675516481e-11 117 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008344 adult locomotory behavior 1.00000000002838 2.83753522008558e-11 81 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007265 Ras protein signal transduction 1.00000000002838 2.83753522008558e-11 81 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002720 positive regulation of cytokine production involved in immune response 1.00000000002838 2.83753522008558e-11 81 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031424 keratinization 1.00000000002838 2.83753522008558e-11 81 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006405 RNA export from nucleus 1.00000000002838 2.83753522008558e-11 81 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072384 organelle transport along microtubule 1.00000000002838 2.83753522008558e-11 81 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034248 regulation of amide metabolic process 1.00000000002838 2.83753522008558e-11 81 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032392 DNA geometric change 1.00000000002838 2.83753522008558e-11 81 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019395 fatty acid oxidation 1.00000000002838 2.83753522008558e-11 81 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021536 diencephalon development 1.00000000002838 2.83753522008558e-11 81 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033365 protein localization to organelle 1.00000000002866 2.86592454291655e-11 752 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016050 vesicle organization 1.00000000002871 2.87058502313314e-11 337 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048167 regulation of synaptic plasticity 1.00000000002888 2.88833899357434e-11 219 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010001 glial cell differentiation 1.00000000002888 2.88833899357434e-11 219 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072010 glomerular epithelium development 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000272 negative regulation of signaling receptor activity 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022010 central nervous system myelination 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071467 cellular response to pH 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022038 corpus callosum development 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031529 ruffle organization 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106118 regulation of sterol biosynthetic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003272 endocardial cushion formation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032291 axon ensheathment in central nervous system 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905523 positive regulation of macrophage migration 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045540 regulation of cholesterol biosynthetic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032469 endoplasmic reticulum calcium ion homeostasis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062009 secondary palate development 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061162 establishment of monopolar cell polarity 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046639 negative regulation of alpha-beta T cell differentiation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001835 blastocyst hatching 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008207 C21-steroid hormone metabolic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045453 bone resorption 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002726 positive regulation of T cell cytokine production 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042537 benzene-containing compound metabolic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033119 negative regulation of RNA splicing 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035330 regulation of hippo signaling 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046339 diacylglycerol metabolic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900078 positive regulation of cellular response to insulin stimulus 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002227 innate immune response in mucosa 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000773 negative regulation of cellular senescence 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902932 positive regulation of alcohol biosynthetic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048641 regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071624 positive regulation of granulocyte chemotaxis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035458 cellular response to interferon-beta 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051560 mitochondrial calcium ion homeostasis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045022 early endosome to late endosome transport 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001911 negative regulation of leukocyte mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031579 membrane raft organization 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018904 ether metabolic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060479 lung cell differentiation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048245 eosinophil chemotaxis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045649 regulation of macrophage differentiation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008156 negative regulation of DNA replication 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903020 positive regulation of glycoprotein metabolic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018200 peptidyl-glutamic acid modification 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060487 lung epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001736 establishment of planar polarity 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007164 establishment of tissue polarity 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003148 outflow tract septum morphogenesis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046716 muscle cell cellular homeostasis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016048 detection of temperature stimulus 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035188 hatching 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031167 rRNA methylation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021697 cerebellar cortex formation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051894 positive regulation of focal adhesion assembly 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098632 cell-cell adhesion mediator activity 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048596 embryonic camera-type eye morphogenesis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032878 regulation of establishment or maintenance of cell polarity 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060117 auditory receptor cell development 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060575 intestinal epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007190 activation of adenylate cyclase activity 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904353 regulation of telomere capping 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904996 positive regulation of leukocyte adhesion to vascular endothelial cell 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990000 amyloid fibril formation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016540 protein autoprocessing 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003338 metanephros morphogenesis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006509 membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002053 positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048745 smooth muscle tissue development 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071684 organism emergence from protective structure 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097502 mannosylation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003181 atrioventricular valve morphogenesis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050926 regulation of positive chemotaxis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904754 positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell migration 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903588 negative regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell proliferation involved in sprouting angiogenesis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045717 negative regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002446 neutrophil mediated immunity 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903319 positive regulation of protein maturation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902455 negative regulation of stem cell population maintenance 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032967 positive regulation of collagen biosynthetic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006783 heme biosynthetic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034063 stress granule assembly 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042984 regulation of amyloid precursor protein biosynthetic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046949 fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthetic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032511 late endosome to vacuole transport via multivesicular body sorting pathway 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030204 chondroitin sulfate metabolic process 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002026 regulation of the force of heart contraction 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021895 cerebral cortex neuron differentiation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060669 embryonic placenta morphogenesis 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000178 negative regulation of neural precursor cell proliferation 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015740 C4-dicarboxylate transport 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008045 motor neuron axon guidance 1.00000000002896 2.89618741161946e-11 26 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051250 negative regulation of lymphocyte activation 1.00000000002907 2.90749510506324e-11 164 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070665 positive regulation of leukocyte proliferation 1.00000000002907 2.90749510506324e-11 164 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043524 negative regulation of neuron apoptotic process 1.00000000002907 2.90749510506324e-11 164 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046486 glycerolipid metabolic process 1.00000000002909 2.90909676459797e-11 357 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044282 small molecule catabolic process 1.00000000002909 2.90909676459797e-11 357 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001756 somitogenesis 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001961 positive regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009161 ribonucleoside monophosphate metabolic process 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051480 regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006940 regulation of smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051785 positive regulation of nuclear division 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071709 membrane assembly 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005977 glycogen metabolic process 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019226 transmission of nerve impulse 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043030 regulation of macrophage activation 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030166 proteoglycan biosynthetic process 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0170040 proteinogenic amino acid catabolic process 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000422 autophagy of mitochondrion 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051289 protein homotetramerization 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034219 carbohydrate transmembrane transport 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046324 regulation of glucose import 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009994 oocyte differentiation 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098900 regulation of action potential 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030199 collagen fibril organization 1.00000000002931 2.93073170160495e-11 60 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000070 mitotic sister chromatid segregation 1.0000000000299 2.98952190943262e-11 143 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001235 positive regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway 1.0000000000299 2.98952190943262e-11 143 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050671 positive regulation of lymphocyte proliferation 1.0000000000299 2.98952190943262e-11 143 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010565 regulation of cellular ketone metabolic process 1.0000000000299 2.98952190943262e-11 143 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140053 mitochondrial gene expression 1.0000000000299 2.98952190943262e-11 143 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046467 membrane lipid biosynthetic process 1.0000000000299 2.98952190943262e-11 143 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030216 keratinocyte differentiation 1.0000000000299 2.98952190943262e-11 143 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061136 regulation of proteasomal protein catabolic process 1.00000000003012 3.01184983339374e-11 189 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002700 regulation of production of molecular mediator of immune response 1.00000000003012 3.01184983339374e-11 189 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060285 cilium-dependent cell motility 1.00000000003038 3.03805685428726e-11 147 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032006 regulation of TOR signaling 1.00000000003038 3.03805685428726e-11 147 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000819 sister chromatid segregation 1.00000000003038 3.03805685428726e-11 147 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001539 cilium or flagellum-dependent cell motility 1.00000000003038 3.03805685428726e-11 147 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050714 positive regulation of protein secretion 1.00000000003038 3.03805685428726e-11 147 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008584 male gonad development 1.00000000003038 3.03805685428726e-11 147 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006203 dGTP catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900235 negative regulation of Kit signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060887 limb epidermis development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901551 negative regulation of endothelial cell development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060702 negative regulation of endoribonuclease activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904527 negative regulation of microtubule binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015876 acetyl-CoA transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061511 centriole elongation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071955 recycling endosome to Golgi transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990267 response to transition metal nanoparticle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036046 protein demalonylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903515 calcium ion transport from cytosol to endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006649 phospholipid transfer to membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120057 regulation of small intestinal transit 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903974 positive regulation of cellular response to macrophage colony-stimulating factor stimulus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030581 symbiont intracellular protein transport in host 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905325 regulation of meiosis I spindle assembly checkpoint 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902834 regulation of proline import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022410 circadian sleep/wake cycle process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006431 methionyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046066 dGDP metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905445 positive regulation of clathrin coat assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072695 regulation of DNA recombination at telomere 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140744 negative regulation of lncRNA transcription 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008355 olfactory learning 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903567 regulation of protein localization to ciliary membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001147 transcription termination site sequence-specific DNA binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120049 snRNA (adenine-N6)-methylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048219 inter-Golgi cisterna vesicle-mediated transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000490 negative regulation of hepatic stellate cell activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006481 C-terminal protein methylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901207 regulation of heart looping 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048697 positive regulation of collateral sprouting in absence of injury 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003311 pancreatic D cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060567 negative regulation of termination of DNA-templated transcription 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014738 regulation of muscle hyperplasia 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904884 positive regulation of telomerase catalytic core complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006529 asparagine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034761 positive regulation of iron ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031106 septin ring organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048343 paraxial mesodermal cell fate commitment 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070476 rRNA (guanine-N7)-methylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003051 angiotensin-mediated drinking behavior 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044861 protein transport into plasma membrane raft 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002352 B cell negative selection 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900191 negative regulation of single-species biofilm formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018277 protein deamination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090182 regulation of secretion of lysosomal enzymes 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901026 ripoptosome assembly involved in necroptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048688 negative regulation of sprouting of injured axon 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009589 detection of UV 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002268 follicular dendritic cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060177 regulation of angiotensin metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902216 positive regulation of interleukin-4-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060974 cell migration involved in heart formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901301 regulation of cargo loading into COPII-coated vesicle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061102 stomach neuroendocrine cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070951 regulation of neutrophil mediated killing of gram-negative bacterium 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071505 response to mycophenolic acid 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033567 DNA replication, Okazaki fragment processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003290 atrial septum secundum morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903929 primary palate development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021628 olfactory nerve formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070994 detection of oxidative stress 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035128 post-embryonic forelimb morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071307 cellular response to vitamin K 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904806 regulation of protein oxidation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050787 detoxification of mercury ion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090164 asymmetric Golgi ribbon formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060114 vestibular receptor cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001106 regulation of Rho guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001549 cumulus cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902530 positive regulation of protein linear polyubiquitination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032834 positive regulation of CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell differentiation involved in immune response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900154 regulation of bone trabecula formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002543 activation of blood coagulation via clotting cascade 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902045 negative regulation of Fas signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051877 pigment granule aggregation in cell center 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015789 UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061857 endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced pre-emptive quality control 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000417 negative regulation of eosinophil migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015079 potassium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051066 dihydrobiopterin metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090118 receptor-mediated endocytosis involved in cholesterol transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060168 positive regulation of adenosine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060448 dichotomous subdivision of terminal units involved in lung branching 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002660 positive regulation of peripheral tolerance induction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990001 inhibition of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015756 fucose transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046671 negative regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060057 apoptotic process involved in mammary gland involution 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072038 mesenchymal stem cell maintenance involved in nephron morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901255 nucleotide-excision repair involved in interstrand cross-link repair 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019048 modulation by virus of host process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902823 negative regulation of late endosome to lysosome transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000017 positive regulation of determination of dorsal identity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000633 positive regulation of pre-miRNA processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140973 positive regulation of AIM2 inflammasome complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000349 negative regulation of CD40 signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032686 negative regulation of hepatocyte growth factor production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990046 stress-induced mitochondrial fusion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070563 negative regulation of vitamin D receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990401 embryonic lung development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099530 G protein-coupled receptor activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905408 negative regulation of creatine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002439 chronic inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090044 positive regulation of tubulin deacetylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060929 atrioventricular node cell fate commitment 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046247 terpene catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061714 folic acid receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045633 positive regulation of mechanoreceptor differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902761 positive regulation of chondrocyte development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072489 methylammonium transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006127 glycerophosphate shuttle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072660 maintenance of protein location in plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071483 cellular response to blue light 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150073 regulation of protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007542 primary sex determination, germ-line 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904595 positive regulation of termination of RNA polymerase II transcription 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900229 negative regulation of single-species biofilm formation in or on host organism 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903011 negative regulation of bone development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900451 positive regulation of glutamate receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902151 regulation of response to DNA integrity checkpoint signaling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110059 negative regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035600 tRNA methylthiolation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140647 P450-containing electron transport chain 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990549 mitochondrial NAD transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060599 lateral sprouting involved in mammary gland duct morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099534 calcium ion binding involved in regulation of presynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015087 cobalt ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002273 plasmacytoid dendritic cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010796 regulation of multivesicular body size 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001576 globoside biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061015 snRNA import into nucleus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004105 choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045764 positive regulation of amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014022 neural plate elongation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061355 Wnt protein secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097694 establishment of RNA localization to telomere 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060313 negative regulation of blood vessel remodeling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032707 negative regulation of interleukin-23 production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043097 pyrimidine nucleoside salvage 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061692 cellular detoxification of hydrogen peroxide 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000718 regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion, centromeric 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010360 negative regulation of anion channel activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046964 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072737 response to diamide 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904450 positive regulation of aspartate secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032194 ubiquinone biosynthetic process via 3,4-dihydroxy-5-polyprenylbenzoate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031407 oxylipin metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015166 polyol transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061944 negative regulation of protein K48-linked ubiquitination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900228 regulation of single-species biofilm formation in or on host organism 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061344 regulation of cell adhesion involved in heart morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904534 negative regulation of telomeric loop disassembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046327 glycerol biosynthetic process from pyruvate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001805 positive regulation of type III hypersensitivity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014849 ureter smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000376 positive regulation of oxygen metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032832 regulation of CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell differentiation involved in immune response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033385 geranylgeranyl diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905373 ceramide phosphoethanolamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060112 generation of ovulation cycle rhythm 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071037 nuclear polyadenylation-dependent snRNA catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009183 purine deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002536 respiratory burst involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044663 establishment or maintenance of cell type involved in phenotypic switching 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900217 regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric nephron tubule development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905938 positive regulation of germ cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045976 negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle, embryonic 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000451 positive regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell extravasation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061159 establishment of bipolar cell polarity involved in cell morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042663 regulation of endodermal cell fate specification 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903786 regulation of glutathione biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060587 regulation of lipoprotein lipid oxidation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099050 vesicle scission 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905135 biotin import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007624 ultradian rhythm 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990478 response to ultrasound 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904864 negative regulation of beta-catenin-TCF complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072105 ureteric peristalsis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904744 positive regulation of telomeric DNA binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004909 interleukin-1, type I, activating receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017126 nucleologenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904973 positive regulation of viral translation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901383 negative regulation of chorionic trophoblast cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019520 aldonic acid metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060661 submandibular salivary gland formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150157 regulation of interleukin-34 production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097498 endothelial tube lumen extension 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000470 positive regulation of peroxidase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001694 histamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904389 rod bipolar cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015420 ABC-type vitamin B12 transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010512 negative regulation of phosphatidylinositol biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904882 regulation of telomerase catalytic core complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019661 glucose catabolic process to lactate via pyruvate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048677 axon extension involved in regeneration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005991 trehalose metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046380 N-acetylneuraminate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903173 fatty alcohol metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035781 CD86 biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990505 mitotic DNA replication maintenance of fidelity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097102 endothelial tip cell fate specification 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904875 regulation of DNA ligase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035562 negative regulation of chromatin binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002157 positive regulation of thyroid hormone mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043634 polyadenylation-dependent ncRNA catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061104 adrenal chromaffin cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051458 corticotropin secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003017 lymph circulation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046873 metal ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060370 susceptibility to T cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090387 phagolysosome assembly involved in apoptotic cell clearance 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060197 cloacal septation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090134 cell migration involved in mesendoderm migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905755 protein localization to cytoplasmic microtubule 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071670 smooth muscle cell chemotaxis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031455 glycine betaine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001226 negative regulation of chloride transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072720 response to dithiothreitol 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904562 phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033076 isoquinoline alkaloid metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010877 lipid transport involved in lipid storage 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048850 hypophysis morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033626 positive regulation of integrin activation by cell surface receptor linked signal transduction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036298 recombinational interstrand cross-link repair 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000448 cleavage in ITS2 between 5.8S rRNA and LSU-rRNA of tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010705 meiotic DNA double-strand break processing involved in reciprocal meiotic recombination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051318 G1 phase 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019878 lysine biosynthetic process via aminoadipic acid 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098905 regulation of bundle of His cell action potential 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097278 complement-dependent cytotoxicity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009447 putrescine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904172 positive regulation of bleb assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904170 regulation of bleb assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060615 mammary gland bud formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903544 response to butyrate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004912 interleukin-3 receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035802 adrenal cortex formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035787 cell migration involved in kidney development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902559 3'-phospho-5'-adenylyl sulfate transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019285 glycine betaine biosynthetic process from choline 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070911 global genome nucleotide-excision repair 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904289 regulation of mitotic DNA damage checkpoint 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036337 Fas signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905345 protein localization to cleavage furrow 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033633 negative regulation of cell-cell adhesion mediated by integrin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006478 peptidyl-tyrosine sulfation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001813 regulation of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050925 negative regulation of negative chemotaxis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006738 nicotinamide riboside catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019074 viral RNA genome packaging 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904908 negative regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion, telomeric 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006433 prolyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060092 regulation of synaptic transmission, glycinergic 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021750 vestibular nucleus development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046084 adenine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060667 branch elongation involved in salivary gland morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030329 prenylcysteine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150151 regulation of interleukin-17A production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061999 regulation of cardiac endothelial to mesenchymal transition 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032014 positive regulation of ARF protein signal transduction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061890 positive regulation of astrocyte activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031022 nuclear migration along microfilament 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006789 bilirubin conjugation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902908 regulation of melanosome transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904105 positive regulation of convergent extension involved in gastrulation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005997 xylulose metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120154 negative regulation of ERBB4 signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008315 G2/MI transition of meiotic cell cycle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070637 pyridine nucleoside metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902558 5'-adenylyl sulfate transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000150 DNA strand exchange activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902618 cellular response to fluoride 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903109 positive regulation of mitochondrial transcription 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097528 execution phase of necroptosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042496 detection of diacyl bacterial lipopeptide 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046900 tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005989 lactose biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043314 negative regulation of neutrophil degranulation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045992 negative regulation of embryonic development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072312 metanephric glomerular epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901805 beta-glucoside catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051943 positive regulation of amino acid uptake involved in synaptic transmission 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015750 pentose transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033861 negative regulation of NAD(P)H oxidase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000567 regulation of memory T cell activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030328 prenylcysteine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046495 nicotinamide riboside metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903615 positive regulation of protein tyrosine phosphatase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075506 entry of viral genome into host nucleus through nuclear pore complex via importin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905675 negative regulation of adaptive immune memory response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032468 Golgi calcium ion homeostasis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903285 positive regulation of hydrogen peroxide catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072254 metanephric glomerular mesangial cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001037 positive regulation of tongue muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034345 negative regulation of type III interferon production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006788 heme oxidation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903795 regulation of inorganic anion transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097378 dorsal spinal cord interneuron axon guidance 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070881 regulation of proline transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990426 mitotic recombination-dependent replication fork processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990611 regulation of cytoplasmic translational initiation in response to stress 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097750 endosome membrane tubulation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031446 regulation of fast-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072071 kidney interstitial fibroblast differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001983 baroreceptor response to increased systemic arterial blood pressure 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902722 positive regulation of prolactin secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046041 ITP metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021870 Cajal-Retzius cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072194 kidney smooth muscle tissue development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904675 regulation of somatic stem cell division 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003189 aortic valve formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002731 negative regulation of dendritic cell cytokine production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902068 regulation of sphingolipid mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016316 phosphatidylinositol-3,4-bisphosphate 4-phosphatase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016488 farnesol catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070730 cAMP transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030974 thiamine pyrophosphate transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904157 DN4 thymocyte differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072209 metanephric mesangial cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050993 dimethylallyl diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106020 regulation of vesicle docking 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903762 positive regulation of voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000448 positive regulation of macrophage migration inhibitory factor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097055 agmatine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035504 regulation of myosin light chain kinase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120191 negative regulation of termination of RNA polymerase II transcription 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034477 U6 snRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046219 indolalkylamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904025 positive regulation of glucose catabolic process to lactate via pyruvate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019417 sulfur oxidation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990890 netrin receptor binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030887 positive regulation of myeloid dendritic cell activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010751 negative regulation of nitric oxide mediated signal transduction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090222 centrosome-templated microtubule nucleation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070094 positive regulation of glucagon secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006424 glutamyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001978 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by carotid sinus baroreceptor feedback 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086020 gap junction channel activity involved in SA node cell-atrial cardiac muscle cell electrical coupling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035675 neuromast hair cell development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038102 activin receptor antagonist activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900168 positive regulation of glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006147 guanine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903723 negative regulation of centriole elongation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051230 spindle disassembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905737 positive regulation of L-proline import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905799 regulation of intraciliary retrograde transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005310 dicarboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903996 negative regulation of non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000329 negative regulation of T-helper 17 cell lineage commitment 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070171 negative regulation of tooth mineralization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140039 cell-cell adhesion in response to extracellular stimulus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072208 metanephric smooth muscle tissue development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021649 vestibulocochlear nerve structural organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042700 luteinizing hormone signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071031 nuclear mRNA surveillance of mRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035350 FAD transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001136 negative regulation of endocytic recycling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150174 negative regulation of phosphatidylcholine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905089 regulation of parkin-mediated stimulation of mitophagy in response to mitochondrial depolarization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902836 positive regulation of proline import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071874 cellular response to norepinephrine stimulus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006422 aspartyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032804 negative regulation of low-density lipoprotein particle receptor catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110064 lncRNA catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000537 regulation of B cell chemotaxis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052472 modulation by host of symbiont transcription 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000296 negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060764 cell-cell signaling involved in mammary gland development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060844 arterial endothelial cell fate commitment 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097535 lymphoid lineage cell migration into thymus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903526 negative regulation of membrane tubulation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002636 positive regulation of germinal center formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019413 acetate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000313 regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019265 glycine biosynthetic process, by transamination of glyoxylate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035847 uterine epithelium development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060152 microtubule-based peroxisome localization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140077 positive regulation of lipoprotein transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002658 regulation of peripheral tolerance induction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004174 electron-transferring-flavoprotein dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071231 cellular response to folic acid 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905916 negative regulation of cell differentiation involved in phenotypic switching 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098928 presynaptic signal transduction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060265 positive regulation of respiratory burst involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042704 uterine wall breakdown 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902269 positive regulation of polyamine transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036367 light adaption 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021937 cerebellar Purkinje cell-granule cell precursor cell signaling involved in regulation of granule cell precursor cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905778 negative regulation of exonuclease activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051625 epinephrine uptake 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016256 N-glycan processing to lysosome 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035566 regulation of metanephros size 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990431 priRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098631 cell adhesion mediator activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015709 thiosulfate transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905371 ceramide phosphoethanolamine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032916 positive regulation of transforming growth factor beta3 production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036055 protein-succinyllysine desuccinylase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900053 negative regulation of retinoic acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003193 pulmonary valve formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010142 farnesyl diphosphate biosynthetic process, mevalonate pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072658 maintenance of protein location in membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072377 blood coagulation, common pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072190 ureter urothelium development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009785 blue light signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903217 negative regulation of protein processing involved in protein targeting to mitochondrion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090422 thiamine pyrophosphate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061367 behavioral response to acetic acid induced pain 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031104 dendrite regeneration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002491 antigen processing and presentation of endogenous peptide antigen via MHC class II 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006714 sesquiterpenoid metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043397 regulation of corticotropin-releasing hormone secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902859 propionyl-CoA catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900248 negative regulation of cytoplasmic translational elongation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904695 positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046947 hydroxylysine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901876 regulation of calcium ion binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071387 cellular response to cortisol stimulus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901628 positive regulation of postsynaptic membrane organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003169 coronary vein morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042453 deoxyguanosine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048086 negative regulation of developmental pigmentation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904971 regulation of viral translation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006437 tyrosyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018993 somatic sex determination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903094 negative regulation of protein K48-linked deubiquitination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051958 methotrexate transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003329 pancreatic PP cell fate commitment 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006233 dTDP biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060730 regulation of intestinal epithelial structure maintenance 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000522 positive regulation of immunological synapse formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902606 regulation of large conductance calcium-activated potassium channel activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903780 negative regulation of cardiac conduction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903782 regulation of sodium ion import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010902 positive regulation of very-low-density lipoprotein particle remodeling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000017 alpha-glucoside transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042351 'de novo' GDP-L-fucose biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072054 renal outer medulla development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043052 thermotaxis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901557 response to fenofibrate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061378 corpora quadrigemina development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000972 positive regulation of detection of glucose 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000970 regulation of detection of glucose 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019542 propionate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905225 response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000349 generation of catalytic spliceosome for first transesterification step 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061431 cellular response to methionine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018008 N-terminal peptidyl-glycine N-myristoylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015920 lipopolysaccharide transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000156 regulation of retrograde vesicle-mediated transport, Golgi to ER 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044867 modulation by host of viral catalytic activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001287 negative regulation of caveolin-mediated endocytosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040010 positive regulation of growth rate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099543 trans-synaptic signaling by soluble gas 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060775 planar cell polarity pathway involved in gastrula mediolateral intercalation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904056 positive regulation of cholangiocyte proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004914 interleukin-5 receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035733 hepatic stellate cell activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000642 negative regulation of early endosome to late endosome transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061885 positive regulation of mini excitatory postsynaptic potential 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061031 endodermal digestive tract morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035039 male pronucleus assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019085 early viral transcription 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036130 prostaglandin H2 endoperoxidase reductase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014901 satellite cell activation involved in skeletal muscle regeneration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034352 positive regulation of glial cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032214 negative regulation of telomere maintenance via semi-conservative replication 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021754 facial nucleus development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021570 rhombomere 4 development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002582 positive regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061379 inferior colliculus development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032724 positive regulation of fractalkine production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061870 positive regulation of hepatic stellate cell migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002841 negative regulation of T cell mediated immune response to tumor cell 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090233 negative regulation of spindle checkpoint 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019072 viral genome packaging 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903494 response to dehydroepiandrosterone 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001572 lactosylceramide biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071963 establishment or maintenance of cell polarity regulating cell shape 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009386 translational attenuation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061983 meiosis II cell cycle process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000878 positive regulation of oligopeptide transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098990 AMPA selective glutamate receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072740 cellular response to anisomycin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060031 mediolateral intercalation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046208 spermine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000557 regulation of immunoglobulin production in mucosal tissue 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902889 protein localization to spindle microtubule 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060529 squamous basal epithelial stem cell differentiation involved in prostate gland acinus development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990646 cellular response to prolactin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061171 establishment of bipolar cell polarity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902856 negative regulation of non-motile cilium assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021679 cerebellar molecular layer development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905221 positive regulation of platelet formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034059 response to anoxia 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033242 negative regulation of amine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003340 negative regulation of mesenchymal to epithelial transition involved in metanephros morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032458 slow endocytic recycling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905243 cellular response to 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002854 positive regulation of T cell mediated cytotoxicity directed against tumor cell target 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902178 fibroblast growth factor receptor apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038112 interleukin-8-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061622 glycolytic process through glucose-1-phosphate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003422 growth plate cartilage morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001507 acetylcholine catabolic process in synaptic cleft 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072697 protein localization to cell cortex 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990764 myofibroblast contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046373 L-arabinose metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051595 response to methylglyoxal 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046832 negative regulation of RNA export from nucleus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048886 neuromast hair cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034964 box H/ACA sno(s)RNA processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903383 regulation of hydrogen peroxide-induced neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009450 gamma-aminobutyric acid catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002728 negative regulation of natural killer cell cytokine production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905919 negative regulation of CoA-transferase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062234 platelet activating factor catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903379 regulation of mitotic chromosome condensation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062030 negative regulation of stress granule assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018282 metal incorporation into metallo-sulfur cluster 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016539 intein-mediated protein splicing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015741 fumarate transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097474 retinal cone cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072023 thick ascending limb development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002343 peripheral B cell selection 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034036 purine ribonucleoside bisphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021633 optic nerve structural organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001581 detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of sour taste 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001762 beta-alanine transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001949 sebaceous gland cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015679 plasma membrane copper ion transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030186 melatonin metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000299 negative regulation of Rho-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005275 amine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904897 regulation of hepatic stellate cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990953 intramanchette transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904200 iodide transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905608 positive regulation of presynapse assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016122 xanthophyll metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000467 positive regulation of glycogen (starch) synthase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060915 mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in lung development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004103 choline kinase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009882 blue light photoreceptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060118 vestibular receptor cell development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021784 postganglionic parasympathetic fiber development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070946 neutrophil-mediated killing of gram-positive bacterium 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035364 thymine transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034514 mitochondrial unfolded protein response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905839 negative regulation of telomeric D-loop disassembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901248 positive regulation of lung ciliated cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035711 T-helper 1 cell activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905179 negative regulation of cardiac muscle tissue regeneration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032980 keratinocyte activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902608 positive regulation of large conductance calcium-activated potassium channel activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030237 female sex determination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901076 positive regulation of engulfment of apoptotic cell 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060127 prolactin secreting cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048371 lateral mesodermal cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008615 pyridoxine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061764 late endosome to lysosome transport via multivesicular body sorting pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001076 positive regulation of metanephric ureteric bud development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901257 negative regulation of macrophage colony-stimulating factor production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110113 positive regulation of lipid transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098942 retrograde trans-synaptic signaling by trans-synaptic protein complex 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033696 heterochromatin boundary formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071109 superior temporal gyrus development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005460 UDP-glucose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001544 initiation of primordial ovarian follicle growth 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905856 negative regulation of pentose-phosphate shunt 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001803 regulation of type III hypersensitivity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061646 positive regulation of glutamate neurotransmitter secretion in response to membrane depolarization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033979 box H/ACA sno(s)RNA metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905838 regulation of telomeric D-loop disassembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038188 cholecystokinin signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120180 cell-substrate junction disassembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061152 trachea submucosa development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031335 regulation of sulfur amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003326 pancreatic A cell fate commitment 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042483 negative regulation of odontogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010045 response to nickel cation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070676 intralumenal vesicle formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000355 negative regulation of ovarian follicle development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061698 protein deglutarylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000361 regulation of prostaglandin-E synthase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050902 leukocyte adhesive activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905384 regulation of protein localization to presynapse 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032877 positive regulation of DNA endoreduplication 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061017 hepatoblast differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043084 penile erection 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904021 negative regulation of G protein-coupled receptor internalization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990784 response to dsDNA 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043103 hypoxanthine salvage 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099163 synaptic signaling by nitric oxide 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072554 blood vessel lumenization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034199 activation of protein kinase A activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005019 platelet-derived growth factor beta-receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905395 response to flavonoid 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016332 establishment or maintenance of polarity of embryonic epithelium 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902362 melanocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072181 mesonephric duct formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005986 sucrose biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070716 mismatch repair involved in maintenance of fidelity involved in DNA-dependent DNA replication 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014718 positive regulation of satellite cell activation involved in skeletal muscle regeneration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903141 negative regulation of establishment of endothelial barrier 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140568 extraction of mislocalized protein from membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106048 spermidine deacetylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021622 oculomotor nerve morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070378 positive regulation of ERK5 cascade 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071485 cellular response to absence of light 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900143 positive regulation of oligodendrocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048239 negative regulation of DNA recombination at telomere 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002554 serotonin secretion by platelet 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060594 mammary gland specification 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061145 lung smooth muscle development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097601 retina blood vessel maintenance 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010312 detoxification of zinc ion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904589 regulation of protein import 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097699 vascular endothelial cell response to fluid shear stress 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072304 regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephric nephron morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901253 negative regulation of intracellular transport of viral material 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006313 DNA transposition 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036145 dendritic cell homeostasis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900215 negative regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric collecting duct development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045342 MHC class II biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001831 trophectodermal cellular morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071663 positive regulation of granzyme B production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905000 regulation of membrane repolarization during atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019322 pentose biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904556 L-tryptophan transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062232 prostanoid catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903892 negative regulation of ATF6-mediated unfolded protein response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903999 negative regulation of eating behavior 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021698 cerebellar cortex structural organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901898 negative regulation of relaxation of cardiac muscle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990683 DNA double-strand break attachment to nuclear envelope 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903937 response to acrylamide 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055026 negative regulation of cardiac muscle tissue development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042635 positive regulation of hair cycle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021718 superior olivary nucleus development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060003 copper ion export 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097472 cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072019 proximal convoluted tubule development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901846 positive regulation of cell communication by electrical coupling involved in cardiac conduction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048682 sprouting of injured axon 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021687 cerebellar molecular layer morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042340 keratan sulfate catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106005 RNA 5'-cap (guanine-N7)-methylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903026 negative regulation of RNA polymerase II regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002358 B cell homeostatic proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000487 positive regulation of glutamine transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015229 L-ascorbic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904002 regulation of sebum secreting cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031448 positive regulation of fast-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905259 negative regulation of nitrosative stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035984 cellular response to trichostatin A 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904204 regulation of skeletal muscle hypertrophy 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019551 glutamate catabolic process to 2-oxoglutarate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903301 positive regulation of hexokinase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048210 Golgi vesicle fusion to target membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051325 interphase 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036090 cleavage furrow ingression 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048632 negative regulation of skeletal muscle tissue growth 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032796 uropod organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033040 sour taste receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901899 positive regulation of relaxation of cardiac muscle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904400 response to Thyroid stimulating hormone 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900099 negative regulation of plasma cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021526 medial motor column neuron differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900279 regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell costimulation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042020 interleukin-23 receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035934 corticosterone secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043921 modulation by host of viral transcription 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002019 regulation of renal output by angiotensin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007147 female meiosis II 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002508 central tolerance induction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903281 positive regulation of calcium:sodium antiporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905539 regulation of postsynapse to nucleus signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900166 regulation of glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905258 regulation of nitrosative stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031449 regulation of slow-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002852 regulation of T cell mediated cytotoxicity directed against tumor cell target 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046884 follicle-stimulating hormone secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034247 snoRNA splicing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000098 negative regulation of smooth muscle cell-matrix adhesion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905869 negative regulation of 3'-UTR-mediated mRNA stabilization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000805 negative regulation of termination of RNA polymerase II transcription, poly(A)-coupled 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904466 positive regulation of matrix metallopeptidase secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141111 positive regulation of cGAS/STING signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044848 biological phase 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015150 fucose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098629 trans-Golgi network membrane organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060557 positive regulation of vitamin D biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903433 regulation of constitutive secretory pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045870 positive regulation of single stranded viral RNA replication via double stranded DNA intermediate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099554 trans-synaptic signaling by soluble gas, modulating synaptic transmission 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019483 beta-alanine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060739 mesenchymal-epithelial cell signaling involved in prostate gland development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110097 regulation of calcium import into the mitochondrion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090624 endoribonuclease activity, cleaving miRNA-paired mRNA 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900081 regulation of arginine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905223 epicardium morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004906 type II interferon receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905386 positive regulation of protein localization to presynapse 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090191 negative regulation of branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002588 positive regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class II 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070961 positive regulation of neutrophil mediated killing of symbiont cell 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072573 tolerance induction to lipopolysaccharide 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000870 regulation of progesterone secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002362 CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell lineage commitment 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014846 esophagus smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033024 mast cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001743 lens placode formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990786 cellular response to dsDNA 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071579 regulation of zinc ion transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061188 negative regulation of rDNA heterochromatin formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019478 D-amino acid catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004923 leukemia inhibitory factor receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905336 negative regulation of aggrephagy 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051695 actin filament uncapping 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034418 urate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902082 positive regulation of calcium ion import into sarcoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032959 inositol trisphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090108 positive regulation of high-density lipoprotein particle assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000565 negative regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035545 determination of left/right asymmetry in nervous system 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036372 opsin transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035482 gastric motility 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904432 regulation of ferrous iron binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071965 multicellular organismal locomotion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017190 N-terminal peptidyl-aspartic acid acetylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000961 negative regulation of mitochondrial RNA catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006624 vacuolar protein processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002589 regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class I 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015168 glycerol transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905751 positive regulation of endosome to plasma membrane protein transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051012 microtubule sliding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902668 negative regulation of axon guidance 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903797 positive regulation of inorganic anion transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001579 medium-chain fatty acid transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015965 diadenosine tetraphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018002 N-terminal peptidyl-glutamic acid acetylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046056 dADP metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990603 dark adaptation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070342 brown fat cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001035 regulation of tongue muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905430 cellular response to glycine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106217 tRNA C3-cytosine methylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043404 corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032304 negative regulation of icosanoid secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006429 leucyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000592 regulation of metanephric DCT cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002101 tRNA wobble cytosine modification 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002877 regulation of acute inflammatory response to non-antigenic stimulus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048389 intermediate mesoderm development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048882 lateral line development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046176 aldonic acid catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046502 uroporphyrinogen III metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043375 CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell lineage commitment 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900240 negative regulation of phenotypic switching 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001887 selenium compound metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021644 vagus nerve morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014721 twitch skeletal muscle contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038035 ligand-independent adenylate cyclase-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035262 gonad morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071846 actin filament debranching 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006428 isoleucyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006741 NADP biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003195 tricuspid valve formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018021 peptidyl-histidine methylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110111 negative regulation of animal organ morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044870 modulation by host of viral glycoprotein metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009439 cyanate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002384 hepatic immune response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015700 arsenite transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140774 NAD-dependent protein depalmitoylase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097048 dendritic cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905871 regulation of protein localization to cell leading edge 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905735 regulation of L-proline import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900924 negative regulation of glycine import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060876 semicircular canal formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006683 galactosylceramide catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060067 cervix development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046010 positive regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, non-REM sleep 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046684 response to pyrethroid 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090251 protein localization involved in establishment of planar polarity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046724 oxalic acid secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048560 establishment of anatomical structure orientation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001311 lysobisphosphatidic acid metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001150 positive regulation of dipeptide transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006679 glucosylceramide biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098920 retrograde trans-synaptic signaling by lipid 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002395 immune response in nasopharyngeal-associated lymphoid tissue 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904219 positive regulation of CDP-diacylglycerol-serine O-phosphatidyltransferase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034275 kynurenic acid metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000363 positive regulation of prostaglandin-E synthase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030026 intracellular manganese ion homeostasis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001970 positive regulation of activation of membrane attack complex 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905366 negative regulation of intralumenal vesicle formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090265 positive regulation of immune complex clearance by monocytes and macrophages 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001879 detection of yeast 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001994 norepinephrine-epinephrine vasoconstriction involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000040 regulation of planar cell polarity pathway involved in axis elongation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006601 creatine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042937 tripeptide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001017 regulation of retrograde axon cargo transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060694 regulation of cholesterol transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903422 negative regulation of synaptic vesicle recycling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071642 positive regulation of macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018364 peptidyl-glutamine methylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072183 negative regulation of nephron tubule epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021985 neurohypophysis development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072004 kidney field specification 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002654 positive regulation of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903769 negative regulation of cell proliferation in bone marrow 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903849 positive regulation of aorta morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160024 Leydig cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010724 regulation of definitive erythrocyte differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036048 protein desuccinylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045963 negative regulation of dopamine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071879 positive regulation of adenylate cyclase-activating adrenergic receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032900 negative regulation of neurotrophin production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901706 mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in bone development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032902 nerve growth factor production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902688 regulation of NAD metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990390 protein K33-linked ubiquitination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045585 positive regulation of cytotoxic T cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904845 cellular response to L-glutamine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007529 establishment of synaptic specificity at neuromuscular junction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021935 cerebellar granule cell precursor tangential migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000754 regulation of sphingomyelin catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035854 eosinophil fate commitment 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034230 enkephalin processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000594 positive regulation of metanephric DCT cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051309 female meiosis chromosome separation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006051 N-acetylmannosamine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032484 Ral protein signal transduction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016107 sesquiterpenoid catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048884 neuromast development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015883 FAD transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033037 polysaccharide localization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036049 peptidyl-lysine desuccinylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071661 regulation of granzyme B production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106028 neuron projection retraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044003 modulation by symbiont of host process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002930 trabecular meshwork development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904790 regulation of shelterin complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042322 negative regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, REM sleep 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120224 larynx development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904434 positive regulation of ferrous iron binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904103 regulation of convergent extension involved in gastrulation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904808 positive regulation of protein oxidation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000426 negative regulation of apoptotic cell clearance 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046619 lens placode formation involved in camera-type eye formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060279 positive regulation of ovulation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021599 abducens nerve formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019100 male germ-line sex determination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090663 galanin-activated signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006780 uroporphyrinogen III biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000791 negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034516 response to vitamin B6 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150047 G protein-coupled neurotransmitter receptor activity involved in regulation of presynaptic membrane potential 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002086 diaphragm contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990114 RNA polymerase II core complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032460 negative regulation of protein oligomerization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046586 regulation of calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062000 positive regulation of cardiac endothelial to mesenchymal transition 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043163 cell envelope organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097156 fasciculation of motor neuron axon 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019303 D-ribose catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048250 iron import into the mitochondrion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009196 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004918 interleukin-8 receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086092 regulation of the force of heart contraction by cardiac conduction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032227 negative regulation of synaptic transmission, dopaminergic 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060903 positive regulation of meiosis I 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0080121 AMP transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905219 regulation of platelet formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046077 dUDP metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035790 platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006540 glutamate decarboxylation to succinate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001074 regulation of metanephric ureteric bud development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061766 positive regulation of lung blood pressure 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006542 glutamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904300 positive regulation of transcytosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001112 DNA-templated transcription open complex formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901474 azole transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001109 regulation of lens epithelial cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141113 negative regulation of Wnt signaling pathway, planar cell polarity pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016260 selenocysteine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015913 short-chain fatty acid transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001272 positive regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in execution phase of apoptosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021598 abducens nerve morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043311 positive regulation of eosinophil degranulation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000473 positive regulation of hematopoietic stem cell migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033864 positive regulation of NAD(P)H oxidase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032759 positive regulation of TRAIL production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060471 cortical granule exocytosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000521 negative regulation of immunological synapse formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900073 regulation of neuromuscular synaptic transmission 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901980 positive regulation of inward rectifier potassium channel activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050976 detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of touch 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015227 acyl carnitine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032076 negative regulation of deoxyribonuclease activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990262 anti-Mullerian hormone receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039020 pronephric nephron tubule development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019389 glucuronoside metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002465 peripheral tolerance induction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099642 retrograde axonal protein transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038124 toll-like receptor TLR6:TLR2 signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000438 negative regulation of monocyte extravasation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010999 regulation of eIF2 alpha phosphorylation by heme 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015218 pyrimidine nucleotide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904188 negative regulation of transformation of host cell by virus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004996 thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009590 detection of gravity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904520 regulation of myofibroblast cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140965 secondary piRNA processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071140 resolution of mitotic recombination intermediates 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904935 positive regulation of cell proliferation in midbrain 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000454 snoRNA guided rRNA pseudouridine synthesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014900 muscle hyperplasia 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061032 visceral serous pericardium development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061107 seminal vesicle development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046203 spermidine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106004 tRNA (guanine-N7)-methylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003210 cardiac atrium formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034758 positive regulation of iron ion transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903882 negative regulation of interleukin-17-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036304 umbilical cord morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044269 glycerol ether catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002017 regulation of blood volume by renal aldosterone 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990359 stress response to zinc ion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019988 charged-tRNA amino acid modification 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140743 regulation of lncRNA transcription 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046657 folic acid catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905053 positive regulation of base-excision repair 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072741 protein localization to cell division site 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903016 negative regulation of exo-alpha-sialidase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033595 response to genistein 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060621 negative regulation of cholesterol import 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048692 negative regulation of axon extension involved in regeneration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048690 regulation of axon extension involved in regeneration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036480 neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to oxidative stress 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007493 endodermal cell fate determination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034188 apolipoprotein A-I receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061386 closure of optic fissure 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046915 transition metal ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044779 meiotic spindle checkpoint signaling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015230 FAD transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0080170 hydrogen peroxide transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072305 negative regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephric nephron morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051885 positive regulation of timing of anagen 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900214 regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric collecting duct development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051132 NK T cell activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036359 renal potassium excretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150074 positive regulation of protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038004 epidermal growth factor receptor ligand maturation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090362 positive regulation of platelet-derived growth factor production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010585 glutamine secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904815 negative regulation of protein localization to chromosome, telomeric region 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061144 alveolar secondary septum development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015966 diadenosine tetraphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007618 mating 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106047 polyamine deacetylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010920 negative regulation of inositol phosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060912 cardiac cell fate specification 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001808 negative regulation of type IV hypersensitivity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905704 positive regulation of inhibitory synapse assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060151 peroxisome localization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060310 regulation of elastin catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903744 positive regulation of anterograde synaptic vesicle transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035759 mesangial cell-matrix adhesion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097343 ripoptosome assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004905 type I interferon receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061027 umbilical cord development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072272 proximal/distal pattern formation involved in metanephric nephron development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000225 negative regulation of testosterone biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031930 mitochondria-nucleus signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071550 death-inducing signaling complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006043 glucosamine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902257 negative regulation of apoptotic process involved in outflow tract morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903910 negative regulation of receptor clustering 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021966 corticospinal neuron axon guidance 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044778 meiotic DNA integrity checkpoint signaling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990432 siRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098763 mitotic cell cycle phase 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009203 ribonucleoside triphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006597 spermine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042489 negative regulation of odontogenesis of dentin-containing tooth 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086059 voltage-gated calcium channel activity involved SA node cell action potential 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072191 ureter smooth muscle development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901327 response to tacrolimus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008612 peptidyl-lysine modification to peptidyl-hypusine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002485 antigen processing and presentation of endogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I via ER pathway, TAP-dependent 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008295 spermidine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990792 cellular response to glial cell derived neurotrophic factor 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019740 nitrogen utilization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002540 leukotriene production involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904681 response to 3-methylcholanthrene 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006447 regulation of translational initiation by iron 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002542 Factor XII activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904328 regulation of myofibroblast contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036321 ghrelin secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044866 modulation by host of viral exo-alpha-sialidase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000157 negative regulation of ubiquitin-specific protease activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904211 membrane protein proteolysis involved in retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032644 regulation of fractalkine production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046963 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904448 regulation of aspartate secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045720 negative regulation of integrin biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032898 neurotrophin production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007497 posterior midgut development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904863 regulation of beta-catenin-TCF complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904743 negative regulation of telomeric DNA binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002663 positive regulation of B cell tolerance induction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905524 negative regulation of protein autoubiquitination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060532 bronchus cartilage development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120190 negative regulation of bile acid secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903445 protein transport from ciliary membrane to plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007439 ectodermal digestive tract development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903165 response to polycyclic arene 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008614 pyridoxine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061441 renal artery morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036060 slit diaphragm assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035607 fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in orbitofrontal cortex development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901749 leukotriene D4 catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042309 homoiothermy 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098886 modification of dendritic spine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097359 UDP-glucosylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070781 response to biotin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006059 hexitol metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030908 protein splicing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019054 modulation by virus of host cellular process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006436 tryptophanyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046061 dATP catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086021 SA node cell to atrial cardiac muscle cell communication by electrical coupling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008545 JUN kinase kinase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017186 peptidyl-pyroglutamic acid biosynthetic process, using glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007521 muscle cell fate determination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140970 AIM2 inflammasome complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070194 synaptonemal complex disassembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071545 inositol phosphate catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042701 progesterone secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051134 negative regulation of NK T cell activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903742 regulation of anterograde synaptic vesicle transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901825 zeaxanthin metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903862 positive regulation of oxidative phosphorylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046922 peptide-O-fucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021816 extension of a leading process involved in cell motility in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034390 smooth muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902631 negative regulation of membrane hyperpolarization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904048 regulation of spontaneous neurotransmitter secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000468 regulation of peroxidase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902766 skeletal muscle satellite cell migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003010 voluntary skeletal muscle contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905449 regulation of Fc-gamma receptor signaling pathway involved in phagocytosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905169 regulation of protein localization to phagocytic vesicle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051040 regulation of calcium-independent cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018094 protein polyglycylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903393 positive regulation of adherens junction organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090133 mesendoderm migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061300 cerebellum vasculature development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061302 smooth muscle cell-matrix adhesion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072229 metanephric proximal convoluted tubule development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035990 tendon cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903216 regulation of protein processing involved in protein targeting to mitochondrion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034125 negative regulation of MyD88-dependent toll-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015144 carbohydrate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035992 tendon formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901877 negative regulation of calcium ion binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016598 protein arginylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046946 hydroxylysine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045105 intermediate filament polymerization or depolymerization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071386 cellular response to corticosterone stimulus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140249 protein catabolic process at postsynapse 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046398 UDP-glucuronate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000256 positive regulation of male germ cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003350 pulmonary myocardium development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018171 peptidyl-cysteine oxidation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019408 dolichol biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903408 positive regulation of P-type sodium:potassium-exchanging transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901187 regulation of ephrin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007634 optokinetic behavior 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000536 negative regulation of entry of bacterium into host cell 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000077 negative regulation of type B pancreatic cell development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044210 'de novo' CTP biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904899 positive regulation of hepatic stellate cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110026 regulation of DNA strand resection involved in replication fork processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048342 paraxial mesodermal cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905533 negative regulation of L-leucine import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000309 positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily member 11 production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005035 death receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050428 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0101023 vascular endothelial cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141067 intracellular nitrogen homeostasis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905365 regulation of intralumenal vesicle formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019519 pentitol metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006178 guanine salvage 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021693 cerebellar Purkinje cell layer structural organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900737 negative regulation of phospholipase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009440 cyanate catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019659 glucose catabolic process to lactate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034276 kynurenic acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903518 positive regulation of single strand break repair 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990227 paranodal junction maintenance 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031247 actin rod assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061084 negative regulation of protein refolding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035898 parathyroid hormone secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043633 polyadenylation-dependent RNA catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061552 ganglion morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000558 positive regulation of immunoglobulin production in mucosal tissue 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000866 positive regulation of estradiol secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140076 negative regulation of lipoprotein transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000471 regulation of hematopoietic stem cell migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903056 regulation of melanosome organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140706 protein-containing complex localization to centriolar satellite 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062173 brexanolone metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903783 negative regulation of sodium ion import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042818 pyridoxamine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904542 regulation of free ubiquitin chain polymerization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904881 cellular response to hydrogen sulfide 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019660 glycolytic fermentation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042450 arginine biosynthetic process via ornithine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032764 negative regulation of mast cell cytokine production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001295 malonyl-CoA biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098658 inorganic anion import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000016 negative regulation of determination of dorsal identity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019521 D-gluconate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018992 germ-line sex determination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019543 propionate catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034228 ethanolamine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003252 negative regulation of cell proliferation involved in heart valve morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035622 intrahepatic bile duct development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140251 regulation protein catabolic process at presynapse 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015247 aminophospholipid flippase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045016 mitochondrial magnesium ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904472 positive regulation of endothelin production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901032 negative regulation of response to reactive oxygen species 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004743 pyruvate kinase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004917 interleukin-7 receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046381 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904470 regulation of endothelin production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036179 osteoclast maturation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000880 positive regulation of dipeptide transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002114 interleukin-33 receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000707 positive regulation of dense core granule biogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001120 protein-DNA complex remodeling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904730 negative regulation of intestinal lipid absorption 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032646 regulation of hepatocyte growth factor production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903971 positive regulation of response to macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036525 protein deglycation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046478 lactosylceramide metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015960 diadenosine polyphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904274 tricellular tight junction assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901080 regulation of relaxation of smooth muscle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033566 gamma-tubulin complex localization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042595 behavioral response to starvation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000397 positive regulation of ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904780 negative regulation of protein localization to centrosome 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905152 positive regulation of voltage-gated sodium channel activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038018 Wnt receptor catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904782 negative regulation of NMDA glutamate receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002276 basophil activation involved in immune response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904435 regulation of transferrin receptor binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000354 cis assembly of pre-catalytic spliceosome 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032699 negative regulation of interleukin-16 production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021589 cerebellum structural organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031144 proteasome localization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034229 ethanolamine transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021941 negative regulation of cerebellar granule cell precursor proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900135 positive regulation of renin secretion into blood stream 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021825 substrate-dependent cerebral cortex tangential migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045643 regulation of eosinophil differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039585 PKR/eIFalpha signaling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903489 positive regulation of lactation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006434 seryl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060566 positive regulation of termination of DNA-templated transcription 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099526 presynapse to nucleus signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006227 dUDP biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001705 ectoderm formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015146 pentose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000584 negative regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045819 positive regulation of glycogen catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051033 RNA transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019566 arabinose metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019858 cytosine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070256 negative regulation of mucus secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006423 cysteinyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032472 Golgi calcium ion transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039003 pronephric field specification 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042781 3'-tRNA processing endoribonuclease activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006218 uridine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006161 deoxyguanosine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038181 bile acid receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001019 positive regulation of retrograde axon cargo transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032485 regulation of Ral protein signal transduction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904217 regulation of CDP-diacylglycerol-serine O-phosphatidyltransferase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000493 box H/ACA snoRNP assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035526 retrograde transport, plasma membrane to Golgi 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901751 leukotriene A4 metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905171 positive regulation of protein localization to phagocytic vesicle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000755 positive regulation of sphingomyelin catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098968 neurotransmitter receptor transport postsynaptic membrane to endosome 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036047 peptidyl-lysine demalonylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007174 epidermal growth factor catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010725 regulation of primitive erythrocyte differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160025 sensory perception of itch 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048203 vesicle targeting, trans-Golgi to endosome 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007518 myoblast fate determination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904719 positive regulation of AMPA glutamate receptor clustering 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904229 regulation of succinate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003408 optic cup formation involved in camera-type eye development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009079 pyruvate family amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905035 negative regulation of antifungal innate immune response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000744 positive regulation of anterior head development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021893 cerebral cortex GABAergic interneuron fate commitment 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048378 regulation of lateral mesodermal cell fate specification 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000452 regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic T cell extravasation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050883 musculoskeletal movement, spinal reflex action 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045827 negative regulation of isoprenoid metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046712 GDP catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904976 cellular response to bleomycin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061047 positive regulation of branching involved in lung morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030389 fructosamine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097323 B cell adhesion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905663 positive regulation of telomerase RNA reverse transcriptase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010694 positive regulation of alkaline phosphatase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071000 response to magnetism 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072193 ureter smooth muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051548 negative regulation of keratinocyte migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001980 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by ischemic conditions 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005011 macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021568 rhombomere 2 development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903945 positive regulation of hepatocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000740 negative regulation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002879 positive regulation of acute inflammatory response to non-antigenic stimulus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990705 cholangiocyte proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000742 regulation of anterior head development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072138 mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureteric bud development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046361 2-oxobutyrate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050992 dimethylallyl diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003172 sinoatrial valve development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000532 regulation of renal albumin absorption 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002661 regulation of B cell tolerance induction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031550 positive regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061443 endocardial cushion cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070489 T cell aggregation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902996 regulation of neurofibrillary tangle assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090260 negative regulation of retinal ganglion cell axon guidance 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042008 interleukin-18 receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010692 regulation of alkaline phosphatase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002188 translation reinitiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070039 rRNA (guanosine-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048611 embryonic ectodermal digestive tract development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006427 histidyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905492 positive regulation of branching morphogenesis of a nerve 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902145 regulation of response to cell cycle checkpoint signaling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086062 voltage-gated sodium channel activity involved in Purkinje myocyte action potential 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903210 podocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903720 negative regulation of I-kappaB phosphorylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045914 negative regulation of catecholamine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009098 L-leucine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061869 regulation of hepatic stellate cell migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071873 response to norepinephrine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007135 meiosis II 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055025 positive regulation of cardiac muscle tissue development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017055 negative regulation of RNA polymerase II transcription preinitiation complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000368 positive regulation of acrosomal vesicle exocytosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019763 immunoglobulin receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071838 cell proliferation in bone marrow 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097711 ciliary basal body-plasma membrane docking 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902349 response to chloroquine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090386 phagosome maturation involved in apoptotic cell clearance 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035683 memory T cell extravasation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001142 nicotinate transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904633 regulation of podocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904842 response to nitroglycerin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904762 positive regulation of myofibroblast differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000314 negative regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070488 neutrophil aggregation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014036 neural crest cell fate specification 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019547 arginine catabolic process to ornithine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042823 pyridoxal phosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904270 pyroptosome complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001810 regulation of type I hypersensitivity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071486 cellular response to high light intensity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071036 nuclear polyadenylation-dependent snoRNA catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003245 cardiac muscle tissue growth involved in heart morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060701 negative regulation of ribonuclease activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004913 interleukin-4 receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006668 sphinganine-1-phosphate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034465 response to carbon monoxide 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046498 S-adenosylhomocysteine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900409 positive regulation of cellular response to oxidative stress 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021812 neuronal-glial interaction involved in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051685 maintenance of ER location 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048817 negative regulation of hair follicle maturation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035803 egg coat formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000350 generation of catalytic spliceosome for second transesterification step 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098989 NMDA selective glutamate receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904826 regulation of hydrogen sulfide biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035544 negative regulation of SNARE complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072249 metanephric podocyte development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062177 radial spoke assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905349 ciliary transition zone assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038062 protein tyrosine kinase collagen receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072110 glomerular mesangial cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032213 regulation of telomere maintenance via semi-conservative replication 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032723 positive regulation of connective tissue growth factor production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000636 positive regulation of primary miRNA processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046099 guanine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021776 smoothened signaling pathway involved in spinal cord motor neuron cell fate specification 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046511 sphinganine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071812 positive regulation of fever generation by positive regulation of prostaglandin secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904544 positive regulation of free ubiquitin chain polymerization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003312 pancreatic PP cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905213 negative regulation of mitotic chromosome condensation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072313 metanephric glomerular epithelial cell development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904905 negative regulation of endothelial cell-matrix adhesion via fibronectin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006480 N-terminal protein amino acid methylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904235 regulation of substrate-dependent cell migration, cell attachment to substrate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021577 hindbrain structural organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043449 cellular alkene metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002587 negative regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class II 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021691 cerebellar Purkinje cell layer maturation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030860 regulation of polarized epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106230 protein depropionylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038041 cross-receptor inhibition within G protein-coupled receptor heterodimer 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004951 cholecystokinin receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072248 metanephric podocyte differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070352 positive regulation of white fat cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048160 primary follicle stage 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070950 regulation of neutrophil mediated killing of bacterium 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019391 glucuronoside catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003050 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by atrial natriuretic peptide 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902492 positive regulation of sperm capacitation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031161 phosphatidylinositol catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900190 regulation of single-species biofilm formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000393 negative regulation of lamellipodium morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903701 substantia propria of cornea development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099555 trans-synaptic signaling by nitric oxide, modulating synaptic transmission 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072053 renal inner medulla development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045659 negative regulation of neutrophil differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097473 retinal rod cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904426 positive regulation of GTP binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903402 regulation of renal phosphate excretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034123 positive regulation of toll-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002415 immunoglobulin transcytosis in epithelial cells mediated by polymeric immunoglobulin receptor 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903384 negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide-induced neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021836 chemorepulsion involved in postnatal olfactory bulb interneuron migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902426 deactivation of mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042441 eye pigment metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150147 cell-cell junction disassembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015350 methotrexate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035513 oxidative RNA demethylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040040 thermosensory behavior 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000790 regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032745 positive regulation of interleukin-21 production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036309 protein localization to M-band 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903512 phytanic acid metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904387 cellular response to L-phenylalanine derivative 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016119 carotene metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090135 actin filament branching 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051365 cellular response to potassium ion starvation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015214 pyrimidine nucleoside transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002344 B cell affinity maturation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150159 negative regulation of interleukin-34 production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0080122 AMP transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900084 regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine autophosphorylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003336 corneocyte desquamation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000809 positive regulation of synaptic vesicle clustering 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035709 memory T cell activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002222 stimulatory killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090291 negative regulation of osteoclast proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099611 regulation of action potential firing threshold 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060466 activation of meiosis involved in egg activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070124 mitochondrial translational initiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904708 regulation of granulosa cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007509 mesoderm migration involved in gastrulation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905040 otic placode development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900275 negative regulation of phospholipase C activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034442 regulation of lipoprotein oxidation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033306 phytol metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002876 positive regulation of chronic inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046177 D-gluconate catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904231 positive regulation of succinate dehydrogenase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051329 mitotic interphase 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035281 pre-miRNA export from nucleus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000041 negative regulation of planar cell polarity pathway involved in axis elongation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905403 negative regulation of activated CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903538 regulation of meiotic cell cycle process involved in oocyte maturation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042495 detection of triacyl bacterial lipopeptide 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036345 platelet maturation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006113 fermentation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070889 platelet alpha granule organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006864 pyrimidine nucleotide transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903923 positive regulation of protein processing in phagocytic vesicle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070982 L-asparagine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150033 negative regulation of protein localization to lysosome 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001971 negative regulation of activation of membrane attack complex 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900218 negative regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric nephron tubule development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019043 establishment of viral latency 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086054 bundle of His cell to Purkinje myocyte communication by electrical coupling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000729 positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016182 synaptic vesicle budding from endosome 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000673 positive regulation of motor neuron apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070375 ERK5 cascade 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046168 glycerol-3-phosphate catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033384 geranyl diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070178 D-serine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031408 oxylipin biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901860 positive regulation of mitochondrial DNA metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015056 corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072738 cellular response to diamide 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008521 acetyl-CoA transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097111 endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905281 positive regulation of retrograde transport, endosome to Golgi 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006050 mannosamine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903597 negative regulation of gap junction assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904440 positive regulation of iron ion import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008039 synaptic target recognition 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900673 olefin metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021623 oculomotor nerve formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097695 establishment of protein-containing complex localization to telomere 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038192 gastric inhibitory peptide signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038190 VEGF-activated neuropilin signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905184 positive regulation of protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071039 nuclear polyadenylation-dependent CUT catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046449 creatinine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097214 positive regulation of lysosomal membrane permeability 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060163 subpallium neuron fate commitment 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904106 protein localization to microvillus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903960 negative regulation of anion transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010747 positive regulation of long-chain fatty acid import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016031 tRNA import into mitochondrion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072278 metanephric comma-shaped body morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140207 tripeptide import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003366 cell-matrix adhesion involved in ameboidal cell migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043628 regulatory ncRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021586 pons maturation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002037 negative regulation of L-glutamate import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061886 negative regulation of mini excitatory postsynaptic potential 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045509 interleukin-27 receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043381 negative regulation of memory T cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015787 UDP-glucuronic acid transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905175 negative regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009197 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072046 establishment of planar polarity involved in nephron morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061010 gallbladder development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060458 right lung development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036111 very long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905180 positive regulation of cardiac muscle tissue regeneration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099044 vesicle tethering to endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905407 regulation of creatine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010607 negative regulation of cytoplasmic mRNA processing body assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031989 bombesin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901052 sarcosine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038194 thyroid-stimulating hormone signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045958 positive regulation of complement activation, alternative pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150037 regulation of calcium-dependent activation of synaptic vesicle fusion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072233 metanephric thick ascending limb development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061847 response to cholecystokinin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905933 regulation of cell fate determination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903964 monounsaturated fatty acid metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061724 lipophagy 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060058 positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in mammary gland involution 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044871 negative regulation by host of viral glycoprotein metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005463 UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046110 xanthine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001866 NK T cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097069 cellular response to thyroxine stimulus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903810 L-histidine import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990497 regulation of cytoplasmic translation in response to stress 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090117 endosome to lysosome transport of low-density lipoprotein particle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021558 trochlear nerve development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000386 positive regulation of ovarian follicle development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071105 response to interleukin-11 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032431 activation of phospholipase A2 activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160021 maternal-to-zygotic transition of gene expression 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051563 smooth endoplasmic reticulum calcium ion homeostasis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061153 trachea gland development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034517 ribophagy 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036269 swimming behavior 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006045 N-acetylglucosamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003275 apoptotic process involved in outflow tract morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032771 regulation of tyrosinase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900155 negative regulation of bone trabecula formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060459 left lung development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098921 retrograde trans-synaptic signaling by endocannabinoid 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051935 glutamate reuptake 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021627 olfactory nerve morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072166 posterior mesonephric tubule development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902379 chemoattractant activity involved in axon guidance 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033364 mast cell secretory granule organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021722 superior olivary nucleus maturation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903645 negative regulation of chaperone-mediated protein folding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900082 negative regulation of arginine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901373 lipid hydroperoxide transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006726 eye pigment biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106135 negative regulation of cardiac muscle cell contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035565 regulation of pronephros size 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904979 negative regulation of endosome organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003218 cardiac left ventricle formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015843 methylammonium transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016320 endoplasmic reticulum membrane fusion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099180 zinc ion import into synaptic vesicle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903004 regulation of protein K63-linked deubiquitination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014737 positive regulation of muscle atrophy 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042418 epinephrine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034127 regulation of MyD88-independent toll-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046370 fructose biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060980 cell migration involved in coronary vasculogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002121 inter-male aggressive behavior 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008425 2-polyprenyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone methyltransferase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036316 SREBP-SCAP complex retention in endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900075 positive regulation of neuromuscular synaptic transmission 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070960 positive regulation of neutrophil mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006393 termination of mitochondrial transcription 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018283 iron incorporation into metallo-sulfur cluster 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002635 negative regulation of germinal center formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039017 pattern specification involved in pronephros development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097536 thymus epithelium morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036371 protein localization to T-tubule 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904835 dorsal root ganglion morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071469 cellular response to alkaline pH 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009257 10-formyltetrahydrofolate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032242 regulation of nucleoside transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051951 positive regulation of glutamate uptake involved in transmission of nerve impulse 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015675 nickel cation transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032119 sequestering of zinc ion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902081 negative regulation of calcium ion import into sarcoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903382 negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902565 positive regulation of neutrophil activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990859 cellular response to endothelin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905590 fibronectin fibril organization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046878 positive regulation of saliva secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015680 protein maturation by copper ion transfer 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902528 regulation of protein linear polyubiquitination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120058 positive regulation of small intestinal transit 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035983 response to trichostatin A 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903375 facioacoustic ganglion development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990268 response to gold nanoparticle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002940 tRNA N2-guanine methylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904565 response to 1-oleoyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021630 olfactory nerve maturation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904649 regulation of fat cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900234 regulation of Kit signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044751 cellular response to human chorionic gonadotropin stimulus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015722 canalicular bile acid transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051257 meiotic spindle midzone assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090088 regulation of oligopeptide transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002367 cytokine production involved in immune response 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902283 negative regulation of primary amine oxidase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000334 positive regulation of blood microparticle formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030573 bile acid catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030421 defecation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001595 angiotensin receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009213 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060282 positive regulation of oocyte development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019550 glutamate catabolic process to aspartate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905342 positive regulation of protein localization to kinetochore 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905340 regulation of protein localization to kinetochore 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032463 negative regulation of protein homooligomerization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004915 interleukin-6 receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060434 bronchus morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002590 negative regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class I 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032672 regulation of interleukin-3 production 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902046 positive regulation of Fas signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120006 regulation of glutamatergic neuron differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990117 B cell receptor apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060302 negative regulation of cytokine activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902805 positive regulation of synaptic vesicle transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008050 female courtship behavior 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010732 regulation of protein glutathionylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035498 carnosine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018872 arsonoacetate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090089 regulation of dipeptide transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006097 glyoxylate cycle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033041 sweet taste receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901558 response to metformin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000395 regulation of ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905463 negative regulation of DNA duplex unwinding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141112 broken chromosome clustering 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036518 chemorepulsion of dopaminergic neuron axon 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097291 renal phosphate ion absorption 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904437 positive regulation of transferrin receptor binding 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015151 alpha-glucoside transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072752 cellular response to rapamycin 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015819 lysine transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106288 regulation of deadenylation-dependent decapping of nuclear-transcribed mRNA 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044869 negative regulation by host of viral exo-alpha-sialidase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060495 cell-cell signaling involved in lung development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046544 development of secondary male sexual characteristics 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006438 valyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021827 postnatal olfactory bulb interneuron migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038025 reelin receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046108 uridine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904022 positive regulation of G protein-coupled receptor internalization 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900923 regulation of glycine import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905046 positive regulation of Schwann cell proliferation involved in axon regeneration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022007 convergent extension involved in neural plate elongation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903006 positive regulation of protein K63-linked deubiquitination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140773 NAD-dependent protein demyristoylase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903921 regulation of protein processing in phagocytic vesicle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061582 intestinal epithelial cell migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050653 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process, polysaccharide chain biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002130 wobble position ribose methylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000080 mitotic G1 phase 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001148 regulation of dipeptide transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031619 homologous chromosome orientation in meiotic metaphase I 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905303 positive regulation of macropinocytosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030187 melatonin biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060516 primary prostatic bud elongation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071506 cellular response to mycophenolic acid 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035635 entry of bacterium into host cell 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150007 clathrin-dependent synaptic vesicle endocytosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036445 neuronal stem cell division 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002481 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous protein antigen via MHC class Ib, TAP-dependent 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160144 GDF15-GFRAL signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061314 Notch signaling involved in heart development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060689 cell differentiation involved in salivary gland development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903060 negative regulation of protein lipidation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905777 regulation of exonuclease activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035685 helper T cell diapedesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021560 abducens nerve development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904635 positive regulation of podocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061860 DNA clamp unloader activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031627 telomeric loop formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905793 protein localization to pericentriolar material 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019060 intracellular transport of viral protein in host cell 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071707 immunoglobulin heavy chain V-D-J recombination 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032499 detection of peptidoglycan 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140246 protein catabolic process at synapse 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003980 UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001781 neutrophil apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019264 glycine biosynthetic process from serine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003404 optic vesicle morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043134 regulation of hindgut contraction 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019343 cysteine biosynthetic process via cystathionine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060060 post-embryonic retina morphogenesis in camera-type eye 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120302 background adaptation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015882 L-ascorbic acid transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097534 lymphoid lineage cell migration 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001997 positive regulation of the force of heart contraction by epinephrine-norepinephrine 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002333 transitional one stage B cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990519 pyrimidine nucleotide import into mitochondrion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010265 SCF complex assembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903406 regulation of P-type sodium:potassium-exchanging transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000538 positive regulation of B cell chemotaxis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016557 peroxisome membrane biogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021997 neural plate axis specification 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098711 iron ion import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002182 cytoplasmic translational elongation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090715 immunological memory formation process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045796 negative regulation of intestinal cholesterol absorption 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090149 mitochondrial membrane fission 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004946 bombesin receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903713 asparagine transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010949 negative regulation of intestinal phytosterol absorption 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031456 glycine betaine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002946 tRNA C5-cytosine methylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090212 negative regulation of establishment of blood-brain barrier 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043007 maintenance of rDNA 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072134 nephrogenic mesenchyme morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901502 ether catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001111 positive regulation of lens epithelial cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000495 box H/ACA sno(s)RNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033082 regulation of extrathymic T cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021658 rhombomere 3 morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140499 negative regulation of mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint signaling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014806 smooth muscle hyperplasia 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014045 establishment of endothelial blood-brain barrier 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000458 regulation of astrocyte chemotaxis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006148 inosine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032298 positive regulation of DNA-templated DNA replication initiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072301 regulation of metanephric glomerular mesangial cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006425 glutaminyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905931 negative regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell differentiation involved in phenotypic switching 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090675 intermicrovillar adhesion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160006 Fc receptor-mediated immune complex endocytosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015647 peptidoglycan transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035674 tricarboxylic acid transmembrane transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140651 futile creatine cycle 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061534 gamma-aminobutyric acid secretion, neurotransmission 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905298 regulation of intestinal epithelial cell development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034478 phosphatidylglycerol catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035505 positive regulation of myosin light chain kinase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002337 B-1a B cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005461 UDP-glucuronic acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022403 cell cycle phase 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904024 negative regulation of glucose catabolic process to lactate via pyruvate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007199 G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway coupled to cGMP nucleotide second messenger 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904222 positive regulation of serine C-palmitoyltransferase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016487 farnesol metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001409 guanine nucleotide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097252 oligodendrocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904674 positive regulation of somatic stem cell population maintenance 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010465 nerve growth factor receptor activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070366 regulation of hepatocyte differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903336 negative regulation of vacuolar transport 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000103 sulfate assimilation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015192 L-phenylalanine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015636 short-chain fatty acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120181 focal adhesion disassembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160023 sneeze reflex 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070902 mitochondrial tRNA pseudouridine synthesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006212 uracil catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006722 triterpenoid metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032773 positive regulation of tyrosinase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009085 lysine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019427 acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process from acetate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003199 endocardial cushion to mesenchymal transition involved in heart valve formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990172 G protein-coupled receptor catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001519 peptide amidation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045609 positive regulation of inner ear auditory receptor cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018963 phthalate metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060427 lung connective tissue development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006149 deoxyinosine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010734 negative regulation of protein glutathionylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090273 regulation of somatostatin secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902298 cell cycle DNA replication maintenance of fidelity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033241 regulation of amine catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061939 c-di-GMP signaling 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000654 regulation of cellular response to testosterone stimulus 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043324 pigment metabolic process involved in developmental pigmentation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061209 cell proliferation involved in mesonephros development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990910 response to hypobaric hypoxia 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015165 pyrimidine nucleotide-sugar transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070460 thyroid-stimulating hormone secretion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009646 response to absence of light 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904298 regulation of transcytosis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903614 negative regulation of protein tyrosine phosphatase activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099548 trans-synaptic signaling by nitric oxide 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072160 nephron tubule epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000568 positive regulation of memory T cell activation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106088 regulation of cell adhesion involved in sprouting angiogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038111 interleukin-7-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051228 mitotic spindle disassembly 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000525 positive regulation of T cell costimulation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901804 beta-glucoside metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030221 basophil differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016340 calcium-dependent cell-matrix adhesion 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072061 inner medullary collecting duct development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903181 positive regulation of dopamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000982 positive regulation of inner ear receptor cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070638 pyridine nucleoside catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015117 thiosulfate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901660 calcium ion export 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090618 DNA clamp unloading 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072141 renal interstitial fibroblast development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120223 larynx morphogenesis 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001575 globoside metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010795 regulation of ubiquinone biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901073 glucosamine-containing compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035483 gastric emptying 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019075 virus maturation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045645 positive regulation of eosinophil differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904596 regulation of connective tissue replacement involved in inflammatory response wound healing 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904237 positive regulation of substrate-dependent cell migration, cell attachment to substrate 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904907 regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion, telomeric 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000332 regulation of blood microparticle formation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002585 positive regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021823 cerebral cortex tangential migration using cell-cell interactions 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018003 peptidyl-lysine N6-acetylation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072244 metanephric glomerular epithelium development 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905344 prostaglandin catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016121 carotene catabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070343 white fat cell proliferation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002572 pro-T cell differentiation 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046072 dTDP metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034158 toll-like receptor 8 signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046094 deoxyinosine metabolic process 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090297 positive regulation of mitochondrial DNA replication 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099557 trans-synaptic signaling by trans-synaptic complex, modulating synaptic transmission 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086097 phospholipase C-activating angiotensin-activated signaling pathway 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001582 detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of sweet taste 1.00000000003049 3.04864705249463e-11 2 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046364 monosaccharide biosynthetic process 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006998 nuclear envelope organization 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045005 DNA-templated DNA replication maintenance of fidelity 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086001 cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070542 response to fatty acid 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140238 presynaptic endocytosis 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010656 negative regulation of muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033013 tetrapyrrole metabolic process 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002823 negative regulation of adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904645 response to amyloid-beta 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051209 release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900087 positive regulation of G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007159 leukocyte cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000648 positive regulation of stem cell proliferation 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007585 respiratory gaseous exchange by respiratory system 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035019 somatic stem cell population maintenance 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904019 epithelial cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990928 response to amino acid starvation 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019731 antibacterial humoral response 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006893 Golgi to plasma membrane transport 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048278 vesicle docking 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060675 ureteric bud morphogenesis 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000107 negative regulation of leukocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001954 positive regulation of cell-matrix adhesion 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072132 mesenchyme morphogenesis 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072676 lymphocyte migration 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007187 G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway, coupled to cyclic nucleotide second messenger 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048599 oocyte development 1.00000000003053 3.05317797633339e-11 56 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017015 regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003081 3.08116374005481e-11 179 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055088 lipid homeostasis 1.00000000003081 3.08116374005481e-11 179 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903034 regulation of response to wounding 1.00000000003081 3.08116374005481e-11 179 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061303 cornea development in camera-type eye 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015015 heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process, enzymatic modification 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090481 pyrimidine nucleotide-sugar transmembrane transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030948 negative regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060049 regulation of protein glycosylation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010459 negative regulation of heart rate 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072488 ammonium transmembrane transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098911 regulation of ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048484 enteric nervous system development 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098976 excitatory chemical synaptic transmission 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007494 midgut development 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097067 cellular response to thyroid hormone stimulus 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009650 UV protection 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904925 positive regulation of autophagy of mitochondrion in response to mitochondrial depolarization 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034135 regulation of toll-like receptor 2 signaling pathway 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072077 renal vesicle morphogenesis 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071233 cellular response to L-leucine 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017062 respiratory chain complex III assembly 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160049 negative regulation of cGAS/STING signaling pathway 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090160 Golgi to lysosome transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034397 telomere localization 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900152 negative regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, deadenylation-dependent decay 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021670 lateral ventricle development 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000035 regulation of stem cell division 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061307 cardiac neural crest cell differentiation involved in heart development 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097576 vacuole fusion 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009086 methionine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035493 SNARE complex assembly 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001967 suckling behavior 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001046 positive regulation of integrin-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006307 DNA alkylation repair 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990535 neuron projection maintenance 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086100 endothelin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000727 double-strand break repair via break-induced replication 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098935 dendritic transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032908 regulation of transforming growth factor beta1 production 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033235 positive regulation of protein sumoylation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006067 ethanol metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010713 negative regulation of collagen metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043174 nucleoside salvage 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032536 regulation of cell projection size 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015132 prostaglandin transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001267 regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010936 negative regulation of macrophage cytokine production 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090267 positive regulation of mitotic cell cycle spindle assembly checkpoint 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086067 AV node cell to bundle of His cell communication 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099010 modification of postsynaptic structure 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140627 ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process via the C-end degron rule pathway 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043562 cellular response to nitrogen levels 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031629 synaptic vesicle fusion to presynaptic active zone membrane 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033540 fatty acid beta-oxidation using acyl-CoA oxidase 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905456 regulation of lymphoid progenitor cell differentiation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904779 regulation of protein localization to centrosome 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034350 regulation of glial cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901299 negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide-mediated programmed cell death 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015840 urea transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045628 regulation of T-helper 2 cell differentiation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010659 cardiac muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006837 serotonin transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033605 positive regulation of catecholamine secretion 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002638 negative regulation of immunoglobulin production 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043508 negative regulation of JUN kinase activity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018095 protein polyglutamylation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060315 negative regulation of ryanodine-sensitive calcium-release channel activity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034975 protein folding in endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032380 regulation of intracellular sterol transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043482 cellular pigment accumulation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009071 serine family amino acid catabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006863 purine nucleobase transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014842 regulation of skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042797 tRNA transcription by RNA polymerase III 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060123 regulation of growth hormone secretion 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097152 mesenchymal cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902043 positive regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009174 pyrimidine ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042487 regulation of odontogenesis of dentin-containing tooth 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061723 glycophagy 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900121 negative regulation of receptor binding 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031392 regulation of prostaglandin biosynthetic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044857 plasma membrane raft organization 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006563 L-serine metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905671 regulation of lysosome organization 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032958 inositol phosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070672 response to interleukin-15 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005984 disaccharide metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099625 ventricular cardiac muscle cell membrane repolarization 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046606 negative regulation of centrosome cycle 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006285 base-excision repair, AP site formation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070857 regulation of bile acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015125 bile acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904816 positive regulation of protein localization to chromosome, telomeric region 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015801 aromatic amino acid transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070099 regulation of chemokine-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901503 ether biosynthetic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043380 regulation of memory T cell differentiation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905668 positive regulation of protein localization to endosome 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033083 regulation of immature T cell proliferation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901844 regulation of cell communication by electrical coupling involved in cardiac conduction 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033629 negative regulation of cell adhesion mediated by integrin 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016554 cytidine to uridine editing 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098915 membrane repolarization during ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002645 positive regulation of tolerance induction 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034034 purine nucleoside bisphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901678 iron coordination entity transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043652 engulfment of apoptotic cell 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043650 dicarboxylic acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051798 positive regulation of hair follicle development 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071257 cellular response to electrical stimulus 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902282 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072124 regulation of glomerular mesangial cell proliferation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042754 negative regulation of circadian rhythm 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044828 negative regulation by host of viral genome replication 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043247 telomere maintenance in response to DNA damage 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036005 response to macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030042 actin filament depolymerization 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990253 cellular response to leucine starvation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002327 immature B cell differentiation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042363 fat-soluble vitamin catabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006995 cellular response to nitrogen starvation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048505 regulation of timing of cell differentiation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019471 4-hydroxyproline metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902883 negative regulation of response to oxidative stress 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072017 distal tubule development 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061430 bone trabecula morphogenesis 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036295 cellular response to increased oxygen levels 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097084 vascular associated smooth muscle cell development 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060707 trophoblast giant cell differentiation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006002 fructose 6-phosphate metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001765 membrane raft assembly 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032351 negative regulation of hormone metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003157 endocardium development 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901202 negative regulation of extracellular matrix assembly 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014854 response to inactivity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035112 genitalia morphogenesis 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090306 meiotic spindle assembly 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905205 positive regulation of connective tissue replacement 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000491 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex assembly 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038202 TORC1 signaling 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060312 regulation of blood vessel remodeling 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002544 chronic inflammatory response 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097264 self proteolysis 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006122 mitochondrial electron transport, ubiquinol to cytochrome c 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051657 maintenance of organelle location 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051081 nuclear membrane disassembly 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048548 regulation of pinocytosis 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015075 monoatomic ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072070 loop of Henle development 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002732 positive regulation of dendritic cell cytokine production 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019532 oxalate transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050667 homocysteine metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032276 regulation of gonadotropin secretion 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032096 negative regulation of response to food 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090084 negative regulation of inclusion body assembly 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043501 skeletal muscle adaptation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043248 proteasome assembly 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071941 nitrogen cycle metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003128 heart field specification 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043476 pigment accumulation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071236 cellular response to antibiotic 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000562 negative regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell proliferation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072578 neurotransmitter-gated ion channel clustering 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031223 auditory behavior 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097384 cellular lipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090656 t-circle formation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009078 pyruvate family amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051549 positive regulation of keratinocyte migration 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010635 regulation of mitochondrial fusion 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061459 L-arginine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005049 nuclear export signal receptor activity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019682 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050655 dermatan sulfate proteoglycan metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010944 negative regulation of transcription by competitive promoter binding 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009437 carnitine metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032108 negative regulation of response to nutrient levels 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031126 sno(s)RNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000009 negative regulation of protein localization to cell surface 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009143 nucleoside triphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140719 constitutive heterochromatin formation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002759 regulation of antimicrobial humoral response 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014004 microglia differentiation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019627 urea metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010739 positive regulation of protein kinase A signaling 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042045 epithelial fluid transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043276 anoikis 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032817 regulation of natural killer cell proliferation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072710 response to hydroxyurea 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007144 female meiosis I 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033869 nucleoside bisphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061308 cardiac neural crest cell development involved in heart development 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005078 MAP-kinase scaffold activity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002674 negative regulation of acute inflammatory response 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902337 regulation of apoptotic process involved in morphogenesis 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905461 positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901993 regulation of meiotic cell cycle phase transition 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044406 adhesion of symbiont to host 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030656 regulation of vitamin metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070327 thyroid hormone transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010587 miRNA catabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034551 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex III assembly 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901862 negative regulation of muscle tissue development 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001783 B cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045161 neuronal ion channel clustering 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045060 negative thymic T cell selection 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070202 regulation of establishment of protein localization to chromosome 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006054 N-acetylneuraminate metabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017154 semaphorin receptor activity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034031 ribonucleoside bisphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071493 cellular response to UV-B 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032383 regulation of intracellular cholesterol transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015866 ADP transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034379 very-low-density lipoprotein particle assembly 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030432 peristalsis 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000995 RNA polymerase III general transcription initiation factor activity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003084 positive regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000101 sulfur amino acid transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045986 negative regulation of smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070671 response to interleukin-12 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901731 positive regulation of platelet aggregation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060856 establishment of blood-brain barrier 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003264 regulation of cardioblast proliferation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000668 regulation of dendritic cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007406 negative regulation of neuroblast proliferation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030259 lipid glycosylation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022605 mammalian oogenesis stage 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031630 regulation of synaptic vesicle fusion to presynaptic active zone membrane 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034342 response to type III interferon 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045906 negative regulation of vasoconstriction 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904672 regulation of somatic stem cell population maintenance 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106014 regulation of inflammatory response to wounding 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032099 negative regulation of appetite 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072182 regulation of nephron tubule epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003183 mitral valve morphogenesis 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033084 regulation of immature T cell proliferation in thymus 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035672 oligopeptide transmembrane transport 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901632 regulation of synaptic vesicle membrane organization 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008519 ammonium transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021527 spinal cord association neuron differentiation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070103 regulation of interleukin-6-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019336 phenol-containing compound catabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001214 positive regulation of vasculogenesis 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045059 positive thymic T cell selection 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006068 ethanol catabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071377 cellular response to glucagon stimulus 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003163 sinoatrial node development 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042711 maternal behavior 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090737 telomere maintenance via telomere trimming 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035773 insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose stimulus 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045838 positive regulation of membrane potential 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042364 water-soluble vitamin biosynthetic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042447 hormone catabolic process 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006991 response to sterol depletion 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002320 lymphoid progenitor cell differentiation 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140463 chromatin-protein adaptor activity 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010826 negative regulation of centrosome duplication 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001325 formation of extrachromosomal circular DNA 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904478 regulation of intestinal absorption 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040015 negative regulation of multicellular organism growth 1.00000000003106 3.10612793533044e-11 12 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043603 amide metabolic process 1.00000000003132 3.13200176047978e-11 385 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150063 visual system development 1.00000000003132 3.13200176047978e-11 385 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904950 negative regulation of establishment of protein localization 1.00000000003148 3.14779972005816e-11 134 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048593 camera-type eye morphogenesis 1.00000000003148 3.14779972005816e-11 134 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009755 hormone-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003148 3.14779972005816e-11 134 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903322 positive regulation of protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal 1.00000000003148 3.14779972005816e-11 134 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098876 vesicle-mediated transport to the plasma membrane 1.00000000003148 3.14779972005816e-11 134 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032943 mononuclear cell proliferation 1.00000000003148 3.14779972005816e-11 134 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030010 establishment of cell polarity 1.00000000003148 3.14779972005816e-11 134 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903008 organelle disassembly 1.00000000003148 3.14779972005816e-11 134 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046889 positive regulation of lipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033555 multicellular organismal response to stress 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072527 pyrimidine-containing compound metabolic process 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001708 cell fate specification 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007224 smoothened signaling pathway 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045132 meiotic chromosome segregation 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072163 mesonephric epithelium development 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035264 multicellular organism growth 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000106 regulation of leukocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071230 cellular response to amino acid stimulus 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071103 DNA conformation change 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009791 post-embryonic development 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006612 protein targeting to membrane 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050672 negative regulation of lymphocyte proliferation 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072164 mesonephric tubule development 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903321 negative regulation of protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal 1.00000000003172 3.17152284415828e-11 89 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903392 negative regulation of adherens junction organization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002176 male germ cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904271 L-proline import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904636 response to ionomycin 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904977 lymphatic endothelial cell migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046101 hypoxanthine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035993 deltoid tuberosity development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901003 negative regulation of fermentation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010266 response to vitamin B1 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009258 10-formyltetrahydrofolate catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060846 blood vessel endothelial cell fate commitment 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903801 L-leucine import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901337 thioester transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902884 positive regulation of response to oxidative stress 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032761 positive regulation of lymphotoxin A production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034445 negative regulation of plasma lipoprotein oxidation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000474 regulation of opioid receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905532 regulation of L-leucine import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002859 negative regulation of natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity directed against tumor cell target 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010980 positive regulation of vitamin D 24-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120253 hydrocarbon catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004952 dopamine neurotransmitter receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060374 mast cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039019 pronephric nephron development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000296 spermine transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010133 proline catabolic process to glutamate 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905604 negative regulation of blood-brain barrier permeability 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903644 regulation of chaperone-mediated protein folding 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0180011 cytosolic mRNA polyadenylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055005 ventricular cardiac myofibril assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140291 peptidyl-glutamate ADP-deribosylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046960 sensitization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060743 epithelial cell maturation involved in prostate gland development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071596 ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process via the N-end rule pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055096 low-density lipoprotein particle mediated signaling 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035054 embryonic heart tube anterior/posterior pattern specification 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018214 protein carboxylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046120 deoxyribonucleoside biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010609 mRNA localization resulting in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905647 proline import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005010 insulin-like growth factor receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990926 short-term synaptic potentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098718 serine import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002277 myeloid dendritic cell activation involved in immune response 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021797 forebrain anterior/posterior pattern specification 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905636 positive regulation of RNA polymerase II regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032659 regulation of interleukin-16 production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045957 negative regulation of complement activation, alternative pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140882 zinc export across plasma membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019276 UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038195 urokinase plasminogen activator signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031134 sister chromatid biorientation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043309 regulation of eosinophil degranulation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002316 follicular B cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902445 regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability involved in programmed necrotic cell death 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036215 response to stem cell factor 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097355 protein localization to heterochromatin 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072277 metanephric glomerular capillary formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006106 fumarate metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000390 spliceosomal complex disassembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032875 regulation of DNA endoreduplication 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010421 hydrogen peroxide-mediated programmed cell death 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010825 positive regulation of centrosome duplication 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048669 collateral sprouting in absence of injury 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033563 dorsal/ventral axon guidance 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090042 tubulin deacetylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010814 substance P catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055011 atrial cardiac muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060913 cardiac cell fate determination 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090244 Wnt signaling pathway involved in somitogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036415 regulation of tRNA stability 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006363 termination of RNA polymerase I transcription 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032643 regulation of connective tissue growth factor production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046167 glycerol-3-phosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001055 positive regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003285 septum secundum development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005354 galactose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061738 late endosomal microautophagy 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904956 regulation of midbrain dopaminergic neuron differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904373 response to kainic acid 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903335 regulation of vacuolar transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070681 glutaminyl-tRNAGln biosynthesis via transamidation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098795 global gene silencing by mRNA cleavage 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000494 positive regulation of interleukin-18-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002469 myeloid dendritic cell antigen processing and presentation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010650 positive regulation of cell communication by electrical coupling 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902356 oxaloacetate(2-) transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042699 follicle-stimulating hormone signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900620 acetate ester biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006231 dTMP biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099185 postsynaptic intermediate filament cytoskeleton organization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904880 response to hydrogen sulfide 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000485 regulation of glutamine transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061789 dense core granule priming 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015857 uracil transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901696 cannabinoid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097037 heme export 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021896 forebrain astrocyte differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035621 ER to Golgi ceramide transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009436 glyoxylate catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905602 positive regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis involved in cholesterol transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106383 dAMP salvage 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002025 norepinephrine-epinephrine-mediated vasodilation involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032910 regulation of transforming growth factor beta3 production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140252 regulation protein catabolic process at postsynapse 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061083 regulation of protein refolding 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003213 cardiac right atrium morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904071 presynaptic active zone assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000365 mRNA trans splicing, via spliceosome 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905312 positive regulation of cardiac neural crest cell migration involved in outflow tract morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061739 protein lipidation involved in autophagosome assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061033 secretion by lung epithelial cell involved in lung growth 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048852 diencephalon morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032827 negative regulation of natural killer cell differentiation involved in immune response 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042727 flavin-containing compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071725 response to triacyl bacterial lipopeptide 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032450 maltose alpha-glucosidase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905584 outer hair cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021769 orbitofrontal cortex development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021942 radial glia guided migration of Purkinje cell 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021849 neuroblast division in subventricular zone 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904339 negative regulation of dopaminergic neuron differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001303 lipoxin A4 biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140214 positive regulation of long-chain fatty acid import into cell 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902256 regulation of apoptotic process involved in outflow tract morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010625 positive regulation of Schwann cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000451 rRNA 2'-O-methylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003011 involuntary skeletal muscle contraction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904093 negative regulation of autophagic cell death 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050252 retinol O-fatty-acyltransferase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005988 lactose metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050968 detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150052 regulation of postsynapse assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009140 pyrimidine nucleoside diphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006083 acetate metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034014 response to triglyceride 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046103 inosine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000353 formation of quadruple SL/U4/U5/U6 snRNP 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021590 cerebellum maturation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902238 regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to osmotic stress by p53 class mediator 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002254 kinin cascade 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042631 cellular response to water deprivation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051729 germline cell cycle switching, mitotic to meiotic cell cycle 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034632 retinol transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900005 positive regulation of serine-type endopeptidase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061184 positive regulation of dermatome development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060492 lung induction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099093 calcium export from the mitochondrion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010482 regulation of epidermal cell division 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009441 glycolate metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044211 CTP salvage 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060474 positive regulation of flagellated sperm motility involved in capacitation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000524 negative regulation of T cell costimulation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051343 positive regulation of cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021605 cranial nerve maturation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042365 water-soluble vitamin catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032425 positive regulation of mismatch repair 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071315 cellular response to morphine 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046126 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902309 negative regulation of peptidyl-serine dephosphorylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060235 lens induction in camera-type eye 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000374 regulation of oxygen metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000974 negative regulation of pro-B cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070376 regulation of ERK5 cascade 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003138 primary heart field specification 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060465 pharynx development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045168 cell-cell signaling involved in cell fate commitment 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060741 prostate gland stromal morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003335 corneocyte development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060948 cardiac vascular smooth muscle cell development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048137 spermatocyte division 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008649 rRNA methyltransferase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097118 neuroligin clustering involved in postsynaptic membrane assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072388 flavin adenine dinucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098759 cellular response to interleukin-8 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070494 regulation of thrombin-activated receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043377 negative regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901896 positive regulation of ATPase-coupled calcium transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051612 negative regulation of serotonin uptake 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902025 nitrate import 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097324 melanocyte migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903760 regulation of voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009095 aromatic amino acid family biosynthetic process, prephenate pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903842 response to arsenite ion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000211 regulation of glutamate metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110023 negative regulation of cardiac muscle myoblast proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015835 peptidoglycan transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900211 regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephros development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140971 regulation of AIM2 inflammasome complex assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061535 glutamate secretion, neurotransmission 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903679 positive regulation of cap-independent translational initiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098758 response to interleukin-8 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070561 vitamin D receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905289 regulation of CAMKK-AMPK signaling cascade 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902945 metalloendopeptidase activity involved in amyloid precursor protein catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072135 kidney mesenchymal cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902630 regulation of membrane hyperpolarization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045583 regulation of cytotoxic T cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000494 box C/D sno(s)RNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033624 negative regulation of integrin activation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000449 regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell extravasation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002939 tRNA N1-guanine methylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072338 lactam metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043686 co-translational protein modification 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044205 'de novo' UMP biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021551 central nervous system morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900453 negative regulation of long-term synaptic depression 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002408 myeloid dendritic cell chemotaxis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006420 arginyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071403 cellular response to high density lipoprotein particle stimulus 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070667 negative regulation of mast cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014042 positive regulation of neuron maturation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110155 NAD-cap decapping 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042335 cuticle development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014040 positive regulation of Schwann cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905073 regulation of tight junction disassembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032097 positive regulation of response to food 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034473 U1 snRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018117 protein adenylylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032971 regulation of muscle filament sliding 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072216 positive regulation of metanephros development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097745 mitochondrial tRNA 5'-end processing 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090361 regulation of platelet-derived growth factor production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035684 helper T cell extravasation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048133 male germ-line stem cell asymmetric division 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034371 chylomicron remodeling 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000546 positive regulation of endothelial cell chemotaxis to fibroblast growth factor 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019376 galactolipid catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098583 learned vocalization behavior 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002884 negative regulation of hypersensitivity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902214 regulation of interleukin-4-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042883 cysteine transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046959 habituation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002519 natural killer cell tolerance induction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904715 negative regulation of chaperone-mediated autophagy 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031548 regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902268 negative regulation of polyamine transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904886 beta-catenin destruction complex disassembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900138 negative regulation of phospholipase A2 activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000706 meiotic DNA double-strand break processing 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017187 peptidyl-glutamic acid carboxylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901246 regulation of lung ciliated cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001828 inner cell mass cellular morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110032 positive regulation of G2/MI transition of meiotic cell cycle 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902371 negative regulation of tRNA catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904438 regulation of iron ion import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021817 nucleokinesis involved in cell motility in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015440 ABC-type peptide transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033229 cysteine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000370 positive regulation of clathrin-dependent endocytosis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097195 pilomotor reflex 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106381 purine deoxyribonucleotide salvage 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006046 N-acetylglucosamine catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044313 protein K6-linked deubiquitination 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903881 regulation of interleukin-17-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905176 positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150128 negative regulation of interleukin-33 production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006001 fructose catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903116 positive regulation of actin filament-based movement 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071461 cellular response to redox state 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000640 positive regulation of SREBP signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042867 pyruvate catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901079 positive regulation of relaxation of muscle 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036132 13-prostaglandin reductase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003365 establishment of cell polarity involved in ameboidal cell migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005009 insulin receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060620 regulation of cholesterol import 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004968 gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002128 tRNA nucleoside ribose methylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036481 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to hydrogen peroxide 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015828 tyrosine transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097403 cellular response to raffinose 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070949 regulation of neutrophil mediated killing of symbiont cell 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905036 positive regulation of antifungal innate immune response 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004142 diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031296 B cell costimulation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001189 negative regulation of T cell activation via T cell receptor contact with antigen bound to MHC molecule on antigen presenting cell 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015842 aminergic neurotransmitter loading into synaptic vesicle 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141014 ribosome hibernation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900104 regulation of hyaluranon cable assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060648 mammary gland bud morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904380 endoplasmic reticulum mannose trimming 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008065 establishment of blood-nerve barrier 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003342 proepicardium development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046882 negative regulation of follicle-stimulating hormone secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016259 selenocysteine metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045797 positive regulation of intestinal cholesterol absorption 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000381 negative regulation of mesoderm development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099183 trans-synaptic signaling by BDNF, modulating synaptic transmission 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903565 negative regulation of protein localization to cilium 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015706 nitrate transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905447 negative regulation of mitochondrial ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046356 acetyl-CoA catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000298 regulation of Rho-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000078 positive regulation of type B pancreatic cell development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033590 response to cobalamin 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032058 positive regulation of translational initiation in response to stress 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004921 interleukin-11 receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990637 response to prolactin 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045299 otolith mineralization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905458 positive regulation of lymphoid progenitor cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034447 very-low-density lipoprotein particle clearance 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060528 secretory columnal luminar epithelial cell differentiation involved in prostate glandular acinus development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902645 tertiary alcohol biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099178 regulation of retrograde trans-synaptic signaling by endocanabinoid 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010636 positive regulation of mitochondrial fusion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003896 DNA primase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032918 spermidine acetylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903226 positive regulation of endodermal cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043418 homocysteine catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033967 box C/D sno(s)RNA metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000307 regulation of tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily member 11 production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005006 epidermal growth factor receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099577 regulation of translation at presynapse, modulating synaptic transmission 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006579 amino-acid betaine catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010841 positive regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, wakefulness 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001109 promoter clearance during DNA-templated transcription 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002434 immune complex clearance 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072300 positive regulation of metanephric glomerulus development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905932 positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell differentiation involved in phenotypic switching 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904059 regulation of locomotor rhythm 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021555 midbrain-hindbrain boundary morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901626 regulation of postsynaptic membrane organization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060164 regulation of timing of neuron differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097213 regulation of lysosomal membrane permeability 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072034 renal vesicle induction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018343 protein farnesylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098849 cellular detoxification of cadmium ion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003099 positive regulation of the force of heart contraction by chemical signal 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904691 negative regulation of type B pancreatic cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900159 positive regulation of bone mineralization involved in bone maturation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905133 negative regulation of meiotic chromosome separation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060455 negative regulation of gastric acid secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034183 negative regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036228 protein localization to nuclear inner membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904447 folate import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019605 butyrate metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014028 notochord formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046666 retinal cell programmed cell death 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033383 geranyl diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070901 mitochondrial tRNA methylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072275 metanephric glomerulus morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072095 regulation of branch elongation involved in ureteric bud branching 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006533 aspartate catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048073 regulation of eye pigmentation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901951 regulation of anterograde dense core granule transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046452 dihydrofolate metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006546 glycine catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150032 positive regulation of protein localization to lysosome 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048105 establishment of body hair planar orientation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003104 positive regulation of glomerular filtration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097051 establishment of protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905402 regulation of activated CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060535 trachea cartilage morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990074 polyuridylation-dependent mRNA catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000768 positive regulation of nephron tubule epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051977 lysophospholipid transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046604 positive regulation of mitotic centrosome separation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002904 positive regulation of B cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002304 gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048619 embryonic hindgut morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904588 cellular response to glycoprotein 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904960 positive regulation of cytochrome-c oxidase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086048 membrane depolarization during bundle of His cell action potential 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048289 isotype switching to IgE isotypes 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000670 positive regulation of dendritic cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002032 desensitization of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway by arrestin 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008292 acetylcholine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046968 peptide antigen transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072131 kidney mesenchyme morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990108 protein linear deubiquitination 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035120 post-embryonic appendage morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140889 DNA replication-dependent chromatin disassembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033387 putrescine biosynthetic process from ornithine 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000379 tRNA-type intron splice site recognition and cleavage 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043366 beta selection 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021775 smoothened signaling pathway involved in ventral spinal cord interneuron specification 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030576 Cajal body organization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902616 acyl carnitine transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902573 positive regulation of serine-type peptidase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009726 detection of endogenous stimulus 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000857 positive regulation of mineralocorticoid secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097719 neural tissue regeneration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060585 positive regulation of prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050434 positive regulation of viral transcription 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070649 formin-nucleated actin cable assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052403 negative regulation by host of symbiont catalytic activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904825 protein localization to microtubule plus-end 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060160 negative regulation of dopamine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110009 formin-nucleated actin cable organization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150064 vertebrate eye-specific patterning 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016036 cellular response to phosphate starvation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072223 metanephric glomerular mesangium development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010643 cell communication by chemical coupling 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000446 regulation of macrophage migration inhibitory factor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071699 olfactory placode morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017089 glycolipid transfer activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002018 renin-angiotensin regulation of aldosterone production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010621 negative regulation of transcription by transcription factor localization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905748 hard palate morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036492 eiF2alpha phosphorylation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150018 basal dendrite development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034757 negative regulation of iron ion transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904000 positive regulation of eating behavior 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990428 miRNA transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990145 maintenance of translational fidelity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016243 regulation of autophagosome size 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060281 regulation of oocyte development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048069 eye pigmentation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021699 cerebellar cortex maturation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034421 post-translational protein acetylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903791 uracil transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900100 positive regulation of plasma cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071698 olfactory placode development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000233 negative regulation of rRNA processing 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098907 regulation of SA node cell action potential 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071727 cellular response to triacyl bacterial lipopeptide 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015228 coenzyme A transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150019 basal dendrite morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060399 positive regulation of growth hormone receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061074 regulation of neural retina development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010956 negative regulation of calcidiol 1-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070455 positive regulation of heme biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042361 menaquinone catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005030 neurotrophin receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061624 fructose catabolic process to hydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021965 spinal cord ventral commissure morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019287 isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthetic process, mevalonate pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061642 chemoattraction of axon 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902871 positive regulation of amacrine cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061833 protein localization to tricellular tight junction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010909 positive regulation of heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035668 TRAM-dependent toll-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004962 endothelin receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902669 positive regulation of axon guidance 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904234 positive regulation of aconitate hydratase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035284 brain segmentation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045226 extracellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099075 mitochondrion-derived vesicle mediated transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903381 regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002538 arachidonic acid metabolite production involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900130 regulation of lipid binding 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035669 TRAM-dependent toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030592 DNA ADP-ribosylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904430 negative regulation of t-circle formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015743 malate transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904082 pyrimidine nucleobase transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043318 negative regulation of cytotoxic T cell degranulation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001820 serotonin secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000182 regulation of progesterone biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060083 smooth muscle contraction involved in micturition 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060629 regulation of homologous chromosome segregation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006667 sphinganine metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051684 maintenance of Golgi location 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015211 purine nucleoside transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060596 mammary placode formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903479 mitotic actomyosin contractile ring assembly actin filament organization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000978 negative regulation of forebrain neuron differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036520 astrocyte-dopaminergic neuron signaling 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070340 detection of bacterial lipopeptide 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005334 norepinephrine:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097374 sensory neuron axon guidance 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019344 cysteine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070487 monocyte aggregation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004705 JUN kinase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051097 negative regulation of helicase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001766 membrane raft polarization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903712 cysteine transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006581 acetylcholine catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140300 serine import into mitochondrion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000367 regulation of acrosomal vesicle exocytosis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903015 regulation of exo-alpha-sialidase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097533 cellular stress response to acid chemical 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014057 positive regulation of acetylcholine secretion, neurotransmission 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904027 negative regulation of collagen fibril organization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044565 dendritic cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905075 positive regulation of tight junction disassembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009097 isoleucine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902958 positive regulation of mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010157 response to chlorate 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904347 regulation of small intestine smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006145 purine nucleobase catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009073 aromatic amino acid family biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019853 L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904693 midbrain morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902223 erythrose 4-phosphate/phosphoenolpyruvate family amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046952 ketone body catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002652 regulation of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905030 voltage-gated monoatomic ion channel activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072137 condensed mesenchymal cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016095 polyprenol catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990173 protein localization to nucleoplasm 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004995 tachykinin receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072199 regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021524 visceral motor neuron differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901953 positive regulation of anterograde dense core granule transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043932 ossification involved in bone remodeling 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072334 UDP-galactose transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002856 negative regulation of natural killer cell mediated immune response to tumor cell 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005459 UDP-galactose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014053 negative regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901465 positive regulation of tetrapyrrole biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903063 negative regulation of reverse cholesterol transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015878 biotin transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086017 Purkinje myocyte action potential 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904638 response to resveratrol 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015205 nucleobase transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001661 conditioned taste aversion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900106 positive regulation of hyaluranon cable assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051586 positive regulation of dopamine uptake involved in synaptic transmission 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060672 epithelial cell morphogenesis involved in placental branching 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098967 exocytic insertion of neurotransmitter receptor to postsynaptic membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072133 metanephric mesenchyme morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002266 follicular dendritic cell activation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042946 glucoside transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903463 regulation of mitotic cell cycle DNA replication 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048686 regulation of sprouting of injured axon 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003872 6-phosphofructokinase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905552 positive regulation of protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904161 DNA synthesis involved in UV-damage excision repair 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038109 Kit signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006844 acyl carnitine transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900141 regulation of oligodendrocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060769 positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0170037 export from the mitochondrion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033326 cerebrospinal fluid secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060940 epithelial to mesenchymal transition involved in cardiac fibroblast development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006311 meiotic gene conversion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902227 negative regulation of macrophage colony-stimulating factor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070478 nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, 3'-5' exonucleolytic nonsense-mediated decay 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901842 negative regulation of high voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002332 transitional stage B cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046105 thymidine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021747 cochlear nucleus development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902103 negative regulation of metaphase/anaphase transition of meiotic cell cycle 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048369 lateral mesoderm morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006435 threonyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905765 negative regulation of protection from non-homologous end joining at telomere 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901074 regulation of engulfment of apoptotic cell 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009149 pyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060166 olfactory pit development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034462 small-subunit processome assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005330 dopamine:sodium symporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032462 regulation of protein homooligomerization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000195 negative regulation of female gonad development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003127 detection of nodal flow 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090292 nuclear matrix anchoring at nuclear membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099552 trans-synaptic signaling by lipid, modulating synaptic transmission 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015786 UDP-glucose transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903279 regulation of calcium:sodium antiporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048925 lateral line system development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905462 regulation of DNA duplex unwinding 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110077 vesicle-mediated intercellular transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099610 action potential initiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900195 positive regulation of oocyte maturation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903487 regulation of lactation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048252 lauric acid metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000676 positive regulation of type B pancreatic cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904891 positive regulation of excitatory synapse assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033685 negative regulation of luteinizing hormone secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901235 (R)-carnitine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060278 regulation of ovulation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903926 cellular response to bisphenol A 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019805 quinolinate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904809 regulation of dense core granule transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001546 preantral ovarian follicle growth 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905041 regulation of epithelium regeneration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014878 response to electrical stimulus involved in regulation of muscle adaptation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902232 regulation of positive thymic T cell selection 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034161 positive regulation of toll-like receptor 8 signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060523 prostate epithelial cord elongation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071688 striated muscle myosin thick filament assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902370 regulation of tRNA catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000804 regulation of termination of RNA polymerase II transcription, poly(A)-coupled 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042010 interleukin-15 receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900623 regulation of monocyte aggregation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010513 positive regulation of phosphatidylinositol biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030950 establishment or maintenance of actin cytoskeleton polarity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905453 regulation of myeloid progenitor cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030886 negative regulation of myeloid dendritic cell activation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904879 positive regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport via high voltage-gated calcium channel 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042214 terpene metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071423 malate transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031919 vitamin B6 transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090204 protein localization to nuclear pore 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032824 negative regulation of natural killer cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046379 extracellular polysaccharide metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055071 manganese ion homeostasis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902661 positive regulation of glucose mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042350 GDP-L-fucose biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002154 thyroid hormone mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046333 octopamine metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072679 thymocyte migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090187 positive regulation of pancreatic juice secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905747 negative regulation of saliva secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990144 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to hypoxia 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004949 cannabinoid receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905786 positive regulation of anaphase-promoting complex-dependent catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070165 positive regulation of adiponectin secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990959 eosinophil homeostasis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015140 malate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034476 U5 snRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021571 rhombomere 5 development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090650 cellular response to oxygen-glucose deprivation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002581 negative regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990418 response to insulin-like growth factor stimulus 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060988 lipid tube assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038086 VEGF-activated platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060584 regulation of prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019254 carnitine metabolic process, CoA-linked 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002270 plasmacytoid dendritic cell activation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000566 positive regulation of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006589 octopamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035351 heme transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000412 positive regulation of thymocyte migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006421 asparaginyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042488 positive regulation of odontogenesis of dentin-containing tooth 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015891 siderophore transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000502 negative regulation of natural killer cell chemotaxis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061713 anterior neural tube closure 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098722 asymmetric stem cell division 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032197 retrotransposition 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014717 regulation of satellite cell activation involved in skeletal muscle regeneration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000111 positive regulation of macrophage apoptotic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904257 zinc ion import into Golgi lumen 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072092 ureteric bud invasion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001966 thigmotaxis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905879 regulation of oogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086047 membrane depolarization during Purkinje myocyte cell action potential 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002305 CD8-positive, gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061591 calcium activated galactosylceramide scrambling 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007619 courtship behavior 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042662 negative regulation of mesodermal cell fate specification 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003105 negative regulation of glomerular filtration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990785 response to water-immersion restraint stress 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035747 natural killer cell chemotaxis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042660 positive regulation of cell fate specification 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014728 regulation of the force of skeletal muscle contraction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000724 positive regulation of cardiac vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009182 purine deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905661 regulation of telomerase RNA reverse transcriptase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006021 inositol biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048104 establishment of body hair or bristle planar orientation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038178 complement component C5a signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0101030 tRNA-guanine transglycosylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043090 amino acid import 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002035 brain renin-angiotensin system 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019860 uracil metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900148 negative regulation of Schwann cell migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010044 response to aluminum ion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901671 positive regulation of superoxide dismutase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070541 response to platinum ion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009195 pyrimidine ribonucleoside diphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904533 regulation of telomeric loop disassembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009946 proximal/distal axis specification 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097155 fasciculation of sensory neuron axon 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001247 positive regulation of phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099583 neurotransmitter receptor activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090086 negative regulation of protein deubiquitination 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903925 response to bisphenol A 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052008 symbiont-mediated disruption of host cellular anatomical entity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060128 corticotropin hormone secreting cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000973 post-transcriptional tethering of RNA polymerase II gene DNA at nuclear periphery 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000843 regulation of testosterone secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005152 interleukin-1 receptor antagonist activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010750 positive regulation of nitric oxide mediated signal transduction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900212 negative regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephros development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902822 regulation of late endosome to lysosome transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036023 embryonic skeletal limb joint morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045196 establishment or maintenance of neuroblast polarity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090327 negative regulation of locomotion involved in locomotory behavior 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904253 positive regulation of bile acid metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035928 rRNA import into mitochondrion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032899 regulation of neurotrophin production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015131 oxaloacetate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099578 regulation of translation at postsynapse, modulating synaptic transmission 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061034 olfactory bulb mitral cell layer development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120045 stereocilium maintenance 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016476 regulation of embryonic cell shape 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071464 cellular response to hydrostatic pressure 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032917 polyamine acetylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031120 snRNA pseudouridine synthesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004911 interleukin-2 receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007352 zygotic specification of dorsal/ventral axis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000547 regulation of dendritic cell dendrite assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035801 adrenal cortex development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072719 cellular response to cisplatin 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032681 regulation of lymphotoxin A production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014735 regulation of muscle atrophy 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061366 behavioral response to chemical pain 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071418 cellular response to amine stimulus 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042414 epinephrine metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002051 osteoblast fate commitment 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007412 axon target recognition 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000297 negative regulation of synapse maturation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904390 cone retinal bipolar cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903527 positive regulation of membrane tubulation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035702 monocyte homeostasis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048769 sarcomerogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902990 mitotic telomere maintenance via semi-conservative replication 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086101 endothelin receptor signaling pathway involved in heart process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021508 floor plate formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902524 positive regulation of protein K48-linked ubiquitination 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010979 regulation of vitamin D 24-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031923 pyridoxine transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007500 mesodermal cell fate determination 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032929 negative regulation of superoxide anion generation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021852 pyramidal neuron migration to cerebral cortex 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021986 habenula development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900238 regulation of metanephric mesenchymal cell migration by platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006982 response to lipid hydroperoxide 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002353 plasma kallikrein-kinin cascade 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061792 secretory granule maturation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905917 positive regulation of cell differentiation involved in phenotypic switching 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051944 positive regulation of catecholamine uptake involved in synaptic transmission 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051344 negative regulation of cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0180025 cytosolic small ribosomal subunit assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905526 regulation of Golgi lumen acidification 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042245 RNA repair 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160077 lipid droplet fusion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071163 DNA replication preinitiation complex assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070682 proteasome regulatory particle assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002125 maternal aggressive behavior 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098977 inhibitory chemical synaptic transmission 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086075 gap junction channel activity involved in cardiac conduction electrical coupling 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003250 regulation of cell proliferation involved in heart valve morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010046 response to mycotoxin 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003968 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072276 metanephric glomerulus vasculature morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901545 response to raffinose 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003165 Purkinje myocyte development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097101 blood vessel endothelial cell fate specification 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021538 epithalamus development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052111 symbiont-mediated disruption of host anatomical structure 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010446 response to alkaline pH 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042819 vitamin B6 biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006808 regulation of nitrogen utilization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035494 SNARE complex disassembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046331 lateral inhibition 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000170 positive regulation of peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045291 mRNA trans splicing, SL addition 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990036 calcium ion import into sarcoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071962 mitotic sister chromatid cohesion, centromeric 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905764 regulation of protection from non-homologous end joining at telomere 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160093 chordate pharynx development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903804 glycine import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900208 regulation of cardiolipin metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904831 positive regulation of aortic smooth muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905051 regulation of base-excision repair 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072114 pronephros morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046083 adenine metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903660 negative regulation of complement-dependent cytotoxicity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990927 calcium ion regulated lysosome exocytosis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905413 regulation of dense core granule exocytosis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019293 tyrosine biosynthetic process, by oxidation of phenylalanine 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030910 olfactory placode formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038155 interleukin-23-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014043 negative regulation of neuron maturation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061364 apoptotic process involved in luteolysis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901336 lactone biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006571 tyrosine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903012 positive regulation of bone development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070093 negative regulation of glucagon secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071400 cellular response to oleic acid 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032470 positive regulation of endoplasmic reticulum calcium ion concentration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048696 regulation of collateral sprouting in absence of injury 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016108 tetraterpenoid metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036486 ventral trunk neural crest cell migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030997 regulation of centriole-centriole cohesion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061691 detoxification of hydrogen peroxide 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061577 calcium ion transmembrane transport via high voltage-gated calcium channel 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036058 filtration diaphragm assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903225 negative regulation of endodermal cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904844 response to L-glutamine 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070105 positive regulation of interleukin-6-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008384 IkappaB kinase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061753 substrate localization to autophagosome 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005365 myo-inositol transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060715 syncytiotrophoblast cell differentiation involved in labyrinthine layer development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006041 glucosamine metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060352 cell adhesion molecule production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904637 cellular response to ionomycin 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901508 positive regulation of acylglycerol transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035844 cloaca development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001260 regulation of semaphorin-plexin signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019859 thymine metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000864 regulation of estradiol secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099152 regulation of neurotransmitter receptor transport, endosome to postsynaptic membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090218 positive regulation of lipid kinase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071877 regulation of adenylate cyclase-inhibiting adrenergic receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051083 'de novo' cotranslational protein folding 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003192 mitral valve formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044338 canonical Wnt signaling pathway involved in mesenchymal stem cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900052 regulation of retinoic acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140285 endosome fission 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032290 peripheral nervous system myelin formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090264 regulation of immune complex clearance by monocytes and macrophages 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990839 response to endothelin 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071888 macrophage apoptotic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016561 protein import into peroxisome matrix, translocation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006850 mitochondrial pyruvate transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009099 valine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061589 calcium activated phosphatidylserine scrambling 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070543 response to linoleic acid 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000860 positive regulation of aldosterone secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016094 polyprenol biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035349 coenzyme A transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060025 regulation of synaptic activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061323 cell proliferation involved in heart morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903843 cellular response to arsenite ion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902948 negative regulation of tau-protein kinase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098912 membrane depolarization during atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060212 negative regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA poly(A) tail shortening 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072156 distal tubule morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034092 negative regulation of maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002522 leukocyte migration involved in immune response 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902957 negative regulation of mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021569 rhombomere 3 development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042271 susceptibility to natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007208 phospholipase C-activating serotonin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060763 mammary duct terminal end bud growth 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016116 carotenoid metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045575 basophil activation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004878 complement component C5a receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904154 positive regulation of retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072139 glomerular parietal epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090713 immunological memory process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086023 adenylate cyclase-activating adrenergic receptor signaling pathway involved in heart process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150173 positive regulation of phosphatidylcholine metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006419 alanyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904017 cellular response to Thyroglobulin triiodothyronine 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045925 positive regulation of female receptivity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018076 N-terminal peptidyl-lysine acetylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055014 atrial cardiac muscle cell development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010159 specification of animal organ position 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904349 positive regulation of small intestine smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905555 positive regulation of blood vessel branching 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032905 transforming growth factor beta1 production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021897 forebrain astrocyte development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061146 Peyer's patch morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038161 prolactin signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071691 cardiac muscle thin filament assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005335 serotonin:sodium:chloride symporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905706 regulation of mitochondrial ATP synthesis coupled proton transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007113 endomitotic cell cycle 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902270 (R)-carnitine transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061198 fungiform papilla formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031460 glycine betaine transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021593 rhombomere morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043317 regulation of cytotoxic T cell degranulation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904555 L-proline transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044580 butyryl-CoA catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902285 semaphorin-plexin signaling pathway involved in neuron projection guidance 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905581 positive regulation of low-density lipoprotein particle clearance 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090482 vitamin transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090480 purine nucleotide-sugar transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045658 regulation of neutrophil differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090234 regulation of kinetochore assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060559 positive regulation of calcidiol 1-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032679 regulation of TRAIL production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905429 response to glycine 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061187 regulation of rDNA heterochromatin formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015086 cadmium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060309 elastin catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099074 mitochondrion to lysosome vesicle-mediated transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106034 protein maturation by [2Fe-2S] cluster transfer 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033025 regulation of mast cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034760 negative regulation of iron ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018879 biphenyl metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034633 retinol transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903093 regulation of protein K48-linked deubiquitination 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032349 positive regulation of aldosterone biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070859 positive regulation of bile acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070350 regulation of white fat cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048162 multi-layer follicle stage 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002351 serotonin production involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904734 positive regulation of electron transfer activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045726 positive regulation of integrin biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072076 nephrogenic mesenchyme development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048320 axial mesoderm formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902946 protein localization to early endosome 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000711 meiotic DNA repair synthesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030343 vitamin D3 25-hydroxylase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905162 regulation of phagosome maturation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904398 positive regulation of neuromuscular junction development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015225 biotin transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006170 dAMP biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034963 box C/D sno(s)RNA processing 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990680 response to melanocyte-stimulating hormone 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021502 neural fold elevation formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097039 protein linear polyubiquitination 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106091 glial cell projection elongation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000282 regulation of cellular amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901977 negative regulation of cell cycle checkpoint 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032461 positive regulation of protein oligomerization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018201 peptidyl-glycine modification 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072136 metanephric mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in metanephros development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903995 regulation of non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004505 phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904999 positive regulation of leukocyte adhesion to arterial endothelial cell 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021847 ventricular zone neuroblast division 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008269 JAK pathway signal transduction adaptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000302 positive regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070459 prolactin secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070221 sulfide oxidation, using sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009822 alkaloid catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036093 germ cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001190 positive regulation of T cell activation via T cell receptor contact with antigen bound to MHC molecule on antigen presenting cell 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043420 anthranilate metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009631 cold acclimation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060400 negative regulation of growth hormone receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003419 growth plate cartilage chondrocyte proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007206 phospholipase C-activating G protein-coupled glutamate receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099184 structural constituent of postsynaptic intermediate filament cytoskeleton 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001271 negative regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in execution phase of apoptosis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031914 negative regulation of synaptic plasticity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003064 regulation of heart rate by hormone 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070447 positive regulation of oligodendrocyte progenitor proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004136 deoxyadenosine kinase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901895 negative regulation of ATPase-coupled calcium transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903334 positive regulation of protein folding 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901491 negative regulation of lymphangiogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001111 RNA polymerase II promoter clearance 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090310 negative regulation of DNA methylation-dependent heterochromatin formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015916 fatty-acyl-CoA transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990737 response to manganese-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045023 G0 to G1 transition 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003430 growth plate cartilage chondrocyte growth 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014858 positive regulation of skeletal muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098958 retrograde axonal transport of mitochondrion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042126 nitrate metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033512 L-lysine catabolic process to acetyl-CoA via saccharopine 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110114 negative regulation of lipid transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902461 negative regulation of mesenchymal stem cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007181 transforming growth factor beta receptor complex assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905301 regulation of macropinocytosis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048294 negative regulation of isotype switching to IgE isotypes 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001660 fever generation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060671 epithelial cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007284 spermatogonial cell division 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071641 negative regulation of macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015783 GDP-fucose transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110057 regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901740 negative regulation of myoblast fusion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032346 positive regulation of aldosterone metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045041 protein import into mitochondrial intermembrane space 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015489 putrescine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035963 cellular response to interleukin-13 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120187 positive regulation of protein localization to chromatin 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009177 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090245 axis elongation involved in somitogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045218 zonula adherens maintenance 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060748 tertiary branching involved in mammary gland duct morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072298 regulation of metanephric glomerulus development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038091 positive regulation of cell proliferation by VEGF-activated platelet derived growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000639 negative regulation of SREBP signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903122 negative regulation of TRAIL-activated apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098508 endothelial to hematopoietic transition 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003032 detection of oxygen 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002331 pre-B cell allelic exclusion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000845 positive regulation of testosterone secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014010 Schwann cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072739 response to anisomycin 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901252 regulation of intracellular transport of viral material 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000591 positive regulation of metanephric mesenchymal cell migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070101 positive regulation of chemokine-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060086 circadian temperature homeostasis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071288 cellular response to mercury ion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905771 negative regulation of mesodermal cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034696 response to prostaglandin F 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110076 negative regulation of ferroptosis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032226 positive regulation of synaptic transmission, dopaminergic 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008627 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to osmotic stress 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002926 tRNA wobble base 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridinylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902261 positive regulation of delayed rectifier potassium channel activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903609 negative regulation of inward rectifier potassium channel activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903327 negative regulation of tRNA metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150102 negative regulation of monocyte activation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905333 regulation of gastric motility 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060447 bud outgrowth involved in lung branching 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019243 methylglyoxal catabolic process to D-lactate via S-lactoyl-glutathione 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060167 regulation of adenosine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071586 CAAX-box protein processing 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001798 positive regulation of type IIa hypersensitivity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903812 L-serine import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060327 cytoplasmic actin-based contraction involved in cell motility 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000418 positive regulation of eosinophil migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060927 cardiac pacemaker cell fate commitment 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006742 NADP catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048807 female genitalia morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990641 response to iron ion starvation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003095 pressure natriuresis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006532 aspartate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038016 insulin receptor internalization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075342 symbiont-mediated disruption of host cell PML body 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060318 definitive erythrocyte differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098728 germline stem cell asymmetric division 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035127 post-embryonic limb morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905885 positive regulation of triglyceride transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042427 serotonin biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106016 positive regulation of inflammatory response to wounding 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060375 regulation of mast cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902870 negative regulation of amacrine cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032915 positive regulation of transforming growth factor beta2 production 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070236 negative regulation of activation-induced cell death of T cells 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001170 negative regulation of ATP biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035933 glucocorticoid secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033058 directional locomotion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990502 dense core granule maturation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030241 skeletal muscle myosin thick filament assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060838 lymphatic endothelial cell fate commitment 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006409 tRNA export from nucleus 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905044 regulation of Schwann cell proliferation involved in axon regeneration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097477 lateral motor column neuron migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034444 regulation of plasma lipoprotein oxidation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034164 negative regulation of toll-like receptor 9 signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071630 nuclear protein quality control by the ubiquitin-proteasome system 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015821 methionine transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900625 positive regulation of monocyte aggregation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003343 septum transversum development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903179 regulation of dopamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061056 sclerotome development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010899 regulation of phosphatidylcholine catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015196 L-tryptophan transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150020 basal dendrite arborization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002215 defense response to nematode 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905242 response to 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140865 interleukin-22-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060183 apelin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032240 negative regulation of nucleobase-containing compound transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051598 meiotic recombination checkpoint signaling 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042018 interleukin-22 receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070814 hydrogen sulfide biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900131 negative regulation of lipid binding 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140244 regulation of translation at presynapse 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902407 assembly of actomyosin apparatus involved in mitotic cytokinesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904933 regulation of cell proliferation in midbrain 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904528 positive regulation of microtubule binding 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002769 natural killer cell inhibitory signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000962 positive regulation of mitochondrial RNA catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015210 uracil transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904613 cellular response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904100 positive regulation of protein O-linked glycosylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003221 right ventricular cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018175 protein nucleotidylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004967 glucagon receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004924 oncostatin-M receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033227 dsRNA transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021910 smoothened signaling pathway involved in ventral spinal cord patterning 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061519 macrophage homeostasis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036216 cellular response to stem cell factor stimulus 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046074 dTMP catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046294 formaldehyde catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003964 RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003167 atrioventricular bundle cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000705 regulation of dense core granule biogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051029 rRNA transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046090 deoxyadenosine metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001288 positive regulation of caveolin-mediated endocytosis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060084 synaptic transmission involved in micturition 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014707 branchiomeric skeletal muscle development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044868 modulation by host of viral molecular function 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060300 regulation of cytokine activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060809 mesodermal to mesenchymal transition involved in gastrulation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034769 basement membrane disassembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904098 regulation of protein O-linked glycosylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051581 negative regulation of neurotransmitter uptake 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010730 negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000466 negative regulation of glycogen (starch) synthase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099553 trans-synaptic signaling by endocannabinoid, modulating synaptic transmission 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055095 lipoprotein particle mediated signaling 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990575 mitochondrial L-ornithine transmembrane transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903774 positive regulation of viral budding via host ESCRT complex 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032342 aldosterone biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043585 nose morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905725 protein localization to microtubule end 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016344 meiotic chromosome movement towards spindle pole 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033140 negative regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation of STAT protein 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901536 negative regulation of DNA demethylation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015912 short-chain fatty acid transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000958 mitochondrial mRNA catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033023 mast cell homeostasis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001827 inner cell mass cell fate commitment 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035793 positive regulation of metanephric mesenchymal cell migration by platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006543 glutamine catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902499 positive regulation of protein autoubiquitination 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097050 type B pancreatic cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000120 positive regulation of sodium-dependent phosphate transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051795 positive regulation of timing of catagen 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090176 microtubule cytoskeleton organization involved in establishment of planar polarity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990408 calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900247 regulation of cytoplasmic translational elongation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904694 negative regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000588 positive regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903765 negative regulation of potassium ion export across plasma membrane 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002894 positive regulation of type II hypersensitivity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015172 acidic amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061368 behavioral response to formalin induced pain 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902463 protein localization to cell leading edge 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032487 regulation of Rap protein signal transduction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032100 positive regulation of appetite 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009826 unidimensional cell growth 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098919 structural constituent of postsynaptic density 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902896 terminal web assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061740 protein targeting to lysosome involved in chaperone-mediated autophagy 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098964 anterograde dendritic transport of messenger ribonucleoprotein complex 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034651 cortisol biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903516 regulation of single strand break repair 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001560 regulation of cell growth by extracellular stimulus 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902635 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070430 positive regulation of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 1 signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000825 positive regulation of androgen receptor activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097744 renal urate salt excretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060697 positive regulation of phospholipid catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900749 (R)-carnitine transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015880 coenzyme A transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070075 tear secretion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033552 response to vitamin B3 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001172 RNA-templated transcription 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904849 positive regulation of cell chemotaxis to fibroblast growth factor 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007525 somatic muscle development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904340 positive regulation of dopaminergic neuron differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032805 positive regulation of low-density lipoprotein particle receptor catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905596 negative regulation of low-density lipoprotein particle receptor binding 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904811 positive regulation of dense core granule transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098749 cerebellar neuron development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021564 vagus nerve development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016046 detection of fungus 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902811 positive regulation of skeletal muscle fiber differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014862 regulation of skeletal muscle contraction by chemo-mechanical energy conversion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071409 cellular response to cycloheximide 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015216 purine nucleotide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903852 positive regulation of cristae formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097532 stress response to acid chemical 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902263 apoptotic process involved in embryonic digit morphogenesis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001834 trophectodermal cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048370 lateral mesoderm formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021834 chemorepulsion involved in embryonic olfactory bulb interneuron precursor migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019418 sulfide oxidation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140576 ascorbate homeostasis 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904692 positive regulation of type B pancreatic cell proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000124 regulation of endocannabinoid signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070495 negative regulation of thrombin-activated receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904220 regulation of serine C-palmitoyltransferase activity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006157 deoxyadenosine catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002874 regulation of chronic inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061819 telomeric DNA-containing double minutes formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903677 regulation of cap-independent translational initiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019464 glycine decarboxylation via glycine cleavage system 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009171 purine deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044375 regulation of peroxisome size 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006210 thymine catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072003 kidney rudiment formation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006680 glucosylceramide catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006014 D-ribose metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046013 regulation of T cell homeostatic proliferation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002461 tolerance induction dependent upon immune response 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905674 regulation of adaptive immune memory response 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097377 spinal cord interneuron axon guidance 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019482 beta-alanine metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086056 voltage-gated calcium channel activity involved in AV node cell action potential 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021530 spinal cord oligodendrocyte cell fate specification 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031269 pseudopodium assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036416 tRNA stabilization 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903772 regulation of viral budding via host ESCRT complex 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060480 lung goblet cell differentiation 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030327 prenylated protein catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033693 neurofilament bundle assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001969 regulation of activation of membrane attack complex 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902287 semaphorin-plexin signaling pathway involved in axon guidance 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036506 maintenance of unfolded protein 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904479 negative regulation of intestinal absorption 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000382 positive regulation of mesoderm development 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007538 primary sex determination 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034159 regulation of toll-like receptor 8 signaling pathway 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016267 O-glycan processing, core 1 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903475 mitotic actomyosin contractile ring assembly 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002442 serotonin secretion involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0023021 termination of signal transduction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006701 progesterone biosynthetic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055107 Golgi to secretory granule transport 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000023 maltose metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150106 regulation of protein localization to cell-cell junction 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900133 regulation of renin secretion into blood stream 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045200 establishment of neuroblast polarity 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036135 Schwann cell migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046070 dGTP metabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000645 negative regulation of receptor catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140961 cellular detoxification of metal ion 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904738 vascular associated smooth muscle cell migration 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045004 DNA replication proofreading 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006256 UDP catabolic process 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019284 L-methionine salvage from S-adenosylmethionine 1.00000000003176 3.17574403923132e-11 3 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032210 regulation of telomere maintenance via telomerase 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902991 regulation of amyloid precursor protein catabolic process 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046638 positive regulation of alpha-beta T cell differentiation 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048146 positive regulation of fibroblast proliferation 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045197 establishment or maintenance of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042220 response to cocaine 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048488 synaptic vesicle endocytosis 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030857 negative regulation of epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018107 peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010559 regulation of glycoprotein biosynthetic process 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072332 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway by p53 class mediator 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000381 regulation of alternative mRNA splicing, via spliceosome 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010662 regulation of striated muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071867 response to monoamine 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120009 intermembrane lipid transfer 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061462 protein localization to lysosome 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044818 mitotic G2/M transition checkpoint 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061178 regulation of insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose stimulus 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071869 response to catecholamine 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002011 morphogenesis of an epithelial sheet 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048678 response to axon injury 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007080 mitotic metaphase chromosome alignment 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010257 NADH dehydrogenase complex assembly 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097352 autophagosome maturation 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051899 membrane depolarization 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015909 long-chain fatty acid transport 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007140 male meiotic nuclear division 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000772 regulation of cellular senescence 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001755 neural crest cell migration 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038093 Fc receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032981 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I assembly 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001895 retina homeostasis 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043367 CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042776 proton motive force-driven mitochondrial ATP synthesis 1.00000000003193 3.19327331444962e-11 55 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010721 negative regulation of cell development 1.00000000003238 3.23807655114251e-11 269 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051090 regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity 1.00000000003242 3.24242432020353e-11 371 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035050 embryonic heart tube development 1.0000000000325 3.24994763383454e-11 85 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009206 purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process 1.0000000000325 3.24994763383454e-11 85 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070585 protein localization to mitochondrion 1.0000000000325 3.24994763383454e-11 85 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002062 chondrocyte differentiation 1.0000000000325 3.24994763383454e-11 85 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072080 nephron tubule development 1.0000000000325 3.24994763383454e-11 85 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042180 cellular ketone metabolic process 1.0000000000325 3.24994763383454e-11 85 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051149 positive regulation of muscle cell differentiation 1.0000000000325 3.24994763383454e-11 85 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000134 negative regulation of G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 1.0000000000325 3.24994763383454e-11 85 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001656 metanephros development 1.0000000000325 3.24994763383454e-11 85 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008589 regulation of smoothened signaling pathway 1.0000000000325 3.24994763383454e-11 85 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048709 oligodendrocyte differentiation 1.0000000000325 3.24994763383454e-11 85 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903510 mucopolysaccharide metabolic process 1.0000000000325 3.24994763383454e-11 85 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070972 protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060411 cardiac septum morphogenesis 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043543 protein acylation 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903053 regulation of extracellular matrix organization 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032722 positive regulation of chemokine production 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061333 renal tubule morphogenesis 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006487 protein N-linked glycosylation 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014743 regulation of muscle hypertrophy 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033143 regulation of intracellular steroid hormone receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072028 nephron morphogenesis 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032413 negative regulation of ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003208 cardiac ventricle morphogenesis 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902750 negative regulation of cell cycle G2/M phase transition 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008630 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030514 negative regulation of BMP signaling pathway 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044458 motile cilium assembly 1.00000000003279 3.27913669253059e-11 72 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043149 stress fiber assembly 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010888 negative regulation of lipid storage 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003228 atrial cardiac muscle tissue development 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051923 sulfation 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061099 negative regulation of protein tyrosine kinase activity 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050908 detection of light stimulus involved in visual perception 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021756 striatum development 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002089 lens morphogenesis in camera-type eye 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000311 regulation of AMPA receptor activity 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010923 negative regulation of phosphatase activity 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060546 negative regulation of necroptotic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045116 protein neddylation 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000831 regulation of steroid hormone secretion 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000561 regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell proliferation 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033762 response to glucagon 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032148 activation of protein kinase B activity 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019348 dolichol metabolic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050686 negative regulation of mRNA processing 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097164 ammonium ion metabolic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099068 postsynapse assembly 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051131 chaperone-mediated protein complex assembly 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004993 G protein-coupled serotonin receptor activity 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030520 intracellular estrogen receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902473 regulation of protein localization to synapse 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098801 regulation of renal system process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901661 quinone metabolic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018230 peptidyl-L-cysteine S-palmitoylation 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030220 platelet formation 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000963 mitochondrial RNA processing 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000725 regulation of cardiac muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901317 regulation of flagellated sperm motility 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046128 purine ribonucleoside metabolic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090370 negative regulation of cholesterol efflux 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010988 regulation of low-density lipoprotein particle clearance 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050765 negative regulation of phagocytosis 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036092 phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046519 sphingoid metabolic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090189 regulation of branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010586 miRNA metabolic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010737 protein kinase A signaling 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032785 negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription, elongation 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042403 thyroid hormone metabolic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901028 regulation of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization involved in apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005319 lipid transporter activity 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035809 regulation of urine volume 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031145 anaphase-promoting complex-dependent catabolic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010623 programmed cell death involved in cell development 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050962 detection of light stimulus involved in sensory perception 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030038 contractile actin filament bundle assembly 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003309 type B pancreatic cell differentiation 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030277 maintenance of gastrointestinal epithelium 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141087 positive regulation of inflammasome-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903054 negative regulation of extracellular matrix organization 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015669 gas transport 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051937 catecholamine transport 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046426 negative regulation of receptor signaling pathway via JAK-STAT 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900273 positive regulation of long-term synaptic potentiation 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006809 nitric oxide biosynthetic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140861 DNA repair-dependent chromatin remodeling 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007530 sex determination 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034472 snRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061318 renal filtration cell differentiation 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009083 branched-chain amino acid catabolic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002837 regulation of immune response to tumor cell 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901673 regulation of mitotic spindle assembly 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038084 vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033630 positive regulation of cell adhesion mediated by integrin 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006614 SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072112 podocyte differentiation 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015919 peroxisomal membrane transport 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090208 positive regulation of triglyceride metabolic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007064 mitotic sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903589 positive regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell proliferation involved in sprouting angiogenesis 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032874 positive regulation of stress-activated MAPK cascade 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015802 basic amino acid transport 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048485 sympathetic nervous system development 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017145 stem cell division 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006658 phosphatidylserine metabolic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060004 reflex 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010644 cell communication by electrical coupling 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030262 apoptotic nuclear changes 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000027 ribosomal large subunit assembly 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010881 regulation of cardiac muscle contraction by regulation of the release of sequestered calcium ion 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070304 positive regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098810 neurotransmitter reuptake 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002431 Fc receptor mediated stimulatory signaling pathway 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032098 regulation of appetite 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051905 establishment of pigment granule localization 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039702 viral budding via host ESCRT complex 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086010 membrane depolarization during action potential 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060713 labyrinthine layer morphogenesis 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043574 peroxisomal transport 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018231 peptidyl-S-diacylglycerol-L-cysteine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-cysteine 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030318 melanocyte differentiation 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006308 DNA catabolic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019432 triglyceride biosynthetic process 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045932 negative regulation of muscle contraction 1.00000000003281 3.28105020997469e-11 22 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051276 chromosome organization 1.00000000003281 3.28110440424138e-11 491 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010839 negative regulation of keratinocyte proliferation 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034377 plasma lipoprotein particle assembly 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903579 negative regulation of ATP metabolic process 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001773 myeloid dendritic cell activation 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016973 poly(A)+ mRNA export from nucleus 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098719 sodium ion import across plasma membrane 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036158 outer dynein arm assembly 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904666 regulation of ubiquitin protein ligase activity 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036344 platelet morphogenesis 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901983 regulation of protein acetylation 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045730 respiratory burst 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000193 positive regulation of fatty acid transport 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045822 negative regulation of heart contraction 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060706 cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903861 positive regulation of dendrite extension 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032288 myelin assembly 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902410 mitotic cytokinetic process 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097106 postsynaptic density organization 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016093 polyprenol metabolic process 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006278 RNA-templated DNA biosynthetic process 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035089 establishment of apical/basal cell polarity 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048634 regulation of muscle organ development 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051875 pigment granule localization 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021542 dentate gyrus development 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097150 neuronal stem cell population maintenance 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901863 positive regulation of muscle tissue development 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046580 negative regulation of Ras protein signal transduction 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017056 structural constituent of nuclear pore 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900407 regulation of cellular response to oxidative stress 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007042 lysosomal lumen acidification 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034508 centromere complex assembly 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060907 positive regulation of macrophage cytokine production 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032693 negative regulation of interleukin-10 production 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002204 somatic recombination of immunoglobulin genes involved in immune response 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010954 positive regulation of protein processing 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070233 negative regulation of T cell apoptotic process 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032770 positive regulation of monooxygenase activity 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033233 regulation of protein sumoylation 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050650 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008188 neuropeptide receptor activity 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007130 synaptonemal complex assembly 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046885 regulation of hormone biosynthetic process 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050855 regulation of B cell receptor signaling pathway 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060339 negative regulation of type I interferon-mediated signaling pathway 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030521 androgen receptor signaling pathway 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036336 dendritic cell migration 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017121 plasma membrane phospholipid scrambling 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021871 forebrain regionalization 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007097 nuclear migration 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060252 positive regulation of glial cell proliferation 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051403 stress-activated MAPK cascade 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061484 hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009162 deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate metabolic process 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090200 positive regulation of release of cytochrome c from mitochondria 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090103 cochlea morphogenesis 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032727 positive regulation of interferon-alpha production 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097066 response to thyroid hormone 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046628 positive regulation of insulin receptor signaling pathway 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904292 regulation of ERAD pathway 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000209 regulation of anoikis 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090023 positive regulation of neutrophil chemotaxis 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033038 bitter taste receptor activity 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099637 neurotransmitter receptor transport 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006921 cellular component disassembly involved in execution phase of apoptosis 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008334 histone mRNA metabolic process 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032094 response to food 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014059 regulation of dopamine secretion 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003071 renal system process involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045190 isotype switching 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005385 zinc ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001836 release of cytochrome c from mitochondria 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010640 regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051457 maintenance of protein location in nucleus 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062099 negative regulation of programmed necrotic cell death 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001778 plasma membrane repair 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002548 monocyte chemotaxis 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903306 negative regulation of regulated secretory pathway 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000380 alternative mRNA splicing, via spliceosome 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905709 negative regulation of membrane permeability 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042554 superoxide anion generation 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045591 positive regulation of regulatory T cell differentiation 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000466 maturation of 5.8S rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071425 hematopoietic stem cell proliferation 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032367 intracellular cholesterol transport 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018279 protein N-linked glycosylation via asparagine 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031954 positive regulation of protein autophosphorylation 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009065 glutamine family amino acid catabolic process 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030539 male genitalia development 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051957 positive regulation of amino acid transport 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050999 regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071875 adrenergic receptor signaling pathway 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034381 plasma lipoprotein particle clearance 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002922 positive regulation of humoral immune response 1.0000000000332 3.31984939825909e-11 24 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006665 sphingolipid metabolic process 1.00000000003331 3.33120835695413e-11 161 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050731 positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation 1.00000000003331 3.33120835695413e-11 161 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030307 positive regulation of cell growth 1.00000000003331 3.33120835695413e-11 161 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015698 inorganic anion transport 1.00000000003331 3.33120835695413e-11 161 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034284 response to monosaccharide 1.00000000003331 3.33120835695413e-11 161 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007605 sensory perception of sound 1.00000000003331 3.33120835695413e-11 161 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048592 eye morphogenesis 1.00000000003331 3.33120835695413e-11 161 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010976 positive regulation of neuron projection development 1.00000000003331 3.33120835695413e-11 161 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043627 response to estrogen 1.00000000003341 3.34055794332627e-11 71 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030072 peptide hormone secretion 1.00000000003341 3.34055794332627e-11 71 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003143 embryonic heart tube morphogenesis 1.00000000003341 3.34055794332627e-11 71 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045670 regulation of osteoclast differentiation 1.00000000003341 3.34055794332627e-11 71 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900046 regulation of hemostasis 1.00000000003341 3.34055794332627e-11 71 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002260 lymphocyte homeostasis 1.00000000003341 3.34055794332627e-11 71 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032206 positive regulation of telomere maintenance 1.00000000003341 3.34055794332627e-11 71 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051898 negative regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction 1.00000000003341 3.34055794332627e-11 71 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031016 pancreas development 1.00000000003341 3.34055794332627e-11 71 0 0 48 18204 GO:0170041 non-proteinogenic amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000003341 3.34055794332627e-11 71 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001707 mesoderm formation 1.00000000003341 3.34055794332627e-11 71 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000573 positive regulation of DNA biosynthetic process 1.00000000003341 3.34055794332627e-11 71 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050680 negative regulation of epithelial cell proliferation 1.00000000003343 3.34294558850559e-11 174 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048854 brain morphogenesis 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903524 positive regulation of blood circulation 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002724 regulation of T cell cytokine production 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031281 positive regulation of cyclase activity 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006901 vesicle coating 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034113 heterotypic cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006739 NADP metabolic process 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055017 cardiac muscle tissue growth 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034391 regulation of smooth muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032438 melanosome organization 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043388 positive regulation of DNA binding 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007143 female meiotic nuclear division 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048536 spleen development 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042044 fluid transport 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071392 cellular response to estradiol stimulus 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904358 positive regulation of telomere maintenance via telomere lengthening 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006376 mRNA splice site recognition 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003180 aortic valve morphogenesis 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000352 negative regulation of endothelial cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032965 regulation of collagen biosynthetic process 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048261 negative regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006688 glycosphingolipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902229 regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033619 membrane protein proteolysis 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071459 protein localization to chromosome, centromeric region 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007602 phototransduction 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014897 striated muscle hypertrophy 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030041 actin filament polymerization 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032885 regulation of polysaccharide biosynthetic process 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006636 unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0089718 amino acid import across plasma membrane 1.00000000003379 3.37926495911718e-11 38 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046395 carboxylic acid catabolic process 1.00000000003417 3.41677335190911e-11 232 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016054 organic acid catabolic process 1.00000000003417 3.41677335190911e-11 232 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061448 connective tissue development 1.00000000003417 3.41677335190911e-11 232 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045624 positive regulation of T-helper cell differentiation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902993 positive regulation of amyloid precursor protein catabolic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006007 glucose catabolic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007622 rhythmic behavior 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044090 positive regulation of vacuole organization 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000353 positive regulation of endothelial cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034643 establishment of mitochondrion localization, microtubule-mediated 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0047497 mitochondrion transport along microtubule 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043153 entrainment of circadian clock by photoperiod 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019985 translesion synthesis 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099172 presynapse organization 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099558 maintenance of synapse structure 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050860 negative regulation of T cell receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048247 lymphocyte chemotaxis 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015813 L-glutamate transmembrane transport 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060065 uterus development 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006063 uronic acid metabolic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035268 protein mannosylation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036119 response to platelet-derived growth factor 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036315 cellular response to sterol 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070861 regulation of protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071108 protein K48-linked deubiquitination 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046755 viral budding 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050482 arachidonic acid secretion 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007099 centriole replication 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002475 antigen processing and presentation via MHC class Ib 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048799 animal organ maturation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903963 arachidonate transport 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019585 glucuronate metabolic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031365 N-terminal protein amino acid modification 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090335 regulation of brown fat cell differentiation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905508 protein localization to microtubule organizing center 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050927 positive regulation of positive chemotaxis 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060307 regulation of ventricular cardiac muscle cell membrane repolarization 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048208 COPII vesicle coating 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006706 steroid catabolic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033617 mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase assembly 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036296 response to increased oxygen levels 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035336 long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046847 filopodium assembly 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006213 pyrimidine nucleoside metabolic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000042 negative regulation of double-strand break repair via homologous recombination 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901017 negative regulation of potassium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043043 peptide biosynthetic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030859 polarized epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070129 regulation of mitochondrial translation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045662 negative regulation of myoblast differentiation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903523 negative regulation of blood circulation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035994 response to muscle stretch 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905563 negative regulation of vascular endothelial cell proliferation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045010 actin nucleation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016188 synaptic vesicle maturation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060314 regulation of ryanodine-sensitive calcium-release channel activity 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034114 regulation of heterotypic cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007350 blastoderm segmentation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090280 positive regulation of calcium ion import 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071539 protein localization to centrosome 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060038 cardiac muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000291 regulation of myoblast proliferation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006656 phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042659 regulation of cell fate specification 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048207 vesicle targeting, rough ER to cis-Golgi 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038095 Fc-epsilon receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043567 regulation of insulin-like growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001919 regulation of receptor recycling 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016601 Rac protein signal transduction 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902108 regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability involved in apoptotic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060512 prostate gland morphogenesis 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901659 glycosyl compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043576 regulation of respiratory gaseous exchange 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002483 antigen processing and presentation of endogenous peptide antigen 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018022 peptidyl-lysine methylation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901071 glucosamine-containing compound metabolic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010561 negative regulation of glycoprotein biosynthetic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905063 regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048169 regulation of long-term neuronal synaptic plasticity 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031468 nuclear membrane reassembly 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007202 activation of phospholipase C activity 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040037 negative regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060343 trabecula formation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035020 regulation of Rac protein signal transduction 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010842 retina layer formation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048520 positive regulation of behavior 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060155 platelet dense granule organization 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903241 U2-type prespliceosome assembly 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032331 negative regulation of chondrocyte differentiation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021884 forebrain neuron development 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009435 NAD biosynthetic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042178 xenobiotic catabolic process 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051152 positive regulation of smooth muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901623 regulation of lymphocyte chemotaxis 1.00000000003418 3.41754850724728e-11 25 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006310 DNA recombination 1.00000000003444 3.44366878636267e-11 242 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032944 regulation of mononuclear cell proliferation 1.00000000003444 3.44366878636267e-11 242 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901137 carbohydrate derivative biosynthetic process 1.00000000003452 3.45242746251552e-11 589 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904659 glucose transmembrane transport 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006040 amino sugar metabolic process 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070328 triglyceride homeostasis 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006513 protein monoubiquitination 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016445 somatic diversification of immunoglobulins 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009124 nucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000578 embryonic axis specification 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003351 epithelial cilium movement involved in extracellular fluid movement 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021983 pituitary gland development 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060251 regulation of glial cell proliferation 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014044 Schwann cell development 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032733 positive regulation of interleukin-10 production 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009262 deoxyribonucleotide metabolic process 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015865 purine nucleotide transport 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010518 positive regulation of phospholipase activity 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090114 COPII-coated vesicle budding 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002891 positive regulation of immunoglobulin mediated immune response 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042446 hormone biosynthetic process 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903307 positive regulation of regulated secretory pathway 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050691 regulation of defense response to virus by host 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019692 deoxyribose phosphate metabolic process 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045123 cellular extravasation 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045922 negative regulation of fatty acid metabolic process 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042398 cellular modified amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042551 neuron maturation 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046148 pigment biosynthetic process 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003044 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure mediated by a chemical signal 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002691 regulation of cellular extravasation 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000403 positive regulation of lymphocyte migration 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051281 positive regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006458 'de novo' protein folding 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003352 regulation of cilium movement 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030149 sphingolipid catabolic process 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051955 regulation of amino acid transport 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043112 receptor metabolic process 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099601 regulation of neurotransmitter receptor activity 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904706 negative regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0047496 vesicle transport along microtubule 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006284 base-excision repair 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000008 regulation of protein localization to cell surface 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090181 regulation of cholesterol metabolic process 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060236 regulation of mitotic spindle organization 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006368 transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050433 regulation of catecholamine secretion 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002714 positive regulation of B cell mediated immunity 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046640 regulation of alpha-beta T cell proliferation 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051294 establishment of spindle orientation 1.00000000003477 3.47666653887404e-11 42 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016197 endosomal transport 1.00000000003507 3.50659267937812e-11 261 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002699 positive regulation of immune effector process 1.00000000003507 3.50659267937812e-11 261 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045191 regulation of isotype switching 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021955 central nervous system neuron axonogenesis 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060392 negative regulation of SMAD protein signal transduction 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140895 cell surface toll-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003678 DNA helicase activity 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010770 positive regulation of cell morphogenesis 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002052 positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070229 negative regulation of lymphocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018208 peptidyl-proline modification 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021696 cerebellar cortex morphogenesis 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051084 'de novo' post-translational protein folding 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046677 response to antibiotic 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055094 response to lipoprotein particle 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031076 embryonic camera-type eye development 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005484 SNAP receptor activity 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045773 positive regulation of axon extension 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046621 negative regulation of organ growth 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014741 negative regulation of muscle hypertrophy 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905332 positive regulation of morphogenesis of an epithelium 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061028 establishment of endothelial barrier 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043516 regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046473 phosphatidic acid metabolic process 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043243 positive regulation of protein-containing complex disassembly 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035850 epithelial cell differentiation involved in kidney development 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048008 platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001935 endothelial cell proliferation 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009309 amine biosynthetic process 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905476 negative regulation of protein localization to membrane 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060071 Wnt signaling pathway, planar cell polarity pathway 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009119 ribonucleoside metabolic process 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900225 regulation of NLRP3 inflammasome complex assembly 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002474 antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class I 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905898 positive regulation of response to endoplasmic reticulum stress 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021772 olfactory bulb development 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002228 natural killer cell mediated immunity 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045880 positive regulation of smoothened signaling pathway 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015868 purine ribonucleotide transport 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014002 astrocyte development 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031018 endocrine pancreas development 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043372 positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051298 centrosome duplication 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045823 positive regulation of heart contraction 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071404 cellular response to low-density lipoprotein particle stimulus 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046326 positive regulation of glucose import 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006304 DNA modification 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060391 positive regulation of SMAD protein signal transduction 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010935 regulation of macrophage cytokine production 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902653 secondary alcohol biosynthetic process 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070873 regulation of glycogen metabolic process 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048730 epidermis morphogenesis 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003230 cardiac atrium development 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003300 cardiac muscle hypertrophy 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015701 bicarbonate transport 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007095 mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint signaling 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003161 cardiac conduction system development 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900181 negative regulation of protein localization to nucleus 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051145 smooth muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006473 protein acetylation 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045652 regulation of megakaryocyte differentiation 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006695 cholesterol biosynthetic process 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045589 regulation of regulatory T cell differentiation 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055023 positive regulation of cardiac muscle tissue growth 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000966 RNA 5'-end processing 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014742 positive regulation of muscle hypertrophy 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033144 negative regulation of intracellular steroid hormone receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051353 positive regulation of oxidoreductase activity 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031952 regulation of protein autophosphorylation 1.00000000003536 3.53633282555691e-11 37 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901605 alpha-amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000003558 3.55801333632976e-11 209 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903531 negative regulation of secretion by cell 1.00000000003561 3.56057401390226e-11 151 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002705 positive regulation of leukocyte mediated immunity 1.00000000003561 3.56057401390226e-11 151 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014033 neural crest cell differentiation 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071773 cellular response to BMP stimulus 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032945 negative regulation of mononuclear cell proliferation 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009062 fatty acid catabolic process 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034308 primary alcohol metabolic process 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071333 cellular response to glucose stimulus 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032273 positive regulation of protein polymerization 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071772 response to BMP 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034644 cellular response to UV 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009201 ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901264 carbohydrate derivative transport 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048145 regulation of fibroblast proliferation 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072331 signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051453 regulation of intracellular pH 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014910 regulation of smooth muscle cell migration 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098869 cellular oxidant detoxification 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043648 dicarboxylic acid metabolic process 1.00000000003562 3.56159606604985e-11 91 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031123 RNA 3'-end processing 1.0000000000358 3.58044099955791e-11 80 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042775 mitochondrial ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 1.0000000000358 3.58044099955791e-11 80 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001942 hair follicle development 1.0000000000358 3.58044099955791e-11 80 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032088 negative regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity 1.0000000000358 3.58044099955791e-11 80 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042773 ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 1.0000000000358 3.58044099955791e-11 80 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900015 regulation of cytokine production involved in inflammatory response 1.0000000000358 3.58044099955791e-11 80 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006900 vesicle budding from membrane 1.0000000000358 3.58044099955791e-11 80 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903556 negative regulation of tumor necrosis factor superfamily cytokine production 1.0000000000358 3.58044099955791e-11 80 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903036 positive regulation of response to wounding 1.0000000000358 3.58044099955791e-11 80 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018210 peptidyl-threonine modification 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072666 establishment of protein localization to vacuole 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048814 regulation of dendrite morphogenesis 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046854 phosphatidylinositol phosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006024 glycosaminoglycan biosynthetic process 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021885 forebrain cell migration 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000351 regulation of endothelial cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006903 vesicle targeting 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090303 positive regulation of wound healing 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0080164 regulation of nitric oxide metabolic process 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042246 tissue regeneration 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008637 apoptotic mitochondrial changes 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070613 regulation of protein processing 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903670 regulation of sprouting angiogenesis 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042440 pigment metabolic process 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019233 sensory perception of pain 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060291 long-term synaptic potentiation 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070192 chromosome organization involved in meiotic cell cycle 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001947 heart looping 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905953 negative regulation of lipid localization 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006406 mRNA export from nucleus 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033077 T cell differentiation in thymus 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044091 membrane biogenesis 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051965 positive regulation of synapse assembly 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032653 regulation of interleukin-10 production 1.00000000003585 3.58515804286805e-11 65 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002695 negative regulation of leukocyte activation 1.00000000003612 3.612484180233e-11 191 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903046 meiotic cell cycle process 1.00000000003612 3.612484180233e-11 191 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044283 small molecule biosynthetic process 1.00000000003623 3.62327715191447e-11 459 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006081 cellular aldehyde metabolic process 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018212 peptidyl-tyrosine modification 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046888 negative regulation of hormone secretion 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061572 actin filament bundle organization 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019229 regulation of vasoconstriction 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032715 negative regulation of interleukin-6 production 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009988 cell-cell recognition 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050854 regulation of antigen receptor-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902808 positive regulation of cell cycle G1/S phase transition 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051055 negative regulation of lipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051865 protein autoubiquitination 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002704 negative regulation of leukocyte mediated immunity 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072078 nephron tubule morphogenesis 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045668 negative regulation of osteoblast differentiation 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000082 G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035710 CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell activation 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009311 oligosaccharide metabolic process 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010803 regulation of tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000003626 3.62650010341056e-11 68 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051962 positive regulation of nervous system development 1.0000000000364 3.63993478126292e-11 296 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007188 adenylate cyclase-modulating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003646 3.64590232993215e-11 238 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070085 glycosylation 1.00000000003646 3.64590232993215e-11 238 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006936 muscle contraction 1.00000000003646 3.64590232993215e-11 238 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090087 regulation of peptide transport 1.00000000003653 3.65287168047704e-11 200 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090101 negative regulation of transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway 1.00000000003653 3.65287168047704e-11 200 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002791 regulation of peptide secretion 1.00000000003653 3.65287168047704e-11 200 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042098 T cell proliferation 1.00000000003674 3.67351166035118e-11 76 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032508 DNA duplex unwinding 1.00000000003674 3.67351166035118e-11 76 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046632 alpha-beta T cell differentiation 1.00000000003674 3.67351166035118e-11 76 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046425 regulation of receptor signaling pathway via JAK-STAT 1.00000000003674 3.67351166035118e-11 76 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032729 positive regulation of type II interferon production 1.00000000003674 3.67351166035118e-11 76 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014902 myotube differentiation 1.00000000003674 3.67351166035118e-11 76 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070252 actin-mediated cell contraction 1.00000000003674 3.67351166035118e-11 76 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002637 regulation of immunoglobulin production 1.00000000003674 3.67351166035118e-11 76 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030516 regulation of axon extension 1.00000000003674 3.67351166035118e-11 76 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045921 positive regulation of exocytosis 1.00000000003674 3.67351166035118e-11 76 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042509 regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT protein 1.00000000003674 3.67351166035118e-11 76 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043242 negative regulation of protein-containing complex disassembly 1.00000000003674 3.67351166035118e-11 76 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045667 regulation of osteoblast differentiation 1.00000000003719 3.71922394347403e-11 157 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045807 positive regulation of endocytosis 1.00000000003719 3.71922394347403e-11 157 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050806 positive regulation of synaptic transmission 1.00000000003719 3.71922394347403e-11 157 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046488 phosphatidylinositol metabolic process 1.00000000003719 3.71922394347403e-11 157 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001236 regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000003719 3.71922394347403e-11 157 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061025 membrane fusion 1.00000000003719 3.71922394347403e-11 157 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030031 cell projection assembly 1.00000000003756 3.75576775509633e-11 455 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002460 adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains 1.00000000003766 3.76649333887341e-11 176 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021953 central nervous system neuron differentiation 1.00000000003766 3.76649333887341e-11 176 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071692 protein localization to extracellular region 1.0000000000377 3.76975119679692e-11 141 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072073 kidney epithelium development 1.0000000000377 3.76975119679692e-11 141 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060972 left/right pattern formation 1.0000000000377 3.76975119679692e-11 141 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007030 Golgi organization 1.0000000000377 3.76975119679692e-11 141 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098727 maintenance of cell number 1.00000000003772 3.77155204941103e-11 119 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008203 cholesterol metabolic process 1.00000000003772 3.77155204941103e-11 119 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006334 nucleosome assembly 1.00000000003772 3.77155204941103e-11 119 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000724 double-strand break repair via homologous recombination 1.00000000003772 3.77155204941103e-11 119 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051224 negative regulation of protein transport 1.00000000003772 3.77155204941103e-11 119 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006644 phospholipid metabolic process 1.00000000003801 3.8008742438406e-11 364 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097479 synaptic vesicle localization 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061001 regulation of dendritic spine morphogenesis 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002293 alpha-beta T cell differentiation involved in immune response 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045840 positive regulation of mitotic nuclear division 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043039 tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002562 somatic diversification of immune receptors via germline recombination within a single locus 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030501 positive regulation of bone mineralization 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009584 detection of visible light 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032691 negative regulation of interleukin-1 beta production 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010799 regulation of peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016126 sterol biosynthetic process 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051438 regulation of ubiquitin-protein transferase activity 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007528 neuromuscular junction development 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032689 negative regulation of type II interferon production 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021587 cerebellum morphogenesis 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030225 macrophage differentiation 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090199 regulation of release of cytochrome c from mitochondria 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035249 synaptic transmission, glutamatergic 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045214 sarcomere organization 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010828 positive regulation of glucose transmembrane transport 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043029 T cell homeostasis 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097120 receptor localization to synapse 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106027 neuron projection organization 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904646 cellular response to amyloid-beta 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010907 positive regulation of glucose metabolic process 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035272 exocrine system development 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032570 response to progesterone 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016444 somatic cell DNA recombination 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010453 regulation of cell fate commitment 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002287 alpha-beta T cell activation involved in immune response 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033002 muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060443 mammary gland morphogenesis 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043299 leukocyte degranulation 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007062 sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0170036 import into the mitochondrion 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050853 B cell receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904037 positive regulation of epithelial cell apoptotic process 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072529 pyrimidine-containing compound catabolic process 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072337 modified amino acid transport 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090148 membrane fission 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044380 protein localization to cytoskeleton 1.00000000003819 3.81924781942903e-11 44 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006397 mRNA processing 1.00000000003825 3.82481821021434e-11 444 0 0 48 18204 GO:0170039 proteinogenic amino acid metabolic process 1.0000000000383 3.83009324537741e-11 158 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007338 single fertilization 1.0000000000383 3.83009324537741e-11 158 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120035 regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization 1.00000000003834 3.8340407305529e-11 666 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015980 energy derivation by oxidation of organic compounds 1.00000000003844 3.84356518574187e-11 257 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046883 regulation of hormone secretion 1.00000000003844 3.84356518574187e-11 257 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006897 endocytosis 1.00000000003844 3.8442177891655e-11 499 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050906 detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception 1.00000000003856 3.85644780597685e-11 501 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032968 positive regulation of transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901570 fatty acid derivative biosynthetic process 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045581 negative regulation of T cell differentiation 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903351 cellular response to dopamine 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048538 thymus development 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098815 modulation of excitatory postsynaptic potential 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006303 double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014003 oligodendrocyte development 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050819 negative regulation of coagulation 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019915 lipid storage 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090329 regulation of DNA-templated DNA replication 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008542 visual learning 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010830 regulation of myotube differentiation 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051489 regulation of filopodium assembly 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033628 regulation of cell adhesion mediated by integrin 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043330 response to exogenous dsRNA 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006094 gluconeogenesis 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042269 regulation of natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042073 intraciliary transport 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001258 negative regulation of cation channel activity 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051123 RNA polymerase II preinitiation complex assembly 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071825 protein-lipid complex organization 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006956 complement activation 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048013 ephrin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008009 chemokine activity 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000404 regulation of T cell migration 1.00000000003858 3.85816167390582e-11 49 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007292 female gamete generation 1.00000000003881 3.88098377686294e-11 160 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018105 peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 1.00000000003881 3.88098377686294e-11 160 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070507 regulation of microtubule cytoskeleton organization 1.00000000003881 3.88098377686294e-11 160 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000398 mRNA splicing, via spliceosome 1.00000000003894 3.89383377459597e-11 251 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000377 RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile 1.00000000003894 3.89383377459597e-11 251 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006816 calcium ion transport 1.00000000003894 3.89383377459597e-11 251 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006650 glycerophospholipid metabolic process 1.00000000003895 3.89491959826009e-11 292 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016310 phosphorylation 1.00000000003915 3.91525581157266e-11 729 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022411 cellular component disassembly 1.00000000003928 3.92783982449529e-11 359 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903050 regulation of proteolysis involved in protein catabolic process 1.00000000003933 3.93285367591569e-11 229 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120032 regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly 1.00000000003933 3.93285367591569e-11 229 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051347 positive regulation of transferase activity 1.00000000003952 3.9518682337311e-11 381 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001654 eye development 1.00000000003952 3.9518682337311e-11 381 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045109 intermediate filament organization 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901184 regulation of ERBB signaling pathway 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032008 positive regulation of TOR signaling 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048332 mesoderm morphogenesis 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904888 cranial skeletal system development 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061035 regulation of cartilage development 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060420 regulation of heart growth 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051148 negative regulation of muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030858 positive regulation of epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003170 heart valve development 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050766 positive regulation of phagocytosis 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046635 positive regulation of alpha-beta T cell activation 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046626 regulation of insulin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099565 chemical synaptic transmission, postsynaptic 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006518 peptide metabolic process 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055006 cardiac cell development 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061045 negative regulation of wound healing 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060260 regulation of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051881 regulation of mitochondrial membrane potential 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031623 receptor internalization 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032147 activation of protein kinase activity 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090559 regulation of membrane permeability 1.00000000003954 3.9542147025204e-11 73 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044065 regulation of respiratory system process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002836 positive regulation of response to tumor cell 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072350 tricarboxylic acid metabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006851 mitochondrial calcium ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016209 antioxidant activity 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007620 copulation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006590 thyroid hormone generation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033173 calcineurin-NFAT signaling cascade 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014857 regulation of skeletal muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046459 short-chain fatty acid metabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903599 positive regulation of autophagy of mitochondrion 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045472 response to ether 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090399 replicative senescence 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016045 detection of bacterium 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032354 response to follicle-stimulating hormone 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002755 MyD88-dependent toll-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141086 negative regulation of inflammasome-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033028 myeloid cell apoptotic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000846 regulation of corticosteroid hormone secretion 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002864 regulation of acute inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009084 glutamine family amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046462 monoacylglycerol metabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099149 regulation of postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor internalization 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010958 regulation of amino acid import across plasma membrane 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090136 epithelial cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045579 positive regulation of B cell differentiation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038166 angiotensin-activated signaling pathway 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902412 regulation of mitotic cytokinesis 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014829 vascular associated smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034497 protein localization to phagophore assembly site 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051770 positive regulation of nitric-oxide synthase biosynthetic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021513 spinal cord dorsal/ventral patterning 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035641 locomotory exploration behavior 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015106 bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043584 nose development 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003096 renal sodium ion transport 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009151 purine deoxyribonucleotide metabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099514 synaptic vesicle cytoskeletal transport 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030201 heparan sulfate proteoglycan metabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071474 cellular hyperosmotic response 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060044 negative regulation of cardiac muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001780 neutrophil homeostasis 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015732 prostaglandin transport 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046325 negative regulation of glucose import 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019184 nonribosomal peptide biosynthetic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035510 DNA dealkylation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051969 regulation of transmission of nerve impulse 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090520 sphingolipid mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044849 estrous cycle 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007158 neuron cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048148 behavioral response to cocaine 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905962 glutamatergic neuron differentiation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045651 positive regulation of macrophage differentiation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000696 regulation of epithelial cell differentiation involved in kidney development 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030242 autophagy of peroxisome 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903789 regulation of amino acid transmembrane transport 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006544 glycine metabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018146 keratan sulfate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006555 methionine metabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046500 S-adenosylmethionine metabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902358 sulfate transmembrane transport 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048172 regulation of short-term neuronal synaptic plasticity 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032095 regulation of response to food 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006855 xenobiotic transmembrane transport 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072202 cell differentiation involved in metanephros development 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000479 endonucleolytic cleavage of tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002839 positive regulation of immune response to tumor cell 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060576 intestinal epithelial cell development 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002486 antigen processing and presentation of endogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I via ER pathway, TAP-independent 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048841 regulation of axon extension involved in axon guidance 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002029 desensitization of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099563 modification of synaptic structure 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051315 attachment of mitotic spindle microtubules to kinetochore 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071218 cellular response to misfolded protein 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030214 hyaluronan catabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051044 positive regulation of membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045779 negative regulation of bone resorption 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046933 proton-transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070314 G1 to G0 transition 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072531 pyrimidine-containing compound transmembrane transport 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048712 negative regulation of astrocyte differentiation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015095 magnesium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072074 kidney mesenchyme development 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902110 positive regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability involved in apoptotic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000767 positive regulation of cytoplasmic translation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035313 wound healing, spreading of epidermal cells 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031645 negative regulation of nervous system process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010455 positive regulation of cell fate commitment 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060445 branching involved in salivary gland morphogenesis 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060841 venous blood vessel development 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070071 proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex assembly 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034374 low-density lipoprotein particle remodeling 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000345 regulation of hepatocyte proliferation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010649 regulation of cell communication by electrical coupling 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002503 peptide antigen assembly with MHC class II protein complex 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006004 fucose metabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903409 reactive oxygen species biosynthetic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003214 cardiac left ventricle morphogenesis 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904177 regulation of adipose tissue development 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010226 response to lithium ion 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0080111 DNA demethylation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099116 tRNA 5'-end processing 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099150 regulation of postsynaptic specialization assembly 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021984 adenohypophysis development 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090336 positive regulation of brown fat cell differentiation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901142 insulin metabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071380 cellular response to prostaglandin E stimulus 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902065 response to L-glutamate 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001023 regulation of response to drug 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072520 seminiferous tubule development 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000097 sulfur amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099507 ligand-gated monoatomic ion channel activity involved in regulation of presynaptic membrane potential 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903798 regulation of miRNA processing 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002076 osteoblast development 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061101 neuroendocrine cell differentiation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000095 regulation of Wnt signaling pathway, planar cell polarity pathway 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900034 regulation of cellular response to heat 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000232 regulation of rRNA processing 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0170043 non-proteinogenic amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005355 glucose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900006 positive regulation of dendrite development 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044790 suppression of viral release by host 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001779 natural killer cell differentiation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048490 anterograde synaptic vesicle transport 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044550 secondary metabolite biosynthetic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0085020 protein K6-linked ubiquitination 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070199 establishment of protein localization to chromosome 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009173 pyrimidine ribonucleoside monophosphate metabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099517 synaptic vesicle transport along microtubule 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009313 oligosaccharide catabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030852 regulation of granulocyte differentiation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904031 positive regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044241 lipid digestion 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046642 negative regulation of alpha-beta T cell proliferation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006089 lactate metabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001256 regulation of store-operated calcium entry 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070131 positive regulation of mitochondrial translation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901722 regulation of cell proliferation involved in kidney development 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071071 regulation of phospholipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009074 aromatic amino acid family catabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072378 blood coagulation, fibrin clot formation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045869 negative regulation of single stranded viral RNA replication via double stranded DNA intermediate 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032793 positive regulation of CREB transcription factor activity 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005324 long-chain fatty acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110154 RNA decapping 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008356 asymmetric cell division 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900120 regulation of receptor binding 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001212 regulation of vasculogenesis 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141005 retrotransposon silencing by heterochromatin formation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048385 regulation of retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016233 telomere capping 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002399 MHC class II protein complex assembly 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060986 endocrine hormone secretion 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043517 positive regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070230 positive regulation of lymphocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030889 negative regulation of B cell proliferation 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043605 amide catabolic process 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070571 negative regulation of neuron projection regeneration 1.00000000004029 4.02937020296008e-11 16 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048762 mesenchymal cell differentiation 1.00000000004043 4.04292195308404e-11 177 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001763 morphogenesis of a branching structure 1.00000000004043 4.04292195308404e-11 177 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006164 purine nucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000004053 4.0531281153329e-11 216 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033500 carbohydrate homeostasis 1.00000000004053 4.0531281153329e-11 216 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055074 calcium ion homeostasis 1.00000000004088 4.08844151016167e-11 231 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060491 regulation of cell projection assembly 1.00000000004088 4.08844151016167e-11 231 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031669 cellular response to nutrient levels 1.00000000004088 4.08844151016167e-11 231 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044242 cellular lipid catabolic process 1.000000000041 4.1002383687837e-11 206 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042445 hormone metabolic process 1.000000000041 4.1002383687837e-11 206 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044782 cilium organization 1.00000000004121 4.12087826629343e-11 373 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032755 positive regulation of interleukin-6 production 1.00000000004141 4.14057475738885e-11 100 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001237 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000004141 4.14057475738885e-11 100 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009063 amino acid catabolic process 1.00000000004141 4.14057475738885e-11 100 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043279 response to alkaloid 1.00000000004141 4.14057475738885e-11 100 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050773 regulation of dendrite development 1.00000000004141 4.14057475738885e-11 100 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002709 regulation of T cell mediated immunity 1.00000000004141 4.14057475738885e-11 100 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048589 developmental growth 1.00000000004158 4.15756008343794e-11 424 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040007 growth 1.00000000004158 4.15756008343794e-11 424 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904951 positive regulation of establishment of protein localization 1.00000000004207 4.20712598972506e-11 324 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042531 positive regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT protein 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051341 regulation of oxidoreductase activity 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038127 ERBB signaling pathway 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901224 positive regulation of non-canonical NF-kappaB signal transduction 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055013 cardiac muscle cell development 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905330 regulation of morphogenesis of an epithelium 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002275 myeloid cell activation involved in immune response 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035825 homologous recombination 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045143 homologous chromosome segregation 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060042 retina morphogenesis in camera-type eye 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901607 alpha-amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033363 secretory granule organization 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902475 L-alpha-amino acid transmembrane transport 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018108 peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050994 regulation of lipid catabolic process 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048708 astrocyte differentiation 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002931 response to ischemia 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901880 negative regulation of protein depolymerization 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042058 regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004216 4.21561614314414e-11 66 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050866 negative regulation of cell activation 1.00000000004216 4.21642238339641e-11 214 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000375 RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions 1.00000000004219 4.21888723925101e-11 255 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014896 muscle hypertrophy 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150077 regulation of neuroinflammatory response 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031670 cellular response to nutrient 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043506 regulation of JUN kinase activity 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072530 purine-containing compound transmembrane transport 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040036 regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042596 fear response 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042307 positive regulation of protein import into nucleus 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060999 positive regulation of dendritic spine development 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032509 endosome transport via multivesicular body sorting pathway 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030574 collagen catabolic process 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120033 negative regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030513 positive regulation of BMP signaling pathway 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021879 forebrain neuron differentiation 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007007 inner mitochondrial membrane organization 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032728 positive regulation of interferon-beta production 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019098 reproductive behavior 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140448 signaling receptor ligand precursor processing 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070884 regulation of calcineurin-NFAT signaling cascade 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072698 protein localization to microtubule cytoskeleton 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016251 RNA polymerase II general transcription initiation factor activity 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071402 cellular response to lipoprotein particle stimulus 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006693 prostaglandin metabolic process 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044060 regulation of endocrine process 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086091 regulation of heart rate by cardiac conduction 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060306 regulation of membrane repolarization 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052652 cyclic purine nucleotide metabolic process 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051385 response to mineralocorticoid 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032872 regulation of stress-activated MAPK cascade 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070286 axonemal dynein complex assembly 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008210 estrogen metabolic process 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009112 nucleobase metabolic process 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904407 positive regulation of nitric oxide metabolic process 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070509 calcium ion import 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0040001 establishment of mitotic spindle localization 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045923 positive regulation of fatty acid metabolic process 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060419 heart growth 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044058 regulation of digestive system process 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051503 adenine nucleotide transport 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045839 negative regulation of mitotic nuclear division 1.00000000004224 4.22424931786045e-11 40 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031331 positive regulation of cellular catabolic process 1.00000000004247 4.24725873532059e-11 217 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903828 negative regulation of protein localization 1.00000000004247 4.24725873532059e-11 217 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006302 double-strand break repair 1.00000000004247 4.24725873532059e-11 217 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009101 glycoprotein biosynthetic process 1.00000000004265 4.26487230728054e-11 280 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043588 skin development 1.00000000004265 4.26487230728054e-11 280 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072088 nephron epithelium morphogenesis 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061337 cardiac conduction 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048002 antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903051 negative regulation of proteolysis involved in protein catabolic process 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048662 negative regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000379 positive regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002711 positive regulation of T cell mediated immunity 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044843 cell cycle G1/S phase transition 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008286 insulin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034620 cellular response to unfolded protein 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051926 negative regulation of calcium ion transport 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010972 negative regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032922 circadian regulation of gene expression 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032007 negative regulation of TOR signaling 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061371 determination of heart left/right asymmetry 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001912 positive regulation of leukocyte mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000004284 4.28436607908975e-11 70 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120031 plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly 1.00000000004303 4.30255871458383e-11 442 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010638 positive regulation of organelle organization 1.00000000004321 4.32103610985631e-11 503 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation 1.00000000004321 4.32103610985631e-11 503 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004930 G protein-coupled receptor activity 1.00000000004323 4.32283853220261e-11 635 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030217 T cell differentiation 1.00000000004328 4.32837428419617e-11 182 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903844 regulation of cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus 1.00000000004328 4.32837428419617e-11 182 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001959 regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004328 4.32837428419617e-11 182 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003279 cardiac septum development 1.00000000004334 4.33421792349147e-11 108 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031023 microtubule organizing center organization 1.00000000004334 4.33421792349147e-11 108 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042742 defense response to bacterium 1.00000000004336 4.33559931259272e-11 306 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048259 regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis 1.00000000004343 4.34316165378723e-11 118 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051170 import into nucleus 1.00000000004343 4.34316165378723e-11 118 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902749 regulation of cell cycle G2/M phase transition 1.00000000004343 4.34316165378723e-11 118 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033865 nucleoside bisphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000004343 4.34316165378723e-11 118 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034032 purine nucleoside bisphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000004343 4.34316165378723e-11 118 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033875 ribonucleoside bisphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000004343 4.34316165378723e-11 118 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007416 synapse assembly 1.00000000004343 4.34316165378723e-11 118 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051928 positive regulation of calcium ion transport 1.00000000004343 4.34316165378723e-11 118 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032649 regulation of type II interferon production 1.00000000004343 4.34316165378723e-11 118 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901989 positive regulation of cell cycle phase transition 1.00000000004343 4.34316165378723e-11 118 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010633 negative regulation of epithelial cell migration 1.00000000004343 4.34316165378723e-11 118 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032355 response to estradiol 1.00000000004343 4.34316165378723e-11 118 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010508 positive regulation of autophagy 1.00000000004356 4.35565875235919e-11 153 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032984 protein-containing complex disassembly 1.00000000004356 4.35565875235919e-11 153 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035150 regulation of tube size 1.00000000004356 4.35565875235919e-11 153 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051258 protein polymerization 1.00000000004387 4.38681911516733e-11 104 0 0 48 18204 GO:0080171 lytic vacuole organization 1.00000000004387 4.38681911516733e-11 104 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007040 lysosome organization 1.00000000004387 4.38681911516733e-11 104 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032642 regulation of chemokine production 1.00000000004387 4.38681911516733e-11 104 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060761 negative regulation of response to cytokine stimulus 1.00000000004387 4.38681911516733e-11 104 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030148 sphingolipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004387 4.38681911516733e-11 104 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000060 positive regulation of ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 1.00000000004387 4.38681911516733e-11 104 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070646 protein modification by small protein removal 1.00000000004391 4.39071982398611e-11 124 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030317 flagellated sperm motility 1.00000000004391 4.39071982398611e-11 124 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030278 regulation of ossification 1.00000000004391 4.39071982398611e-11 124 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007127 meiosis I 1.00000000004391 4.39071982398611e-11 124 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001508 action potential 1.00000000004391 4.39071982398611e-11 124 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035051 cardiocyte differentiation 1.00000000004391 4.39071982398611e-11 124 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010811 positive regulation of cell-substrate adhesion 1.00000000004391 4.39071982398611e-11 124 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045834 positive regulation of lipid metabolic process 1.00000000004391 4.39071982398611e-11 124 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097722 sperm motility 1.00000000004391 4.39071982398611e-11 124 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043244 regulation of protein-containing complex disassembly 1.00000000004391 4.39071982398611e-11 124 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097237 cellular response to toxic substance 1.00000000004392 4.39175816328628e-11 127 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048284 organelle fusion 1.00000000004392 4.39175816328628e-11 127 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002761 regulation of myeloid leukocyte differentiation 1.00000000004392 4.39175816328628e-11 127 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010977 negative regulation of neuron projection development 1.00000000004392 4.39175816328628e-11 127 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003231 cardiac ventricle development 1.00000000004392 4.39175816328628e-11 127 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043200 response to amino acid 1.00000000004392 4.39175816328628e-11 127 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071902 positive regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity 1.00000000004392 4.39175816328628e-11 127 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006275 regulation of DNA replication 1.00000000004392 4.39175816328628e-11 127 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061982 meiosis I cell cycle process 1.00000000004392 4.39175816328628e-11 127 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002824 positive regulation of adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains 1.00000000004392 4.39175816328628e-11 127 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018205 peptidyl-lysine modification 1.00000000004392 4.39175816328628e-11 127 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003206 cardiac chamber morphogenesis 1.00000000004392 4.39175816328628e-11 127 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903231 mRNA base-pairing translational repressor activity 1.00000000004392 4.3923510025367e-11 293 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002250 adaptive immune response 1.00000000004452 4.45151848063506e-11 363 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007281 germ cell development 1.00000000004452 4.45151848063506e-11 363 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007435 salivary gland morphogenesis 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140416 transcription regulator inhibitor activity 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003171 atrioventricular valve development 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007094 mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint signaling 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007274 neuromuscular synaptic transmission 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006829 zinc ion transport 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046856 phosphatidylinositol dephosphorylation 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002068 glandular epithelial cell development 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031342 negative regulation of cell killing 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043647 inositol phosphate metabolic process 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007520 myoblast fusion 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046464 acylglycerol catabolic process 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008535 respiratory chain complex IV assembly 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901201 regulation of extracellular matrix assembly 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009312 oligosaccharide biosynthetic process 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070231 T cell apoptotic process 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051291 protein heterooligomerization 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045672 positive regulation of osteoclast differentiation 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015844 monoamine transport 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098901 regulation of cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033344 cholesterol efflux 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902430 negative regulation of amyloid-beta formation 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902656 calcium ion import into cytosol 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090311 regulation of protein deacetylation 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071173 spindle assembly checkpoint signaling 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021522 spinal cord motor neuron differentiation 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021854 hypothalamus development 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038179 neurotrophin signaling pathway 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045954 positive regulation of natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046461 neutral lipid catabolic process 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900746 regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905820 positive regulation of chromosome separation 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007214 gamma-aminobutyric acid signaling pathway 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090330 regulation of platelet aggregation 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031163 metallo-sulfur cluster assembly 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050951 sensory perception of temperature stimulus 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001032 regulation of double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001556 oocyte maturation 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006084 acetyl-CoA metabolic process 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001941 postsynaptic membrane organization 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070536 protein K63-linked deubiquitination 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032292 peripheral nervous system axon ensheathment 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003209 cardiac atrium morphogenesis 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045742 positive regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071711 basement membrane organization 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022011 myelination in peripheral nervous system 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033014 tetrapyrrole biosynthetic process 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014888 striated muscle adaptation 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019934 cGMP-mediated signaling 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010833 telomere maintenance via telomere lengthening 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015012 heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002710 negative regulation of T cell mediated immunity 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021952 central nervous system projection neuron axonogenesis 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072344 rescue of stalled ribosome 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903671 negative regulation of sprouting angiogenesis 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016226 iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043303 mast cell degranulation 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002279 mast cell activation involved in immune response 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071354 cellular response to interleukin-6 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006779 porphyrin-containing compound biosynthetic process 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900101 regulation of endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008209 androgen metabolic process 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060142 regulation of syncytium formation by plasma membrane fusion 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060765 regulation of androgen receptor signaling pathway 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071174 mitotic spindle checkpoint signaling 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099505 regulation of presynaptic membrane potential 1.0000000000448 4.47968214860051e-11 29 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044255 cellular lipid metabolic process 1.00000000004484 4.48373958212361e-11 914 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048639 positive regulation of developmental growth 1.00000000004494 4.49415503114099e-11 168 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003205 cardiac chamber development 1.00000000004494 4.49415503114099e-11 168 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030258 lipid modification 1.00000000004494 4.49415503114099e-11 168 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006874 intracellular calcium ion homeostasis 1.00000000004505 4.50463114896921e-11 202 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046390 ribose phosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004505 4.50463114896921e-11 202 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008610 lipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004533 4.53249929400398e-11 592 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006182 cGMP biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000109 regulation of macrophage apoptotic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009120 deoxyribonucleoside metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034454 microtubule anchoring at centrosome 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905165 regulation of lysosomal protein catabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090657 telomeric loop disassembly 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036037 CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell activation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070587 regulation of cell-cell adhesion involved in gastrulation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060837 blood vessel endothelial cell differentiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006983 ER overload response 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010982 regulation of high-density lipoprotein particle clearance 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901653 cellular response to peptide 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060579 ventral spinal cord interneuron fate commitment 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903365 regulation of fear response 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021548 pons development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045028 G protein-coupled purinergic nucleotide receptor activity 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042795 snRNA transcription by RNA polymerase II 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070189 kynurenine metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008298 intracellular mRNA localization 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062111 zinc ion import into organelle 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000727 positive regulation of cardiac muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048304 positive regulation of isotype switching to IgG isotypes 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035666 TRIF-dependent toll-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097267 omega-hydroxylase P450 pathway 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051133 regulation of NK T cell activation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008046 axon guidance receptor activity 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010960 magnesium ion homeostasis 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006828 manganese ion transport 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021903 rostrocaudal neural tube patterning 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060736 prostate gland growth 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042451 purine nucleoside biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003357 noradrenergic neuron differentiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031915 positive regulation of synaptic plasticity 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050847 progesterone receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901031 regulation of response to reactive oxygen species 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019372 lipoxygenase pathway 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001055 RNA polymerase II activity 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007603 phototransduction, visible light 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000644 regulation of receptor catabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038063 collagen-activated tyrosine kinase receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904238 pericyte cell differentiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060272 embryonic skeletal joint morphogenesis 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042048 olfactory behavior 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042276 error-prone translesion synthesis 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006907 pinocytosis 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048671 negative regulation of collateral sprouting 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033145 positive regulation of intracellular steroid hormone receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030049 muscle filament sliding 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072310 glomerular epithelial cell development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000392 regulation of lamellipodium morphogenesis 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090331 negative regulation of platelet aggregation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000317 negative regulation of T-helper 17 type immune response 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010986 positive regulation of lipoprotein particle clearance 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000049 positive regulation of cell-cell adhesion mediated by cadherin 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071649 regulation of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 production 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006222 UMP biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090220 chromosome localization to nuclear envelope involved in homologous chromosome segregation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071872 cellular response to epinephrine stimulus 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003139 secondary heart field specification 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060581 cell fate commitment involved in pattern specification 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032493 response to bacterial lipoprotein 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000169 regulation of peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019065 receptor-mediated endocytosis of virus by host cell 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051304 chromosome separation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014745 negative regulation of muscle adaptation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008611 ether lipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015791 polyol transmembrane transport 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070213 protein auto-ADP-ribosylation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002604 regulation of dendritic cell antigen processing and presentation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032836 glomerular basement membrane development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052646 alditol phosphate metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051386 regulation of neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000833 positive regulation of steroid hormone secretion 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007168 receptor guanylyl cyclase signaling pathway 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071028 nuclear mRNA surveillance 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071349 cellular response to interleukin-12 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060379 cardiac muscle cell myoblast differentiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098903 regulation of membrane repolarization during action potential 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002765 immune response-inhibiting signal transduction 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034058 endosomal vesicle fusion 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046643 regulation of gamma-delta T cell activation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034115 negative regulation of heterotypic cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900222 negative regulation of amyloid-beta clearance 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042756 drinking behavior 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000344 positive regulation of acrosome reaction 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034982 mitochondrial protein processing 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071803 positive regulation of podosome assembly 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032525 somite rostral/caudal axis specification 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071492 cellular response to UV-A 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030299 intestinal cholesterol absorption 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036152 phosphatidylethanolamine acyl-chain remodeling 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018023 peptidyl-lysine trimethylation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009170 purine deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032000 positive regulation of fatty acid beta-oxidation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048308 organelle inheritance 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046129 purine ribonucleoside biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000672 negative regulation of motor neuron apoptotic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904869 regulation of protein localization to Cajal body 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018206 peptidyl-methionine modification 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032650 regulation of interleukin-1 alpha production 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003298 physiological muscle hypertrophy 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021561 facial nerve development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070203 regulation of establishment of protein localization to telomere 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060920 cardiac pacemaker cell differentiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098712 L-glutamate import across plasma membrane 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060442 branching involved in prostate gland morphogenesis 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045793 positive regulation of cell size 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046834 lipid phosphorylation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090394 negative regulation of excitatory postsynaptic potential 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120255 olefinic compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006188 IMP biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009128 purine nucleoside monophosphate catabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140059 dendrite arborization 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070242 thymocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902510 regulation of apoptotic DNA fragmentation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904871 positive regulation of protein localization to Cajal body 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009176 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042455 ribonucleoside biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060788 ectodermal placode formation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000022 mitotic spindle elongation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902284 neuron projection extension involved in neuron projection guidance 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904181 positive regulation of membrane depolarization 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099508 voltage-gated monoatomic ion channel activity involved in regulation of presynaptic membrane potential 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014049 positive regulation of glutamate secretion 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003207 cardiac chamber formation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003301 physiological cardiac muscle hypertrophy 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060159 regulation of dopamine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015837 amine transport 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904464 regulation of matrix metallopeptidase secretion 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014820 tonic smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015846 polyamine transport 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045141 meiotic telomere clustering 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051256 mitotic spindle midzone assembly 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046149 pigment catabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060020 Bergmann glial cell differentiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905809 negative regulation of synapse organization 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061049 cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046504 glycerol ether biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072178 nephric duct morphogenesis 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032966 negative regulation of collagen biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141194 siRNA-mediated heterochromatin formation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071476 cellular hypotonic response 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048742 regulation of skeletal muscle fiber development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072711 cellular response to hydroxyurea 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072577 endothelial cell apoptotic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098696 regulation of neurotransmitter receptor localization to postsynaptic specialization membrane 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051469 vesicle fusion with vacuole 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090494 dopamine uptake 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019511 peptidyl-proline hydroxylation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071313 cellular response to caffeine 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015824 proline transport 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021603 cranial nerve formation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015747 urate transport 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071697 ectodermal placode morphogenesis 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035878 nail development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021610 facial nerve morphogenesis 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903818 positive regulation of voltage-gated potassium channel activity 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038183 bile acid signaling pathway 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904587 response to glycoprotein 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097062 dendritic spine maintenance 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015808 L-alanine transport 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051987 positive regulation of attachment of spindle microtubules to kinetochore 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060742 epithelial cell differentiation involved in prostate gland development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062028 regulation of stress granule assembly 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007039 protein catabolic process in the vacuole 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010752 regulation of cGMP-mediated signaling 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000338 protein deneddylation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903659 regulation of complement-dependent cytotoxicity 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033314 mitotic DNA replication checkpoint signaling 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090178 regulation of establishment of planar polarity involved in neural tube closure 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901334 lactone metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903564 regulation of protein localization to cilium 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001204 regulation of osteoclast development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000050 urea cycle 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006568 tryptophan metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030210 heparin biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071358 cellular response to type III interferon 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046549 retinal cone cell development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035561 regulation of chromatin binding 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990918 double-strand break repair involved in meiotic recombination 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060439 trachea morphogenesis 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006264 mitochondrial DNA replication 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001241 positive regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033089 positive regulation of T cell differentiation in thymus 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042939 tripeptide transport 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002887 negative regulation of myeloid leukocyte mediated immunity 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045050 protein insertion into ER membrane by stop-transfer membrane-anchor sequence 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001223 negative regulation of neuron migration 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902855 regulation of non-motile cilium assembly 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042373 vitamin K metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090161 Golgi ribbon formation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046710 GDP metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045602 negative regulation of endothelial cell differentiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141007 siRNA-mediated retrotransposon silencing by heterochromatin formation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090206 negative regulation of cholesterol metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035581 sequestering of extracellular ligand from receptor 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070778 L-aspartate transmembrane transport 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014047 glutamate secretion 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046940 nucleoside monophosphate phosphorylation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035723 interleukin-15-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033632 regulation of cell-cell adhesion mediated by integrin 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902667 regulation of axon guidance 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044314 protein K27-linked ubiquitination 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014856 skeletal muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033504 floor plate development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075522 IRES-dependent viral translational initiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000726 negative regulation of cardiac muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031639 plasminogen activation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031943 regulation of glucocorticoid metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006475 internal protein amino acid acetylation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035090 maintenance of apical/basal cell polarity 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044062 regulation of excretion 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071350 cellular response to interleukin-15 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044571 [2Fe-2S] cluster assembly 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032754 positive regulation of interleukin-5 production 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070486 leukocyte aggregation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009169 purine ribonucleoside monophosphate catabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062100 positive regulation of programmed necrotic cell death 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033539 fatty acid beta-oxidation using acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001054 negative regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061763 multivesicular body-lysosome fusion 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007614 short-term memory 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000343 positive regulation of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 production 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010248 establishment or maintenance of transmembrane electrochemical gradient 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000321 positive regulation of T-helper 17 cell differentiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097354 prenylation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001547 antral ovarian follicle growth 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018342 protein prenylation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070934 CRD-mediated mRNA stabilization 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046501 protoporphyrinogen IX metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903059 regulation of protein lipidation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110011 regulation of basement membrane organization 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033327 Leydig cell differentiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007343 egg activation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006686 sphingomyelin biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032261 purine nucleotide salvage 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903897 regulation of PERK-mediated unfolded protein response 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010992 ubiquitin recycling 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090009 primitive streak formation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002725 negative regulation of T cell cytokine production 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006703 estrogen biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072224 metanephric glomerulus development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010887 negative regulation of cholesterol storage 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045625 regulation of T-helper 1 cell differentiation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038196 type III interferon-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002924 negative regulation of humoral immune response mediated by circulating immunoglobulin 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045199 maintenance of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060900 embryonic camera-type eye formation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044539 long-chain fatty acid import into cell 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048846 axon extension involved in axon guidance 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021562 vestibulocochlear nerve development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046349 amino sugar biosynthetic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903689 regulation of wound healing, spreading of epidermal cells 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016479 negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase I 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033625 positive regulation of integrin activation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046051 UTP metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001408 guanine nucleotide transport 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033234 negative regulation of protein sumoylation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019852 L-ascorbic acid metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051561 positive regulation of mitochondrial calcium ion concentration 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051292 nuclear pore complex assembly 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903027 regulation of opsonization 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006309 apoptotic DNA fragmentation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030167 proteoglycan catabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070729 cyclic nucleotide transport 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070142 synaptic vesicle budding 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021604 cranial nerve structural organization 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042167 heme catabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097091 synaptic vesicle clustering 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048313 Golgi inheritance 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021860 pyramidal neuron development 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046085 adenosine metabolic process 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090493 catecholamine uptake 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010624 regulation of Schwann cell proliferation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090309 positive regulation of DNA methylation-dependent heterochromatin formation 1.00000000004537 4.53677046948993e-11 11 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043087 regulation of GTPase activity 1.00000000004565 4.56530899260101e-11 278 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006933 negative regulation of cell adhesion involved in substrate-bound cell migration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001301 lipoxin biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903899 positive regulation of PERK-mediated unfolded protein response 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902564 negative regulation of neutrophil activation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038162 erythropoietin-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006565 L-serine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072268 pattern specification involved in metanephros development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018916 nitrobenzene metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043354 enucleate erythrocyte maturation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051597 response to methylmercury 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090031 positive regulation of steroid hormone biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060005 vestibular reflex 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022858 alanine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035377 transepithelial water transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000492 regulation of interleukin-18-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045905 positive regulation of translational termination 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901403 positive regulation of tetrapyrrole metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903766 positive regulation of potassium ion export across plasma membrane 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099527 postsynapse to nucleus signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051941 regulation of amino acid uptake involved in synaptic transmission 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031442 positive regulation of mRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071344 diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902659 regulation of glucose mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000741 positive regulation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042905 9-cis-retinoic acid metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016560 protein import into peroxisome matrix, docking 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002778 antibacterial peptide production 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048808 male genitalia morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072497 mesenchymal stem cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021557 oculomotor nerve development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019448 L-cysteine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905686 positive regulation of plasma membrane repair 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007290 spermatid nucleus elongation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090261 positive regulation of inclusion body assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060928 atrioventricular node cell development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904742 regulation of telomeric DNA binding 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045741 positive regulation of epidermal growth factor-activated receptor activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048790 maintenance of presynaptic active zone structure 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021773 striatal medium spiny neuron differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006574 valine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000065 negative regulation of cortisol biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904054 regulation of cholangiocyte proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002038 positive regulation of L-glutamate import across plasma membrane 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072039 regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in nephron morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904252 negative regulation of bile acid metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002477 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class Ib 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005345 purine nucleobase transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902310 positive regulation of peptidyl-serine dephosphorylation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002586 regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class II 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010748 negative regulation of long-chain fatty acid import across plasma membrane 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043606 formamide metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904151 positive regulation of microglial cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046059 dAMP catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097022 lymphocyte migration into lymph node 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000152 regulation of ubiquitin-specific protease activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045844 positive regulation of striated muscle tissue development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019747 regulation of isoprenoid metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014063 negative regulation of serotonin secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072289 metanephric nephron tubule formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990079 cartilage homeostasis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046124 purine deoxyribonucleoside catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030730 sequestering of triglyceride 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071279 cellular response to cobalt ion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048295 positive regulation of isotype switching to IgE isotypes 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019249 lactate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072093 metanephric renal vesicle formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032185 septin cytoskeleton organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042732 D-xylose metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030035 microspike assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035910 ascending aorta morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903537 meiotic cell cycle process involved in oocyte maturation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903296 positive regulation of glutamate secretion, neurotransmission 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042494 detection of bacterial lipoprotein 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099562 maintenance of postsynaptic density structure 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010510 regulation of acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process from pyruvate 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048936 peripheral nervous system neuron axonogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042376 phylloquinone catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051919 positive regulation of fibrinolysis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904731 positive regulation of intestinal lipid absorption 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009753 response to jasmonic acid 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071672 negative regulation of smooth muscle cell chemotaxis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902416 positive regulation of mRNA binding 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099541 trans-synaptic signaling by lipid 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000435 negative regulation of protein neddylation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905310 regulation of cardiac neural crest cell migration involved in outflow tract morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905151 negative regulation of voltage-gated sodium channel activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090403 oxidative stress-induced premature senescence 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086007 voltage-gated calcium channel activity involved in cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051124 synaptic assembly at neuromuscular junction 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905595 regulation of low-density lipoprotein particle receptor binding 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043111 replication fork arrest 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005308 creatine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014805 smooth muscle adaptation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904506 negative regulation of telomere maintenance in response to DNA damage 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030718 germ-line stem cell population maintenance 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035880 embryonic nail plate morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002414 immunoglobulin transcytosis in epithelial cells 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903905 positive regulation of establishment of T cell polarity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042822 pyridoxal phosphate metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061026 cardiac muscle tissue regeneration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904273 L-alanine import across plasma membrane 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905069 allantois development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002584 negative regulation of antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048597 post-embryonic camera-type eye morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050914 sensory perception of salty taste 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903803 L-glutamine import across plasma membrane 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019474 L-lysine catabolic process to acetyl-CoA 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007296 vitellogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038020 insulin receptor recycling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904798 positive regulation of core promoter binding 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008592 regulation of Toll signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045899 positive regulation of RNA polymerase II transcription preinitiation complex assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035799 ureter maturation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032345 negative regulation of aldosterone metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051728 cell cycle switching, mitotic to meiotic cell cycle 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061551 trigeminal ganglion development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030533 triplet codon-amino acid adaptor activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034196 acylglycerol transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072560 type B pancreatic cell maturation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097752 regulation of DNA stability 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015182 L-asparagine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071657 positive regulation of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor production 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038098 sequestering of BMP from receptor via BMP binding 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901143 insulin catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042374 phylloquinone metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015203 polyamine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006853 carnitine shuttle 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016056 rhodopsin mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061754 negative regulation of circulating fibrinogen levels 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033490 cholesterol biosynthetic process via lathosterol 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901685 glutathione derivative metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140916 zinc ion import into lysosome 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902954 regulation of early endosome to recycling endosome transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051790 short-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002291 T cell activation via T cell receptor contact with antigen bound to MHC molecule on antigen presenting cell 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046060 dATP metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015226 carnitine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034309 primary alcohol biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060762 regulation of branching involved in mammary gland duct morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045329 carnitine biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071226 cellular response to molecule of fungal origin 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070831 basement membrane assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051891 positive regulation of cardioblast differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015870 acetylcholine transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002339 B cell selection 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000730 DNA recombinase assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044878 mitotic cytokinesis checkpoint signaling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034088 maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005368 taurine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016077 sno(s)RNA catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022009 central nervous system vasculogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902858 propionyl-CoA metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010845 positive regulation of reciprocal meiotic recombination 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045626 negative regulation of T-helper 1 cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009794 regulation of mitotic cell cycle, embryonic 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061590 calcium activated phosphatidylcholine scrambling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099502 calcium-dependent activation of synaptic vesicle fusion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021999 neural plate anterior/posterior regionalization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015184 L-cystine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006768 biotin metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010041 response to iron(III) ion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001999 renal response to blood flow involved in circulatory renin-angiotensin regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070235 regulation of activation-induced cell death of T cells 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903413 cellular response to bile acid 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034089 establishment of meiotic sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060699 regulation of endoribonuclease activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061055 myotome development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010729 positive regulation of hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051794 regulation of timing of catagen 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035502 metanephric part of ureteric bud development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000587 negative regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990180 mitochondrial tRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990182 exosomal secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019470 4-hydroxyproline catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061182 negative regulation of chondrocyte development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006499 N-terminal protein myristoylation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071585 detoxification of cadmium ion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140468 HRI-mediated signaling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036378 calcitriol biosynthetic process from calciol 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030951 establishment or maintenance of microtubule cytoskeleton polarity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000520 regulation of immunological synapse formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051936 gamma-aminobutyric acid reuptake 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070428 regulation of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 1 signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048319 axial mesoderm morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061771 response to caloric restriction 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035623 renal glucose absorption 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042249 establishment of planar polarity of embryonic epithelium 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071106 adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate transmembrane transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015829 valine transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905111 positive regulation of pulmonary blood vessel remodeling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900372 negative regulation of purine nucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046668 regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060831 smoothened signaling pathway involved in dorsal/ventral neural tube patterning 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904783 positive regulation of NMDA glutamate receptor activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903542 negative regulation of exosomal secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140469 GCN2-mediated signaling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015817 histidine transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001922 B-1 B cell homeostasis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007057 spindle assembly involved in female meiosis I 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051464 positive regulation of cortisol secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017002 activin receptor activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140157 ammonium import across plasma membrane 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018377 protein myristoylation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990044 protein localization to lipid droplet 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014826 vein smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990911 response to psychosocial stress 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034436 glycoprotein transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000320 re-entry into mitotic cell cycle 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034086 maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060481 lobar bronchus epithelium development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072218 metanephric ascending thin limb development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110135 Norrin signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046338 phosphatidylethanolamine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006567 threonine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035930 corticosteroid hormone secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009912 auditory receptor cell fate commitment 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903378 positive regulation of oxidative stress-induced neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042853 L-alanine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900738 positive regulation of phospholipase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904975 response to bleomycin 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099179 regulation of synaptic membrane adhesion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072717 cellular response to actinomycin D 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000981 negative regulation of inner ear receptor cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903333 negative regulation of protein folding 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905167 positive regulation of lysosomal protein catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030505 inorganic diphosphate transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097492 sympathetic neuron axon guidance 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032447 protein urmylation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150062 complement-mediated synapse pruning 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034124 regulation of MyD88-dependent toll-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021678 third ventricle development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901563 response to camptothecin 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015861 cytidine transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002943 tRNA dihydrouridine synthesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031587 positive regulation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive calcium-release channel activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902897 regulation of postsynaptic density protein 95 clustering 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902202 regulation of hepatocyte growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046416 D-amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903716 guanine transmembrane transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014905 myoblast fusion involved in skeletal muscle regeneration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060750 epithelial cell proliferation involved in mammary gland duct elongation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090168 Golgi reassembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043131 erythrocyte enucleation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070346 positive regulation of fat cell proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006583 melanin biosynthetic process from tyrosine 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021615 glossopharyngeal nerve morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032382 positive regulation of intracellular sterol transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001555 oocyte growth 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901537 positive regulation of DNA demethylation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038189 neuropilin signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061727 methylglyoxal catabolic process to lactate 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905382 positive regulation of snRNA transcription by RNA polymerase II 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900186 negative regulation of clathrin-dependent endocytosis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000015 regulation of determination of dorsal identity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042078 germ-line stem cell division 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032202 telomere assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033031 positive regulation of neutrophil apoptotic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019240 citrulline biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009194 pyrimidine ribonucleoside diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905178 regulation of cardiac muscle tissue regeneration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033132 negative regulation of glucokinase activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033007 negative regulation of mast cell activation involved in immune response 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051562 negative regulation of mitochondrial calcium ion concentration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035812 renal sodium excretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086053 AV node cell to bundle of His cell communication by electrical coupling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006211 5-methylcytosine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060244 negative regulation of cell proliferation involved in contact inhibition 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904539 negative regulation of glycolytic process through fructose-6-phosphate 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072284 metanephric S-shaped body morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006598 polyamine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061357 positive regulation of Wnt protein secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007079 mitotic chromosome movement towards spindle pole 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903061 positive regulation of protein lipidation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090296 regulation of mitochondrial DNA replication 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090076 relaxation of skeletal muscle 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900063 regulation of peroxisome organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021730 trigeminal sensory nucleus development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003331 positive regulation of extracellular matrix constituent secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905652 negative regulation of artery morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046368 GDP-L-fucose metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006248 CMP catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001807 regulation of type IV hypersensitivity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904538 regulation of glycolytic process through fructose-6-phosphate 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060061 Spemann organizer formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048627 myoblast development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097376 interneuron axon guidance 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006537 glutamate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000635 negative regulation of primary miRNA processing 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021831 embryonic olfactory bulb interneuron precursor migration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090598 male anatomical structure morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006867 asparagine transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015881 creatine transmembrane transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072107 positive regulation of ureteric bud formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003220 left ventricular cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061734 parkin-mediated stimulation of mitophagy in response to mitochondrial depolarization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033594 response to hydroxyisoflavone 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905323 telomerase holoenzyme complex assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070813 hydrogen sulfide metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070164 negative regulation of adiponectin secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905443 regulation of clathrin coat assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032960 regulation of inositol trisphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032962 positive regulation of inositol trisphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006642 triglyceride mobilization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060184 cell cycle switching 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002677 negative regulation of chronic inflammatory response 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048014 Tie signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019346 transsulfuration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140447 cytokine precursor processing 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034021 response to silicon dioxide 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110091 negative regulation of hippocampal neuron apoptotic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000455 enzyme-directed rRNA pseudouridine synthesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901837 negative regulation of transcription of nucleolar large rRNA by RNA polymerase I 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015217 ADP transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904187 regulation of transformation of host cell by virus 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071228 cellular response to tumor cell 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060513 prostatic bud formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043321 regulation of natural killer cell degranulation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010523 negative regulation of calcium ion transport into cytosol 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046726 positive regulation by virus of viral protein levels in host cell 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902995 positive regulation of phospholipid efflux 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043060 meiotic metaphase I homologous chromosome alignment 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902512 positive regulation of apoptotic DNA fragmentation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015911 long-chain fatty acid import across plasma membrane 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050689 negative regulation of defense response to virus by host 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045007 depurination 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000481 positive regulation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002906 negative regulation of mature B cell apoptotic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019557 histidine catabolic process to glutamate and formate 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903237 negative regulation of leukocyte tethering or rolling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042851 L-alanine metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060665 regulation of branching involved in salivary gland morphogenesis by mesenchymal-epithelial signaling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039530 MDA-5 signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014005 microglia development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904669 ATP export 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061205 paramesonephric duct development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904480 positive regulation of intestinal absorption 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110088 hippocampal neuron apoptotic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006235 dTTP biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010701 positive regulation of norepinephrine secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061520 Langerhans cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046038 GMP catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902080 regulation of calcium ion import into sarcoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033505 floor plate morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010908 regulation of heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904772 response to tetrachloromethane 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072757 cellular response to camptothecin 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120222 regulation of blastocyst development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072021 ascending thin limb development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046439 L-cysteine metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006272 leading strand elongation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060789 hair follicle placode formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071317 cellular response to isoquinoline alkaloid 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018199 peptidyl-glutamine modification 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035359 negative regulation of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044771 meiotic cell cycle phase transition 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905772 positive regulation of mesodermal cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097114 NMDA glutamate receptor clustering 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006154 adenosine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901687 glutathione derivative biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000813 negative regulation of barbed-end actin filament capping 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038171 cannabinoid signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902262 apoptotic process involved in blood vessel morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001013 epithelial cell proliferation involved in renal tubule morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904155 DN2 thymocyte differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900127 positive regulation of hyaluronan biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016103 diterpenoid catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070278 extracellular matrix constituent secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050975 sensory perception of touch 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010025 wax biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038116 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 21 signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000851 positive regulation of glucocorticoid secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046352 disaccharide catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060024 rhythmic synaptic transmission 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905032 negative regulation of membrane repolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015766 disaccharide transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0141008 retrotransposon silencing by mRNA destabilization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061824 cytosolic ciliogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016080 synaptic vesicle targeting 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038108 negative regulation of appetite by leptin-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002568 somatic diversification of T cell receptor genes 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097053 L-kynurenine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071205 protein localization to juxtaparanode region of axon 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032275 luteinizing hormone secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904023 regulation of glucose catabolic process to lactate via pyruvate 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009093 cysteine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015173 aromatic amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033499 galactose catabolic process via UDP-galactose 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035441 cell migration involved in vasculogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048636 positive regulation of muscle organ development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030207 chondroitin sulfate catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140075 regulation of lipoprotein transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034552 respiratory chain complex II assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043137 DNA replication, removal of RNA primer 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032792 negative regulation of CREB transcription factor activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903942 positive regulation of respiratory gaseous exchange 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050893 sensory processing 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006526 arginine biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905550 regulation of protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070433 negative regulation of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 2 signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097112 gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor clustering 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042426 choline catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045829 negative regulation of isotype switching 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003383 apical constriction 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016480 negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase III 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004897 ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019857 5-methylcytosine metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000255 negative regulation of male germ cell proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090601 enucleation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010836 negative regulation of protein ADP-ribosylation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004839 ubiquitin activating enzyme activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097476 spinal cord motor neuron migration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903121 regulation of TRAIL-activated apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036114 medium-chain fatty-acyl-CoA catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901624 negative regulation of lymphocyte chemotaxis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010916 negative regulation of very-low-density lipoprotein particle clearance 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035900 response to isolation stress 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009212 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042320 regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, REM sleep 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990168 protein K33-linked deubiquitination 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990743 protein sialylation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021759 globus pallidus development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034140 negative regulation of toll-like receptor 3 signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071603 endothelial cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000346 negative regulation of hepatocyte proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990049 retrograde neuronal dense core vesicle transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050923 regulation of negative chemotaxis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903233 regulation of calcium ion-dependent exocytosis of neurotransmitter 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0052422 modulation by host of symbiont catalytic activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903613 regulation of protein tyrosine phosphatase activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090290 positive regulation of osteoclast proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903576 response to L-arginine 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903553 positive regulation of extracellular exosome assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006663 platelet activating factor biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045337 farnesyl diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043323 positive regulation of natural killer cell degranulation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042745 circadian sleep/wake cycle 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905673 positive regulation of lysosome organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032423 regulation of mismatch repair 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140958 target-directed miRNA degradation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001294 malonyl-CoA catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903326 regulation of tRNA metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032765 positive regulation of mast cell cytokine production 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045901 positive regulation of translational elongation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038145 macrophage colony-stimulating factor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001951 intestinal D-glucose absorption 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901492 positive regulation of lymphangiogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904232 regulation of aconitate hydratase activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039534 negative regulation of MDA-5 signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072086 specification of loop of Henle identity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071626 mastication 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990048 anterograde neuronal dense core vesicle transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902809 regulation of skeletal muscle fiber differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043503 skeletal muscle fiber adaptation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140820 cytosol to Golgi apparatus transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903416 response to glycoside 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000097 regulation of smooth muscle cell-matrix adhesion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033600 negative regulation of mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902994 regulation of phospholipid efflux 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060938 epicardium-derived cardiac fibroblast cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039694 viral RNA genome replication 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072429 response to intra-S DNA damage checkpoint signaling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903373 positive regulation of endoplasmic reticulum tubular network organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140928 inhibition of non-skeletal tissue mineralization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061030 epithelial cell differentiation involved in mammary gland alveolus development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014809 regulation of skeletal muscle contraction by regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050051 leukotriene-B4 20-monooxygenase activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015854 guanine transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060939 epicardium-derived cardiac fibroblast cell development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071673 positive regulation of smooth muscle cell chemotaxis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002678 positive regulation of chronic inflammatory response 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010987 negative regulation of high-density lipoprotein particle clearance 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042412 taurine biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003025 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by baroreceptor feedback 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900039 positive regulation of cellular response to hypoxia 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021943 formation of radial glial scaffolds 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035879 plasma membrane lactate transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904640 response to methionine 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006705 mineralocorticoid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015729 oxaloacetate transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003354 negative regulation of cilium movement 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001550 ovarian cumulus expansion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903450 regulation of G1 to G0 transition 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032385 positive regulation of intracellular cholesterol transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072108 positive regulation of mesenchymal to epithelial transition involved in metanephros morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021550 medulla oblongata development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000410 regulation of thymocyte migration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006556 S-adenosylmethionine biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002074 extraocular skeletal muscle development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046055 dGMP catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071484 cellular response to light intensity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090258 negative regulation of mitochondrial fission 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034197 triglyceride transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031133 regulation of axon diameter 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046967 cytosol to endoplasmic reticulum transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003273 cell migration involved in endocardial cushion formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043622 cortical microtubule organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903595 positive regulation of histamine secretion by mast cell 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030473 nuclear migration along microtubule 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035815 positive regulation of renal sodium excretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903912 negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced eIF2 alpha phosphorylation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002905 regulation of mature B cell apoptotic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905883 regulation of triglyceride transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901318 negative regulation of flagellated sperm motility 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140766 siRNA-mediated post-transcriptional gene silencing 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902951 negative regulation of dendritic spine maintenance 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090259 regulation of retinal ganglion cell axon guidance 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000847 negative regulation of corticosteroid hormone secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060666 dichotomous subdivision of terminal units involved in salivary gland branching 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045950 negative regulation of mitotic recombination 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036155 acylglycerol acyl-chain remodeling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051771 negative regulation of nitric-oxide synthase biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051835 positive regulation of synapse structural plasticity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099626 voltage-gated calcium channel activity involved in regulation of presynaptic cytosolic calcium levels 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042866 pyruvate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033686 positive regulation of luteinizing hormone secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990790 response to glial cell derived neurotrophic factor 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006058 mannoprotein catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035583 sequestering of TGFbeta in extracellular matrix 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051387 negative regulation of neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900069 regulation of cellular hyperosmotic salinity response 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000722 regulation of cardiac vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035822 gene conversion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016189 synaptic vesicle to endosome fusion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015772 oligosaccharide transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007089 traversing start control point of mitotic cell cycle 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051946 regulation of glutamate uptake involved in transmission of nerve impulse 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015770 sucrose transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901258 positive regulation of macrophage colony-stimulating factor production 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051611 regulation of serotonin uptake 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900149 positive regulation of Schwann cell migration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110061 regulation of angiotensin-activated signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990966 ATP generation from poly-ADP-D-ribose 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000632 negative regulation of pre-miRNA processing 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002780 antibacterial peptide biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043490 malate-aspartate shuttle 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045632 negative regulation of mechanoreceptor differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990809 endoplasmic reticulum tubular network membrane organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002775 antimicrobial peptide production 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046440 L-lysine metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000821 regulation of grooming behavior 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010813 neuropeptide catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903860 negative regulation of dendrite extension 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905702 regulation of inhibitory synapse assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043474 pigment metabolic process involved in pigmentation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045763 negative regulation of cellular amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002265 astrocyte activation involved in immune response 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005290 L-histidine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901000 regulation of response to salt stress 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905457 negative regulation of lymphoid progenitor cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0075732 viral penetration into host nucleus 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051461 positive regulation of corticotropin secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032057 negative regulation of translational initiation in response to stress 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905448 positive regulation of mitochondrial ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050145 nucleoside monophosphate kinase activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072718 response to cisplatin 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060686 negative regulation of prostatic bud formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904515 positive regulation of TORC2 signaling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070245 positive regulation of thymocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051754 meiotic sister chromatid cohesion, centromeric 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046874 quinolinate metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006404 RNA import into nucleus 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035846 oviduct epithelium development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901995 positive regulation of meiotic cell cycle phase transition 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072051 juxtaglomerular apparatus development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010903 negative regulation of very-low-density lipoprotein particle remodeling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002328 pro-B cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002681 somatic recombination of T cell receptor gene segments 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010499 proteasomal ubiquitin-independent protein catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000821 regulation of arginine metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044245 polysaccharide digestion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061183 regulation of dermatome development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045938 positive regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, sleep 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990086 lens fiber cell apoptotic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900194 negative regulation of oocyte maturation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000720 pyrimidine dimer repair by nucleotide-excision repair 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010166 wax metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002329 pre-B cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070425 negative regulation of nucleotide-binding domain, leucine rich repeat containing receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072125 negative regulation of glomerular mesangial cell proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099542 trans-synaptic signaling by endocannabinoid 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000832 negative regulation of steroid hormone secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140213 negative regulation of long-chain fatty acid import into cell 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050747 positive regulation of lipoprotein metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990167 protein K27-linked deubiquitination 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033153 T cell receptor V(D)J recombination 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006550 isoleucine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006610 ribosomal protein import into nucleus 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001796 regulation of type IIa hypersensitivity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902775 mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072049 comma-shaped body morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038064 collagen receptor activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903847 regulation of aorta morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905072 cardiac jelly development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900245 positive regulation of MDA-5 signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030209 dermatan sulfate catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009298 GDP-mannose biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042997 negative regulation of Golgi to plasma membrane protein transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071395 cellular response to jasmonic acid stimulus 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060502 epithelial cell proliferation involved in lung morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046136 positive regulation of vitamin metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033489 cholesterol biosynthetic process via desmosterol 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004974 leukotriene receptor activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010961 intracellular magnesium ion homeostasis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015137 citrate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015199 amino-acid betaine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001206 positive regulation of osteoclast development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902953 positive regulation of ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110024 positive regulation of cardiac muscle myoblast proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060214 endocardium formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051307 meiotic chromosome separation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051596 methylglyoxal catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060847 endothelial cell fate specification 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031284 positive regulation of guanylate cyclase activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060012 synaptic transmission, glycinergic 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902723 negative regulation of skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004970 glutamate-gated receptor activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032826 regulation of natural killer cell differentiation involved in immune response 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000969 positive regulation of AMPA receptor activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060157 urinary bladder development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903763 gap junction channel activity involved in cell communication by electrical coupling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007621 negative regulation of female receptivity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044726 epigenetic programing of female pronucleus 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032109 positive regulation of response to nutrient levels 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010710 regulation of collagen catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098910 regulation of atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071932 replication fork reversal 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070662 mast cell proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097167 circadian regulation of translation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031034 myosin filament assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904028 positive regulation of collagen fibril organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905109 regulation of pulmonary blood vessel remodeling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902949 positive regulation of tau-protein kinase activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072385 minus-end-directed organelle transport along microtubule 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042377 vitamin K catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009233 menaquinone metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902633 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904092 regulation of autophagic cell death 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046166 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032348 negative regulation of aldosterone biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009224 CMP biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001302 lipoxin A4 metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090735 DNA repair complex assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014873 response to muscle activity involved in regulation of muscle adaptation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043578 nuclear matrix organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090669 telomerase RNA stabilization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060737 prostate gland morphogenetic growth 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070858 negative regulation of bile acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098882 structural constituent of presynaptic active zone 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042368 vitamin D biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090107 regulation of high-density lipoprotein particle assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006432 phenylalanyl-tRNA aminoacylation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046100 hypoxanthine metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002296 T-helper 1 cell lineage commitment 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036466 synaptic vesicle recycling via endosome 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006772 thiamine metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070634 transepithelial ammonium transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019477 L-lysine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060800 regulation of cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009635 response to herbicide 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018197 peptidyl-aspartic acid modification 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036101 leukotriene B4 catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014839 myoblast migration involved in skeletal muscle regeneration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043096 purine nucleobase salvage 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042369 vitamin D catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901300 positive regulation of hydrogen peroxide-mediated programmed cell death 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002249 lymphocyte anergy 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090625 siRNA-mediated gene silencing by mRNA destabilization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035624 receptor transactivation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099191 trans-synaptic signaling by BDNF 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000409 positive regulation of T cell extravasation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005985 sucrose metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031860 telomeric 3' overhang formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002159 desmosome assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042321 negative regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, sleep 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900126 negative regulation of hyaluronan biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905320 regulation of mesenchymal stem cell migration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048861 leukemia inhibitory factor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098904 regulation of AV node cell action potential 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905322 positive regulation of mesenchymal stem cell migration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006562 proline catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038165 oncostatin-M-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007223 Wnt signaling pathway, calcium modulating pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000964 mitochondrial RNA 5'-end processing 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000552 negative regulation of T-helper 2 cell cytokine production 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015847 putrescine transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071500 cellular response to nitrosative stress 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0080120 CAAX-box protein maturation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010520 regulation of reciprocal meiotic recombination 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901647 positive regulation of synoviocyte proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014038 regulation of Schwann cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090071 negative regulation of ribosome biogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014056 regulation of acetylcholine secretion, neurotransmission 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090170 regulation of Golgi inheritance 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031117 positive regulation of microtubule depolymerization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097089 methyl-branched fatty acid metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030809 negative regulation of nucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0039663 membrane fusion involved in viral entry into host cell 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006600 creatine metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035106 operant conditioning 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060120 inner ear receptor cell fate commitment 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905937 negative regulation of germ cell proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021778 oligodendrocyte cell fate specification 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0065001 specification of axis polarity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071916 dipeptide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009644 response to high light intensity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000689 actomyosin contractile ring assembly actin filament organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905026 positive regulation of membrane repolarization during ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017150 tRNA dihydrouridine synthase activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019556 histidine catabolic process to glutamate and formamide 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904829 regulation of aortic smooth muscle cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034653 retinoic acid catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045728 respiratory burst after phagocytosis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000697 negative regulation of epithelial cell differentiation involved in kidney development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021779 oligodendrocyte cell fate commitment 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019323 pentose catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014724 regulation of twitch skeletal muscle contraction 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904594 regulation of termination of RNA polymerase II transcription 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015606 spermidine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001045 negative regulation of integrin-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019086 late viral transcription 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071866 negative regulation of apoptotic process in bone marrow cell 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903711 spermidine transmembrane transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903577 cellular response to L-arginine 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015798 myo-inositol transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002001 renin secretion into blood stream 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032979 protein insertion into mitochondrial inner membrane from matrix 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060319 primitive erythrocyte differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000850 negative regulation of glucocorticoid secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000852 regulation of corticosterone secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905007 positive regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition involved in endocardial cushion formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035752 lysosomal lumen pH elevation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031339 negative regulation of vesicle fusion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046351 disaccharide biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060364 frontal suture morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071477 cellular hypotonic salinity response 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070384 Harderian gland development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002777 antimicrobial peptide biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034378 chylomicron assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051138 positive regulation of NK T cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009189 deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150098 glial cell-neuron signaling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060486 club cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032978 protein insertion into membrane from inner side 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042904 9-cis-retinoic acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007060 male meiosis chromosome segregation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003321 positive regulation of blood pressure by epinephrine-norepinephrine 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002143 tRNA wobble position uridine thiolation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090271 positive regulation of fibroblast growth factor production 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071504 cellular response to heparin 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006659 phosphatidylserine biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000545 negative regulation of endothelial cell chemotaxis to fibroblast growth factor 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021682 nerve maturation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902226 regulation of macrophage colony-stimulating factor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042986 positive regulation of amyloid precursor protein biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007161 calcium-independent cell-matrix adhesion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061073 ciliary body morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990410 adrenomedullin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032055 negative regulation of translation in response to stress 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035378 carbon dioxide transmembrane transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035696 monocyte extravasation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000295 regulation of hydrogen peroxide catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904431 positive regulation of t-circle formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140141 mitochondrial potassium ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060932 His-Purkinje system cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003219 cardiac right ventricle formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004849 uridine kinase activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015149 hexose transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006408 snRNA export from nucleus 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035379 carbon dioxide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015212 cytidine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901506 regulation of acylglycerol transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905857 positive regulation of pentose-phosphate shunt 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000137 negative regulation of cell proliferation involved in heart morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903891 regulation of ATF6-mediated unfolded protein response 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061884 regulation of mini excitatory postsynaptic potential 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903300 negative regulation of hexokinase activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006056 mannoprotein metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086077 gap junction channel activity involved in AV node cell-bundle of His cell electrical coupling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009996 negative regulation of cell fate specification 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905940 negative regulation of gonad development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150127 regulation of interleukin-33 production 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036491 regulation of translation initiation in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903792 negative regulation of monoatomic anion transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905672 negative regulation of lysosome organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030043 actin filament fragmentation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031632 positive regulation of synaptic vesicle fusion to presynaptic active zone membrane 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042539 hypotonic salinity response 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018894 dibenzo-p-dioxin metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002605 negative regulation of dendritic cell antigen processing and presentation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099576 regulation of protein catabolic process at postsynapse, modulating synaptic transmission 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006660 phosphatidylserine catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090038 negative regulation of protein kinase C signaling 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015910 long-chain fatty acid import into peroxisome 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046305 alkanesulfonate biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902511 negative regulation of apoptotic DNA fragmentation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038157 granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016505 peptidase activator activity involved in apoptotic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072592 oxygen metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035283 central nervous system segmentation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006225 UDP biosynthetic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060406 positive regulation of penile erection 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904020 regulation of G protein-coupled receptor internalization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001880 Mullerian duct regression 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035063 nuclear speck organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031547 brain-derived neurotrophic factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033484 intracellular nitric oxide homeostasis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009092 homoserine metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905098 negative regulation of guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051615 histamine uptake 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002870 T cell anergy 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035340 inosine transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902020 negative regulation of cilium-dependent cell motility 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000360 negative regulation of binding of sperm to zona pellucida 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902725 negative regulation of satellite cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033366 protein localization to secretory granule 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000295 adenine nucleotide transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003332 negative regulation of extracellular matrix constituent secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902685 positive regulation of receptor localization to synapse 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903062 regulation of reverse cholesterol transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034553 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex II assembly 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000757 negative regulation of peptidyl-lysine acetylation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072180 mesonephric duct morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000589 regulation of metanephric mesenchymal cell migration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002175 protein localization to paranode region of axon 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015208 guanine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015938 coenzyme A catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905553 regulation of blood vessel branching 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045163 clustering of voltage-gated potassium channels 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034499 late endosome to Golgi transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902340 negative regulation of chromosome condensation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901843 positive regulation of high voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002528 regulation of vascular permeability involved in acute inflammatory response 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070668 positive regulation of mast cell proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019064 fusion of virus membrane with host plasma membrane 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010840 regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, wakefulness 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002551 mast cell chemotaxis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061113 pancreas morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090210 regulation of establishment of blood-brain barrier 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062044 negative regulation of cardiac epithelial to mesenchymal transition 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902415 regulation of mRNA binding 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903850 regulation of cristae formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002387 immune response in gut-associated lymphoid tissue 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990523 bone regeneration 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071659 negative regulation of IP-10 production 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072513 positive regulation of secondary heart field cardioblast proliferation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060018 astrocyte fate commitment 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901634 positive regulation of synaptic vesicle membrane organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034246 mitochondrial transcription factor activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045608 negative regulation of inner ear auditory receptor cell differentiation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099186 structural constituent of postsynapse 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043771 cytidine kinase activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002892 regulation of type II hypersensitivity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070126 mitochondrial translational termination 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014054 positive regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid secretion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048642 negative regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034201 response to oleic acid 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097368 establishment of Sertoli cell barrier 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070966 nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, no-go decay 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035344 hypoxanthine transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902024 L-histidine transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072709 cellular response to sorbitol 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072387 flavin adenine dinucleotide metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030382 sperm mitochondrion organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905033 positive regulation of membrane repolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032237 activation of store-operated calcium channel activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990170 stress response to cadmium ion 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032079 positive regulation of endodeoxyribonuclease activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005337 nucleoside transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036071 N-glycan fucosylation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905222 atrioventricular canal morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086089 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in atrial cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072106 regulation of ureteric bud formation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043315 positive regulation of neutrophil degranulation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015823 phenylalanine transport 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902617 response to fluoride 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009051 pentose-phosphate shunt, oxidative branch 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006391 transcription initiation at mitochondrial promoter 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009217 purine deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate catabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021740 principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve development 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051601 exocyst localization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097491 sympathetic neuron projection guidance 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031268 pseudopodium organization 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097647 amylin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140896 cGAS/STING signaling pathway 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046292 formaldehyde metabolic process 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030047 actin modification 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006273 lagging strand elongation 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072040 negative regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in nephron morphogenesis 1.00000000004566 4.566037814815e-11 4 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051960 regulation of nervous system development 1.00000000004618 4.61792389656043e-11 456 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045687 positive regulation of glial cell differentiation 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002701 negative regulation of production of molecular mediator of immune response 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090207 regulation of triglyceride metabolic process 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048713 regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021517 ventral spinal cord development 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090224 regulation of spindle organization 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043666 regulation of phosphoprotein phosphatase activity 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090278 negative regulation of peptide hormone secretion 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043113 receptor clustering 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098926 postsynaptic signal transduction 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905144 response to acetylcholine 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050919 negative chemotaxis 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050856 regulation of T cell receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071887 leukocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048483 autonomic nervous system development 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008347 glial cell migration 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900077 negative regulation of cellular response to insulin stimulus 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035987 endodermal cell differentiation 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006356 regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase I 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008038 neuron recognition 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000516 positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell activation 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051205 protein insertion into membrane 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030850 prostate gland development 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002224 toll-like receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071763 nuclear membrane organization 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001239 regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071827 plasma lipoprotein particle organization 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034446 substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051784 negative regulation of nuclear division 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031641 regulation of myelination 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900047 negative regulation of hemostasis 1.00000000004633 4.63269387500006e-11 46 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051896 regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction 1.00000000004634 4.63370286111325e-11 270 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905954 positive regulation of lipid localization 1.00000000004655 4.65486052182954e-11 111 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000077 DNA damage checkpoint signaling 1.00000000004655 4.65486052182954e-11 111 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090277 positive regulation of peptide hormone secretion 1.00000000004655 4.65486052182954e-11 111 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008361 regulation of cell size 1.0000000000468 4.67990169032932e-11 173 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051216 cartilage development 1.0000000000468 4.67990169032932e-11 173 0 0 48 18204 GO:0170033 L-amino acid metabolic process 1.0000000000468 4.67990169032932e-11 173 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043547 positive regulation of GTPase activity 1.00000000004682 4.68152839962423e-11 211 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050954 sensory perception of mechanical stimulus 1.00000000004702 4.70205335390938e-11 185 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051897 positive regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction 1.00000000004702 4.70205335390938e-11 185 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051648 vesicle localization 1.00000000004702 4.70205335390938e-11 185 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009743 response to carbohydrate 1.00000000004702 4.70205335390938e-11 185 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006259 DNA metabolic process 1.00000000004705 4.70507378800596e-11 734 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006835 dicarboxylic acid transport 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032720 negative regulation of tumor necrosis factor production 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022600 digestive system process 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045913 positive regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001937 negative regulation of endothelial cell proliferation 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032436 positive regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010827 regulation of glucose transmembrane transport 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061053 somite development 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001251 negative regulation of chromosome organization 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055117 regulation of cardiac muscle contraction 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014032 neural crest cell development 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043401 steroid hormone mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045669 positive regulation of osteoblast differentiation 1.00000000004723 4.72324212430906e-11 78 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050767 regulation of neurogenesis 1.00000000004739 4.73886121173668e-11 377 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031346 positive regulation of cell projection organization 1.00000000004761 4.76110247203604e-11 361 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045089 positive regulation of innate immune response 1.00000000004821 4.82093598672338e-11 288 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048193 Golgi vesicle transport 1.00000000004821 4.82093598672338e-11 288 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032740 positive regulation of interleukin-17 production 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061098 positive regulation of protein tyrosine kinase activity 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032925 regulation of activin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000108 positive regulation of leukocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051443 positive regulation of ubiquitin-protein transferase activity 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010447 response to acidic pH 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008299 isoprenoid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905564 positive regulation of vascular endothelial cell proliferation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051984 positive regulation of chromosome segregation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070193 synaptonemal complex organization 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018149 peptide cross-linking 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099170 postsynaptic modulation of chemical synaptic transmission 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007205 protein kinase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002208 somatic diversification of immunoglobulins involved in immune response 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046717 acid secretion 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031098 stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008320 protein transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006613 cotranslational protein targeting to membrane 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042759 long-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032753 positive regulation of interleukin-4 production 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010884 positive regulation of lipid storage 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007020 microtubule nucleation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003401 axis elongation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042104 positive regulation of activated T cell proliferation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010165 response to X-ray 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043304 regulation of mast cell degranulation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904753 negative regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell migration 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033081 regulation of T cell differentiation in thymus 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019363 pyridine nucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042278 purine nucleoside metabolic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022030 telencephalon glial cell migration 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045940 positive regulation of steroid metabolic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010875 positive regulation of cholesterol efflux 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010882 regulation of cardiac muscle contraction by calcium ion signaling 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072677 eosinophil migration 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030851 granulocyte differentiation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002360 T cell lineage commitment 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002323 natural killer cell activation involved in immune response 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007026 negative regulation of microtubule depolymerization 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021846 cell proliferation in forebrain 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001702 gastrulation with mouth forming second 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021801 cerebral cortex radial glia-guided migration 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006699 bile acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099084 postsynaptic specialization organization 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043616 keratinocyte proliferation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009164 nucleoside catabolic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900543 negative regulation of purine nucleotide metabolic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097300 programmed necrotic cell death 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002092 positive regulation of receptor internalization 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019755 one-carbon compound transport 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007289 spermatid nucleus differentiation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001816 cytokine production 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071480 cellular response to gamma radiation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050996 positive regulation of lipid catabolic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990845 adaptive thermogenesis 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046337 phosphatidylethanolamine metabolic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042744 hydrogen peroxide catabolic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000050 regulation of non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086019 cell-cell signaling involved in cardiac conduction 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903859 regulation of dendrite extension 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007271 synaptic transmission, cholinergic 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010714 positive regulation of collagen metabolic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010463 mesenchymal cell proliferation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051446 positive regulation of meiotic cell cycle 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0065005 protein-lipid complex assembly 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003016 respiratory system process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009303 rRNA transcription 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030325 adrenal gland development 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140718 facultative heterochromatin formation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006541 glutamine metabolic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060384 innervation 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016180 snRNA processing 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060259 regulation of feeding behavior 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000002 mitochondrial genome maintenance 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902894 negative regulation of miRNA transcription 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001945 lymph vessel development 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002063 chondrocyte development 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060441 epithelial tube branching involved in lung morphogenesis 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019359 nicotinamide nucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061339 establishment or maintenance of monopolar cell polarity 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000423 mitophagy 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051953 negative regulation of amine transport 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033260 nuclear DNA replication 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042059 negative regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004867 4.86745005288346e-11 27 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031648 protein destabilization 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006890 retrograde vesicle-mediated transport, Golgi to endoplasmic reticulum 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042311 vasodilation 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007173 epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071320 cellular response to cAMP 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090102 cochlea development 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001754 eye photoreceptor cell differentiation 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990090 cellular response to nerve growth factor stimulus 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014911 positive regulation of smooth muscle cell migration 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021515 cell differentiation in spinal cord 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030865 cortical cytoskeleton organization 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043154 negative regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019884 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous antigen 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150076 neuroinflammatory response 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046578 regulation of Ras protein signal transduction 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045776 negative regulation of blood pressure 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006354 DNA-templated transcription elongation 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007259 cell surface receptor signaling pathway via JAK-STAT 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051646 mitochondrion localization 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051150 regulation of smooth muscle cell differentiation 1.000000000049 4.89971494669197e-11 50 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098813 nuclear chromosome segregation 1.00000000004901 4.90088382739902e-11 236 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031344 regulation of cell projection organization 1.00000000004956 4.95609178503413e-11 683 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004984 olfactory receptor activity 1.00000000004972 4.9719952164579e-11 380 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006892 post-Golgi vesicle-mediated transport 1.00000000004974 4.97414182586779e-11 102 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055092 sterol homeostasis 1.00000000004974 4.97414182586779e-11 102 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022904 respiratory electron transport chain 1.00000000004974 4.97414182586779e-11 102 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032677 regulation of interleukin-8 production 1.00000000004974 4.97414182586779e-11 102 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050764 regulation of phagocytosis 1.00000000004974 4.97414182586779e-11 102 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046631 alpha-beta T cell activation 1.00000000004974 4.97414182586779e-11 102 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046620 regulation of organ growth 1.00000000004974 4.97414182586779e-11 102 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071548 response to dexamethasone 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009066 aspartate family amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016339 calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion via plasma membrane cell adhesion molecules 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043038 amino acid activation 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046006 regulation of activated T cell proliferation 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905521 regulation of macrophage migration 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061383 trabecula morphogenesis 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006801 superoxide metabolic process 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007215 glutamate receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097581 lamellipodium organization 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000387 spliceosomal snRNP assembly 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048701 embryonic cranial skeleton morphogenesis 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043300 regulation of leukocyte degranulation 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048675 axon extension 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046636 negative regulation of alpha-beta T cell activation 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903426 regulation of reactive oxygen species biosynthetic process 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002066 columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell development 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032480 negative regulation of type I interferon production 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086065 cell communication involved in cardiac conduction 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090051 negative regulation of cell migration involved in sprouting angiogenesis 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030890 positive regulation of B cell proliferation 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901861 regulation of muscle tissue development 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030195 negative regulation of blood coagulation 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046627 negative regulation of insulin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060338 regulation of type I interferon-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050732 negative regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031146 SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044273 sulfur compound catabolic process 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042149 cellular response to glucose starvation 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086002 cardiac muscle cell action potential involved in contraction 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902622 regulation of neutrophil migration 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050913 sensory perception of bitter taste 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903214 regulation of protein targeting to mitochondrion 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032881 regulation of polysaccharide metabolic process 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050879 multicellular organismal movement 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008645 hexose transmembrane transport 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045761 regulation of adenylate cyclase activity 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072599 establishment of protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903573 negative regulation of response to endoplasmic reticulum stress 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015800 acidic amino acid transport 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014014 negative regulation of gliogenesis 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046173 polyol biosynthetic process 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002752 cell surface pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060612 adipose tissue development 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006858 extracellular transport 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099024 plasma membrane invagination 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001658 branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034331 cell junction maintenance 1.00000000004978 4.97818520373359e-11 45 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001678 intracellular glucose homeostasis 1.00000000004991 4.9906696328716e-11 115 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006633 fatty acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000004991 4.9906696328716e-11 115 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016049 cell growth 1.00000000004991 4.9906696328716e-11 115 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019827 stem cell population maintenance 1.00000000004991 4.9906696328716e-11 115 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007006 mitochondrial membrane organization 1.00000000004991 4.9906696328716e-11 115 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051047 positive regulation of secretion 1.00000000004997 4.99706954928846e-11 311 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006790 sulfur compound metabolic process 1.00000000004997 4.99706954928846e-11 311 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048638 regulation of developmental growth 1.0000000000502 5.02031805257501e-11 314 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002833 positive regulation of response to biotic stimulus 1.0000000000502 5.02031805257501e-11 314 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033048 negative regulation of mitotic sister chromatid segregation 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000191 regulation of fatty acid transport 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061037 negative regulation of cartilage development 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060351 cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000096 sulfur amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019883 antigen processing and presentation of endogenous antigen 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072210 metanephric nephron development 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006611 protein export from nucleus 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043045 epigenetic programming of gene expression 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048199 vesicle targeting, to, from or within Golgi 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090505 epiboly involved in wound healing 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097061 dendritic spine organization 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045879 negative regulation of smoothened signaling pathway 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090317 negative regulation of intracellular protein transport 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090169 regulation of spindle assembly 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061842 microtubule organizing center localization 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000463 positive regulation of excitatory postsynaptic potential 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050891 multicellular organismal-level water homeostasis 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007617 mating behavior 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007628 adult walking behavior 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045777 positive regulation of blood pressure 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031646 positive regulation of nervous system process 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036257 multivesicular body organization 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038094 Fc-gamma receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031663 lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031116 positive regulation of microtubule polymerization 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035751 regulation of lysosomal lumen pH 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048009 insulin-like growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045745 positive regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033046 negative regulation of sister chromatid segregation 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007431 salivary gland development 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035774 positive regulation of insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose stimulus 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031124 mRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048710 regulation of astrocyte differentiation 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034394 protein localization to cell surface 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007288 sperm axoneme assembly 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045684 positive regulation of epidermis development 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006691 leukotriene metabolic process 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002448 mast cell mediated immunity 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061036 positive regulation of cartilage development 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903715 regulation of aerobic respiration 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001569 branching involved in blood vessel morphogenesis 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098534 centriole assembly 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045841 negative regulation of mitotic metaphase/anaphase transition 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061384 heart trabecula morphogenesis 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902235 regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008608 attachment of spindle microtubules to kinetochore 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048741 skeletal muscle fiber development 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006506 GPI anchor biosynthetic process 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048679 regulation of axon regeneration 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031128 developmental induction 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071634 regulation of transforming growth factor beta production 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051642 centrosome localization 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900027 regulation of ruffle assembly 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062237 protein localization to postsynapse 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901185 negative regulation of ERBB signaling pathway 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000816 negative regulation of mitotic sister chromatid separation 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990806 ligand-gated ion channel signaling pathway 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050892 intestinal absorption 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060219 camera-type eye photoreceptor cell differentiation 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099022 vesicle tethering 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033032 regulation of myeloid cell apoptotic process 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051085 chaperone cofactor-dependent protein refolding 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044319 wound healing, spreading of cells 1.00000000005057 5.0567210751761e-11 32 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008217 regulation of blood pressure 1.00000000005073 5.07348762773031e-11 187 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002706 regulation of lymphocyte mediated immunity 1.00000000005073 5.07348762773031e-11 187 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050670 regulation of lymphocyte proliferation 1.00000000005192 5.19235922430539e-11 237 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006281 DNA repair 1.00000000005291 5.29107474798148e-11 508 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007276 gamete generation 1.00000000005294 5.29436284620389e-11 806 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140014 mitotic nuclear division 1.00000000005374 5.37396817891138e-11 169 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050911 detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of smell 1.00000000005386 5.38621952106533e-11 382 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008380 RNA splicing 1.00000000005386 5.38621952106533e-11 382 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046330 positive regulation of JNK cascade 1.00000000005411 5.41057902866377e-11 97 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006672 ceramide metabolic process 1.00000000005411 5.41057902866377e-11 97 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003333 amino acid transmembrane transport 1.00000000005411 5.41057902866377e-11 97 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035282 segmentation 1.00000000005411 5.41057902866377e-11 97 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006639 acylglycerol metabolic process 1.00000000005411 5.41057902866377e-11 97 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001776 leukocyte homeostasis 1.00000000005411 5.41057902866377e-11 97 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007052 mitotic spindle organization 1.00000000005411 5.41057902866377e-11 97 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021675 nerve development 1.00000000005411 5.41057902866377e-11 97 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001910 regulation of leukocyte mediated cytotoxicity 1.00000000005411 5.41057902866377e-11 97 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098732 macromolecule deacylation 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034250 positive regulation of amide metabolic process 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060317 cardiac epithelial to mesenchymal transition 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900017 positive regulation of cytokine production involved in inflammatory response 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032647 regulation of interferon-alpha production 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018345 protein palmitoylation 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010962 regulation of glucan biosynthetic process 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060603 mammary gland duct morphogenesis 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090322 regulation of superoxide metabolic process 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070168 negative regulation of biomineral tissue development 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045292 mRNA cis splicing, via spliceosome 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006298 mismatch repair 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031102 neuron projection regeneration 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032309 icosanoid secretion 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019228 neuronal action potential 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030878 thyroid gland development 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038024 cargo receptor activity 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099623 regulation of cardiac muscle cell membrane repolarization 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070723 response to cholesterol 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901385 regulation of voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046209 nitric oxide metabolic process 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032375 negative regulation of cholesterol transport 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051938 L-glutamate import 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044331 cell-cell adhesion mediated by cadherin 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043032 positive regulation of macrophage activation 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002230 positive regulation of defense response to virus by host 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015721 bile acid and bile salt transport 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042771 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage by p53 class mediator 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032107 regulation of response to nutrient levels 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034656 nucleobase-containing small molecule catabolic process 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902230 negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901380 negative regulation of potassium ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031577 spindle checkpoint signaling 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032372 negative regulation of sterol transport 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009649 entrainment of circadian clock 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0085029 extracellular matrix assembly 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010894 negative regulation of steroid biosynthetic process 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034311 diol metabolic process 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044819 mitotic G1/S transition checkpoint signaling 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090140 regulation of mitochondrial fission 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904376 negative regulation of protein localization to cell periphery 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003009 skeletal muscle contraction 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006359 regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase III 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010955 negative regulation of protein processing 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062125 regulation of mitochondrial gene expression 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050820 positive regulation of coagulation 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031571 mitotic G1 DNA damage checkpoint signaling 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030219 megakaryocyte differentiation 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002381 immunoglobulin production involved in immunoglobulin-mediated immune response 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903318 negative regulation of protein maturation 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120178 steroid hormone biosynthetic process 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034315 regulation of Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin nucleation 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001675 acrosome assembly 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001504 neurotransmitter uptake 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005979 regulation of glycogen biosynthetic process 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033280 response to vitamin D 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034067 protein localization to Golgi apparatus 1.00000000005416 5.41594619660877e-11 30 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903317 regulation of protein maturation 1.00000000005511 5.51052977675901e-11 69 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060191 regulation of lipase activity 1.00000000005511 5.51052977675901e-11 69 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030193 regulation of blood coagulation 1.00000000005511 5.51052977675901e-11 69 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009064 glutamine family amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000005511 5.51052977675901e-11 69 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000401 regulation of lymphocyte migration 1.00000000005511 5.51052977675901e-11 69 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002753 cytoplasmic pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000005511 5.51052977675901e-11 69 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010611 regulation of cardiac muscle hypertrophy 1.00000000005511 5.51052977675901e-11 69 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006023 aminoglycan biosynthetic process 1.00000000005511 5.51052977675901e-11 69 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006641 triglyceride metabolic process 1.00000000005511 5.51052977675901e-11 69 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046470 phosphatidylcholine metabolic process 1.00000000005511 5.51052977675901e-11 69 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035113 embryonic appendage morphogenesis 1.00000000005539 5.53859032220216e-11 122 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030326 embryonic limb morphogenesis 1.00000000005539 5.53859032220216e-11 122 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042157 lipoprotein metabolic process 1.00000000005539 5.53859032220216e-11 122 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032543 mitochondrial translation 1.00000000005548 5.54844531557484e-11 109 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901222 regulation of non-canonical NF-kappaB signal transduction 1.00000000005548 5.54844531557484e-11 109 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001676 long-chain fatty acid metabolic process 1.00000000005548 5.54844531557484e-11 109 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072593 reactive oxygen species metabolic process 1.00000000005548 5.54844531557484e-11 109 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001252 positive regulation of chromosome organization 1.00000000005548 5.54844531557484e-11 109 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901800 positive regulation of proteasomal protein catabolic process 1.00000000005548 5.54844531557484e-11 109 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009416 response to light stimulus 1.00000000005551 5.55067776148223e-11 312 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006631 fatty acid metabolic process 1.00000000005603 5.6028842460912e-11 322 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006066 alcohol metabolic process 1.00000000005603 5.6028842460912e-11 322 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000280 nuclear division 1.00000000005603 5.6028842460912e-11 322 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002715 regulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016925 protein sumoylation 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035176 social behavior 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050850 positive regulation of calcium-mediated signaling 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032330 regulation of chondrocyte differentiation 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051703 biological process involved in intraspecies interaction between organisms 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034198 cellular response to amino acid starvation 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050982 detection of mechanical stimulus 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010543 regulation of platelet activation 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007157 heterophilic cell-cell adhesion via plasma membrane cell adhesion molecules 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002762 negative regulation of myeloid leukocyte differentiation 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902743 regulation of lamellipodium organization 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007129 homologous chromosome pairing at meiosis 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030834 regulation of actin filament depolymerization 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030968 endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010665 regulation of cardiac muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015804 neutral amino acid transport 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034605 cellular response to heat 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901799 negative regulation of proteasomal protein catabolic process 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001541 ovarian follicle development 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000059 negative regulation of ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904263 positive regulation of TORC1 signaling 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046503 glycerolipid catabolic process 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002440 production of molecular mediator of immune response 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046622 positive regulation of organ growth 1.00000000005613 5.61300274662251e-11 53 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006635 fatty acid beta-oxidation 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035088 establishment or maintenance of apical/basal cell polarity 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060998 regulation of dendritic spine development 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097006 regulation of plasma lipoprotein particle levels 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031122 cytoplasmic microtubule organization 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0170038 proteinogenic amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060350 endochondral bone morphogenesis 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006939 smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070918 regulatory ncRNA processing 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009583 detection of light stimulus 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032648 regulation of interferon-beta production 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009948 anterior/posterior axis specification 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0170034 L-amino acid biosynthetic process 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010718 positive regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061245 establishment or maintenance of bipolar cell polarity 1.00000000005616 5.61582961212716e-11 59 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903532 positive regulation of secretion by cell 1.00000000005671 5.67140767109078e-11 289 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015718 monocarboxylic acid transport 1.00000000005695 5.6949964568684e-11 154 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009746 response to hexose 1.00000000005695 5.6949964568684e-11 154 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019722 calcium-mediated signaling 1.00000000005695 5.6949964568684e-11 154 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099003 vesicle-mediated transport in synapse 1.00000000005695 5.6949964568684e-11 154 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032259 methylation 1.00000000005746 5.74647013730651e-11 215 0 0 48 18204 GO:0065004 protein-DNA complex assembly 1.00000000005746 5.74647013730651e-11 215 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042593 glucose homeostasis 1.00000000005746 5.74647013730651e-11 215 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042129 regulation of T cell proliferation 1.00000000005747 5.74744464961914e-11 181 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006575 cellular modified amino acid metabolic process 1.00000000005747 5.74744464961914e-11 181 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031345 negative regulation of cell projection organization 1.00000000005747 5.74744464961914e-11 181 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010256 endomembrane system organization 1.00000000005758 5.7575944818382e-11 558 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072522 purine-containing compound biosynthetic process 1.0000000000582 5.82033133792095e-11 224 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003012 muscle system process 1.00000000005851 5.85077991853951e-11 297 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060048 cardiac muscle contraction 1.00000000005865 5.8649555084165e-11 83 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051310 metaphase chromosome alignment 1.00000000005865 5.8649555084165e-11 83 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905897 regulation of response to endoplasmic reticulum stress 1.00000000005865 5.8649555084165e-11 83 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050871 positive regulation of B cell activation 1.00000000005865 5.8649555084165e-11 83 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043406 positive regulation of MAP kinase activity 1.00000000005865 5.8649555084165e-11 83 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051952 regulation of amine transport 1.00000000005865 5.8649555084165e-11 83 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904427 positive regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000005865 5.8649555084165e-11 83 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015833 peptide transport 1.00000000005865 5.8649555084165e-11 83 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000245 spliceosomal complex assembly 1.00000000005865 5.8649555084165e-11 83 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072665 protein localization to vacuole 1.00000000005865 5.8649555084165e-11 83 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035967 cellular response to topologically incorrect protein 1.00000000005865 5.8649555084165e-11 83 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001523 retinoid metabolic process 1.00000000005865 5.8649555084165e-11 83 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002088 lens development in camera-type eye 1.00000000005871 5.87145340655236e-11 82 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016239 positive regulation of macroautophagy 1.00000000005871 5.87145340655236e-11 82 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044773 mitotic DNA damage checkpoint signaling 1.00000000005871 5.87145340655236e-11 82 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090049 regulation of cell migration involved in sprouting angiogenesis 1.00000000005871 5.87145340655236e-11 82 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002286 T cell activation involved in immune response 1.00000000005871 5.87145340655236e-11 82 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030500 regulation of bone mineralization 1.00000000005871 5.87145340655236e-11 82 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043537 negative regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration 1.00000000005871 5.87145340655236e-11 82 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033273 response to vitamin 1.00000000005871 5.87145340655236e-11 82 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046928 regulation of neurotransmitter secretion 1.00000000005871 5.87145340655236e-11 82 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048644 muscle organ morphogenesis 1.00000000005871 5.87145340655236e-11 82 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003376 sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006517 protein deglycosylation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060766 negative regulation of androgen receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070296 sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ion transport 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010838 positive regulation of keratinocyte proliferation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072176 nephric duct development 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010889 regulation of sequestering of triglyceride 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042074 cell migration involved in gastrulation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900029 positive regulation of ruffle assembly 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048302 regulation of isotype switching to IgG isotypes 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042092 type 2 immune response 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060457 negative regulation of digestive system process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010919 regulation of inositol phosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010458 exit from mitosis 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055057 neuroblast division 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033189 response to vitamin A 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009404 toxin metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900376 regulation of secondary metabolite biosynthetic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048668 collateral sprouting 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098760 response to interleukin-7 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046036 CTP metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021694 cerebellar Purkinje cell layer formation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072148 epithelial cell fate commitment 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006999 nuclear pore organization 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034310 primary alcohol catabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046133 pyrimidine ribonucleoside catabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035988 chondrocyte proliferation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007028 cytoplasm organization 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033599 regulation of mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901203 positive regulation of extracellular matrix assembly 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015670 carbon dioxide transport 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002069 columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell maturation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048021 regulation of melanin biosynthetic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071044 histone mRNA catabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060074 synapse maturation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090557 establishment of endothelial intestinal barrier 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903826 L-arginine transmembrane transport 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043252 sodium-independent organic anion transport 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048934 peripheral nervous system neuron differentiation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043518 negative regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015175 neutral L-amino acid transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051280 negative regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003188 heart valve formation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046321 positive regulation of fatty acid oxidation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060413 atrial septum morphogenesis 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016558 protein import into peroxisome matrix 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007567 parturition 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006361 transcription initiation at RNA polymerase I promoter 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901298 regulation of hydrogen peroxide-mediated programmed cell death 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097398 cellular response to interleukin-17 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046131 pyrimidine ribonucleoside metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905153 regulation of membrane invagination 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032352 positive regulation of hormone metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903540 establishment of protein localization to postsynaptic membrane 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050910 detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of sound 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001138 regulation of phospholipid transport 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901985 positive regulation of protein acetylation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042159 lipoprotein catabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097396 response to interleukin-17 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051956 negative regulation of amino acid transport 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070207 protein homotrimerization 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003299 muscle hypertrophy in response to stress 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902306 negative regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transport 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001732 formation of cytoplasmic translation initiation complex 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045725 positive regulation of glycogen biosynthetic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106057 negative regulation of calcineurin-mediated signaling 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070885 negative regulation of calcineurin-NFAT signaling cascade 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050966 detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010819 regulation of T cell chemotaxis 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071732 cellular response to nitric oxide 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902101 positive regulation of metaphase/anaphase transition of cell cycle 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002713 negative regulation of B cell mediated immunity 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034616 response to laminar fluid shear stress 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060231 mesenchymal to epithelial transition 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090205 positive regulation of cholesterol metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900102 negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010989 negative regulation of low-density lipoprotein particle clearance 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044725 epigenetic programming in the zygotic pronuclei 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060033 anatomical structure regression 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014887 cardiac muscle adaptation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014898 cardiac muscle hypertrophy in response to stress 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901663 quinone biosynthetic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033147 negative regulation of intracellular estrogen receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900226 negative regulation of NLRP3 inflammasome complex assembly 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009111 vitamin catabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904668 positive regulation of ubiquitin protein ligase activity 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008211 glucocorticoid metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010763 positive regulation of fibroblast migration 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032482 Rab protein signal transduction 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097049 motor neuron apoptotic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042407 cristae formation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042182 ketone catabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017128 phospholipid scramblase activity 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006957 complement activation, alternative pathway 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099509 regulation of presynaptic cytosolic calcium ion concentration 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035358 regulation of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043101 purine-containing compound salvage 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901741 positive regulation of myoblast fusion 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032230 positive regulation of synaptic transmission, GABAergic 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038092 nodal signaling pathway 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035729 cellular response to hepatocyte growth factor stimulus 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099638 endosome to plasma membrane protein transport 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042987 amyloid precursor protein catabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038065 collagen-activated signaling pathway 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070424 regulation of nucleotide-binding domain, leucine rich repeat containing receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051014 actin filament severing 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006620 post-translational protein targeting to endoplasmic reticulum membrane 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060099 regulation of phagocytosis, engulfment 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032688 negative regulation of interferon-beta production 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046007 negative regulation of activated T cell proliferation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051444 negative regulation of ubiquitin-protein transferase activity 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071639 positive regulation of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 production 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009130 pyrimidine nucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036260 RNA capping 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031000 response to caffeine 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021904 dorsal/ventral neural tube patterning 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051791 medium-chain fatty acid metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042308 negative regulation of protein import into nucleus 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009301 snRNA transcription 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060192 negative regulation of lipase activity 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015464 acetylcholine receptor activity 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902644 tertiary alcohol metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070254 mucus secretion 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032253 dense core granule localization 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086066 atrial cardiac muscle cell to AV node cell communication 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071027 nuclear RNA surveillance 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006525 arginine metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009158 ribonucleoside monophosphate catabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903543 positive regulation of exosomal secretion 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051220 cytoplasmic sequestering of protein 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015671 oxygen transport 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000052 positive regulation of non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901386 negative regulation of voltage-gated calcium channel activity 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904507 positive regulation of telomere maintenance in response to DNA damage 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031280 negative regulation of cyclase activity 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006677 glycosylceramide metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061043 regulation of vascular wound healing 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030174 regulation of DNA-templated DNA replication initiation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904251 regulation of bile acid metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043328 protein transport to vacuole involved in ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process via the multivesicular body sorting pathway 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090030 regulation of steroid hormone biosynthetic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015812 gamma-aminobutyric acid transport 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0150011 regulation of neuron projection arborization 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004467 long-chain fatty acid-CoA ligase activity 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904874 positive regulation of telomerase RNA localization to Cajal body 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021859 pyramidal neuron differentiation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009048 dosage compensation by inactivation of X chromosome 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097623 potassium ion export across plasma membrane 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007625 grooming behavior 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046049 UMP metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006744 ubiquinone biosynthetic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006910 phagocytosis, recognition 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006582 melanin metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002283 neutrophil activation involved in immune response 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097212 lysosomal membrane organization 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905203 regulation of connective tissue replacement 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001991 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by circulatory renin-angiotensin 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072498 embryonic skeletal joint development 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099590 neurotransmitter receptor internalization 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043201 response to L-leucine 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048070 regulation of developmental pigmentation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002903 negative regulation of B cell apoptotic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071468 cellular response to acidic pH 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042359 vitamin D metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044027 negative regulation of gene expression via chromosomal CpG island methylation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006271 DNA strand elongation involved in DNA replication 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032725 positive regulation of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor production 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902166 negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage by p53 class mediator 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048681 negative regulation of axon regeneration 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045187 regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, sleep 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033689 negative regulation of osteoblast proliferation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000402 negative regulation of lymphocyte migration 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046348 amino sugar catabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000671 regulation of motor neuron apoptotic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901836 regulation of transcription of nucleolar large rRNA by RNA polymerase I 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002890 negative regulation of immunoglobulin mediated immune response 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007000 nucleolus organization 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008527 taste receptor activity 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051290 protein heterotetramerization 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060347 heart trabecula formation 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004708 MAP kinase kinase activity 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048935 peripheral nervous system neuron development 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098877 neurotransmitter receptor transport to plasma membrane 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002829 negative regulation of type 2 immune response 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046831 regulation of RNA export from nucleus 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019430 removal of superoxide radicals 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043455 regulation of secondary metabolic process 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048011 neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000005925 5.92491349024052e-11 15 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061919 process utilizing autophagic mechanism 1.00000000005941 5.94141060538369e-11 316 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006914 autophagy 1.00000000005941 5.94141060538369e-11 316 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905952 regulation of lipid localization 1.00000000006008 6.00809455918397e-11 183 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006109 regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process 1.00000000006008 6.00809455918397e-11 183 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901991 negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle phase transition 1.00000000006008 6.00809455918397e-11 183 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003341 cilium movement 1.00000000006008 6.00809455918397e-11 183 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044272 sulfur compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000006081 6.08109082654346e-11 155 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002274 myeloid leukocyte activation 1.00000000006081 6.08109082654346e-11 155 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008277 regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000006081 6.08109082654346e-11 155 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043433 negative regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity 1.00000000006081 6.08109082654346e-11 155 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034504 protein localization to nucleus 1.00000000006086 6.08578400102179e-11 190 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021543 pallium development 1.00000000006086 6.08578400102179e-11 190 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002764 immune response-regulating signaling pathway 1.00000000006142 6.14180922645047e-11 368 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002253 activation of immune response 1.00000000006142 6.14180922645047e-11 368 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006974 DNA damage response 1.0000000000615 6.15002995993444e-11 767 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006629 lipid metabolic process 1.00000000006301 6.30115052973667e-11 1217 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010817 regulation of hormone levels 1.0000000000651 6.51002939868427e-11 543 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035726 common myeloid progenitor cell proliferation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060700 regulation of ribonuclease activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048023 positive regulation of melanin biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002858 regulation of natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity directed against tumor cell target 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006978 DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000074 regulation of type B pancreatic cell development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002767 immune response-inhibiting cell surface receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051589 negative regulation of neurotransmitter transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015186 L-glutamine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000544 regulation of endothelial cell chemotaxis to fibroblast growth factor 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019374 galactolipid metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090649 response to oxygen-glucose deprivation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031440 regulation of mRNA 3'-end processing 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042996 regulation of Golgi to plasma membrane protein transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048845 venous blood vessel morphogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019317 fucose catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031946 regulation of glucocorticoid biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050798 activated T cell proliferation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034091 regulation of maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048280 vesicle fusion with Golgi apparatus 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042492 gamma-delta T cell differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098953 receptor diffusion trapping 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048034 heme O biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090119 vesicle-mediated cholesterol transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000678 negative regulation of transcription regulatory region DNA binding 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038003 G protein-coupled opioid receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014848 urinary tract smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060296 regulation of cilium beat frequency involved in ciliary motility 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070837 dehydroascorbic acid transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045719 negative regulation of glycogen biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038007 netrin-activated signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033197 response to vitamin E 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009200 deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062176 R-loop processing 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060385 axonogenesis involved in innervation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001768 establishment of T cell polarity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043950 positive regulation of cAMP-mediated signaling 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030311 poly-N-acetyllactosamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046645 positive regulation of gamma-delta T cell activation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015143 urate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061549 sympathetic ganglion development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905050 positive regulation of metallopeptidase activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001164 RNA polymerase I core promoter sequence-specific DNA binding 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0110095 cellular detoxification of aldehyde 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098970 postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor diffusion trapping 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014870 response to muscle inactivity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000766 negative regulation of cytoplasmic translation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048539 bone marrow development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051639 actin filament network formation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006617 SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane, signal sequence recognition 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901401 regulation of tetrapyrrole metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002666 positive regulation of T cell tolerance induction 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051095 regulation of helicase activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015180 L-alanine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903028 positive regulation of opsonization 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044837 actomyosin contractile ring organization 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000290 deadenylation-dependent decapping of nuclear-transcribed mRNA 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903251 multi-ciliated epithelial cell differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000328 regulation of T-helper 17 cell lineage commitment 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051610 serotonin uptake 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072172 mesonephric tubule formation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045743 positive regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000096 positive regulation of Wnt signaling pathway, planar cell polarity pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002071 glandular epithelial cell maturation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045607 regulation of inner ear auditory receptor cell differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061042 vascular wound healing 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070292 N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035722 interleukin-12-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045631 regulation of mechanoreceptor differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051126 negative regulation of actin nucleation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904153 negative regulation of retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048382 mesendoderm development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990481 mRNA pseudouridine synthesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030205 dermatan sulfate metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016559 peroxisome fission 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106015 negative regulation of inflammatory response to wounding 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032488 Cdc42 protein signal transduction 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070305 response to cGMP 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042994 cytoplasmic sequestering of transcription factor 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006020 inositol metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903764 regulation of potassium ion export across plasma membrane 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090037 positive regulation of protein kinase C signaling 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061517 macrophage proliferation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042758 long-chain fatty acid catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048318 axial mesoderm development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905634 regulation of protein localization to chromatin 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034214 protein hexamerization 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021683 cerebellar granular layer morphogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903431 positive regulation of cell maturation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000255 allantoin metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042355 L-fucose catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120127 response to zinc ion starvation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035332 positive regulation of hippo signaling 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061072 iris morphogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070244 negative regulation of thymocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060872 semicircular canal development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099004 calmodulin dependent kinase signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070255 regulation of mucus secretion 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036035 osteoclast development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006702 androgen biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006700 C21-steroid hormone biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001840 neural plate development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006048 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902047 polyamine transmembrane transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051135 positive regulation of NK T cell activation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032873 negative regulation of stress-activated MAPK cascade 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904776 regulation of protein localization to cell cortex 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000301 retrograde transport, vesicle recycling within Golgi 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006449 regulation of translational termination 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036150 phosphatidylserine acyl-chain remodeling 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031642 negative regulation of myelination 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046602 regulation of mitotic centrosome separation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045876 positive regulation of sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000674 regulation of type B pancreatic cell apoptotic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070383 DNA cytosine deamination 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0005347 ATP transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060363 cranial suture morphogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001542 ovulation from ovarian follicle 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015085 calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035443 tripeptide transmembrane transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905146 lysosomal protein catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035247 peptidyl-arginine omega-N-methylation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905198 manchette assembly 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904749 regulation of protein localization to nucleolus 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035360 positive regulation of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903244 positive regulation of cardiac muscle hypertrophy in response to stress 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006501 C-terminal protein lipidation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006640 monoacylglycerol biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007220 Notch receptor processing 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000553 positive regulation of T-helper 2 cell cytokine production 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048149 behavioral response to ethanol 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060426 lung vasculature development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090522 vesicle tethering involved in exocytosis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905941 positive regulation of gonad development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060346 bone trabecula formation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140243 regulation of translation at synapse 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048843 negative regulation of axon extension involved in axon guidance 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034163 regulation of toll-like receptor 9 signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071169 establishment of protein localization to chromatin 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003162 atrioventricular node development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900378 positive regulation of secondary metabolite biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0086070 SA node cell to atrial cardiac muscle cell communication 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006108 malate metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048819 regulation of hair follicle maturation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031953 negative regulation of protein autophosphorylation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140673 transcription elongation-coupled chromatin remodeling 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015917 aminophospholipid transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901072 glucosamine-containing compound catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042590 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098937 anterograde dendritic transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071578 zinc ion import across plasma membrane 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071863 regulation of cell proliferation in bone marrow 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070100 negative regulation of chemokine-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0160063 multi-pass transmembrane protein insertion into ER membrane 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043382 positive regulation of memory T cell differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046886 positive regulation of hormone biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048170 positive regulation of long-term neuronal synaptic plasticity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043569 negative regulation of insulin-like growth factor receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046950 cellular ketone body metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060158 phospholipase C-activating dopamine receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070303 negative regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031620 regulation of fever generation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006013 mannose metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061820 telomeric D-loop disassembly 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019694 alkanesulfonate metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006451 translational readthrough 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070104 negative regulation of interleukin-6-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0062043 positive regulation of cardiac epithelial to mesenchymal transition 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015879 carnitine transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006265 DNA topological change 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006228 UTP biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060926 cardiac pacemaker cell development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903401 L-lysine transmembrane transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001867 complement activation, lectin pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014883 transition between fast and slow fiber 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060613 fat pad development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006782 protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006290 pyrimidine dimer repair 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006072 glycerol-3-phosphate metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902966 positive regulation of protein localization to early endosome 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099612 protein localization to axon 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072319 vesicle uncoating 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000467 exonucleolytic trimming to generate mature 3'-end of 5.8S rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006198 cAMP catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014808 release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol by sarcoplasmic reticulum 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901856 negative regulation of cellular respiration 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002679 respiratory burst involved in defense response 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905603 regulation of blood-brain barrier permeability 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007196 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting G protein-coupled glutamate receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010890 positive regulation of sequestering of triglyceride 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035563 positive regulation of chromatin binding 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035520 monoubiquitinated protein deubiquitination 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007210 serotonin receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002840 regulation of T cell mediated immune response to tumor cell 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002784 regulation of antimicrobial peptide production 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006868 glutamine transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048033 heme O metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048617 embryonic foregut morphogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021612 facial nerve structural organization 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003093 regulation of glomerular filtration 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038133 ERBB2-ERBB3 signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060452 positive regulation of cardiac muscle contraction 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042473 outer ear morphogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060245 detection of cell density 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034205 amyloid-beta formation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003056 regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle contraction 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051709 regulation of killing of cells of another organism 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902965 regulation of protein localization to early endosome 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048793 pronephros development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007056 spindle assembly involved in female meiosis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019530 taurine metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042256 cytosolic ribosome assembly 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016139 glycoside catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072540 T-helper 17 cell lineage commitment 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051901 positive regulation of mitochondrial depolarization 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048087 positive regulation of developmental pigmentation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015871 choline transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006930 substrate-dependent cell migration, cell extension 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035524 proline transmembrane transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060174 limb bud formation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021936 regulation of cerebellar granule cell precursor proliferation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045586 regulation of gamma-delta T cell differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006569 tryptophan catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048672 positive regulation of collateral sprouting 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140112 extracellular vesicle biogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000627 positive regulation of miRNA catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902177 positive regulation of oxidative stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901984 negative regulation of protein acetylation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048635 negative regulation of muscle organ development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042354 L-fucose metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015825 L-serine transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061179 negative regulation of insulin secretion involved in cellular response to glucose stimulus 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905719 protein localization to perinuclear region of cytoplasm 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902035 positive regulation of hematopoietic stem cell proliferation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002578 negative regulation of antigen processing and presentation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031509 subtelomeric heterochromatin formation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030450 regulation of complement activation, classical pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019371 cyclooxygenase pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000643 positive regulation of early endosome to late endosome transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045988 negative regulation of striated muscle contraction 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060316 positive regulation of ryanodine-sensitive calcium-release channel activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010793 regulation of mRNA export from nucleus 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097400 interleukin-17-mediated signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002579 positive regulation of antigen processing and presentation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035881 amacrine cell differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043951 negative regulation of cAMP-mediated signaling 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042416 dopamine biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072177 mesonephric duct development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900864 mitochondrial RNA modification 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097021 lymphocyte migration into lymphoid organs 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009629 response to gravity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060767 epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015705 iodide transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002524 hypersensitivity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000818 negative regulation of myoblast proliferation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904417 positive regulation of xenophagy 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072205 metanephric collecting duct development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015183 L-aspartate transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048387 negative regulation of retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035357 peroxisome proliferator activated receptor signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0004385 guanylate kinase activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0001514 selenocysteine incorporation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006751 glutathione catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015889 cobalamin transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048874 host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008568 microtubule severing ATPase activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021932 hindbrain radial glia guided cell migration 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904667 negative regulation of ubiquitin protein ligase activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006785 heme B biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006625 protein targeting to peroxisome 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990757 ubiquitin ligase activator activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042117 monocyte activation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098880 maintenance of postsynaptic specialization structure 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071447 cellular response to hydroperoxide 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014889 muscle atrophy 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060297 regulation of sarcomere organization 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032429 regulation of phospholipase A2 activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006107 oxaloacetate metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006482 protein demethylation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0106300 protein-DNA covalent cross-linking repair 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015886 heme transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045792 negative regulation of cell size 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061309 cardiac neural crest cell development involved in outflow tract morphogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035999 tetrahydrofolate interconversion 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000447 endonucleolytic cleavage in ITS1 to separate SSU-rRNA from 5.8S rRNA and LSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008214 protein dealkylation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003418 growth plate cartilage chondrocyte differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071225 cellular response to muramyl dipeptide 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030321 transepithelial chloride transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002692 negative regulation of cellular extravasation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030854 positive regulation of granulocyte differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016127 sterol catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140367 antibacterial innate immune response 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007260 tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT protein 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904026 regulation of collagen fibril organization 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0038129 ERBB3 signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034162 toll-like receptor 9 signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006707 cholesterol catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030300 regulation of intestinal cholesterol absorption 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098751 bone cell development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016081 synaptic vesicle docking 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0036148 phosphatidylglycerol acyl-chain remodeling 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071316 cellular response to nicotine 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060539 diaphragm development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900264 positive regulation of DNA-directed DNA polymerase activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042790 nucleolar large rRNA transcription by RNA polymerase I 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051974 negative regulation of telomerase activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010501 RNA secondary structure unwinding 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902570 protein localization to nucleolus 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045064 T-helper 2 cell differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000512 lncRNA-mediated post-transcriptional gene silencing 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090129 positive regulation of synapse maturation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000018 regulation of male gonad development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097680 double-strand break repair via classical nonhomologous end joining 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0072576 liver morphogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034182 regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060124 positive regulation of growth hormone secretion 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032933 SREBP signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009138 pyrimidine nucleoside diphosphate metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097345 mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900262 regulation of DNA-directed DNA polymerase activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097105 presynaptic membrane assembly 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000669 negative regulation of dendritic cell apoptotic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060982 coronary artery morphogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903332 regulation of protein folding 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098792 xenophagy 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008354 germ cell migration 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048743 positive regulation of skeletal muscle fiber development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034224 cellular response to zinc ion starvation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002315 marginal zone B cell differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009396 folic acid-containing compound biosynthetic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042796 snRNA transcription by RNA polymerase III 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071600 otic vesicle morphogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000510 positive regulation of dendritic cell chemotaxis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0044597 daunorubicin metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061518 microglial cell proliferation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1990314 cellular response to insulin-like growth factor stimulus 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046492 heme B metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060484 lung-associated mesenchyme development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034635 glutathione transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0033034 positive regulation of myeloid cell apoptotic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015194 L-serine transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048702 embryonic neurocranium morphogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902022 L-lysine transport 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060638 mesenchymal-epithelial cell signaling 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903943 regulation of hepatocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003330 regulation of extracellular matrix constituent secretion 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900748 positive regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006012 galactose metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019062 virion attachment to host cell 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904415 regulation of xenophagy 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0008216 spermidine metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030200 heparan sulfate proteoglycan catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032287 peripheral nervous system myelin maintenance 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904424 regulation of GTP binding 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002003 angiotensin maturation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046601 positive regulation of centriole replication 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901724 positive regulation of cell proliferation involved in kidney development 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905665 positive regulation of calcium ion import across plasma membrane 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070900 mitochondrial tRNA modification 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0098814 spontaneous synaptic transmission 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002676 regulation of chronic inflammatory response 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060693 regulation of branching involved in salivary gland morphogenesis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016926 protein desumoylation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007341 penetration of zona pellucida 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0080144 intracellular amino acid homeostasis 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0018026 peptidyl-lysine monomethylation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000980 regulation of inner ear receptor cell differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902237 positive regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050915 sensory perception of sour taste 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006547 histidine metabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0099628 neurotransmitter receptor diffusion trapping 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010615 positive regulation of cardiac muscle adaptation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035739 CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell proliferation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007021 tubulin complex assembly 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042436 indole-containing compound catabolic process 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090077 foam cell differentiation 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051013 microtubule severing 1.00000000006599 6.59930879999289e-11 9 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045930 negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle 1.00000000006636 6.63605851656921e-11 234 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045333 cellular respiration 1.00000000006683 6.68292450014756e-11 180 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006839 mitochondrial transport 1.00000000006683 6.68292450014756e-11 180 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009152 purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process 1.00000000006683 6.68292450014756e-11 180 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010975 regulation of neuron projection development 1.00000000006711 6.71088823773307e-11 443 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031396 regulation of protein ubiquitination 1.00000000006744 6.74382045142631e-11 201 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046474 glycerophospholipid biosynthetic process 1.00000000006744 6.74382045142631e-11 201 0 0 48 18204 GO:0007035 vacuolar acidification 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032373 positive regulation of sterol transport 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090162 establishment of epithelial cell polarity 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902882 regulation of response to oxidative stress 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006301 postreplication repair 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900274 regulation of phospholipase C activity 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010984 regulation of lipoprotein particle clearance 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002209 behavioral defense response 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048873 homeostasis of number of cells within a tissue 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031112 positive regulation of microtubule polymerization or depolymerization 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0097028 dendritic cell differentiation 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042401 biogenic amine biosynthetic process 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014855 striated muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016486 peptide hormone processing 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051968 positive regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergic 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035137 hindlimb morphogenesis 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031929 TOR signaling 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010664 negative regulation of striated muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002021 response to dietary excess 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009225 nucleotide-sugar metabolic process 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000768 syncytium formation by plasma membrane fusion 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045324 late endosome to vacuole transport 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032790 ribosome disassembly 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006911 phagocytosis, engulfment 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032717 negative regulation of interleukin-8 production 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0140253 cell-cell fusion 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034110 regulation of homotypic cell-cell adhesion 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046164 alcohol catabolic process 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032205 negative regulation of telomere maintenance 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070988 demethylation 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014904 myotube cell development 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032376 positive regulation of cholesterol transport 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010613 positive regulation of cardiac muscle hypertrophy 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032435 negative regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043267 negative regulation of potassium ion transport 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:1901658 glycosyl compound catabolic process 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042462 eye photoreceptor cell development 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010661 positive regulation of muscle cell apoptotic process 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902745 positive regulation of lamellipodium organization 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090050 positive regulation of cell migration involved in sprouting angiogenesis 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021799 cerebral cortex radially oriented cell migration 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030032 lamellipodium assembly 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048265 response to pain 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0034143 regulation of toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043162 ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process via the multivesicular body sorting pathway 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002455 humoral immune response mediated by circulating immunoglobulin 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0070227 lymphocyte apoptotic process 1.00000000006911 6.91071160670012e-11 36 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046466 membrane lipid catabolic process 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0009395 phospholipid catabolic process 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903587 regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell proliferation involved in sprouting angiogenesis 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032660 regulation of interleukin-17 production 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045747 positive regulation of Notch signaling pathway 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060976 coronary vasculature development 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090279 regulation of calcium ion import 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002673 regulation of acute inflammatory response 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0021795 cerebral cortex cell migration 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0035036 sperm-egg recognition 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046456 icosanoid biosynthetic process 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000649 regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transporter activity 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045933 positive regulation of muscle contraction 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000378 negative regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904262 negative regulation of TORC1 signaling 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902041 regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071985 multivesicular body sorting pathway 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002861 regulation of inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0030073 insulin secretion 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002292 T cell differentiation involved in immune response 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120316 sperm flagellum assembly 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0003254 regulation of membrane depolarization 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902003 regulation of amyloid-beta formation 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0120163 negative regulation of cold-induced thermogenesis 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060043 regulation of cardiac muscle cell proliferation 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006862 nucleotide transport 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:1904894 positive regulation of receptor signaling pathway via STAT 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0017156 calcium-ion regulated exocytosis 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006623 protein targeting to vacuole 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0006778 porphyrin-containing compound metabolic process 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0031297 replication fork processing 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050771 negative regulation of axonogenesis 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048546 digestive tract morphogenesis 1.00000000006915 6.91514360654539e-11 48 0 0 48 18204 GO:0016042 lipid catabolic process 1.00000000007222 7.22196037124799e-11 301 0 0 48 18204 GO:0042327 positive regulation of phosphorylation 1.00000000007292 7.29188390171186e-11 619 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032388 positive regulation of intracellular transport 1.00000000007349 7.34860793041678e-11 138 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050770 regulation of axonogenesis 1.00000000007349 7.34860793041678e-11 138 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060560 developmental growth involved in morphogenesis 1.00000000007349 7.34860793041678e-11 138 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061041 regulation of wound healing 1.00000000007349 7.34860793041678e-11 138 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051961 negative regulation of nervous system development 1.00000000007349 7.34860793041678e-11 138 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043467 regulation of generation of precursor metabolites and energy 1.00000000007349 7.34860793041678e-11 138 0 0 48 18204 GO:0090288 negative regulation of cellular response to growth factor stimulus 1.00000000007349 7.34860793041678e-11 138 0 0 48 18204 GO:1905314 semi-lunar valve development 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032369 negative regulation of lipid transport 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:1903747 regulation of establishment of protein localization to mitochondrion 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0014037 Schwann cell differentiation 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002377 immunoglobulin production 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:2001222 regulation of neuron migration 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0050912 detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of taste 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0002792 negative regulation of peptide secretion 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0060119 inner ear receptor cell development 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071470 cellular response to osmotic stress 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048806 genitalia development 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0061005 cell differentiation involved in kidney development 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:1902116 negative regulation of organelle assembly 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0015749 monosaccharide transmembrane transport 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0055010 ventricular cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:1900271 regulation of long-term synaptic potentiation 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0043457 regulation of cellular respiration 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0071715 icosanoid transport 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0022617 extracellular matrix disassembly 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0046365 monosaccharide catabolic process 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0019748 secondary metabolic process 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0032892 positive regulation of organic acid transport 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010824 regulation of centrosome duplication 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0051972 regulation of telomerase activity 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:2000785 regulation of autophagosome assembly 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0000959 mitochondrial RNA metabolic process 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0045058 T cell selection 1.00000000007522 7.52188587326619e-11 47 0 0 48 18204 GO:0010948 negative regulation of cell cycle process 1.00000000008458 8.45784772417169e-11 291 0 0 48 18204 GO:0048232 male gamete generation 1.00000000008632 8.63205938231068e-11 650 0 0 48 18204